i lATHACKBURN-M & Z)ovi oes McGtnty - K ToJhe fotfom oiVze tud; I AND v'! ' : - 5(9 DO OUR PRICES j on Our ENTIRE USE OF WASH GOODS.: They will, go i ABSOLUTELY AT COST. S Colored Lawns, k Organdies, Dimities, . , ft ' Dotted Swiss. ft Figures and Weits.W Bnechd to Jdntnat" 'i'u SiTon, August 8-&ome 'tct.oon- which -tebouduir HUwnyt - Down, vThe Application tor Retiearint by among them a boy, ary small and bn W years old, who la serving o, yean tor stealing a mul..s All who , new Mm la mented tin (Ml that the tttate bw no tefonaatory. ;; , 1 ' 47-49 POLLOCK STREET; ! , - ' Vade Mecutn Spring, STOKES COUJITlf, H. C. Affording more than 20,000 gallons per day. ANALYMS GliAINS PER U. S. OALLON: Wat moit people want la aomathint; m!M! ind tent 'enln; BeedT ofn phyilo." s Ctamberlota'i 8tomcli ami Liver Tabteu ftU the bUi to a dob; They are May to take and pleasant' to effect. Wrlaby P. B. pairyApo; , : J. . . ,.. "aW I ' -v. ! ,., ., : 'Condition of Cotton. . Special to Journal, . .. " . ; K, , Raunefl, Augasut 8 The improve- ment daring the paet tea days ia -declared by some armors, fo be mow ftpbrft clel than it appears. They say that the plant are not trotted tad thnHhis will be fottttf Aft tow? . i - Spfolrnaf X: Tajoboro, August 8-The bome team defeated Raleigh here to day by a acor? f;4 r .1 Iwiunlneton Gets Two. Special to Jouanal. Wilmington, August 8 Two games were played to day between 'Wilmington and Charlotte. Both gamea were wen by Wilmington by t to 0 and 10 to 8. t . Potassium Sulphate 5428 Sodium Chloride 1.4087 Magnesium dulphate Calcium Chloride 0 5490 Iron(Pe). Sulphuric Anhydride (S03) 47.8040 Lime1 (CaO( , 85.4288 Magnesia (MgD) , 4.581S Iron(Pe) .8062 Calcium Sulphate 04.5521 Potash (K20) 3088 Calcitim Bi carbonate 1 1.5 85 Soda NaSO) .7708 Iron Bi-carbonato .- 1.8"5 Chlorine (CI) 8.90gg Lithium Kulpliate Traces Lithia, (Li20) Trace Silica 5589 8ilica (8i08). .' M80 Organic Matter and Volatile In- Carbonic Anhydride (COS) 0.0878 - organic Matter 5.8726 Organic and VobtileInorganic . . matter. 5.W28 Total-Grains, 106.9454 , . Total-GraUis, 100.0448 - Above analysis made by me shows freedom from surface water and quite From the Analysis of Dr. Jaa.M. Whit Urge amounts qf Sulphate Carbonate of uc)(j the f,,reg0ig flgunBsare deducted, Calcium and jphatoof Mium THOS. CLARKE, A. M. Ph. D. Analytical Chemist. 'Richmond, Va.. Sep. 4, 1WK). Nov. 87. 1900. Bond University, Germany. Wi NSTov, K. C, Octoter 1 6," iio. After quite an extended experience of precribing-nd. mtUug. re sultn of various ininerul watem, I- unhesitatingly think this water the best renovator and ."builder up" 6X them alt. For Scrofula, Cfttarrh and Blood Diseases generally it is almost a Seciflc. Too mnoh,id my opin ion, cannot be said of the curative properties of Vade Hennm Water. ' D. N. DALTON. il. D. For sate by F. S. DUFFY, Druggist, NEW BERN, N, C. V mas a t .1 -. A Fresh lot Pmall Pig llama, Breakfast Strips, ric,Nio. lUnis - and English Cored Shoulders. v If you witnt something nice try onr fmoked Pork Sau- sages, packed in oil, 12o lb, thry are all right. We also have . - ..! i '.. . l r i tt i a i - . tun tine ui vmiiiou mcaui, r ugcwiuins ooujni, uui 1 " If vnn want trnnA hronil tr nnr 9tfl .nil ft Vlndr ttu . can't be beat anywhere. - et( We are also headquarters for Fine Batter and Cjoffee,, 6u Morning Glory Brand of Coffee Nos. 1, 2, 8 and t, a 20cs 26c, ' 80o and Soo per pound is a trade winner , . , ' " Give ns a trial and we will gnarahtee to please yon ' ' Tourt for boableaaV'J' '' ,'..' . 3T. 13. Wboteaale and RaHall Omar, v. PUOHI 69,7 Cr. ISroilfl St Itmti(MuL ; ng 1 .11.1. k'.' I in -. c". L j .'.VV.tJUUu: r i a . . . i . k 'GoYernoFs Son Bctten j Special to Journals ' RalsiqH, August 8 A telegram from Governor Aycock to Private Secretary Pearsall, from W'on this morning,' said his eon CbarleOycock was-, ai lillle. better.' Private Secretary Pearsall ltfti for Wilson this morning to gee the Governor in regard to public business - , , , , if- ' Bruptions,' cntsj' borns, scalds sfid sores of all kinds quickly healed by Dei Witt's Witch Hazel Salve. Certain core for plies. Beware of counterfeits. Be sure-y ob get the original Dewitt's. V. ; 8. Duffy 4 Co. v '. ' ' aesceus Lowers Record. ; ; Ooliimbos, Ohio Augusts Crescena champion of the trotting turf addsd more lanreft to bis fame to day by trot ting a mile in 2:02i reducing by half a second his wedk-old record of 2:02 made at Cleveland lastt Friday. The first half was trotted In 69J, the flrsll :tfta'. ftilt Mi H WM In less-than- one minute by a Irotter. The time by quartan was 29, BftJ, If the action at tont bowels is not easy iadrre(aU(er lots (apiripllcattons must be tho final result. 'DeWUfs Little Early Rtaera will remove this danger. Safe, pleasant and effective. F. 8. Daffy Co. Cost of Food Rises CnioAOO, JAugust ' I The drought has aent food supplies' fa Chicago soar ing. Boarding hOQse proprietors are raising , the price (of,.av8alr tickets and reaianranienrs are lessening un quu- tlty of food given to pitrons. -Vecetabiea, frnlts-aad" alesoat all food prod acts are higher than ever before. If the produce martets not only have the prtoea bseoma. prohibillve.to. aaany, bat thoee wboeaa pay the advance Bad great'dlfflrttty in 'getthig food ' staffs which nonpar favorably in quality with tboas of. fotmef'irearsi ,peasr beans lettuce and tomatoes . are np 100 per cent. Potatoes have "Oadrflpled la price 1.40abushe,l.' FrolU have doubled, sod-bat fax the California product would Taelaws of tealtb reqalre. that -the Vewels Boreaaeeeaosiday aad one W the penalties'' fof vlslellnf Ub raw Is pOoa... Keep1 yohf . bowels . regular, by taking a does (Chamberlain's Stomach sod l4v,TabWt fheaiaWeaaafy and jm will never havaxhatf severe' pSintsh meat Infllatad.apos) yad. JPrlosJ&aMta. for ssaM'A DaffdMia. 7eatherproof. A good paint for warehouses, barns, stablfis and tH out buildings. 1' : Elastio Carbon I'aint for your roof. ; roost Q-:M IU Co. t I IH IS SI' Hl'ilv JtWl Wester Leatb at Us Oaks Mtrket to :t' - I ' l.i n i los Cream Boda at ktoAorley's. 1 Killed y Kosqaito nT .Ciisaiaw, Md.. .Aogiut IWlUlaa Maker, aged 70 years, was stung to death by mosqnltoes li t dents Jiwamp nettr kU home atantlcoke. '' : , ,,; , i Habar aad bsaa very fa We for some tlasa, aad seldom left his borne, btl last Sight he went to the Villi? for t pack ' Oa bis return, Weiring tolesaea lb dMtsea, he ssede S short cat tbreogh a dense swamp and lost hia way. flwarms of mosqottoos settled open hIrA,Iterslly arsalng his face and bands. , , , , ' The ejfod man was aooa rendered ot- eonsctoiis by their stings,' and was found la S dylag condition by a searching pr ty about aaliinip hL Ills face was swollno byn)4 reerignltlea. - . -t . Af, C" r " I A " Vai U J H ..1.4 ' Tt Uc :.u a..j r:.- i. ' the RaHway Company. Ceabeil Mnst Hsig Aug. 12 Ral eigh Death Rate. ' Textile .' ' School Baildlsg. Union ' of Cooks. ThePea "' body Scholar- . RaLEIgo, Ang. 8. A telegram from the Governor last night Informed private secretary Pearsall that be had decided to Interfere no further as to the execu tion of Lewis Council at Fayettevllle, so it seems the latter will be hanged August 12. This is the result of the visit of sx- Jadge Womack to Fayettevllle. He found public opinion, thsre widely divided and made an Investigation. It is quite noticeable In recent years that Gover nors more and more depart from the old custom of making Friday "hangman's day." Mention has been made of the fact that there W0 been an application filed for a rehearing of the Co ley case, this being the one In which Bam Coley, ex- conductor of the Southern Railway, re covered damages to the amount of $12,- 50n against' it for the loss of an arm at Goldsboro; The Supreme Court at the last week of the last term gave htm the damage?. The application for a rehear ing Is granted. It has aroused no little feeling on the part of the railway em ployes. --Coley's attorney says: "There will be a rehearing, bnt there will be no reversal of the opinion in the case. It Is the gasp of a corporation," which he then proceeded to denounce. On its side the railway says it has very strong grounds for its application. During July in this city, as the report made today shows, there were 26 deaths and 48 births. Of the deaths 9 were of white person's, 17 of negroes; of the births 22 of whites, 81 of negroes. Only one death was from typhoid fever, though there were 25 cases of that die- ease. Physicians say it is of a mild type. Rapid work Is now being done on the testile school building at the Agricultu ral and Mechanical College. Forty men are-employed on It. It te to be a model building; the best of its kind. ' Tt is declared that there Is a "union' or secret association of cooks here. One householder says he Is Informed that each member promises to feed at least 8 persons y The mate superintendent of public in struction made a speoch today at a large educational rally at Ellcrbee Springs, Richmond county. Building here continues very active It Is almost entirely at present of resi dences. The examination papers of a number of applicants for Pesbody scholarships were sent on today, these being from the counties of Haywood, Harnett, Duplin, Alleghany, Burke, Iredell, Sampson, Wilson and Randolph. This carries out purpose to scatter the scholarships wide ly. Heretofore the extreme west has had all of them. The bankruptcy case of S. H. Loflln, of Klnaton, referred to yesterday, as In volving $110,000, will be again argued here-Bepl. J, and there will be some Sew parties plaintiff. . . TO CUAHSE THE SYSTEM t Effectually yet gently when costive pr bilious, to' permanently overcome hab itual constipation, V) awaken the kid neys and liver to a healthy activity. without Irritating or weakening them, to dispel headaches, colds, ' fevera, use Syrup of Figs, made by the California FIgSyrnpCo,;'- ' , , , - ' " ' Osinjf JfejTo labor. i CxsvauMDiOblo. Auiast a. The blg ateel combine la utilising negro labor, o supplant Its white workmen In the Few- berg mills , here. - Already a , con pie of hundred of, brawny colored men have ooms to the cttv from Pittsburg. Home stead and adjacent iron centers In Penn sylvania. ..They art brought here by one of tbelrown race, who la acting as agent for the steal corporatioa. When tbe col ored men arrive they are sent U the mill wrtviwbere a large dwelling house is need at a domlcOa, . ' ,r.-; jv. V v'"i i Many mora negroes It is said will be brought bare and a general esalgfatloa of colored workmen familiar witk .the -sanufaotnrs of boa and steel from the South, Is prophesied by a colored ageal of the steel corporation. 1 The negroes from Alabama and Ten- nesaes, according to ha,same,antborltyl sea in this strike s k'orfous opportunity ito Imefdvo tbelf aoadltloa and tiny am fioakbg iortK Is) itrgcnumbem. I. also asserted that the Steal Corporatioa has glvan snthortly to Its. agent to fath er all the colored lrhn' WArkeiw possible aad to center them at lbs various points of lbs Strike. r - . , , : MEDICAL EXAMINER OX tho D. 8, Trewnry Reoommejulf rerona,. ' Dr. UeweUyn Jordan. Dr.UeweUyn Jordan, Medioal ExamV ner of U.S.Treaanry Department, grad uate of Columbia College, and whe aerved three years at West Point, hai the following to say of Perona: "Allow me id txpren my gntltudi to you for th benefit derived from your wonderful remedy. One aAorl month hat brought 1Mb a vast ehang and J now consider myself a well mat after .months , at Buffering. Fellow sufferers, .Perunm will cure you. " . Catarrh ia a sy atomic disease rurablt only by systemio treatment. A remedy that cores catarrh mnst aim direotly al the depressed nerve centers. TBls li what Peruna does. Poruna immediately invigorates the nerve-oCnters whlcl give vitality to the nraooae membrane Then catarrh disappears. Then catarrh la permanently oared. - Peruna cures catarrh wherever locat ed. Peruna la not a guess nor an experi ment It la an absolute eclentlflo cor talnty, Peruna has no snbstitntes n rivah). Insist, upon having Peruna. A tree book written by Dr. Hartman, on the subject of catarrh In Its different pbasei and stages, will be sent free t any addresa by The Peruna Medichu Co, Columbus, Ohio. TO CATCH TEE FINEST FISH yon need well made tackle. Our Fish. ing Tackle is made for Sportsmen, bnt not necessarilally rich ones. We ran sell you an outfit from 25c to 1 10.00. Don't forget we are headquarters lor n. 1. ! i .1. a t ri I it evrrywiuig ill inw opuiLing uuuus iinu. WM. T. niliL, Dealer la IIiotolkh, KmSAkns, Si-oktiho Uoom, PnoNouuiriis, Job Puiitimo, Riibbbh Btampk, Skai. Pueshes, An n-93 Middle St. NEW KERN, tl. C toll taM ,r. E C. D. J 0.D.LINE. On ncooHpt of the .annual palH. U the Bloomer Housa, she will bs'iempeta- ' 1 .i'?ia :'' f '-. !rn '" rfly wICliiuswn frqrti service on ceuvt- , i -..th l.r i day July I3th nnUI further ooUoe." -' r (DirlierjtbMnVtfie hteame bene will sail at tt o'clock, hoo; 'nw Tuesdays ana Fridayl making so(. at Oriental, Roanoke Island n6 Kaffi t OKO. nKNtltnSOyi'ifent."'' ! ,Mw Bent, C ii'ly 10, loi i f i , .. -1 iMi-y.wi ( 'v OP UUF.RESI 10 ROTHERS, It yoa have a poorly child, and want te wake .in efceeke. may and Its eyes bright, give tt a doW of Lasathre Teolelcea Chill Tonic three times a "lay, sad If he doe! not gHlatead strong We i Don't be satlnflfd With temporary, re- will refund your mosey, CD, Bredham, llrf from Inillgnsllo:- Kodol I)yppsla DrngUt., . . , , Curs permanently and completely re moves this complaint. It relolvts per manently liecsnse It allows the 0rd Umis'ih perfeet rest. DlHlng Wnn'l rut ttje Itomeeh. Nlur rm les sup For Hatct Fancy Cream Cheese Fulton Market Corned Beef, Fancy Elgin Butte Small Pig Hams, English Cured Shoulders and Pic Nic Ilams. Good Carolina Rice 10c qt, Finest Syrup and Molasses, Canned Meats of all kinds. I a ported and Domestic Sardines. Mason's Improved Fruit Jnrs all sizes. Big Uanis to cut. Yours to Please, J. L. M.MWFt WlioltNale A lief ail 1 'lMione 91. Ifcroad Nt. HAVE TOU TRIED those delicious Lemon, Pineapple, Vanillit and Hi.m o!ate WAFERETTES ? Put up in four pound air tight tins, thereby insuring yon a fresh cake regardless of the weather. 'J0c per lb. Very Itespectfully, J. J. TOLSON, Jr., Broad St Grocer. Phone 137. t x t xiiiiiininniiniiiniiiiniTiiiiiTnini 3 SELLING ODT AT COST" ;t 10 DAIS FORK Wc will se"ll ALL SUM-YJEK GOODS POSPI'IVKLY AT (X)ST and UNDEH. The followbig list will show what we have to close out: All Ladies, Misses and Childrens Oxfords, Organdies, Persian Lawns and all other Summer Dress ('ixhIs, Ioes, Kmliroidi-r-ies, Silks, Underwear, Shirts, Neckwear, Straw Hats, Clothing and Shoes, If you can use any of the alwve ginxls CALL EARLY Monday, Augst 6th, and we will make yonr heart glad with our low prices, Resjiectfully, J J BAXTER. sday. Aug. i, : OPENING DAY At theH banters Warehouse. r if; We will have plenty, of buyers, with the Iprdersfory out. tobacco; and you can do as wen on.inui xnarxe as any in the State, 'jBuild up ybur honie, marked by bringing your tobacco here, it you do not get as much forit aaany other market, we do not. expect your patronKe. N."' ; j ; : . . . , , ,. ... , Come,:,d6Wii;w ; the opening and keen a 90nxingav.t '.;: ; 'Sales .Byery.wek'day at 11 o'clock; ; . j m. e -.-," i - j, 21. lIOTrV AJID, Uanager. o. u.ujiniif , Aucnoneer. a FcirialD" 6 A Hntlnmis tltat to anyone having f liui..lrcl dnllar aroT , fan buy, plies from the fofl o c(. 1 li no n .1 1! and alrnont cloiihl. llmlr money In eight way to help the atmt. h ll lo use K'xt'il ni'-nths time, this I iil pr.r. or ae p, ( ii n, ).;,h , what -' " . '-' "J 1 1 yoi Will f.'i t'4 1 r-.-i't ln 'p I 'd il l y. Ti f xxl, . f r ' ;. . i- oi,r n-i , and ' I a 1 1 1 1 l. . ' One 6( Jbs mo4f,rv'ljwts'lieJ U'ins for the higher wltratto of ynuaf womrn ia lh Uontb.' ' " ' , Tsnswa WsUr lepl 'a the bull.lla)f. Mne!ntk AfnBX' rViaa"TiitlliS ptinr(r l"ib. , . For enuVtoJ ,'. a-Uie., IVf! Unt o Car rate kaavv drad kAj! - - srwinai ami .andr(mduaht of stiMiy. Twwty thr-e tmrhars ' TBIKITT COLLEGE ky Ave coen" M aea4aU nataoa. Klrfit klmraiMtM quipped wKh awKlfi apparatna, Lart. library far1itls. Hmi (ymnastunt aid' atiitotle aptotnUnantS la state. , -: nva.to.Mn u tM tta. : . Atetwianre iwwrly donhM wlthbs' Ibsf N("Fit.i Kpmm wry nw. ll.iUlit ill. bt Srlr.nl. ir. fUtwl oe etl..gna. I' Krt I L)i.M r Kllx' Dcaaaa, H.O. 147. 71 i:mi.s ft y.H i A l.i a-l.li" I'. I). 1 ..i It if il", Llulrton, ft. C.