V - 1 ? i , - 1 - - A&eetahlePreparationfor As similating the Food andBetfitla ting tie Stomachs aialBowela of 1 iti.i.i JUJL Promotes DigeaUonJCheerfur ness andRcst.Contains nelQier Opium,Murplune nor Mineral. Not N Ait c otic . jinffoua-smamcmg W-fJW- A perfect Remedy forConstipa Hon, Sour S to uvach, Diarrhoea Worms .Convulsiuns .Fevcrish ness and LOSS OF SLEEP. Facsimile Signature of NEW YOHIC. ' JUL EXACT COPY OF WRAPPER. aa. i r.- "Ml at oMIaW hat aMMlly, k aom Mb. ortlan, ipti tha Tgi which rnalu Kay I wi, Ntjlariaf ncmtnul . rragUlarftki leatb t variaa palaa, latUM af Mm womb and lautarrhaaa. and tht Mriod ol prejnuicy la rctaarl)y dMrtwIn) imotr UtoM candU tton. WIm of Ctrdiii wUlrcjuUtt tha muutraal faactloa pajf tdly and eventually naka tht fwieratrvt wrfam ttrtM and healthy. rVefnaacy and thlldbtrth havt no terran (or the wama wha iakat thni pan Wine, Aatront ncaitny womo win Drat tu pan. A neaiir cum all nSM thy woman Med not har chBdWn i trouMu taanillarh aaowt ae arative areaai lor areanaacv and auulUve generative argi Bother much paM and aulftrlng. . AM For adTlw and lltarataia. addiaia. jrlrliia ) mxMm. "Tb tntua Adtlaiay )BaitaMae.M Taa Olauiaaaeoa AadUaaa Ooauaar. tintiaaaoaa. lana. A Good Telephone 8KIIVICE Irt A UUHINK88 NECK88ITT, A HOME CONVENIENCE. A COM BINED . TVoowtMlly, . Coiiveiileure, Luxury X Ordtr Your Phono at One I Service or Public. Hon--. NOTICE I NORTH CAHOMNA. 1 In the t'ra?en County. BapcrtorConrt. Darld Wtlaon tod Polly Abb Wilton, ble wife, I. John D. Htitppard, et at. NOTICE I The Anff nilant tlmro vtmod will takt Tjntkw thai id tcllnn eotiilM at abort hit bora Onmmenenrt In lot Hnnarlor Conrt of Craven enanty to per'ant the title Ui.lwo rrrttlo lou of land tltaalt la the oily of New Rnrn, X.-fl.. end fao Iok oo (Jermao anil Jonee aire la, tnd to ranrel t rortaln dod lo aald pit parly Improperly make to tald dr'eailanl; tan tbetald defradanl wilt farther take nllae that be It required, to appear at the nr irmt of the Bnntrtor ikwrt of aald rmtity ta le brM on tha third Maa- fiay l rcpicmirr, jwi. at id enan bootn of aalil eoanly In New Bar, N. C awl antwrr or demur tri the eomptalat in tM action, or tha plalnllffa will ap ply u tlietJoart For lue relief oratanoea la ttkl nowrplalB.lt I ,- '" TW flat day i MM looi. - 1 1. ... . rr. at. htw, , . aao. ADMimmnaixjoTict, llavla tblt dtr ontllflad u KlmlnU- trtlrli of the eauta nf h D. MotHnlet, dareMnd. ,. All pertont todetrlrxl tatald aetata are rernttad ta Btakt lataandlaU , aaytaaU ' And ' all ' rfaoat hoVdlef claltat artltel aald ealttt are kotlDarl to prnawat Ua eaaja for ftftyavtal ow ot 'ha fnte the Ird day Of July, lOOf or Ule otlea wUlhepUa-M la bar of rannr. 'ary. ", :. i ';' '. Thli Jaly 8r4. 1901. ' x- 4W -. JRNNiea VcOASItL. . dmlnlalralrft. Archilcd SupcrblendcDt pb Krone! i.trrti) ' SB v n For Infants and Children. Th3 Kind Ycj Have -Always: Bought Bears the Signature of Use For Over Thirty Years the eewnxun iiomtwt. new ton or:."4" 4 1 HP. HI 'Baby's Coming McDonald, G., July 11, 1M9. I edtt every eutMin wonvaa o take Win : of OarduL Will 1 wee mine with my other ofaildrM I m oompellad to ttay 1m iMd for day : at time, but this Uma I ban taken WlnTol CaroM and Tnedford'a Black-Dranfht and hate .- been able to do all aaf honaework without aay ' trouble. I am azpaotlns every daytobeeon ' fiaod. My hneband thlnka Wine of Oaidul la tha baat mediaine la the world. He take a : doe of Tnedrord'e Bleek-Draught every etfht and rWaa aome to tb children. Ha aae not - loat I day (rant work ihla year. Ha taUa hia ' friend eSont jomr wonderful madlolnea and I , tall amy lady friend to nee roar Win of OaraaL . . Mr. OfcOlOU. 1U VINEt4nBIJI i x 4 Thtit ws (haMMMwdki f wonwn wtwi ritrltek terror at the moocht of tha kakVi earning. But chWMrth l eat of th werkhttt at Nature: . : and It wa attended te Imply torture and . ajotty to tlvf tMMlt Mstfwttfl ! tns fiot Th vovmb whs cvHwft wMiwi fJuriaM pnOMMcy to aMtMrity wUh Uttlt or m chSdWrth. Wnw of CartM)pkitV "faault dlllaill" and aou hai tht cniiaemn. r wm aeve any drajjlati aall I.G0 bottka. To Foreclose Mortgage STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA I CRAVEN COUNTY, ( Superior Court, L. H. Cutler, r. Henry W. McKalifand wife Jennie M. NOTICE I The defendanti above named will take notice that an action entitled aa above baa beet ooanmenoed In the Boparior Court of Craven county to foreoloae the mnrtKtga exeauted by tnem to toe i'laln tlff upon tha land detoribed In tald nortnure, and that the eeld dcfendtntl will fart bar take notice that they are re- ulradto appear al tbt sail terra or tna inpertor Conrt of tald County to be held on tha tod. Monday after the Brit Monday In September, It belnc the 19th day of Heptember, IV01, at the Court itoote or lam county in mv nam, a. C and antwer or demur to tha plain tin ta taia action or tna piainua win apply to tha Court for tha relief da- taded In taldeoaiDlalnt. Toll the Jtb day or July, iwi, W. M. WATSON, C. 8. 0. - Riisscll Housi ' .i' . .. "White la fioaafort be tare cad etna at the Kaanll Iloata. TlrW-tUM Board. A boaie for travallnf people. Wehlnaj aad kantln nntxoll4.. Termi ft Ji4 day or par work ' ' . V v"- t S i. KUSflKLL Proa f.A.wvaM.1 ftaa. at . Nntni, w, Pveei , It. at. iarwvM, CaMe , CITIZENK' HANK, I o aa-arvramr,aa-.o. Oolite Oanaral Baaktdf B.llnea. Marrh 1, 101, Barploa a4 CadivV- . - ded Profit $l,fM(k - , Prowi pt aad oareful tt teal km (I era to tit bualneaa aatraatd to aa. .Aocowata rnncivad pa favorable Icma. ,. f at rnrdlnaaa Olnaa J. a. uk4we, Kaiaaal W. Ipaf.b, - I. aj.WaVrwa,, J ha. !, tt. aiawa HnJaiowiL.' kUTrMha, T urm4 ,.wra. unimw. tr.lonllwi4,'. tv w , .r.Oronkaat, Mark Dlenaaay. . or noiitm he ctW-ally made froea d U I'-d wti't ! frre Iroia llwrtlln. H-.a:ig In" IGE IrailMl an4 prepared for liuinnti to unnritlea.' i t ,', Ire d'-livemd dally (asoeptHurtdaya) i t at to 4 p nt. rWimlaya (Moll only) ? 1 as t II anrwi, tot priors tad other In! hiuiW, AlJreae, ITot7 Tenia IccTTo. BOER m: PRISONER. ; .( " Duplooy Tells of His Heroic E - .;.cape Frota Drrell'8 Island, . . nr,,l, -v ELUDED -- ; TBS "'SilTISH GTjAlDS. awaaa ThMack Uk Infeat Wa ter Ira 'Yaw flsara ta Aaaariea Boaa4.kJhl lr .iTaiea D la Caal Bukan, rtta,,'Utla to. Eat. Befrteae br BrltUh, Captain. t The etcapo of David 8. Duplooy, the Boer war. prisoner, from' Darrell' Island prison stockade eclipses- even Fonston'l natatorial "-trlumptrg, eayi the New York JournaL The story of It reads like Dumas' romance, "The Count of Monte-Cbristo." He swam three miles In shark Infested waters, under .the guns ot three armed patrol boats. ' Darrell's Island Is a small coral reef of not more than 00 acres extent It la' covered, however, .by a luxuriant growth of cedar ..trees. Upon this dot of ground tbe British held confined 033 Boer prisoners, InCluaing 18- officers. The Islet Is fenced to with Interlocking trochaa of, barbed wire. The open spaces leading to the track are guarded constantly . by three, swift gunboats, heavily armed and adequately planned, A battalion, of the Warwickshire regi ment pf Infantry real "Tommy At kinses" garrisoned the, model camp and patrolled the trocbas on GO foot In terval posts. Thejearest land Is Ham ilton htrbor docks, across the bay, three miles distant- The niorvelously clear blue waters of the gulf stream are of Ideal temperature for swimming, but infested by sharks, thoBe tigers of the seit which ocean faring men fear worse than de'attrtn any other guise. Yet this boy he Is only 24 as Igno rant of tbe art of swimming as any lad born and reared In the Interior of Kan sas, found It In his heart, under the Im pulse of a desire to regain bis liberty, to essay the task of swiminlug across that widespread bny on tliu forlorn chance of boarding a steamer tied up at the Hamilton wharf, bound, he had beard, for free America. He succeed ed, climbed aboard tbe Trinidad while the deck patrol was not watching and secreted himself In the stnrbonrd coal bunkers until the ship got fairly to sea. Tbe detailed story of Ills daredevil ad venture Is best told by biuinelf. "The moment-1 landed on Darrells Island In Bermuda I determined to es cape. We DnJ tooA enough nud good food, as we bad In all camps, but I wanted freedom. We were allowed each night to swrm In the bny until 10 o'clock under tbe' ees of guards nnd tbe searcbUgbtfl-itof 'Warships In the bay.- I puttted tome slender twigs and branches to look like a small both and asked a prisoner to sneak It down to the water for me.. He promised, but lost courage. I took It myself last Fri day night (July .0) under my Jacket Just nt dusk. ,r!'M the, beach . were. hundreds, un dressing, and 1 wis Dof Wlced among so mioyi.,. ITntdreaaa, -,ohrt),;pad placed my clothes, just enough to cover me, Into a small bag I had. Then l lipped Into the water, waded to my armpits and put tbe plait of branches 00 njy held. 1 slipped along the shore and gradually in tbe dusk edged sway from tbe other bathers. I knew little about swimming when I reached Ber muda, but I bad practiced every day, lad 1 waa determined to do or die. tHI warablpa were playing tbelr. searchlights all over the bathers, but was out of tbelr. range. J rrfcd.r'oat, along a point of land as far Bo 1 could go aad then struck out acrosj.4lj bay to tha' opposite thore, wbere'l taw a dump of baiBeC To get there I bad to paes dote to the waraklps to keep out of tbe range of tbe searchlights. .Ta'make mstter!or,,m "mart school of porpoltea wfcre ta,tbM dly porting themselves, iphtf. 'tootverfv dodging bare and there, 'attracted Ty tbt light, but swimming out of It tht momant It nasb4 orer them. Half a doaeajtlmca I waa ttrack by these por poiaea; iDdXwo Kbern jaftrtT llfta ma Into tbt ajr. (Tbcy.attd ooier and jut keittod uia. tc time i hoght I Wat g0DA'ac)f ot tvaatt I fa art I bad been free a. Hid It Dot beea lot. tbe aaaeaa-bea, which remained compartUTrfy 'water' tight, I should have fane down. It buoyed roe op. "I crawled, ban ama, trp among tnt bnsbee after a awtm of more ttan three nUear' I had bees mora thai foot noorafa the water. After retting I donned my -ctotblnr and eauUootly madtaiy way aJoag aaora, . uo i -Id tbe aemJtlruUjht I taw a couple of negroea balling out an old bateau. I aDDTMebed tbem caotiooely. , Tby took re for a gbott at flrat, bot. oo beH Ing ajaurtd. Heiraed to ma with great attention. Tbay con tan ted kfuta re arrota to namlltoo. Where I wtntl ii reach the Qaebac lloef faf Aw Jtotk, ad aaly on Saturday morning I wtt laoded oo" tbe brcakwatar near which tha Trtoldsd wis JytDlvl Jltchtd. tay ctanca tea aiippta oa Doara woao bo CM was looking and. Baking my way Id tbt flreroemt, entered One of lha coal tnmkfr abd eti robed ta tbt top of tbt black, grimy plla. - - ' fWttt me I bad alt ergt which t bad aemred, !o mttter who (ire thm to ma. t fcid tbeta, and oa Ihte food t da peodrd for tbt threw dtyaj knew the trip would like. I ale' one of the f that dry. How Ibt time rHram tew erlmy bole I ran not tell you. n t tha time I art ta a tnrijtyt tni,f, - graw trrekar frvry day. ny 1et n i Wat r fa efl Sunday night, and all tat l.ti.U I bid Bottling 1? rat J drip k. afy ll! l wtt terrible, -On Monday night lelt that I oookl i u 4 A Coo- Kedlcloc ' ' Many t) nmanHt ken bea reetArod It baaltb aa ! k : 'neat liy tk" of CTieaj'''- 1 1 ( ' kv, If eTWi adjWl i I 11 t Of ' r - ' V ( It, It a tt, : ,r it tfi tt I- t- s eial. t:"ti?t'l tl l fcavereatetal all at har treatment for tai, hi !' tntlilt faniMty and pifft hr' 11 f -r, Cwl l!l t ll I' ittuid ff no longe?. rneard two tCfc era talking In German, I made np mr mind they would be friendly."! had J reached a. point where I did not ear much anyhow.. I slid down to the bot tom of the heap, and , -one of the men saw me when he came to stoke coal. Ho called out to me. and I "crawled oat lid tried to stand, but could not TheyH gave me food.";!, could not eat It, I was past eating tomehoW. I Just felt that death only-would relieve me. "They carried me to a room belowi somewhere and laid me in-a bunk. -Then they got water for me to wash myself, and I painfully stripped and "tried to clean some of the aoot and coal dust thai had fairly ground Itself nto my flesh. The bath helped me, and In the morning I was able to eat a little. "Then I learned that the Trinidad Ws a British ship. I had not known it before for certain. My heart sank, but the men reassured me. They told me they would hare 'to tell Captain Fraser,- and they did. I was brought before him, but to my surprise be was not unkind to me. He gave me cloth ing, and I was able to dress in clean garments again. He also gave me most nourishing food. "On arrival here I was turned over to the immigration authorities, and to my surprise I was told there was a question If I would Be allowed to land. I hope that all my sufferings ore not for naught." The wan face of Duplooy brightened when he beard of the efforts being nmde for his release. He is more than six feet tall, this fighter under Cronje, but slender as any youth. He Is little more than a youth, for he Is Just 24. His features are regular, bis complex Ion a rich olive, which has been tanned to a darker color on his cheeks. Of his mother he speaks' wltb rev erence. The hope that be will meet her agaln'nnd that bis country will yet be among the free nations of the globe Is strong within him.- When he smiles, which Is seldom, there Is a momentary display of strong, even, white teeth. Lite is hard enough as It is. It is to her that we owe our world, and everything should be mnde as easy as possible for her at the time of childbirth. This is just what MOTHER'S Friend wilt do. It will make baby's coniinif easy and painless, and that without tak ing dangerous drugs into the sys tem. It is simply to bu applicd-to the muscles of the alxlomen. It penetrates through tbe skin carry ing strength and .elasticity with It. It strengthens iho whole system ami prevents all of the diicoiuforUi1ot, mother of a plumb jMheJu,' Manama, mo., says: - ijiavenaaa Mother's Friend and can praise it highly." ?; ' '4 Get Mother's Friend at thai v Drag Store, $1 per bottle Tbe Cradfleld Regulator Co. ATLANTA, GA. Write for our frceflliuitrated book, Before Baby la Bom. " vv . Foreclosure Sale. g lnrtutat to Judgment of tbt SdV oerlot Court of Craven county January rmlVOOlata action, entitled teaar ectoa aad wife tgilnit the A. 4 N. 0 railroad conpany, tha andorilghed, at alerk of tald uoart, wat autnorizaa aaa directed lajforeolote a certain mortgage deed executed by lavia uctt an wire Mlllyrtallea of ProaeerUoa Bond of plalaUEl Ueaaar Uccton tnawtlt la tald eult. Mow ihorefore. In bedt taoe to itliljodgmeot I will offer foP tale at the court houte door ln 'NW Batnatlf o'clock, Monday August Bib, 1901. for cask ill tbe rte-hl title aad la tere t of the eeld David Beet and Wife It aad to a oertaia pleea ar pareei ot land Itualed ta Craven county, to; wit: Belot 1 portion of tbe 800 aoar grant af Ihe Staie of North Carolina to W. ft Clarke, aad by aald Clarke and wife oon vered lo Millr Bett ky deed dated April 11, 1897, and recordea in the office of the Krgtitnr of lexia ot uarea coanty. Uealaaiog it uuitaw i gate ow tat wtmp, running thence, along tha treat rond toward 1 Uovwr 10 Jim vrtMin lon'i fleld, tbeaea, at right , anglea wllk aia lint 10 a mipie ta uover areooa tbeaee north, at right an glee lo a lUkey tkeoc wllk tbt list of Wert tod Bentrfa to lb" tram road of Ulnae Brothrra, then, r with III tee tram road to tbe fned bon,i, tbnot east, aloag tbe twanip ta tbe 8 rit alalloiT, tald to oonlaln llfty acrrt, tngetber wltk tbt laprovctneau IbereoD. , -.'. uj i.1 4 WrMi WATrWSl ii Clark Bnperlor CotL jBna.t7tli, J90L fi'; '' f . 'iM' II I'xrM-ulor'aj Notice! Ilivlng thle day T)na)tled aa Kitentot nf the laat Will aad Teelaatent ol Frank I). PrUlpher, dnceaanl. tbli It to Idiiry j.nr" " ktvlnc clalme tgilttt U, lain of Bit teetaUir in. prramt Iba erne, pronarly Buibenllcatan, to r-e, oa r be netbe lltb day of July 11 i or ikle Hlot will be pM In barnf tMr texnenry. All peraoni indebted to etid. CiUta will aukgrotnpt rarrnrnt. !j j' . N.T.riM iikr; i - " , f 1 . Eeecuior. i July lltb, 1001. Furf't-r it fao Pl'h'f Oft- Craven ttwl 1 ' ' A KM 1 mm I.,.fc Vtt&IHr. fmaa K"" VMM umm and all Watma nwil-4n( Ima aarlr or iaut - aiWHi. ai u.kM iIhH - - - - hksm. aMIeVSvef f See Kuet MsdlclaatBfeaWuie ' ,,. . : i - For Sale by r" -B. State Norma! and LITERARY CLASSICAL SCIENTIFIC j COHMERCIAL bhoiild be made PEDAQOaiCAL MUSICAL ' TERM5 j ' t :i . i.. B. BVraT.alla?-' I BaViE 1 A a. . I -mhM aff " aaw flUIJCKXI t- BEAUTIFUL CATALOGUE tC ADDRESS JAfi M H HOLT. OakRidgk N.C A thkiiilc OoiinI lei ne. w I.MINOTON & NKW ItEHNK K. I TIMK TAlll.K Hp. 5, liiRltect Wednesday, Aufi. 7,198, Daily Except Hunday, 1 doing Honth j bciikiiUI.K: doing North No. M, I'aaaenger Trains Nd;50, l,v. a in, stations: Ar. p m, S) 00 New Berne . 0 :... Pollocksville !)fl Maysville.. 10 03 .Jacksonville. ... .540 .. 6 04 . . . . 4 49 ... 4 IS 232 Wilmington, 12 Oh. Union Uepnt 12 15 r M , No. 11, ,.Ar. Wilmington; Lv. 2Sf, P M Paksrnofk & Fheioht. No. 4. Leave Wilmington Monday, Wednes day and Friday. Lca'J New liornc Tues day, Thursday ami Saturday. I.v. AM Ar. 1' M 7ii0fc....Lv. Wilinington, Ar 1 45 8 40 ScolfB ilill 12 5(i 8) Womhude 12 1 100T). llollyrldge II 40 lOfil Dixon 10 51 11 20 Verona .10 20 12 0r, Jacksonville. 9.4f 12 :i Northeast, H lib 21 r,r, Wliiteculi H 110 1 :U) Muysvllle 8 (irv 2 15 I'ollocksvillo 7 20 2r,.'i DcbruM's H Ho 8 40 Ar. New IVrno, Lv ft 00 "Daily Excopt .Sunday. J. R. KKNLY, General Manamsr wflTl T EXPERIENCE mm Tmdi Mami . Demons Ittlctlr jaOartin mrr orvJnton IYm whHhr n wnttnnr WBni)aj Inwni uon 1 inUioMr amiidtwtUl. llaUMlhonkan PaOamu iUtl t prtHJHii7 pauaanuaaaaav a. arntati ueitena- Mmt rrtttv WiMt nrnmntf Tor mnr0 pmumt tirt aV4wfln wit hotU chnrraj, la 'lamU laVftcKl amu ueAtm tunman munn St Mann A Va. eaoelt are. iBtae Scientific Hnciicati. handanmalr HlnMraled WMtlr- Ml tUilun Af nt ,4etuefl 4rnaL . tn or nrma, tx a ri fmaiilke,tL aVldlirH Co -"-' Hew Tort Per th Ptsople. One tlnir) ami aorno hnueoe for rent. Now aa I have retired from grocery bnafnea lam better prered ,f give better attention to my aawnd stove wood trade. We keep, al klnda1 HtnSe WhhI ander large alinde, never g"ta wet Itcmewiber our Prick and laths now ready at eliort notice. Lime ami Tar on hkiL Wa keep every.tling . tM ,yW wunbJ hardly Unci eiaewnere. ' 41 , . mm... 1 H, , . , , .' ,. FOB ETEatTfHIKW. . , j,!- '-'' " -,.f.l f A Mit t . Al 1 I i nA n ld JSTotioe .aborT oaving Keadina ipr Busy, Men and Women, in ;.! - 'ivt Ui"i flier -vi- Jea'f 1 A Vttky Nrrtpepef ti U tttfrW Magtaat -at oae. t-TcIU fat' etary d world kipptalhgi rery watk M arvef, . clear-iaf ptngrtpei." ' lrw AUott b tie' Tior-M-iW. ltd - Heaulloa 1 V, 'MaoU' (Vt'Aalotiatt Eiilof. , - "r $ . 1 si JACOO I ' eV 9 . I - - . n 1.1 d TV gawW mt " IO ftMi fttua flaVljwe. fir, l Iw fkrTiawf Mr la, ft It Kaaw awel wrt4 an ra Ma vpmUr ant rUtl k IwMnr, faa 1 r. ta,t a A '. aea4j fl trtvatiar, tout , 4 fc-MnUU 11 bill rjaaime. Inanaiala. VntltM aferarv. mmA . i: DUFPY ft- fo'. Industrial College 'Annual rixpenses $100 to $1(0; for mm residents 'of thcCtate tlOO.' -faculty of 3D inenilii-i-s. Practhe and I'buervation r'MMl o ahont VtiU )upils. To f.eeurc biird in the dormitories all free tuition applii-atious btffnre July HUM. ossion oHtns ep-"J winner ism Correspondence invited from those desiring compe tent teachers and st.eno(;rapliers. For cataliigue ml oilier infoi'inntiim address : ' " Preskicnt CHARLES 0. HcIVER, Greensboro, N. C. For . V r0ljN(j MEN Notice! . Notice Is hereby given that at the next meeting 01 the Hoard of tjounty Com mlsslonors for Craven county N. C, to tie held on the first Monday of August 1901, J.R. M. & 11, R. Warren will make application for license to sell liquors under section seventy of the Revenue Act of North Carolina, passed by the Oeneral Assembly of 1901; and that said applicants propose to carry on said busi ness In tbe first township Craven coun ty, near the town of Vauceboro, across the bridge from said town. T. R. M. & B. R. Wahhkn. Applicants. This 4th day of July, 1901. A 4.1 in i n Isl rator't Notice Having this day qualified as adminis trator of the estate of George Blslinp de ceased. All person Indebted to said estate are requested to make Immediate payment. And all person holding claims againsl said cattle are notltied to present Ihe sume for payment on or lie fore the lOih'day of June 1902 or this notice will he pleaded in bar of recov ery. This Juoe 19th, 1901. E. K, Bisiior, Administrator. . SmaUwood, HEADQUARTERS FOR HARDWARE Aud til Kinds of BUILDING MATERIAL Heating and Cooking Stoves and Ranges, Limu, -Cement, Plaster, I 'a in La, Oils, Varnish, Puttj, Snub, Doom, Blinds, Ontlery and all tbe useful articles usually (on ml in an Up-to-dato Hardware Store, Bent Goouft. Jjowtmt Prlcfa. Under Hotel CbatUwka, NEW JIKIfctf, IS. C TRINITY FABX.HIGH SCHOOL, P-QBHM, VT. O. Next term opens Beptember 11, 1901. One nf the beat achooU In the South At lantic Htatea; faculty of tlx trained teach cr; nnsiirptaaed library tnd gymnasium facilltic; excellent BlhVtie advantages. , 1 lie piirnoae aimed at ta to give the lirtkL culluallna? InttuanaM ami iu nur- I Uire and develop itrnngtb of character r... . 1. - . , ir. l ... 11 Ht VIII. miiin tunc. M-mi m ww, rr I ' . Doaae-, .C i " - ' ei t ,,n HAtPH COITNOn OtaaVf lrt IWkfa4iaa f Wwl JtrH fV aVtf fVat a'tkrr.f ml tmmt t-iila " nHawb Mti aMaaf la M, l ta-w-lairj Van- ab r vmi I. ., rtM ar, U. "-.'1. Ml rk.ifitr,taali fw M'we at .i'iClAL OFFEH To' introdsre 1 - OiTtoot to aew read era w Will tend it ft wo rnf,n' wid it -5 cent pro- ti.V,) O.it pt;-r ie rc-nri-mr-l. A ! !rwt H: C: R: R. Trill TAkLHIO, 21 To Taka Effect Wednesday. July Kth, 190t at 1101 A.M., JtbT. Coing Em (V rVmUOTJb Going Weit No. a rasaengar Traina No. 4 DAILY. tr.po, ( BTAnOKB: Ar. a m ...... Ooldeboro n os UGrange. 10 82 .. . ..Kinstoa. lou ..Ar. New Bern. Lv, 9 00 ..Lt. " Ar. 8 87 540... 83... 7 40... TB0... 16... Ar. Morebead oity Lv 7 87 No-I I No. 6, Passenger tTATio ir: . I Ptn.i-r Train. Talu. DVIL. Ar. a. M. Lt.p. hi 750... Ooldshoro 8 07 SOS... Beit'i 7 44 818,; LaOrange 734 8 83.... Falling Oreek 7 24 880... 'r. Klnston 7 14 S46 Caswell 1 02 8 86 Dover 6 55 07 Core Creek 6 40 0 21 Tusoarora 6 30 9-25 Clarke 6 22 940 New Bern 6 10 11 15... .r. Morehead Oity Lv ... 4 30 a. m. p. u. No. 1, I I No. 8, Mx'd Ft. and stations: Mx't Ft. and Pass.Tn. , P&si. Tn. DAILY. Lv, a m Ar, p m 5 00 Ooldshoro 5 33 5 38 Best's 4 53 15 LaQrange 4 28 8 89 Falling oreek 3 53 7 16 Kinston 3 83 7 23 Caswell 2 28 7 67 Ar. Dover, Lv 2 10 8 20 core ore .f 1 10 8 56 Tusoarora 12 48 9 30 Clark's 18 40 9 60 Ar. New Bern, Lv .12 10 No. 9. t No. 10. 130 Lv. " Ar 10 47 2 12 Riverdalo; 10 15 2 2'J croatan ." 10 00 S 05 Haveloek 9 40 3 31 .. Newport, Lv 9 08 3 47 Wildwood 8 47 3 52 Atlantic 8 88 4 08 Ar. Morehead oity, Lv. . . . 8 80 4 23. . . .Ar. M. City Depot, Lv 760 p. a. a . m, "Monday. Wednesday and Friday. tTuoaday, Thursday and Saturday, A. & N. C. RAILROAD COM I' A NY, Passenger Department, New Pern, N. C May 31st ItHll. To all agents, A. & N, V. It. it. ' . fteason 1901 Tbe following rateB of Passenger fare to Morehead City tnd return In effect June 1st, 1901. Ooldeboro, 4 00 1 1 50 1 25 Best's, 3 75 1 40 1 10 La Orange, 3 Ml 1 30 1 00 Falling Creek, i 25 1 20 90 KinBton, 3 Oil 1 10 80 Caswell, H 00 1 00 80 Dover, " 2 i5 00 75 Core Oreek, 2 70 8ft 70 Tuscarora, 2 65 80 05 New Bern, 2 00 75 00 Rlverdale, 1 75 70 66 Croatan, 1 70 8H 50 Haveloek, 1 00 00 46 Newpoit, 00 5 H6 Wildwood, 40 26 25 Heason ticket good 10 return until Oct. 81it, 1901. Saturday until Tuesday, jdunday excursion, good for Hunday only, by 6 and 0 trains. Special Saturday k Wednesday Filer. From Ooldeboro and Intermediate nations to Morehead City. la effect Haturday, Juno 29ib, luui, uuill other wise ordered, Leave Ooldeboro 8.40 P. M. " LaOrange 4.09 " Klniton 4 82 ' " Dover 4.55 " " New Bern 8.00 " Arrive Morehead City 7.26 " All "Week End" aad Saturday night ticket e will be honored on tblt train. Tbe abova train to be run on Satur day only. Bummer Eiourtlon Tickets (He aeon 1901) from A. 4 N. C Stallone, Round Trip for Haven Springe, N. C. lietenfter ticket will be told from Stallone earned below to LtGrtnge to ptrllee vliltlng tbe above Springe at the following rates of fare for the Kouad Tilp. Golds bo ro, $ .70 New Bern, $8.70 Beat's, JW Rlverdale, .75 railing Crank, J3 Croatan, 8JW Klnston, .80 lltvalock, 8JW CetweU, M Newport, 1.43 Dover, 1.06 Wildwood, 8.M Cora Creak, l.M M City, 8.90 Taearora, 1.76 TlckaU oa tale Jaae lit, Uae Con trast ticket! aad llaati taam. Uood to ratara Oct Site. 1901- All tickets mutt beitgned, , OOUPOI? STATION fcV ' Through relet ot fare. Rooad trip. Ik-leu f roes Coupon Btatloai below la,, pornta a anted oa Wee era North Oaro llna Ilallroad (teaaoa 1(01.) Ttakeu oa tale Jeae let, llOt. U Itept. SOU, 1KH, I actual va. Oood for retara eaagi-o Wbafort Oct, list, 1901. . , 1 ni ia-v Trfon!"" r. . . J ... , at. Hew Klaa- . I.. Ta-W, u City , Btr . iob . draaiw Ulekory, $1180 $11.60 $11.10 10JO Morgaatoa, UBl 1885 tl.H 11.86 Old Fort " lM8.lt.13 " 1S.H 1t.8 Black kfy ;H$.1-9V, W$0 juberC-A Kuaiiiia. luiiui BotBpriagt IMS I7J9 1J U.8S Batea to all tiaar tenon 4 la Wil tra Monk Oarollaa or Ylrglala tay tt fark atabed apoa appltontloa. Chtldrea aaoef , I re ynare ol age free. Cklbtrea eiaowjA twelve til) yan of age, tialf Ua aaova . rate . i.l,DItl, 1 1 ay ; xr.A. r!' to 1 ly I . . . 1. - ;t , xtySwttte

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