An Excellent Combination. . The pleasant method and WoencUl effect of the well known remedy, group or fisa, manufactured by the. California Fio Bruce Co., illustrate the value of obtaining tho liquid laxa tive principles of plants known to be medicinally laxative- and presentinf tbem in the form most rof resuiDSfto the taste and acceptable to the system. It is the ono perfect strengthening laxa tive, cleansing tho system eftsotnally, dispelling colds, headaehea and fetors irantlv -vet nrornDtlv and etutbltair on to overcome habitual constipation per--manentlv. Its perfect freedom from every objectionable quality and sub. rtanoe, and its acting on the kidneys, iver and bowels, without weakening or irritating them, make it the ideal laxative. ' " ' In the process of manufacturing figs are used, as they are pleasant to the tasle, but the medicinal qualitieaof the remedy are obtained from senna and' other aromatic plants, by a method known to (lie California Fio Syrup Co. only. In order to get its beneficial effects and to avoid imitation, please remember the full name of the Company printed on the front of every package. CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. BAN FKANOIBOO, CAU iixnsviLic. rrz. jtbw ronx. w. t. VMrsalsbyaU Druggiatt. lrioo 60o. per bottls. THE JOURNAL. New Bern, N. C, Aug. 4, 1901. Index to New Advertisements. Wm T. Hill-Fishing tackle. J. J. Baxter Selling out at cost, E. W. Hmallwwod Musle and colors. Simmons ftHotlowellOo Washgoods Business Locals. T. C. HOWARD Successor to J. D. Din kins. Dealer in Wines, Liquors, Cigars and Tobacco, 54 Middle St.. New Bern, N. C. ARLINGTON FARlt MELONS. The largest and finest flavored Cuban 8wel and Florida Gem Water Melons of toe season, now to be had at the Broad Street Fruit Co. FRESrf Chocolates and Almonds, by Express last night. James B. Dawson, 103 Middle Street. CASHIER WANTED. Most write good hand and prefer one with knowledge of typewriting and stenography. Written application required. Box MO etty. JACOB' Raleigh Rye WhUkey Is the best. Middle street. Fresh Chocolates atJMoSorley's Celery Headache Powders. There is not any better remedy for headache than these powders. They sever fall to relieve. Made and sold only at Davis' Prescription Pharmacy. - KnlfhU ofPythians. Members of Albania Lodge No. 8 K. of P. are requested to attend a regular convention of their Lodge to be held Tuesday evening An, nth at 8 o'clock. Business of Interest to every member to be transacted. J. U. Hktth, - K. of It. A B. Western Pork Loins ot the Oaks Mar ket today. Western Ueef st ths Osks Market to day. At the July cannce Sale. At quick selling prlcea, getting ready for Fall stock, Sc baby cap . 14c, 1,0 ladles hats 80c, tto orgaady and lawn now 15c, lOe Hamburg Be yard. ' " 3ARFOOT8. July Clearance Sate,' Tomorrow, Monday, starts par rrfta. Isr Jnly Clearance Aale, everything In stock the least bl tammery In now 1 doeed for quick selling. BARPOOTB. Plpkli'i Eicirsloi. To Washington or Bcltimor will go by way of Norfolk- Instead of Richmond Aagaatt. ' , Fan front GobUboto to Washington tad return S 78, fare from Goldsbofo to Baltimore and return 14 tn. Bag figs Ke, dura, . whit peoplo only. Xttr train from tew Rem U Ooldtbord.' The shove fare does not Include otate rooms oflhot lo Baltlmoiw or Wash lag ton. Parlies going can tend order for stale rooms to me and t Will hart toomt reamed for tbem without ' fsU. PUw at Men ef ordert, for. swts aaornxMretoa ertltgivo yon In waahlngto twn day and om ntgtrii la ftalUmorn, If yon (6 direct to BalUsat re, wnl give yoa two day, aai om night In Baltimore ' ' Fit fnrUr baritcoUrt sea Mr. A. S Pitt awn at Oasklue C;sle Com pur's. CAPUDIE Ncfroashnd ' v 1 S'ch Headaches, EC L 3 IT ALL CHUG C: HfeSCXAL PARAGRAPHS. fi "Miss Margaret Teaag weal to Raleigh yesterday, to visit jwlaMvee. Mr. Joan Bowoea earn home from Cora yesterday, for a few days visit... .... Mrs. 0, X, Toy and Mlsaas Ague aad Annie Foy, bare goae to Chapel pilL - Mrs. J. T.Hal went to Kiastea yea- terday to vtsU ker danghter, Mrs. T. P. A4MoivV --.;V r-'---'-- -v:-..-r.."v :: "v Mrs. BL B. Bradahaw and son. Francis. ieft? yesterday toapen4 torn ' tlsaeex piUsboro, N. O-.--f -f'- i t Mrs. a Wifiaaeockaad children, re taraed yesterday, after several week visit at Morehead. V- Misses Mamie and Ruby Daniels have gone to Beaufort, N. 0., where they will be for some weeks. -" Lteet. Col Jonas, of the Fifth District tight House Bureau, located at Bal ti mers, passed through the city last night, going to Morehead and Bean fort on offl let baslnetR- . - - .' ... " .Tfee Arc lights. The following letter hat bean received by the Electric Light Company: -Philadelphia, Pt August 1. New Bern Street Railway Electric Company, New Bern, N. C. - Gbmtlbmcn; Farther replying to yonr telegrams , regarding shipment of the are dynamo parts that you ordered on July 94th and Both, our Factory In forms ns that the earliest date that, they can make shipment is Monday nut, August 5th i We are very sorry that tame cannot tie sent before that time, bat trusting this will be satisfactory, we beg to remain, Your Very truly, 0. R, HtTLLIK, Manager Order Department. The above letter will answer the va rious Inquiries in regard to the arc street lights and explains Itself. Ntw Bum nirt Railway A Elec "two Compart. Home Mission Society. The regular monthly meeting of the Home Mission Society of .Centenary M. E. Church will be held In the Chureb Parlors, Monday afternoon, at 4:30 p. m. Lizzin R. Hancock, Secy. Notes on the Game. The two garnet scheduled for Durham this week, Tuesday and Wednesday, should prove of unusual Interest. The Purhsm clnb hat the reputation of being one of the best in the State and laid out Goldaboro by a big toon. A game it being arranged with More- head City for next Friday, and It said that the management there will secure a strong battery from up the Slate, as good at can be gotten. Wilmington has won the last three games straight from Charlotte, after los ing four. Cranston his caught for Wil ts! ngtoa and some see In this a reason for their success. It Is proposed to arrange a game with Klnston at a near date and run a special train, leaving here at I o'clock and re turning Immediately after the game. It Is believed, that a big crowd would go and at New Bern would doubtless win a third straight It would be a good aatured crowd. . , Manager Ed Clark hat 1000 per cent to hit credit since taking hold of the boy i. . . . O. O. Buck, Beirne, Ark., says: "I wst troubled with coattlpatlon until I bought Dd W Ill's LRU Tarty Risers. Since then nrva been entirely eared of my old com plaint f ' recommend them." F. 8. Duffy A Co. MichAdmirel . The portrait painting ot Capl Otway Barna, a sketch of'wkkk appeared la yesterday Joobbal, was soan and ad mired by many people ymlerday. It has teen placed In ton front wladow of Eat- oaa Jewelry More, theeaiue window sing reserved foi tbe parpose. t 'SeirTodaj.' , . 1 Christian Chawch.-M. B. Spear pastor, f reaching today at 11 a. m. aad S p. m. ondnoted by . the pastor. Evening tssass, rHow may wt know that we are Chrlstlasir Bandar School at 4 p. m. All ore cordially invited to attend tevvlees.';'-' , '. , IlderW.J. Moe of Klnatoa will preach morning aad evening at the Free WIIT Baptist anarch, dnrlng tho abas ace of the pastor. The pablle It lavlted to attend the rtrrleea, ' Preahytariaa ' Obnrob -Df. Henry Lowlt Bmlth, IWdeal of Da Ideoa Col toga, Davidson, M. 0 will leetara at U o'eloek a m. aad 111 p. av Sebject, Varak aad ChrisUaa Idaoatlow ." Sab- balk Boknot at I, m. Btraagers and Ulton are aordially lavlted. u4. ;'. i . iChriattaA.BctenM Charon gsrvtoce B4IMM am, Bible Leseea fcer mon today rWbJeaii HJplrlt- 1 John, i Tetrrmony service Wrdaasday B JO p. m. Readlaf room open dally,, AU am eat dlally In . ' V f T"lW HI .UHU, t , Urlnf yt Corner Stone. "S atlrrnvm IU maj nmt llapola ) stmy w mvessj msmrmrv nmj 1 n-w W mv amati j m ehtreh at Ktnetow will belaid aeit Tatsdey aftornOM at I o'clock, the day belt! the "Fast of the TraasflrarerW Thebbhop of the dioesee will prmlde ts4 be assisted In the terv lose by Rev, Df . O,P, MoaMnervilla, of OoUliboro, Ref. T. K. M. Oorft, of New Bern, aad the rector of 8U Mary's. , . Arc yox ttoaHcd u:!!!i PJ',. If to -Irj.tU "Ihu , , Kil W. ; It ki: thrtn by tha quart 8U et'K.i (T-tV nmrnary, f orner P-ifn I m r WtUtrrHa. . SbMroLk, Va., Aog, l.-Dr. Lswrewa , Angostlvs Stlth, a prominent- paystetan died at :15 o'clock hht afternoon at his residence, Ko. 18 Bank Unv0 " j ': Dr.Stltn was daring the olvll war surgeon la a North Carolina regiment. He was regarded as' a very brave man. Ha was a native of BocUngham county, K.t. bat lived for a rime 4 Wile. N. a He moved front Wilson le- Suffolk twenty-two years ago, aad had lived here ever m:,-pv;?,.;? b. Dr. Stlth leaves a widow, who was Mies Fanny Jarvis, of JCew Bern, X.Ci, and to whom he was married January M 187W Dr. Stlth leaves three sons, all of whoa; warn la the Spanish war. They are Jarvis W.i F, BlaekwetHad Charles H. Btitu. r Ton first named went to war with a New J York regiment and " the others Went with a Suffolk company. " Dr. Stlth leaves a brother-in-law. Mr. T. O. Davit, of Wilson. N.C, The de ceased was a member of 8i. Psul'sP. E. Church, from which the funeral will be conducted. " Cbante is Train Schedule. The A. t N.C. Railroad has Issued a new timetable to go Into effect August 6. The chief change It In passenger No. 8, which hat tx-en due at 7:40. The old schedule is resumed and this train will bd due at M0, the old time. This' will give early mailt again. STAT1EINT NO. 1 The. Daniels. Treat., In Account wltutue City efiiew Bern. StKOKIPfB. July 1, to balance July 8, to J M Hsrget, 0, M. July 18, to J J Tolson, Tax CoL July 18, to J J Tolson, Tat Col. 44 01 87 60 885 48 414 03 July SO, to Sale 10,000,00 dollar bona 10,881 so 1 11,313 80 DIBBVB8KSIKMT8. Cap. W.GIllIkln 45 00 R R Hill 10 00 Nalhen Brooks 20 00 By Auditing Committee 800 Webster Bternes 5 00 Ben tillllcan 5 00 New Bern Journal 10 00 JnoT Lincoln 4 00 B B Davenport 18 00 Capt. Parria 45 00 Gasklns Cycle Co. 0 50 D G Smew 50 W M Cook S5 00 E S Street 10 03 G H Warters & Son. 10 00 J M Hargett 4 80 J W Holilt 1 SO Blades Lumber Co. 1 88 0 P Giltikla 09 J W Wood 0 80 R P Williams 10 00 Jno. 0 Collins 80 00 J E Sheppard 75 J B Sheppard 75 A E Hlbbard 1 50 HHTooker 85 00 AJGasklnt 80 00 Jno. Collins 80 00 Rufus Esstwood 80 00 J M Hargett, C. M. MOO FT Patterson 5000 J J Tolson 138 81 Thos. Dsnlels 881 60 RT Smith 85 00 J B Dixon v 35 00 J T Lewis 85 00 HP Montague 85 00 0 Lupton 85 00 Lou Bryan 85 00 O 0 Jordan 7 60 Thos. Daniels 810 00 New Bern Gat Co. 4 0 New Barn Gaa Co. 1180 V D B redeem, Judgment and Interest 8,511 84 Cost oil same 6470 Bond No. 1. t90 87 ' Bond No. t. 117 88 Bond No. 4. 878 78 8 40 Bond No 17. 174 85 Fabrick Hoot Co, 8878 R P Williams SOS SB Interest on tamo 88 48 J F Clark, now and Int. 1,808 48 Fabrick Hoae Oo note 430 80 Fabrick Hone Oo. 1 080 Interest on the above 188 10 Capon No. 4. - ' 8878 . Bond No. IS Md Ink 808 78 BondNcUaad Ink JlOU Bond No. t and M. . 588 67 Bond No. 18 and int. 8 80 Fabrio Hone Co not 480 80 . Fabrio Hoea Oo , note - 48 80 Fabrio Hose Oo., note)" 480WH Uteres on above S notes 188 78 , By Balance - 184 45. 1 11,811 . . f 18,818 88 Thoa. Dmiela to account with Wator and Bower Feed. . Jotv t. To Bal -- 8478 Jnly 10. Tb J J Tolson, Cat Col 514 81 11087 By HHTooker , ; By J V Thomas, Jr. By H Willie- - ' By Auditing Coejmlttee , By J J Tolson,. y ByOOUatlln - v.,. yLeoaOook i By J J Tolson y . . .' ;. By J J Tolson ' . By Fred Tbomeo ,V X:-' , TU By Moatagae Oar. . ' By Amerh-an Ftra Kaglae Co. 1 By KB Wllllamt ; By Jamee ftobeason . . J' . cnoan nnovs onutrant mio. Jnly I, Te Pl - $ftH July It, To I F McCarthy. C 0 C, 8 80 By rWuMorrki " '" ', ' By Bal. , , oataitwooo ctMirssr rmn. Jslyl.Tft Bat. . - ' ,84 41 To T F MCJarthy, C.U. C. 47 14 I HI M l AX AT: VP: T.'. Aug. 8.-Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Harvey left Monday fair Ashevtlle. N. C , Tor their heahh. "r'"'. ",'- Mr. J. L. Ken, Jr, went to Snow Hill Monday on basin ess. :- W.J. pope was In town Hondsy. : , , Mr. A. R. Holton' of Ridge Bpringt, . 0, was In towa Tuesday. . 4V Mettrs. J. Z. Brooks aadVBryaat Gard ner, J. O. Gasklns, G. T. Gardner went over to Kiatton Thursday to the tobacco market opening. ; Mr.G. A. Johnson went to Greenville Thursday, . - Mr. W. G. Lewis and J. A. Muore went to Klnston Wednesday Kr. L, J. Chapman went to Greenville Thursday on business. - J.. Patrick A Co.. are having their More overhauled and it looks as If they are getting ready for business again. - You will find at all timet fresh oran ges, bananas, lemons, Roysters bon boos and chocolates, also Lowney's chocolates at Heber Gasklns. Call to see him for such like. Msj. W. J. Pope was In town Friday on business. Yours Respectfully, . " X. Y. 2. Epwortn Leaf-tie Meeting, The monthly business meeting of the Epworth League will be held in the Church Psrlors Monday evening at elfht o'clock. A full attendance it desired as business of Importance is to be trsni acted. , Lizztn R. Hanoook, . Secy. OA8VORXA. KgssU ef These are Funny. 'Whtt would they ever do if tbe bridge should tumble down altogether V asked Parke Rowe, looking up from bis newspaper. "Never get over It, I guess," returned Brakman Streete, tossing away his tooth pick. "Does It worry you, dear," said the dy ing man, "to think hnw soon I am going to leave you V "Not how soon," she replied, absent- mindedly, "but how much." Watklns I hesr that young Fresh- lelgh and Miss Simplex are going to get married. Wllkyns Yes; two souls without single thought. "Does your daughtor attend the nsta- torium ?" Oh, no. She Is In the social swim." james wnite, ttryanisvtiie, ind., says DeWitt's Witch Hszel Salve healed run ning sores on both legs. He hsd suffer ed 6 years. Doctors failed to help him. Get DeWitt's. Accept no imitations. F. 8. Duffy Co. I CPlass Hash A r 'l All our twollwit Waah Goods are Involved in this movement QualtUet that hav been telling for 25o ' and BOo are now I(V - JThe design are almont indea. oribaible. The ooloringn are many and varied, ail the fresh, clear, delicate tints that you associate wilV tbe most refined and elegant summer stuff TBC PklCB ' ' IS ONLY ':::y '"::X- c,- ; , ";15o Gingbami and lladrai at 10c. S Selected Cotton, smoolhlj and firmly woren, itroog and good colors. ; . T. : K'-r: -."v.'.f ' ' r. BeauUful Stjlrt for Men's Bhlrta and 'Shirt Walit. .; special Prices to close the remaining stock on hand New line of 8ide and Park Cotnbt tmd ' Winilor TK aU "tip to-now" itjlp, not a -hat been" In th li. li 67 Police!: . THB MarXETS. rZ3 The following quotations were recelt ad by J. 1 Latham A Co. New Bern N. itf ' -i i V'- J 1 .' W-V; lV Nw ToM, Aug. 8. OoTTOKi Open, High. Low. Close .... 7.t' 7 8d 7.23 T24 ... 7J7 T.87 788 7.84 .... 7.48 7-48 7.41 7.48 Chicago, Aug. 8. Open. High.' Low. Close Aug.;... Jsaosry.. WaaAvj Sept.....! Conm Sept...... Rlbs:- Bept... Stocxs; Sugar So. R'y Pfd R. I U.8.L..... Sk P .... .. 684 ' nt - &i Open: High. Low. '.. 56 58 58i Open. High, Low .. 797 797 795 mi Close 57J Close 795 New fork, Aug. 3. Open. High. Low. Close 1874 137t ISA 196 . 881 187 . 18 168 84 138 13 162 83 187 13 158 84 137 13 158) Tex. Pac.. Am. O.F.. 29 Con.Tob .. Faculty Against Hazlngi The Principal and Faculty of Bing ham School, near Mebane, N. C, are strongly opposed to htzlng In any form and the penalty for that offence It very heavy. By addressing. Principal Gray, Mebane, N. C, the beautiful school cat alogue for 1908 will be tent free of charge. Failiic Vision Inevitable. Strange to aay while all parts of the body Is growing, the eyes are going back, this begins at the 10th year, but does not become manifest until middle life; at the age of ten the eye possesses a near point of (S) three Inches, at (20) twenty four inches, at (30) thirty, 5 Inches, at (40) forty, 9 Inches. At this period the near or close point hat receded beyond a comfortable dis tance, because of a flattening of the eye, also a hardening of the lens and a weak enlng of the muscle governing it, there fore ss the power of msklng the lens more convex is removed and as the eye becomes flatter, you must see that trou ble commences and aid must be hsd from some source. Science and art has bestowed us with that aid In glasses which adds con veilty to the eye and restores tbe near point to a comfortable distance. You can get tbem fitted correctly by J. O. Baxtm, Jr., Graduate Optician. July Clearance Sale. Every thing summery must go, prices will do It, no left overs with us. -All white goods, silks, ribbons, embroider ies etc., at from one-third to a half of egular prices. BARFOOTii OOQlS 4i V . . 1 1 f go hand in kaml if not liuriiio iiIoun I he j loae their charm. i Next lo'.preftrvii.f, paint thould beautify cheap fading colors will not. Pure color and perfect assimilation are the necessary adjuncts to insure bright non-fading tints accomplished only ly grinding and mixing uniformly in modern machinery successor to the proverbial bucket anu p.iuuie. This if? why the tinte of MOORE'S PURE May be relied upon. BEFORE PAINTING OBTAIN OUK PRICES. E W. SMALLWOOD, Hardware, Paints and Oils, NEW BERN, N. C. mmm . . 1.00 and $l.i!5 Values now 75c. Scriven's Elastic Scam Balbriggan Drawers 50c Blue Serge, Skeleton Lined C'oats at cost. All aothing Reduced 20 per cent. H.6. t MB ' S7 ollocls: Street- Healthful in Summer, Onr Hods Is a liennflr.tnl hot wcstlirr drink, beosnsc It Is rompowil inninly of three liesllbful thlnRH Fruit. Cresm und Froten Water. i Everybody knows that fni-h f.ult In good for yon In summer. It l-i nsmrit' nsy of csrlng for a man omlor primitive oondltlons. Why ehouliln't It lie health ful I Crushed Fruit, Fruit Julcen, Fruit Flsvors. Cream Is a dcllghiful muiiii I taklu nonrishment whloh, In childhood, all have lived on. Ire Cream, ('rom, Kggs aad Chocolate. Ice Is a necessity nnwla Our Is tbe perest the market can ii'ply uk 'with. Wc iflve yon s plenty, too; Pklllfnlly intermixed, tbrM Hires nikln iaarrdirnts of our healthful soda keep yon from drinking too maoh aer; qaeneb thirst as arster will nl; en eoaranc an anpettte by tbelr ftrutln sus teastwe; end In one form or another are Belpfnl to nervr na, m orn-ont pfopln In summer time. OnAonAn's loviSTtix. Walter A.; Wood's Mowtiif aad Resplng MsrhlBos tw4 At mehmente tor mlo by . v -. 11 - ' LH.crrLtxHiiwAkt,co; ; . ,. Hew Bern, . v v , They av Stood the severest Urnt for aver SO years and are In use In every -rsln country Hi the world, ilsvlni; won over 1400 medals and awards at Uia lend tn( esblbltions In ail tanda, is an v! denre r( their snperinrtty over til other machines. ran riAitv- ,;. AM'ly ti J. U UAUTKF1ELD, Kt im, K. 0. i X. aT 51 HOUSE COLORS m Drawers, reduced to Values, now & CO., : I liIBook Store t Leave Your t Name For N. C ! Booklet No 1. Subject, .i r rA va uare. By MAJOH ORlf AM DA V KS. G. N. -Ennett. : a a AAA AAAAAmAA444MAmss4sAns fff ?f ff f ???? ?TTf f ffTf f ???? PHACIICAL EDUCATIOS I In Agriculture, IiiiKliii'rlnc. Me- S i-lisiili- Arts olid Cotton Muiiii furt- If nrinjj: n -onihiuntion of tlioory nud pra'ti,of Htuily (llul mnoiln train '4 ing. Tuition $W) n yoar. Total expense, inrhidiiiK rl.. tiling snd bosml, $189. Thirty t.wcher. !I09 students. Next sthkIoii hKin Bfntnmber 4tli. ' For catalogu nildn-m (li-o. T. Winston, President M. C. COI.I.KOK AgricilUre & Mtchanic Arts BALEIMII, N. C. Pollock & Credle J very, Pood, alt - and ., Exxha ifo i i ii ,.Tnaatnmaiiai. ' eviK . v t v S a a t fl . . AUO UXlXiAAT ADA Turnouts in tho city. : . NO. 70 South Front Street, opposite Hotel Cbattawka - "BELLK OF OA" "KLflKKTA Moore's Karly,Kinptra.!t Delaware Koi at EcK3l Frell S!:n -9 STABLES K i