THE JOURNAL. - rnn,itMa every aay u uniwun lloadajr, It H Middle street. :i .y ' C I'BORB NO. R j 2: CHARLES L. 5TEVENS4 SUBSCRIPTION RATES. ' -Om jajer.Jjt adviaos; One year, not im advance.... Hoathlr, bj carrier Im the e4tvv . .. a0 'dverfoWftatea r-iAHTlf Entered at the Poat Offlca, He Bare, N. ft, m second class matter. ''; Official Paper el" New Ben Cravea Ceaatr, aad New Bera N. !. Aaj-asl II. IWI. ho is fkee raoM nor 'The numerou imli fountains and stands where Ic t tt iik are l.iudin this i lly, and : t !'. i iher Ity . i iher lly ai d tafi Ibroufcliuiil ll!!3iiUi.:7kM'rer'e( old dilnkk air mid iluii gtle-amme mom ha to ibe I ot ami llitr-i pasterbjr will naturally .oroke the query from a cr.l TH .LOWlUM" out liOf ,1 ifrfoas, ma h nioiK' I V 18 rDeill nr I -inn,ao.l ho-f li&lji nit Is aTnVjfyl1iJer:ifiWuoi an 0 -mfoi adbdry live and I en cent piece during the course of atiay. jTheae money expenditures are shown to be mere money dropping, without an equivalent, for the cold drink la ettlma 1 3 13 1 jTva fiyf relolslHieC lofol lowed by fifteen minutea of discomfott, a i the drink foices a' rush of blood to fie' surface, with an lncreaed"actlvl'j of the sudatory glands and poref. While money can he waalid by an ex ctstlve daily expenditure at the fount aln of ooldnesn 'which give' Immediate, if only temporary "solace to iba" pitched throat, yet to make emphatic protest against spending of money for a single drink during the day while the dngstar rages, Is as abaurd aa to aay, aave money l5,lolno with man v of the mod- eta conveniences which require money, and" yet are not beyond the means of taa'lmoderalely well-lc-dr. Then these nickels and dimes whin given In exchange for the cooling drink, aire not wanted in the aenie of having gone out of eiiatonce, for thousands gain a livelihood from iheso fountain, and' a business it created watch goes' In to and tfocYs ramy eommercia) lines, i' liie would be economist may preach tb''aavngvof moaey by doing' Vway with . cold drlnka, ami point out the human weakness, through such Indulg encebut who' ould be free from )als weakness In a moderate degree, even If thereby a few nlclels and dimes might' be taved f f ) $100 Rwar3, $100. The readers of this paper will be pleased to loarn hrther fs at 'leas. one dreaded dlseaae that science aa beea able to cuie In all fUstegea, fa that It Catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Cure la tbronly positive cure known to the medical fraternity. J CatarEI felnra cAstllutionardlabaYeqeire a eoostl- tunoaal treatment. HaU'a Catarrh Cure It lakea Intctnally, tctlngdlreclly upon thi blooJ and mucous surface of tba system, thereby destroy Inr tb fmildr tloa of the diaee.,aad givlag 4he pa tlent strehfttkbv Idlldlns Oi the eohatl- tuflna jaTrall)ag nature aaUig Hk Wnrfc. The proprietors have .an mucl fafla la. ts rwratlve t powrcs iktt rat) ofarOae HsBiYre.lllrs Tor ah'y'ca that It falls to.coM.. Keud for 1MH testimonials. Address, r, J. CmVt k CO, Toledo, o Jsiriyamll. hill sreTheWit, . KagtaM4'a Draatle Itfawm, toadou, Aug, l.-A Acflnigtna if toed by Or n era! Kitchener 'je Boea) la arms oa Aogutl demaadlag thirir turreaderon tt'n-of eonaVarloa o' ptor.t!WirWiJMW UJitilangTiJ uTaes. A tttal protea lis pUbllthW IBtU it pallTTsahUry paper b sued tod. The jroelaaiatlou was made la aceordsace with, lastmriloM trout ike Imperial overameat. 1 ha Oo arameau ht dtps Colony aiMtMatafol i ' ot.' The daU 41 jorretl lev" Is k'Al , aVtaPr IBtay.'ryiiVt', i ta, f.Ji TtiriiaC BtfftTMtflta.AW'n was aiifferlnpt In m'd)appl Wkeal ' rxKsswoced uVlng" kodol tysppsfs Care, ; I UOt samal bnUlea tAJ eaa d geat taythlnpf." , Kndol Dytpepela Cure It the Only preparallou ronlalnlag all ' tha natural '4lgttite' SdkU. It' iWm ' week .Mnsaaoli si Ire real, restoring their natural rendition. F. P. Puff t Co. ' ' m i ( l .. ' - Jersey Cliy Atg, Early tab) mora; teg a teg raa dona row boat ferty'lnf miuewee etnployiat of to Igll railroad, acrott tBeTMila.""AD weUroa lato tha water. hot rr faacoaJ fcler Vrveral ' Bartow eeca pea. 9' . ' , X Vbat 1 TaJe Ittai, IV J If list mti roroT' jours thews a Wretr'bed, tallow eompleiloa, t Jaeu dlrad look. olk patches sad blolrhr oulheskla, Its llvar trouble; tot pr Klnt' Hk Lift I'lllt rrrViat tb. lrr, pBilfy h bleed, girt clear akla, ehaoka, rirh lotpplnlou. I nly at C V. Cituham'i diu( ttore, iiaVE'i"i iak la t.l f M. tlHUM m BlHrlauaHlt. "In kaadlt&c a obr suite yot must always touch him with a toft, smooth. rUdWf motion of tbe hand, aaakint; taet to aim aa much as .possible tea toocb or another snake. si ilea, you most be careful to keep his tall out straight. Keep the taU straight, and as caa't cull oa yew. His rAte la aothiDf, for ht has aot poison, but his olT around jrw": erararor ody will enith the booaav. v .1,.. Th polaoootu snakes the water. tooecaslns, rattlesnakes " 4ndt5piSBf adiiiTteuthf rfor;io. "rtow-end tbei doctor tuis'fheul heavily tor awhAaf Ha wants to experiment with their poison. After he has been bitten two or three times be stops buying. 4 .KThcM are a anmhdr of taeonre who fW stlOierToipetTb people ar-Nrtylf-irlftetrt M'zetptkm.'wiAe pets also of rata, mice and turtle. Anyone fond of Snakes Is sure to be fond f those other thlngrtoo. 'Tttey keen their snake sod' turtle and rats as near as fpostle'totbem.: 'Often they keep them In the? oMroom. There was a young man who used to come here last' ySi axW'liie'nakee- university student That vounc man would alt Twrtirlsaird'ta' Ihfong the colls of a wagef nl of (Hake for hours. . He would Taketfone,n&end In" Ms hands and lift Its facolbp'wWon and gaze for a long time In -Its eyes. Then he itfttdHold Tto'tTInd stroke It and study changtng Ttrfors m a kind of trance. I aon t know wnat pleasure or aatlsfactlon lie. got out of the snakes. Be bought over a doxen from me dur- I Iiia Iha wruaka aa vast bttnl IhAm la til kail TTJT tw&p&f flight tbiioffh a' rathole oKfa'rBonir the nelgbbors dnd rtls- eafytsferar taUlyboo.- FWiaderphU Becord. - ' The wetMifarTfrJe affon the globe would be eleven and two-thirds trillion undsjlfno difdoetioq-Imd to be made Ibrspace niied by niountafns snd laud above sea leveL JtjJribej' JioBths of" June and July oar liaby was teething and took a running off of the bowels and sickness or the stomach?' ayt U. P. M. tlc.lliday. r Demlair, 'lud; "Hit' bowels would move from five lo eight timet' a day. 1 had a bottle of Cbamberlaiu' Colic, Chol- MflllKtarHea Kti&i&i In i he house ahdavf nini Your dion In a Yeaapoon- flll orwalaf anit ha Unl ttctlor at rno ' Solo'byF.B.'t)uffyCo. TIm KJa( Laaivaa Tsalf ht. London, Aug, 8. Tha King and Queen depart at II o'clock Tonight on the Roy- hi yacht Victoria and Albert to attend the "fdneral of thi' Empress Ddwager of Germany which will be held Bun- day. Ma Pwllee Prwtaeiloa. Nw York, Aug. . Owing to the great number of burglaries, hold opt, 'kef is, fights, etc, recently, in the horoiigh of Queen1!, ' At'torney Murrlll today formally requested the county aheVlff for aid In protecting life knd 'perta1ieglng(hat the police pro rectiol wtTmost decidedly deficient. fAro'uVacJ-thcE'dltor. Editor 8. A. Krowa, of Denaelltvllle, S. C, wm onea Immensely surpilaed. "Through tdng 'suffering from Dypep la," hs write, 'my wife was greatly run down. She bad no strength or vigor hod suffered' great 'distress front her stomach", tuVabe tiled Electric Bitters Which helped ber l onoe, and, after using tour bottle, the It entirely well, aa eat anything. It's a grand tonic. ad Its geutllBUfequantTei'are spies did for torpid liver." For ladlgestloa, Lost of 'AppCflte, Stomach" sad Liver -doubles rft tfaunitfitoh cure. Only ISOe at C, D. Bradhams' drug store, ; rTlM Haarr ef Ottajaa ISaai. '- Balgoa, Freack Cock la China, August .-prince Beery of Otlea, died at 4:SB ibVfl.rifoBMlS,u' k oa f JW.PnV o( Chrtreri arbo served oa the iaff of Ot nerat afoOlellan during Um BTVin.srYae lWcealrfitoBdd fruaiifearv Fourth, tilled from France, ... Tey StricVitJlch' i YrNia a'ia'd Ibiag'toV .k-vo aaaiiv that tnrk aa eaiei prMag Arm a '. 1) Brailham aarared the Ageucy fot Or. H tax's New dlseovery fpr CoJllOp.J !), thT wonderful reaardy lhat Tat rerrtrd tWfortTbf Ja atarvellout eai,l luroTwhuaraim"ovtr It hat Snooted their buetnein, aa the de mand fpt R(Tmlneoi, They give free yfbotlkjuirfiret, and positively gaaraaiee H to ear Coaiht.Cold. Broa ehltla. Aathasa.'C'maB mi all Tkmat I Mrit, 1 rk aOe aad 1. llt-00.. fatamtiaa atat) tawaam a War Agate. .jlllea'te.Islaa Cvraoo, Aagast af Taeeanala'lioverameat aa aa- f aa.'a,T that ear w t1uiHla lavaaloa om rrrd y larday saortil ag Mar Colon. Tb lavadlag aratv tt roaasadad by the I TMumuaa mlabter or war. flUik '-iaitr'-a. lag Mftti tHaa)la Vaakaaeai. rnttburg, Asf.a,-Ts strike illtt llo l&mXumm, to have d.'tUely ehatrad. Mr. Oompsnkad aot ttatrd bp td T Isle hour this tftrraoou wk Ifs la7woukf U There are peral teatramnrtof eontng srblt ration, but TtrrtitfBntfSnJtea traced to aay re. liable aoerce. - i i Cf.v a Liia zs Ft izu II ALt'curc:;.!; ByspopBiatK i T)II5str.Iat yoa eat;" This preparation contains alt of the dlgestanta and digests all kinds of food. Itglves instant relief aitd never fails to cure. It allows you to eat alt the food yon want. The most sensitive stomachs can take it. By It une many thousands of dyspeptics havo been Aired after everything 41e failed. 11 DreventsformaUonofeaapn tlie.slom- acta, relieving all pV after oatlna. meting u n necessary, xiutsani to taae. fropumViml y by E. ft' treWirrA (in.; lrael TIk L tuitfe con talus tH Umosttw iuu steu. B: prjFPT'4 CO. PltH ANQ POtNT. ' ,1 "tome M r they' wrtfilbn't do ntiytrtttni . Wlieu" a jrWnrf min Wrt 'nSdfieyl lie. tllM .tHlplta1l It KWotlBtesiu.' One klRD of it niwlf fVfnB l1iliT ItHt. tt la hlwayH fwo or three? aires tod tiirge for lilin. - , The iioople demand a ninn who dares do ihliiiiK. and after he does them they lielp tin fig hi m. tJo to bed onrli. In that war von sfiorten ' tbl hours In which you are found Irauti wltWrAichlaon tilobe. '"Mjf Atby ws:iierrlbly sick with the artliea." J. H. Doak. of Wit- tfaml, Oregon. "Wwere aable t eure him with the rToctorV assistance, ital ai last resort" w tried Chamberlain! Colic, Cholera and 'Diarrhoea Kemedy, 1 am baypy to' Bay It gave Immediate re lief ami a complete cure." For tale by F. S. T)uffy & To,. How DM She Haawt tie (at i lie thorei-Thls ocean fireen Is ntrftit dituip. It mhkes a fellow's liiuxim he very salty. Klie (ali'iiltlilhdcd-Ve, I noticed tha L-PhllnrtHplila rttsrord. All Mil Should Be. Ilc-Dnrllnu. I feel ns though w were made for one auotlicr. 8he And tlie money for both of ns lias already 'been made by pa. . Isn't It lorely.-Boston Transcript. ' In cases of cough or cronp give the Utile one One Minute Cough Cure. Then rest easy and have no fear. The child will lie all right In a Utile hlle. It never falls. Pleasant to take, always safe sure and akttott Instantaneous lo effect. F. B. Duffy & Co. Tka PMaloaa. We say of a man who hns no will mastery. "He Is ruled by bis M salons." They govern him, not be them. Cento rles ago an Arab wrote, "Passion Is a tyrant which slays those wbem It gov eras." It Is like fire, which once thor oughly kindled can scarcely be quench ed, or like the torrent, which when It la swollen can no longer be restrained with Its banks. Call him not a prisoner who has been put In fetters by his en emy, out miner Dim wuose own pas sions overpower tilm to destruction. A Paaalar. Tlbbetta So yon do not believe In the emancipation ot woman 1 ' Burton Well tt la lua ham. Man la 'the superior being. But how Is be go 'tng to show bis superiority If woman Is ..I- I ' L - - . . . .... ma equat aiwv a wuai a waul V3 Know, Boston Transcript ' Mr. 8. H. Allport, Johnstown Pt 'tavtc "Our little Ctrl almost stranded to 'death with croup. The doctors said the couldn't live 1 but t he waa laatantlv re lieved by One Minute Cough Cms. F a Duffy ds Co. 'rmoIiHerffimfiNQ , ' - - Avoid bathing wirhla two hours after a, meat r.w -. - ' Avoid bathing whoa the body hi cool ing after perspiration. , , . ' Avoid. bathing when oxhaaeted by Tstlgrj or from say other cans. , Bath when tb body la warm, pro vided ad time Is lost la fetttag into the iter. . tf ' Tha vtaoroa and amet' ma4 'batM 'early Tha" moraing oa aa empty atoUaeb. ; . ' . V Avoid rotrAiotatotooloaf m the wa ter. . Leer tt tt there l the alightast feellnt of.ehllllneta,'. , . ' , . ' . Avoid cbUilng the body by sitong at standing undressed oa tbo banks or a boattt after bavtng both la the water.' Tbo yoang jod-thaawwao are tveak sbouM bathe two sr thrws bown aftae amatd. Tht bast Orse for och It from two to tbrM hours aftar brwkfaet Avoid bathing sMafvtber U the opoa air If, afur beta- 4 abort time la tha water, H eansa a Mmae af etUHaeM, with numtme af tb head and ft, ' ' Uel Or fi'illlf '4 dT T ! " r rr..inpl)fhrt"Osat''t faetiaj OiJiruiiirWai Int'Vearl kwH u i the without -TrtAoultln Un t dvleer. '; , , 1.... v j - i . A KlnWcf7 Col wort. ' H fad t er tw k' rf tfiloit olte, I bottle ofCtlamfMrar ra'tnd T)itrborVa.r 1. -fo. lwo doae anifwai taliralr iUrad m'TUv. A. A.'Totrat, fit Xmpirla, tn. "Itf UtlgBVTf in oat the street wf" Vf for over a week, had Iw or lhr U ? ,' of Mdlcln from lb doctor. II used Ihna. foMhre ot four daj t ' Wlthonl 'rslltf, th'a called la taoihfr rliwuir who traat tdblm for Some riiyi and in klia so rallf,to itlsibaif'd hiiu. I win! i.r totoehlia th aril mrelnr. IU Stl.l Us howls ware In t Irrrll.le tt, l! t tbry I a I ln rtifh, U -.4 fi ft o lir iLa- (t ! : " If t l l a anl I " 1 I,: 'H 1 .Vi I t,im . ( : ,( :. .1 Mi- ! ! r- r I i ) 1 1 , l m .6 ty I . t1. f -7 ::rw ruht$;t Bruiibir't Otf Lucky strobe tatM Is J:W4. half In 16. :- Dr. Bkorh. 2r1flV. ti-ftie' ntitfrfnrTD. at of the year"ror tfcKlnheyr 2dtl. f Lantana, .2K pacing, took a trot' ting record of 2201 at Nashua, N. H. -gtarPulutHr has a newaftTpaeerm fkhley lnter,- t-AS at -Tttusvllle, I)emocracy. S.-fmL'the jrt tnietter (Pa4 paeer, has been raced six sea- John Hussey haa driven the green Bow Bells trotter Prince Setmn C UUs Aline. 2214. Is a new performer for Online,2VHkv1ng'on race w three ttralghfheats" at' Syracuse on June 25. ' . : ' i. There I tt green trotter from Kan sas called Honesty, by Eobert McGreg or. In PhlladelDhia that can beat 220 by seconds. Mist Mary E. Mniison. secrefary oi the Pekto IrU.r Trotting association. la the only woman oecretary of a trot- tlng-isnoclittion la tbe'Vrest The' 2-year-oliT by'lTtfrgrave, :lfft4. out of the dam of Phenol, 2:07)4, own ed by John Jackson of Terre Haute, Ind., bag paced a mile in 222 and a half in 1:00. - . Elastic Pointer, brother to Star Pointer, who showed a trial of 2:00 last year and wus one of the heaviest entered 'horses for 1001, has been UrOwn but of training. m To Save Her Child. " From 'frightful disfigurement Mrs. Nannie Qalleger, of LaOrange, ' Ga., ap plied Bncklen't Arnica Salve to great totes on her head and face, and writes Its quick cure exceeded all her hopes. It works wonders In Sores, Bruises, Bklu Eruptions, CuU, Burnt, Bcalds and Piles 25c. Cur guaranteed by C. P. Bradkam', druggist. .' ' 'VeiuAaf Coatame In I iwla. A certain number of,peaauita In the Wilder and remoter "districts of Ireland1 still wear Something like a national coarnme. About Lough Mask plenty of the lasses are to be seen In picturesque red petticoats that artists loved to bring Into their sketches of Irish Ufa A sprinkling of the old high bat may be seen. The older fishermen wear them, but the younger school shun such antiquated headgear, aa the, English peasant of today does the smock frock. -London Express. ' Mothers who have always to dreaded the1 apptoach of hot weather when they have a teething babe, should not foiget that TEETH1NA counteract! and over come the effects of hot weather on children, keeps them in healthy condi tion and makea teething easy. TEETH IMA costs only 25 cents per box at drug' gists; or mall 25 rents to C. J. Moffett, M. D., St. Louis, Mo. Notice of I'igsolotioD of Co-Part ner&hip. The co-partnership heretofore existing between E. W. Armstrong and R. L. Rimpklns, under the name and style of Armstrong snd Blmpklns, Is this day dissolved by mntnsl consent. ' Mr. iMmpklns hss sold his interest In said co-partnerahlp to said R. W. Arm strong, and said E. W. Armstrong has aatumed ill the debts and liabilities of said co-partnership. All the delrts due the firm lo be -paid lo Mr. Armstrong. This the 10th day of July, 1901. E. W. ARM8TBON0. B. L. 8LVPK1NH. The" business heretofore done under the firm name of Armstrong and Simp kins, will la future lie conducted by am, and I ask the continued patronage of Iba friends of the above firm, as well as alt new psiroas, promising to give my bast stloutloo to those calling at my ttore, No. 67 Middle street, New Bera. - Respectfully. E.' W. ABMSTttOXO. Jolv lOth! 1001 , ' Walter A. Wood's Mowing Ri.njr VArhlotM md At- , .a a- fuu ft.M " aW-l-sTftj-ewt gtrn; snniiai WJ k iTm. cumx ttA tOWAfcl CO , r . ' Haw kara, J. C 1 key hart atoad the tavtrtat ts for over 00 yean and ore ka ua ia ovary grain country to the world. liarlng wo OTer l4fl0 inadal and swards at the kwd fctff exhibitions M sll hod, t an ark- den re of their supertorlty over all other martilne. . .. 127IItJ!r fit. . I olnnillnn 1 11' n 1 1 tI, Ttrniaii Riarh fwt, I r.'.rr'i Fatal i d nro lal!i to Moths V" Alw Brcnio Clorzdlne im l,tirftft''t tlnit dUltiff-ria and (1.-1. r m ' n l-fii d t fiint h ! tbx k -f ' -- -a, T.'! t -t:M--, r- "v, 1 it. . M-ltm"m.t-t a-aT; - -V.-V Henry s Pharmacy 'a W fl I tl I V. M .. If it ..i n VUJ mi UUyUaANaJ aUUhasteaOdy' r - . ..i;- .v-a-. . . m'w-: .eW'4taway',trV' thl'front, tad IT now known in eVry City, town aaoTbmdet In thff country. - Ita staunch et friends ar those who have known it longest and have witnessed its wonderful curative power fta their own families or among their friends nnd neouamtaaKC. - GraWtf piBeau ia all part of the country teU of their restoration to healta cad hanoine. and the teatimony of these ia the huhest evidence of the ttetticinTo1rxh. & 8. 8. iatnor popular today than ever in its historyneT jotber rimtedy stands to high, has ever given such perfect satisfaction or st so 1 - ! . I . . . . r A . : Tlfw DmoHH - rcnaiue m i mm cwv uc vimcrr, Lncawawism, uunu, lwuhm a-ww Scrofula, Eczema. Psoriasis, Salt Rheum, Acne, or any disease that originates in the blood.' Bto3Wetabkip much better fBsif kBgStore concoction vJPSny of the widely advertised potash and mercury remedlea, which axlect the ttsnea, muscles end stomach, causing ' ' . 'lUtetmutiam- at Uymepsia. M jtt Don't Experiment r-j--, - - surprised at the immedlat good effecta," Tak9 S 8m & ' tor no tooaer ones ttet into tb ctrcnlatiou than the appetite increases; you grow stronger, and gradually but surely it drives out the poisons snd restores the blood to a healthy condition. If there is a son or nicer on the body, It begins to hctJ dround the edges, the di Wrfe fidalry CTM'Sitd ttaeplaec gett well; muscular and bone pains vanish, and t theckia ia relieved of all itching. Irritating eruptions. Nervous,' run down and idWnttfeWWBT find 9. SSj'just the thedicino they need, for blood poverty and illy irOtttuherr nerves aresesponsiblefoHheir condition, lr-old-people and children & S.-6. hat no equal; being free from all minerals, it docs cot nauseate or have ojfyHtijurbStas effecT whatever, and keeps the blood in good condition, thus fortifvincr mrainst dsirnir Exnerience teaches ii crood aa J what is not irood : this applies particularly to medicine, and S. S. 8., a remedy that ha retained the -"Kmflotrice'oTfaepKfbrnWrly Jb ycars'inu5t have merit TT ialtfKS, Is the secret ut fra-suKeas; vmetryoueatiors. don't be veisuaded toacaeot aometntna: thereisnosubatitutejfor$.S.8. ItistUeoulf iruart&ileca'tjurMv'vc&etatle blo&a rdrlHer. and fheMaafest afld''nertyT6r,,airijlbod' and trotlbles. IJo-otMerthera' force imihfcrior mineral remed v on vou because there is a'larffer Drofitinit. If vou nave nnv blood or skin eiie, don'r Kfeffltate1 towltmii ftliouf; h; 'yotfr OlManVadvtse'yOU WlUrbut'CBarge. TMtJ 8 WIFT arBUFWS COMPANY, ATLANTA, UA. jjithia 1 Ktrongest Natural Lilhla Water oa tbe Market. A Perfeet Prescription from ! at lire for all Diseases of the Liver, Kidneys, Bladder and Blood Especially recommended and Prescribed by Prominent i'liysii ians Bright' Disease, Albamlnura, Cystitis and tiravrl Sufferers from Bheuniatism. Gout "Harris Litliia Water" the most effective remedy. T eKtimohiala from physician! and patients that eliminate all fju. sli. .lis of doubt sent to any address. at a Table Water Harris l.llliia is Unrxci'lleil, IT IS I'LEIR, PUKE, riI.OKI.EH8 AMI hl.11,111 I V Arm. f-tlnTrboys and Demijohns, Cases of in gal. bottles. Sparkling: Pints ana Quart. UAX L. JACOBS, Local Seven Springs Bplendid Location. Largs and Corn-1 mod lout Puddings. Drinking Water Excellent. 1 Flrat-chut work In all department. , Board and tuition rates very tow. I for further Inforaatloa address, X. Ai BIMPKINH, Principal. ... Bivaa Braiaoa, N. C. notice af Dti$olntloirof Cbjimfiiier hlp. The CopaaartaTpkieratofor eilstlng between erBak-'flakkBT aufl ITai ! B. Blade under tha aaae aad style of Far ale Uaaklll Civ,' It Ihlk rHy dissolved by mntail enwseat. Wot, B. Blade baa old hi iaieresl la said copertqarahlp to Feral Uaaklll and' 'ssld1 'Tarail'VsshUI has ttahmed sJI rhWdetill aad ' tlkbitlllaa of the said eoftaaawahlev All the debu dae taa Brat lo he peM l rerulai Uaa klll. - ... - ,, -T, , , . . This the toth, day of Jsty .001. 'fiBJtnt dABKILU ''"Wss. B. ELAHKa. . I have trveral desirable Reel dear for saka. situated la the Awat lealasuee part of the City.' Also seat ber a good UlLIU Ld. 1. nJ Im.IIU I . . . J..WOLrlaDBI iefiracn CapUai. tarpla aad rrWIta isM.M " Aran, tan, mi. What We tfav Doea, ' DaaaJ ' ' . ' WUt CaatiaaM to Da. . : ;. This Baak eeadaeta Ha husUats epot ur-to-uow" taethed. , , 4 ' HUourpnrpoa a deal JusU aad liberally with all. ' . . i Wcoarafally aafecsar.1 tb tUrau of aer naioaaara, Maveovee, w fre- qaaetly do H aakaowa to llacaa; at op portoali IM ortee Cow tn us IS enannm Ual waya, and yo rtaaot over appadalt Sora ooealdaratliHi. ' ' . . WiiisM UUpnwal to overlook the fact that tka rntaroit of tbe Iaak tad Ihna af lbs people tre!oely boaad t ttar, tad eaaaot by aay aseaat tw ppraia1. Ihl litnW Mt as a rapoattory frr Win., aad ' aafalr keen till th nmtMir tlata of irrmUf. W lllalaoaet! M Iha rnxorilaa of ay or panara k-ft alik l eacrnw. ho (larg lor tka Tlfa. Wtrr.fur I tlart of Crlt fof I. l r.! i t, f rtl)ta I Vi .a lo t prompt, Pfograaalv tad I:'-t.I r- I.'lo, . lils u!n f, -.It. I I allh .k In- 4 6.6.tAbm ukl .-J ... I'trwaswisBlgU.; s. &. else -mt ... .t,..,. -a skin dis- bur jphysicians will carefully consider Book on Blood and Skin Diseases' Ires. "Water. 4 -a - ' W a - ft S. Smaa-bota , ifOfc. .afS-l: ImT.TM Everywhere lor M and all Uric AcU Poisoninir will find rl2 r 1 3 A I.I. O E l IiKRS. riatribator. NKW BKIIN CONC'LA VK48A, Improved Urder lleplnaopbs, meets 41111 aniMll Tborsday riglus, at K o'clock nt It 1 Ire IUH. lr. E. P. Kaily, Arrhon; .1. .1 Tolson, J r, Financier; (loo. 1). (Jonlnt r Hecrelary. NEW BRHN LODGE No l,r. II .V C J. O.' Pea lea, Prest; J. ir. Smllh. lie cord In Hec'v:It. H. Hill. KlnnprtHl Str.'v Meets In tbo Knla-hta of llsrmony Hall every 1st and 8rd Monday nighta In curli month. eilAtCN tOftOK NO. 1 KM1UUT8 OP HAHMONY. Meuia 2nd and 411 Wednesday nlibts In each month In rtonntrcu's Mall. Pollock ttw-ct, at 7.:n O'clock. J. J.Wolfenden, President; R. J Bleoawev. Perfy: R. R Hill, Financial PsVirelarv. ' ' 1. I.VAUII, 4 Attornaf at Law, T4 Ho. I rout ft , (pp. Hotel (Tmtiawka J NKW WCKN, N. V. .1 raven l otinty Attorney. f I ri-.i O frttv. n Ji.m f k . -1 . . (',. etrit I amllco. I recne, lsqoir, and U.e ........... . . 1MI. relleller, f AtTORNtV AT LAW. 'Mid Jle' Street, Lawyers Krlil 'l Billilag. f'wui rtrMile la the OnaaitM 01 c'ravaa Trlm il.Jomm (MMlow anu I'aaillKu. U. H OOa ri mi aw Mara 004 iilm Ooara i - . - ---... t. atf Bisiaia'aa, . - Ti, 0. Ward 2 31MT10NS A WARb,''-' J ' tlTOtKE) t aal COUSfUawj t r ' LAW. ' a "i - -wwtt sv sv cot. "Ha. OUo M Bo, Front B treat. Dearly oppo- . ,. am uotei uoauawia, " ' v fOfftoa ateo at )UleIb.) . PrVtlc la tb ooaaila of -Orsvea. Oaplla, Jose, Onalnw, Csrtcret, Pamli co and W, in trl,ratircuM and jr4. tal UoerU, and Infarct aorvH-e are a-wlred...' mm W bare a lull linn of I'maxer ron alatlng of tli 1 lf;liUilnf. U lilta Moiia t In, v.i-iii. W otwler, liranl end kn tin. Our iria an low snd t'y are "Id ralwhle lrir aid w "IW't ymir irtlrrs We Lav) tlw m la sll slae (mm ofi pint lo tan qnarlr. . t . " Ti'iifa tmly, :n V3 j V i ( j u'.r. DEPARTMENT OF PHARMACY KlIiiiTBisiij of KnriJ Unm - faculty Of inc. o'J r'tnder..v Well I quipued I aborau rii . ' IhorouKli VI ork. IU1IMH $00. OTHER EXPENSES LuW Fall term beging ! cptember nth, Addrese,-- F. P. VENABLE, President, Chapel Hill, n l KXvM'iilrlx Notivx. Having tbimlay qualitied fin Esenili'x ott he lent Will and Tt-.m Kinen 1 of .lutiu 1 Dinkins, Ift'e of N w Iter 11, (Irrpusell, thin in to notify nil pi-rins; I'lallllN l.'Kllll II. 1! I'Hl ! nl im Ii simiu tii pri-n-nt the iiiii, .n i rl iiniln-uii i-Hii'd, lo n-e. or lo niv Aiinni'-i. . .1, 1 before the :r I iIkv ' Aiienl IHo'i it,. uolii'f Hill In-vlKt''d In lnri.l ili.ii 1.. nui-rv. A ll'rniii luil lili'l iil mliie will iimkr or pi it'i' ,NNA IHNKIN . I'".ii riii lix .i s II. ( ' 1 1 ; A H . N. IV111, N. t; , Aiigu.-.! H, 10-11 . -Extrlx Nikli''. ITavlnir-oilulilii .1 lift Kvrflltlly of ll.i. I.Htl Will kiiiI TeHlliment of V ! I Tarke. ileeeaueil, fill pirsons imlebted lo Hnlil emaie sic neieny reiuedieii in mike .niiiiit payment to the uniler alirnrd anil nil ncraonii holilinir claim agaiiiM naid eatatu are notltied to pre sent llie ssme on or neiore ine 211111 11 a y of July, 11)03, or this notice will he pleaded In liar of their recovery. KLIZAHKi II II. i:i,AKlvlt, Executrix. This July 2f.lli, 1901. Graham Academy, MARSHALLBKKO, N L'. A College Preparatory) School for young men and iPpomen. Umlor tlio Aus.ii s of t!ur Mi'tlimli Fisi'tal Chiirclt. A Christ. mi limne local.! in mit! of ttlt' ln-r.ltliirst sfcti-'iis f llu- Slate. A full corps of 4-oiiilriil t-at lit is H 11 i l.lins i.t l n puii 1 il anl fur nislii-il. 'I li' tlt'ililmili I ahsolutcly fn-r fi. iu tln onlitiary vils of tt ti life. ' In jiililili.m to tin regular ioni ,f, Itusinrss I )rpa rtini'iit )i-is 1mm-ii mtili'il. which includes 'lli";i:iiili y. Ty - w t it -in, KUmofrrajiliy and liook kri j in!'. Kail Term lifj'tns 11 i .t. Vnd. For further I arln nlars aihln-. UEV. T. M. LKV:TKf, Ft- t M 1CHM AI I.UKI Bingham School, H.'.N'JK COl'NTV. Kot hand'.oiiiely illnslrati d t ;i! .l.jMitj .etit free. (!(iie I t E -los Lkvms f)HA, I'. L., I'rini ipal. r . U. UNIVERSITY of North Carolina TIIK UK tl Of the State'n Edsrstlobal Sjleni Acedrmic Itcparlment, Law, Medicine, Pharmacy. YlavHsrhrfHrihlis K, ec 1 nit Ion tn fbtcUeti ud mlrrHtem' soot. I.i.aut for the seedy.? ; ItfHtudeelt, tSinstrnrtors. New Dormllnrlee, Water Woika. ( (n tral t-'eallnx By item. 1M(40 apt nt lo Improreinenla In 1100 and IWI. fall leim beftlns SepUmher 8 1M1. Addrett, P. P.- VENABLE, President, .wvf-. Qhapcl lllll,N.C. Jk A Summer . Outing . m h. . . u 1. 1- , j will m Rvn m,ia,im ll f 'M Mlt alone a hkndHin rarjfa milt, inad and nmaini at aa anmiw nminirr, fnis (ir4 Iroiitert i niin (rii natcrlal in wmtiixla. eaalnar. tor cheviot, that m wit. Dial. ..ii, In i lis t mrimt 'I. ot ill and Bntth. and la tt h that only a artlut can f Iva, 4ur style It petfett mir falirii etrhislv and or Nt tad Unllli eiqillaltn; . - t - , 'V, "N. Clmd w If k;.; OAflTOniA.

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