:f r . f -f,t " I WOKiNQ IM PUS LIC. a. . J I The Kind Yon Have Always Doir U, and UcJ Las been V: ia us for over CO years, bas borne the signature of f"7f''' 9onal snpervlflion since Its infancy. t-uc44 Allow no one to deceive you In this. . All Connterfelto, Imitations and Just-as-good" are bat . ;.. Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health of , Infante and Children Experience against Experiment What io -CASTO R I A Oastoria Is a harmless' substitute for Castor Oil Pare - gorle, Drops and Soothing Syrups, ;, ft Is Pleasant.? It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotler substance. Its age Is its guarantee. It destroys worm and allays Ferertshness. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cares Constipation - and Flattdency. s It assimilates the Food, regulates the . Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. "The Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend. " GENUINE CASTORI PC ALVAJ8 Bean the Signature of If Iff J7 V . mWaW . .aLa -. J -M . m m.mw .am ThelM You Huyo Always Foiighfi For Over. CO Years. In Usa - " tut entTAuH HMwm tr nrnm eraee. aiweoaaerrv. r 4 Beautyis Health. . . : s- affect Lake, Ark., Junes, MOt. - Ithnkyoafor tannest I reoeived from', your edvioe ud the Win ol ! Cardul I took ia fcytorrlbtaoondltloB, Uj lite tu ino pleasure j - to mo at all and I wee of no ae to anybody. After meelTint T' tSvlee Sf? J . - oommenoad teJclns It ud befaa immediately to - Improve. The Bene ten me and the mentee, which am at the tnmt that, eontlnoed thro ' dan. I have mined ttrenath and my weighs ' mj aaeoema wmjm env MraTTizZlj jaaMMIMUU mm bright eyes, reey chulu. dear txiykid tas elattmry w rerm . Thai a tht ytatfc mm mi by yaert-4hs,, -beauty ol perfect wamnhaol BcairttM wav, rata kippwr and (a mot ao of aft than . their jlitcra ha fact! Mkjfo MHtrbtg - WIm ol Cat, mm Mr. MmmU "fctttw Uat kMwltafliUrylapaiicuaiachr allhaiarrlwapilM, uthlocatkia. ItgrvlngliMManoaafi Im aaln which ma their Hvc as WwratM. mi amadattd forms art tharuulta of affir)M-. I haaKh. baautf 1m4 ftwdom fnm tht ong. WM laco, Mjura yta What nHcrin cm cam. par with tht tartura af Irregular saamtniiUaa, hucorrhen Mi taUlngaf Swwombt Beauty flaalratMf.vat aiMMiM -Th tharp pabM at hlftag f tht womfe oaapM tht crew tncki m tht fact. Mcntntal hngularttict rMthttytWMllnMdtht eomploJoa ol Ht traaaraaty. ncorrlitn oralw tht toty of Me ttrtngth, hot wh of Cardui rutora the aatural baaaty. krijhtaM the . eicart the coajplaitloa. hi thb city oaiuUci $LS4 kottkt otWbttof .,. - V,- . i i A Good Telephone PERVICK 18 A. U08INB88 S - ME0Kfl8ITY, A HOME ; CONVENIENCE." COM ' BINED . . . . j .. , ' . ; 4..SnliYt' v Convenience, Ordsr Year Phone at Ones I i , Service of PnfcllCatioW-ROTIt'I ! f 'NOKTH CAROLINA,) Crto County.' f 'Wlbo Superior Court DtTld Wllaos tod Polly Ass Wllo,bUl(e, ,-, ; ' ' Jobs O. Btrenpard, st sL- : ? ' 4 UOTICK ! u v , t4 . ' Tbt defendant above named will take Jintloa that so scilon eetltled aa abora ate bera commenced In. tbe Hnperlor . Otmrt of tlraren eoanly to perfect the title to two certain kxt of land tltnale is tbt elty of New llers N. C snd fao lag pa Uermtn snd Jones ttreett, tnd to cancel t certain tlted to en Id property - InprnrKirly make it tald defendant snd . tht Mid drrendant will farther take notice that be It roanlrcd to appear at - tha avt UirM of the Hnnerlur Conrt of 4 oald oottnty to he bcld on tbe third kon-j 4layla Btptrmler, 1901, st the coort aoHM of Mid ooooty l Jkcw Bera, N. O. - and tntwer or deaMtr otho complaint 1n Mid neiloWl ortao elalntlfrt will ap- Iily to tbe Court for the relief demtndid a eald onmplalnl. Thlt llet day of Jrfna. I'. 01: . - r .., . W. at Wstaiw.- r - v - ; - ':. c,8.o . To roreclose Mortgage. STATE OF NORTH CATtOLIXA I; t . OHAVtN COUNTY. ' T ( i . "i BnperiorCottrt. Henry W. McKtlif sad wife Jennie .11. Tbe defendaaU abort named win tabs notice that an notion entitled ae abort hu Inea commenced' In lbs Superior Court of Craven county U foraclote the mortRagtexoonteCi oj them to tut riein- ttn npoa ua laon -aoacnoea in nta otort cure, and that the Mid . defendanti will further take notice tbat they art re quired to appear at the aait term of tbt Superior Court of Mid County to be held on the ins. Monday titer tne nrtr Monday In September, it belns Ike 10th day of September, 1001. at tbt Coort Unuae of etld eonnty la . New Bern. N C . tad anewar or demur to tbe plain tlfT Im ..IA mi lln Ar th nl.lnl R . w 11 apply to tt-t Coort for the railcY do- ntandeJ la Mid complaint. ' . i ! ! Tblt tht ltih day of July, 1001.'- .-. w. m, watson, aia: 1 r:icncAL E::cATioN';i In AtrlcnlUirOi Fft(;ltiir(n(;.'V- tbuntu AHanmlCctton Mamilki't. nrlnir. a cnmblnatlori ( tliivirr and prncllo,"! tn(iy and manual tm in, l7 Imr. Tuition ';o a ur. Total ex4ine, Incltitlliiir cb'thinff ami h.Kl. l3-r-. Thirty t-a l"rv!VC atiidmil. Neil eealin b-gin rb'tUniler 4th. - v YtiT cntiil.(Ti t,li!r- Gen. T. '- WlnUn, I'ltolciiTtt ; n. r. nii.i.rfiE r. t Mr ; Kxecntor'a ItTollee. tlarlni tblt day tjnallfted M Xzeeator of tht lMt Will anil Tnument of rrtnk D. Pettlpber. deotated, tblt hi to notify alt pertoni bavins el alma acalntl tbt eetete of my lealatorto preeent the ttme. oronertr aothonilcated. to me. oa or before tbs 11th day of July 1003, or Ibltaotlot will be pleaded In bar of I heir recovery. All pertoni Indebted to laid relate w U make prompt twrmeet. - , - H.T.rULCUEtt, ,, Exeflotor. J1y lltb.1001. . r. A. Oraaew rvaa. X. B. BTeaSawa, T. Fnoj . a. i , or jrrvniairjjr.r Oolrtf Oenersl Banking Business March 1, 1901, Burplue tnd Uadirl- " . : ded Profita, ia.ooo.no. Prompt and careful attention eHmn to all hunlnreit enlnipUMi tn ne. Arconntt received on faroralilt lma. tttarS mA trtm. rr11n.(t tllnsa I. t. H".1.--. I4.mui.l W . IfxM-k. ti ... H. roi.r, K W. ,... uod. tmm. a. uh. Mark Di' y. IE. I?. Inira, th. .... J.,... . . h . ... . 1 " .. t . it . 9. tfysdal CorrespondeBce. Many vlMtors to Washiugton hare hnd their atteutiou diiected to "the old lady of the wiiidSw" of a bouse on tht north Bide of F street, east of Thlr- ti'cutu. In what la new the principal retail ahopplng district of th city. Bbq has been for a-core of years at much of a character o the' capital as S number of others wno rrom one or nothcr phase of eccentricity have gone Into prints For Ucnriy years -tne old lndy of the window" bas sat there watching the tide of time sweep away one dwelling , after -.another ? to make room ror tne erection or ousinem houses. - 'Her name It Julia Hanson, ad In' early lifo sU It said to have been one of the noted octorooa beau nes of Washington.- A iew weeks ago the sold her home, tn -one of the front windows of ;whjeb her. wrinkled snd Withered features -have .been framed day In and out for nearly 40 years. Title to the property was" several times attacked in the courts, but Aunt Julia was able to maintain her home. A ro mantic Story is 'told.-of her early life snd the affection cherished for he by southern families of prominence., ft is snld there , was left with Jier when tts war- of the rebellion began a large sunn ' of money, computed to be over $80,000, by S family who went south" and joined the Confederacy, which thi faithfully guarded until tut close of the war and returned to the owners. ' During xtbo war ; Annt o Julia -kept boarding hotma and- bad for guest s numberof army offlctrs. Tb old lady ia nnw nr fr2 veart at ace. -. She re ceived a large sum for ber street property snd tn . addition to that hat considerable means. ' The bid dwelltng has been tors' downi" and S modern business house is now tn coarse of Con struction on th sits. ' ' V 4r, Tbe Ubtme.aanaaw. ww i i The division of bibliography of tbe Ll brary of Congress bas Just brought out f Union List ot Periodicals, Transae. tlons and Allied Publications CurrenUy Received W the1 Principal Libraries of the District of Colntabla." If U1 sn prise many readers of this document to discover bow many libraries of suffi cient Importance for consideration in such ft work exist In this District'. The war department alone. baa three, the departments librara propet the adju. fant geberars library and Ihe'bWgeon veneral's library; the Interior oeparv merit four, the patent Office library, the teoloslcal soipvey.'ithe boreaa ot Amert. can ethnology and tbe bureau of educs Jtlon llbrarlesi th,reasury department two. that af tbeabareau or statistics snd that of the coast ana geodetic sur; ver: the department of agriculture two. ttt own proper sud that or the weather bureau; tbe depaftlfipnt" of state and tbe navy deportment out taoh, -and the Smithsonian InsUtutlou one. of.. Whics It takes entire charge snd another which It leaves In the custody bt tbo Bbrsrltn of " congress. "Then there IS also of course tbti greatest of an, tbe Library of Congressr?- a CwM li avtaflaW OaSSeatSaa;-''.. f A pretty diplomatic romance bas Just come to light ..with , the format : aifc onucement of the approaching, nla rlage of llr. Solomon Berliner, Amer. can consul at Tunerire, uanary istanas, Snd MlsrJennlarOVe Ottbls ily. Between postage stamps and. wed- dlns towns there may seem to be s Pwlde arnlf. but It Was through the me dium of tbo former tbat mim vneo- berg iron tbe latter, snd m addition to bringing hit pretty . American corre spondent a promised , collection , of itammf Mr. . Berliner brought ber s wedding gown aa welU' i- - V Mr. Berliner wcclvtrt in tits man one day at Tenerif e a f resli, bt!(-ht, piquant letter -from s student at Coltiinoiaa nnw varsity this city, asking that be Mrs ber a collection of poslnna stamps. Tht fetching tone of the loiter and Its ele gant execution brought about a regular correspondence between the young dip lomat and tbe schoolgirl Atlas Otten berg bad written almllar letters to st least a hundred members of tbe cnitea States consular service. As sbs receiv ed prompt attention from all at well at pretty souvenirs from sll parts of tht world. It seems a bit or (ate inai nr. Berliner should have been tbe lucky man to win bef band.-. . ; To Bawajtlry the CasltaJ. . "Frederick Jw Olmstead. D. II Butabom snd Char let 9. McKlm who were appointed s commtfeetod to dovUe means for beautifying Jus, cttf ;of Wssblngton, bsve returned sfter s trip through tbe prindpai European' eldus In search of suggestions foe their work. Mr. Olmttctd Mid the results' bad been Mtufaetory.. : "We spent two months In Washing ton before we started," ssld be, "work ing out tbe general plan of hnprove tnent Our purpose In going abroad Ws to study tbe solution of similar "Hroedly speaklog,'! we intend te go beck to tbe plan hade a century and S half ago by Chariot Peter LKofsnt onder tht direction of George Wteh- liii'too.' Coder this plan tht Wall was eot of the mott ImDortant faaturet of Washington. During later years It hm been enet tight Of and broltia Tn, an that few persona really know t. ut siaii ejiirs to the city." J J. Vukrf r Twtr-a Im" 5I"C four windows on tbe east title If tlio eiecurire manaton bars Jut hot n unshed for the flint tlmt In 29 ypurs. BtTcn preilib-nta hert ocm, pltd tlio manelon during that period, but nono of thrn ever order"! a clr-nn-luir of the n'-i'Viws. . 'ihe fnr wlml'iwt ie Oi.-rvnl from tint rr-rior of the riwtitlvo mansion. InltTlor Is bonrdt-d tip, "d oil a are hung ovor thrm. The irn t lie Muturlc "t rwin almluw, the othr four nut t rt.nt. ' ' t. 1 YeMnpt"!i a - . I rr .-- er en', ,.'y from a m-w r-r- Ihetr Window Artlaaaa Caa Can- aae Good HcmBaeratlaa. A Broadway shot manufacturer was asked what metiioa ol auvenising ne found most prolltable. , ,. . Placing my men near the yindow,". he said, "so iliey can work In view of the public. I don't know of anything that catches the attention of the passer by more quickly than the sight of S demonstrator sitting close to the win dow running a machine for.dear ltfe. ' "Manufacturers of ail kinds of goods have adopted this plan. Walstmakers put their most sUUlcaworKera on ejuu bttloh to show how tlie finest garments are cut and sewed. Cigar manufactur ers take tbe public Into their confidence and let them eo the process or rolling as berfonnedJby tbe, cleverest" bands. Men who deal tn mechanical contriv ances have found thai It pays to have at least one machine set up near a 'win dow so the crowd outside may observe the intricacy of its parts and tne rapuv ity of Its action. Jewelers nave station ed their most expert lapidaries witnin view of tbe street that possible custom- era may 'see now precious stones are eut and polished and set. ' ' ' "It isn't everybody wno can wore ra nubile. It takes s Dessau with good - : '. ... m atroua: nerves ana concentration oi thought to dQ difficult work In a show window.'-1 have men in my empioy who ate excellent workers, but they get flustered When subjected to unusu al surveillance and rutn -everything they put their hands to. X have tried some of them ss wlnaow operators, put they can't get used to it , , . "A man wno can run a macnine a full tut or palht s picture or fry pan cakes or Iron s shirt in tbe fun gaxe oi the public' eye and not lose bis head is an artist and worth several dollars more a week to his employer wan we more modest individual.' And he gets K too,"--New York Sun. " . r 1 Asthmalena Erinjrs Instant Reliof v v. . inianent Cure in all Cases. UUa uuJ a) anrt 1 Per .f'-.u "SENT ABSOLUTELY FREE ON-RECEf T OPH'OBTAL'' Caer . 1 YuAI-C, I- i Thiols BotlMi.like ATHM-l i 7 UEMFjr'lt l.rit.ga'Hirf'ut'relie', , .even in'tlio tt'or,t cfi'e. It'pures , tvhett all olso'f dls."1 ' ' ' ' ml J, tii- Aaaerleaa DlvnmS Ia tMtlsk bravts. It bas been almost custom," says tbe Toronto Mali and Empire, "owing to the difficulty ot obtaining a divorce IA Canada, for dtlsens unhappily mar ried to go to the united States ana ob tain a divorce after a few months' resi dence. Returning to Canada, soma of these have remarried In the belief that the divorce was valid. ,i How; the oe Clslon bf the . bouse of lords' In Earl Russell's' case ' Is tbat ' only British courts can annul s marriage contract ed ander British law". As police ofn- cars., crown attorneys and aggrieved persons can lay Information In bigamy cases tbe lot of tboae who have remap-' tied on the strength of United States divorces will not be S happy one should decisions here follow that In tbs house of lords. Some families, It Is thought, will take time by the forelock I migrate to the United State" . ' J fhd Rei.rr F.WlJiXHof Villa Ridge, IH., ssyai trial bottle of Asthma- ,f- At Liui UKlved In eood.eonflitifMt..u i mut t. not tell yon how thankful ( feel for tiio :i good derivel (r)m It. (l cannot tell yon ? ' howtlmnkfiil'f fuel for the good disrlved Iw f iTMd.it: I was a ilave chained with' p t ; tnusoro utroat nn Asthma for tan i,r, yran I (lestinin-ditf ever being eared. I saw your nilvortiseuieiit for the-cure of . thw droatlful and tormenting disease, "f' ABthma, .and thounht yon t bad 'over nr spoken yourselves, but aeso bred tO'Eive tit U f trial- ' To niy astonlsbuient, the trial acted bke a charm. Send me a full size .""bbttle." ;r" 7 REV. BR MORRIS WECHSLER . t : KSbbl ot the Cong, VnaiJsrael, , f"t. - rtew lors. Jan. . l01.. MSDm. Tavt-Broa' MRmonn V.. ti'J' 5 Gentlemen; Your Asthmalene 'Is an excellent remedy for-Asthma rand- Hay ' ' fever, and its composition alleviates aH trhnhW which combine with Anthfnai v'Its success Is astonlshiue and wonderful opium, morphine, chloroform or ether.,: Very truly yours, j' ft - . " '4 - Avon SrsiHOS. N. Y.. Februarv 1st. IDOL. . Tin. Tin Ttsna. MkdicinB COMPan. . - . . Gentlemen:--! write this testimonial from a sense of duty, having tested the wonderful effect of vonr A thmalehe, for the cure of Asthma. My wife - has been tfBicted with spasmodic asthma tor the. past 19 yearaTw' Having exhausted' my owa skill as well as many others, I chanced to tee your, sign upon your windows, on 130th street, Hew V or, l at once oDtamea a Dottle oi Astumtiene. sly wile com menced takine it about the first of November. I very soon noticed a radical im provement. After using one bottle her Asthma has disappeared and the is-entirw-ly free from all symptoms; I feel thab I can consistently recommend the medicine : to all wnojire amioten wiw mis uisiressiraj uisease- , . .f - . . ,;. 1 mils lo.ysviuuj, j w. v. luvutav. , Dr. Taft- Bros. Medicins Compaiit, f i : ? -. Febmsry Btti, W01. -v Gentlemen: I vu troubled with Asthma lor S3 years.-1 have tried numer ous remedies, but they have all failed. I ran across your advertisement and started with a trial bottle. 1 found relief at once.j I have since purchased your full sloe bottle; and I am ever grateful. 1 have a family of four children, ana for six years was nnaoie to worsv t-amuow mne.oesoi ueau anuamuoing Dustness every day. -This testimony you can make such se of as you tee nt m .-. T Homeaddnss.' SSSBivinston street. , S. BAPHAEL. 87 East 129th St., New York City. : 4. a ' ' . ? , - .-'t- IMB tABU MO.' f' ta takt Efleoi rVediiesUy, Jofy 1 th,' 19(11 at 19,01 X.H., iVb ' Doing Bail ) Bcauwuci Ootag Wast ' No. - 'i Paatenger Trains ' -c No, 4 . p 4 DAILY, - , KP" -f. Watioiw: t' Ar.aaVI : )ttn.J.li. Goldaboro..;...i.,.iloi 14 Q'.V,;.i. lsQransw..'..,.'.;.10IS 14 89 v. wKinatott.'... la ,,Arr New Bern, Lt,,.. 1 9t !B SO ....kLr. " 1 Ar. in 7 W.U.Ar. Morebead oity Lv.... . T H ' 1 No. , , I No. t, Passenger. I aTa.no: I Paseengar irala. J Tiaui UiijL V; ; , ;. 'Ar.p.j 8 0u. . v.,'...Ooldsboro a 40 '8 83.4..rt...'. Best's... , g if 8 81 tLaOrsnge 8 07 j8 4i,.,,.,. .Falling Creek 7 67 851 .........Klndoa 744 ;B 93.. ...... ...Caswell.. 7t8 !,.... ...... Dover. 9 80. Gets Creek. ; 944... Tuscarore, ...... 9 48...'. Clarke. 10 00. . . . . .Nw , Bern 11 80,. ..ar, Horebead Oity Lv i.n. " . 7x7 , 717 . 7(5 . er.7 . 646 . 4 60 r, k. - No, 1, Mx'diXand i Pua.Tn. aVATIOMB: DAILY. No. 9, Kxt Ft. and Pass. To. Home addrrss,' 986 Biyington street. V TRIAL BOTTLE SERT ABSOLUTELY FREE OH RECEIPT OF POSTAL. f . Donot deh.WrlWSIrtme TAFT BROS. MBDICINECO., 79 last laotb street, Newi York City. ', - aosoctjoecqcooecooooo !f.:;; " wants to nut out a fire 'she doasa't heap on oil and wood, - SSt throws on wster.knowlngmat waterquenchea fire. When a woman wanu to get well from diseases peculiar to" her ses, she should not add fuel 16 -the fire already burning her lift away. . She should sot take worthless drugs and potions composed ol harmful naroot les and. opiates. - They do not check the disease they do not curt they simply add fuel te the tire. - v. ' oraaiieiae remaw Regulator should be taken by every woman or girl who baa the tllgnlest suspicion of an? pi in pn tnnnt which ai-lliet They will etmpiy waaling cima tlltb.v take it. he Regulator U a par II y I as, strengthaaiog tunic, which acta ' at tha roots of tha QiMftM aod curat Hieeauaeti It Sou aot drug lb vaia. It araieaw It. It Mope failles "I the womb, laucorrhoa, inflammation and periodical Mflorlna, tr rasalar, acaaly or painful manttreattoe; aad by doing all this drlvet away tha kaadrad aad see aebaa and palne which drala kaalth end baautr, aappiaeee and good temper Iron many a womea'a lira. lUelhe oe remedy above all others whloh every wemaa ahoald kaaw aboat aad eta, j ' The be ' 1 untl J The PUBLICATION 011 SUMMONS. 1 NORTH CAROMNA 1 Bnoerior Wl famlioo county ., uourt. Mlasoori Oraddock5 ' ; vs. Butt Oraddock., - Notice to Burt Oraddock,, defendant. Take notice-. That the plaintiff hat com nenbed an action In tbo Hnperlor Court of Pamlico, entitled as above, for the norooee of obtaining a olvorce irom me bonds of matrimony, the complaint hav ing been Bled la ue omce oi tne eiera or said court. The defenasnt, nnrt Ursa- dock, will therefore take notloe tbat un less bo appears st the nest term of -the Saperlot Court to be held at tbs onrt bouse in navDoro on ( tne otn nonuay after the lit Monday IB Beptember 1901, belnr October tbe Tin lwui. ana answer or Aemar te tbe eomplalat .iof plalatiS, tbs plaintiff will be granted tbe relief demanded tB her complaint., This cths qm day or juiy ivui. r - vY.T.CAUO.flalntint Attorney, a Notice. Ta Am-'tf, 1 kaawaboataa , si.ee v ' . ( . .' t L any Irai etere. - i SSWSSrttt lall 0O9 tTt j a UI.Hretet took. UtTWBrdfltU v- egnUtor Co.' NORTH CAROLINA.'' I . Cabtkbst Coortv. I Baporior coort ' . uiwitfnliitlinr m.i.aif J. ATlAlLKYj Defending : Tbe defendtnt above named will take tot lot that an setlosj entitled at above ktsbeesi eommenotd In ! tbe Superior Court of . Carteret County to obtain dlvoroe upon tbs ground of abandoa- tMBt, and tbe defendant- will tanner taka antlna thai ha hi reuulred to annoar at tha nait tares of tha 8nnerlor Court ef laid county to be held oa us 'loan slondav alter tne nm atonnty in oep- tember, 1901, It being tbs 30th Sf tVip- tsmber. 1UU1. st tit omir oouaa oi aaiu eonnty. In Beaufort, N, 0.. and answer or demur to theootnolalat la saia aeuon u tkn nUlntirr will annlv m the court tor tbe relief demanded la the said eont- alalnt. " ' '. ' ' ' I BIS l aay oi uTiei, iwui. r - la A. GARNEbV u 1 . t ; - ; Clerk Buptrtor CoorV IiITTr.ETOTT fzrrh Ccllcr o. The' Farmcrs'&41cr 33-&T3-w.. Uricnlfure l Mrclianle . BAI.Hiill, ti. C. UJhmiWrdWusdt.jU'.-;. .:: art. '. i: t ti.-it !Hl'' ; x f . A r i One. of tht mott proeperout Inttlta tlons for the hlnl'er etlncal lot of ynong women In tht South. - ranaccs Water kept In tht balltl ng. Kl-"'nlb Annutl Beeeloa b glnl Vp. .ulil8lh.. ' ' Kor ctialoete adtlrtet - Ftr-rdmr Win ' a, IJltleWB.N. C. , 15. Ia. vai:x, Attorney at Lsw, 71 So. Front ft , Opp. 11 '11 01iall.-.a, NEW Pt:i;N, N. C. Cran-n ('.iui!y An ,fT" J. C'irpilii. CraN' rrU I'anilii... Hn Hupwinc ami rHI' .T O . I ml C'-nrU. r NOHTIl CAIt'iUNA, I In U I'sinli'n (J'.unly. I Hiirii.t ( M ' :-"-t. riaititiff. Caplut, Surplus and Fronii MMS.M f AfRIL ISIh, Itei. What Ws , Hsvs Dons, Do. and Will Continue to Do. - Tblt Btnk coadurtt lis builnct npoa "ut-to-Bow" nurthfile.. . It la our pnri"e to noal Justly an lllxrallv Willi til. We latffuily Mfrrnard the Internets of CMir cu''-inr,rs, MorpoTrr, we fre- qnrti! y 1o H tlnsnuwn IO inrni; i'j p. .ruin ! i ' of tf-q rf mo to ns In on nil 'Un til,) em, ami yrni ( snnot orer-apfKM lalt ik h cnniili r'Uliin. VS e aie mil posed tn orerliuik tbe f I tliel the liilcrris of the lUnk end llitwe f Hie pwipia are ctnar-ly lionnd to C -r, n-l can not by any airnne br - - nraLf !. I ult I'-enk ana as a rrpoeliory for Wi,;, end eMy "!' t." till 11-e pror pf t!me nf mirrrn;;. r. ill ft1 ' a I ! M! rnlix!'nn Cf rt'- nt -y or p! 1 l-fl r tin -eo HEADQUARTERS FOB ' " HARDWARE And all Kindt of .JtJIlM'lUTEBIAL , 'mrm m ' Heatfttf ana Oookfng Stoves snd ngee4Iime, Cement, Plastsr, fsints, Oils, Varnish, Putty r 8asb, Ooors, BUnds,'Ciitlar7 and all tbe osefal BTtfcleeoiaallv fonnd 'In an CTp-to-date Ilardanss Store, V.s ' Ar. p m 800...... ..Goldsboro 5 88 . 88 Beat's 4 58 6 0O..........Laraage 4&8 6 15. FsUlng, creek 8 58 ( lftjfcmtfirfj&bmiam . 8 88 .7 23,...,,oaiwell. , 9 98 7 57.,.,.. .Ar. Dover, Lv 810 !8a0.......ooreore v..... 110 8 55.... Tusoarora 12 48 15..'.. . . . .H . ;olark's . . I ...... .18 40 9 85 Ar. New Bern.Lv 19 10 No. 9. f No. 10. 180......Lv. " Ar 1100 8 19 . Riverdale. 10 80 1 80....... .... oroatan 10 00 8 05. r Havelock 9 40 884 Newport, Lv 9 08 8 47.... WUdwood 8 47 863.,... .Atlantic 888 4 08. ... Ar. Morehead oity, Lv. . . . 8 80 4 83. . . .Ar, M. Oity Depot, Lv 7 60 S. at. a , at. Monday. Wednesday and Friday, frueaday, Thursday and Saturday, Special Saturday fc Wednesday Flier. From Goldsboro and Intermediate Stations to Morehead City. Ia effect Saturday, June 89th, 1901, until other wise ordered I Leers Goldsboro 8 40 P. M. " LaQrsoge 4.09 " " Elntton 4 8. ' . " Dover 455 " New Bern 6.00 " Arrive Morebead City 7.26 " All "Week End" and Saturday night ticket's will be honored on this train. The above train to be run on Satur day only. A. at N. 0. RAILROAD COMPANY, Passenger Department, New Bern, N. 0 May 81st. 1901. To all agents, A. & N, C. R. R. ,, SeasoBlOOl . The following rates of Psssenger fare to Morebead City and return in effect Junt lit, 1901. .; .;- jLrOwest Price. 'i'?iU" ! j. s,-w.'--Under Hotel Cluttawkat, ' S i ' - aasymaafc. -J timr'- .'- iv. a K..'r LJ ,,'y .ip'W't'W-; xTLiailways?' loatherh V-v' .-a,''l'al.V kv- Ooldtboro, 4 00 1 1 60 ( I 95 Best's, . 8 78 1 40 1 10 LsQreage, 8 60 1 80 1 00 Falling Creek, 8 85 1 90 90 Etastoa, 8 00 1 10 80 Caswell, 8 00 . 1 00 80 Dovtr, 9 76 90 75 Oort Creek, 9 70 85 70 Tutcarora, 9 05 80 85 New Ben, 00 75 80 ffiverdalev : 1 75 70 65 Oroataa, V - 1 70 85 60 Havalook,, " 1 00 80 45 Newport, t 85 - 88 WUdvood, - t 40 15 IS '' 8eatoo tlokeCgoo4 to rtlira natll OasMoi t, -eV :. - 4.J' - f .Vr-nV-I Anaouncot'thab: (fleetivs June Mrd, A , ."Inaugurated V v, j'.ia'.,. " ty,;'t'i:-f' . - . Which In oonnoctlnn with, the Atlantic and North Carolina Bailrotd - gives Splendid Service to tnd Irom New Bern. Saturday until Tuesday. rMuadav exourtloB. rood for Buadav only, by (aad trains. v- 8ammer Xxcurtlon .Tickets (Season 1901) tram A. N. O. Stations, Rosad Trip for Bevea Springs, N. C. ', ' Bertafier tickeU will be sold frota Stalteat aataed below to Lagrange to partlea vUltlag tbe boots Springs at lbs following rales of fare for tbe Bound Trip. .. . ' - ' ' Ooldsboro, '. $ .70 "Wew Bera, r Hett'a, - rv i fSU Kireraaie, s.to ralllag Creel, M uroataa. . s.ov KIbsiob, M Htvalook, ' 8J CatwtU, mj M Newport, ' - ' 8.45 t . t M WllJaul ' . Baft inma . . ,i v- , uu www, . Core Creek, 1A ,M City, . I Tasoarora, ' -' 1.75-- - . ,. .- Ttckau oa sals Just lit. Vie 00s- traotUckete aad limit tbeta. Ooodto retort Oct. 81s. 1901. All lloksta Stsst - beilgoed, ' -,- ,; ' ' COUPON STATIONS." ' Throe rh rates of fare. Rosad J ,! n V.'a J'.e.l-r. .11. r, I pi in ' row. 1 1 - 1, II. : Mil: C3 : f--r WEST BOUND TUAINB.- ... Bo.T-BHellyv-Ha.lt. I.v, Kw tlsra,. , Ar, (lol'l-.lor l.v, Oolilvhoro Ar. W, " I(al.t(:ll, ' ' " Iiiirl.am, Or-'nslMro .900 11 04 1.04 8 Ml MS 4 4 8.85 " ii 7 00 u.m. , 8.44 ,V 9.40 " 10.H1 " 11.44 " 8S0S.BS. 6.16 Lv. KAB T BOt ND TBAIN1.' H. H-nailr-Wa. SS. rrw.n'.bnrn 19 tl s. m. IJ4'p. m. " li .'i urn -t, " 47 i I i In- 1 I. -rli 6" " J " r i t '' 4 'l 've 1 Ar. ' r 7 I 4 ' 1 i,ni "1 " I v f A r . i i in l'i I " 8.4J r,t fi ll a ...1 trip'.' llrkeU from Coapom Sutlont below te '- ' . poiuU aaaeeo n westers fiona CaTO- . Ilea Itallroad (eaaoa 1901.) TickeU ot) - tale Juse let, 19U1 to Hept, Both, 1901, . t. ' i Inclusive, (lood for return passage oa " : or before Oct. 81st, 1901. .?,' 'i..,. From. .;' ' ' ':, ,. j'. K, ' Ntw Has. : L"r..;i , : To ' City Bern toe Orsags . Hickory, 118.80 1.00 f 11.1J 110.60 r , Morxanton, 14.S6 18.85 11.95 1L8S ' , . " Old Fort 14.85 1185 ' 18.8 J8.M . r:;kt. 16.90 15.90 18.80 I8JW i , Ashrrm ' 18.85 15.85 1145 ' 18.84 , ' IT-.lHprlnrt 11.51 17.55 14.83 16.89 .- !:'. to e'l otliiir reeotis la Waara' " n ( m; na or Vlrtlnla way te fur- i , r .Mi. . 1 i i'.iraa tarter t c , j of a I..-, t I e eheve x B.I, I'ILL, (!. P.A. V j 4 A . .. r , '"''t