o '.,,' t Puh.lbLd every dy In t(iejeit;ipt Hobday, at fct kiddle street. Pfcoiti No. 8. CHARLES L. STEVENS. DITO HD ROrHIBTO. SUBSCRIPTION RATES. .. -Ouynr, in advance ... ........$ Ons year, not la advaaoe. .'..... S.M Monthly, by carrier la the city.. ... .50 ,:.v - ...-,.- v :. '.- Adyettlsing Rate fnrnT.hed on-appH t)i1on." ' ' - Entered at the Post Office, Maw Bern If. CM aa second clan matter. - v t Official Taper of Mew ttr Craven f'ssstyi-,' as Mew Berm." N. iV-Asgntf !. THB-VEGRQ MUSI' ASSIST, IN V V;AI1TENA?ICB tP LAW" " It la not only In the nMcrif outrages if committed by hi own rare,, that . tbe.nr : gro must condemn ami join In crushing k bat la minor cr mlnal matters, the negro mart et himself against, and . assist the law is punishing the criminals, instead of harboring ant ableldlusf the guilty personam ' Newspaper ' report, tell f , ftegr ' Joining the white In visiting a wlft putt-. , ishmeat upon offeariidf rfcrtswhia i have committed outrages, but In rhr leaser, ctlmee, petty" latwrny aaat other ' t)ien.-s, the neg o criminal la made . mnch of y his ' fWlua a, and tat tattle or tisving odiiim g' nsi jaw ana or - der Is .ho bar .tu bla reoaptlaav or -stand- log sarong his fellow:' " - 1st there be a Jsll delivery, and the - ; eaptdntgro'tf ' (tftps 'Shel tered; and hidden by nejuo ay moat hl- ",. And; yew this .) ro elkw ' . ps'tle riving fbesbtllrr liable tosrrast, ' a'thonah sai h tirn atl ?ar taldnsw taade, " It tha rscarwd' prtfwaert can be ' capture! -. .- MlnAr lawlessness an doubt leadr'to ' " greater lawlessness and orlnia, and it. Is i this condemning small e tmesv Met 1ra- IngTlo, reotiv. ihr ofeadet, that 4 u.eoetfT, If the segro la to gain patsm- ' -i relf reiot, ' or the regard of -the whites...... ' . r " To Work oat of the shadow f -crletl-, ftallty wbch Laaga orar 'tbooaatirr - ' negro''rai, the deserving eolored people sanat'racetbemselres flisnly npon th aide ot law and order, and btilsjtel rtv fose to onntcnsnc any trtloa aatonf their ttOB whk-a borders on disorder or , lWfcWrnaryi, ' .-v'v 'yg,: ; There mttst be Do race feeling tuong' taess, Oat shall protect the criminal be." .caase frvoe, but Instead calm, .ball . great or h-sa H its aatnre.maM reeetrr poeltlT-' dhspyrt.TaV ens) tba criminal - moat be act' forth nut of their midst, to ' be dealt with according to l ho' law. . " If this shall bed.Mf, tbeatber nead be no menaw to the peace between . blacks and whtteV t r- f T -. ' .. Tke law will determlaa iba citaa had lU penal r, and "h welt piopU will . . . not feci thai the nrgrn ht a danger to o . OcWiy, and lki'SoiM jr o Kilns) It to . be foowl " b ' ilrraslnatrAB! or1 dtponatlirfi. t h :.I0 'HtWUrd, flOOv V v. The rM4iss ( ihU (pr wHl W pleased lo lews llui- ihr is-atz-lesei , oa dreaded 'dlseaa that arlenca hw . been able tonne inall lis stag, and ' that Is ftUtrrh. . IlslPs Cstarrk I wrr :Uooly pnslilve eure katiwa . Ui th . medical fraleralty. raiarrb rlif eoaatllnUoaal disease rruirr' a roost I ' . talloasl IrsalBMnt. 0aH's4'urrb Car Is Ukr) iBletnsBy. eetlag ilrcl bkoa the blond sad mseoss mirrt of Uh system, thereby destrnylsg the fosads . tloa Of lbs disease, aa4 glvlaig tbefa UeatsiieaKih l) Hotlillng ap theronstl. nUHt ( MvMtn nutnt 1 1Hs h : Work. Tks proprietors have o mnch - - talis la IM rwsaUva powsUkaHhey bffar Oae tluWied tVflrfW bTtry. east . that It Mis to cur. rWhd Imt 'KM af tstimos)lals A klrsss, . , F. . Ciller A COvTaUdoA tohl by DnifEUia, 75c " -1 " EairsVamtl nil' sra ths bsatC . SfSattSvrlaUie HIIHSHi- - " OoMtaatlanpIa, kopm 14 fHnn dlt-irbr ere reported to M rarrd atMura. A iramils, bal no bars beea renelvU. ' Mrf, H, n..ni-ori, .hatffa. r-i SSy "Our 'litis glrrslmost errf 'f : in death with rrna i. The I'of tors lil l eoaMs'l live Iwt s be ws Usism'y - llsved by 'nr'.lHuuU 6i,k mr. T P. Dnffy t'v , . MI.Mtf t 1 W Bst' ' Vr C ' IV-1"nflr4 tuts V'u iit vi ( ;.' i i:-..ty v.'. 'a n. rt!r sn I dfite I's I'm In i f .' "X " .! It m 1 r ' ? W - . ' . r r i t i- v.. r.f 1 ! t' ti t t ' i.' tm in, .a ai ..us tnt. "Tei) juuMn'a Ut &a a qiM "air, bwli'g to tlie Cieaui of n second cousin of tue liride's mother, who kft the fHoilly a little money." "That must hare -been pretty hard on'Jlmson. He likes excitement" . "Oh, there was excitement enough. One of the bride's little brothers hit Jlmaon in the left ear with a bag of rice and tore It loose, and another lit tle brother nearly , broke one of his floating rlba with an old slipper, and somebody flung a horseshoe after them for luck, and it caught Jlinaen to the neck Just as he stuck his bead out of the carriage window. . And one of the unclea came -out with a megaphone end let 411 tne neighbors know that the bappyiair sras!pitced, and somebody broke the cdntegetwtltdsw with rab bit's ' foot wade into" a . paperweight, Hand the homes ran a way, and the driv er fell off the box, and Jlmaon bad to drie the horseathe rest of the way and got to the station just In time- to miss the train. Oh, there was plenty of i excitement for just a quiet, wed dlng.Mtlev!latul Plain Dealer. f bnn1! be satisfled with tontporary r lief from Indigestion.. Eodol Dysprpnls Onre permanently and completely re. tnnves this complaint,. H relelvj per. manenlly brranse it allows 'the tired stomach perht trraCV I k-ttns;- m n'l rest the stomach. Nature receive enp pUefrwnHw food we1 eet.'-'i'bo eenslMr. wayit tieli tM stomach is in tt Kodl 'DyspefMiia Cure, ahlrli (luit what yon eat and can't help but rt " y. n go.vJ. r.,r Dntty 1s,riiayt)4 - AVIntMiimnna.1 XaTormirgnat U-'A nnl vlo- lent and protracted rain stotm, arc.ra. panted by wtn4 fclob-VrB lo Kin sections, approach.! the pmponl os of S hortleorwrf nNw 'ork (1tfv4 Westchester cosaty od th mtrthfAis ern portion of New Jersev.- The mi.t daiea se t 'rwst'l wsa.-'ardenief-CTtyvwbawwelWlnjwiW-wt-ke-t M cloHug c nrck and a theatre. ' ' t VhW ft Talc U Tills. If that mirror -of yours shows wretched, sallow coaipleilon, . a Jinn- dlced lo.k( moA patcher S. blotches oh the skm.'lW slver troubif;- Dr King's Hsw4,e pills rrfulataths liver, purifytba-blned,' ytva rieari tkM, rosy cheeks, rich complesion, Only Mc at 0 D.tBrsdhtm's Urtut store, t ? v.; -y.'-J.w masitiisjo Bulls irnan..- ,.- W'aahragton, D. Aagaati 93 Ttv- law ofBoars of the district base sender- ed as opinion, building that a w.mwn majrba appofoted ss an aoxillary prl rote on the poUc force 1 fordnty t designated place. A.I ths sama : time It Is held that tba Oommlsslonsra -cannot give ft woman' the general . duties of a rmMormantortori ' : . '. . "' . ; :'Astratdc4 ike Editor; y&J? XAum. i..ltrowa,of neanettsrille, 8. - was mmms Immanasly anrprbed. TnrbngH toag'saft'erlng from D) 'pap al. ha.wr1tea. Vmy wife was , greatlv rondewaSboibadwatreagtbor rigor end suffered , (rest, distress, from ber stomach, bat shr tried Elsctrto IlhV rs which hlpel ber at ones, and, -after atnt roroUlrvsbaL-ls awtrrSsyTVell, cwsWatyiMagt lrs m -fvanA. loole, ahd Its t entle laxativsqnsllttes are splea did for torpid liver." For Indigestion, Lossnr Aprne, iBtosaacb and Liver troiiMMirst posftrve.gaarsatesd care. Only 80c at O. D. Brsdhsms' drag stoit srv -vV ' '' ' " f -' ' ' 1 ". - ; Brir war ,-. ', Beleoa, Mont. Aagost S-ktrs Zin Tng..arsl wife of lbs. lats Brighsm Vosag,' passed Ikmusb ' H leas rn rnts8alMaay.Uyt PbfcTOStaWri a sU-ok of pValysl st ths hoen of be dswgbwr) weeiHae Ciaadlaa bxtiUr, and bat last -Mottastt wenmr twtqg s-Hiartoosi . tea that she be tskeajto tm M s'm. (tar) Use, Ho-ills. Sbtls-aaBftv HO yrs of e wad 'for-mate than flrty year kss bean p omlnsat, la lbs alas, moacbteb. ; ' ... : " " - . P, T.' Thorn, SasaterrQla,- Ala"! Was sofferlot 'frnW Uvspepsla whss 1 eommenoed taking ! K4 Dysfwprls Csra. I lock eavaral boUlsa and esn iH trwfwy thing." rTodol Dkpspsla Car I ths trnly1 preparation ooatalnlng all lbs aataral digestive-gWU Jt gives wJt ' ainmaehs atfrt " rt, mtorlsg their storaJ eondlttoo f. B. IHffyA Oo. - - Liyisi hMU laWi rif ai Rochettar, N. Y.," Asgsst 13 Osws nfST", of Corfu, who hu both legs uT'.hnv the knees, bat lafl bis l' , k...:a7tad alopad with tba l -y.r ol ;: of X. B. Orasa of Akraa, S.T.'- . , - '4 v- . '. ' II I , II I S I. '. ' leyStnckltRlcn.' , V It Wss a grsad thing for this rnm. i!'v thst such aa sniar rlilng firm as C. D. rrsill sm rurel lis tt'nrT Dr. 'lit; i's Nw illwovrry for I'omump tt'Va, t wonilefful ra' t' st lit SU1' 1 tli world .y i n srvrllous t Th furor of snil . ,ii orer li I iaJ thslr bualnnt, . th il md f"r It Is I" ' tim. ILf jr 'r frit l'll b'l'.l.'i lo i -rrt, nil ffn!Jrr!y (rsai H to tr ( ( '. . :, P-r.iB chills. Asthma, f.,np nd ail Tin i and LongT Alt' .S ( : t i I i merit. I rics r, v t-A f I'Br'l, A1 I ' -i A r i- f-p f " rl 1 ' r , ' ' i , i Cat t a a .4,,. m 4. mrrt ; This -p reparation eontaint nil of tba diKcatants and digests all kinds of riMKt. liRivoj inatiiutretiercud never (HiUtocurc. ' It allows you Uj cat Jill the fmwl joii wnnt. The must sensitive stomachs can lak it. hj lo itc many tlioiiHandi of dvxrieitlej liHva tieen cured after rverylhlnif eleo failed..: Jt prevents formation ul tinn.m t bit stnra; uh, relieving alt illstreni after eating. li!t lug unueccsaary. jaloasaut Lo lake, U oco't be'p but Bo you cood JhMWirt.u.'.vhv T"..0. PrWiTTAOa,(ihlra 't Mr L butUd u.4ii Ol S Uaunt U. SOU b , . , K. ft. DUFKY 't) ,- Crytaa; " Oroaataa;. v-.' S .'According to a French pliyslclan, crying and groaning mips In are na tmc'a own methods of aubilulug the keenness of pb.vslcal suffering. He tlilnkR that men should freely relieve their suffering In. this Way and that crying in children should .not be re pressed, as In doing, so serious conae fltiences way bo enjindercd. 'I.jcurjnis being naked why,- in bis biffs, lie had rt down no punishment for Ingratitude, answered, fl have left U,to the god to punish." - i ivohxa. arstVl' AlfSMs ' sf . ilHtlK'TwIUsiAhmi ; ;-He-DHsl flsAo sV'CkMa.-i' ' ; Byltestr-t-t wonder-If he tnoogbt twr before tie married ber. -' ratbenMine-li -fain'i likely. Kbe was I(V)W Hcnsn Nfbi T Save Her Child. , -i) ! - . . . ; i 1 rom ' frightful disfigurement Mr, ftannls Galleger, of UGrange, Ga., ap plied Bocklen's 'mice Salve to great sores on ber bead and face, and writes Its sjnlck euro exceeded all her hopes. It Works wonders In Bores, Bruises, Skin Eruptions, Cats, Bums, Bcalds and. I Ilea SSc'Oure guaranteed by ". D. Bradham, ornggist. .. ;.v,;.r?vy --, y.y.-;' "" . . . , ' i . a nrao nUsht. j "But 'I -wanX. rbxhtr be Droteatad with bla dying tfreath. "I'd rather be right than be-klng-so 1"- .;. ' "My . poor man," said ths . parson soothingly, "what waa the contention r i"l tohl-my-wlfe aha cooldnt-bltr- tbet elde-of-a bom wtth-sr-brick. Bbai dldo't, reverend sir. .. ohe-sised- ao-axr Denver Times. ' i"By baby wss terribly sick with th dlsrrhoea," ssys J.. H. Doak, of Wil Hma, Oregon. "Ws were ussbls to cars blnrwllh ths doctor's assistance, and a last resort; ws tried- Ohsmberlsln's Colic, Cholera and Tlarrboe Remedy I am harpy to say It gave Immediate re lief and a nompleto core." For sal by P.& IruffyAUo," V d)bjiT. lav.,' - rKow.-- chlldnn,, akl the teacher. "what do yon understand from this passage, 'Nothing waa to be beard ex cept the monotonoos slap, Slap, of ths .' "That fhry ' was ilHIn moeqnltnea," renturrd : Johnny wise. - Baltimore American,'''.-' k . . '.-la cassa of coogh roi erosprglvb tba HUlS'on Ons MInaHe C-oagb Core. Tbesj reel easy and bat ho feari; fKe child will he all right In ft little while. It never falls.":. Pleasant lo take,' si why safetsnrsand almost' Inetaataaeoo la sflYtt. f, 8. Dolfy Co,'Vv ". . ; '."' ' . - . , ' IfsililM KM la VTw.t.- .- The last word of aummer fasbioa bss bees directed agslnst the scarf pin. Which has beca dectarcd to be In bad atyls-oicrpt tw tboaw ties that need ;t absoJarely, ssys tbo New Tork Htm.' TbelnrW'tyk bss aont foandsttoa of reason. -Tbecrwr and-poplin ties bars In Ha last two yara become very pop. Olar for aummer wear In London, and it Iswext to Impossible to srear pin wltH tbcra, aa It allps from the silk tax turet After the plus bad been given op for Scarfs of this kind It bees me tbe mods to aispeoar with them altogether. Bo maw who ire careful to be la tb via -when . new style Is m tgoestloa srs wow to be seen wtthowt searfplosi'. Tb laws ot Jiealth rsqsles last th bowels awn once each day tod oo pf taepeaaltlee for vlaltllng ,thl law I piles,- Keep J oar bowels' tegular by taking a dose-of Cbmbrllni Btomsch and Llrar Talileta when neosssary and yoa will sever htve thai severs pnsUb- went Isfllrtrd tipos yoo. Price H eenta. for sal by B. Duffy A Co, - Waasvthlaa lilvm Thwm 1 bare callvl," brgna II r. t'orchea Hunt, -to irk to yoa about your (tstifhtrr. Tun iiniKt b notln-4 Dial tt-re Is eunielhlng bctwo,n us." "N." n-t)llnl Wr. UoUroi. "but Pm stirv iht-re will be pretty soon." -Atr "II will tw the Atlsntlc ort-sn. Tm Ming to s.d b-r tiro4 until ah ltn s IlltU- tm- " Tt'oiinr. A.., July t ,H. Ir. tl. J. MorrsTr My 1. t lf Jn. to ynil rtm. .r, !, f ,! 1 ,', ,nM fit. 1 HOUSH'6L6 HiNtfl. tet ft small box of Qma in th p&fafrf . end It will help to keep It dry and ths air purs. . -i . .. 'r . ' v- Boda ahonld never be used for flatt nets, and If they are kept Ut good con dition they should be neither mangled nor ironed. --; .. ,- y - Mud stains can osnally be removed from allk by rubbing with ft piece of flannel.' It the stain provee obdurate, rub with a piece of .linen saturated with alcohol ' ; -f r r . ' , lt your window -glees -u Ucklngln brilliancy, clean Jt with ft liquid pasts mads of alcohol and whiting. A little bf this mixture will remove specks and Impart high luster to ths glsss. . . f To render feathers white: Immerse them for s short time lo naphtha or benxlne. - Blnse In ft second dish of tbe same- and dry In tbe open air. Then bleach by exposing In ft box to tbe Va por of burning sulphur In a moist at mosphere. , ' ' J -" tiood clear starch Is easily made. Wet the lump starch with cold water, stir till smooth, poor on boiling water and cook till clear. It takes ft quart of boiling water to v'clear" , two toble spoonfula ot lump starch. If too thick, thin with blued water. 'X , tweladlasi' tba WttmmP ' Bis rhdt)lgentfrlends"nkd praised' bis attempts 'at painting and drftwlngcto such-an extent that the youth really imagined himself to be an artlBt Qls wealthy friends even bought bis pie tores for considerable sums -of money ."td encourage bin)" as they said, . Recently la walking along tbe Strand lo (London be waa much delighted at seolhg one of tts plctnres, flrlely fram ed; in ft dealer's window, especially s he! was walking with ft pretty Udy be fore whom be wished to appear tn th best possible light ; ,i v v- '';-c p' Calling the attention of the lady to ths picture, he said: .,. - "Tsrdon me, but I bars, some curiosi ty to know bow my pictures standom mer.tHy."' , . . ',.- .' Auil.the two entered the shoR ' - ' " "illy good man." said be to the keeper of It. "what to the price of that picture in Ibe wludow hercT" ' "Tltiw sbUllogs. "tsn'nt Hcottr criri Uienrtlst recoil ing.', .'.A'?;' , . - The shopman, thlnktug the exclamft tlon to Im one of surprise at the high price, ntlded: '.'Well, it Includes the framer' Ex change. A Minister's Good Work. " "I bsd a severe attack of billons oolle, got a bottle of Ohamberlaln's Colic, Choi sra and Diarrhoea Remedy, took two doses and was entirely cured," ssys Rev A. A. fower, of Emporls, Knn. ' My neighbor aero the suvei was sick for over week, hsd two or three bottles of medicine from the doctor. He used Ibem for three or four daya without relief, then called la another doctor who treat ed him for soms days and gave htm no relief, so discharged bin). -1 Went over lo see him toe next morning1, He said huTbowel wers in a terrible fix,'- thai they had been running nit so iqng thst it ws almost -bloody 11 m. I asked him If he bsd tried Chamberlsin's Oolle, Choi Sra od,Dlrrboe Remedy and he said 'Mil' , 1 went home 4nil brought him my bottle sad give him one dose; told him to take another dose In flfteea or twenty mfnuie If he did not' Had relief, but he took no mors and was entirely cured." Pol sale by P. 8. Duffy! Co. , V ' Ml proud girl scorned my sort'. Sot ks rich, 1 wis poor.. -; '-' : But the next day bar father lost alt I "We ars) In tb some boat now," salt I teerlngly, but politely. - ' , ' Vs, bol of coursa- theft) sre Irst and second, cabins," Mid jha, shlvsr IsiB however, as If tb something sb doubted. Detroit Pre Prsst.. ;n GURB t'S rfw arS CDai,iPte -rai tieewm iu.mT&J.., riaMa. oMj3.tMt aa or )iatiiMjt aia rw - - .. j. mw. pur ruaa 1 mTMlwullna, llMMmim,! auk uiaioa kiaiMer aataia at. vbi nnn. Whf av1u, twrtbi mMmm? w lat . wmua fiuarnntM tn aaotl SI ftn. To Bnlr aj k iaaaiaaav. Xa aU KaSolfcatQt iw AJtns pin 3ntTnrr, CSa. a , sa r ' i.rvmi assa rnMA a ,iiu4 aa hi4jii it uiriuK. - i'i-imii to kika, aimaaily a,:Maa ti.r attUdnM a m. S -, M" K KWalaKtMaS im fit (aa uaju ai k . ' . P. 8. DCPPT A CO - ' P.TI.HImmsss, ' , ! . l.O.lTarl ! . SIMIONS ft WARD, iTTOZNKk aa1 C0UK8ILAM l . - - - L1W. . , . Otnos 68 Bo. Front Htraet, Baarly eppo. ,. ' site lintul Chatuwk. (Oflloe also at Raleigh,) I'tarllr In th roup lira ef (Jrsvea, Duplin, Jnnf!, Doalnw, Carteml. I'amll r ami akn. In th f nprrro and Fad ral tlonrts, and whrrevtr service ax dlrrd. I . f' x 0 A i 1 . r- , t- , - 1 r - 1 1 A,r . iaaaYhter ia4 th inl' '' Humor has, been creditrd with tbfti navlng of -luacy . things.- iHjf -perhSjJS never before-luu slilp oeea saved by Its judicious application.., in a great atornj many years ego a ship's crew Were all at prayers, when ft boy burst Into ft fit of violent laughter, :Belng re proved for bis ill timed mirth and asked the reason for it, be said. "Why. I waa laughing to think what a hissing the boatswain's, red nose will make when It cornea in contact with tb water." This ludicrous remark set the crew, tough ing, Inspired them with new spirits, and by ft great exertion they brought the vessel safely Into port Liverpool Post QuUI2di8ni ' " Rheumatic pains are tba cries of protest and distress from tortured muscles, aching joints and excited nerves. ; The blood hoi been poisoned bv .the. accumulation ol waste matter ia' lb system, and can no longer supply in pare and ueeitb sustain ing food thevfcquiiC. The whole system feels the'cffect of (his odd poison ; and not on til thCblood has been pttri&ed and brought bock to a hoaHhy condition wiil the aches oud pains cease., , . ' Mrs. ysnus Kelt, of 707 Mnth atrcct, N. B. WMhlnpol, D. e,rl(ei a follow., A tea Mmtksgo I had an stuck of Bslatic Abeam iwb iniuvorn rornj. 1 lie paiu ml so intense that X Oceania completely pro, anted. The attack aa unusually severc one, and myaattdtttaaVwas rtted. caas bciu very-u oyer CMref the aatwt able doo fbra la Waahinirton. who la a wu auciHKii oj alaoa Buubtr of tha ht dry of a Icadlnir oedkat' CDUaa bar. Wrtold rkaulildllrouJdre't'wilL After havtar li KtleJ trrlT Uaa wttboot rttrg the allgMaat Dcsaoi, a acennca locontaM nta treatment anv taager. RavlnrhAtd ol s. B.8.(Swtn'aSpeclAc) mommended lor RueuuulUn,4 decided, almoii la despair however, to glva the medlciue trial, nnd after I had takes few Bottles I waa able to hobble around on erutchea. and verv aonn there. after had no uae for them at all, A. A. 8. haelag vam me 1 ima aaa atii. ah im oiatreaaini nalns have left me. mv atioetite faja returned and I asm happy to t agalu reaorcl to perfect amis. '..,,.' the groat vegetable purnwr and tonic, is the ideal remedy in all rncamatic troublos. There are no oolstes 01 sninetals In it to disturb the digestion and lead toi-uiooua habits. We hiiSrSajxrepared a special book on Itkeumatisra which every sufferer from tbU painful disease should read. It Is the most cmnplete and Interestintr book ol the kind in existence. It will be sent freo to any one desiring it Write our physi dsns fully and freely about your case. We tnake no charge for medical advice, the swift Sracvie CO., ATUNTA, sa, rings Hi . splendid Location. 1 arge and commodious building. First-class work In all departments, This school offers th advantage of an excellent education at very small cost. Ample accommodations to board sttt dents in the same building in which the teachers reside. ' The boarding depart ment is within two hundred yards ol the unions 8even ftprings, whose wonderful water srs free to the students. 11 Hilary feature to be added to the school. . Write for catalogue. -Address B. A SIMKHtS, Priiu SEVEN SPRINGS, II. C ' F.xetutrlx Notlve. Evlnc quallBed as lbs Kiorntrlx of the Isst Will snd Testament or ike Isle Pleat Johnson, all persons Indebted to ths estate of ths said fleet Johnson sre rr que. ted to make Immediate payment and all parsons holdlsg claims sgsiasi sshl en tale are aotiArd to prseent thY ssni for payment on or before the 14th rlsy of aotsst lBtfl. or this notice will be pi sded la bar of their recovery. This 14 h dv of Angtxt IsflL . CL4RIR8A JUHNBOlf, Executrix. Jt K. It. U'HARi, Attorney. Walter A. Wood's Mowing snd Reaping Machines and At tacbmeaU for Baks by . - i - U H-iUTiuttHARDHARe vO ,' Kw Bra, H-C.: ', ' Z Key iavs stood tb severest teat for nvsr M years Snd si la ps In every gwstn ronatry la the world. Hiring won mar 14' 0 medala snd swards at the lead. Ing, eihlbltlons mall lands. Is ss svl flrars nl their superiority over ail other ma. , . v " . IMI. XVlIelirr, ATTOBKKT AT LAW. 11441s ntret, Uwyer rli4 ialldlsg. v ' . Will mMM t fn..iw K , f artrt, Jn.a, liaslo aaa r as I an. p, t iar at S-w a4 pr as (ra't ' IIcdij's Ifciciacy, 127 : :ir ut. t ltni.l.Ha li .r. ) 'ctarvnsi's v r .!. r. i t . ri I - i si ra I :.'') !. J' i . (. "-I1-. A'mi L. :i tic:: c i it t . . if. . i &3 f'jSr'fTS Mm Seveu Sp pi Scnoo! asaeli an j r 1 Grippe and -MtaaaSssSBWBwl . Maaa9iaa(K CkujlTc:;:: t t V "IM V Za2aaaaTaa1I2TIaaaXI27a c3 - -''.sartV-B-is-'e'' '.b; HarHs Water. A CO.NVINCLVG l.ETTKIl. ...I. T. FARNIM', 'ATTOIINIiy AT I w, ' Columbia B'ldjg f ' . Washing 1). '.. ' tine I", 'il'il. Harris titliin Pprings '"oinpany, e . Harris Sprinps, M. p. . ,- Contlemen: ' have u.sedn carboy of your l.itliia Water nnd its invigorating and curative siTect ittion M tack of typhoid lover, from which "ly: recover. I am all rifflit tuilay, ant confident that my excellent health today is due in a great measure., if not entirely to tlio use of the water. r2 This is the first testimonial I have ever written, but I feol tliat you J deserve it, and you arc at liberty to make whatever use ii this letter 4 you please. Yours truly, M J. E. KHNm'". M 4B Harris Litliin Witter for Iliilf-Kiillon Kottliii, by MAX :zinziinzrin:iziiininn:i:i:inii:iixx:::n 'Niiiiirn (?.TmllK. 1 I mvr-ii t.rmtitv. t 1 nr t'mirt. - j i Ihc MutUHsl A 111 Banklnt; I'nmpsny vs. Charles Kon eny anil Siinii A. Knrneny. By virtue of n judgment hii'I ilecree rendi reil in the slmvc enlllleil nr.llun at the May lerm, 1 Wit iuputior ('unit nt Craren cnunty, in whiiii ihe umli-r signed nipolii.eil t'liniinixhliini r fm tbe sale of property hereinafter de scribed. Mow therefore In sccnulnnce with Hie terms ot-sld ilecree, 1 will oiler for sle at public von inc. in the blirlieot bid !er for rssh, at the Court bonne door In Iho city of New Hern. Crsvun count), N 0 , nn'Mondsy the lGlli day of Hrpitml cr, 1901, (It being Iho first day of the Sep-tt-mber term of Ctaven County Huiwrlor lonrt" st the hour of twelve o'clock in , tiro following iloxcrlrwii real estito tn wit: One certain tract ol land nlluaied mid being In Craven cmnty North Carolina, oa I try MournloK Itoad, anil iH.unilril aa follows on the north by the land of Mnf Kaspberrv, on the unuth by W. J. "nuntrei's latida; on tbe east hy J. tl. Ilarkbnrn's land; and nn th- M by Dry Mourning Koad, conltlnin .even snd one-half sens more ot lra The aid land being the same (ViIk-iIIi il l r-Usan A.Kornsgay, from I lia- rmnic of Monroe Knnntree, dee'd. This 14th, day of Aocmt A D.19ni. . BAJ'UAKL O'HAIIA. t nmmlseloner. TRINITY PARK HIGH SfHCOL , XT. O. Next term opens Kepteiubtir II, I IX t One of the best sohnola in 1 1. o South At ktalle ftates; fartilty of i.ix tmirtid b-a'i b era; uiinrvsaed library ami gyanwiiiiu lactlitlea; eaonllent atliMIC ndtrautnemt. The purpose aimed at Is to give the ben cultivating liilliienoe and to nur ture aatt develop strength of lrartr at in asm time. Terms sow. , r nr il lustrated ratahgiisand slmrnt, sililross, t 1. . lilVKNH, Head Master, i DuniUH, N .C Bingham School, ' UR4N0I COUKTr. For handsomely ilmstratrd catalorn Ihmiow Lawn rr, I. L.', S, ..;'-,"', n - . , . ' Prtnclpsi, i I .v v ' " Mesons, K. laodsa litrteiory, NKW K HH CONC'LA VI 4M. Impmyad (tfdrr lirplaaophs, meet tod snd 4th laarwiay sigtil. at S o'clock at Iloua ttr Hall. lr. . V. Karly, Archoa; i. Tnlsna, it, rtaasMieri (loo. P. Uordner, Ueereiaiy. . - -. . NKW BERN UJIiOR No l.f.H. C-. i. V. V I'rwh J. It. r-mlih, IU iwtlng ttecy li It. Illll, rinam-ul fVc'r. Miwls In th KalrMa nf nruvoy 1 1 all wary 1st aad Int MntnUy Blskials each svnth. ' ' - t itAVif tJm! i.t KIt.tTtt or II AKMUSV. Ui td ml 4lti V mlnra-'ay rli'b's In h month In Hfwm'rt- 'a IN I, r'-llork ravt SI 7 Dn n'r,.;, fcnlfcndrs, t,HtI If. I l'la.y. rl K II lUll, rlooml Harrr- . t Z 'recti trlx NotUw. I! ; r i' ' atisli,sH a l, n'rlt nt i I . .V i I 'l-.-aiwrn , ' t..hr l. I i I ... ' Hi i. I. ', : I of Ni W I .-'I i. ' a'l , , , '. i- r '''! a " ' . I ' :i f m ,,l f , r 3 , : , I" r',,: i i si.,-, i i rt , ft i rr,;! '''.' f 'll !,,:,, I) ftr '- - ' t t t ' A - -i I . r t fin- ' ' '" ; i r f r ! ; fi - " " T ' I t'l SS I CHILLS, FEVERS : NIGHT SWEATS all other forms' of maladies when you can be cured by . , Roberts' Chill Tonic The world docs not contain a better remedy- Many wonderful cures made by it as cents a bottle. Money refunded if it fails to do the work. Delight fut to take.-''f v, ... -..'ir-4-.t;4- 4 -v .-,5 . r ' , LaDcai Drugg?sts. 4 - . - - - .it - - 4 -I Lithial W-at -! S l-H y-4 It M t4 nto : bcnii unxt rt'ticti knblc. 1 ra I boan t fonr I iifvcr wniild entire- r 2 no trace i.f tlte lover remains ami J fcilii in Ciirboy.t, L. .TAOOi-S. Di'iiiiiohns mid i WlI.lllNUTON & Nkw I'.kkns R. U TIM K TAIII.K NO. 5, In Kirnrt Wcilneaday, Aup. 7, 1898,'.llHily Kxcojit Sunday. tl-.in South fwjiiKDUI.K; doing N irth No, r,l, i'u,Heii;or Trains "No. M, I.V. It III, HTATIONH: Ar. II In 8 00. New It-r:n Pollm-bHvilli ..ilnyavilli.. .l'trknoti illo Wilmington 5 4t f, ot 6.. 9 51 . 10 02. . i t il ,i'l 1308. 12 IS . F St No. a, In inn Depot .Ar. Wilmington; I,v, i v.. e x I'AHfKNOitr Fi;r,i(,riT. N.i .. Iave Wilmington Monday, Wod n' day and Friday. U'n; New Iterne Tuo. day, Tlitirwlny and Halurriny. Ar. I at 7 :m I.v. Wihiiiimlon. Ar 1 45 8 40 Sr-otl'H Hill I2 5d l'J 10 II 40 ID Gl io at" :4- 8 f. V 8 f.'t 8I..V 7'.U3 of. 0 INT WomUide 1(1 0ft Ilollyrldge ... 10 (li Illxnn 11 30 Vrrona l'J Iiniksonvillo.... IS Htl Nrthna . . 21 W Wliiternk ... . 1 HO Mayavilln ... U IS I'oMockimlle M lloliriiM's a l Ar. New lrne, l,v. "iraily s,iWi m.nilay. J. H. KEN1V, UeneiaJ AtHnaret V AST ElllS CAROLINA DISPATCH LINK. -AND- DoininiqStcainship Co. tUUini ft PASSKHCKH. For All VtUii r(li. On snd after this date until i aii. nolle tint aU-nmnrs of tlii line arn scheduled to sail from New I ern , follows; -Th Steamer NEU3E for f rientat, TIsooke Island, ElirjilnMli Cll 'and tU.Sortn on AtuMluys, Wed nesitiy and Fridays st p: tn. The Str. NcwberiiQ ft NsgsBa Ilhraletli ( Ity and tl,. North on Tnsadaya ai d I'rldays st U o'clock, noon, ' .' ' , . i ... -. t :,, 1 tW l"rnliht WCfiiJ not ' la' r llisn one hour prstiona to snitloi . for (arUtar inforom'loi! ppj ; . QK0, HEND KlWOhf, A;:. M; K. Kito, Ooo, Wc,r , . U.0.at7Dura,CkB.ifrt,A IWA.I . ,; .NorfoIV, Vn.' Kcw rm, K. 0., Ang. 1 1, 1911. llsvlfif Htnlined is KtarotHs nf lb i-aaa n ill ana JiaUsBtetil ot Vt . K Clark. I'nreaaed, all petsos ImWMe,! to said astai ars hereby renrietl to makstrnmrit pynxnt to the aader slf aad, and all pa ran nt holding claim csln.t said ealiW r BotllWd tn fr KntUrMfflsanllf tsliiia IKa Saikaa. of Jlr, tnoj, nr this amies) 4 pisaq.d l" H r tnmr nwivrry. I I.IZ .l'.t.lll U Cl.AKKK, Kicirlr, .. Ti ; Juir rnih, iMl. I J. C. nClalalND,'; fiiin,.,r to (ion. BUliop, 1 '' K'l V :i :it, t. ' t

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