-"t-ifi'Y- M . ax. a -t. .am : aaa a elirr ----- - - -- r j . .. .-v i Afecetable Preparalionfor As similating theroodanfI!eula-' ting iheStomaths aniljowbiS of Promotes DigestionJCheerfuP ns and Rest Contains neither Op4um.Morphine nor Mineral, pox Narcotic. t laaevai Sad'- 4 aO.J.ae. f Ab. J Aperiecl Remedy for Constipa tion, Sour Stomach,Diarrnoea Worms .Convulsions .Feverish neaa and Loss Of Sleep. . Fac Simile Signature of NEW YORK. J. : exact copy or wrapper. Tt.3 Ki:J Yen l!:v AIv; lUjt) Bears the Signature of ; nlrV'. In Use For Over Thirty Years Start Girls Right! ' Many beautiful girls Wcoraa iavaljai lor lift, ' ' toceass at th cradal Brio4 tf puberty ttwy ' ptyMttaatiMtolhtlnflMlik Mothers H ihaoM prater tfadr aughter' htaHfc by glv..1 ' h j fhssa aecsuery hfanaattoa aad proper J Vhn th mm com m girl ,. 'la her bawperisaoi ah h sHaar baa mmmUmh. at mmJ Ibsb trvw , , krj to check Hit new. HMygHihmclMdM ' ft flew sad it has mr started ajala. ; AM m a Nsatt thty km grewa pd4K4 with ' tnwntW mUMt dmkt, aad Bark hdb 'meant mmmt abdrys. A mm el ? tlVINECADBtilll faka vwy taaraia; aftor ftrl b twttvy xMttWBgWMmMpilyMtkM , sms regular. awfllKfcriertotWvetoplate ataYecnvs woeaaaheed m1 scrip Bar farms Wu ef wlf Ml atrthsrh 1 t ABAigiaSLMkottteofWMaf CirM. . I rod year Avertleoint in nard to Win ot Okrdal In lh BlUmoM AmcricKa, and It favomblf tmpimid tht en aty Tiaft to BaIUbmim awlnt tho aUdy 1 pnrnbmi bottlo ot It tor iy odopUd dohtt wQireriif wili laaol troablo. Bhm k4 htm mde th Aooior mn lor aoii! tlm. ud whoa acr prtod woald com op hr intttrlnc wu ocn-- . , thlnf terrlbl. I indaoad h to try It wd th int dow broaf ht om k ' BMMt. ShetookltrafiilariraaoordlfittotW dlnattoMj and wa froatl '.mikw3. To wa BM ova wonU, "U aarad at Ute.' JTwUULBy ClkUMaV .' t n tNaMaaat," Tha Ctilainni Miatafat CMfur, tliliiiup, I' A Good Telephone SERVICE IS A BU8INEK8 NE0E8BITY, -A IIOME OONVENIENCSL A COM BINED . ....... Convenience, Jnixury I ' :' 'rtor Your PVoni at Onoa I '' Krrvltf of Public. Hob- -MOTICI I NOHTH CAROLlMl.t" la lb A Cravea Ooocy. , ( BapariorCovrt Datld Wllaoa imI Plj Ana ? - , ' Wllaoa.bUnlla, , ' . . ' ' . ' Joba D. BtoppMrl, at at - j ' . ' , NOTICE I . . Tba drfeadaat abova ataad wOl Ufea , noiiea IbU aa anion CBllllad at abora :' aubMl cmnaMonrd ' In tba Suporkir iViarl ( Oarea eoqetf to porfanl iba " itiua to too oarlaJB Irria m tana unaia 4a Iba c4i of He Bra. N. U- and fa- a int oa (iraian and Jntiaa atraeu, and to oorl a rcrlala drcd to laid property miroiHf in alio to MMitrlraiuBU aad ' Iba MM ilrfeodaat arlll fnnbrr Ukr oUon that be hi rnuirtrvd in appoaf at tb Dr.it lena of Aba r)anrr1f Omrt of 1 aalil cnanly lo bo brld tm Iba third Moa ' ur I a fipMaiMf. mi. at ina roan boaaaof aald enaal la New IWna.N. '. , b4 aaawvf or draaar to tha romplalat la aaid artlna. or Iba plelallfft will an- , tlf t Iba-Cmirt for tba rallat dnaaarUd . a lr1 rmtirMlrii. ' ' . TbUllMdajfuf Jon. 1M1. -.. - W. M. Wan. . ,,- - " . UR.C. .t .f ar mum mm i la Artrlnillnm, Tnr.hxrtnf. Ka-. rlianlo Aria and CoM' Klwarl. orlnc- a miiiMrtatlnn nf lltvnj prut pfartl,if a(iilrarI aiarmal train. linv, Inrhirlinw r t.t ! i tnr n'l lananl. Tblfi 1'lh.rt. etayUttU. Krtt " b(?ina ("or ratalifiio a'lirmM Cit-n. T, Wlaat'H', I'fwlrnt . c. toi i.rur AsrlcttUerr hinic nu iii.il, X. r. -To Foreclose UortgiKe. STATE Or NORTH CAROLINA I , CRAVEN COUNTY, t ' , Soparior Ooort. UH. OUer, ' - TB. ' ' Daorr W. HcEallf aad wtfa Jcanla M. ' ' f - K0TICE1 V ' i Tba defendanta abora nam ad will take nutloa that aa action entitled ae abora baabeea ooaaraeeoad la tba-Bo parlor Coort of Ciavea wmnlr to forecloae I he mnfljrtffe aiecatad by tbma to the plain III apon tba land deeorthed la aatd ajxiiira, and that tba Bald dcfeadaBl will fortber uta aolloe tbat mrr are ra- qnlrad to appear at tba aril I era of tb Hatierinr t'onrt of bald Coasty to ba bebl oa tba loo;. Monday after tba Bret Monday la September, It belac Iba Idtb day of September,. 1001, at tbe Coart Iloase of aeiil eooat la Hew Barn, w, 0 . aad aanrer or - demar to tba bUB' tin la aald ulloa or tba plalatlir will apply lo tba Onnrt for Iba reUef da- mBitJ la aald emoplalnl. ' - Tbla tbe Mlb day rrfjotr, 1001. . W. M. WATftON, q. B. 0. rinnln Polaauooa to AalmaU. Tlu bulletin froui the Mouiuua tx- pcrluient gtation gives A list of 14 ape clee of plantu wbk-b are known or atrougly Buspected of poisoning anl. mala. Aiiiodk them are thev lupines. which killed, 100 out of 200 buefcs fed on bay and In 1893 some 2,000 sheep from eatlug rip' lupine on the range. Tbe trouble seems to ha la the ripe ot nearly ripe 'need, VTbe purple and tnll larkspur killed 40 cattle In the Oullatln valley trhea other plants were covered wltb. snow, -a Aconite, . water, nemioca and nlsrhtshade hnve, proved poisonous to both rasn and. beast Ail these are more or less; fretjuent in certain parts of New' England, say American yultl- vatof. The dcnth;ainns we" do not know and think It ta not to be found here. In 18118 a dairyman had a field of oats ao ;btLdly amltten thatv-ba'cor them for bay,; Instead of . letting the trraln , ripen. Out. of 80 cows wnicp were riven one feed of It 12 died with in 18 hours, baring both gastric ana cerebral trouDie, Brgot on nanre grasa- ea la claimed to 'bate klUed number of boreea hi from aM to eight houra, the muscles of -tba throat being para lysed flrst, and then 1h whole body I paralyaed.,, Strjchnlna ai whisky seems to be tbe only remedy baring et. feet It la Better to ovoid feeding erge or smut on any grass or grain. - i , f, ; ii i nailiii -,t -CM ot 1.1m on 'Boar Lawd. Tbft chief use of lime from an agri cultural Standpoint Is to sweeten the sou and to act utron latent plant food. breaking down orgsnkJ matter ana eet- tlna II free so tbat plants can ulle it Lime tn Itself contains little or no ele ments which plants jeaulra and fat not properly clasalfled aa a fertiliser. It Is used commonly Itt'preparlng land for wheat pr rye. but may also be, aown broadcast on meadows.-The presence of red sorrel In any quantity Indicates tbat the land is sour and acid and Is a slen tbat an- application of lime would bb beneficial ' Wood ashee to lesa de gree serve tbo same purposei as they contain A .considerable proportion of lime. ;. They also. Wreathe, addiuonai value of adding potash and phosphoric acid to tba soUV t r v -vfl 4 Grab la Head 'of 8heB. In Scotbtnd when they" haJra, reason to think the sheep bave grub' In' tbe bead tbe shepherd usually takes each one and blows tobacco sntoke up the nostrlU alihoat to tbe point of stupefy- ina tbe sheep and' tbe grubs, too then gives to eneb a plncb OX yellow snuff to start; them , aneejtlng. which, dlslodgea tbe grub, ao that It la dlscharged-. Wa never tried this because the putting. out a little pine ur on Doarqs "l,a acatterlng a llttb" salt od- it usually tarred the nose of tbe sheep so that the fly did not trouble them, or for a small flock we took tbem aa they went out ot tbe yard -and wltb. wooden- paddle daubed the nose of each .one aa are tot tbem through the gate., y, 'K Mala Voraaa Hors. v Mules are preferred for farm work in the south becaun they - reeulre leu feed, are leas Uablavta disease, hardier every way and will do more work than horses 180 per, cent bmfflK&lto and Ranch. They are more reliable and bave fewer !.. i.They aB not as fast as horses, but get then sooner be cause their unit Is more uniform and persistent A pale of good moles makes the beat form team on eartn. unaer the saddle tbe mule does not show 08 Ilka a horse, bat there to far mora coin fort In -riding one. They are mora aura footed and In critical Janet urea and way out far more' readily than a borse. -' " Mara roaltrr ? . V Substantial Doullry 'bouses; are tba moat datable, warmest and lo tba. end tba cheanest. A neat, handsome and low coat building la made by nalng on matched Inch boards nailed ofl two by four studding, covered wltb building paper and tben shingled. Practical poul try keepers are patting np soco duuu Ings as fast as tbelr mcsos allow, and those who make a specialty of pur bred stock favor small bouses scatter ed about the place rather than long bouses with cootlnnons tans. tj. Mr. Kaox 'Takes Tot m Boy. Attorney General Knox Is the most youthful looking man that has occu pied a cabinet portfolio In recent years, says the Philadelphia North American. in reality Mr. Knox Is not an old man by any means, only 42 years, but he looks more like a boy of IS or 20 than be does like a man of middle age. The L.Lj IMtSnJ i t Hn Va ii. i r A - V'V: .-lit ft ... -mm- ... . " . V; ' Hill TABLJI SO. XI 0 to Tk Effect fVednemdmv. JnUlUtS. ( r -r - f . W - Astnmaiene unngs ia3tani; .uoaei ; ana? .rer.uiagEt tsoHKDULm i oouivast . manent Cure In all Cases; " r ' f "-, : 'Tf!!X,ta -.Ho- ,tii m -i f ,, 8TATKMWI A a at t Qoldsboro. y.W OS ' SENT ABSOLUTELY TREJ5 OJT UFA . ... . . i . i p..mH i ' a " .- 1 t l SAUK ANbi ADMiESS tt-IlITK .TOl'R -i , '-WSJjS JUtfHZ IB. other day be was taken for a boy by an old gentleman who was at tbe depart ment of justice to see tbe attorney general on bualuess. Mr. Knoi's office Is on tbe first floor of the building. The -waiting room Is on the opposite aide of tbe bait ' Tbe old gentleman bad been sitting there for an boor or more to see the attorney general At last Mr. Knot emerged from his Office to go to some other part , of the buildings The obi gebtleman mistook blm for -tba office boy and, stepping np to blm, said: - .;- "Bay, sonny, what ama ot a reuow is . rriM""n rOaT Tin YEARS S "v. . , ,hf . RIUEr. ,,. .. it. LaQrange,;'.,...io SS LkKfiFUf brings lHstano relief, I 8, vyquiiit vii fii jctl,Ht ,1K VU1CB I r "laM auoiaM vuur, r. 1 ho Rev.O F.W Rl".L. ol Villa Ril, " 1 1' tay: "Your trial bottle .of A sthmaLA r 3." In revived m good ccinrlitloiu ' 1 can-1 - 1 , i not sou yon now inaiminl i icol for' trie' t to good derived .from ifcu r eannot tell roil' Klnston.... " .,...1018 -4ri,Kew; Ben, !,.,., y. 8 67 7 87 , raaeogor I aTAnoaoj , STAT ' , now tiiauktul yeel b tli good derived - inim it 'f i was a xiave ctisinod.witu pu "tnd firo tnroaf "and? Asthma for ten yrarr- 4 despairttd oriever being 'cured. ' . i taw your ooveniseinmit ior the care of tins (iKa(fi and tonncnJ,ina disease, a sin ina,- sua tnougnt yos iiart oyer 1 spoken yourselves, but reimlved to give - K it a trial! To my artoniohmeht the trial H ftdted likoa-barnu Send. me a fnll size CbotUe-r,. (. ; . . 4. 4 J:' REV. DR MORRrnimHSLER, : i rtnbbj.iif tlio (Pong. 4ns. Israel, ' ' ' New York, Jan. R, 1901. , Obs. Taw Bbos' MbdioiniCo., . . Gentlemen!,-Your Asthmalene Is i exeeueni remeay ior Astnma ana nay 'ever, and its composition alleviates all Train. Q 00,v,. ,. ...Ooldsboro 8 S3, ti. ;. . Besra.. i 8 31.......,lAGranire 8 48,.;....-.FaUuiK Creek 8 51 :....... Klnstoa. 02;,;....,.0awoll 8 13,....,...,.. Dover V80... .Core Creek 844. v.. Tuscarora 43.:....'...;.Clarka 1000...); New Bern 11 S0, .v.jtr. Morehead OityLv a. Ho, 6, Pasitnger Tr.iu. Ar.P. M) ... 848 ... 817 ... 807 ... 7 57 ... 744 .... 735 .... 7 27 .... 717 .... 7(5 .... 867 .... 045 ... 4 SO P. M. troubles whfch combine with Asthma.. i;It success is astonishing-and wonderful. , After having it carefully aoalyzeoVwe can state tbat AsthmaTena contains no opium, morphine, ehlorotorra or etner. .. very truiy yours, 1- ? -y " , " " REV- PB. MORHI8 WECBSLER, 4 w.-- - - .(Atos SraiNoa, N. Y., February 1st, 1001. ,: t. ilnnaliininni . T wsaa A Aft laiAat Imnn IB 1 (rrm B intlOO ft a4ai4- Yianlna anaBAal AKa yoor boas? 1 ee you coming oat of bis , wonderful effect of your Athmnlone, for theioure of Asthma. : My wife has been m . S S A ' M . J. - J IA.V. - .kAAtA'f3-l.naa sm TAIm lh aili lO Oh1mm .1 A J 'i. OUlCtJ BUU pnMUniO UU lUUW tUl UUUUV sWlICIrVU WIUl BlHUIinVNU nauiUMI auk l-tirj ptuv A jrxum AaTitlg JAUaUBVOU my vwu blm; 1 bare a Uttle btwstoess to trans- skill a well aa many othersflchanoed to see your , sign upon your windows on vArnnM iiIta a fof Una nn Mr KnnY t menoed taking it about Uie flret of November. I Tery soon noticed a radical 1m- - ., nNmamaMt" k ffAn ntiintir nnd hnfflal hnv A ct.hm No.1. Hx'dra.and rasa.Tii. ti: Lt. am 500.(... . 6 33,,;,.,,, TATioim: DAILY. No. 8, Mz't Ft. and Pass. To. Ar, p m ...888 .... 468 act wltb tbe attorney general and 1189th street, New York, I at once, obtained a bottle of Astbmalene. ' lly wife com- would like to get a line on Mr. Knox menced taking ii. m LTa&I sUlJSSIl-Sf3:! -JS?1 aI2" fwaAM tanlrllnty him ' ' u Jf.U,ruvoiJIOHI " wninfi no uvvno ..wi o,.Uia aw. uioBuaivu muv wi vrmrv- hvivii. ,sav-u-( T- " "1 lap ffMlA fmm All NITItiriinil. I fAAl t.hlat I rftTI COtlRi Atelltl V rMTtmiTIAnrf fchA mAflisMflA Mrr Knox'a cherubic faoa brightened , a ho are .ajficbjd with this distressing disease. no, wltb a merry twinkle to his eye. said: 7 ) 'un, nee an rigui. rrnia ngut iu auu sit aown until i return. ( wui xuen bear what you bare to say." Tbe old gentleman would bare tben and there sold himself for 80 cents. ' " -r,(. v Uli Mlataln. Mr; Straits-It may seem a strange thing for me to do on such a short ac quaintance, Mfes Blasber, bat 1 bave called to pledge yoo my va. . Mies Slasher You bare made a mis take, Mr. Straits. Hlsa Eleeanerrer, tbe pawnbroker'a daughter. Uvea In tba next block. Boston Courier. -.. 4 Yours respectfully, . O. D. PHELPS, M B. Dr. TaiH Bbor' Mrdicins OfMPAT, ' V February 5th, 1901. GenlleniMv: I wis tr6ubled with Asthma for 23 years. 1 have tried numer ous remedies, but they have all failed. 1 ran across your advertisement and started with a trial bottle. ,1 found relief at onoe. I have since purchased four full size WHr. mul I am ever crrntef nl. I have a familv of four children, and for six vears was unable to wofic. l am now in me nest ot neaain ana am aoing oustness every day" This testimony yon' can maice sucn use oi as you see ut- , a ,' -rf m nir. u u Home addrrss, 285 KivingtoD streeb- n kapha nr. ' 67 East i29th st, New York City. TRIAL BOTTLE SENT ABSOLUTELY FREE Off RECEIPT OP POSTAL. ' '. ';".; '"" '.. " " 1 ": ' j 1 '' i in ii . nn. f r-i Do not delay. Write at once, addressing DH. TAFT BROS. MKDI0INE CO., 79 East 130th Street, New York City. ' SOIil'HBY BIlUGOISTfi. KxreutoH Notion. II trips thfa'dsy qaatlOed as Exeeator of tb last Will aad TmUbmoI of Fraak D. PetUnbsr. deraaasd. tbls I In sol If r all psraons having olslma agslatt lbs rstat af my tMtatorto present the at, properly antbentlrated, to n. oa rr lfori the 11th day of July l0x, or Ibis am lot will tie pldt la barot ibelr IBporety. All person ladcblad lo said ratals sill Biakr pront wrril. , . . N.T.FL'M'ilF.lt. , 1 Essealor, Jalyllth.1001. . T. A. Ura. Praa. Sk H, BlpaSwwa, Presj - B. M. ar,Oastav. f!ITIZi:?SH HAIVK, - cmp arsrw ataptvr( as. o. Dcrlnf Osneral Hanklnf Business ' Marrh 1. 1901. Surpla and Uadirl- d4 rronu,l8.0f3.00. Prompt bod rrrfol atlaalkia lrm tn all hn nlmalwl LA oa. jLriwnU I racmtrad oa favnral.l Irnnt I , (Mara ,4 pi !.!., - - ' the Leaks. Na man can expect to conduct a farm successfnUy wbo to behind tb times la enlightenment"" A -farm can no aw, ba run at a profit without brain worn tbaa can tba manufacturing, ot 'mray cantile boslneaa. Tben to no business oa tartb tbat could stnhd tb leaks tbat many farmers bar and still pay a prof. It If you wish to auteead, atop tba leaks tbat your own careteaaneas ana Ignorance ar levying oa you, and you win b amply rewarded, And success will crews your efforts. abaAa Fee Ik Inrtrt, nens suffer from beat and will sot da well in a hot suuny ytni Tn and buthrs glr th 4et ahad, but .weeds ar better than nothing. Tut up an old" door In an airy comer If you bar noth ing better. Renew their wster scrersl Uloes a dsy and kep tbelr drinking east-la dean. J Mil para ar WW aewaa r- - j Mulct is a good food ror young cuirm aa Well as for toying ken. As tlx ae. la SO small It keeps tb fnWls arrali 0 Irur for a long tlm lo get enough to itlsfy Ihem, and tb etrrrle I jiut arlmt Ihry need 10 Biak healthy twos aod good layers. Women ' suffer ing from f email .'. troublea and weakness, and 1 from , irregular. I or painful men- a am !nMfrrtl NOaV !Mra VHUUI B-IV to lose ttope if doctors cannot help them. Phy sicians are; so busy with other diseased 'that they do not nn derstond fully the peculiar ail- . j .1. . - . T menu, auu aiio Helicate ergaaism of woman.'- What tbe tunerer ougbt to ao 1 to give fair trial tn . .. . .. J . . CnACFtZLD'3 X-': which is the true oure provided by Nature for all female troublea. It la th formula of a physician of the highest standing, -who devoted his whole life to the atudy af the dis tinct ailments peculiar to our moth ers, wives and daughters.' It is made of soothing, healing, strengthening herbs and vegetables, which have been provided by a kindly Nature to cure irregularity in the. menses. Lea corrhesa. Falling of the Womb, Nerr- ousnesa. Headache , and Backache. In fairness to herself and to Brade laid' Female Bsgulatar, every tattering woman ought to give It trial- A Wge Ii bottle will do a wonderful amount of good. Sold by druggtsta. ' . . a) ' MI.iaUrllWnXaaWAea.alfa Ta Bradflcld egtiUtorCaAllAaU.Gi. PUBLICATION; Of SUMMONS,. NORTH CAROLINA I Superior v v.,. Pamlico County : Court Missouri Oraddock . ... '-,-r '.:" vs. ' .' Burt Oraddock. Notice to Burt Craddock, rlefendsnt. Take notlcei That the plaintiff baa com menced aa action In the' Superior Court of Pamlloo, entitled aa shore, for, tbe purpose of obtaining a divorce from tbe bonds of mstrlmonv, the complaint bar ing beea filed In tfaeonloeof the clerk of said court. , Tbe defendant. Burt trad dock, will therefore take notice that un less he appears at the next term of tbe Superior Court to be held at tbe court bouse in uaynoro on' tne am jtontny after tba 1st Monday la September 1001, being October tbe 7th 1901, and answer or demur to the complaint of plaintiff, the plaintiff, will be granted th relief demanded in her compUinJ-i.Thla , the 8rd day of July jiwi. ' -'V. , j. v ... - j.aWCE,0;s.o: W. T. CABO, Plalntin Attorney. ' Mlllev Pee Haaa. Female Collco3. Od of tb most prosperous Inttllu tlons for tb higher ediicailoa of young women In the Sooth. rtnari. Wslur kept la tbe building. Nineteenth Annual Seailna begins plemlierlUtb. ' - -'- t For catalogna J address Prealilenr Uhod. a, Llttleloa.N. 0. ; NORTH CAROLINA. T la the . CABTaarr Oooatv. if Buperlor uonrt i " NANNIE BAILEY, Plaintiff. . f ... fi va., i ,'. -!. J A RA1L.KV. rvifenilant. . The defendant above named will take nolle that an action entitled as above has been commenced In the ' Superior Court of Carteret County to obtain a divorce upon the ground of abandon ment, and the aeleatuat will (unaer take aollos tbat ba U required tq appear at tb next term of the Superior' Coon of said coonty to be held on tba fourth Monday after tb Brat Monday la Sep tember, 1901, It being the 80th of Sep tember: 1901, at the court bouse of said countr. la Beaufort, N, Oh and answer or demur to tbe complaint ia aald aotloa or tba plaintiff will apply to tbe ooort for tba Nllet demanoea ta to aaiu com plaint. v .' ,. . This 7lh day of A a gait, 1901. - . . , , . lTa-oarner, ' 5 . . . Clerk Superior Court. ; . X. WAIID, i fZ ' Attorney At Law, .-'.! 74 Bo, Front St , Opp. Hotel Ohattawka, t ... . .. Ngyy uERN, N. 0. Craven County Attorney. t s Clrt'Tilt, Craven, Jones, Onkwv Cart- ret, I'smlleo, tlree-nn, Lenoir, and tlie Supreme and Kederal Courts. (Southern , ..Ooldsboro .......Best's 6 00. ... LaG range 428 015........ Falling creek 8 58 7 15..U.;,...,Kiiurton 8 83 7 88............osswell 188 7 57.. ......Ar. Dover. Lv 810 830.i..,,.ooreore 1 10 8 55.. .Tuscarora 1848 8 15..'.....' Clark's 19 40 835 Ar. New .Bern, Lv 12 10 No. 9. t No. 10. 1 SO.- Lv. " Ar 11 00 212 ..'..Rlverdale; 10 80 8 20 oroatan 1000 8 05..... Havelock 9 40 8 84. Newport, Lv 9 08 3 47,..,. WUdwood 8 47 852...,. Atlantic 8 88 4 (18.... Ar. Morehead city, Lv.. ..8 20 4 88. . . . Ar, M. city Depot, Lv 7 60 P.. A.M. Monday. Wednesday and Friday. Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday. Tie Farmers & Merchants Announces that. Effective June 28rd, it , i t Inaugurated New Train Service T. (I tETWEEN -J .. Gol to 23i teo Which In connection with tb Atlantic and, North Carolina Railroad., gives Splendid Serrloe to and from New Bern. WEST BOUND-TUAIN& a. ttfaaiW. lt. "8.00 a. m. ' 7.00 p. ll.'.'. B.fto-. a. na . i, A .A ... .w 5 ,v e.ew ,t, S.OU ' , 1U.B9 ' W 'ItlA it' IHtB. !8.46" 4.48 r .i w . o... At, Uoldtboro-i Lvi Goklaboro Ar. Reims, ' Ratolgh,' J Durham, " " QreensboraJ v 8r85 w ,-.18 Z ','s!li ftnrfwrt to run . tS-BaHr-lla.aa. Lr. Oraentbora ' lt.l a. a. 19.45 p. m. Durham . ,x s.8B - - a.47 . Rakrigb ' - 8.18 ' I 848 i Selma - j .l ', , A8 S", Ar.UoMabora . 7J0 . A80 1 Lr. Goldtboro ; too .".840 Capital, Surplut and Profits $88,8M.oo APRIL 30th, 1901. What We Have Done, Do, and Will Continue to Do. This Bank conducts It business upon "ap-to-now" methods. It is our purpose to deal lusllv and liberally with all. - We carefullr aafeeaard the interests of our customers, Moreover, we fre quently do It unknown to them; aa op ponuniue oitea come to us in confiden tial ways, and you cannot over-appeoiate auoh eonslderstlon. We sre sot disposed to overlook the fact that the Interests of tbe Bank and those of the people are cloaely bonnd to gether, and cannot by any means be separated. This Bank acts aa a repository for Wills, aad safely keeps them till tbe proper time of surrender. Will also act aa the eaetodlaa of money or piper left with ua la escrow. No charge for these services. We procure Letters of Credit for In tending travellers. Ws aim to bs prompt, progresstra and liberal Ia the matter of eceomaiodatloBa. thla " Beak meets erery requirement within the Halls of prudent basking. u yon aare a ever neea identioea wun ua aa a patroa, we ask you to consider tb advisability of becoming on. la tb early fntare, w pro pot adding a aoval, yet substantial Savings Bank fas tors to oar already progreealv la stllaUoa.n- - Ar. New Bern - 10.00 A 40! f ;ita what you eat. ' Close eonnertlotis mads at Oreenaboro for all polqta North, South or Wast, Pull man Servi--Tnttlf No. 11 aad II, carry Hulliiian flleeplog Cars between Uoktiibvro ana Ureeiuboro, For full rnfnrmatloii apply to ticket sgeutalNew tMtrm or ,., -i , I . U. i'. Vaaaoe, T, P, k.t f..-' ( .!..: '..- Ctiarlotta. N. Vi P. JO. Baanwicit, O. P, A., . . a , . Waahlngton, D. 0. 000-) THADQCARTERSTOB HARDWARE ; ( Aad an Kinds of pBUHDHB WML : r r. iar, H . 1,.b.I . rarti84 rirwa J. a. Kwi'WrwA, j (. 1 W , lxt at, i l,i,aa) I fnwtaf , I 1, W . If ai '-ayaxr. a. W. r r a. i Mteao4e Arti j A Preteet Ik Wee4aeaee. Do rrnt rlcaf'-nf tbe aoo.'i-lier. It I a bird wltli s t-0 i".r an ! sl urp ejs kl rl to-t wikh txirlnf ttei tlie aa well ss colonic of anta on srple and other trees. P-otb of he Iiuhm-Is Br In- Jtirlou. I are ef Iba Orfer4. iHirlnif a dry siirnmc-r an1 antim n he orrl r1 ar,! l,uM he k , t III ttlib nti 'l t rri-p nf fruit arid iy4 ar nel.;r1 fir until ralnt em. Tor any cco ct C: - d Jt J A A I) thnt crnaot bo cured by -a n A ( 1 pVh a I to : v c- "i id a 1 (.-. lr r- - t ,1 In 1 I r t. 1' Ii a t t Healing- and Cooking Stores aad IUogea, ' Urns, ; Cement, Plaater, ' Painta, Oils, Vsrnlsb, Poltj, Bash, Doors, Blinds, OoUery aad all the . ossfal article osaallj found la aa ' (Tp-to-daU Hardware Btora, - , eaaaaasBm - . " Bft Oootls). ' Xowestt Prlectw. : Under Hotel ChatUwka. i next ni:i;r-. it. c. Nollco of f it rum on ROUTiT CAUOl.INA, I la the I'amllmUnnnty. I Superior Court, Mapgi M(;.tU-r, Plaintiff, vs. 1 - ' Jobs Walhua It (.'. Iter, Tlie rlxtomlant sbov aamad will take nntte tl at an atl..n entitled st abnr liaa bn r..nimanil In tlie HuMirlir I'. urt '.f l' -i h'fl ciinly I., f.litele a ill rorfe n i i t: ft, Hi..t t( sEnfliieimant I tl . 1 r. t e.ll .1 I .. fnrUier tsk to lvf st .fi., 4 irtift of i .o B it M o in H: r.TT.lr, r i f u t- Mr, I M. .1 r-.itnl T, , t it riptnn r t n't tl. . ' I r t). 5 I i. n. v. fit: i. r 7am Li kt .1 vv-

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