' ..i 'v -a r.- r'W1; An Excellent Combination. The pleasant method and beneficial ffet of the well known remedy, Sirup or Fioa, manufactured-by the CAuroBMA Via Sybcp Co., illustrate the value of obtaining tho liquid laxa tlve principlog of plants known to be' medicinally laxative and presenting them in the form most refreshing to the taste and acceptable to the system. It is the one perfect strengthening laxa tive, cloansin? the avstem effectually.- dispelling colds, headaches and fevers gently yet promptly and enabling' one to overcome habitual constipation ict freedom i manently. Its perfect freedom every objectionable quality and sub stance, and its acting on the kidneys, liver and bowels, without weakening or irritating them, make It the ideal laxative. In the process of manufacturing figs are used, as they are pleasant to tlx taste, but the medicinal qualities of the remedy are obtained from senna and other aromatic plants, by a method known to (he CAiiroBMIA Fio BrauF Co. only. In order to get Ha benefloial effects and to avoid imitations, please remember the fall name of the Company printed on the front of every package.' CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. SAM TKAHOISOO, OAI ixjotsvtllb, xt. - nw tobx. t. t. For Mia tr All Drufglit. Prise Mo. par bottle. THE JOURNAL New Bern. N. C. Ang. 37. 1901. Index to New Advertisements. Moore's Wood Yard Brick. J. W. Biddle License tax notice. Broad Btreet Fruit 8tore Candy. K. B. Jones Convicts to hire out. Simmons & Hollowell Co Ribbons. Business Locals. CANDY of all klnna today fresh at lbs Broad Btreet Fruit Store. Also Bananas, Oranges and Peanuts. Phone 88. LADIES wanted to do writing at home. 20. a month guaranteed. Address with stamp box 418, Llncolnton, N. C. FINS Port smooth Corned Mullets, at J. R, Parker, Jr'i today. Broad 8treet- BANANAS, Sweet Oranges, Peart, Peaches, Grapes and Lemons SO eenta today at the Broad Street Fruit Store, Phone 88. MISS OLA FKKEBEK will reopen her Music Class Monday Sept. 2nd 1901. ANOTHER shipment of Nnnnally's Candy last night by Eiprois. Also Chocolate Candy. .las. It. Dawson, 108 Middle st. CANDY Just received s fresh supply of Assorted Chocolstes. McSorlcy. JACOBS' Raleigh Rye Whiskey Is the best. Miriilb- street. Returns in Better Health. Mr. George Dall returned from More head City yesterday, having recovered from his severe attack of atrkne. Re will leave for the mountains la a few days to reitnre bit strength hy change of air. Moonlight Sail. Wednesday "Ifht, The Moonlight sail to be given by the Tabernacle Baptist Church AM Society on the smarter (luldo Wednesday night, promises to be lbs most enjoyable one ever given In New Bern.Every one bes surpassed the former ones and tbey bavs added to tbl one tho great eat attraction of the day, Ellison's phonograph, with fifty of the latest songs, talks and funay lectures, etc Lnaiberdre Italian Bead will furnish norta. and all ' who go will be highly eutcrtalaed. Ths Society wHI have refreshments on board for sale Tickets can be bought of Iks mm of the Society, Simmons and Hntlowall Co,, Bradbaia'i sod DavU' Pharmacf. Tickets tfl cent. ' BRICK, BRK K.-Solld bant pressed brick In any quantity yon may wish el Moore's Wood Yard.' k Handkerchief Werta $1200. A moeg some taperb photog raphe of "Tee Handsomest lcs In Asserica,' which occupy a doable page la The Ladles' Hams Journal for September, bow ea etn,nlHa handkerchief values at lltOO. When one closely examine the webllke aim, end tbe remarkable d tall of Ihe dainty design, Ibt east seem no loo muoh to pay far inch a piece of work, lit making doabtiee eeeepled the greater part of ewe wumsa't life The handkerchief Is now the property at the Drsiel Iorlllnte le Pbfledrlpbla, which h wee presented by the widow el George W Cbllds, the fassoe Joe malls I and philanthropist. The ether beaallful leea shown ea this page ereoweed la Bew Terk and Bosten, most of them bt ta iaeladed In Ike eotleetloa loss ad tn . the MfltrOtwllUa Masenei of .Art ' Mrs. Aster. , This eoHecUo le veined at ) the eaomoes earn of Ma. 000. - , ' ; ; ' 1 . Nerious and Sich Headaches f OLD BT 111 DULGGI3TS. TBS CiUMrtORS A-COENC . Vllmlniwi "u be Sera Tali Morala;. Cam t 4 O'decL, Has Came J The) Wnmlngton' base bsll team left Wilmington last night lor GoUlaboro and wtH be down on the train this mora, tng, doe here at 10)0, and will play against New Bern today and tomorrow. Today's game will be called at 4 o'clock. It to expected that a large crowd will be present. - i. -.-; ?y . . The games were arranged la answer to a telegram from Manager Jea, H. Cowaa easing for date end ' terms. These were sstlafactorily arranged but o account of a reran ndertttndlng the arrangement" was not perfected until too late to take the Atlantic Coast, tine, so It waa necessary to come by way of Gflidxboro. ''U ' The feeling towards, Wilmington Is very warm, they having the sympathy In the League contest. This will not prevent Mew Bern voicing their senti ments In the grand stsnd however, and a big time Is anticipated If the score should prove a close one. The price of admission will be 25 cents straight, children only will be admitted for IS cents. 4 PERSONAL PARAGRAPHS. Mr. F. a Roberts hae returned to the city. v Mlts Mabel Cusdwk-k of Beaufort Is visiting Miss May Hendren. Mr. Carl Richardson of Washington, . C, Is In the city, oi a business visit. Mr. W. H. Griffin, Jr., is In the elf. visiting his parents, Capt. and Mrs. W. H. Griffin. Mlas Mary Bryan of Pollocksvllle and Mr. D-tv Koonce of Bogne are visiting Mr. J. A. Jones. Mr and Mrs. M. M. Marks, and Miss Belle Marks left last night for Boston and the Pan-American Exposition at Buffalo. Back Prom the West. Mr. W. W. Clark and Mr. Enoch Wadaworth returned Sunday morning after an eight weeks' tnnr In tbe West. They vlstted San Francisco and South- era California and returned by way of the Yellowstone Park and tbe Northern route. Their friends greeted their re turn and are enjoying Tales of Two In the Woolly West. DUD. In this city, August M, 1001, Frank Carter aged 46 years. Tbe funeral ser vices will be held this afternoon at 4 o'clock from bis lsts residence 204 Pol lock street, iy Blcbmond Dispatch please copy. Tarboro 14, Klnston t. The first game between Klnston and Tarboro waa played yesterday. Tbe Klnston rnotera bare been anxious to have the Tar Babies pot la an appear ance so as to show that their "all home players" were supcilw to the league. Tbe result was somewhat of a disap pointment to home talent as It was near ly a shut oat, being larboro 14, Xlnstox Moonlit ht SaU, Tanlcht Lookout, all thoss who want to take la the Moonlight Ball tonight on the learner Guide. She wilt leave the wharf of Craven street at 8 o'clock. All who bars not purchased ticket eaa purchase them at the dock tonight Nloe refreshments will be served. Bene fit of St. Msry's Working Society. Wemaa Prisoner Escaped. Vary Ward, eolored, senteaeerl at th' last term of eonrt to II mouths In State's Prison, escaped from tbe eoanty Jail yesterday morning sad ie still at large. She was allowed la carry backet out. side tbe building and eeeh ef the tw at tendant thought the other wet watching Bhe eew her opportunity and made lor the aoeuh fence ol the yard.. This teaea le aboat 7 feethlgh betsbe wee Wer h tn t Jiffy end before tbe twe en gaerd could follow the woman had die appeared dowa the street. Sheriff Biddle eipect to take the sentenced prison irs to Raleigh tub A TrMiwertky Sen Ml Many prominent and Influential pre pie epeak In lersw Jl highest prat of LUtletna Frmaie Oetlege am' advettrsv meal ef whlob eppeeie la thai pei?, eMine lesiliHtloa, wc bsl'eve, has Ike (a'l enealra of U people. . The boarding school palrnaage a Iht Cellege be be dixb'd m the I., thiee .aM, and da-lag tbe II year 61 tbe t list new of k eebool there ha. never bsea i death eatoag M paplla, ! . ! , OABTOnXA. ia. lwlBnNllwtiisjt O O, Beck, (trim, Ark., te.i "I w. troebled wlthroeetlpstloe eetll I bengbt tMW Hi t Lille rarly Itiesra. 8lace thee brve hera entirely eered of hty oid eom plaint I recommend th , w, r i i - tw. Party. 'J. Tnesdey tveslag a lawn party will be lra fat lb bensat of tbe Christian ebnresk It win bs held en the la along th. river Ik Are between Broad esd New (traeta. DelUhtful ref,rh meats will be o sat and tsif enjoy. Sal svaalng prolM. .4 l pa tit. POLliJCISVlLLE. Cettoa Rot s Good. Rev Shingle IW. Rti'tna MoevtUeea.1 A Mcnle. X.$B ButaMt' tennn.';Mi'. Angnst 14. Lsst week, every day' rain hat given mack distress end also disas ter te tbe fodder men. il""r' Crops are still very, poor, especially corn. Cotton Is by no mesas as good u tome think it to, a close investigation plainly abowt tat tobetrne.' The health of this place t remarkably gtod, there Is not a case of sickness in town, yet the Doctor are very busy with country praotlce. ' ' ' Dr. and Mr. G. & Hughe returned home 'wet Saturday from the western part of the Bute looking very much Im proved by the trip among the hill." i Mr. E. T. and J B Bender' machinery arrived here from Philadelphia last week and It now miles In the country where they will soon bs tasking tatngles aud boards of cypres etc Mr. David 8. Barm of Klnston Is here visiting his brother Mr. Isaac Bar ret. : Hb ipeaks In cl iwlngterms of Kioston's progress and future pros pects. . -. . . i . '; ;. The Gum Branch correspondent of ths Journal teem tokn w very little of this place and Its peopl 1. lie ugget that the suae cause may eiui her as in Hyde county, relative to staggers among horses. We have no Do mosquitoes at all and feed wholly on No. 1 Timothy key. Mr. T. 8. Bender was summoned home yesterday by telegram t ace her mother who was thought by tbe doctors to be dying at her home In Pill county near Qulnerly. We hal the pleasure of attending a plcuic at the grove of Mr Cyrus Foscue't lsst Thursday welch, aas a perfect suc cess In every way, a very select sffttlr given Mr. Kouo and hi neighbor, lere were visitors there from as far south as 'Louisiana snd several from Western, N. C. Tbe grounds were beau tifully arranged with walks and rustic teats, aud tbe stately osks, games and various sports was tbe feature of the day. Mr. A.'S. Lee leaves this evonlng for Goldkboro where he Intends purchasing a car load of the It. E. Jones buggies for Ibis msrket. There has been quite an improvement made here on tbe railroad bridge and the water tank, wblch Is being replsced,by a new one. Mr. Matt Harriett our trig sheriff Is one of our most progressive olltiens, he is now having his property In this place repaired, overhauled, etc getting things In order tor the fall business. His It one of the latest improved gin plant tn the county. Mr. B. B. Barry who ha been spend ing several weeks visiting hit family near here returned to his place of bnsi- i at Jacksonville this morning, so conipanled by bis daughter, Miss Male. We hear that the Maytvlll Supply Co., has been purchased by Mr. 8. 8. Waters of this county for the sum of i3,W0. Mr. Chat II. Foy.Uis former msnager of this business will move to Kln.ton some time this winter or the first of aext year we are Informed, where be can have the advantage of belter school for hi children, and a broader field for business. HullM aa a Bank Telle. In three bank St Chicago tbe other day a machine .for counting money, handled by one man, sorted, weighed and counted 942,000 an hour In half eaglet and double eagles, says tbe New York World. Electricity and com pressed air are tbe agents need hi at taining tola speed. Lieut com are tossed la a "light" compartment Tbe machine dor tbe work of six men. The result are ld to be abeolntely correct. The weighing m dona auto matically. All tbe maa In charge baa to do U te ae that tbe feed ebeeta are kept OUmL - Grand Jury Report To jm HoaoaaBLa Jtroea O. H. Auaa, PaasitHaa We, tbe Grand Jsry, beg leave to trb- mlt tbe following report: We bare have acted os at Bill, 88 of which we foaod True BUI ead 14 eot Tre Bills. W have visited the Oonaly Home In a body and foaad the Rome la a good coadltloa a far a tbe tultarf ooed thmt are ooaeeraed, but we would arg the asoseslty of speedily. repeiriaglbe ftacet aad whliewssblog tbe dwelling aa.l fasces. . We farther eeggeet the! bath tate be procured for the Inmate ef be Uetae. - , We have Inspected tkt Court II out aad tad h la very geod eoedllloa bat would serges that lb vaalt he cleared of all Wjod stiulres aad eellleg and nw. omasend stem shelve laaltwl, Ikeret y making lb vstilt utepreof. " W bare thoroughly tatpretrd the Jail sad do nat tad H srrwre e-wW tn tbr manner la whbh ll ejNteastrBcle W wimld saggem thai the Iii4kW alU Which art ootid be reaMivnl aad Iron eirksaballlated, atari the grMliie Mcb I. (oft Irna ew removrd and ! el bars. a4 lass Ibaa we Inrh I tHananrt, enbslltaMl. Wa wmtid ntoameMl In SjihUlU d.vr fls-il tlkel. A' tnd ill tflmib elatl wevailtrtl) ehaini l hstt lm, rlllii ilt all Veiillil4Mi Iklo dtrrctkia , woahl rwonimrui! ta rveintal i.f same at face, Al.n, s 14 alnp havUg lw b rarrlnd lU-.mrk laetktlr lwlldlg by the ut be- trtt w eonld tawrefnr treometeed lr Ifni'tloanf runnlag wtv closH lb wsat iUm of tbe Jill Tbe an aft be amply protected by reel grating sad all lbs drsl l o lbs pratnlMi. in be add with Iheetiy nwrr- W And I'l In.ak peranet laiauTratrd la tk UI Sa.l aa n-1.r.i.k I iL.i it I. -ro s M tli.l the UtMimy kare in oar. ft lli.m Is lb fiiiur. w wcsKI rc omtol't that th (' SI bttUd s at t us o aty i.c rir th -n-r at furliisale. W. K. Haiisn Foreman OranJ Jsry. Plaatlnr Fail Poutata. t Mcettoes Beld. Back-ia Good Bealtk. A Party. - orning- f Academy.?? Angutt " M.-New .1 scarce. At crops , are poor. The . rains continue. Horse are dying off rapidly ; with stag ger,,' and. eom. considerable tlckaeas prevail In torn sections of tbe eoanty. The farmer are planting their r fall crop of Irish 'polstoes, turnips and rutabaga as ususl, about the ame aver age being planted. -,. '.' v The revival service at the Baptist church cloned here last Sunday night the 18th Inst, with one accession to the church, the attendance at tbe meetings unusoslly large. .The, Ber, Mr. Taylor pastor wa assisted by the Rev. Mr. Elliott of Chowan oounty, eonslderable interest waa manifested la the meetings. The Rev. Mr. Jenktn pastor of the . E. Church has just closed a success ful series of meetings at Barnes Chapel with eleven accessions to the church. Mr. J.O.Baxter of Stonewall who hat been clerk with Mr. C. H. Fowler, for upwards ot-thirty yeart and who on account of falling health gave np hit po sition the first of July has been- spend Ing the greatest portion of hi rest at Seven Springs, returned laat week very much Improved In health and look. He gained 13 pounds daring his stay at the Spring. He It now receiving goods end opening np business of his own at R, H. Baxter1 old stand tn Stonewall, we wish him success. Mis Mollis Sawyer of Oregon who I visiting Mr. W. T. Oaho gave an Ice cream party Jo- her young friend and acquaintances last Thursday night, where tbey all enjoyed themselves hugely" until eleven o'clock, and de parted In peace, Prof. M. W. Ball it down putting np his potters and distributing them, an nouncing that the school at Bayboro, Male and Female Academy, will open on September 16th- Many new feature wllLbe added to the school the coming seasflh. It will be a shame and disgrace to parents If they keep their children at home and allow therd to run around the streets and grow up in ignorance and Idleness with such a school at their very door, offering such advantages of an education. Theie can be no excuse rendered either now or hereafter by psrents, if they allow their children to grow up in ignorance. Parents, white people, remember the Constitutional Amendment which you adopted last year will affect your children atter 1908, just tbe same as It doet the blscks, all will have to resd snd write and ex plain the constitution then or be de prived of tbe privilege to vote White fieople will you let your child grow up n ignorance and be disfranchised, this it a' serious question, think of It. Mlas Minnie Bellsnce of Pamlico Is visiting Miss Ada Rlggs of this place. Misses Bula and Nsttle Miller are vis- 1 'RnRRriiiri New lot of .he) Beautiful Noft ; Taffeta . nibboM In Pink, " Rel, nine, White and Yellow Iut neeeWed by ExprrrtM. . BEAUTIFUL QUALITY liiii - i lit' lUli ' m m .aTY je"M, 1 1, 67 Pollock Strc: tUng at Masaio thl waek V :S ; :; Mr. Wallace f)akls I seea occasional I ly la Bayboro, to the delight of bis many friend. : . --J -v iy - J - Augnst M. It rain every day I Tbe crops are meek better than were report ed tome weeks ago. Mr. Jse B. Bennett and kia two daughters spent three day of last week visiting friends end relative here. We are sorry to say Mr. Geo. Wayne who Is very HI of typhoid fever bs not reached convalescent atage yet. Mist Lltile Har-lton of Arapahoe vlstted Miss Lonls Holton lsst week much to the satisfaction of ber friends here. Rev. I. W. Rogers spent several days of last week visiting special friends here. Mr. ueo. r. enthrall, a young man who Is studying for the ministry, preached very pointed doctrinal ser mon here on tbe 8rd Sunday nlgbt. - The sign of hard time are leaving I onr section, for Messrs. J. B. and H. T. Dunn each bought a splendid new bug gy last week. Also after walling sev eral years air. u. uolton purchased a top buggy of Hearn brother last week. Toil see onr people will come to the front. C. If tbe action of your bowel la not easy and regular serious complications I must be tho final result. J)e Witt's Little Ksrly Risers will remove this danger Safe, pleasant and effective. F. S. Duffy ft Co. Relifions Notice. St. Mary's Free Will Baptist Sunday School ha changed It hour of service from five o'clock back to half past two o'clock. Tbe school Is requested to be p-omptly on time next Sunday at half put two o'clock. 0. T. Hollow ell, r Secretary. How The Simplon Tunnel Is Pro- tected. Should Italy and Switzerland fall out what would happen to theBlmplon Tun nel. Tbe open Ing on either side will look like the great doors of some mediae val fortress. And they will be fortresses in all reality. Suppose these two bolllger ents should fall out. Tbey would rush like a whooping plague through that tunnel and Invade each other f Indeed they would not. In the little fortress at each end there will be a man and a button. The man will press the button and bring down tbe mountain. When the smoke lifts there will not be any tunnel any more. Some five or six thousand men will have worked night and day for five yesrs and a half at a cost of 70.O0O.OC0 francs and destruc tion f BvanrnoDT's Magazine. Oil n nrv a - t. E. W. SMALLWOOD, Hardware Paints and Oils, NEW BEKN, N. C. THE WORLD'S BEST. 1 nmT mm J in all leathers have jmi arrived. TAKE 4 LOOK1 X t 8 8 WEN'H I ft HBJ k. fJ i 9 Wll aaW a.iaau W W V S7 ollccln Street. The House Furnisher. Knives, Forks and Spoons from cheapest, I to best sliver plate. Preserving Kettles and Pots in Granite Oil Stoves & Lamps. M. K Whitehurst, IS Pollock Street NBWBKRH, - N. l .Dtving sccared tn s-rvlcre of ex perienced parties, I am prepared in abort notice to tecnle Kami, City, Land and Rail Road surveying. Ditches, Hlreels aad Bond laid ont and leveled. Orsogbllng In ell It Warwhia. ftlus aad Mark prfnU made. Old maps re paired snd . mounted. ToprgrapMcal I nnrve) lug aad plotting. Hrawlng and wokrtag plan executed promptly. Pew- crags aad drainage planned, , laid oat I ad s.s ruction sepetlnisaded. - J. J. Volfenden; I New Be-rii,' IV. .!.'.-'-' $20 REWARD! 1 allt pay tn earb for lU arrrl ted delivery af lb f following saeied prl. i.nert wbe eaeaped from CrsvrB rowiitj jail oe the 111 bias. ; , Cm, TVopaa, Ftenry Ciffle, - . Aug 14,1901. . - - . J W. BlDHLf.Khetlff.i Craven Coeaty, Jt I'Sffl, f . O, . (Klnrtoe aad Qrecavin peper plesa Inaert I Of I lima and send Mil In i. W. tllddle, BharlfT, K-w lie,, If. C ) , FOR SALE. Two lx,U lit a $-l lortlity. A'V) On llonut nh Ixt. E. E. flAr.IT.n. surveying mm IMITATED,. NEVER EQHALEa 4 WEAK, O eeeee-ee I ILiBook Store f.., I I,.. I I ,,l , .i,l n,,,l , ,, New York j Journal FliKK UK IVKIiV. G. H. Ennctt. eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee McCORMICK Mower!, Hay Rakes, Corn Binders and 5hrcddcr. W r liavr a i:ir,.ail c-f t)n"ien I, ,r it, ,1 llftrv--.lln(T nitfliinrs on hsml n d tun It J I nrili-r ,r"ini,IIv. Pefi-r you tii I In- filling Int m 1 1 i , are mhiiik tlu-m- mowers and reii ' J. M. "iienm-r :it I. L. Klii-ma l.i m. ' '. ". I'rrry. Il.n kl.nrn WllkiL, 1-1. 1 n,a H. K.rmi'. I. II Hi ll. Alfn-l Cnakm.. A I), k I'l him, Jnlili h Mcliiv.:i.,. J .1 mi mona, i. II. Vlnn.m, 1. V - T. ('. WhltUkor. B. H. Henderson, r. W. A K. Wsd.wnrtli. J. O. 1'nrk.T, ( . M Heath, t H. Weskltt, J. K Amrj, W. I Arnold. V. II. (laaklns, fli-lien Miit lord. Alonra Kulrher, H. W. Intliam. J. CWMttylV ijr t' flit V f pat Ihrmigh er bad every aaaansi. sad we bar yet to dlaowver a dlau. fled VKtfonwr. , Tbe rolmikl niryile wbleh Is onr liaikrinwi, All n ow wbl aier Uaar.-mnxL Irf mrsa w have rip Is s at low prlrea, trot they tre all good. W ar baaulqaarWrt Cor all kind eC' Sporting Oonla, -;.. . IV SI. T IIIIsTU fal m riictm ae, Fraaa , rVosTmu Oi r, 1'noaMjaArwe, Jo rarsriMo, Rvtn tfatira, B8AL I't ama i-imjjit,t irtw itun, , m

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