I. !; a, s- VOL XIXio,'J40. ' , , SIW B,EN Hj C.. WIDNESDAY MOSSING, 81PT1MB ER 11, 19QI7 'Ay: TWENTIETH TEAR V.'A. . 'Jk-. A 1 1 A. - . Mil 1 it . 'V,. I FineShoes m: A Grand Display ot all the New Fall jg styles. Made by the well known firms: V : by no one else in the ji ' S No rou1bl6 to show them. Call and V" (V eiamine. f TO TO TO TO HAGECEURN 47-49 POLLOCK STREET. S t , JUST RktSIVID A NIW ALSO EXTR RUBBERS FOR SAME. Don'l forget we have a fresh lot of Portsmouth Corned bullets. If jou wan't Good Coffee Ity our "Morning Glory" brands , ... ... ' r1(' C m the Grocery line. k ' iive us a esll nna we will fXI - j v Yours for Wholesale and A;;- J PHONIC 3 i, ra EXPECTS NEW GOODS for the for for it. They are coming ia, a full store, and go arrani Our stock will be sold One of our leaderft.tbiB Fall Ball Bearing Castors. No tearing the, carpet or gaining jn'mojnKeayieBt JarniturBV nrGoods Delirered' rroinpUy 'S- PHONK U7. REWARD! tSSTf t will pay 130.00 lor th armtaad d- 7$.-Wwf f M7 Ward'aNwrt 8 feat Wtfh, : ' i f JIW about H" pnaxbt light Kinged V rmat, alioot 8 ywr; walki Uk- bd ' ' od aide lo rtftbt, whn Meaped from Jail V;f 00 .wly, Aojiiii 87lh,1901.. , ' :'T v . - ; : v , J. W. S1DOLR, Sheriir. - . i i Omvfa Cnuntr. New I'ers, l. Cv i ne kjm ina ol tne llarvey ; H ij-fl JMirable ni,wth ,'vr; water bath and gas. .' . mm JJEV. BKUN,' '-i;'N,i:''.v;''' Apply to J. L. IIARTSFIELD, - - - Nkw rw, N. 0. HIT A city. BOPPU.PI I, AMD J.QJ. ... ""r-",! f- save yon money. business, ' Retail Orocer, j ww - m . ooaoawpf . Je j no ; dally. We are going to have d St-. Hi eed that one can, easily look it over. on SMAli.i(pnf pairinquickia1e8;! Oaskill Hardware Co 7H,ll.iui v?"StW, BRK N, 3 1 A ' 0H1KIGHT0.M I . iriv ' y . ii ' . 'Hnnnnil , Pnntnirhna iCIh -The Banner Stow of "" ', , - i ' .tJw Season i :, .( THE GREAT THE GREAT auktcd liy his CuDtiany ot . lUHipiAH KNTCRT ilSERS ! ThU show hat made MlLtlONS EEACKSIITfl & VESILIIZHT, Xaaafartarer of ' ' "" 7BnKnif. Wagon, farta. e., , , Ifrptlrlair DanDfta Rhftrl Notice. Bugit'i'! Wf(ii, Carta and Drnj kept ob hunil fur nt, '. . 8kp ftuuth rront Ntrpt, ' NEAT.r.r.N,N.C. ALL FAIIME In' President EcKlnIej'x CcnOItica zent. HO FURTHER IFrREHEHSIOH. Vice President and J Other Public Offlclalittye For Their Homes : Arrest of Emma Goldman , who Declares HerseUln- . 'nocent .'ofjanyj Coini ' ' I plication" With 'Crolfosz. : - ': Special to Journal. .a j... Bdffaj), Beptembfx.10. The Preal- dent continued to exhibit farorable a;m- toma this morning, and 'hete contlnaed throaghont : the day,' with gradual, de cline In puUeand temperature, u -The Improvement J been to great that It Is decided to dlaconllnne the aoon bulletia, .-;, ; Mr. Mllburn, at whoae home the Pres ident is lying, stated this aftotaoon that the Piesident was much better thaa at any time since he was shot. He Is on the road to speedy recovery. , , Secretary Hitchcock said, "There is no longer (he slightest apprehension In regard to the President's condi tion." - The President asked again, today for a newspaper, and also whea he might be able to sit up. ; -.. . Vice-President. Booserelt leases for horns late tonight. ' , eenater HannS went to hit home In Clerelandthis afternoon. Ohicaoo, September 10. Emma Oold- maawho was arrested here this after noon; 'charged with conspiracy and being implicated with ,the attempted murder of the President, broke down and. wept after a long and close examination, by the ehlef of police, who says the arrest will lead to the breaking up pf the most blood thirsty . gang of anarchists- which Ter infested any count ry. Emma Goldman declares she does not know Cxolgcsi, and had nothing to do do with the attempted assassination. Buffalo, N T., September .-Until the last doubt of the President's recoT- ery has aniseed, I-eou F. Ciolgoss will be held tiy; the police, tb await the result. it. 1 Should the president r reeorer; . the oharge pf assault with intent to kill will b Btade against tbe assailant and the proceedings will be conducted wholly la die State courts. ' This was sealed br i oonfsrenee betweSa GoTsrnpr Qdeli and liutncr Attorney renney, beiff in "tws city, and the plsn has been spproTed by Secretary of War Root. ( Gorernor Oden came here to arrange fpr the trial 'and pnnlkhment of the anarchist. :; Aftef talking wljh ; Mr. Pen-1 ney he agreed to appoint a special, term of the Supreme Court for the trial of CjMlgon. The ease will take, the usual obarse. Ciolgoss will hare an examina tion and will be held for toe action of tie graB Jury, Which will indict hln da seteral eouuts. His tela! will follow as soot as-posslble. Sh'oatd' eTldeace of epnsplracy strong enough lo warrant ac tion, be ebtalned the oatur'e of the charge utbe altersdJ;, Vil 1 Though the IeirL peoaltr'- tof; Csol- goss's f rtmc, sUouiii tha Presfdeht re cpreir'ls only JO years In prison, be win nht-probabty escfpe with .thlsfpcnalty. l will be remembered thkl hs 'eososd With bis rSTdlf OeteetiTes Ire'laad and Foster and Jamarf Parkes, the negr who grappled with him. ' Each of these ; acts constitutes a sep'State assault in the Brat 4gree,Vl which Inotmental'wljK 1 e foundV'lhe assailant Vasalsfl' guilty of crry log concealed weapons endo. m,itiid two distinct -asssults -upon the President la firing two shots, ,The le- ef1aie'''-8ofconstrqfftloo o the 1st (tof fi( the entire case Is said to warrant half a !o:wn ImHcljticnU for different offenses oi which the prisoner may bccanvlctod aad eenlence.1 separately, (he aentea ces to rna iccomloly ancf dot cohcui- I mm CASTOR I A j Tor Infants and Children, Ki Iti Ydj Kava .:..:,: : J C sir"-' of wh-J Bears the ;;', Prcscr'; ':;'" at Tavls. ' Tal' Ptwi!.t!.-n f.ttHH-y miiUfs S Spcrlnlly f piwi,'i.tl..tii. I very pro rrlpllnn K'nt Hiitc i' .ii..t ami careful attfiiii-in. .,' r , i n t li!l ilrni a bi i' n f (1. ;;o ' 1 1 1 1 i . .) evi'r r-. !. I i , , f i ; o ii m l ' e t i I , OYSTERS AND TIMBER," Attorney General Gilmer to took After v state's Interests In These. Admit : 1 ; tlng'a Dogs BTidence to;,-,'. I . - Trial Case'' Bkuuoa, September 10. The Bnp- reme Oosrt today took up the docket of appeals from the third district." Among the attorneys present are ex-Senator T. , Jarrls, Ex-Oongressmsa- Harry Skin ner and ex-judge Augustus M. Moore. The most interesting case oa the docket was argued today, - It Js from Pitt coun ty, and Involves the question," entirely new In North Carolina; of the admissa bility ot the erldence of a dog. Blood hounds traoked a thief, the latter was confided without evidence, coupled with tome other, aad based" his appeal Upon the point that a dog's evidence was In law valueless. ..The attorney general argued strongly in favor of the dog't evi dence. - , , Manager. Rivers of the. Academy of Haste here says that beyond question the building will be enlarged and entirely remodeled u soon as the theatrical sea Son ends. a . . I Capt Claude B. Denson of Raleigh ac cepts the Invitation to deliver the ad dress before the survivors of Co. A. 20th regiment, at Mt Olive. i Attorney uenerat unmer win maxe two trips to the east; the first to look af ter the taxes upon oysters, the second to I look, into the wholesale depredations upon the State's timber: The State has not received a fifth of what it should have received from the tax on oysters, as In all sorts of ways the law has been evaded. . The number of students at the Agri cultural and , Mechanical College here, 80S fills It. The authorities will en desTor to get more dormitory room for next year. The need fpr It 'Is press lag. The State pension board continues Its arduous work of separating from the thousands of approved applications for pensions. From Cumberland 63 were approved by the board and none re jected, from Cumberland 127 approved and 15 rejected, from Davidson 89 ap proved and 91 rejected, from Edgecombe Gt were approved andVU rejected from Ctreene It approved and 1 rejectod. '., ' I Mrs. Rosamond, whose husband, a fire man on the Beabaard Alr-Llne, was killed last month in a wrack at a wash out near Cberaw, sues the 'railway for $80,000. ,;. - j Peace Institute here opens tomorrow with by far the largest attendance in Its history. President lames Dinwiddle has had to lease buildings outside. He says it is the plan to build a dormitory, as a memorial of the late Rev. Dr. BurweH, the first president 1 The contract for the office bunding of the Carolina Trust Co. here Islet The eoet will be $13,000.' I" "' mmmm9 i " - TO QLBAirSE TUB STSTER ! Effectually yet gently! hen costive or billions, to permanently overcome hab Itaal constipation, to awaken the kid neys aad liver' to a healthy activity, without irritating or weakening them, to dispel heedaoheaY colds, fevers, use 8yrup of Figs, made by the California Fig Syrup Co. .. . ; T- r, mm ' . i THB HARKETS. ' The following quotations were receiv ed by J. K. Latham 4s Co, New Bern, 't '.- :'''' ' Niw Toaa SepwiO.' OonoKi Open.' High. Low. Close Oet;v.;n.'.. . 7.W ' t.n 1J 7.81 Jaauary, 7.88 ,t.B7 Jtsy. ChleagoSeptMO. V7naAr. Open High, Low. Close ".'.'.vV.-iU'etii ' Sept.'. .88 - - r; t 70 Oon:- t bpea..rtga, Low. -Osose ? iOor.ite'.V mi:.-.-'5:''vimh Rlbsiti Cjii ;rpen. ' nigh." " Low; 'Close v Ssp ;.'J.-fi ,870 t!jfi.XfZ?$' iWt 8ocitsi . Open High. Low Close 8ugar.'i.'5,J. 1. i;' iai.'.W 188 LU. a. .tVi, 18 ti-J?'t-i t Tax. Paei. 48 ,: ;. 45 f W m '48 5t Am. C.F......V 89i u. a 8 Psc. M.. N. W.. Bo By ; ., - ' , 0J f" ' 55' .' Mi 8Dots 4-13.ie. Sales 8,000 halos. V Futuros, OcC-Nov.418 Nov-Deo4.15. Apf-May41fl. , ' t Rnf try Immi0 rr. Most of tlie pnper now used In'mado from Trmul ami other vpgetnlilu fllK-rs wlilili nm I'hi'iiilonlly not very differ imt from th niiiti'Hnl of whlWi e hny ritk Is coiiipoM-d. CuiimMiuutly If pa per Ii stacked dump ticntlnij Is likely in t:l;c i!ncc jiiHt ns It dws with prenmtiirely s'nckefl hoy, itil lit nny tiino fl:1l?i jn lltny ln!f:t out (in t'.rt ro R'llt (f K(nHl(lll'-nus4 c.!h!)tu-Uon. Wli'-n ) n 1 I. r i it s!o try Klmnfi' !i i ' ' v n i 7 l'i ! !ii t. 1 . Suprepe Qqrf Opinions, ; ( opauiai w journal, , j( , ' Kalbiobv Beptember 10 The Su. preme Court flies the following opinions to dayt . t - i , . Spialds vs.: Railroad; from Halifax," ,: affirmed. t - .. State'vs. Carter, from- Hertford, ao error, . ; ' I Luton-vs. Bsdham, from Chowan, new , -trial. - . a ' Bumbo vs.' M'Pg Co, from Chowan," error. . : ' i--.- Makely vs. Booth, from Chowan, bo error. i : ,- , i Commissioners of Currituck vs. Com- saleslonere of Dare, no error. '-' ,R0btnaga vs. Lamb, from Camden,! error.- ' Mldyett vs. Mldyett, from DareJ error, j. The following appeal wss disposed of I by per curiam order to wit: Duval I Lumber Co., vs. Fentress Lumber Co., affirmed. , Cases from Third District argued to-1 State Vs. Moore, et el. by Attorney I General tor State, Swift Galloway by brief, and A. M. Moore for defendant. Brlte vs. HTg Co., by Simmons and! Ward, by brief for plaintiff, W. D. Mel Iver for defendant. Insurance Co. vs. Steamship Co., con tinued. Frazies vs. Frailer, by T. B, Womack I for plaintiff, H. O. Connor for de-l fendants. Don't wait until you become chronical ly constipated but take DeWltt's Little Early Risers now and then. They will keep your liver and bowels in good order. Easy to take. Safe pills. F. 8. Duffy.- A Famine In Korea. ,1'ohTLAND, Orb., Sept 9. Tho steam ship Knight Companion, of the Port land & Asiatic Lino, arrived yesterday from Hong Kong and Yokohama, The Kobe Herald of Auguat 1st says: 'Yes terday the Korean government Issued order that no rice or grata should be ex ported, the cause being that little short ot a famine threatens the country on ac count of a Jack ot rain. The whole country is In a most dreadful state- Many farmers hsve planted other crops in the rice fields and these are fast dying up for want of rain." The Kobe Herald of August 13 says: "An eartheuake of a more serious character than has been experienced In Japan for many years occurred at Aomerlken on, Saturday. Railroads were badly damaged. There were con siderable subsidences between the towns of Shlrioehl and Nnmszakl." Rebels Intend to Attack Colon. Kiaas-rov, Jsmsica, September 9. The royal mail steamer Para, from Co lon, reports rebel activity ' In the neigh borhood of Panama and Colon. She also reports that fighting has taken placei at Bocaa del Toro. The government of the Utter plaoe failing to repulse the Liberals, the rebels have given notice of their intention to attack Colon within a fortnlgbt . The government Is contin ually moving troops to meet the rebel advance. Trade continues almost para lysed. ReJRoujh Hands ItchJnzPaJms Vand Painful Ftojef Ends. ' ' SOAK tie handt on fetlrfas? In A stronjr, hot, cMamy lathct -of CufTcara Soap. Dry, and anoint freely with Cutlcora Oiflt mcnt, the pen akin etsra and purest of emollients. 7tar,dur lrz the night, olJ, loose kii . floret, with the flnoer ends rut off and air holes cut In the palms, . Fof red, tough, chapped hands, dry, fissured, itching, fevcrhdi palms, with shapeless nails and painful finger ends, this treat merit is simply wonderfuL J.lillbns cf Pccplo TJ CTmnmA BoAif MRlfttM by Cnn CcaA OtHTswRrfT. for pnwvtrrinir, pnHffk rR. aUid bftiMjtifyfng thAMklutf'iruiAnHin ' Iht sVMfclp ot crtiMtM, sKvilfwt, Mid Hand nil and tiiflfltopTibigoi fiiinitir hair, ftsruofuwi littr, )ittMfintf 'id WHiLiilnji; nwl, rrniKh and lHir icuHt f..r bnliy nt' lnm, tLtibinrt stud lrr't.ihont fwid f Kit tli4 imrtiH4ws of th toilet. ImMi, nd imrwrjr. Alilhonfiof huh ho At III ihm font! 'tuff (Hiiiitinnnt iotiMt rf'ut or tcm fn or o - , in ti'ft form of Wiwiiii l, (h m, fr iinnty iiiupua) whi' h rtvtiU v iih to woHn-n, mh f - i H a H" $Mmilini4 - St i i(" ., tttft Hfc-MI UK m i--, M ( UiitoS, lit til tl 1, . of hxK. uft ir mu V M pxi'il- -.- fur v . ... - Maids FULTON Fancy Cream Cheese, Fancy Elgin Butter, Portsmouth (Jornecl Mullets, Fresh Canned Goods. Heinz's Sweet Mixed and Cucumber Pickles and Baked Beans. Tomato Catsup and Worchestershire Sauce, Imported and mestic Sardines. Whole Cod Fish. Anything in Groceries you may want. 'Phone 01. Its easy to bny on our plan. Delightful warm weather menus can be constructed from our stock. It represents the best staple groceriesruits and vegetables. We keep our stock of the latter fresh and attarctive. J. J. TOLSON, Jr., Broad St Grocer Phone 137, Thursday, Atig. 22 PREMIUM DAY At the Planters Warehouse. We will have plenty: of buyers, with the orders tor your tobacco, ! and you can do as well on this market as any in the State, : Build up your home market by bringing your tobacco here, it you do not get as much for it as any other market, we do not expect your patronage. Gome down to the Premium Sale and keep : a coming. ' - Sales every week day at 11 o'clock. - J. M. HOWARD, Manager. S. B. CURRlft, Auctioneer. f2& ANNUAL , tl' 4; it-tjiS".-. "tr mem u rns h.itt th Oriental Indnitrlal Stock,-Fruit l , ' und; Apienltnral AsMOclatioii '' " ''' " at new jasmjD:- SEPTEHBER iGtli ;tb. 20th, (901. -V , Excursions from Wilmington, Raleigby Washington and other pointa by railroad and 'boato,' iirj 'itfPfi ' The Le aid I ff g Bicl! al I d jijjs arid Brass Bands of the State win compete (or prizes. ' tlerman Thurs- . PirThe Largest attendance of 0.' C. ItOACn, TAs.'iV IScrsa Stc!ml Hit Stolen from myplace on the night of September 9th, 1901, one horse, color rU "gray wi.-h dark' bips and hind b'gis Hinall hoc t and head for bIzc of body, ta good; cpn dilion. Anyone finding this horse will leave same with Mr, 8,' G. llolKirU, K(TV ficrn, N. ha, will pay cliuri . . - " jo:::f it. rowEx,:V rnchelor, N. C. MARKET Wholesale afc Retail Orocer, 71 lir3a4 HU !m.N4' ",' any previons year expeoted. i ;f W. ;W. LAWRENCE; cBwliT. . - To Hire Out! Tlie following mmedprlsoners' to ' it Craven County jail: ,, a i : 'i' V' 'i Henry Glover, 8 months from August ' ! 10th, U01. w4..-v. 1 .;.:.. Fd Hill, 4 months from Aug, 10, -' ' , " John Mackey, 8 months from Aug, 10. -V; John Howard, 8 months front Aug if- I elia Tolleck, 8 months from Aug, 10,' a'y 'Anyone desiring to- hire any of the r . above named persons will cooler with ' ; - - . K. R. J0NK8,'."'.;:;- Chm, Board County Ccnunlssloners, ' ".yi''J-'-' i ti -.if

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