X VOL; X1X-NO. 156. "I ji"!k' J. MWJBIIUr, I.i C, SUNDAY MOSHIIS, SIPTIMBItt 29, 1801. WKSTIETH YIAK MAPOLEON lost Ac battle of Ldp- sic from a fit of indigestion. How r many battles 4p ly lose in your business because you lack the supporting : stimulating brace of good coffee. "Poor . v y ;-. ; f. 5 1 s"tV4.y j - ) ' coffee, poor energy!" is the rule. Nature has her soft pedai down and you have no snap. If you want the loud pedal, the forceful power, the strenuous living, try Chase & Sanborn's Seal Brand Coffee It will strengthen your 47-49 PoUdck Street s JUST Kll'IlVllt A NEW ALSO EXTRA. RUBBERS FOR SAME. Don t forget we have a fresh lot of Portsmouth Corned Mullets. If jou wan't Good Coffee try our "Morning Glory" brands thev can't lie beat, in fact we ara hfdnimrtarn fnr anrthino- . ' (? in the Grocery line. 5 Give us a call and we will Yours for X. TZ. JZLEZJO Jr., Wholesale and Retail Orocer, PHONIC ii9 I 'or. Kroiul eft llanomk Hi. s J PHONIC mm wm At the Planters Warehouse. O. C. IPOCK. OR lbs. 21c. 155 " " 17c. 42 " 90. 84 " " 8Jc. L. F. AVERY. 178 lbs. UJc. 72 !' " 15. 75 - 20c. I). J. FULCHER. 54 11m. 22c 81 ' - tie. 28 " 84. 81 " " 40c. T. R. BIMPK1NS. 112 lb. 23c. ' 5 " 40c 87 " - Via. 57 " ' 18c. MK8. MOLUB IPOCK. 14 II. 120. 28 " ' 180. 43 " I2c. 15 " " 85e. . 8 . :. . ,. . , Bring ua your Planters J. are lm'nd a CompleU Coil' Only place in town t find WiUoa vv y. II ii ii war uarooa rninuiar la the Bet, Uies leu ' eotl to ion the jvWre foiu'rf' pleo 8t.BoMd8 iaj lze. j' fi'''' ; . uui" na loo - orer our itoct J Wl RHVV1 DVVT v BalllBrjarinn Casters. V,, ,-.. .. .... '.. t , t, , GTPrompt Delivery and Good V:" ' ir t"' I arm. In i-lb. and frJb, Tia Qua (air nghi), . Other high grata h richly, colored parcbaHai fcafa (molttarc proof), SUPPLY Or 1 AND 2 QT. t J save you money. business, 0. J. HEATH. 165 lb. 8,c 30 " ' 88o. 112 " 19c. 162 " " 18c H. D. WILL18. 46 lb. $ Uo. 87 42 22c. 27c. W. M. FULCHER. 18 Int. a 83c 44 ' 24c. 85 " " 15c 4 - 18c B. F. FUf.CHER. 62 lb. & lie 88 " - 17c. ' 55 ' " 10c. 18 . , 20c . SIM MUMS ft MAT. 88 lb. 10c. 6 , 11.50. 80 " - 15.00. 85 " 16.00. " " 8.85. " URN tobacco we will please you. ;Warehouse!Co;-Sl HQmDfrManaKerl '.iv-; v.""'' ? Store., Wood Store rd neatcra. Heater. We ; hare in three and get our prices before Lurinir Guaranteed. Hntvlifi CA. BiD ITBtGK-: r Seaboard , Air?LJttcIrla JLcares f v Rails Hear Oimervivi - The Text BoefTttapeeltorle. dray Charlotte' Cempny, Dli-' - eaadav CobtIcU Fer the Beaii . v r; .' Raleigh, Bept 28. Aboat mldnlKbt lt night the fait puaenger train, north bo and, n the Balelgh-Hiunlet division of the Beabourd Alr-Ltne, wh wrecked near Cameron by the spreading of the rail.; New of the dTMter it very hard to obtain, but to laid 6 cart were wrecked and 16 person hurt, among them were the engineer and Robert 0. King of Ral efgh, a commercial traveler, very terlou ly, The road ha had hard luck lately In the war of accident between here! eMAUantaif;"4"" " ''.. The State text book cOmmlMlon today iMoed a mandatory direction that all the text book companies which have the State co&tracte mast at once establish" the required depositories. . The commission also decided that a ratable book it an ex changeable book. This U to settle an other branch of the trouble with the book companies. Gov. Aycyk went to Wilson's Hills, Johnson county, today to dell ret an ad dress at a township rally In the interest of public education. :. That township wants to vote a special tax for it schools. Robert L. Oray, th young lawyer who left here night before last so as to avoid appearance at this term of Super ior Court, returned last night and gave a 300 justified bond for his appearance at the January term. If he had been tried yesterday Judge Robinson would hare certainly Riven him a heavy sentence for the assault on Mayor Powell. The term of court ended early yesterday after noon. The Governor offers rewards of 8200 each for two murderers; Robert Snipes White, of Burke, and Pink Long, col ored, of Caswell. By reason of Its failure to obey State Guard regulations Oo: M., 1st regiment, at Charlotte, is disbanded. The inspec tor general ud the oolonel of the regi ment both recommended this course. At the criminal term of court here Which ended yesterday 26 persons were sentenced to the roads. There are now over 90 on the road gang. Curator Brlmley of the Bute Museum Is in the extreme northwest and Secre tary Bruner in the extreme southwest, collecting specimens to be sent to the Charleston exposition. North Carolina 'week" there will be late in January. - Sid Darling, iOia, Howard St.. Port Huron, Mich,, writes:, "! have tried many pills and laxatives but De Witt's Little Early Risers are far the best pills I have ever used." They never grtpe. F. B Duffy. They Criticise Roosevelt. Mancbistcb, K. H., September 27. Louis Bell Post, Grand Army of the Re pnbVc, of Manchester, conducted a me morial service tonight In honor of Pres ident McKlnley. The meeting developed into an ex pression of criticism and hostility toward President Roosevelt. CapL Frank H. Challls, past national commander of the Pons of Yeterans, said: ' "I confess that it was with some mis givings I read the letter which President Roosevelt wrote to a Southern friend, in which he said he wis croud of the fact that two of his tracles served the Oonfed erate cause. one as sn adnrhal in the Confederate Savy, whfle the other hadff flred the last gun on the Alabama. 1 confess thava some misgivings as tathtl fuikre, don't 1IU Miee ttiepsodulum siting that way."' Choice Extra- Pork Sausages at Oak . k s i i . I V.J "wr. I j , iTcsiaeni acAiniera wm. , f Cilldi,-d4 8eptrWTlwlll "oi President McKlnley was Died thU afteif BOCA by Judse .WJlUam H. Dav. who w kt tone dms SeattWji et State tader Presldent ItcklbUy.Vaud gecrStaif Cor- telyou. "Togetket they went ' to the Pro bate Judge' office shortly aft three o'clock and presented the ' testament to Judge Aungst. ' All the property Is left in trust to Mrs.,, McKlnley, but aa4- aolty of 91,000 1 - given to Miss Helee McKlnley sister of the President. ,( It is suted thtt the etute will' reach from 1223,000 to 1230,000. . Of this $87 ooo is , lire Insurance. The remauder coaslsU of bank deposiu In Washington ana or reel estate in Usntoe and else where.' Achedule of estate will prob ably b. filed Monday by the administra tor after they qualify. v" : --r .. ' Surveyors were at work te day plan ning me ground on WHICH it la pro posed to erect the McKlnley monument. Serersl (mall contribution! were reoelv 1 by fee Mayor " 1 . u -. - ' C'A a . ? Infante end CM"-. r::;IY:j !' .3 " 1 'I 1 r. )C t s ,9 tC k . COLUMBIA A WINNER. Bat by the Very Harrow Margin. A v wonderful luce. . The race between the Shamrock n and Columbia wm sailed to a finish. C&J lnmble won by 88 seconds but Shamrock crossed the finish line before the Ameri can boat; the latter won on account of her time allowance of 43 seconds. . The yachts were off close together with Columbia in. the lead. Thema nenvree of Capk Barr secured the best place for Columbia. At eleven fifteen Shamrock had pulled up and led the Columbia At twelve thirty the wind was reported as holding about 6 knots an hour with good prospects of holding out. The Shamrock was then leading with the ad vantage of her lower sails In the light air." The sails of both yachts were draw lug well and Capt. Barr was holding his boat high up in the wind. The course was straight to windward 19 miles and return, the yachts beating to the stake boat and running back free. The Shamrock turned the stake boat first at 1:304 o'clock. The Columbia fol- j lowed close after. The official time gave the Shamrock a lead of 41 seconds at the stake boat. The yachts were now on the home stretch and sailing free before the wind and the dispatch said they were "coming home fast." At 8:25 the yachts were nearlng the finish line and were almost bow and bow with Shamrock slightly In the lead. It was then said that Columbia would win on account of her time al lowance of 48 seconds. The report Bald that It was "a Tricked race." The 8hsmrock crossed the line at 8:31 o'clock with the Columbia 10 seconds be hind. However the time allowance on the measurement of the yachts gave the race to the Columbia by 83 seconds, al though the Shamrock hsd actually sailed the course fast. It was the greatest race ever known. The local Interest continued yesterday unabated and the bulletins of the Joub oal were anxiously awaited. There was much sympathy for Sir Thomas Llpton, he was pronounced a true sport and gentleman, many wished he would win at least one of the races. The next race will be Monday. Ibsen's Death Expected. London, Sept. 27. A special dispatch from Christian! says that the condition of Henrlk Ibsen, the Norwegian dramat ist and poet, has grown worse snd that his death Is hourly expected. Heavy Damage to Rice. Savanxah, Gs., 8ept 27. Rice plant ers on the Save -ins h river snffered heavy denage today from high water, snd still further destruction is anticipated to- n'ght. Fire snd six days ago there were almost unprecedented rains up the river from Augusta westward. The freshet was due to arrive In the rice section to day. It came on time, and was met by an Immense volume of tide water piled up u the river by the 60-mile northeast gs'.e at Tybee. As a consequence many of the plantations are flooded and the cut rice Is ruined. THE MARKETS. ,The following quotations were receiv ed by J. E. Latham & Co, New Bern, N. 4). Naw York, Sept. 28. Cotton; Open. High. Low. Close Oct 7.06 7.81 7.78 7.74 January 7.79 7.88 7.75 7.75 May 7.76 7.82 7.74 7.74 Chicago, Sept. 88. Whxat-. Deo Hey .... Open. High. Low. Clot 69 78J 70i 78 691 ... 70J 78f 781 Oea-;, Open. High. Lew; Close . 5 ; 56 6H' ! 'Mi .. 57t 67, Ml W '00X.il. y. Dec Rtbsifrt ' .. Open. High, , Low. Close . 882 ..887, New.Tork, Sept, IttV Open. High. Low,' Close Stocks; Sugar;,;.,:,: Am. 0 tf.S-L....... ,V.fltWfi'lt 1881 . 98 . t ,wttt- 93 , 90 W 12 Tex. Pac ... 421 ' 41f 84 f 94 4i ;,4r : 411 Am. 0. F. .. IT.B.8.V... V!" Ml 411 Con. T. ;....,.. i; Psc. M..........41 M.W.v;;;..V 64 y SeBy',;v88 ; JMl 64 88 ; 88 44S44 vl 881 U.S. 8(c)...... 44 ' V44 - Boote 4,"8ale 6.000 bale.: : - H Futures, Oct-Nov. 4,90 Nov-Deo4.l7. Apr-May 4 16. ;.'' . . y.l- -: j .-. fobt Mtouns. '',"' j ii: Ssme week :. 1 yr'y.' last year, i .v-y 168,129 Yi Istwetb -149,000 vj ' This week. Ssty sreor Moa. , '-: Tues. l',:':: Wed. ; : .' Thurs, Frl. . : : v . .. , I'. 1 t . At Trinity College. Thursday, Oct. 8, It Beneftctor'a Day at Trinity College, and will be observed as a holiday. All College work will be suspended during the day. and at night a pooiio meennr win do ueia in me (Sreven Memorial Hall. To this meeting the publio Is eordlally invited. Many visitor are expected from various part of the State An address will be de livered by Bishop X. R. Hendrix, of Mis souri, After the address, announcement will be made of all gifts made to the College during the year ending October 3. The muilo will form an attractive fea ture of the occasion. In addition to the orchestra, an excellent program of vocal muslo has been arranged, in which the best musical talent of Durham will take part. The speaker of the evening is a man of national reputation as a Bpeaker and preacher, Bishop Hendrix Is the Most versatile of the Southern Methodist Bishop. Being a man of long business experience, he has a knowledge of men and affair that has given balance and proportion to his work. He has travelled extensively In all parts of the world, thus amassing a fund of Information that few men have. He has been a very careful student of literature and history, and In recent years especially has put himself In touch with the best thought of the world. B. W Pursell, Kintersville, Pa, says he suffered 25 years with piles and could obtain no relief until DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve effected a permanent enre. Counterfeits are worthless. F. S. Duffy. MEMORIAL SERVICES Held at New Bern, North Carolina. The Late President Wm. McKlnley Dead. The following preambles and resolu tions were Introduced by lion. Isaac H. Smith, the original McKlnley man and were unanimously adopted. Whereas, On September 6th, Presi dent William McKinlcy, one of the best men God has ever created In the form of a man, was fatally wounded at Buffalo, New "York, by a ball from a pistol In the hands of one Leon F, Czolgosz an an archist. Whibxas, On sccount of the greatness goodness, magnanimity of his soul, In tegrity of his heart and his purity of purpose In all things, deeds and acts, clothed with charity, virtue and gentle ness of heart and soul like unlo a lamb and harmless as s dove, though firm and oar did In all his decisions and doings, President William McKinloy was idol ized snd loved by the people of the whole world. Wrxrxas, Becsuse of the further facts he used his good offices as President of so great a people as reside in the United States of America as a Christian gentle man, as a statesman, patriot and diplo mat, knowing no one section of his great country better than any other por tion or part of It, sex, creed, color or class, his death brought unremitting sor row to every civilized country on earth and a personal loss to every American citizen which is keenly felt throughout the realm, wherever that people recog nizes AbrrArn'sGod as their God. Wrebbas, As a soldier and as an of ficer in the trmy over soldiers, as a legls lator in Congress, as a Governor and as a President of these United Btates he proved himself to be s msn created, made shaped, fashioned In the first image of his Creator, God, whom he loved and served fervently dally and In these many years of publio service. The people's un animous verdict is:. Let these words be written and preserved as an unfading monument, "Here lies si honest man the noblest work of God." Whebbas, His life and character will serve to the end of time as a beacon light to the manhood of the world's rising generation in so great a proportion as Queen Victoria's character and life will ever serve to Inspire real womanhood of the world. For these two names are cosmopolitan. Thorefore be it resolved, . h That the act of Leon F. Czolgosz ia shooting the fatal ball, causlngvthe President to fall a Victim ia death, meet our anqaallned -disapproval, and most solemn condemnation. . II: We recommend and request that the ministry, school teachers snd the leaden of the people will call special at tentlon to the character and life of President William McKlnley In a special and befitting manner to their hearer daring each and every service or when an opportunity present itself within the next thirty day. - For ths reason his character end life amount to a guide. ' v- ; i '. v " '; " III: .Thtt our sympathy - be hereby tenderly extended to Mr. McKlnley1, his surviving consort sod the bereaved family la this their great loss and afflic tion y v . ,-'''':," IV! . That e copy of these Resolutions be senrlo Canton, Ohio, the home of the late President for publication. i Vi Thtt these' Resolutions be pub lished In ell paper friendly throughout the world.;.. -. f. . W. 6ao. Avat. mm i ? Chairman, i V ; TOyLBAHSB IHB SYSTEM . Effectually yet gently when cost.vs or billions, to permanently overcome hab itual constipation, to awaken the kid neys snd liver to a healthy activity, without Irritating or weakening them, to dlnpol headaches, colds, fevers, Use Bymp of Figs, made by the California Fig Bymp Co. : Just eoeived, Pigs Feet and Pig Tails, Pickled Tripe, Potted Ham and Tongue, Fresh Bay Lobsters, and Salmon. Clover Hill Print Butter, Fancy Cream Cheese, Bologna Sausage, Spanish Mackerel, White Beans new crop, Fresh Grits and Oatflukeg. Good Cooking Butter 2'2c lb. Corned Betf, Codfish and Irish Potatoes. Norton Yam Potatoes 20c peck. Br Give me a call. Yours truly, J. L HcDAlL 'Phone 91, 3 Putting Things When you put away the groceries you order from us we want you to notice The promptness of de livery, the cleanliness of the goods, the full, honest measure, the quality of what you get. There is abundant reason why you should send us your order. Fresh lot Baldwin Apples just received. J. J. TOLSON, Jr., 177 Lsivau tji J I iccr . iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii New Coffee Roaster JUST RECEIVED. FOR A FEW DAYS we will sell you Freeh Roasted Coffee, ground x to order for lie Lb. or 5 Lbs. for 50c. Respectfully, ARCH BELL & CO., Phone 194. 75 Broad St Ks.t..lt.lttSStlllltl.WW.MM......S..... One Night Only ! Wednesday, Oct. 2nd. BIG CUT SHOW. Culhane. If I Chace eft : Weston's The Show of Novelties. Magnificent Soenio First Part. MORE AND BETTER Commedlans, Vocalists, Dancers, Spec ialties, Singers and Acrobats. EBfYou Get Youj Money's Worth. Everything Mew! Alwaye TJp-bwiate. The 20 th Century Show. r Ned Walston'f Blr Band. M The East End . of the Haroy Ilouse 16 Desirable. Booms, with water bati and gfw4y 'ri '' :;. V Apply ity-,'''''jVyy j w v t , 1 1 e . w x u 1 1 invx 94 Middli 8t . - i ' NEW BERN, -' "IT, C, 'Jl- BRiar, BRICK.-80IH hsrj preseed brick In any quantity yon may wish at Moore' Wood Yard. ' .' ," ': '-, in mm Wholesale & Retail G rosier. 71 llroa'l HU x nunc r Bait Bearings are adjusted ln;tlie; first plaoe by experts. It is not advisable for one not an expert to touch them. If your wheel does not work just right have a man who knows how, to look It over. All repair work guaranteed. Get what you payjforjby coming here. 1XS1 WM.T.1ULL, Dealer In Biotolxs, Pibiabks, Sfobtihc Goods, PBONooaArng, Job Pbutim, RcMi'a Stamp, Seal Pbbhhs, Ao et-M Middle St FEW BERN, H. f : - To "the Public! After thanks 'for past patronage' we desire to announoe that on and after September let,' 1901, Mr. J. J. 'Hart (whom ron all know will be found at bar oSfoe to 'weloomsy his many friends, having been 4 , mittod to the tho' 0:d RoilabW" j nuavu nu.wuuuuv UUUC7 ilia atyle of VV?' .' ours sincerely, ,

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