Lmiim,.iiii.H...i... ANtgetahlePreparaUonfoi-As similating ttBroodaMBeuia Ung ttttStoMEta amlBcwfciS of Promotes DigestionJChecrfuJ ness andRest-Contains ndlhor OjiurnXorphiiyi iwrMiuejaL NOT JiASLV OTIC?1 - fat. Ms- Apcrfccl Remedy forCortsIlps Hon , Sour Stomach,Dianlwea and Loss or SLEEP. K Fac Swale Signntur of, ' HEW YORK: ' ' EXACT COPY OF WRAPPER. of Oeidai. trouble. ' - rn lmM. nrk?d ti tha kMt Medlolae la aWolTlMdtocd'a BU and aiTea J warn who suffer tortwt durtM am aad at chlMblrih hat ataafly, by mm tht orgHt wtOch raaki hr a womta. Neglect of mu Mb to owtrlM palaa, Wllrw of th wamfe and kucor cretUHi. Murtef swaularruai leads andlht aarlod of pngMacy b aacnearHy alrtftaMai ttoat, Whw of Cardui wU rtjulato (ht nunttrad ta vtatwlly Buke tht tencrativt aruat ttraM and htaH maratlvt aruat chMdblrth htva ae toraw lor tht wttnw htalthy womb wHI brlag Kt aejetow A naumy weaua aatd aat Mar cMdMrtn. Wkw af tarda) cataphtdy aU thatt troabltt famlllirlw fcaawa at "fiaah JitMit" and aautot tht 1 1 cores NUHns anamiia oraaai rer pagiamy mm cnuooirnii wai mvt ary araow raacn paai ana wamm, At Hxeentrlx IVotlee. J. Hivlnt; qualified at Executrix of (be latt Will and Tertament of tae lata Al bert B. Powell, all penont Indebted to taid estate are requeatad Ur make imme diate payment, and alt persons who hre claims tgalnst said Estate are notified to present same for payment on or before the 8th day of September 1901, or thlt notice will be pleaded In bar of tbelr re covery, i This the Rlh day of Sept. 1901 M. A. POWELL, : Rxecntrli. - Notice to Creditors. In the District Court of the United Htatm for the Eastern District of North Carolina at New Bern. In the Matter of HENRY GELMAN, of Wayne Crranty, Bankrupt. - . The petition of Henry 'Gelman of Ooldsboro, Wayne County. N. 0., fr a foil discharge la bankraptcy, having been Died In tald Court, It It ordered by the Court, that a hearing be had on the 7th day of October,' IDOL' before L. 1 Moore, Referee at New Bern, K 0- at 13 o'clock, noon,, and that all . known oredltort and other pe,tont Interntted may appear tt tald time and pi nee-' and : show just cause, If any they :hare, why the prayer of tald petltloaer thopld tot ba granted. . ' ;v'M'-'rV ThU lth day of September, l0i; V :.'. f3. L. GUANT, Clerk By QEO. GREEN, Deputy. ; Ad ml n lot ratorfi Jfotice Having duly qnaiiflod at dmlnltlra- tor of It .,Mrsely, Jr., d oaated, an pertoat Indebiod to the estate of the in testate are reqno-ued tp make Immedlalt p meat. . And , a'i ; farton holding . olalau tgalatt fald estate are aotlfled to present tha same, duly erlBed, to I oa or before the Sltt day of Beptembar, 100S, or thlt notice will ba pleaJad la oar or TtcoTery. ,f ir ; , . 'i;M This Beptember Slat', 11)01. ' f ' C - Tana. K. MoOaiTar, . ; .Administrator. Fr fh People;; One store and aom houses tor rent Now at 1 have ratired from grocery business 1 am better prepared - to give better-attention ' to v my tawed atove wood trade. Wa keep all alnds Btova wood onder large slieda, never geta wet Itemember our frkk snd laths now ready at short notice. Lime and Tar on now hand. . Wa keep every thing that you would nardly nnd elsewhere. 'See Bin 11, lb E:!3 Dv i i - :- Tor Irrfmu gd CI iren. Th Ki.il Ycj Have 4 If In Use For Ivor thirty Years ' mi MNTtn MtMflrr. mw vow tw. Baby's iComiiij wkU 1 wu gotsg vttk mt the ' eklldrea I was oompelled to ftey la kedrbrdar . at tlaae, but tkli Um I have takaa WlDeol Carta! land Tfcsdtort' Blaek Draught aad hw to da aU say I ttithoat aay : I mm aaBafltlna- ar Mrkvafcaod thinks ' Bllik.lliw3l MAM HlKft V ta tv aUUmii W lUa InA , toat i day from work tkle rear. He tell bis : Mend about joar woadarful awrtlolas aad I ; , a ttrrav at Mw thawjM of th UkVi cam he J aVltchbaWWtHtWaaf NaiaTC 4 and It wat Ml fateaded to Imply tartan and agony to th Ikweoi tatttaws of tfia may Th . thou caadl IMdtoa Miftcav and (troM and htalthv. naanaacv aad who hku thai aart Waav A itrarat buraVn to Matarfrv-IHtl oraa aratjtai am y.B iBBtt. ' if IK JJWABD; Attorney at Law, 74 Bo. Front St., Opp. Hotel Oliattawka, NEW BERN, N. 0. Craven Comity Attorney. Circuit, Craven. Jones. Onslow. Cart eret, ramuoa, Ureewa, Lenoir and tna Supreme and Federal Count. NewArjwak:i 'I ' '' that are beantloi wd are showing;' in a variety of effective patterns and thaVea in gray ultlngaWfaii(fy s slrevrrH, arxi worsteds, .broken ohetki and herrine bone In a harmonious blending of color ings that will please the man of good taste, and whloh we will make to; order in the most exquisite stylet aad '.vrprk- mansnip into tuito that Wilt do yon proud, at rair pnotay-.iwT . f : V? TBU Chad tficfc . A. Oraew,Tree. M. H. MaadawT. Maj :.'' 'h B. M, Oroya. OaaMao. ' ' ) .... . . , . oar mm w Mwotir, tar. c. -' Doing Qaoaral Banklog Buslnea March 1, 1901, Burplus and TJndlvi .'. "V ded Profita, $1,000.00. - Prompt and earaful attontioa giren tn allbusineaa entrusted to us., Aoeouota roceived oa favorable terma. :; -. - ; '' -V H Psatars rardlaaad Dlnaa :' V' i. B. MaadowiU i. a. Meadows, " ; Chas. DnffT, Jr. Baauuil W. Ipoelr, r . t amut KediaoaO. Chu. B. Towiar, Mayar Ralin. J. W. Wralnaar, . - . Thomas A., tfraaow B. W.anallwood, ,- , O.B.Fov. - a..lTaa. ' - W. r. Orookatt. ) . Mark Ditotwty. .. - OR HOME TJSX Clean, pure wholesome, guaranteed o ba chemically made frem distilled watts sal free from Impurltloa.' Bpeoially in tended and prepared for human on- ft itlLtn S ' , ' 4 U a d livered dailv fexorot BunitavsLA S m to 4 p m. rundnya (retnii only) 7 s n-rto yj i oon. For piicut Sua otlior in'o'iu it'on, 4' ' "UA,f3fr I -ft-Sf Aldieas, . - ' 17c E-A-a'Ica' C, coLc;:::::ic;iEcu:c3a Diplomat Say; Relation Art ' Most Cordials - - BEEB 10 SEHIOTIBTEQUBLBAEIAJ Otimowji 'til OolosaW Lotrattom s Waabtactoa Deelarea Wa Is Hat Beta FaxweeateeV r nmMm. ara Veaeamala, Beialscaad Ideas-' raa-aa Ae ilstrr Balptaa- tka rtl- Ecuador at a naooa u not, proaecuv. ing war agnlnat the United ,6tatea of Colombia. Diplomatic relatiojit of tbo most cordial cbaracter are atlll main tained between the two ferninents. Expedltlooa recently leftTlng Pcuadot to operate lor the overthrow of Colom bia are epmpoeod. entirely of tUlbuster tng parti(4;7he authorities, of, Ecua dor ire prumably making all honest efforts to auppreM these expeditlona., s Dr. Thomas Ban,eecretary of to Colombian legation at Washington and charge d'affaires In the absence of Min later : SUva, ' recently " explained tn South1 American sltuatloii to" a New York World correspondent " He saW: i Senor Alfara, who relinquished th presidency of Ecuador last Sunday (SepUl), being aucoeeded - by Benor Plata, has always been ustUf 4 3K lombla. i He baa permitted uUbpstenng xpedltlons to be fitted out an tp prov; coed against Colombia, altnouga elating jthat his administration was Btrlvtog to prevent these attacks."". . ; 'Tresldent Plasa, upon assumlhg of fice promised to snppresa fliibustering. The erpltlons nowproeeedingafaujirt Colombia do not hay the open' support of the Ecuadorean government v They were doubtless formed at the instlga' tlon of Alfaro. These expeditions are. said to be strong and to be assisted by warships, but In no sense do they rep resent the making of war by Ecuador upon Colombia. "The Colombian minis ter is still at Quito and advises that the Kovernment of Ecuador promises to do alT posalblo "toward preventing the-eommlealon of attacks by Its own citizens., -- . - . ' S The attitude" of Nicaragua is curi ous. The population and resources of that country are insignificant An at tack from that source Is not to be taken seriously. President Zclaya Is nn advanced radical. He has always en coumged the holding of International congresses at Nicaragua, whore con spiracies are formed. ngnlnst other gov. emmcuts. Many plnnsjfor revolutions bare originated In Nicaragua.. . One against Mexico was formed -there. Arms and ammunition can bo brought there for the ostensible nee of jthe Nic aruguan government and then turned over to .niibUHterlng parties.' In' tills Way much trouble is vntfseC AlthouRli no serious Injury can result. ' ' "The great body of Venezuelans do not desire war with Colombia. Presl dent Castro la nn Illiterate and ambl ttous man. Fire years ago he was liv ing n Colombia lust across the frontier from Venezuela, tie kept a small hotel at &alazaj Many rof ugecs from Venezuela stopped at bis hotel, and In this way be became Identified with the revolutionary movement agaliiBt An drade. i?'"' ,"At that time Castro and Urlbe made compacts to overthrow their respective governments. Castro became a minor leader In the movement against An- drade, which was successful. The real leaders could not agree among them selves as to who should be made presi dent and Castro was cheats as a com promise. In the meantime urlbe fad failed to overthrow his government He was compelled to flee from ithe country. He nppealel,lo Castro i to carry out his promise of assistance made when both were forming tbelr original conspiracy. Castro Is now try ing to make good his promise. i The scheme of Cattrv and Urlbe to re-establish the greater rcpubilct em bracing Venezuela, Ecnadoiy and Co lombia, cannot be successful. The two leaders would quarrel for supremacy If tbd plan could be made, operative. Both would demand the presidency, . fl believe the attitude of the United States will prevent the actual declara tion of war by Venesuela against .Co lombia. The" United States la pledged to maintain the neutrality of tha Isth mus of ranama and to support the sovereignty ot Colombia.' Tha declara tion that tbis-wia bdsdona will, in my Judgment,: deter Veaesuela from foro- log war. . V ':"'f;!;" pp-- 1 ;"Ths rebels ba Colombia are now sim ply guerrillas. They bold no Important towns and have not even tha Impor tance the FUlplnoi have In the Island of Luton. . They wander about, attack ing1 smalt villages and preying upon farmers and looting Chinese. Through out the yelled attacks by Venesuela and Ecuador the Colombian govern ment has been quiet and patient - No serious effect art anticipated."' v ill OM Yala BalMlaa-s Tara Daavmw The transformation of tha otoV Yale campus is complete, says the New Us vea Evening ttcglster. - The last of tha college buildings marked for destruc tion this summer has been rased. The old Treasury building, North college and Lyceum hall hats boon leveled during the summer vacation; .which la now drawing to a close, and nothing now remains to mark their site except new ly seeded plots, which bare been grad ed and wfcloll within a few months win leave no trace ot the buildings which have cevsjied them for a century. (- ' ' Y- ' "' . ;" 1 ," Atwara tka aoiaiaw " The president Showed that spies did coolness when shot says the Indlantp ' oils Journal that made him the good soldier be was. ' ... ,. ' , Cbambcrlaln's Couf h Remedy !.::", Great PaTorlie. V . , The toot',!" snd besllng fropertlet ofl' ' rene.. , I's ; Vpinnt last? an pion ; t tml i ri- s" t C'irf-s hve msle ltsgtcat f.ivorilo with ieiio every where. It Is especially prized by moth en of imtll chlM n f and Wll0,i, t con; 'l, ns f t i, crou It ftlWR'I FINICKY TUntCU LADIES. ker Aoo Tory r'arelal. Akaal Wkat Tkar Tataa Is Tkrlr SuU-4 OuT Constant luojile-.. correspondent wrKeSalt la not gcoeially-known-that ti 'class a kind of caste .feelU-js sltal-. lpr'to that prevailing among HiihIoos. I tt takes the form of a fear of coiUnrnM natloa from the outer world and Is onlr observed, as -far as I .know,'; by thoso srho ctnnot afford re keep servants- ki fUfuekiBt numbers Before meals lathes always -wash their haadsat a tap from which ; the- water Jims. into, a marble basin. They will torn on the tap when they are Just going to wash, but' when they Tiave finished they let the water run till somebody shuts It off, as to do tt themselves 'would . make -them un eloan. They cannot open or shut a doer, as. the handia would be tmdean, so a Slave is generally kept handy, for the purpoaev-".. "'v :- One of these, fastidious -ladles -was talking to a small niece the .other day Who had JuBt received a present of h beautiful doll from Parts. The child presently laid the doll on the iady'e lap, who was horrified and ordered the child to take It away, ; As the 41le girl would not move It and1 Do servant wsa near, and the lady would 1 dented By touching a doll that was brought froto abroad, the only thing sh could thlrdt of. was to Jump up and let the doll fall, which broke to pieces. The same lady will not open a letter coming by post. hot a servant opens It and holds It near her for her to read. If bar hand kerchief falls to the ground. -It is imme diately destroyed or given away,-' to that she shotud not use It agala This curious state of excluslvenesser fanatt- elsm exists, I am told, In many of the large harems. Among men it la not practiced. London Telegraph. ANIMAL LIFE. In Maryland sparrows have been known to raise six broods in one year. In England there are seldom more than three broods. Ostrich farms are profitable. Birds are worth $100 apiece, and a good speo- imen yields about $25 worth of feath ers at a plucking. Cats evince, as Is well known,-a cu rious emotional disturbance when In the neighborhood of valerian plant, of which they are very fond. It apparent ly produces In them a species of Intoxi cation, f f $a There- are 'records of elephants that have lived for 200 years, and an a"ge of 150 years la not regarded as so very old for an elephant It takes about a Quarter ot a century to get the elephant to full maturity. A French anatomist has analyzed the skeletons of. 80 chimpanzees, gorillas arid orang outongs and asserts that its has found in them bono diseases llko those which afflict mankind and In about the same proportion. Women are Like Flowers. "Cb'oar8 ana bloom;' Sickly, they wither and die. Every woman ought to look well ' and feel welL It's her right and duty,, - but she might ss well try to put out a .. lire with oil as to be healthy and at tractive with disease corrcMiag the - organs that mskehar a woman. Upon their health depends her health. -If there to tnflammstioa or weakening . drains or aufferlng at the monthly period, attend to It at once. : Don t .sly.' You're one step nearer the grave every day you put II 'off. Womea can stand, a great deal, bat they cannot live forever, wtth -disease dragging at the moat dsUcato and vital organs In their body. You may have been deceived In so-called curst. Wa doot aaa Sow yea eeald kelp h there Is so mack worthless m)m tha market. Bat roa woaf be die- - appointed la BradSald's Parnate Rag nlator. Wa balieva It is tha omrnsdl- to as mash dl Sanaa heiweea It aad other es-catled ramadlas as thara Is bstwaaa right and wrour. BradAald'a Famala Regulator aootnae tha pais. Stops thadraias, promotes raaalarttr. ' straatitlwna, purine and oloattaaa. It doe all thi anickly aad eaallr and aataralty. tt I for women aloae to da alda whether thev will be haalthrar Sick. , Bradlield'4 Regulator lie at hand, tt sr hatrkial drag stow, h , -maaMsTaiaaTainiace,aaiiais.Sa. HEADQUARTERS FOR i - ('' t . - . - I Jaf IJ WaIvIm r And aU Kinds U- . ri J-imiiiBCiMiil? , Heating ' and Cooking Stoves and Ranges, IJroe,, Cement, Plaster, Paints, Oils', Vsmisb," Pnttj, Sash, Doors, Blinds; Cutlery and all the useful articles usually found in an Up-to-date Hardware Store, ..j ''''; .". - .' .'. Bent Goot!ftv , " ro west Prices. i' ' .... . . J Under Hotel Chattawka, TEV TVZlZZZi a" U Cm 71 '' 1 J. I-. in a-:.-U'l!jjijr- fltLaiiwaSjfj Anthmalene Brings Instant , Belief . and. 'J-'" -. manent ure Jat'ti . A i SENT ABSOLUTELY FEEE ON REfJEIi TL 01 POSTAL. Tpllixa Yooi kkb and address PiAnftT. Ci!Aincor : F0n TEH troubles which combine with Asthma. After having it carefully analyzed, we opium, morphine, cniorotorm or etner. Avon Tin. Tavt Bbos. Mbdicinb Company, Gentlemen: I write this testimonial wonderful effect of your A thmalene, for afflicted with spasmodic asthma for the skill as well as many others, l cnancea to 130th street New York, 1 at once obtained a bottle of Asthmalene. My wife com menced takine it about the first of November. I very scon noticed a radical im provement. After nsing one bottle her ly free from au symptoms, i ieei inai i to all who are afflicted with this distressing disease. Yours respectfully, Dr. Taft Bros. Mkdicins Company, Gentlemen: I was troubled with Asthma for 28 years. 1 have tried numer ous remedies, but they have all failed. I ran across your advertisement and started with a trial bottle. 1 found relief at once. I have since purchased your full size bottle, and I am ever grateful. I have a family of four children, and for six years was unable to work. 1 am now in tne best day. This testimony you can make such Home addrrss, if0 Kivington street. TRIAL BOTTLE SENT ABSOLUTELY Do not delay. Write at once, addressing DR. TAFT BROS. MEDICINE CO., 79 East KWIli Street New York City. . MT,1 BY PUBLICATION OF SUMMONS. NORTH CAROLINA I Superior Pamlico County ( . Court. Missouri Craddock vt. Burt Craddock. Notice to Burt Craddock, defendant. Take notice: That the plaintiff has com menced an action in the Superior Court of Pamlico, entitled as shove, for the purpose of obtaining a divorce from the bonds of matrimony, the complaint hav ing been filed In the office of the clerk of said court, l ae aeienaani, sun urau dock. will therefore take notice that un less he appears st the next term of the Superior Court to be held at the court house in uavooro on tne oiu monuay after the 1st Monday In September 1901, being October the 7th 1901, and answer or demur to the complaint of plaintiff, the plaintiff will be granted the relief demanded In her complaint. This the 3rd day of July 1001. J. n. JtiUA, v. a. v. W. T. CAHO, Plaintiff's Attorney. F. at. Simmons, A. D. Ward 51MT10NS & WARD, ATTORNEY aat COUNSELORS at LAW. iiw buuuir, . c Office 68 So. Front Street, nearly oppo site Hotel Chattawka, (Offioe also at Raleigh.) Practice In the counties of Graven, Duplin, Jones, Onslow, Carteret, Pamli co and wake, in tne supreme aaa sea oral Courts, and wherever services are aetirea. Notice. NORTH CAROLINA. la the i Cbavrr County. . f Superior Court &r; !; JULIA JACKSON-, -' . 4 JOHN JACKSON? Norton The defendant above named will take notice, that an active as above entitled has been oommenood In the Su perior Court of Craven County, to - ob tain a divorce a vinculo matrimonii from the defendant John Jackson, snd the said defendant will further take aotlos that he Is reaulred to appear at the No- vemoor term M tne eunenor , uoun oi the said county to be held on : the 18th dsy of November, 1901, at the Court House in new Bern, a, u, aaa answer or demur to the complaint In said action or the plaintiff will apply to the court for toe .relief aem-naeq in sua com plaint .'.-. -v ,...:".;'.. r' This the 10th dsy ot September, 1901. ;,.. WM. WATSON. t " l4 Clsrk Buperlor CoorCt, Lend a Helping Hand, ' WhCcan tell the and Influence of a good book. We offer for 5c a copy of either of the following gooi booksi , A New Testament ' 'Con seer Uon" by 8. N. Vass. '.'The Qospel and the Ago," by J. O. Walker. "Synopsis of the Life of Christ" by Geo. W. Clark. "Synoptic Arrangement of the Life tf Jesus of Nstsreth", ,"Tlis Secret -of Power." "The Secret of Abiding Peace." "Systematic Giving." "Keen Sunday," by Henry F. Colby. . O. Roblnsorl," D.D., LLD. "Conversion" by O. C. Lorlmer. - "ileminiseenoes ot a Chapel Car JI Issionary." "Contest for Wealth" "Can 1 be Assured of Salvation?" "J Questions as to th Bible" by i. A. Brod dim. "Live lor Jesus," by A. S. Pstton. "The Power and Character of Jesus Christ" by Armltnge, "All in the Ntmt ofJnWby Wlllmarth. "Attendance at Church, the dutv tnd Privilege." "Hoclprwat Dntlet of - f astort and Clmrclies." . v Uy pnltlng a good book In the han'ls ot your child or ymr frhmil, or your neii:1ilior rimy lie the mesne of cluwgli'g tlH'ir livi-s from bfd to good, a - w - " - m I Peri In' all Cases. There is nothing like ATHMAr LENE. It brings instant relief, even in the worst cases. It cures when all else fails. ,- " The Rev.O P.WELLM, of Villa Ridge, 111., says: "Your trial bottle of Asthma lene received in good condition. I can not tell you how thankful I feel for the good derived from it I cannot tell yon how thankful I feel for the good derived from it I was a slave chained with pu trid sore throat and Asthma for ten years I despaired of ever being cured. 1 saw your advertisement for the cure of this dreadful and tormenting disease, Asthma, and thought- you had over- spoken yourselves, but resolved to give it a trial. To my astonishment the trial acted like a charm. Send me a full size bottle." REV. DR. MORRIS WBCHSLER, Rabbi of the Cong. Bnai Israel, New York, Jan. 8, 1901. Drs. Taft Bbos' Mbdioini Co., Gentlemen; Your Asthmalene is an excellent remedy for Asthma and Hay Fever, and Its composition alleviates all its success is astonlshiug and wonderful can state that Asthmalene contains no very tnuy yours, Sfrinos, N. Y., February 1st 1901. from a sense of duty, having tested the the cure of Asthma. My wife has beea past 13 years. Having exhausted my own see your sign upon your winaows on Asthma has disappeared and she is entire can consistently recommenu me meairine V. U. fHELiTS, M. U. February 5th, 1901. oi neaitn ana am aoing Dusiness every use of as you see tit. p. tLAi-acu, 87 East 129th st, New York City. FREE OR RECEIPT OF POSTAL. DRUGGISTS. A.&N. C.R. R. TIMS TABL1 NO. 23 To Take Effect Sunday, September 1001 at 13:01 A. M., R. b T. UoingEatt tkmaDUUt: Going West No. 8 Passenger Trains No. 4 DAILY. STATIONS: Goldsboro LaQrange . Ktnston Lv. p m Ar. am 8 40... 4 09. . . 4 83... ...1106 ...10 83 ...10 IS 5 40 Ar. New 6 60 Lv. Bern, Lv, Ar 8-00 8 87 70S 7 15 Ar. Moreheed Oity Lv. No. 6, I I No. e, Passenger 1 stations: Passenger Train. Tralu. Daily EioxptJ Sundat. Lv. a. a. Ar.P. M) 8 00 8 33 8 81 8 42 8 51 9 03 918.;.,.. 9 80 .... Ooldsboro... Best's ...LaO range... ..Falling Greek. .....Klnston.... Caswell.... i Dover .... ...Core Creek.. .... 69 .... ... 818 .... 807 .... 664 .... 548 640 .... 539 .... 519 506 .... 460 P. a. 9 44 Tuscarora 9 48 1000 A. U. No. 7. Lv. a. m. 600.;.. 881.... 8 63.... 918.... 10 00.... Clarke. .Ar. New Bern, Lv., Passenger No. 8. . Sundays Only Ar. p. m. Ooldsboro 8 00 LaQrange 7 87 Klnston 707 Dover... 8 4V ..NewBenr-. 5 47 Ar, Moreheed Oity Lv ... 4 20 - 8. L. DLLL, i O.P.A.J 1180. Xsxecutrlx STotlM, ' Having qntllfled ae Ixesutrlxof the Lsst Win and Testament of Robert a Moseley, deceased, all persons Indebted to said ettste are hereby requested to make prompt payment to tie sndee signed, and all ' persons holding i claims agalnat said estate, are aotlfled to pre? sent the tame oa or before the 8th dst of SeptoaiBor, llMI; or- thlasoilc wlU by pleaded in bar of their recovery . MART JAKMOYR, 3 ne;i..;.;.',-.. KxaontiiaVi Beptember Sib, IMtfk w ; A::t"W0U:HK? NORTH CAROLINA lathe 4 Craved Oooaty,- ioperior Cosr Bossa J. weav':.;,-; -' ::r. NOTICE. : . ' .;h:l The defaodant above aaaaisd will take notice, that an action as above entitled has beea coBiraanoed in the unpen or Court of Craven countyi to obtain' a dl vorce a vinculo matrimonii from the de fendant Charles Jonea, and. the tald de feadankwlll take further wotW ths? it Is required to sppear ,at the' November term of the Beperior court of the said county to be hold oa the 11th day of No vember, itnil, at the court nouso in new Plarn N.O.. and answer or demur to th complaint In tald action, or the plaintiff will apply to th conn for tne reuci oo msnded In said complaint. " This 13th dty Of H-pteaihef, inoi. ' W.M. WATbOH, I ' ' ' ; . . . O.aVO' XT X t, . - JI .-j. . r -p.-a. Southern :.. "'-.. ir TV' JTuailway. Vie Wanda! MMwi;ji ii,.- HOUlh The Dlreot Line tc all PoinU, " TEXAS, CALIFORNIA, FLOIIIDA, CUBA AJTI POBTO BICO. Strictly First-Glass Kaninmnnt nn all Through or Local Trains; Pullman Pal ace Bleeping Oars on all Night Trains; Fast aud Safe Scheduler Travel by the Souths- and you are as sured a Safe, Oonifot tuole and Expedi ttous Journey. . AddIy to Ticket Aaents for Time Ta bias, Rates and General Information, ot address F, R. DARBY, R. L. VERNON, o. p. a t. a, T. P, a., Asheville, N. C Charlotte, N. C. 8. H. Hahdwick,;o;P A. WASHINGTON. - . D. O. Notice of Sale of Ileal Hftate. Pnrsusnt to decrees of the Superior Court msde and entered In the following actions, pending In said Court, to wit: The Board of Commissioners vs Christ Ins Manning. i Board of Commissioners vs Free man Ives. Board of Commissioners vs Moses SIkee. Board of Commissioners vs Stephen Hickman. Board of Commissioners vs Redmond Paton. Board of Commissioners vs C. C. Can non. Board of Commissioners vs Stephen Simmons. Board of Commissioners vs J. F. vs Jacob Moore. Board of Commissioners Martini I Board pf" Commissioners vs Elijah Martin. I Board bf Oommissloners vs A. T. George. 1 Board ot uommiEstoners vs Jeremiah Goddette. Board of Commissioners vs Geo. M. Carter.' Board of Commissioners vs L. E. Laughlnghouse. Hoard ot mmmisgioners vs uranl Har ris. Board of Commissioners vs R. C. Cleve. Board of Commissioners vs Jamee El lison; appointing the undersigned Com missioner to sell the lands hereinafter described, I will sell for cash to the high est bidder at the Court House door. In the City of New Bern, Craven County, at the hour of 13 o'clock m. on the first Mondav In November next, being the 4th day of November, the following de scribed trtcts of land situated In Craven county, State of North Carolina, as fol lows: to wit: 250 acres, Mt. Pleasant Township listed for taxation In said township for the year 1898 by Christina Manning, de scribed In a deed from W. J. Maxton and wife to Charles Manning, dated March 9th, 1887, recorded In book No. 96, pages gov ana xuu, in me owce oi ne-giBier oi Deeds of Craven county. Also another tract being 2 acres of land situated on Spring street, and listed to Fieeman Ives, being In No. 7 town ship, ss per tax list for 1897. Also ISty seres of land situated at or near Havelock and listed to Moses Bikes the same In No. 6 township, as per tax list for 1897. Also 36 acres of land situated at or near Havelock, and listed to Stephney Hlckmtn, the tame In No. 6 township, as per tai list for 1897. Also ten (10) acres land Blocumb Creek, N. O, No. 6 township. Craven : county, N. C, being same listed for tax ation la said township for 1896, by Red mond Paton. Also one (1) lot of land, Carmer street, fillty of New Bern, No. 8 township. Craven county, N. C, being same list ear. for tsxstlon In said township for 18901 0. C. Cannon, described in a deedJfSW Attrat Bryad ind wife to 0. C. Caeaata, dated 18th day of December JL. D., 1889 recorded In 'book No. 103; Tblio 30 and 81, Records bf Orsven county, deeds to which raference Is had., , Also another" tradt being sixty-three (88) acres of land, Adams Creek, No. 5 township, Craven county, N. C, being same listed for taxation In said township tor 1898 by Stephen Simmons described as follows: bounded on the west by Ad ants Creek and adjoining the Head of Baat'L Bowan, Charlotte Taylor and the James Jsckson land. " Also all that tract of land situated on NeuseRtvertnNo. 6 township, Oraven county, and listed to J.F. Moore sa per fax list of 1897, contslntng 60 acres. '- 'Also all thai tree of land situated oa Mitchell's Creek-No. 5 township, Craven county, tnd listed to Jacob Martin, as per tax list 1897, containing 84 acres. ' Also all tbaltjertain tract of land sit uated en Mtteuell's ' Creek, No. 5 town ship. Craven county, and listed to Elijah Martin as per tax list 1897, containing 44 acres.'- ;" - -s Alse another tract' being- nlaety-four (94) aeraa iaae Nonas riverr No. 5 town ship, Craven county, N. C, being same listed for taxation la said township for the year 1896 by A. T. George, described SS follow West side of Neose river, situated oa New Great Marsh got and adjoining the lands, of W. O. Temple and Jsoob Feoner. ' ' . Alto another tract being thlrtr-elght acres mad Mitchell's creak, Na 5 town ship, Crsvow otraotyr-ii. a, being the same listed for taxation In said town ship for the year 1896. by Jeremiah - Go detto, described as follows: On the west slds ot Clubfoot's ereek aad adjoins the lands of Lew it Carter -aad Isaae 8. Car ter. v -; " ' ' - Also all that tract of land eftaated at Cohnaeoe, No. 6 to washlp, Craven coun ty, N. 0.. and listed to George W.- Car ... t.w ii.. 1 uty? -nnt.l.ln. aa u.m - Also another tract being SO- aerea of I.bjI tlnaa.! am Null a-wanm .mnA HaMMl ta I.. K LaaahlnahoBte. aald kusdtadiolaa the lands of Edward Uoell and others la No. 1 lownshlo and reoorded In book 110, page 3o0 In Register's offieeti i ' , , 1I.A II, l.nil I.A.M itfk mnm Vn county. N, C. being same listed for " ta i,m la aald tnwnahln fnf tha vear US. l-y Grant Canls. ' r ' Also snother tract being one town lot ! Vsncubom, Craven county, township f . I, snd listed to B.C. Cleve, eatper list IH'rfO. Also snother tract being It acre ttof land tllu'V on Maul twamrsod listed to James hillaon, as per tax list for HOT, in No. 1 township. - ' Paid lands will be sold to satisfy th judgments above referred to for failure to pay taxes and costs. " ' , v D.L. WAP.n. . Commissioner. FOR ETEBTTIUISul. slult. For u if. . lu.'y Co. u.

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