An Excellent Combination. The' pleasant 'method and beneficial fleets., of the well knowa remedy, v SravP of Ftes, manufactured by the CAuroBxiA Fie Stbup Co., illustrate the value of obtaining the liquid lasa tire principles of plants known to be . medicinally laxative- and presenting' them in the form most refreshing to the taste and acceptable to the system; It is the one perfect strengthening laxa tive, cleansing the system effectually, dispelling colds, headaches and fevers gently yet promptly and enabling one to overcome habitual constipation per manently. Its perfect freedom from every objectionable quality and sub stance, and its acting on the kidneys, liver and bowels, without weakening or irritating them, make it the ideal laxative. In. the process of manufacturing figs are used, as they are pleasant to the ' taste, but the medicinal qualities of the ' remedy are obtained from senna and other 'aromatic plants, by a mothod known to the CAuroBHU Fio 8tbuf Co. only. In order to get its beneficial effects and to avoid imitations, please romember the full name of tbe Company printed on the front of every package. CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. BAH FBAlf CISCO, CSX. LOUISVIIXK. KY. WWW YORK. V. T. rtoreslebrsU Drogtlita PrioeMo. par bottle. THE JOURNAL, New Ben, N. C, Sept. 89, 1901. Index to New Advertisements. John Dunn Notice of Sale. ,y Archbell ft Co. Coffee, .,, G. N. Ennett Next Tuesday. i- D. L. Ward Land Sale. Miss Howerton's School. Gssklll Hd'w. CoStoves. . Simmons ft Hollowell Co. Fall good) Business Locals. MISS HOWERTON will re-open her school at No. 10 Change street on Mon day September 80th 1901. FRESH Assortment of Loose Chocolates just received at James B. Dawson's, 108 Middle Street. FOB RENT. Six room dwelling at Riverside. Apply to William Dunn. CANDY Just received a fresh supply of Assorted Chocolates. McSorley. JACOBS' Raleigh Rye Whiskey 1b the best. Middle street. MRS. A. H. ALPHN'S SCHOOL Will open September 90tb. Also night School for boys. Those desiring information apply at her residence No. 00 Hancock St. MEHMAH. FOUL. Will re-open her Music Glass . Monday, September 28rd. Those desiring instruction will apply at her residence, 100 Broad Street. PERSONAL PARAGRAPHS. , Mrs. F. W. Hughes returned -front Raleigh to night. Mrs. 6. W. Hancock sad daughter, re turned home from Tsrboro last night. Mr. Harry Roberts returned home last night, after an" absence of several weeks. Mr. John M. Charlotte of Rock Hill, S. 0., arrived here last night, for a few days visit Mr. L. B. Cutler and Mrs. D. M Roberta went to Greensboro yesterday to visit Mrs. i. C. Watklns. Miss Mamie Rehoe left for Jackson ville, Fla., yesteaday morning to visit her sister, Mrs. J. 2. Borden. Mr. B. G. Credle returned from Golds- boro last night, where he has been at Undlof the District Confereaos. Rev. W. H. Frost returned yesterday from Arapahoe where he had been con ducting revival meeting.' There vert seventeen secessions to the church. j When you want a pleasant physic try the new remedy, Chamberlain's Stomach vaad Liver Tablets. Tkey art easy U take and pleasant la effect. Price, St cents.. Samples free at T. 8. Daffy Ooi. drag store. .. ,f , ; Fine Western Beet et Oaks Market, today: v r : ' -fr, Prescription tt Darte. Davie' Prescription Pharmacy make) a specialty of prescriptions. : , Every pre. scrtptloB sent there receives prompt and . careful attention. Only tot purest and beat drugs are need. No substitution Is t ever practiced, bat every prescrlpUoa i ' Blled exactly as tbe physician wishes. ' The prices are fair and reasonable. Bend - yoan there to be miea. .,. . , , Does not effect the It it different from other; ) Headache Remedies.' ; . BOLD BI ALL DRUGGISTS. . Meeting on Kill Question. - There will be a meeting of the stock holders of the Pembroke Manufacturing Company to morrow, Monday night, at 8 o'clock, at the office of Mr. B. M. Brln son, on Booth Front street, for the par pose of petitioning the executive eom salttee to make soma settlement of the mill question. .- t,.'.- Principal Wblte Graded SchooL ProfT J. Psnl Spenoe, of Elizabeth City, who was elected Principal of the White Graded school of this city, has ar rived, and will this week enter upon his duties heri'i i't'-?-i v'MS? . Business Removal. v The hardware business of P. JL Dra- ney has moved from the former stand on South Front street, to the second building below Hotel Chattawka, on South Front street.' What the Papers Say. Culhane, Chace ft Weston's Minstrels gave a great show. Buffalo Expres. A crowded house greeted Culhane, Chace ft Weston's Minstrels last night and saw the best minstrel show of the year. Boston Globe, Sept. 2nd. Culhane, Chace and ft Weston's Min strels at the Academy last night gave one of cleanest and brightest minstrel programmes ever given in this city. Providence (R. I.) Journal. Graded School Notice. The White Graded School w"l open Tuesday, Oct. 1st. All pupils who were In tbe school last year will report to their former rooms and will be promoted from those rooms, new pupils will please not report until Wednesday morning. Tnos. R. Foust, 8upt. Notice of Sale. Under directions of the Board of Di rectors of the Pembroke Manufacturing Company, and by authority vested In me by certain notes executed on the 2nd day of March 1900. I will expose to sale for cash to the highest bidder at the Court House door in New Bern on the 10th day of October 1901., at the hour of eleven o'clock a. m. all of the delinquent stock in Pembroke Manufacturing Company. A list of the same is now posted at the Court House. Sept. 28tb, 1001. John Dmnn, Treasurer, Pembroke, M'f'g. Co. Funeral at Cemetery. The funeral services of the Infant child of Mr. and Mrs. Zaccheus- Fulcher who died yesterday, .will be held at Cedar Grove Cemetery today at 8 p. m. Don't wait until yon become chronical ly constipated but take DeWltt's Little Early Risers now and then. They will keep your liver and bowels in good order. Easy to take. Safe pills. F. S. Duffy. Services Today. First Baptist Church. Hlght C. Moore pastor. Services today at 11 a. m. and 7:80 p. m. Sunday School at three o'clock In the afternoon. The public cordially Invited to all services. The Pamlico District Union meets with the Christian church today. Pulpit to be supplied. All are cordially Invited to attend. Services at St. Mary's Free Will Bap list Church at 11 a. m. and 7:80 p. m. by the pastor, Eld. W. H. Frost. Sun day School at 2:80 p. m. The publio Is Invited to attend these services. Christian Science Church Services Sunday 10.45 a, m. Bible Lesson Sermon today Subject: "Unreality" Psalm 08: 7, 8. Testimony service Wednesday 8 p. m. Reading room open dally. All are cordially Invited to attend. Female Benevolent Society. The "Female Benevolent Society" will meet at the home of Miss Olivia Metis, Tuesday afternoon. . Oct 1st. at four o'clock. A never falling care for eats, burns, scalds, uloers wounds and sores is De Wltt's Witch Hazel Salve. A most soothing and healing remedy for all skin affections. Acoept only the genuine. F 8 Duffy. , John Robinson's Shows. . John Robinson not only offer to bis patrons the best series of circus perform anoes, the finest and most elaborately equipped hippodrome, and the largest and most comprehensive, menagerie, but bat added this year to tats already super lative series of sxhlUtloos the a-rand biblical spectacle of Bolomon.HIt Temple and the queen of Bheba, and the finest sosnle, processional, terptlchorean and lyric spectacle that hat aver Invited pub- Ile patronage. 'VV;..- W '- ";.,' ; '; Our oltlxent will toon bars tbe oppor tunity of witnessing these grand exhibi tions for they are to be In New Bern! Saturday, Oct. 18. r '; a adv. . C!:Nti what yon tzU -. ' i "it touches the Tlftif People who have 4 twuv. trlw It any this 2 of CHEEKY GLVCEBI.NE:-It soothes the Irritated bronchials and allays all throat Inflammation 'caused by couching. If you have X a cough or a'eold set this remmlv X and get well, if you are hoarse It X will clear your thrnnt In a If w hours. HoldatHAI''Xr8 Pliar- X macy, Cor. lird ft t icet Bin. ?? tutu VOICE OF THE PEOPLE." ' P. H. MlCtlCft POStttOB. f Ed. JoFS!UI.:-I had hoped that It would be unnecessary to appear again be fore the public in an article explanatory of anything connected ' with the Pem broke Manufacturing Company, but It seems that some of the citizens of Mew Bern at the present Urn are thinking very much more of the present few dol lars than they are thinking of the 7 good and prosperity of the frown and com munity in which they live. Agala some very silly and unlikely statements are being circulated that need correction and' contradIctIoB..(f-. Vf,,..'--'l 4 In the first place, Mr. Brlnson In : an article appearing In your paper yester day morning .asserts that statements were made by the promoters of the Pem broke Manufacturing , Company that active work would be began on the cot ton mill within sixty days after payment were being' made on the subscription to' stock. An assertion of this kind with out condition leads one to believe that a man who makes inch an assertion and one who believes It are both certainly fit for an Investigation by the court and the appointment of a guardian for their special benefit as they are certainly .In capable to transact business for them selves. At all the public meetings In which the organization of this Company was discussed there were three plans laid down for the construction of the mill. - First. After the subscription to com mon stock was made, then for the sale of preferred stock. In the failure of this. " - Second. By subscribing to the Build ing and Loan Association for shares, and afterpayment oi these shares for a suffi cient time, that the Building and Loan stock would become a basis of credit to borrow money from the Association and start the construction of the mill. Third. To allow the subscribers to the slock to pay sn amount sufficient to give the Company a basis of credit, when they could borrow money npon the sub scription list for the completion of the mill after It was begun. The first pUn looked to the construc tion of tbe mill at once and It was stated tn this meeting under this plan, that If tbe preferred stock could be sold the mill could be in operation wlUin a year after organization of Company and first payments had been made. Upon the second plan-operations to begin after 24 per cent had been paid in. Upon the the third plan, operations cculd not be gin under three years from the time pay ments commenced. The night of the organization of the Company, the sec ond plan that had been discussed In the previous meetings was practically abol ished and the stockholders recommended to the Board of Directors the Issuing of preferred stock. The Board of Direc tors in pursuance of the stockholders action Immediately formulated a plan for the Issuance of preferred stock, and appointed a Committee who made an active canvass of the City of New Bern and got s total amount subscribed to the preferred stock of abqnt $3500. The plan was also submitted to people out side the city but failed to get subscrip tions to It. The reason given for this failure to subscribe upon the part of oar people tu that there was nothing to back the guaranteed stock. Tour Direc tors In their endeavor to carry out the instructions of the stockholders sent a Committee to Interview and get Inter ested with us, a thoroughly practical cotton mill man who was In close prox imity with as, and after this interview and getting advice from the gentleman, your Directors thought It best to post pone any action looking to the Imme diate construction of the mill for two reasons: First, Thst It was not safe to try and finance a scheme with the three per cent paid upon the stock, and Second, On aocounl of tbe large In crease in price of all machinery and ma terial that would go In the construction of the mill The action of some of the subscribers to the stock has thoroughly demon strate the wits astlon of the Board tn not trying to finance the Company upon their promise to pay. At the annual meeting held In March of this year, mat ters were thoroughly gone Into and every stockholder who was present at thlt meeting, with the exception of on or two who were then In arrears, seem ed to be, thoroughly satisfied . with the conditions then existing. The financial report of your Company showed that notwithstanding the entire expense of organization, books and. Stationary had been paid for it had not decreased the value of the stock exceeding 10 cents a share, and how with the money that la Invested at 8 per cent- Interest your Company It receiving Interest monthly amounting to abent $65 00, so that when your annual meeting comes your stock will be worth a premium, . ; ; I em thoroughly aware of the fact that there are people In Haw Bern.- who would honestly delight In the failure of this enterprise., It It to be regretted however, thst any such people are al lowed to exist In a eommanlty.' At the last annual meeting an amendment to by-laws was adopted, providing that no stockholder who was ninety dsys In ar rears should be allowed to - vote at any stockholders meeting, and I desire ie tay to those who msy attend the meet ing called by Mr. Brlnson for Monday night, that If they are In the same coqdi Hon be Is, I hardly think tbe Board of Directors will pay much attention to any request they make unless they bar first Interviewed the Treasurer of your Company and settled their arrearages In full. . : ! Repeated efforts have been made from time to time to organize a cotton mill here. Many plans have been dttcuesed end fallen through, and now a company baa been organized. On a large part of the stock 19 per cent has been paid In, and under the p!nn t'.ut we sre now working, In lens than s ysar and a Im'f evidence of the good faith of the Board of Directors will be shown to the satis .1 faction of every'stockholder In the Com pany, by the active beginning to con struct a cotton mill, and It seems to me that any reasonable man who will stop lor one moment and consider It they wish the enterprise to be a success, that they would not have it Jeopardized by . commencing to build npon paper promises with nothing stronger than their word and tig-nature to the netet to- back up an enterprise that calls for the money as the work progresses. It hat been suggested that the purpose of the promoters was to freeze oat the small stockholders. No man who Is sans and hasn't allowed a few dollars that he hat paid In to absolutely bUnd his mind from a Just and reasonable conclusions, can truthfully say. that the Board of Directors and management of youtyCom pany has'at any time shown any dispo sition to freeze out anybody.. Had this been their purpose the Interest of 90 per cent of the kickers today would have been told oat under the notet that they willingly and- voluntarily executed In settlement of their subscription to the Company. The time has come now, however, when Injustice to those who have been faithful In their payments, that the Interest of the defaulters must he sold end when this Is done the Com pany will not have frozen any one out, but the Individual subscriber who has failed utterly to regard his promise to pay, will have barred himself by his own act and not by any act of the Company The time has come when the Individual subscribers and stockholders must de cide for themselves whether It Is their desire to go on record as being the ones who. to mr mind, orecludes the Idea of a cotton mill being 'constructed in Hew Bern within our day and generation, or whether they desire to be on record as being ones who desire by every help of theirs to encourage and foster the inter est of this Company, so that within the next two years a mill can be constructed and in operation. Shame on those who wish by their acts and deeds to help pall down that which their better fellow cltl sens are trying to build up If yoa can not pay your subscription, then in tbe name of good citizenship try and dis pose of your stock and interest to some one who will. Don't try to skulk behind the buah; don't be a dog In the manger, don't try to put your short comings on someone else. Each man has enough to bear his own burden without having to near yours. P. H. Peli.btibr. Liquidation Is Best. Editor Journal: The article written by Mr. S. M. Brlnson add published la yesterday's paper expresses the thought of a great many of the subscribers to the stock of the Pembroke Manufacturing Company. The most remarkable thing about the matter Is that there should be any occasion or necessity for writing such sn article. If there Is any one mmmmLmmJimmUS " """" " Tf OR THE WE are showing a large and more varied h toe It of New : Fabrics than we have ever shown. . ' This will be a Fancy Shirt Waist Season, the New A Designs in French Flennels, and Albatros for service : able wear, and the Beautiful Silks for dress iu the new effect, and the Handsome Roman Stripes are to be seen to be appreciated- IMess (laOTr 1 1 a v-kav -i' -v. . - r- ? '";!: ..jf-.j. '. ' ' '' ' Make a Special Visit to our store to look over oar line of Dress Goods. - It will cerUinly py job. ' - ; ' 'i Vj Many handsone pattern : in - the 'finer' qualities . - to: select from, with the very bet style; and ; qnaliUea in the medium grades. . '.' ;.' 'a -a' u . VaV 1 A SB L J I, A. .-' We can better show you the good and prices if you will spare n a few minntes, ' If yon will fire nt a few minntes it will be mnfjh to your advantage when you are ready to purchase. " . - " ' ' '' . . '' ' ' O O 0 0 ' 67 Police!: Street. principle of legislative or moral law which Is known of all men, It la tha prln clple that a contract solemnly entered Into It obligatory pon all the parties thereto; however onesided the agreement may be, tuch obligation as doet exist Is binding epoa the party to the extent of his covenant Just why tha subscribers to the ttook of the proposed cotton fac tory should be held ap to a strict com pliance with their agreement when the promoters of the enterprise have failed to make good the promises made by them at tha time of taking pbaerlptkm, Is not plain to a number of the subscribers. Representation were made at the time of soliciting stock subscription that a a cotton mill would be erected within a few months. Thlt hat not bean 'done. It wat represented that capital would be Obtained for tha purpose of constructing the mill at an early day. Thlt hat not been done. It It right to enforce tbe conditions of a note when the consider ation of the note has failed r Who will suffer if the notet remain unpaid f Who will be the beneflclarlet of tbe forfeited payments f What man will openly ad vocate mulcting a lot of. fellow citizens who have unsuspectingly gone Into an enterprise for .the public good? Who will Insist npon a plan very different from the original agreement f Is It the adroit financiers who with an eye to fu tare liquidation are seeking to buy out the dissatisfied subscribers at twenty five emu on the dollarf Would it be mora than acting In good faith to re fund the money paid In by those sub scribers who object to continuing under me outngea conaitions ana release mem from farther responsibility f No one could be hurt by such action, as the ex pentes Incurred up to this time amount to less than the Interest on the money paid In. This would be fair, equitable and just and no one could complain of bad faith. A cotton mill would be of Inestimable benefit to this community but liquidation In tbe present Instance It even better than a mill with victims of the well-known freezing process. R. A.N OABTOnZA. Bsarstat ' WO TOIWMIWIg Hfaatan For The Children, A Fine thing to give the children these dsmp September mornings Is Lax ative Chill Tonic; pleasant as Flu Syrup and a certain cure for malarial poisoning. Keeps the system In perfect working order. Only SOc. at Brad ham's rnarmacy. LAXATIVE TASTELESS HILL TONIC. Gomblalng tlM laxative property of Gaaoara. Vcaeflclal mm a arener- al toolce - Guaranteed. OOe. OalTaolt at FALL jm laj " i -..-a .ii. a. Ahz Lincoln--- once said KDat swap horses while crossing a stream." We say "Don't swap- MOORE'S PURE for an inferior paint because it is cheap or the result will be the same." An inferior paint is cheap in the can but expensive on the house. Moore's Pure House Colors being composed ot the best pigments ground in pure linseed oil, produce the best results at lowest cost. We furnish the colors that will harmonize with the surroundings ot your home. E. W. SMALLWOOD, Hardware, Paints and Oils, NEW BERN, N. C School D Coming! t x X &&&& & We have everything that school weivv -New Suits, New Collars and Stocking, and every little article iii-eeai'v fur boy's wear. mnes Lower nan tver. It EM EM BR R -we givo a :and pair of ghoea. 4m lir WC Will iippiCClitie 11 1.6. MEN'S DD 57 :Follc3r Street- D. F. JARVIS, hati just received a complete stock of FALL AND WINTER STYLES IN shoes. ALSO OF KNTX" BLACK HOSIERY For Ladles, Missar, Boys and Children. lTh (Teat success of "Onyx" hosiery is dae to its perfect black and Its supe rior quality, shape and finish. It is guaranteed not to stain the feet, contin ual washing does not change the beau tiful Black; it remains perfect until the host M worn out Ths "Onyx" brand is confidently re commended to our customers, aa tha best article for purity of dye and wear ing quality ever offered to tho public. Over Seventy Two Million Pairs of this brand have been sold. For sale only by ' . . ' D. F.; J All VIS, phone' ISI.v cC-y vf A'fi . " :: AiiSLBook Store NEXT : : TUESDAY i: We Wilt HaU our I SCHOOL SUP- I PLY OPENING,, G. II. Cnnctt. ; am HOUSE COLORS ays are j your little men will need for Shoes, New Cup , New Huts, t School Hup Free with t'.ieh oiiit 11 ,yl)U m ivr uvu t) un i a & CO., i WE IK, oooo I The Time Has Come To b-i patting up onr Heating bIi-tph for both woo l and cor! Don't wait any longer, but conic anl make rnur wlcr lion. Wc have all giailcn tn select from. Cook toves anil ltnhf;e from ilic cheapest tn tho best maile. A Inn a fu I lino Qeneral Hardware. P. M. DKANEY. South Front Street. Accuracy and Exactness, We do uot (?utw Klxiut anylhlns; In our prexcrlptl.-n ilipai tmeol. We use accurate wc-tithls and measures. We also use easel mothnds In compounding tbe various components Into iliu medl oln as It is wltcn ready to tnkai And tbea we are 11 ways precise In clucking over tbe prescription as a Jlnul pn-can-ttoa to see for certain that everj ililn Is all right. Ia other words we are going Into detaflllathlt way, jutt to show you how thorough we are In every part of our prescription work Thoroughness Is exactly tbe word. Oar object It to get yoa to send or bring all your prescriptions here to be filled. We want sad Invite yon to do this. ' 0. D.BIUPBAM, Druggist. a. a. noixaao. . ' ; tot. a. willi. HOLLAND k WILLIS, .-. ' ' aassssra t O . BUfcoa, 'V.V;V' Fincral Director! anil Mtkm, ' Offloej 22 Craven Street , f. Celery Hetdache fowders. i ;f; Thara la aot aav 4etter remedy - for .. keadacbe thaa these powders. They aever fall to relieve. Made and told coly at Davis' Fresorlptloa Fbarstacy. "I i