. , UTTT 13 fff ri'--w--wvTiw-v'v. . . . . 1 ' (CaV i.i yl;niii Th KlioOTM UMfl Ahrajri ui- uge ror tyettOT yeajns, and bM AH Counterfeits, Imitation im4Jiut-as-ffoodHftre bat ' Experiments thatriflw with and endang;er the health of Inftwts and CTliUdren Experience against Experiment What lb CSTORIA OaMoria is a "harmless' subitituteKorCastor Oil Pare goric, Drops and soothlns; fljrrnps. ) It Is Pleasant, in contains neither Opium.; Morphia m other Narootto substance. Its age Is Its larantee. It destroys Worms and allays Feverishness. It com Diarrhoea and "Wind Colic. It relieves Teething- "Troubles cure Constipation and Flatulency. i It assimilates the Food, regulates the Stomach and Bowels. giTlng healthy and natural sleep. The Children's Paitaeea-rThe Mother's Friend. . ? ri' ;i Si(,'?f 4 '"r . 0 GENUINE GASTORlAAI.WAY8 9 Bean the The Mlon Hamilways Bought In Use For Over 30 Years, w oatrraun eowaw, mm r I wh In now rendtn mvMoetMry. WaaMa wma oi uroui anajf rtlkl to Many of th but houu In this It curti whttc and. talllns at fM"gb. (p- nu. catu thcM dragging periodical palm. Mr. Oavli' curt ihowa yaa concki Ively what yan may expect If yaa hKow her example tad take Wtot of CanfaL i near ora i cuaca-uneugni awt wine at urow ry regwaaag ina;,, and bowels. When yan ajfc your drugglit tar theat raedlclriw, ha atonuch ure von Hi It was Vim that MveaT Mr. Davb' We. ViMnulllaBm. baiatOn Xaa Onavlaai Executrix Xtlee..: H1n( qoalieedaa ExaRQtnx of the lut Will and Tmtamant of the late Al bert B. Powell, all perwonn indebted . to uld eatale are reqaeated to make Imme diate payment, and all ptmoni who have claim hgalnxt eald Ealate ire notified to present aamn for payment on or before the Sth dav of September 1902, or tbli notloe will he pleaded In bar of their re covery. Thla the nth day of Sept. 1901. M. A. POWELL, Kiecutrix. NoUce IP Creditors. V - In the Olitrlct Court of t' the' United Slatei for (bo Eaatorn Dlatrtct of North Carolina at New Bern. In the Matter of HENUYQELMAN, of Wayne County, Bankrupt. The prtltl'nn of Henry Oelmna of Ooldaboro, Wayne County, N. O,, for ft fall dlaobarge In baokruptcy, having been Sled In laid Ooort, It la ordered by the Court, that- hearing be had cm the Tth day oT October. 1901, before !L. J Moore, Referee at Mew Bern, N. C.ht 18 o'clock, nooq, and that -all knows creditor and other peraoa Interealad may appear at aald tlroa and place and ahow Joat canae. If any they hare, why the prayer of eald petitioner ah on Id sol be granteil. ,.;,v,. i,m,X :s-. Thla 1th day of Septerabri, 1901. H. I QHKAT, Olrrk "' By GEO. GREEN, Depaty." nnij ui.uiii aa aasninutr)-1 m n. "wif,- j r afoeosea, aii persons Indebted to the. estate of lb la testate are. reqaeated to make lasMdlatO ptmenl, Aa1 alt' parsoa J holding elalrna against said eslai an aotlflad to v prnarnl the tarna. duly veriflad, to ma on or before Ih ft 1st dav of Beplember , 1M, or this noiloe will b pleadod Is ' bar of reoot ery, ' : ' " ? n Thlt September ilsClUOL up: VA Tana, P. ModiaTnT," v C v-i FVr ' the Y&piZ'. On store and aon houses for rent. '..Now a I have retirwT from grocory bnslness I am better prepared to give better attention to my sawed stove wood trade, '. We keep all kind Btnve wood snder largo aheOa, nevf r geta wet Remember our frirk and latha now ' readv at short notice. I.lme and Tar on hand. ' We koep everrtltrng that yon 1 would hardly And elsewhar. ...,. , Scs iEi Eill lb Criifi ; : -FOB TlBITHlNtf. . 4V.- - J- -J, -X, '...-.,-.... - Bonsfht, W4 wtlcli ti bem- bu home the (risrnalnre of been made under hi per v ' sonal aapervwoa since Its brianey 1 Allow no one toOMefre too In this. Sigiaatoru of min m ami oitv. SAVES LIFE - -: wiuud. iu., abtom ten. ' bed health this aprlng aad ooeld ot Snaof njr ahUd died. Wkn X noma to alt I ! Salt owka had eaohtorribte pains tanur' baekendhlp. load kidney troabl aad 'all- V Infofthawoeab. 1 alio had brrt-ortoal arll. I w In n bad eaadllion when I resolved jronr . . Ladlee rtlrthnai ilamnaii" and reed the ad- -i nrtlHiMMol Win. of Oaidni and Thedford'e - . Slaok-DmuM. 8iaM Aarll SWA, I ba Soar bottle ot Win ol Oardnl an : aM ntTlixIfcMir. ntonlr ni.n.ht aad three peek--; I imi ll a xam .nana now. I aaaaoaumjiroHanasna , walkout to eaayo my aAon. I belief ; I wonM ban bam la tb arav had It not btaa , , sorWlneofOardui. iTAvao brT Ufa ' Til. AUO DA Via Kb well twonuaralnaVc pattta thaa !mi, Psw atea could bur ths bitter peat, th agony ai dbtrtaf that wotwn tndvr. Thauimdi l Winn hav cam to took gpoa artagafrtjwthb'tx. Buttturaara i J Htli hnl. LwHImM which ' saai aa laajw wthr "or nooanyi , nadtat wamih M aw privacy at mar . city art never without thb grut " the womb and compkttry aradl. '- CanU aad ThedtoKTi Black OraagM . .navarianaaaaaiuina. . y Attorney at law, ' . 74 Bo. Front St , Opp.' Hotel Oliattowka, NEW BEEN, N. 0. i Craven County Attorney. .' $ Circuit, Craven, Jones, Onslow, CarU eret, lamlloo, Greene, Lenoir, and the Bupreme and Federal Court. i thai are bean ties we are showing- In a variety of effective pattern and shades In arrav anttinn. fancv cheviots' and '-worsteds, broken check and herring Aone In a harmonious blending of color ings that will please tlie man of good taate, and which we will make to outer in tit meat exquisite sty lea and work Aianihlp into aalU that will 'do ' you 5roud,,at fair prices,. ,. :'. ; 5 FolXlV Chad wleki . A.Oroai,yaa. K. H. Maaetowa, T. krOj ( , M. rvoa,lMkla. , ' y ". .jV.?, U- : nfcajaaai ,.f; . ' " . Dasnx dsneral Banking Buslosss ; -March f, iHM, iCplostacl iTsdi ' ded Profits, 118,000.00. (Prompt aad earefol attention given to til linatnaa eotrusted to na. Aoeonnto monlved on favorable term. - v,.. Perainand niveab B. H, Haeviow, inu uuDv,r. , i.ns nxirnoflKl, K.TH Haun. Jtiom. A.t.r', C. k. rv. CWi. H.towiof. J. w. tiralnaar. M.W.rallwo, X.lv w.r.Cfoakaet i Mark DUor. OR J!'JJIE C8I puro whnleaom, suaranteed 'A I eboealcallr mado from diatlllod went na i freo from Impurities. Hpeclally la ioilod aad. prepared for baman on pnimptinn. - . Ire d 'livered dally (exempt Bundav) m lot pas.. - - unily (retail only) 1 m.'io It noo . ' for prioo aad other Information, ' ' IP. I The SPOUTING WORLD lUadld All Around Athlotan " CUrened B. Weymontb of Tale nnjr reratty la looked on te an athlete who will do great work In .the coming foot ball season. Weymouth H on of the beet nil around athlete Tale has ever produced. He Is a good 'baaeball player, a good track and field performer ana U strong and enduring on the gridiron. Weymouth, come from an -athletic family, hi brother being noted for abil ity In different branches of sport.: .Wey OldtBENOB a WBTMOtrXn. mouth was captain of the freshman crew which defeated Harvard in thli year's race on the Thames, course. His favorite football position Is full back, and he wlU probably be the equal of Perry Hale, Yale's Inst great plunger. Serf Rales For Colleare Athlete. For tho past decade the fclg athletic clulw of New JTork, Boston and else where made ft a custom to grab all tho crnok college athletes during the sum mer vacation and train them for the Amateur Athletic union cliamplonHhlps and other prominent meetings. But there Is every Indication that this practice has come to an e.idVnrrU In fu ture If tho collego-athJute compctps at all in sports outside of thff Intercollegi ate A, A. A. A he ivtll represent bis col leKO:only.'1 : ' The Initial step toward 'tho new re form has been taken by tho faculty of Princeton university, who passed a rulo this year prohibiting all nthletos of that institution from competing for athletic clubs, iio restriction was plac ed upon tile' athletes as to when and where thy should competo, but It wsa made Imperative that on all occasions Princeton men should wear tho Prince ton colors and not even Interwoven with that of anynthlctlc club., 5in The matter has been mooted around, among the other colleges, and those la favor of the excluslvenes and purity of college athletics at Yale, , Harvard, -Pennsylvania and Columbia favor the precedent established by Princeton. ' , It la quite probable that a rule simi lar to the one Inaugurated by-Trlaceton will be Introduced at the nest general meeting of the Intercollegiate A. A. A. applying to every college member of the association, Of course tb rul may -not suit aome of the' smaller college, but the larger ones may follow in tb footsteps of "Old Nassau." Aafladlaa'e Oroat Baa. ; Candlras DeFoya, Ute Jndbin, re-, cently broke the world's record for a 100. vard dash, at Colorado Spring, Co!o.;wtato!nn-1lne seconds. An- other Indian, second In the race, mad It In 01-5 seconda, Thla occurred In front of the grand Stand In a closing feature of Colorado's twenty-nfth an niversary celebration. Cowboys gave some excellent ' sample of broncho riding..'- , v S l.i Aa to Criakot. It is practically assured that an Eng lish cricket team wtt visit tb United State next season. , .'1 ( That 1 s gam la which we Joyously 'concede supremacy to the British. - We cannot play the continuous gam of cricket wttb eOT-EngUs coaatnav-SDd we rejoice that such l the case. ,' . .. JoO Watovtt'a Aaabltloa. ',' Jos Walcott expect to go to Eng land this fall and moot "Philadelphia Jack". O'Brien, v Parson Davtes has gons to England snd Will try to ar- rang tb match. Tb boxer that de feats O'Brien will win s pot of money, for th English sport bellev blm. In vincible.' i . . , 1-. ' ' - A TMto eraUat, ., ' Frenchmen sr proverbially good eat ers, snd Ludev Grogaet, tb Parisian cyclist, now In America, Is no excep tion. The big rider, who left Franc to escape th army, can vanquish double order St s tabl d'hot dinner, with liberal portions of tb liquid that ac company them. . ri taa aUlfs fllatst.' ;'..., V - Jim Hall, th one noted Australian middleweight pugilist, I now at Buf falo. ' Hall la not In good health and will never b able to Oght again. A number of Hall's friends are trying to raise enough money to defray Hall' expenses to bl home at Sydney. . : Baiker Routs a Robber.': J. R. Garrison, Cutler of the bank of Thorntni Ohio, has been robbed -of heehh Vy aorlnns Itim: trouble Until he tried Dr. I , i i v 1 f overy for Coa su ptbn, 1 et : e wrote; "It I the bfcjt mciKiJi.fi I ever uuj for a severe cold or a bad case of lun trouble, I si- wsyi keep a bot.lj ca h nd." Don't sutler with Coughs, Colds, or any Throat C1 " rr T -' "' '- -T "i r-n t unl sot v , . k i i., ll.il.lii.illl. I. i,i J! )J , . ., .11 - lap ' tZ WrsWi i w ' - -V v i" ' . J laM.. ... ft.-- FLOWER AND TREE." i riant cannot live If deprived of their leaves. .. t , . - .-s ,--- Tea plant at the age of 7 years yield 700 pounds of tea to tho sere. . -. l The date palm requires s hot, dry Sir, but moisture about the roots snd plenty Of it . - - :: Palms neTer live mots than 280 years. Ivy liar been "mown to live 450, ciestsutrm oofcv 3,000 ana yew Aa oak tree of sverogo sis,' with 700,000" leaves, vUft from the earth about 123 toasof water during the five months It is In leaf. - i ' "Tasmlne Is an Indian shrub. Its star ry, wax whit blossom are Indescriba bly sweet All the burning pain and passion and pathos snd mystery of the Hindoo race seem to rise up to you In Its breath, 1 There Is a rose tree with o trunk 2 feet 9 inches In circumference In s Ven tura garden in California. It Is a la- marque, has been growing a quarterof a century ' and yielded oror 21,000 bloom In 1805. Cents Baat and West. TThere Is always a scarcity of pen nies In the -west,'' say an official of the Philadelphia mint, "and a super abundance of them in the east. Every little while the bank out there set hp a hoot and cry for pennies, but oftr banks here are ever glad to rid them selves . of their surplusage In these colas.. It Is dlfflcult to see why uoh a State of thing should be. I'm sure a penny Is Just as dear to the eastern er's heart as to the westerner". On would no more throw penny away than would the other, yet here we al ways -nave too many pennies. There they never seem to have enough." Deathbed riattory. A Imnaf nvnn) AvKna iwrann I llahlfl to lie allured by the solemn attitude of the company and the. restrained or flowlns torrents of tears and emotions to an alternating conscious and uncon scious comedy of cooceltedness. The seriousness with which every dying person Is treated has undoubtedly been tho verv finest cnlovment of bis life to many a poor despised devil and a sort of Indemnification and partial payment for much privation. Works of Nleta- sche. Salatlns: With the Hat. Before the Invention of wigs the hat was rarely removed except to salute others, especially royal pcrsonsgesr It was worn at table when ladles or per sons of rank were present Except when saluting royalty It was the cus tom merely to raise tho band to tho bat somewhat after the manner of a mili tary salute. When It became the mode to wear a profusion of false hair, the hat was less needed as a protection for the bead and was carried under the arm. woman's ute A is. hard enough -as it is. It is to hor that we owe our world, and cvorything should bo made as, easy as possible for ner at ne time i childbirth. This Is 'nst what MOTHER'S Fr.IEMD will do. It will make baby's cominc easy and painless, and that without tak ing dangerous drugs into the sys tem. . It ia simply to be applied to the muscles of the abdomen. It penetrate through the skin carry ing strength and elasticity with it It strengthens the whole system and prevents all oi the discomforts of pregnancy. , The mother of a plumb bsb In Panama, Mo., says: ."Ibavouaed Mother's Friend and can praise it highly." v V Get Mother's Mend at the Drag Store $1 per bottle. f m,-..-. The Bradfleld Regulator Co., yyr ATUANTA, 0.f - - "Writ for oar free fltustrated book, ' 'Before Baby Is Born." -:: : it- ' Wood'stSecds FOR FAI SOWINO. T. W. Wood Sons Vhtl Oatologos, lanedhi Aagaat, toua U aboal - , CRAS3 and CLOVER SHEDS, Vetrhea, Crieasoa Clover, Seed ; Wheat, Oats, Ryo, Baa-ley, ; : Rope etc. Also VsfoUWo . aad Flower Seeds, rlya - cinths, Tulips, sad ell - ,. Btilbs, Seeds sad " -Hants for Pall V planting. ; , . Th Information alven In onr Ml C1.l"rw aboni dirfernl wa la from oar u.wmera' and oar own pmetleat itrinno, W are orai..ntiy in r oaipSof theaMMtfrratirylna.iprMlona a (o th inal valu and t o li p Ih.l Our Omlalugu firnv lo larrf -. and tr4 ia awitttii., t-..nloiru Bi.iid oa nni-. Writ fur It aud palo ot aar sooUa dln4. , -Tt I I. v3 & c...3i eww.J CtwMtS H..w.. ...i.Si '. RWHKONO, VA. ussrsr i::s :::i i't"! r-oTS. - Executrix r. llctv Having qnallflnd as Xx 'Hiof th Last n Ul anil 'letitntirnt ot ltoterl u. iloat-k v. dci-sacd. ail persons Inih-hted to said eotate are lierot y r'etel to maia prompt payment to the umliir slrneil, and all persons liol.Hng ci.i'ms a; .in t an'il lute are notiiirtd te p s nt Die corn or I. ''H tlie HLh iT Of fcplen-li-r. 1 ', or t,i nolle wlil Asthmalene Brings Instant Belief and r er- r')i' manent Cure i; SENT ABSOLUTELY -FREE t '"' r WRITS TOUB FOR TEfl YEARS troubles which combine with Asthma. ' After having it carefully analyzed, we opium, morphine, chloroform or ether. AvflM Dr. Taft b'bos. Medicine Company, Gentlemen: I write this testimonial wonderful effect of yonr Athmalene, for afflicted with spasmodic asthma for the EUI1M skill as well as many others, I chanced to Bee yonr sign" upon your windows on 180th street New York, I at once obtained a bottle of Asthmalene. My wife com menced taking it about the first of November. I very soon noticed a radical im provement. After using one bottle her Asthma has disappeared and she is entire ly free from all symptoms. I feel that l ean consistently recommend the medicine to all who are afflicted with this distressing disease. Yonrs respectfully, Dr. Taft Bros. Medicine Compant, Gentlemen: I wis troubled with Asthma lor 28 years. 1 have tried numer ous remedies, but they have all failed. I ran across your advertisement and started with a trial bottle. 1 found relief at once. I have since purchased your full size bottle, and I am ever grateful. I have a family of four children, and for six years was unable to work. I am now in the. best of health and am doing business every day. This testimony you can make such use of as yon see fit. Homo addrrss, 230 Itivington street TRIAL BOTTLE SENT ABSOLUTELY Do not delay. Write at onco, addressing DR. TAFT BROS. MKDICINE CO., 79 Fast 130tU Street New York City. SOI.D BY PUBLICATION OF SUMMONS. NORTH CAROLINA ) Superior Pamlico County I Court. Missouri Craddock vs. Burt Craddock. Notice to Burt Craddock,' defendant. Take notice: That the plaintiff has com menced an action In the superior Uonrt of Pamlico, entitled aa Shove, for the purpose of obtaining a divorce from the bonds of matrimony, the complaint hav ing been filed In the olllco of the clerk of said court. The defendspt, Hurt Crad dock, wll therefore take notice that un less lie appears at tho next term of: the Superior Court to be held at the court house In Bayboro on the Sth Monday after the 1st Monday In September 1901, being October the 7th 1001, snd answer or demur to the complaint of plaintiff, the plaintiff will lie granted the relief demanded In her complaint. This the 8rd day of July 1001. J. R. RICE, C. S. C. W. T. CAHO, Plaintiff's Attorney. F. M. Simmons. A. D. Ward 5IMT10NS WARD, ATTORNEY sal COUNSELORS st LAW. a aw sanaa, a. e. Oilioe 88 So, Front Street, nearly oppo site Hotel Chattawka. (Office also It Raleigh.) Practice In the counties of Oraven, Duplin, Jones, Onslow, Carteret Pamli co ana waxe, in toe supreme ana t ea erol Courts, and wherever services are desired. Notice. NORTH CAROLINA, I In the Cbavin Count v. ( Superior Court. JULIA JACKSON JOHN JACKSON. 1 NoTtca The defendant above named will take notice, that aa active a above ntltledThu been oommesced la the Su perior Court of Craven .County, to ob tain a divorce- vinculo matrimonii from th defendant, John Jackson, and the aid aefeadant will lartner take notloe that he Is teautred to appear at th No vember term of the Superior Court of the Mid county to be held on the 18th day ot November, 1901, at the Ooart House In New Bern.N. (X, sad answer or demur to the complaint In said action or the plaintiff will apply to the court forth relief dem-aded In said com: plalat ' ' . . - This the 10th day of Beplember, 1901. TrV. M. WATSON. Clerk Superior Court. . Service of Pnblicition i K0TICI t NORTH CAROLINA,!'', In the lV 1 Cravsk Coutt. Superior Court. OATID WILSON and POLLY ANN , 0 ' WILSON, hi wife, , j , V JOHN D. BHEPPARO, it J. 'v- -NOTICE I Tb defendant ' abov named will take notice that an action entitled as above ha been commenced In the Superior Court of. Oraven county lo perfect the title to two certain lots of land situate In the City ot New Bern, N. 0., and facing on tieravui aad Jones streets, and to cancel a certain deed to said property Improperly made to said defendant; and the said defendant will further take notice that he la required to appear at the nest term of the Su perior Court of said eonnty to be held oa the tenia XI omlay after the Drat Mon day In Hrptumher, 191)1, It being th eleventh day of November, 1001, at the court house of said county In New Bern, N. (J. and answer or demur to th com print In said action, or th plaintiffs will apply to the Court for the relief de mntUil In asld corenlalnt. Tbil lfllh day of j-"tW, Iff H. . ' V. f.i. WATSotf, ; C'l ik r-i'rfilor (.'"urt. in all Caaea. ON KEOEIiT OF POSTAL. ANn ADDRESS TLAJXtT. There is riothiug like ATHMA LENE. It brings instaut relief, even in the worst cases. It cures when, nil else Liils.- the Kev.C F.WELL1, of Villa Ridge, 111., says: "Your trial bottle of Asthma lone recoived in good condition. I can not tell you how thankful I feel for th good derived from It 1 cannot tell you how thankful I feel for the good-derived from it I was a slave chained with pu trid soro throat and Asthma for ten years 1 despaired of ever being cured. I saw your advertisement for the our of this dreadful and tormenting disease, asthma, and thought you had over spoken yourselves, but resolved to give it a' trial. To my astonishment the trial acted like a charm. Send mo a full size bottle." REV. BR MORRIS WBCHSLER, Ilabbi of the Cong. Hnai Israel, New York, Jan. J, 1901. I)B8. Taft Bros' Mrdioins Co., Gentlemenj Your Asthmalene is an excellent remedy for Asthma and Hay Fever, and its composition alleviates all Its success Is astonishing and wonderful. can state that Asthmalene contains no Very truly yours, KEV. UK. atUKUis WBCPSLKR, RpnlNfia. K V. FeKrnnrv let 1QA1 from a sense of duty, having tested the the cure of Asthma. My wife has been past 12 years. Having exhausted my own U. U. FHELFB, M D. February 6th, 1901. P. KAl'HAELs 67 East 129th st, New York City. FREE ON RECEIPT OF POSTAL. DRUGGISTS. kS4.o BO YEARS' air Vexperienci a Tim dc Ma nut Fni1 Oopviiioht Ac Anyrm frnttlrur ktatt. and 4mai IDUOB 11 quick It trwiertatn ov optnttm trm whatbea- an inTnnunn n prvortDiy pauniiaDi1 Inn ta urobnblv DSAiMitatbltm. fVmrnuriiM- tionfrtrir-tlmnMentlaL Iltuibook on Fatttli locirmnfMentisd. iimaa 3. OMtMt RiranRT for mo tent rree. uin mjmay ror tfmnni mimiu, ta taken throuffb Munn A i tvtrial notio. wttbool dartro. In thm rsoenLi utsen mrouRn Munn ji uk raoam 5oennnc jfccncan. ouiation ftf -any MtwUsla trmrnaU. Trraa, U rear i roar itwntsia, ai. oa Djau ravwMesUsn. tm'l PR ttlBiteawai. iiiwiiii -w VV " HUflf II Bruoh OOoe. m U WsuAluton. D. A. & N. C. R. R. TIMS TABL1 HO. 23 To Take Effect Sunday, September 1, 1901 at 18:01 A.M., K, b T Going Eatt SCHSDuut: Going West No. 8 Passenger Train No. 4 DAILY.. Lv. p m STATioirs: Ar, a m 8 40 Ooldaboro 11 05 4 09... LaGrange 10 M 4 88 Klnston 1011 5 40 Ar. New Bern, Lv, 00 8 50 Lv. " Ar. 117 7 15. . . Ar. Morehead City Lv 7 05 . No, 6, I I No. 6, Passenger STAnoaut I Paassager Train. Train. Dajlt EicarrJ Sussat. Lv. a. at. 800.. Ar.lMJ ..Qxildsboro.... ...'.Best's..... ... ... 888 .. 818 ... 807 1, LaQrmage 8 48.. . .... .FalHaf Oreek. . . . 8 51 Klnston 9 0S Oaswell....... 18,.... Dover....... 80 ,Oors Ckeak..... 844.. .Tasoarors 48 ...Oaarhav. ... let ... 848; .... 840 ...189 ...818. . M 1000 Ar. Hew Ben, Lv 4 50 A.. KM, .No.'. Lv. a. m. Pastnninr , N0.0V -Snadaye Only Ar, p. m. e00.r.....V.Ooldlioro,i 800 8 l..........Laaraage.......... 7 87 8 58..........;Klnton..... TOT 1 18. ...........Dorer.... 847 1000.;;, ; ..NewJBera. ........ 847 II 80.,.. Ar, Morehead City Lv ... A tO No. I..' 1 ' V V . ' ' : &0. MOW (Mxnrt aav ' J PasaTe, I'd Ft, sad I mnosaH PssaTa. Of. mm'.-r-. v- v-"'r".. r. 'Ar.p at 8 00. .... , t ; . Oolosbora. u. , . . ) 8 88 l....,.......Beat-,..,..M,,. 4 6t 7 00.......... Ialiraago., )4 88 7 15.. ......Falling oreek...',.,.. 8 58 18 80 ....... , , Kinstoa .8 88 a ao nuii ''J . ii ea mV TV. . ... ..... .1 v.. W3 194... i.. ...... .Dover w... ...... I0 10 07. 10 88...,... Tuaoarora.,,.,, ....! 48 1D0S.,,. olark's U15,,.v..Ar. New Bern, Lv..... .18 40 1810 Nttikt' '..- ;'-. ' No, I0, tw..,..Xn- C- -V:Ar......l0 47 i U..V... .... Rlverdale.. .,.10 10 t...,.,.....CToeta.........1000 08...., .... Havelook. ......... 9 40 8 84... ..i ... Newport, Lv. 1 0. 8 47..,..,.,..WIIlwood... 8 47 in2. Atlantic 818 4 0H....Ar.l'orehead olty.Lv.. .., IM 4 83....AT, U. city Depot, Lv 750 f.. 4.1s, p 'Monday. Wednesday and Friday, JTuesday, Thura-try and EAturday, 8. L. EILL, O.P.A. s out hern ail way. Iitt Btandal 1 Railway;. the H'lUTh Th Direct line tc all Points, CAIaIFOBNIA, FJLOItlDA, CUBA AND Porto mco: hmnnl sail Through or Local Trains) Pullman Pal ace Bleeping Oars on all Night Trains; Fast aud Safe Scheduler oared a Safe, Oomfottaole and Expedi; Hons Journey. Anolv to Ticket Aranta for Time Ta bios. Bates and General Information, or address F, K. DARBY. B. L. VERNON, o.r.T.A, T. r, A., jAflhevUle, N. O Charlotte, N. C. 8. H. Hari)wick,J"P A, WASHINGTON, - - D. O. Notice of Sale of Real Estate. Pursuant to decrees of the Suoerlor Court made and entered In the following actions, pending In said Court, to wit: The Board of Commissioners vs Christ Ina Manning. ine Board ot Commissioners vs Free man Ives. Board of Commissioners vs Moses Slkes. Board of Commissioners vs Stenhen Hickman. Board of Commissioners vs Redmond Paton. Board of Commissioners vs C. C. Can non. Board of Commissioners vs Stephen Simmons. Board of Commissioners vs J. F. Moore. Board of Commissioners vb Jacob Martin. Board of Commissioners vs Elijah Martin. Board of Commissioners vs A. T. George. Hoard or utunmleBloners vs Jeremiah Goddette. Board of Commissioners vs Geo. M. Carter. Board of Commissioners vs L. E. Laughlnghouse. Hoard oi commissioners vs Grant Uar- rls. Board of Commissioners vs R. C. Cleve. Board of Commissioners vs James El lison; appointing the undersigned Com missioner to sell the lands hereinafter described, I will sell for cash to the high est bidder at the Court House door. In the City of New Bern, Craven County, at the hour of 18 o'clock m. on the first Monday In November next, belnir the 4th day of November, the following de scribed tracts of land situated In Craven county, State of North Carolina, as fol lows: to wit: 250 acres, Mt. Pleasant Township listed for taxation In said township for the year 1890 by Christina Mannlnar. de scribed In a deed from W. J. Maxton and wife to Charles Msnnlng, dated March 9th, 1887, recorded In book No. 96, pages low ana uu, in ine omce oi Kegister ot Deeds of Craven county. Also another tract Ming e acres oi land situated on Spring street, and listed to Fieeman Ives, being In No. 7 town ship, as per tsx list for 1897. Also in acres oi isua suusieu at or near Haveiock and listed to Moses Bikes the same In No. 8 township, as per tax list ror 1BV7. Also 85 acres of land situated at or aear Haveiock, and listed to Stephney Hickman, the same in No. G township, aa per tax list for 1897. Also ten (10) acres land Brocumbs Oreek, N. 0., No. 6 township, Craven county, N. C, being same listed for tax ation in sua townsntp ror lava, Dy itea mond Paton. Also one (1) lot of land. Carmer street. City of New Bern, No. 8 township, Craven county, N. C, being same listed for taxation In said township tor 18m) by C. O. Cannon, described in a deed from Amos Bryan and wife to C. O. Carman, dated 18th day of December A. D., 1889 recorded la book No. 108, folio 80 and 81, Records of Oraven county, deeds to which reference Is Had. Also another tract being slity-three (83) acre ot land, Adams Greek, No. 5 township, Oraven county, N. C, being same listed for taxation In said township for 189 by Stephen Simmons described a follow! bounded on the west by Ad am Creek and adjoining tb land of Samt Bo wen, Charlotte Taylor and the James Jackson land. Also all that tract of land situated on Ness River In Na 5 township, Craven county, and listed to J. F. Moore as per las list of 1897, containing 00 acre. Also ail that tract of land situated on Mitchell's Oreek No. 8 township, Oraven eonnty, aad listed to Jacob Martin, aa pet Us list 1887, containing 84 acre. , Also all that certain tract of land sit uated on Mitchell's Creek, No. ft town ship, Crave eonnty, snd listed to Elijah Mania ss set tax list 1897, containing 44 sore. Also another tract being ninety-four (04) sere load, Neuas river, No. ft town ahlp. Craven ooanty, N. 0., being same UstM for taaatloa In said township for the year 1898 by A. T. Goorge, described as follows) West tide of Nee - river, situated on New Great Marsh got aad eaJoitUaw tba leads of W.O. Temple aad Jacob Fanner. ' Also another tract being tblrte-eighl acres land Mitchell' creek, Na 8 town ship, Craven oooaty, M. tL, being the am listed for taxation in sold town aipfortheyarl898Iby Jrealaa Go detta, described s follow On the west Id of Clubfoot' creek snd sdjotss ths land of Lewis Carter and Isaac a Car ter. ' . ' ; .' - ' -r Also all that tract of load Situated at Coboaque, No. 0 township, Craven ooss ty.'N. 0.. snd listed to GoorgW. Car tor as tai list 1897, containing 88 acres. Also another tract belag 80-aercs of land stlnatod on Maal swamp . and listed to L. & Langhlagaoaae,aUlaadadolBS th land of Edward Hoell and others ta Na 1 townahlp snd recorded la book 110, page 8U0 la Register's offlca. . . Also aaother tract being five (5) acre land Plaay Nook, Na' l-towahlp Cra ves eonnty, N, 0., belag suns Hated for UmMoa In eald townahlp lot ths year L j by Grant O art la. - . w . -. . Also another tract being eae tows lot In Vance ho ro. Craven eonnty, townahlp No. 1. and Hated to & C. Clove, a per list ItfaO. Aleo another tract betsg 14 here of land situated os Maul tweunp. Sad listed to James Ellison, aa per tax Hat for In No. 1 township. . . - -Paid land Will to Sold tO llafy the jutif mrtnta abov referred to for failure to pay taxes and tost. . D. L. WARD. CommlasloBST. Ilef7 EcrHD IC3 Co. I DroiBtgr. 1