VOL; XIX-..HO, 167. SIW BIRN, H. C, SATURDAY M0RMN8, OCTOBER' 12, J901. TWENTIETH YIAK A Again comes to the Front 9L Update line oK J ' w - mm mm - f ran aim wmu;, uuuus ever shown in New Bern. Our Black" Goods are Better and ? rtS heaper than eYer before. Take a look, at the Black, Taney v . flj and Pebble and Armuae they are Beauties and very reaaon S able. Dress Trimmings and Novelties, all New. " j Js 0UrkT70 OTTJrr?c A Oar line of Mens Winter Shoes have arrived and are com- fa, posed of Latest Styles and Best makes. ' . e 08,1 Especial Attention to our Heiser line of Regents K n which is a Guaranteed Shoe . $3150 Also a Patent Vici Kid made. at 47-49 POLLOCK STREET. t tyViy!ytVyiiyitnl ufmfl&4mfS JiimI Received a Fresh Supply of nil khid of 'Breakfast g? i 1 Hecker's rushed White Wheat. " Farina. " Old Homestead l anca' e Flour. Roller While Oatflakea. " Prepared Huckwheat, 10c, 15c 30c package. " Graham and Rye Klour. Leggitt's Rolled Oatflakcs. I ancy Cakes, Sugar Wafers, Salted Wafers, etc! Full i ream Cheese, Fox River Butter, Corned Beef and Mackerel, Pig Feet 5c lb, Pig Tails 5c lb, Beef Tripe 5c lb. If you want good coffee try our Morning Glory Nos. ly.2, 3 & 4, they can't be beat. - Tours to Please, J- 22- ZEITOKIEIES, Jr., Wholesale and RetHI OroCer PHONE b'9. or. Ilroad A llmumk Hit. NOTE THE PRICES At the Planters Warehouse. F.8.ERMJL. - W.J. FRNK-V Hi lbs. 11.70. . m lbs. 11.60. 189 - 14.26. 78 " " 13.00. 108 " 11.50. 20 " " 81.00. 3 " " 19.0(1. - 83 " " 16.U0. 47 " " 230. 80 " " 80.00. L. V. LANCASTER 60 " " 18.00. 32 Ibi. 13.75. J, M. IPOCK. jjjj . ti 37 00 108 lbs. 18.00. .18 " " lOs! 10 " " 88.00. 8J " ' 27.00. L. DAWSON. 8S " W.00. 814 lbs. .00. M " 47.00. 190 10,00 8J " 88.50. 264 " " 12.00. '- 1. M. 8IMPKINS. PENNIE WILM8. 4W lbs. O 1S-00. 87 . 10.75. ' BAM MOOHE. " I W villi: ' " 00 ' " ; 18.85. M. IPOCK . 15 M " 87.(. 38 -Ihd. ft 11.50, - to " " 40.00. 25, V "17.00. L. 8. HARPER. w " - 81.50. " ' 500 lbs. ft 6.00. . , Q. C GA8KINV 8 " 81.00, , M4 1t'3MK" ' 18 " " 85 00. 22 . !' " 88.50. " 100 ' 85.00. 20 " 12.00. ' 145 " "18.26V- 77 : " 1800. ' 1-4 " " 10.85. 1W ' " U8.00. ; : ; Yours to Please," Planters Warehouse Co., . J.1L W Aim llDA'T'Du 11 I 1 1 II 1111 flllll llllfl I 1 1 1 1 1 1 ,r - V r.;faM.inn4 a Complete1; Iinol Coal ..n,. vu vtuuuu.ruiutumip me nre wan any outer. f ) - ' W,m 1 l. f isn c:f. . , . ' . i ' ; . Uomo in and look (nrer onr atock .Toor-.tlnter nor. -.". ..,.-'.-. ..' Call Dcarfcn Castors. ' tyPri-mpt pclivery (tnd Oooda Guaranteed. , v , ' ?. i'.'.v, ; , - , -,y Qaskill llr.rdwarc Co. with the most complete and 21 -:J ...' ' K ' a - ' v W 15.00 which is good as Cereals HOWAED, Manager. I. - TStOTea, Wood Stoves1 and ."Hentora. we, lanes; lens coal fcto run tho , , r , . , , ' - J nnd get onr prlwa lefore lmyinj mmmmgrn WORTH SUES. Attempts, to RccoYef , Loss - From ; Clerk Martin's Shortage. Cadets are Well Pleased , Free Sural Libraries. Plambago - .- KIbIbr. Hal Ayer Gees . to Mew York.' Cottea 61b Nearlr Idle. BtLUOH, Oct It It su stated last week In an Interview with ex-State treasurer W. B.! Worth, he begins suit at tbia month'! term ot Wake Superior Court against the Baltimore Surety com pany and the other Burettes of . W. H. JUrtln, hli clerk, who stole over $16, 000. Worth said the other day, and re peats the statement, that the Baltimore Surety company has never paid the slightest attention to any of his requests for a settlement. It Is quite evident that It will fight the suit. If It loses and does not settle, It is. quite clear that It will be barred from the State. For two years Martin had personal bondsmen, there being six ot these.. Worth also sues them, or rather his trustee does so. Worth has, as already staled, made full settlement with State Treasurer Lacy for Martin's stealings. The cadets of the Agricultural and Mechnlcal College were in high spirits today because of the victory of their foot ball team over that of Oak Ridge, in the opening name of the season. The team was given a reception this after noon on Its arrival. To date the State has paid out money for 138 free libraries for rural public schools. More than twice as many have been established, but the applications for the appropriation have not come in. It Is now known that all the State's ap propriation will be taken op, this being $5000 a year. It is of interest to know that this is the first appropriation ever made by the State for books for the schools. Tbo governor made requisition on the governor of Virginia for Augustus Carter, who Is in custody at Petersburg and who Is wanted In Moore county for murder. Sheriff S. M. Jones has gone with the requisition papers. The plumbago mines near here are again being operated, in a small way. A negro miner is taking out 15 "tons a woek The plumbago is used for making paint at Philadelphia. The vein Is 20 miles long and passes in two miles of Ral eigh. Hal. W. Ayer, who during tho late administration was State auditor and who in the proceeding campaign was populist State chairman, has gone to New Tork and will engage in the cotton business with Dr. i. M. Ayer, his brother He left here today. The superintendent of the cotton oil company here says that while the mill crushed 12,000 tons of seed' last season,' It will handle muob less this season. It is not expected that the quality of the oil will be so good as It wu last season, owing to the rains. The cotton gin which the company operates Is getting so little busineei that It is hardly able to run two days In the week. . State auditor Dl i on says be Is greatly impressed by Greensboro's progress and development; and sayi It Is remarkable. He expects that the next State conven tion will be held there . The State board ot embalmers Is called to meet here again Oct 28-84, to ex amine applicants for license. This will be the last examination this year, The law as to embalmers goes Into effect Jau uary 1. ',-;... :y ' V'. : Lewis Ockerman, Goshen, Ind: "Dc Witt's Little Early Risers never bend me double like other pills, but do their wotk thoroughly and make mjsjeol like a boy." Certain thorough, gentle. . F. 8. Daffy. Bradhans sells Capodine Headache Cure at his Soda Fountain '!."-fe'f wanted for murdeil Kcgro Arrested Hear Trenton Who Killed White Man la (tarrgml t; j Pollocksville. Ooi.- lir Bill Barney allu Lofton, a negro man ll?ln; about 19 miles above Trenton, was arrested i mii Bigut uj Duuriu. n. aarriei .ana 1... ..I. . O i in u' r rt i -. - a : deputies, A. S.Lee and Samuel Harrison. r. Boms time ago Mr. Samuel Uudioa ' . . . . waa raiormeo py : csmuei uarruon, a colored man. who knew Burney ' and of ' tlre crime be was wanted for la Georgia, oi ais wnereaooute wbtcn led to a cor respondence between Mr. . Hudsoa and the Ooveraor and Sheriff of Georgia. The facts as given by Harrison being cor '"botl1 Bd oonflrmed a warrant wst abort results. Burney Is now In Tren ,oa jail waiting the arrival of the sheriff of Liberty county, Gs., 10 .take him , where he Is wanted for the murder of R H. Cartrf, a white man, last August. ; t . CAGTOniA For Infants and C'.n,!ren. . Diiur tin 'ofC DAUGHTERS OF CONFEDERACY. Officer Elected. Heet la ; Hew .Bern 1" Hcxt Year. Other Bnslness. Sptjcial to Journal.' ' Chablottb, October1 11. The con vention voted today to furnish the new building at the Soldiers' . Home and to place therojthe portrait of the late Yf.O. Stronach. - --3'. The State flag was' accepted as the North Carolina division flag.- r The following were the officers elected todayr ' Mrs. W. H. Overman of Salisbury, President. Mrs. Rufus Barrlnger of Charlotte, 1st Vice-President. Mrs. J, W. Hinsdale, of Raleigh, 2nd Vice President . Miss Mary Oliver of New Bern, Treas urer, Mrs, Garland Jones of Raleigh, Re cording Secretary. Miss. Julia Alexander of Charlotte, Corresponding Secretary. Mrs. Parham Henderson, Register. Mis, Armistead Jones of Raleigh, N. 0. Historian. Mrs. Oscar Blackball of Kittrell, As sistant Historian. The convention adjourned to meet In New Bern next year. Duffy sells Capudine at his Soda Foantaln. A fine lot of Po.ultry at the Oaks Mar ket. Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup Cures a Cough or Cold at once. Conquers Croup, Whooping Ootigh and Measles Cough without fail. Best for Bronchitis, Hoarseness, Grippe, Pbeumonla, Con sumption and Lung Affections. Quick, sure results. Price, 25c. A Scbool Dedication. Raleiou, Oct. 11. The State superin tendent of public instruction went to Rocky Mount today to speak thU even ing at the dedication of a public school building. A national flag was presented and be made the speech accepting It. Red Rough Hands, Itching, Burning 1 ' Palms, and Painful Finger Ends OneNhrhtT Soak the. hands on retiring in a strong hot creamy lather of CUTICURA SOAP. Dry and ;anoint iteejy -th CUTICURA, the great Vctf cure and purest of emollients. Wear during ; tle night old, loose kid gloves, with the finger, vends cut off and airholes cut in the palms. For, ed,1rough, chapped hands, dry, fissured, itching,' feverish palms, with shapeless nails and painful. ier;en&t : and points to a speedy cure of , the most distress1 fag cases when physicians and all else fauV MILLIONS USE fr ' Amleted by Ccnotnta Onrmirr', for preaenring purifying, and beau-'. '; "I tif ying the Mn; for "cleanBlng tte aoalp of onuts, ealeii and! dan- V ' . 'druff, and the stopping of falling :j- oothlng red, rongh, and "sore kanda for, baby rashee, ltchlnga, ind f Jttiuione or women nee uoriomu annoying Irritations, inflammations, and excoriation., for too free or off onalve perspiration, In the form of : Vaahei for nleeratiVB ireak '.nesses and for' many- antiseptld - a: tuernaelve to women and Wotliers. "No amount of . persuasion can '" induce thoee who have onoe need these great akin purifiers and bean- ' tillers to use any others.' Cuncmt a Soap combines dalicate" emollient IT: properties derived from.CtmocBA, the great skinoure, with the pnr i est Of cleansing ingredients," and the most refreshing' of flowelf odours.' ', No othor medicated soap Is to be purifying, and beautifying the f other foreign "or domestic toiki sr. compared with it for all the purposes of the toilet, bath, and nursery, - Thns it combines In Onb Soar at Osi raioK, the Bust skin and ; ; complexion soap, and the bkst toilet and baby sonp In the World. ' I ; ' Complete External and Intnmal Trent nnt for fvery Humouiy Cl . Colifil.tWid of (JlfTlfllH R4AP, Xn ru-i.,i.fl tN .k'n Ot flm.t. l4 lln th UilrV I r -In; H il Oint- , !Btni iH' ii; uti'l i ii I it :u K i . Ijm'oiii !n) m mm. v., , . A New Buffalo BjlL i Washington, Oct. '11, Uncle 8am will Issue next; week a -.new ten dollar greenback, which will be a novel "Buf falo BUI." The design, for the new ( Treasury note was drawn by a celebra ted artist and student of animal nature, I whov Is connected with the National' Smithsonian Institute. Several years It was engraved by one of the most skill ful artisans employed at the Bureau of Engraving and Printing. Its chief fea ture Is the ' representation of a. buffalo bull,, with bent head and outstretched tail, on a prairie of sag grass, in the po sition of pawing for food. The note has been so designed that about as much white will show as is now visible en the silver certificate of 1899. TO CLEANSE THE SYSTEM Effectually yet gently when costive or bllllous, to permanently overcome hab itual constipation, to awaken the kid neys and liver to a healthy activity, without irritating or weakening them, to dispel headaches, colds, fevers, use Syrup of Figs, mado by the California Pig Syrup Co. THE ROYAL BOX. Henry VIII. was the first English king to wear a pair of sllk'stocklngs. The king of Roumanla Is personally Interested In a plah to educate his peo ple by the establishment of theaters In every town of his kingdom. Queen Christina of Spain has always exercised tlie-greatest care over the diet of Alfonso XIII. and dreads his coming days of state banquets. For bis smoking the king of the Bel gians prefers above nil outfits bis fa vorite brlor pipe and a certnln brand of English birdseye tobacco. The latter he keeps constantly on band In a quaint old Jar. For mnny years King Edward has not touched champagne, which was at one tlino his favorite beverage and which he made so fashionable. He now drluks nothing but red wine. He is considered the finest Judge in England. A good friend Is one's nearest rela tion. One';! greatest relation Is not al ways n good friend. Pittsburg Dis patch. reatment SOAP, hair,' for aoftening, whitening, and v boap in the lorm or oaina ior , rpnrpoee which teadUy (TOggert i- oompared with it for, preserving,' . skm, - scalp, hair,, and hands. N : soap however expensive," Is to bo f;' Hands MM, I" hv.f i , .him,,, h(1mi.., ,. i ": f. Ni r AH" ar Snow Dtift li M and Stat lOUP Gronnd from JTew Wheat. Ontario Prepared Buckwheat new crop. Old Fashioned Plain Buckwheat. Fancy Elgin and Fox River Print Butter. Cream Cheese. Small Sngar Cnred Pig Hams, Big Hams to cut. Fulton Market Corned Beef. Pigs Feet and Tripe. Fancy Fresh Cakes and Crackers. Anything you want in the grocery line jou want at bot tom prices. Yours truly, J. L McDMIEL 'Phone 01. I rutting lhings i Atony, When you put away the groceries you order irom us we want you to notice The promptness of de livery, the cleanliness of the goods, the full, honest measure, the quality of what you get. There is abundant reason why you should send us your order. Fresh lot Baldwin Apples just received. J. J. TOLSON, Jr., Broad St Grocer. Phone 137. Try Our Delicious Coffee. A. & 0. Blend, 20c lb. Strait Java, 5!5c " Maracaiba, -0c " Good Coffee, 15c lb, 2 lbs for 25c. Choice Coffee 11c" 5 " " 50c. A sample pound of our coffee will convince you that we sell tho BEST Coffee in the city for the money. Fresh from our Boaster and gronnd to order. Bespectfully, - ARCH BELL & CO., Phone 194. 75 Broad St. iiziiiiiiiiiiiiiminniimiziiiiiiiiiiiimR High Grade Work. . i ney .nav voraw w nj thA nnonmatlo tlrad carriaees are today a permanent fixture among all . , 1 - .Mln mnA - AvivliH lOVen III uniaun intwg The lioe of these vehicles carried by the Waters Bu wy Company eomprises the try best, latest ana vies. 18 to $100. i test and most improved , to tlOO. Remember oar pairing department. , " .. .. Respectfully. -! G. H. Waters 3t Hon, 78 Broad Btt, Haw Baiw.N.C. ( B, PnoUAHD..'! - JOS. B.TVIU48, r! .. HOLLAND k WILLIS," V Funeral JDirectoii M3CP r? Office: aa waren Btreet. : uet. vta lwi. . My Dear Brother Georre. Tours 4th inst received, asd am glad, very glad; to know that in placing taeoraers, tnat von save the one for brick,' to Moore's Wood Tard. Having been buying wood from I hare for thraa vaarl. and havlnf always proven so ' tstlitaotory, that I know yon have made so mutant. Well, von eaa look for tne home, a ttcsmer Neuis aeit Bandsy, and oh. Won't I bo glad to once more be la Old New Bern. , . . - - ! ; . ' Ever yours, inn, load Wholesale A Retail Grocer, 71 Hrojvl Ht. wmmmnmmi The East End of the Harvey House 16 Desirable Booms, with water bath and gas. Apply to 941 Mioni-B St., NEW BERN, - N. V. msbchrhatm are maanfaetured by a few Arms in tb northern states, .p; ., j.i. . : ,t 'fy -r We carry a line ot the best paper an metallic shells for shot guns and rifle ot every bore. Both black and smoke- '.mrmrwrn-" mmt TlTT T. 'V'" ' n n STEwAKT ,.;-'v'.-.i;'V ' ' ' r Vms -4f!g A.A M.m mm m "-";.- T ln I. Tlt.M. Vmti.lM SMWtiV i vrmvG ill uiviuuii v wms.m Goods, PHoaoaaAWts, Job Pawriae, J Robbib 8tmp, Bbai Pattnaa, t '; Kiddie $t : , IBW BWf, H..-V V -n ft I t i f!m, ' '?, t 'tU-rU'siteQ tim$J V A ym9Mmmmmmmmmf 141. TU MinoL HT NEW BEUN, NIO