A f - i r REW BIRN.S. C.,J SUNDAY MOSSING, OCTOBER 27, 1901. TWENTIETH VK4U 3 3 . I it. ""l .1 ' ' ." A things Is i1 joy forever' rj" -.; .r''Su.u YOU CAW FIND IT. We have the Prettiest Line of Dress Goods and Trimmings $ To be had in flV We also hare the 'BEST1 SCHOOL SHOE on earth 4 "Boys Delight", 9to 2a, J Only $1.00. Better grade in enam ft aled,88to6isa$2.00. " V 4S Don't Forget Zlegler'n Shoes ' for Ladies, Misses and Children. , Nor Thos. G. Plant's Shoes ( for Ladies. These two brands are too well known to require further mention. ' -., ( ' - ' i $ 47-49 POLLOCK STREET. fresh ixoods $ Received this ( apa ( od Cranberries, Celery, Quaker Oatflakee, Shred ded WlM3at IJucaila, Craoled White Wheat, Old Fashion and I repartd Buckwheat, Hooker's Hap .Tac. Pan Cuke Flour,' lije and Grli.un, Cream of Wheat. Full Cream Cheese, Imported and Domestic Macaroni, trl,i l i jj.j n.jdA t! i- -. i . a it i j - ed Mackerel. Fox IQver Print Butter, Good Cooking Butter, Ac. Good Goods make good business, poor goods ro never V cLenp. Think it oTer and come to Purker's where yon will find everything fresh. 5 Yours to Please, mV Wholesale and NOTE THE PRICES At .the Planters Warehouse. F. B. ERNUL. IIS Ibi. e H-78. 139 108 14.M. 11.60. 19.00. 28.60. 80.00. 18.00. S3 47 80 50 J. M.I POCK. 108 lb. Q 18.00. 10 " " 88.00. 8i " " 87 00. 88 " tl.00. 8 ' " 47.00. Bi " 88JW. J. M.8IMPK1N8. 475 lbi. O 18.00. SAM MOORE. 63 1U. 18.75. 85 " " 16.7S. N I" ' 18.85. 15 " " 87.00. t " 40.00. . L.8.HARPBR, 000 Ib4. O 8.00. 88 81.00 18 100 145 184 88 00. 88.00. 18J8. 10J88. Yours to Planters VarehousoCd.7' arolnandanjpU)UrUtiK:4a Only plaoe In tw to flno t, WJlsn Heater.'1 ' We." have them rn three ; i alzes, ,. Onr Oar boa Peninsula U ibe BDtrttkericsTTftrto Toir tlie V (ire than ant otberi j ,, . ii()oxi A i- Tire Conrdi oo piece, Btove y ' ' '.'.'.?m ?B.n4. lxV, oyer our itook and get onr prices before' buying .-.",. joot winter stovs, -, -x',;; i,.' il': ' , H--t :&;ie. A.r-n Ata-- t ; ; - nrPrompt Delivery and Goods Guaranteed. " - '. J. phoi;U;;QvH1 -Hardware ' .1 .. .. TT' . ' " . of Beauty the oity, Week. Retail Orocer, W. J. IPRANK1". 251 lb. & 11.60. 78 18.00. . 80 " " 21.00. " " 18.50. L, V. LANCASTER. IU. a 18.75.' " " 21 50. " 14 97.00 " H 10.75. 33 18 X8 R8 . L. DAWSON: 214 lbi. e 8.00.ff io ro.oo! " 284 " 13.00. 87 8U 18 18 Ibfc 10.75. " " 17.80. " " 18.00. ' " 18.00, M.IPOCK. lbi. O 11.00' M " 17.00 ' " 81.80. 88 88 89 O.aOASKINS 814 lbs. 10 88. 88- 88.80V' ' .," " 18.00. . 77 ",",w.oa , 180 18.00., Please, v , ' Storei.'wood Stoves and-Heato-L Boards any size, Co. r ' if a , Joslah Turner, Dead. . Special to J6un&&i t Bujaoa,' Oct ' S8.-Jojlali Turner died at Us horns, la filUiboro, today, aged aboat 78 years, s-S- j stiy hi ..Bis first public service was in e Lower pons of the Legtilatars In 1851 u Whig. He bought the Bslelgh Sen tinel In 1868, and became a great politi cal power. He wu Pubtle Printer sever al years; was captain la the Confederate army, and. served In the Confederate. Congress,. , Was elected agala ; In 1885 to the Lower House of the Legislature, but wis expelled for his attack upon It, refusion to retract or apologize for his remarks. TO CLEANSE THE SYSTEM . Effectually yet gently when costive oi bullous, to permanently overcome hab itual constipation, to awaken the kid neysand liver 'to healthy activity, without irritating or weakening them, to dispel headaches, colds, fevers, use Syrup of Fles, made by the California Fig Syrup Co. ' Parleying; With Brigands. Constantinople, Oct 25. Communica tion has been established from Melnlk, In the Province of Salonlca, with the brigands who abducted Miss Ellen M. Btone, 'the Amerioan missionary, and her companion Madlme Tsllka. At the Uni ted States Embassy here there was a long conference today on the phases of the case, based on dispatches received from Melnlk. Sofia, Oct, 85. It Is send-officially stat ed here that no Indication has yet been found of Miss Stone') kidnappers having been in Bulgaria. ' The Bulgarian Government Is deter mined to annihilate the band should It cross the frontier and will deal with the utmost t severity with any Bulgarians whose complicity In the kidnapping shall be proved. Groat resentment is felt here at the exploitation, to the discredit of Bulgaria, of a crime committed in an other state. x W. T. Wesson, Gholsonvllle, Vs.; drug gist, writes: "Your One Minute Cough Cure gives perfect satisfaction. My cus tomers say it Is tho best remedy for coughs, colds, throat and lung troubles" F. 8. Duffy. It is an established fact thatCough is Imply an effort of nature to get rid of some irritation, Carolina Cough Core will directly effect this, by repairing tho damage done to the tisanes of the air passages In the kings. You can't make any mistake in trying It, it Is harmless and equally good for old and yoODg. No cure, no pay. 25c at Bradham's. Western Pork Loins, Westorn Beef abd We stern Lamb at the Oaks Market THE MARKETS. The following quotations woro receiv ed by J. E. Latham A Co, New Bern N. O. New Yoax, Oct. 20. Corroa; Open, High. Low. Close Oct....... Dec..... Jttusry.. Marci... May.... 7.65 . 7.74 7.75 7.71 7.73 7.72 7.81 ( 7.81 7,70 7.75 7.74 7.78 7.71 7.71 7.81 7.60 7.76 7.75 Chicago, Oct. 20. Wnaatt Open. Blab. Low. Uose Dec Mar ... 711 75 71 75 714 74 7I 74 Co.- ? Open. High. Low Close Oct ' 66 80 Dec. ; 061 . r OpenvEIgh. .. 838 , Rlbi.- Low. Close Oct.. 636 Hew Tori. Oct. 86. Stooss; Sugar Open, filgh. Lo w. Close .... 1 ""''8 So By ... m 821 U.&B Tea.1 Pso. ink88'it -.s; i Am. -a Lir.-u:: ; i'"r?-iv at, B.B.T........ w ; - l '.f Uverpoal Bpots 1 11-18. Bales 4,000 teles; Fatures, Oct-BTov.4 49 Nov-Deo4.1S, Apr-May ill. iVr,iv4r.t r BW BSHtlf OOTTOK BtABKBT. Cotton la the local- market was quoted at 7, to 7 cents. J MO" roBT sscKirrs., 'Sams week" LastjWaek j;1i.wt-,fVi.).!)-last year I ' liSI 11,10 1 it 1 417.000 ---,if.; tS 000 t Jhis week. l-. ;iW' hW:t.3i ?! t Bat.-' 8900tt '-47000 Moa.v., - K.-hw-rf, ..-:-v-t 1 B100O TOSS., it ' n ) ; 7 "i ! jc 1 , n 1; a (, 81000 Wed. r?t t ,cJ;;ja ' 64000 480CO k .WOO S08.000 :CASTGnrA Tor Iiiants and Cl.I'.irtn. l!iu- the of C l-:,,. 4 i-.i . ..-n'-iiT.T,vA. 1 RALEIGH- Inquest on Borned Negro at Fair Continued. Fair tirouads Stripped and Fakirs Leave. Attorney General Gil mer Sick. To Heer A p peals Tenth District Cranberry Mine Section. Raleigh, October 26. The Inquest ss continued today in the case of Joe Ruga, the 13 year old negro who was burned to death yesterday morning at 4 o'clock on the "Midway" at the State Fair grounds. Not a few people believ ed there had been foul play. Ross was only sleeping in the booth that night, to watch. It Is said the owner of the booth had made more money than any other on the "Midway." The scene during the lire was exciting in the extreme. - The wind was quite high, booths on each side were bumed, tents were on fire, and the hundreds of fakirs were wild with ex citement and fear. Yet as soon as the danger was over a lot of them began stealing, from some of the booths on fire. The body of Russ lay In the ashes of the booth until yesterday afternoon, when the coroner arrived and began the Inquest. The Fair grounds were stripped to day. Many of the fakirs went to Winston. All are heading for Charles ton. The Cullowheo hlirh school. In the extreme west, which is aided by the State under a Bpecial act, as a normal school, had a fine exhibit at tho Stale Fair and won 0 out of 11 prizes It com peted for. The Supomo Court will devote next week to the hearing of appeals from the 10th district. Governor Aycock will formally open the fair at Wcldon next Thursday. The "marshals' ball," given by the marshals at the fair, was held last even ing at the Capitol Club. Gen. W. P. Roberts, chief marshal, led with Mrs. T. J. Jarvls. Tho chief marshal gave his sash to Miss Hollowell of Elizabeth City. Attorney General Gilmer Is sick here. with malarial fever. Gen. R. F. Boke hB returned here from the Cranbcery Iron mine In Mitch ell county. In which ho is largely in terested. No ore Is now bcl.ig mined, but great preparations are being made for resuming that work. He is Tory anxious to see the railway completed across the Blue Ridge, giving an outlet this way; as now the Cranberry section is literally cut off from the other parts of the Slate, Its relations being almost entirely with Tennessee and a little with Virginia. Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup Cures a Cough or Cold at once. Conquers Croup, Whooping Cough and Measles Cough without fail. Best for Bronchitis, Hoarseness, Grippe, Pheumonla, Con sumption and Lung Affection,. Quick, sure results. Price, 25c. Horrors of Chinese Famine. Bhahohai, Oct. 25. According to re liable reports received by British Con-sul-Genoral Warren, 600,000 persons In the Province of An-Hul and 800,000 In the Province of Kiang-bu are on the verge of starvation, and the famine is spreading. The available funds are comparatively insignificant. The Ohlnese have con tributed $37,600 and the foreigners $7,- 800. A committee of the consuls Is bjlng formed to aid the ssfferers. Lewis Ockennan, Goshen, Ind: "De Witt's Little Early Risers never bend me doable like other pills, but do their work thoroughly and make me feel like a boy.' Certain thorough, gentle. F. 6. Duffy. I ... ., ' : v Fall Driess Goods, ., . All wool flannel for waists 25e.sad 47o. yd. also special value Is 88 Inch Broad Cloth In all colors lacludisg Black Q 08 yd. , ,(. f b BABFOOTB. Prescriptions at Davit 4 f Davis Prescription Pharmacy makes a specialty of prescriptions. -.Every pre scription scat there receives prompt sad careful attention. " Only the purest and best drags are used.' No substitution is ever practiced, bat every preterlpttoa Is filled exactly as the physician wishes. I The prices are fair and reasonable. Bead yours there to as niiea. y ;., f ' t .nitlM Tol.lw. rhlll Tnnl' ' ' A tasteless combination of tonlo-r laxative lion snd Qulnlne-not only a sure ours for alt forms of malaria but a genera system tonic quieting lbs nerves and promoting digestion. , Numerous testimonials of Its efficacy , la sluggishness of the digestive tract are given. . ' .' .;: .. lu ..( ' - Every bottle warranted-lf you are not benefited your money will bs refunded. Oo. at Bradham's Pharmacy. i ! '' KIIHncry DcrarlmcnL ' We are showing the best stock and the most beautiful lints we have ever abown, reasonably priced too, Ihenew ytmSntrs and ' pompons hve have ar- rlvfld. BAHFOOT B. Great Demand For N. C Booklet. The demand for the North Carolina Booklet has been so great that the edi tions of numbers 8, 4 and 6 containing pThe Stamp Act, Betsey Dowdy's Ride and the Edenton Tea Party, have been exhausted. . Should there be a sufficient demand to Justify the expense the Edi tors of the Booklet, will have a reprint made of these numbers. All schools Rural Libraries and individuals who may still desire to avail themselves of this valuable historical publication, are re quested to send their names with the subscription price $1 00 by the 15th of November, that the Editors may know how large a number to have printed. Arrangements have been mado by which the unbound Booklets may be re turned to tho Editors, and for an ad vance of fifty cents bound In an appro priate library binding. State papers please copy. AddreBB, The N. G. Booklet Co , box 125, Raleigh, N. C. At Bingham School. One of the most Instructive lectures heard In a long time was delivered on the 12th Inst, before the school by Dr. Benry F. Ltnscott, Professor of Latin at the University. Bis subject was, "The Private Life of the Romans," and It was treated in a masterly manner. Next Saturday the Sopnomnro class football team of the University will have a game with Bingham on the school grounds. Several other games will be ar ranged shortly. The Y. M. C. A. has recently enjoyed a visit from Mr. E. G. Wilson, Assistant State Secrctnry. Mr. Wilson's visits are always enjoyed and do much good. On the 0th Inst, tho Association was led by student Simpson, who look for his sub ject, "3wcarlng." On iho 14th Mr Gray led tho meeting, taking for hia subject, Somo Stories About China." The enrollment is now larger than at any time last year and students are con tinuing to come in. In addition to the old faculty composed of Professors Gray Johnston, Clay, Manguin and Klttrell, two new teashers aro at work, Mr. Ed win ClarkJ Jr., as Instructor in Telegra phy and Mr. W. P. LeGrand as Instruc tor in Mathematics and Science. DeWltt'B Little Early Risers never disappoint. They are safe, prompt, gen tle, effective In removing all impurities from the liver and bowclp. Small an easy to take. Never gripe or distress 8. DnITy. Appreciate A. & N. C. Favors. The following resolutions were unnnl- moaslv adopted at the Now licrn Dis trict Conference A. M. E Zlou assembled at Moreherd City, N. C. Whereas, The A. & N. C. U It. Co., so kindly gave the delegation to the Con ference reduced rates, over its road, to and from the Conference; and Whereas, on Monday night, on leaving Now Bern, delegation of our people baying a meeting at James City, the R. R. Co. made a stop there, which is unusual, but much to the accommodation or that body, that a vote of thanks be tondered the Company for the same. We the colored people along tho line do commend and highly appreciate all favors shown us. especially by the pres ent administration of which Mr. J. A. Bryan Is President, and of which Mr. S L. Dill is Superintendent. We do not think that better offleers could bs se lected. For sprains, swellings and lameness there Is nothing so good Iain's Pain Balm. Try It. F. S. Duffy & Co. as (Chamber For Bale by Lights Out! IT -4 "mm tk. ln 1UU w BUV tno uij ywmsvo " Cherry Glycerine SURE CURE. , 25c bottle. t Sold at HARGETS PB ARM ACT, Cor. Broaa riees ots. - ' All persons sra forbidden' to hunt on mv land. "Clermont",, plantation, with run, dog or otherwise,' ; . , Bee Acts ot Legislature, 1001. Chapter sIxtyHhiee.,; : :nv .:' , i Oct. 88th, 1901. -"- ': ; ? v EEUBT R. BBTAK.i Real Estate:; A - ; Doaler. n Buys and soils City', Property, Farnn and Timber Lands. ' i., Call and ace me. . .. ' . ., . Oti MiDDtn St, ' NEW BERN,' - N. 0. now, wet feet will give you a f Z cough and bad cold, COMB Z UP and get a bottle of our :. Z h V." ' 't ' ! '. i' -i ' ' -': : ' ' i FJEU MiLS. I Cape Cod Cranberries, Evaporated Teaches, Dried Applcp, Fresh loose Oatflakee, Ontario Prepared Buckwheat, Old Fash ion Plain Buckwheat. Fancy Elgin and Fox River Butter. Atmore's Celebrated Mince Meat. Malaga Grapes, Florida Oranges. Fresh Oyster Crackers. Saucr Kraut, Catsup, Sauce and Pickles. -Car load New Wheat Flour. A regalar 25c Galvanized Water Pail for I (. I will thank you for a share of your patronage. Highest qualityof goods at the lowest possible price. Very Respectfully, J. L McDAlL 4 Ms ftii HiWtfUtliUMs 'Phone 91. A Delicious Breakfast. 3 You'll ho sure to enjoy the cakes if the syrup is right, we have not only the beet syrups for giving flavor to jour caker, J but the best flour and corn meal, ready-mixed pan-cake riour and buckwheat. Just received new mackerel, grape nuts, oatflakee, hominy, full line package crackers and whatever contributes to the best meals, you'll lind here. Respectfully, J. J. TOLSON, Jr., Broad St Grocer. Phone 137. Cotton I IlllllMOF WAREHOUSE. COTTON STORED AND INSURED at Small Cost and rrasmmblr advances made on same if desirod. The statistical position jnslilKs tin- Storage of Cotton for much higher come. ryCorrespondcnce Solicited. E. K. Wext to Oitton Exchange, Jfcw Hern, W. V, Down Go High Prices ! 35c COFFEE 20c Pounds Try a pound and yon will bo con vinced that we give the best value in the city for the money. ' Respectfully, Archbell & Co., PHONE 194. tS BROAD ST. Do you ever have an AeniT:VMi!i l ' II you do nevermind It, for G.l . II. Waters h Son osm repair It at once. Yoa are ont nothing if not aatunea wties you hare your carriage repairing done here. We guarantee all our work, ..It pays as to do good work,' It 'will pay you to have your work done here, we do work thai yoa can depend on, and prices are right, like our work,- - ...'- ." ' Bespeotfnlly, ' y.m.J G. TL Waters i Son, -19 Froad Et, Haw Bass, V, C Celery Headache Powders, - I There It not any better remedy 1 f headache than these powders. ' T It never fall to relieve. Made and sold only at Davis' Prescription Pharmacy. . Wholesale fc Retail Grocer, 71 Krr,4 Hi. Storage prices, which we lielii-vv will smvly BISHOP, WE LEAD In BARGAINS. A few $25 00 and $3.1.00 wheels going at $15.00 and $20.00. A few Becond-liand wheels in porfuct order. Excellent Bargains. We make a specialty of repairing Bi cycles, Guns, ete. Work Gu&ianU'cd. W3I. T. IULL., Dealer in Biotolks, Fibrabhr, SrortTtwi Goods, PHONoasirns, Job Printino, Rcbbsb Stamps, Seal Pkbsbks, &c, l-3 Middle St. REW BERN, N. Bjcycles Below Cost Of'Msna facta re. I will sell whbola for the -following prices as long as I can get them. When the present etock ia exhaust ed there will be no more at these: : 1901 Tribune Choinlees, r the best wheel madt $50.00 , 100 Tribune CHAINLESS $40.00 4901 Featherstons ' '', jTl L--vJ CIUOILESS $30.00 ; These are new wEeeTs and all in perfect drdef. v;--' ' : . OhsJn Whwls at 118 and $18. ,, , .'Rfflpectfullf, "J i'M '"'-C; L. T.1. Edgsrton, 1 Cor. Pollock A Craven ft.1' J J V

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