. 4 An Excellent ComblnajUon. The pleasant method and beneficial effects of the well known remedy, Btbdp of Figs, manufactured by the Caxivobhia Fio Brrnvr Co.. illustrate the valuoof obtaining; the liquid lax tire principles of plants known to be medicinally laxative, sad presenting them in the form most refreshing to the taste and acceptable to the system. It is the one perfect strengthening; laxv tire, cleansing the system effectually, dispelling; colas, headaches and fevers Sntly yet promptly and enabling one overcome habitual constipation per manently. Its perfect freedom from every objectionable quality and sub stance, and its acting; on the kidneys, liver and bowels, without weakening or irritating them, make it the ideal laxative. In the process of manufacturing figs are used, as they are pleasant to ths taste, bat the medicinal qualities of the remedy are obtained from senna and other aromatic plants, by a method known to the Cauvobhia Fio Stout Co. only. In order to get its beneficial effects and to avoid imitations, please remember the full name of the Company printed on the front of every package. CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. sax FSAjroxaoo, oax. LOUIBVILUS. XT. W TOBJt ST. T. Tor sale by ill Druggists. PriooWo. per bottle. THE JOURNAL. New Ben, N. C, Not. 80, 1901. Index, to New Advertisements. Archbell ft Co Coffee. J. G. Dunn ft Co For the boys. J. L. McDanlel Corned mullets, etc. Jas. B. Dawson Oysters by measure. Broad Street Fruit Store-When you Bimmons ft Hollowell Co. Cold weather hints. Business Locals. f&Ci) OYSTERS BY MEASURE for HjT the family trade, at James & Dawson's, 103Middle Street A NEW lot of Beautiful Hall Lamps, Nickel Stand Lamps, Nickel, Hanging Lamps Just received at Whitehont'i. BOARDERS WANTED For Ladies or gentlemen, good board and modern con veniences, enquire at 118 East Fron St Mrs. Abbott. RESTAURANT A neat up-to-date res taurant, kept by Mrs. N. TIsdale at 135 Middle street. Patrons served oysters In any style, coffee, milk, sandwiches, etc. A call will be appreciated. - FINE lot of Pipes just received at Me Sorley's. Tooth Brushes at Davis. Davis Prescription Pharmacy has just received slot of tooth brashes from Chas Loonen, the well-known manufac turer of brushes in Paris. Each brush hss "Davis Pharmacy" stamped .on the handle, and is guaranteed to be perfect. If one Is found unsatisfactory, It may be returned. It Is being made a leadv at Davis' and ths price is only 35 cents. It is an established fact that .Cough is simply an effort of nature to gat rid of some irritation, Carolina Cough Cure will directly effect this, by repairing the damage done to the tissues of the sir psssages In the lungs. Ton cant make any mistake in trying it, it is harmless and equally good for old and young. No cure, no pay. Mo. at Bradham's. Stock at Cost. Including all our new goods bought this fall, dreu goods, millinery, jackets, fan, shoes, holiday goods, In fact the en tire stock at cost. O.A.BARFOOT. j xSplCCS. , Good Spices. Spices that cost a little more than those you generally get at the grocery store, but what does a fraction of a cent amount to compared with jar of pickles that are "Just right," Ton yourself know that In pickling, or in cooking you can't expect best results unlets you iploes are good. Let as supply yon with these necessities this year. At Bradham's Pharmacy. .. sn ; Laxative Tasteless Chin Tonic, A tasteless combination of tonlo . ax alive Iroa and Quinine not only a tors euro for all forms of malaria but a general system . tonic quieting the nerves and promoting digestion, Numerous testimonials of Its efficacy In sluggishness of the dlgesUv tract an given, v- .' -1 M.-i.'i '. Every bottle warranted If yoa are not benefited your money Will be refunded. BOc at Bndhsm'i Pharmacy. 1 .r ' . ' Emtlre'Stock.'.':'-..- . t Including 14,000.00 worth of new goods bought thU fall at cost, absolutely without reserve, sale will begin Wedqes day morning at Sjo'olock, ; ---i- . i ; ' f-yt-fiZrit if--ii.a.A,BABrooT.;; aji .... i 1 r CAFyDIFJEl Doci eff ft l- i . ' ' ' ' ' ' " "" ' " ' " " x i jter i mam lt. i. i n i . PERSONAL PARAGRAPHS. " Jit. Alonzo T, Dill has returned, after several weeks visit in New York City. Doctor and Mrs. 8. D.Barr and child ren, who have been living- here for the last fix months, left yesterday for ;Cnar lotte, N. C, In which . city tbey will make their home. Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup Cures a Cough or Cold at once. Conquers Croup, Whooping Cough and Measles Cough without fall.. Best for Bronchitis, Hoarseness, Grippe, Pneumonia, Con sumption anj Lung Affections. Quick, lure results. Price, 85c Observe Ttonksglvlni' Day. Messrs. Haokburn and Dunn, thsGro oers on Pollock street, have already an nounced to their trade, that Thanksgiv ing Day, Thursday, November 28th, will be strictly observed as a holiday at their respective stores. "Their customers and patrons are re quested to buy their supplies on Wed nesday, just as they do on Saturday, for Sunday. .. Thanksgiving Day can just as well as not be observed by most of the bus! ness houses in this city, with no loss to those dosing up. Bojth employer and employee can "take to the woods" and enjoy a day's hunting, or part' of the day, and then after a comfortable turkey with, "trim mint" for dinner, the foot ball game can be Been. A holiday will make every one feel better. Any way such should be Its-effect. Reliable and Gentle. "A pill's a pill," says the saw. But there are pills aSd pills. You want a pill which Is certain, thorough and gen tle. Mustn't gripe. DeWitt'a Little Early Risers fill the bill. Purely vegetable. Do not force but assist the bowels to act. Strengthen and invigorate. Small and easy to take. F. S. Duffy. The Telephone Line. The long distance telephone line, put in by the Henderson Telephone Com. pany, has been completed to Morehead City. Three Instruments have been put in at stations on the line and the More' head station will be fitted up soon. The line Is well built and the construction so excellent that as an example the ticking. of the office clock of one of the stations can be heard at the central here. Modern Surgery Surpassed "While suffering from a bad case of piles I consulted a physician who ad vised me to try a box of De Witt's Witch Hazel Balve," says G. F. Carter, Atlanta Ga. "I procured a box and was entirely cured. DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve is a splendid cure for piles, giving relief Ia stantly, and I heartily recommend it to all sufferers." Surgery Is unnecessary to cure piles. DeWitt's Witch Hazel 6alve will cure any caso. Cuts, burns, bruises and 'all other wounds are also quickly cured by It. Beware of coun terfeits. F. 8. Duffy. Superior Coutt. The only matter of Importance at yes terday's session of the Superior Court Was the decision of the case of J. J. Royal and W. B. Chadwick Involving the sale or division of lands on Bogue Banks In the Probate Court of Beaufort the matter was decided In favor of Mr. Chad wick who asked for a sale of the land In question. The esse was appealed and Judge Bryan yesterday reversed the de clslon and ordered a division of the land which was the contention of Mr. Royal. The land in dispute lies in part opposite the Atlantic Hotel at Morehead City. I from Um Korthen Wood v. Is Pynj-IWjfm, Uw ootaia eon foe ooogk, Register and Tote For Electric Eights. Clever Comedy Play. It't'seldom such a happy vein ol com edy Is Introduced in one plsy ssthat seen In "Married for Money." A num ber of bright and clever specialties were Interspersed, whloh were greeted with rounds of applause. It is by fsr the cleverest eomedy seen this season Dally Observer Charlotte, N. O. The above comedy will be played at the Masonic Opera house on next Fri day night. Reserved seats on sale at Bradham's Friday morning. . Ibc ftctt Prescription for HalarU. ' ChflU and fever Is a bottle of Gaova'f TASfutts Cmu. Toio. It Ii simply Iron and quinine in a tasteless form No ours aopsy. Price 50c J 4Baughters of Confederacy. :'; The tegular monthly meeting of the Daughters of the Confederacy will be held at Mn F. Q Rotierts' this afternoon at four o'clock.' "' The Children's Friend. ': - Youll have cold this winter. Maybe yon have one now. Your children will suffer too. For ooughi, croup, bron chitis, grip and other winter complaints One Minute Cough Cure never falls. Acts promptly..; It Is very pleasant to the taste and perfectly harmless, C. B. George, Winchester, Ey writes "Our little girl was attacked with croup late one night and was so hoarse she could hardly speak. We gave her a few doses of One Minute Cough Core. It relieved ber Immediately and she went to sleep. When she awoke next morning ihs had no signs of hoarseness or croup. F. S. Duffy. " : Have It on ' , Kr;H- A CHARLESTON TRIP, '7 Hany Expect to yislt the Exposltloa - A Cheap Rate. - t" . There Is much interest fell here over the Charleston Exposition which opens December 1st... A good many people ex pect to go. A favorite time for going will be North Carolina Week, , which will be the last week In January. Gov ernor Aycock will be there at that time with a regiment of North Carolina troops and there will be great doings In the old tewafj-s7'i; ---r";C iThero will be a very- low rata of fare and.ths details will be published later. The cheapest rate will be that offered on special tickets good for one week, leav ing here Tuesday and Thursdays. The fare on these tickets win be 17.55 for the found trip, which Is very reasonable, Leaving here on the 0 o'clock train for Wilmington, connection Is made there in the afternoon and arrival Is made al Charleston about .11.15 o'clock that night The return is also made in one day, Ieav ing Charleston In the early morning.' It is probable that several parties will be made up here to visit the Exposition which will be s pleasant way of going. There are many points Of Interest, In the city and its famous harbor. The Watte Oarnivora. ' H The number of carnivorous creatures; round in the water seems 'out of all proportion to the usual order of nature,' but this is perhaps because the minute, almost Invisible creatures of which the rivers and ponds are full and which are the main food of the smaller water car nlvora, live mainly on decaying vege table substance, which Is practically converted and condensed into micro scopical animals before these become in turn the food of others.' It is as if all the trees and grass on land were first eaten by locusts or white ants and the locusts and white ants were then eaten by semlcarnlvo rous cows and sheep, which were In turn eaten by true carnivora. The W- loi triuula h,th hiIimi llvlniy anA riwfl. Ins, are eaten by the entomostraca, the entomostraca are eaten by the larvw, ot insects, the perfect insects are eaten hv tha flflh and tha flnh Aro pfttim hv1 men, otters and birds. Thus we eat the products of the wa ter plants at four removes In a fish,' while we eat that of the grass or tur-; nips only in the secondary form beef or mutton. Flifc That Uo Fortr SUlM How, . Few of us hare an accurate Idea of the rate at which fish swim. When we say that a person Is "as fast as a por poise," we hardly associate a quick rate of swimming with that individual, yet he and everybody else would like to be able to get through the water as rapidly. Porpoises have been seen 'to dart round and round a steamer travel ing seventeen miles an hoar, thus prov ing their capacity to swim at a greater rate than that The dolphin may be placed on a level wun toe porpoise, out tue ooniro nas occasionally been known to approach' forty miles for short distances. i ; Herrings, in shoals, move steadily at a rate between ten and twelve miles; mackerel swim much faster, and both trout and, salmon go at a rapid pace when migrating up a stream for spawn ing. , Whales are not fish In the scientific sense, but It is interesting to note that these monsters swim at a rate of si. teen miles an hour when excited, al though their ordinary speed Is estimat ed at between four and five miles. The 0,aetloa Ha Asked. Sir Peter Edlln of the British bench was noted for his courtesy to prison, ers. On one occasion an incorrigible culprit was sentenced by him to twelve months after the mendicity officer had 'given the usual evidence of bad char acter. v i "Can't I speak f said the prisoner, f 'Am I to be sentenced without 'a'vlng 'ad a chancer "Certainly you may apeak," said, ths earned Judge. "Say what you please. You shall" have every opportunity, I withdraw the sentence I have Just passed until I hear what you have to jurget Take your time. Pray take your lme." 1 .want to ask a question, my lord,". , -"By all mean Put any question you wish.'' i ; "Look at him, my lord," said the old rogue, pointing his. finger at .the men dlcity officer. Isn't be an ugly beg garr . j i Sir Peter laughed till the tears came,1 but he didn't reduce the sentence, ; ', ,-i The Ceatllaat ratafia. ' . The Duke of Marlborough la believed to be the possessor of the costliest tainting In the world, which was at bne time the property of the first Duke ot Marlborough. The picture Is known as the "Blenheim Madonna,'', painted by Raphael In 1007 and now valued at no less than 70,000. It is eight feet high and represents the Madonna and Child seated on a throne; with a figure bf Bt John the Baptist on the left and that ot Bt Nicholas of Bart on the' light Its almost fabulous value to due to the fact that It to one of the best preserved of the artUfs works la existence. : j. -' , ' ... - Ton Hast Register If ? oii Tote For Elec tric Eights. LAXATIVE TASTELESS to;:ic. Combining th liit.lv property 1 tnl inrtil.....1, A"j.f,4nOrMid at UHAliltlAM 1 II AK.riAlk. After a Nhts RUe On the Automobiles come tip to our store and get a bottle of Ckztty Gl;zzrl.z, It will prevent coiiglis and colds from tlio nlglit tr. Pold only at nAfwrxs nr.tr-Acr, Cor. IWd & Fi- I ! '. - THB MARKETS.-' The following quotations were receiv ed by J, B. Latham1 A Co, New Bern -j -t Ssw YobvNov. 19. Oonn. Open. dgh. Low. Close , Deo. 7.51 1X1. 1 ' '1 1M January..,.. 7-67 ,7.58' 7.68 '7.53 March.... 1M Iffil 7JS1 . 7.51 ; May..,,... 7.57. 7.58 ;7.6J Z,1M -ri ;;.,:' " .4-Chicago, Not. 19. What:- r Open. High, Low. Close oe 71 7l . 71, 71 - May 75, 75, 75 75J boast-... Open, High. Low. Close -May........ en -r '-, mi BlUi Open. High, Low. Close .''Jail 780 787, 780 787 j New York, Hot. 10. Stocks; Open. High. Low. Close Sugar 118i 119 117 110 Con. T Bo By 83, 88, 88, 88, U- 8- L. 11 U. 8. S 42 42 42i 43f Tex. Pao 40, 41, 40, 40 A. CP. 081 29 88 20 B. B.T Va.Ch May 880 880 685 NEW BBBN COTTON MABKKT. Cotton in the local market was quoted at7T. Liverpool Spot, 4 9-82. Sales 7,000 bales. Futures, Nov-Dec. 4.10. Dec-Jan 4.08. Apr-May 4.07. PORT RBOBIPTS. Same week last year. 378,000 Last week 818,000 This week. Bat. 45000 Mon. 50000 Tnes. 58000 Wed. Thnrs. Frl. 82000 46000 72000 44000 42000 44000 280,000 OABTOniA. Bears tb The Kind Yw Maw Alwiw BoogM Celery Headache Powders. There Is not any better remedy for headache than these powders. They never fall to relieve. Hade and sold only at Davis' Prescription Pharmacy, JCoId Weather Hi mis North Carolina 10-4 theElkin Woolen Mills, $3.50 Line of Comforts from $ 1 Jo to $2.60 each. Special large size White Quilts for 69d each. . ; Handsome line of Fancy Bed Sets In drawn work i and inserting, Pillow, and 81teeta.tp'!U'wt the'; thing for Christmas presents. "Adk to see them. , l 1 Mocha Gloves in all '-Guaranteed Glove at 11.00, market. v " . For the small boys and girls we carry a fine line of Warm Wool Mitts and Gloves In price from 106 to 26o per pair, while for the grown np folks tha prloes are ' 25o and 60c "; .:cU'---:, Call: Special Attention: to the 60o Wool Gloves for men, . Three very good warm styles. . ' .' ' . ." II1VEA1COHI o o o o LL , Entlrt stock. . " ' , At oost, absolutely without reierve. store will be closed (today) Tuesday to srrange goods for quick selling, sale be gins Wednesday morning at 8 o'clock, ; ; aA.BABrooT, JACOBS' Baletgh Bye Whiskey to the maa a a . w. mMiuM nuvow . MASONIC OPERA HOUSE One Right Only ! FRIDAY; NOV. 22, MR. JACK COKE, and MISS FAT CARLISLE, Presents their own Comedy production Plenty of Laughter, Highcbss Specialties, Superb Costumes, Startling Situations. There is nothing so srood as monev and no money so good as Harried Money, POPULAR PRICES 25c, &50c. FARM. 68 acres, about one and a half miles from New Bern on the right side of Pembroke road. For Sale or rent. Apply to MRS. ANNIE DINKINS, NOTICE To Tax Payers! Tour taxes have been doe since Sept. 1st, and most be paid or I shall be com pelled to collect by distress. The State, County and Schools are demanding money for current expenses and their demands most be met. I can be found at my office on every, dsy from 8 a. m. to 6 o'clock p. m., and I have deputies with authority to collect In every township, Please, pay at once and ssve trouble and costs. The law compels the sheriff to Indict before a J. P. all business men who do not pay their license tsxes under sched ule "B," Revenue Act 1901, and this law will be enforced against those who have not done so before expiration of the present month. J. W. BIDDLE, Sheriff, November 16th, 1901. All Wool Blankets, made by , Uj-t.--iiU'.'V.,,.' V If 1 If "MaMiMooey owes. shades and French Kid are the ' best value on this Or the Hoys We have - Beefers, Overcoats, Suite and Corduroy Trousers. Woolen Gloves, Kid Gloves, Stocking?, Underwear, Caps i ana naut. Also the best line of Shoes ever shown in the town, Guaranteed to wear. Styles Up-to-date and PKICES Give our Bov's and Youth's SAVE YOU MONEY on your little man's outfit, and at the game time give you something nobbyj & & & I. G. DIB & GO, j Men's and Spy's Wear, O 57 olloclr Street. Tobacco is Selling High. And you will make no mistake in bring ing it to the New Bern Market. Our buyers are anxious tor all grades from scrap to wrapper, and we will see that you get the lull worth ot your load. LAST PREMIUM SALE OF THE SEASON, THURSDAY, NOV. 2 1st, Premiums are Offered on Ail Grades. Bring in your tobacco and we will please you with GOOD PRICES. Yours to Please, Planters Warehouse Co., J. M. HOWARD, Manager S. B. CURRIN, Auctioneer. i Pali ! .Ill TT. r e'-7:alw,i ;.C"."-" An Up-tb-date Rig a regular oock ol the walk for Thanksgiving day and for every day is what a driving man wants, and he need seek no farther than our carriage repos itory, where all that is new, novel, smart and stylish In pneumatio tired and spe cial made vehicles can be had. We have the best in design, make and finish, and oar carriages of all kinds are noted for extreme ease ot riding and running qualities. SPECIAL NOTICE Anyone desiring to purchase aWaters buggy on one years time, can do so until Jan. 1st, 1903, by giving good security. ' Yoprs truly, O. H. Waters A Son, Phone 188, . 78 Broad 8t, New Bun, N. C. J- j.fbr tmr CarboA and other beating siovss far sxells4 oar srpoctatiout and"t)ur itock li brokosi. TTe Mptot on Moa day to hare them in And will be preprtrad to fill trden on ''? 'A full line of Wiloorj od FalamaacUr Heaters In - itoek from W. to W.00. . , . . Dall During Castors. rrompUiMB and satisfaction aasurod our ousomer. ' .V rso Qsckill Hardware Cr t RIGHT. Denartment a look and h:t. ua Wanted on (iooil, Oily Srcurity fur 12 monllis or Imn'i r Hut (.,!,, in;; :i inoimts fur si ' ni (t m:iiis; $:!. IKM)', ?,500.0f, 1, 0(0.1,0: '.' inlcicM. Partiis dcsiniif,' to loan : 1 1 1 m an y jiart of tli' above sums kiinlly rHiiiiiin nicate wit'i OWEN II. ()i'l:)N, Nov. 11, 1901. Attorney. HoIIister & Cox, Wholesale anil IieUtil goal Dealers. Full supply ol Anth racite in all sizes and also the celebrated Toms Creek soft coal, which is lumpy and especially adapted tor use In grates. All orders given prompt ami personal attention. Office A Yard D Foot of Craven St. if wanted !o IIoitow. ' EOLD BY AIL tHESCISTS. ; t;i.i? ;:jr.tc, ; I I t ' i f f ! ' 147. 78 Middu Bf HKW BKWT, If. O

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