r. r -rv ss. .. . .... .. v fptillffi j I ' " v j i BmlHWIUIWIHlff.:'.:', ' ' 1 V'U"f " ' L slmllating uieRMdandScgtila-rl Promotes DigcaaQTiieerf nessandRestContaiM Miilier KotX&bxotxo. Apefecl Remedy ferrous Bp4 Aon, Sour SttMaklgDiaixlwea- rvorms .umvulsjans jvenBfi neat and LOSS OF &LEEB '- FacShffo Srgmhif tff jj: HEW ydrk; - V"" EXACt topy or WWWBER. are .msnm-. ALL. -CASES. OF , . -.: . f . -.,,', j-j . DEAFNESS OR HARD HEARING ARE NOW CU RABLE " by our new invention. Only those born deaf are incurable. HEAD l.'OISES CEASE . IM MEDIATELY. F. A. WERMAN, OF BALTIMdRE, SAY8:- ' ' : C.r.T!MOnr. Mi1.., Mnrch 30, 1901. Genlltmen : Being entirely cored of deaf new. thanks to your treatment, I w ill now ;',nc you a full history of my case, to be used at yoilr discretion. r; , About five years ago my right ear began to slug, and tlii kei 011 getting worse, nutil I lost my hearing in tnis car entirely. I underwent a treatment for catarrh, for three months, without any success, consulted a huiiv Iwrof physicist among others, the most eminent ear specialist of this city, Who told 111c that only an operation could help me, end ercn that only temporarily, Uml the hcoi! uoiseswouW then cease, but the hearing in the affected ecr vonld Itc lost forever. s I then saw your advertisement accidcni.-illv in r New York iviper, and ordered your treat ment. After I had used it only a few days according to your directions, the neiaeseensed, rind fcMlny, after five weeks, my heariux in the diseased ear has been entirely restored 1 thank you heartily and beg to remain Very 4nily yours. . . . P. A. WRRMAN, ;joS. Broadw.iy, BallunOre, Md. Our treatment does not interfere with your usual occupation. pi.dv!cree-d YOU CAN CURE YOURSELF AT HOME ""SSS1 INTERNATIONAL AURAL CLINIC, 596 LA SAUE AVE, CHICAGO, ILL House Work Is Hard Work Henry s Pharmacy 127 Middle St. Columbian ' Intecticide, Fetemutn' Roach Food, Hooper'i Fatal Food and Sure Death to Moths, Bogs, etc Abo Bromo Goradwe The . disinfectant Unit dtiinfecta and deodorises. We keep oh hand a complete stock of rtcdiclnes, Toilet Article, Perfumery, Tooth Brushes, &c FbTsiclans' Prescriptions' specialty. r. A. OrMa, PrM. mV H. M iuwa, T. 3 af. Qwmwm, OaaMv - CITIZENS ; BAHK, o7r ' m ji w smr, ou :' Doing aetteral Banklay; Buslneu March 1, 190, Burplnsand UndiTi ded Proata, 118,000.00. ' - " Prompt and carefnl attention riven to all business entrusted to ns. Aeeoniiti reostTed oa favorable terms. aVMi4at rtrdlnaad tnnea ' t . A. BtMdOWS, rVuaool W. I pock. Cbu.H.rowier, i. WiOralnsjer, B. W. SmaJlwooO, vrMaadowal'T Ohu. DnflT, Jr. " James " sfaverHalui. Tbomas A.ttresav v. raw w.r.crookso. . Mark Dlsosvsy. IGB I0R HOIK CSC flnaa ' wvmsmb oVAlAanmi sMlAfJif aWsift he chemically made from distilled wattt a tree from tmpnnttes. epoouuiy in tended and prepared for hurnsn on- ampunn. , . r Ioe dolivetwd dally (except Bonday's) I m to p m. ' ' - Bnndays (retail only) 1 a f)o II txtoii ? 4' sor priove aau wnniuivrmmwmr .f. MM. New Berne Ice Co. Executor'! ; Notice. "- Having duly qaalified as Kjccutor of the last will end testament ; of Barsb Francis Parria, deoaased, t. ' ,, All persons to whom sua estate is In debted are reqneated to present their October 17th. 1001 or this notice will be plrad in bar of reenvory. And all rer ons Indebted to said eaiate are notlUcd i make lmtn"llt payment. , This () t. l ltli, "'.' ; y,TUOMAS EUWAIID PA KRI3, . txecutor. rTl-- pl fMi -ren. j Bears tho Signature of In Fnr flvn Thirty Years HEAD NOISES? 1 without. 0OU DUST. ThiNorthlight. I he Jury of Awards, appointed by the Pan-American Kxposition to .consider the merits of Acetylene Generators, has awarded to us the B1GHE8T BOLD U.LUXI, scoring aDSOinneiy ure uignesv nsmbenof points for simplicity, effl cleocy and safety, on the , . ,. JTortbllgbt Machine. The Jo'ry Consisted of CoL D. P. eap, Chairman, Lieutenant Colonel of Engirt eers. United Etates Army; ProL Geo, C, Pond af the University of Pennsylvania; and Prof. Geo Bhepairdson of tire ' Unl versity of Kinneaotav --y ' . : ' , This i the third time that we have received the highest award at arx expo sition,' havinc .been thus honored at fOmaha in 1898, and at Philadelphia io ' Information freely 'tnrnishcif by itd- dresalng T. J. WSATBEB6BEZ, Agen for Horn Carolina, Hew Bent, H. C m Rear Estate FarrWaW timber r 3 Saving secured the strricet of e pertenoed parties -1 im' prepared on short notice to execute Farm, City, Lena ana Kail Boad surveying. Ditches, Street and Roads laid out and leveled. Draughting in all Its branches.' Blue and Watt print InadeC Old maps re- pi.iei si.5 monnM., V ToDoeranliloal snrv ylng sad plotting. Drawings and wokring plans executed promptly. Sew erage and drainage planned, laid oul and construction superintended. Je . V i i i w ia T - .. i iw ' ' rwt ewrmwiroowwy. tow emr, ' ft? Heoa,Vf 0ersT Dsvvla... ;n:'(. George, Davis,: the veteran . captain munagee. f the New -York baseball team for the last few year, is one of the best known tosscrS In the country. Ha has always proved himself a fast, heady 'player, desplter.htL: managerial obllgntione,-n leadsr-tbe -Hefef third base pet; .end rtetopa. jjqr the seT U'rrkeJtly fli 1 fVJ i.xavis nas MMKUJsacm or jeea me public ,ejretot late becese.pt.blt'r ported Mlgutog wtth an 'American league teemf -EM matiagement of the Qotharn- orgialzaflont durtrig' the '1001 aeasoii "wa not entirely satisfactory to Andy Freedmttn, and Georgo was Informed that he Would have no voice in arranging the future loneratjona of the team. Freedman stated, however, that Davis-"Would be given a good sal ary if he would remain with the Giants as a shortstops Bather than accept! or- OEOBOS DAVIS. den from superior on the New Tork team instead of formulating them him self, Davis said that be would seek pastures ntewn '. - Davis started th last actfson with a wondeiriari New" York, principal ly thrpugh the early sensational, pitch- i ing of' Christy Matthewson,' Immedi ately Jumped to the top of the list, put a slump cauio, arid the would be Giants were never for a minute factors In the struggle for the pennabt Kaallak' Haky art Vunr, Basket bail and indoor tennis are en tirely .neglected at Vassar and a-new game, English hockey, Is absorbing the attention of the students. Miss ConBtanee M. K. Applebee, a grnduate of the British College of Physical Education, has been at Vas sar giving lessons in the game. There are many rules which distinguish It from the hockey so 'dear to 'the heart of the average small boy, lint the mala object is the same to drive' the ball through the goal, of the opposing eleven. Every afternoon,, has seen ( a crowd of girls in gymnasium suits rush ing over tho field "In the circle" wildly hitting with curved sticks at some thing hidden In the grass. At present their prowess lies chiefly in the direction of digging up turf and damaging neighboring knuckles end ankles, but all pronounce it dellchtfuL t Vgtwar-ts the' first' woman's college m the United States to take np the game. Smith is to learn it under Hiss ApAlpbcc. It Is possible that hereafter at Vassar tenuis and golf may be play ed Merely for training In hockey, as Is" Sald'to be often the case In England. There, besides the school and college teams, every town - has Its ladles' hockey club. $ Rv. a nrocess of selection dubs to represent the counties, the great sec tlomt-north, grata ajd ldlaru-nl anally, all EnglnSd. etre-eaade ub; ;The (ames are prlvatji and nst ptofessional playing Is allowed. Sucn accounts ex' eltcf he Imagination of. Vassar enthu siasts and make them long more than ever for the era of Intercollegiate sport forewomen. . - v - ' Xteafcep Athletes Ootaar A-ro-,'v' t)r, J. K. Shell, the new track-' afl fleldii Instructor of the University of Pearisylvsjiils, has so mnrh fnltb la the oeslblllflt of Ttls"thaTge1ltharile-1 iiready counting upon jsuropean uip next summer. This trlpls planned for half dozen of Penn'a best athletes led fcv'Dr. fihelL A dual meet-between Columbia . end. Pennsylvania wlti be held'somo time tsr-December. Oblnm- bla'haa challenged Penrfaylvaeiejt sucn n contest to be held In the Twen- ty-socond regiment, ermory in New Tork. ' A new rule fas awarding var sity fPs" has'been adopted. " Every tliiete"W5fr acoreni"rTinnirlaT meet or ilnlshee flnstv second, third or iourth in the-intercoUeglates thl year wui receive me covexea imuax suk year1; those Pennirylvanla athletes who won . ircxBCxnnnLjuieet,r( uu.,voruuiuia did aot get the varsity "P." The men are pleased with the new rule. ' , t 1 Work tk a'fererTesii f? Ttf Ant, keel,-ptet-eHthe?i steel schooner" yacWE fyr JprntrotWlillam ef Germany fins been laid at the yard of tli Townsead Downey fihlpbulld- big and Bcpalr .company at New Tork. The steel frames and plates are ex pected at the shipyard' within a few days, and theotersr-el sonstruottoa will be- pushed as xapldly as possible con sistent wltn the best workmansuin. )Cary Stnllk A Barbey, the designers iof the yacht, r;STjnerTisln4 the con. ' Tbe TstlnTf r tattrwmK" Paul Dashloll has again been chosen 'umpire of nh Tlf ir.lrvntd footbsq game at Cambrldgo-oa tioi &U- It thew'McClung has been invited to act Its fcree Of the same ganie. Both are niun ui of Lehigh. ' Mr. Dashlell has etcil la the apecity:.of umpire for all j ig Intercollegiate contests for several --nri back. ; - : ; . ' ' t . ,? . 4 To remove a trouttlcsome corn or iiun- i' it . ion: First soak the corn or bunion in walorte softrn It, then pare it down as closely vis1 f "ilo wltlior t drawing 1 xr yir1'- ulo'i i : & t ; , i uin a I".,'n B il'n t ire i! ."), l n v' ; "..!y for live minutes at each Rpplleailon. A corn planter alinuld lw worn f : a fi v days, to protect It frc- v p' . i. ' An a general liniment for pra'tin, l.i'i' i, I t ' -I. F'" u. - A Llttl Tee lata.' fho minister of a Scotch Darlsh had 'a, great wish that an old couple should become teetotalers, but they were In no wise eager to comply. After much pressing, however they consented to try the experiments but laylng'down as W cpnditlon that they, should be allowed to keep a bottle of "Auld KirK" for ! Ahnnt a fnrtnlirht after John began tor feel bis resolution .weakening, put 'V, was. aeiermineanoa uroe uie.urat wt Kiyv wa;:- ui auuuier itch, iwwsiwi he collapsed, entirely.. - t "Jenny, woman," , ne. said, Ty6 an Jawfa' pain In' my'head. Je.mlcht gle me a wee drappie an' see gin it'll dae meMry gold."..-,, .- ". ' iVVeel, guidman," she replied, "ye're )pwre late o asktnV.for' ever sin' that bottle cam' , Into .the boose I've been bothered see wf pains V my held 'tis a dune, an there's nae drappie left" Spare Momenta. 'Ha Was SeUah. ... r An Arabic anecdote Illustrative of the subtleness of i selfishness, which enables- It to a-lldeilnto the heart of a 'saint, is told of the holy Mohammedan BakatX " '. He said that for. twenty years he had never ceased , Imploring,' divine pardon for having once, exclaimed, "Praise be to Godr On being asked the reason if or such persistent praying he answer- fire broke out In, Bagdad, and a person came to me and told me that my shop had escaped, on which I uttered- those words, and even to this moment ! repent of having said so, be cause it showed that I wished better to myself than to others." An Informal Introduction. . When Mark Twain lived in Buffalo, he made .the acquaintance of some neighbors . under peculiar circum stances. Emerging .from his house one luucuujtt;, ne saw miiuouiub wuiuu made him run-across the street and re mark to the people who were gathered on the veranda: ! "My name-is Clemens. My wife and t have been Intending to call on yon and make your acquaintance. We owe you an apology for not doing It before 'now. I beg your pardon for Intruding on you in this Informal manner and at this time of day, but your bouse is on W Hot m Roar Dreamer. ! "What would yon do if yon had a bil lion dollars?" "Ob," answered the languid man, "I don't see whv I should emeet to Drove any exception to the rule. I. would probably go to one of the usual ex tremes ana euner Duy yacnis or eise walk to save car fare." Washington Star. Graceful Women 'A teito 0rj p-rlet fljrnro HI InMottf from lovo at Uu bmmmUtuU . w tm tKMioUS mm th loreir flowm wboo whoa bfeath ami d whila the) Uvea of fiowtn we can oaljr m)oj Utota lor a bMutlful M CM nieaaiira of Lv hafm- frmnca to os aa a psxrtMDctit bkaaalna;. Tha shim braatli of that baha la aaaartivef Lnn and health tha aoft tntnacm of a baautii amats to tha aenaea poritr. baalth an deauscsM the ta tha ifinaroant of dvUlxatioaj aha la inAcatlva oi a daalra to pieaae. an Index of oo4 Uat-aiiistifxwrintbu , m?Bradfi3ld9a Female Regulator Id regotatlfaff thoee hunr perioda la wotnaa, par Init of no wnokkst, pea chaeka, tortured aarna and ahapesaaa Aruraa. It U certain, tara and aia. It U N atm-sa reeMd , and thera is ao ttcl. offer aoae othar ranvad y aivd caU It Mf u it aa food1 thfw oacsHwlna' tha parchaaari but tha ovanatrtta oraana wui not 09 oecsivi In fury It oftaa tha nault. 1 rv our Hacuiaior. Oar TrtatkB 00 Won THf BRADFICLO requlatodc5o. - - ATLANTA, OA -' -t " AND- H On and after this date until further notice tiie steamers ot this line are scheduled, to sail from New Bern as The Bteainer NETJS2 tor Oriental, Boanoke Island, FllMbeth 4 City and the North m Mondays, Wed- jiesoays ana r noays at o p. m. , y For Nags Head, Elizabeth City and the North on Tuesdays and Fridays at IS o'clock, oon."-:-r 'vC'u-';: :s' . 877" Freight reoeived not, later tl.ftn one hour previous to sailings .. For Inrtbor information aj ; !j to " 0E0. CENDEKSON, ikgt. IT, K. KiStf, Oon. Mgr., V ' U.O. Il0DGrii3,Gon.Frt.& raes.gt Vs,. Kew rent, N. C, Aug. 1, 1901; f. 1 11 aaayHi laaaa.asl W. W slathmalene Brings Instant Belief manent Cure s x A K ,, -SENT ABSOWTEI'T FREE ON RECEI1 T OF POSTAL. b' .-I",.' . WB1TB TOIJ N4MB AND. ADDEB83 PlAIHtT. CIlAirJCD ; YEARS RELIEF troubles which combine with Asthma. After having it carefully analyzed, opium, morphine, chloroform or other. Avon Db. Taft Bbqb. Medicisb Company, Gentlemen: I write this testimonial wonderful effeot of your A thmalene, for the cure of Astltma. My wife has been afflicted with spasmodic asthma for the past 12 years. Having exhausted my own skill as well as many others, I chanced to see your sign upon your windows on 180th street, New York, I at once obtained a bottle of Asthmalene. My wife com menced taking It about the first of November. I very soon noticed a radical im provement. Alter using one nottie uer ly free from all symptoms. I feel that I to all who are afflicted wttn tins distressing disease. Yours respectlully, Dn. Taft Bbo3. Medicink Comi-any, Gentlemen: I wis troubled with ous remedies, but thev have all failed. I with a trial bottle. 1 found relief at once. I have since purchased your full size bottle, and I am ever grateful. I have a family of four children, and for six years was unable to work. I am now in the best of health and am doing business every day. 1 Ms testimony you can make such Home addrrss, wo Kivington street. TRIAL BOTTLE SENT ABSOLUTELY Do not delay. Write at once, addressing DR. TAFT BROS. MEDICINE CO., 79 East lWtu Street, flew York Uity. SOLD BY BOND ELECTION. To Determine Question Erection and Con struction of Electric Light Plant. Be it ' ordained that the question of erecting and constructing an Electric Light Plant for tho City of New Bern shall be submitted to a vote of the quali fied voters of said city. And for that purposo an election Is hereby called to be held In the various wards of the city on Tuesday tho 3rd day of December 1901 A. D. That for the purpose of tho purchase or erection of said Plant, if a majority of the qualified voters of said city at such election shall be In favor thereof that City Bonds shsll be Issued not ex ceeding fifteen thousand dollars, of the denomination of not less than $100.00 each, payable In not less than twenty and not more than Thirty years bearing in terest at not more than 6 payable semi annually, which said Bonds may be Is sued directly in payment therefor, or sold at not less than par and the pro ceeds so applied. And that said system shall be estab lished at the least possible cost consist ent with the best workmanship not exceeding the sum of fifteen thousand dollars, and notice is hereby given and shall be otherwise glvon for bids to be famished this Board for the furnishing or construction of said Plant. That said election U hereby called to be held under authority of the act of the general assembly emitted an Act to In corporate the City of New Bern ratified on the SOth day of February, 1899, and pursuant to aa act to provide for the holding of town and city elections and special elections ratified the 10th day of March A."D. 190t " - " ' ' NOTICE is hereby given that a new registration la the various Wards of the City bf New Bern Is hereby Ordered for ialdeleotIon;:;!H-,'''-;- ., .That thereglst ration- books for the registration of all legal voters shall be Opened oa Thursday the 14th day of No vember and shall remain open for- seven days and shall be closed for registration ori Saturday the S8rd day of November It being the second Saturday before said election: - That-ester -book shall be opened daring the time aforesaid at the hereinafter named places, and that the registrars hereinafter 'named - between the hours of 9 o'clock a. m.'. and 0 o'clock p. m., during the period aforementioned hall keep open said books for such reg istration and that said book shall be opened until 9 o'clock p. m.. of each Sat urday during said Keglstration period.-' CTbat at such election there shall be voted ballots printed upon white psper without device and bearing the words respectively;' "For Eleotrlb Lights" "Against Electric Lights" and for the purpose of holding and conducting said election the following named per sons are appointed registrars and poll holders, and the hereinafter ' named places are designated for the purposes of registration and the polling places for aid election te wit: - FlrsLWard. It. R. nilI,Tlolstrar! J. T. Lincoln, Geo. C. Jones. Poll Holders; Polling I'lsce. City Hall. ' ' ' Bccnitil W anl. J. II. Hmlth, Iterjlntrsr; IT. f Hall, W, B Klanncr, Poll Holders; rolling l'tncn, Court House. 1 - . ' Thlnl Vnl. E. S. Street, ItrglBlraf, J. W. Iiowlcn, W. N. PnRh, Poll l!olilir; rolling I'lnce, hired a flames. ' Fourth W unl. Jcsun Harrison, '- trar; II, Brlnaori, J. K. tlaKkill, i'"ll Holders; l'ulilng l'lnco, llargot's Old (Mm fl. ' ' ! lifihWnul. O.J. MrC.rtliy, I:, ' (Mir; IO. W, Wmw n.O. T. Wr.-.-lt, Toil : - ' ' IV ''. !;, 1 ,11 li V; in il Untie i 1 1 . ;. r.T. r, r - ' r- saaeaaaaal Wm ' BaiseaaeaBsl.? f and Per In all Cases. ; There in nothing like ATHMA LENE. It hrings instant relief, even, in the worst cases. It cures when all else fails The Bov.O F.WELLS, of Villa Ridge, 111., says: "Your trial bottle of Asthma lene received in good condition. - I can not toll you how thankful I feel for the good derived from it I cannot tell you how thankful I feel for the good derived from it I was a slave chained with pu trid sore throat and Asthma for ten years I despaired of ever being cured. I saw your advertisement for the cure of this dreadful and tormenting disease, Asthma, and thought you had over spoken yourselves, but resolved to give it a trial. To my astonishment, the trial acted like a charm. Send me a full size bottle." REV. DR. MORRIS WECHSLER, Rabbi of tbe.Cong. Bnal Israel, New York, Jan. 8, 1901. Dns. Taft Bros' Meoioiks Co., Gentlemen; Your Asthmalene is an excellent remedy for Asthma and Hay Fever, and its composition alleviates all Its success is astonishiug and wonderful, we can state that Asthmalene contains no Very truly yours, REV. DR. MORRIS WECHSLER, Sprikgs, N. Y., February 1st, 1901. from a sense of duty, having tested the Asinma nas disappeared ana sne is entire can consistently recommend the medicine O. D. JfUEU-B, At. V. February 5th, 1901. Asthma for fi years. 1 have tried numer ran across your advertisement and started use of as you see nt. o. UArn.aj.ij, 87 East 129th st, New York City. FREE ON RECEIPT OF POSTAL. DHUI8T8. Interesting Figures. We are selling King Heaters at the following ngnres 91,01', fl.70, fz.uu. I2.C0. 13.00. S8.50and C4.00. None need do without the comforts of a heater, the price is in the reach of all Then our Cole's Hot Blast Stoves for coal is just the thing, they are great heaters and coal savers. What more do you want ? Those who are using them are loud in their priase. Do govt hunt ? If so listen! Load ed Shells Black 40c, Semi-Smokeless 4Bc, Infallible Smokeless 60c. Empty Shells per 10012 gauge 75c, 10 gauge 80c. Primers, 100 in a box 16c. Wads 20c per box. Breech Loading Uuns 90.UU, fa.DV, (9.00, 110.00 and tl2.50. Hunting Uoats from 41.00 to fZ.OU, Rubber Boots!t3.00,'t3.50 and $4.00 p'r. Oiled Clothes per suit $1. 75, $3.00 and 2.2. Storm Coats, the very best 98.OO besids a full lino of Hardware. x By the way I Don't forget that lit tle account, we are needing money. Yours Truly, J. C. Whitty to. 1870. 1901. LH. CUTLER BWfCO. BUILDERS SUPPLIES, . . SASH, DOORS, BLINDS, Leading brands Paints. Oils, Varnishes, Brashes &c., House famishing goods, Excelsior, Elmo, Farmer Girl and. Farm er Boy Cook stoves and many other good make. Bee oar "Favorite" Steel Ranges. We have every thing la Agate, Iron and Tin "are,- , , . ... . . . Give your heating stoves attention Remember that every body can not get a stove put up at once, that first cold day Is sura to . coma W have the best line both wood .and coal stores ever In New Bem sad wooM advise yea to se lect one and ' have It pat ap properly while-there a plenty of time. ,. HKADQ0ABTEB8 FOB HARDWARE ' -And all Kindt ot--'''1 .WMV1M MM. ft I ' ' . 1 ' - . : Heating and Cooking- Store and Ranges; Lime, (Went,' flaator. Paints,' Oilp," VMnith, Pnttjri; Saih, Doors, Blinds, Cntlor and, ail the useful article- usually foand Jn an TTn-lowlalfl TTardware Rtore.' !"? i Under Hotel Ckattawka..-.i: Ttt r t -4 A A k 4 J. .. - - r - It. c n.Jn, Holland, ' job, sr. wtti.ts. KOLLAKD L WILLI3, IniwMinil to 0(. Hilt, t. 1 .it'll . . .... 1, (.;;: .rav,.:i 1 mi i ' : !&' i4er dOUWem !,,' ..Announces the ' Opening of the Winter TotntisT NiiiNour And the Placing on Sale of ts I' To all Prominent Points in tli Soolh, Southwest, WesClndifg, Mexico and California, Including St. AiiLnistinp. Palm Tieael. Miami, Jacksonville. Tamna. Port Tam pa, Brunswick, Tlioniasville,CharlcsUu, Aiken, Augusta, Pinelturst, Asheville, Atlanta, New Orleans, Memphis and The Iin.ulor.hf fSky. Perfect DiniDg and Sleeping Car Service on all Trains. SEE THAT YOUR TICKET READS VIA. SOUTHERN RAILWAY. Ask anv SUrenr. fur fn II infiM-iieil iiir i,r Address R. L. VaRNnw n. W WrfaTimnv Traveling Fass.Agt. Dist.Pass.Agt., Uharlotte, N. O. Kiclimond.Va. 8. H. 1IAKDWICK, General Passenger Agent, J. f. flm.P W A Thob Traffic Manager. Asst.Pass.Tntfli'c Mgr. T- 1 1 1-1 rvasuington, u, j. The Farmers Merchants Capital, Surplus and Profits $88,850.00 APRILI30th, 1901. What Wo Have Done, Do, and Will Continue to Do. This Bank conducts its business upon "up-to-now" methods. It is our purpose to deal justly and liberally with all. We carefully safeguard the Interests of oar customers, Moreover, we fre quently do it unknown to them; as op portunltles often come to us In confiden tial ways, and you cannot over-appeclatc such consideration. We are not disposed to overlook the fact that the interests of the Bank and those of the people are closely bound to gether, and cannot by any means be separated. This Bank acts as a repository for Wills, and safely keeps them till the proper time of surrender. Will also act as the cuBtodian of money or papers left wun us in escrow. JNo charge tor these services. We procure Letters of Credit for in tending travellers. We aim to be prompt, progressive and liberal. In the matter of accommodations, this Bank meets every requirement within the limits of prudent banking. il you have never been identlued with us as a natron, we ask vou to consider the advisability of becoming one. in the early future, we propose adding a novel, yet substantial Savings Bank feature to our already progressive In stitution. Notice ! Wood, Wood, Wood. Stove Wood sny length dry and sea soned, delivered quick to your door, as cheap as you can expect. Give us a trial. A few houses to let Laths for sale. See Bin 11, The Stoite Mao, P. TREXJVITH, BUCKSmiWlilGflT, aaafaetarer of .. , ' Baggies, Wagons, Carta, Ac., ' Repairing Doae b Short Notice ...Buggies, Wsgons, Carts and Drays kept oa hand for sale. ' Bh&pi Sonth Front Street, - ft amr tb rtaJtroftd , , nkw.bTSICnTn;. o- F; X. Siaauae, A, D. Ward SIMfrONS WARD, lTTOKSlt, aal C0UNBEL0BJ at ""V;"""':,IAW. " KW BKBJI9, . . Office 68 Bo, Front Street, nearly oppo- v r. v.vattexiotei cnattawaa, w,-;,... (Office also at Raleigh.) - Practice in. the counties of Craven, Duplla, Jones, Onslow, Carteret, Pamli co and Wake, in the Bnpreme sad Fed- eral Oourts, and whenter scrvioes are 4slred.i 'i -f i-: .iA , SrrTK. .., ,1 .'.Iii'.WABD.V , 740. Front Bl't Opp. Hotel Ohattawka, ' , TTBVfBJilW,' a; V. ' : . Craven Cotrtttfr Attrriy.? '4 v f -1- rjironit, Oraf e Jones, Onslowt, Cgrt eretiiPsrialleosOreene, Lennlr, and' the oapreraBBnoweraivouns. :,',r,n;ieuctiertrv4- .,5':,r-'- jLTT0BN'ET AT LAW, IMdl Street, Lawyer Brlek - .BaIlAlBg - . Ciinntlas f Onvaa CrtM'i , Onanrw ana 1'auiIIoo. 17. 9 tknirtatftaw liarn and Bupraine 1 uouri Szzd (.-.win s li;,,!-.. t matkut price 'paid for .1 B;;m,' I I'KUUS A CKAt CO,' ' ucKe

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