mm I. J 1 mv An Excellent Combination The pleasant method and beneficial effects of the well known remedy, Sybup ov Use, manufactured by the CAxjroaiiA Fie Sybup Co., illustrate thevalueof obtaining-the liquid law tire principles of plant known to be medicinally laxative and presenting1 them in the form most refreshing to the taste and acceptable to the system. - It is the one perfect strengthening laxa tive, cleansing the system effectually, dispelling colds, headaches and fevers gently yet promptly and enabling one to overcome habitual oonBtipetioo per manently. Its perfect freedom front every objectionable quality and sub stance, and Its acting on the kidneys, liver and bowels, without weakening or irritating them, make It the ideal laxative. In the process of manufacturing figs are used, as they are pleasant to the taste, but the medicinal qualities of the remedy are obtained from senna and othor aromatlo plants, by a method known to he CAuroasiA Fro 8vnur Co. only. In order to get its beneficial effects and to avoid imitations, please remember the fall name of the Company printed on the front of every package. CALIFORNIA FI6 SYRUP CO. ban najroxaoo. oat XjOUtsvzlijs, kt. nw tobz, sr. T. For salo bj HI Drugglita. PrioeWo. par bottfe. THE JOURNAL. New Ben, N. C, Not. 81. MO!.- Index to Hew Advertisements. Bids for painting church. Central Heat Market Turkeys, etc Simmons & Hollowell Co. Cold weather hints. Business Locals. (Hi) 0T8TERS BY MEASUBB for Nilgy the family trade, at James B. Dawson's, lOSJUiddle Street A NEW lot of Beautiful Hall Lamps, Nickel Stand Lamps, Nickel Hanging Lamps Just received at Whltehnrst's. BOARDERS WANTED For Ladles or gentlemen', good board and modern con veniences, enquire at 118 East Front St. Mrs. Abbott. RESTAURANT A neat up-to-date res tsnrant, kept by Mrs. N. Tlsdale at lS&i Middle street. Patrons served oysters In any style, coffee, milk, sandwiches, etc. A call will be appreciated. FINE lot of Pipes Just received at Me Sorley's. Bids For Painting Church. Sealed proposals for all labor for scraping and painting the Presbyterian Church, Lecture room and offlcs will be received until Saturday, November SSrd, 1901, IS o'clock m. Buildings to be paint ed white and blinds greeni all two coaC work. Steeple of church to be painted white. Necessary paint materials to be furnished by the committee. Bids to contain an estimate of the number of gal Ions of paint required. Committee re serves right to reject any or all bids. P. H 'PxixmiB, Gao. N. Ivas, 0, B. Fot. Committee. All Meats handled and kept up-to-date at Central Meat Market Ton Host Register lfTonYoto For Elec tric Ughts. It Is an established fact that .Cough li simply an effort of n slurs to get rid of some Irritation, Carolina Cough Con will directly effect this, by repairing the damage done to the tissues of the sir l th tnnH. Ton can't saaka any mistake In trying It, It li harmless and equally good tor old and young. No cura, no pay.S6e. at Bradham's. Stock fit Cost. Including all oar now goods boaght this fall, dress goods, KlUteary, jackets, furs, shoes, holiday goods, la fact the aa tire stock at post . O. A.. BABJOOT. Spices. ' . Y GoodBpIces. Sploas that cost a Utile more thaa those you generally get at the grocery store, but what does a fraction of cent mount to compared With a Jar of pickles that are "Just right," Ton yourself know that la pickling, or I cooking yon cant oxpoor tost results unless your iploes aw good. Let as apply 70 wltm t1 mmmM ft11 year. At Bradham's VUimmif. : or-;. '' - "" v.v. tidre Stock. , . r Including SiX)0.00 worth of mw good bought Ola fall at cost, absolately without rseem, sale wIU begte Wednes day toorniBf at o'clock. . . . O. A.BAKFOOT. ' 17m ' .'!', : CAPtjOME Does notWfedJhi . ' It U different from other. J , Headaobo Remedlesy 7: j v. ? COLD BI CUGCIStS. DO TODR MITT. 1 ; , EaTeToa Registered T There are Three ' Kore Days to Get oa the Books. J It fat the duty of every good citltea to see that his name .is oa the books of registration. There are only three more days to register, Thursday,' Friday and Saturday of this week, If you do not get your nam oa the registration books you will not bo able to vote. , n ; - The question to be voted on next De cember 8rd is of great Importance to the people of New Bern and U should be de cided by a full vote. The only way you eaa pass upon the matter is by register ing oa one of the next three days. Bee that your nsme gets on the books, it is not on them now unless you have seen to It, for it is an entirely new registra tion. Do your duty as a good oltlzen to day. y ... "Spinster Tea.' On next Taesdsyjevsnlng a "Spinster Tea" will be held In the Church Parlors on New street The spinsters will receive their many friends and in the course of the evening will exhibit pictures of the men they hsd refused and tell the story of their woo ing, stating what these men lacked to make them pleasing to them. While this is a "Spinster Tea" the "Bachelors" are cordially Invited Xo at tend, and we promise all an evening of amusement and fun. Refreshments will be sold for the benefit of the Epworth League library. A. k N. C. R. R. Change Schedule. On and after November 31th, the At lantlo & North Carolina train, now leav ing New Bern at 4:50 p. m. will leave here at 6 p. m. daily. A Very Sad Accident Pollocksvllle, Nov. 20, 1901. About six o'clock on the evening of the 18th, Rath, the llttle 6 year old daughter of Mr. andMrs. T. S. Bender, of this place was burned to death by her clothes catching Are from a heater In their sitting room. Mrs. Bender had just left her and gone to the wood pile for a basket of chips. The whole affair was all over In less than two minutes. The funeral wss conducted by Rev. Mr. George of New Bern from the Bap tist church at this place on the evening of the 19th at 8 o'clock. Little Roth is quietly resting In River side cemetery at this place. May Ood comfort the bereaved ones. OABTOniA, Ban ia. y II" Kuid-Yoa Han Alwar Bgnatar New Dental Parlors. Dr. H. R. Parker, Is now occupying the dental parlors at 981 Middle street, recently vacated by Dr. d. D. Barr, and will be glad to see his Menus, and all who may desire his services. Entertainment Thanksgiving Night. There will be an entertainment at the Opera house on Thsnksgivlng night, which will be a most enjoyable affair, it being under the direction of Miss Cam mle Lord, assisted by local talent ', Full announcement will be made latex PERSONAL PARAGRAPHS. MlssSsrah dlmpson Msnly, of Balti more, is visiting with Mrs- Charles Duf fy on Pollock street. Mr. W. B. Blades left on.tho Nease last night for Elizabeth City. Mr. Rodolph Duffy, left for Wilming ton yesterday morning. Mr. O. J Rlvenbark of Ooldsboro is In the city on business for bis paper. Hunters are out The local sportsmen are out these dsys and some suooess has rewarded their ef forts, but so far no large strings are re ported. A good deal of land Is now posted in this section and the law Is so stringent and the necessary written order to hunt oa land is so much trouble to obtain that hunters are greatly hampered In the sport Borne ducks have been shot and a few nave been offered for sale. I tnm the Herttora Weed sn la Pjnj-BAa. the eartala eon to sons. Register ;' and ; Vol For Slectrlc Slights. Ounces Bis Location. 4 , Mr. T. H. Carmine, of Pamlloo county who has beta a largo trucker,, has de cided to change his- location and has height a plaot Bear the town of Falson, In Duplin eotraty, on the Atlantic Coast line. It Is a strawberry and trucking section aad Mr, Carmine Is hopeful of a successful and enlarged scope for hit operations, i, , li fte i Children's Friend, rS ToaH have a cold this winter. Maybe you have one aow. Tour children will suffer too. For coughs, eroop, bron- ehltla, grip and other winter complaints Ons Minute Cough" Cure never falls. Acts promptly. It is very pleassnt to ths taste and perfectly harmless, a B. Qeorge, Winchester, Ky., writes "Oar little girl was attacked with eroup late one night and was to hoarse she could hardly apeak; ' We gave her a tew doses of Oaa Minute Cough Cure. It relieved her Immediately and she went to sleep. Wbea she awoke next'mornlng she had ao signs of boarsenesi or croup. F. 8. Duffy. - -' ' - -- Have' ' Yen HSv trrc;l ? 11 JfiC ;s r n. Kr ; Elks Organize at Raleigh. 1 . On yesterday as - announced lav the Raleigh papers the Raleigh Lodge of Elks was duly organised. Congressman Q. R. Thomas left oa the morning train to participate In the organization, and wIU become a member," making a speech in response to a toast, at the banquet at night at the Tarborough Eoase, -.. - " " About two hundred members of the Elks organization from Wilmington, Durham, Greensboro and other parts of the State are expected. The Elks organization la rapidly be coming one of the most pdwarful and influential in the United 8tetes. . The membership I from Maine to California and Texas. Many prominent men In Congress and publio life are members. . It Is growing , rapidly in North Carolina. Besides it Is an organi zation whloh believes in practical chari table work, loyal to its members, and relieving the poor and destitute. In the winter's freeze In Wilmington It Is said the Elks brotherhood did mora hard work than any other organisation to re lieve the suffering and destitute. A Friend of the Family's. The well known dog Jack, belonging to the Cox household on Craven street, has departed this life, and if there should be a place for departed spirits of dogs, Jack Is now occupying a prominent po sition In that place. Jack's many dog virtues and excellen cies are so familiar to all that It la un necessary to recount them. He was a good dog and he will be missed by the household of whioh he has been an ad mired member, also by many friends about town who have oft had hisser vlces Id rat killing times. Small Hams at Centra! Meat Mar ket. It Never Lags. "Married for Money," one of the brightest comedies seen this season was presented at the Qrand last night. There is a clean, wholesome vein of comedy running through the entire performance, which never lags till the curtain drops on the last act. Many new specialties were welcomed, making almost a contin uous performance. Dally Gazette, Ashe ville, N. O." At the Masonic Opera House Friday night, November 22nd. He is Now a Major. H. R. Street of this city has been made an aide-de-camp on the staff of Governor Aycock with the rank of Major. Live Turkeys and Chickens at Central Meat Market. DIED. On the 19th Inat at the home of her parents In Morganton, ;N. C, Susan Moaely, eldest daughter of Dr. Isaao M. and Susan Evans Taylor, In the eleventh year of her age. "Of such is the Kingdom of Heav en." Different From Last Tear. In 1900, November 81st aad 23 ad, the temperature was noted as markings high record, the maximum upon the above two days being 81 degrees. This year, taking the minimum, the temperature has been below freezing on each of the last six dsys. Orange Brand Breakfast Bacon, best out, at Central Meat Market Premium Day at Planters. Today will be premium sale day at the Planters Tobacco Warehouse, aad some Urge sales are expected, with high prices for the sellers. Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup Cures a Cough or Cold at once. Conquers Croup, Whooping Cough and Measles Cough without fail. Best for Bronchitis, Hoarseness, Grippe, Pneumonia, Con sumption and Luug Affections. Quick, sore results. Prloe, 25a Celery Headache Powders. There la not any better remedy for headache than these powders. They never fall to relieve. Made and sold only at Davis' Prescription Pharmacy. . IIiih leva rtalshe4. " "But surely," urged Barlow, "aeam Is believing.? -... ,, ' "Not necessarily," responded Dobsod. "For instance, I see yon ovary day, but aa to .IjaUeTlngou";-.,,,,,!; Tooth Brushes at BirtoVM; Davis Prescription Pharmacy has Jost received a lot of tooth brushes from Chat Loonen, the well-known manufac turer of brushes la Paris. Each brash has "Davis Pharmacy" stamped oa the handle, and li guaranteed to be perfect. If one ll found unsatisfactory, it may be returned. It Is being made a leader at Davis' and the price Is only 85 cents. QLAXATTVB . TASTELESS III! I "Pnailrt . HILL IU.,IU. Combining W, ltlv property of Ouwn, bsHniMtB Rnr fel tontft. ('. A".k.OlyMllt at IIBAOUAM'S UAHMACK. After a Nights Ride On tho Automobiles; come up to our store and get a bottio or ; Cherry Glycerine. It will prevent coughs and colds fmm the night air. Bold only at HARGET'S riTARMACT, " Cor. Iiroad & Fleet I . . BROKE-THE NEWS. How Considerate tlmibanal Pre- Hla Wife Fer TmHa ' She had evidently Just coma' home from her summer trip, for she was as brown a bun and aa vivacious as a sparrow. Tho man with, her had the pleased expression of one who baa Buf fered, but Who Bees comforts accumu lating ahead. "i'':t.C:?M:: .T;-4S "The cook baa left" he began tenta- f tively as soon aa tbey were seated in the car. 'We'll go to one, of the ho tels for luncheon.". , "Mary Anne gone!" gasped the sun burned woman excitedly. "Why, what" . "And the canary's dead," iwent on her better half. "The cat ate it" "My poor little Cherry 1" signed the woman. "And the fox terrier broko the big vase in the drawing room a couple of days ago." "Not the one Aunt Sarah gave me that cost five hundred dollars T" "I'm sorry to say It was. Some one burned a big hole In one of the lace curtains in the library too. I noticed it for the first time this morning. Looks like a match might have been thrown on it, and" "James Fitzhugh," said the sun burned woman with portentous calm ness, "If you have any more bad news to Impart to me, please wait until we get home. If you keep on, I shall scream. Tell me at once what else horrible has happened." "That's all," replied the man hurried ly and without noticing the Inconsist ency. "At least that's the worst. I just thought I'd prepare you so you would not be surprised when you went In the house and discovered those things. Oh, yes, I forgot Mary Anne took the all- ver coffeepot away with her when she left, and I haven't been able to find either of them since. Pity about the coffeepot, since it was your great-grand mother's; but don't worry, the police wiU find If yet Come on; we get off here." And they did, but If ever indignation was expressed in a back It was in that of the sunburned and vivacious little woman late from the seashore as she strode across the hotel pavement Bal timore News. Disappointment. '1 suppose you are disappointed be cause the critics condemned your book." "Yes. I don't mind what they said so much as the mean way In which they said it" "They seemed disposed to be mild." "Yes. None of the denunciations were sufficiently violent to attract any atten tion whatever to the book." Washing ton Star. A Brute's Retort. "No, Mr. Jobunker, I cannot accept your proposal," said Miss Spiffing, "I am too young to marry." "But you must remember. Miss Spif fing," the refused one went on, "that the ancient Biblical custom of women marrying after they are sixty has gone entirely out of style." Pittsburg Chronicle-Telegraph. North Carolina 10-4 the Elkin Woolen Mills, jpold j leather fejiints. K : i i $3.50 Line of Comforts from f 1.26 to $2.50 each. Special large size White Quilts for 60o each. Handsome line of Fancy Bod Seta in drawn work : and inserting, fillowi and Sheets to match. Just the thing for Cnuistmas presents. Ask to see them. , ' Mocha Gloves in all Guaranteed Glove at 11.00, market."' '"v s - J . " For the small boys and girls we carry a fine line of Warm Wool Mitts and Gloves In prioe from 10o to 25o per pair, while for tho grown np folks the prioes are 25o and 60c. , . , A - . . Call Special Attention to the 60o Wool Gloves for men. t Three yery good warm stylos. :. -. ? II ATE A LCOIt! L.U .... 67 Police!; Ulrcct. " Entire Stock. - At cost, absolately without reserve. store wDl bo closed (today) Tuesday to arrange goods for anlck selllnc. sale be gins Wednesday morning at 8 o'clock, .O.A.BAKFOOT. JACOBS' Raleigh Rye Whiskey la tho best " Middle street -'V;- ISM OPERA HODSE One Right Only ! FRIDAY, NOV. 22, MR. JACK C0EB, ' and -MISS FAT CARLISLE; Presents their own Comedy production ien for Plenty of Laughter, Highcbss Specialties, Bnperb Costumes, Startling Situations. uu uu uiuuvj u guuu u JBsUTiuu Jiunej, POPULAR PRICES, 25c, ft 60c FARM. 68 acres, about one and a half miles from New Bern on the right side of Pembroke road. For Sale or rent. Apply to MRS. ANNIE DINKINS, NOTICE To Tax Payers! Tour taxes have been due since Sept. 1st, and must be paid or I shall be com- polled to collect by distress. The State, County and Schools are demanding money for current expenses and their demands must be met. I can be found at my office on every day from 8 a. m. to 8 o'clock p. m., and I hsve deputies with authority to collect In every township, Please pay at once and asro trouble end costs. The law compels the sheriff to Indict before a J. P. all business men who do not pay their license tsxes under sched; ule"B," Revenue Act 1901, end this law will be enforced against those who have not done so before expiration of the present month. J. W, BIDDLE, Sheriff. November 16th, 1001. All Wool Blankets, made by ' r i ir Man Money QV. shades and a French Eld are the best value 'on this ,. . ..:.;.'. 1 1 ilhe Wc have - Eeefers, Overcoats, Suite and Corduroy Trousers. Woolen Gloves, Kid Gloves, Stocking?, Underwear, Cups- and Hats. Also the best line of Shoes n..- UUdlclllltJCU iu wuctr. i Styles Up-to-date and PKICES RIGHT. A Give our Boy's and Youth's Department a look and let us SAVE YOU MONEY on your little man's outfit, and nt the same time give you something nobby, 1. 6. DDI & CO, Mens and 57" olloclz Street. () Tobacco is Setting High. And you will make no mistake in bring ing it to the New Bern Market. Our buyers are anxious lor all grades from scrap to wrapper, and we will see that you get the lull worth ot your load. LAST PREMIUM SALE OF THE SEASON, THURSDAY, NOV. 2 1st, Premiums are Offered on All Grades. Bring in your tobacco and we will please you with GOOD PRICES. Yours to Please, Planters Warehouse Co.. J. M. HOWARD, Manager S. B. CURRIN, Auctioneer, An Up-to-date Rig a regular cock of the walk for TnankaeiTlng day and for erery day U what a driving man wants, and be need seek no farther than our carriage repos itory, where all that is new, novel, smart ana styuin in pnenmatic tirea ana spe cial made vehicles can be had. We have ths bast in design, make and finish, and oar carriage! of all kinds are noted for extreme ease of riding and running qualities. SPECIAL NOTICE Anyone desiring to purchase aWatera buggy on one years, time, eaa do so until Jan. 1st, 1902, by giving good security. Yours truly, O. H. Waters A Son, Phone 188, . ti Broad. St, Naw Bbbn, N. 0. t . ' r i ' i : tor om Cattod and other beatinc siovaa far sxsWlea owr i, 'i : : i - axpflciaUocs aad our stock is brokaat. We axpaot on Mom. " day to hart them In and will be prepared to ftll erdere en - ' .-.Tuesday. .' , , ' .li fuQ Sue of 'Wileou and Enlamaader Heaters in " , "'Vuikfromla.HtW.OO. ' - Ball Ocarina Castors. rrornptntM aad saslgtMtloi aaiared oar otuomars. ,U- v ' . C) O Seys ever shown in the town, Boy's Wear, Wanted on (inml, Cily Security fur 12 months tir longer (lie toti in; ;i ninnnts for sei;n-ite lo:ins; , $2,500.0?, $1,0('O.OC: ( ii.ler.-M. Parties desiring to In;... nil or :iny part of the above sums kiurlly .'..m mu nicatewit'i OWEN II. OL'DN, Nov. II, 1901. Attorney. HoIIister & Cox, Wholesale and Itrlail goal Dealers. Full supply oi Anth racite in all sizes and also the celebrated Toms reek soft coal, which is lumpy and especially adapted lor use In grates. Aft orders given prompt mid personal attention. Office. Yard DH- OA Foot of Craven '. st. rnunc jt( Wanted to Borrow. V .Occkill Hardware ' .O .U-t 147. 78 IbsDU Bt HEW BESi, N. O 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 '.