" T it ' 'V - 1 J " . 1 . ,t v KIW EIHN, R. C...SATURDAT MORNING, NOYEMBIR 2;), I901,- ,YOl; X1X--J.0, 203 ; TWENTIETH TEAR i y Ml!! i f 1 V t 1 j f' if 1 X V 5g THE BLACK WINDOW. PRICES CUT IN HALF: 85c SILK FOR 43c. S$ Q'TMsSate' ONLY for J- x fi Ask to see our NEW CORSETS, we have the K. & . m ilv ov.Tr ionfi,a ir mndinm. ihort. And Rtraicrht front. We also W wmm nuj ihjkwiw " 7 lfl have the "Uowager" ana tne "juncnesu m wniw uu uuwb 47-49 POLLOCK STREET. Ik16' JUST HECEIVI11 Fresh Cauliflower, , Celery and Danish Cabbage, i We are also headquarters for anything you want in the ' grocery line. If you want Good Coffee, Tea Butter, Flour and Pure Vermont Maple Syrup try ours and you will use no ' . other. We also have ajfull line of Fpncy Oranges, Malaga ' Grapes, Mixed Nuts, Raisins, Currants, Prunes, N. C. Dried ' and Evaporated Apples. I Send me your order for anything in my line and I guaran- , tee to please you or you get your money back. 3 Yours to Please, ( J. IS. PAEHEK, Jr., i Wholesale and Retail Orocer,- 1 PHONE 69. or. Broad & Hancock Sts. i ll!LBQok Store f Turner's N. C. Atmanac for 1902 The one you have always uougin. Sole Agent, 6. H. Ennett. The Finest'L&ger BEER In The State. Some old doe Whiskey such M Old Charter, for family use. lUblcht'Koy Weil Cigars, call for them. OYSTERS SERVED W EVERT STYLE. lu B. IIAmCOT, Corner Booth Front and Bancoek .Streets. ,: ..- - CALL ATTHK Oaks niJeat arket, 57 Broad Street, And tou will find the Fioe Dliplar o MeU ever iliown on this msrkei -' At oar pine you will find ths tollowlnf L'V 'rticiMi'-'1: ,-r-it ',":?,: s. . ' , Tnrkeys, and Chickens. - :, Cured KeaU-Beel and Pork. '; ' ' Smoked Keats Two Biands Ham Three Brands Baoon. ,- . , ',. Tonjrne and Chip Beet FRESH MEATS, nutlve itook-VeaL . Beet, Lamb, Mattoo, Pit; Pork, Liver. '; Tonpie, Pork Chnps, Sausage and Head ,.. Cheese. , i , : WE8TK&tf MEATS Beet, Lamb and . Bologna. , ; -AT THE at ., . , Cor. Broad Kiddle 8ts (Oaks Market's old stand) you will And the nicest line ot Fresh Keats the mar ket affords, The place has been newly painted and fixed np with view of ea tr Ing1 to the wants of the flrat-ebuis trade of the city. At any time yon denlre a nice steak or roast of either oatlre or "txrn beef give us a call We will be 'e te sArve you at alt tis. , r i J hihQt a FEW DAiSil il " 9 Attention Sportsmen ! The attention ol duck and qnall hunt ers is directed to our line ot iruns and ammunition. The celebrated Winchester and u. M. C. shells are the best, we do not carry any of tlie so called, "just ae Rood . xour attenuon is especially call ed to onr doable barrel hammerless gun for 120.00 orisinal price tJf.OO. Binele barrel guns at tft.00. A good doublo barrel gun at 9.80. Good sport Is 1m- possiDie Wltfl Door.tmns nd ammuni. tion, the experienced hunter knows this and comes to WM.T..mislV Dealer In Biotolu, Firbbks, SrosTina Goods, PBONooBAraa, Job pBttrmo, ' Bobbbm BTAMra, But Pbbmh, AoJ-9i-9i Middle St. HEW BERir, H. ; Walnut Tally, . Lemon; Chocolate, : r Peanut and Cocoanut Brittle,,. ','. Fruit Candy, ' - . ' ; ' Or earn and Chocolate Ooooanut.' ,"", - : I. ; FBE8H TODAY,; .; at the ' " .BROAD STREET FRUIT STORE " Ring up 88. ' FOR REE1T ! 0 room hrick house. Hancock at. between Pollock and South Front, hat water, aewcrnge and bath. : - O CI oca and stores under Stanly Hall on Craven street. Thoroughly renovated and paint e l throughout. Iutiiro at M. IIAIIN VOX'S tTAi.n: ' SINGULAR RIOT. In Greece . Caused fey Protest Aralnst ; - Translation Gospels Into Modern " ,'" ' - Grcekv v 1 ti- Athbrs, Gbkkcs, Not. The pro test against the proposal to;trantlste the Gospels Into modern Greek eonllnaed today. Twenty thousand persons as sembled around the ulns of the Temple of Jupiter Olympus and took part In a demonstration organized by the students A resolution was pasted calling on the Holy Synod to excommunicato any per son who translated the Gospels Into Greek as now spoken. Sight hundred marines were; landed and eo-opereted with the troops In patrolling the locali ty. Several collisions occurred and oc casional shots were flred, " '- During the encounter! between' the military and the . demonstrators, seven persons were killed, 80 were severely and many others were slightly wounded. Several shots were flred at M. Theoto- kls, the Greek Premier, but without ef fect. Great excitement prevails tonight. Strong military detachments guard the palace and the residence of the Premier. Everywhere anxious groups are discuss ing the tituatton. Heartrending scenes occurred when the bodies of the dead were handed over to their relatives. It is rumored that armed men have ar rived at the University, but the building is still guarded by the students, who are adopting the military discipline. There were no further disturbances during the evening, but it is feared that there will be a renewal of disorders to morrows Among those slightly injured are the prefect of police of Athens, and tho prefect of Attica. Foot Ball at Ralelfh. Special to Journal. RiLBiaa, November 28. The fort ball game here today resulted, Agricul tural and Mechanical College 84, Guil ford College 0. Modern Surgery Surpassed . "While suffering from a bad caw of piles I consulted a physician who ad vised me to try a box of DeWltt's Witch Hazel Salve," says G. F. Carter, Atlanta Ga. "I procured a box and was entirely cured. DeWltt's Witch Hacel Balve is a splendid cure tor piles, giving relief in stantly, and I heartily recommend it to all sufferers." Surgery is unnecessary to cure piles. DeWltt's Witch Hazel Salve will cure any case. Cuts, burns, bruises and all other wounds are also quickly cured byNlt. Beware of coun terfeits. F. 8. Duffy. THE MARKETS.. The following quotations were receiv ed by J. R, Latham Co, New Bern N. O. Naw Vou; Nov. 89. Open. High. Low. Close .. 7.88 7.78 7.85 7.68 . 768 7.70 7.66 7.86 . 7.89 7,69 7.63 ,7.68 . 7.65 7.09 7.65 T.65 Oottoh: Dec January.... March , May Chicago, Nov. 3. iVunAT- Open. High. Low. Close Deo 71 73 71 ' 72 May 70 78 75t 15 Cobs: Open. High. Low, Close May. 68 88 62 68 iUbs: Open. High.' Low. Close JsnT 778 7H0 New York. Nov. 88. Stoonsi ; Open. High. Low. Close Sugar 4 1801 184 180 188 Con. T I ', , SoRy -. 84 84 84 . 84 0a U... IS . 18t 18-18 D, 8.8...,..... 42 48 421' 48f Tex. Pso. ...... 41i 43i 4U 42s A.O.F 89 89 D, B.T......v 89 .69 , 68 Va. Cb, r !-,' f f 68 (MTm May 70C . 70S KIW BStnil OOTTOM MABKBT. ' - Cotton told In the local market from 7 to 71 Bales ot long staple were made at7f. ;, 4 i t v . v-- rv" ' -V- , ' ,' , . "spelt 46-18. Sales 8,000 bale. 4- , Futures, Nov-Dee. 41 Deo-Jtn4.18. Apr-May 4.11.. '" ' ' r .. rosvr oiaur. V . . ' : - tme week - ' 1 Last week i - last year. 816,000 ' ,",! ;." ' r 878,000. Thlteek. -r ... BsX . 41000 ' . " 82000 ttott, " 60000 - i ' - . - 40000 Tues. 88000 1 " 72000 Wed. .64008 ' ' ' '. ' 4000 Thurs, 4C00O ' , ' " 42000 FrJ. ,, 60000 ' . " 44000 818,000 r.'0,ro 1 rl n i" 1 1 8 1. QlllSII- QuesUon Involved ; in tbe Annual Appropriation to Normal Schools. The Roanoke Island Celebration., A Cherry Tree' Swindle; The Thanksgiving Day De bate. A Big Bevlyal " ,-; la Progress Raxbioh, Nov. 82. The preliminary arrangements for the great celebration at Roanoke Island are well under way. The various , other States, the :, nations and English speaking people will all be asked to participate. - The State authorities have asked ex- judge Shepherd to give an opinion as tp whether if all the annual appropriations to the State normal schools it not drawn by November 80, when its fiscal year ends, it will not have to come back in to the treasury. It appears that the of ficials do not send out the money until the school authorities call for it, and that quite a considerable part is yet unr drawn. : It Is s aid that some years ago when the Croatan Indian normal school did not draw all Its appropriation by the end of the fiscal year the legislature was called on to pass an act giving It the sum undrawn. It is found that Mrs. Crenshaw, now living in Raleigh with hor daughter, Mrs. W. 8. Barnes, Is a grand daughter ot the noted Nathaniel Macon. She Is 78 years of age. - Letters are being received by State of ficials here, asking them to Investigate what it alleged to be a swindle in Ruth erford county, In the shape of a cherry tree company, lately cbarteied by this State. These letters come from South Carolina and this State. It U asserted that the company is working one of tho "get rich quick" schemes, la the sbspe otsa endless chain. Au official today notified the sheriff of Kutherf jrd to In vestigate and the matter will also be laid before the United Stales authorities as the malls are used In working the schemes. V The postmaster here today reoalved an order to put two more rural free de livery routes In operation from here Jan uary 1, There are already throe routes. They are a great success, and the in crease in the amount of mall matter handled it immense, showing both the value of this service and the public ap preciation of it. The Thanksgiving Day debate between Wake Forest and Trinity Colleges, in the Academy of Music here, is always a special feature. This year the subject is 'Compulsory Education" and the judges are to be Prof. George A. Orlmsley, of Greensboro; Rev. C. G. Vardell, of Red Springs, and Rev. Dr. Stagg of Char lotte. ' Tbe attendance at the Pearson revival meetings here Is from 1500 to 1800 nightly; only limited, in faot, by the ca pacity of the church. A letter from Rev. Edward Wootten says that his son, Lt, Bradley J. Woot ten, 7th Cavalry, U. S. A., who was re cently operated on for appendecltlt at the hospital at Columbia. Barracks, Hi- van lain a serious condition. The operation was successful,' but abceeses which have formed in tbe liver cause much alarm among the tlx surgeons Who diagnosed the case, . The tHden's Friend. ;. ; You'll have a cold this winter.' Maybe you have one now. Your children will suffer too. ' For coughs, croup, bron chitis, grip and other winter complaints One Minute' Cough Cure sever falls. Acts promptly.' It is very - pleasant to the taste and perfectly harmless. C. B. George, Winchester, Ky writes "Our little girl wis attacked with croup late one night and was so hotrte she could hardly speak. We gave her a few doses of One Minute Cough Owe.' fit relieved her Immediately and the went to tleep. When the awoke next morning the had ho slgnt of hoarseness or croup. F. S. Duffy. '-s ; Violated the Anti-Trust Law. Daixis, Tex Nov. 21. Tbe Fort Worth Brewery, at Austin, Tex., today pleaded guilty to the charge of violating the anti-trust lav and was fined 83,800 The other accused breweries will do the same, but will be fined In proportion to their accrued penalties - V TO CLBAnSB THB SYSTEM ' Effectually yet gently when costive or bullous, to permanently overcome hab itual constipation, to awaken the kid neys and liver to a healthy activity, without Irritating or weakening them, to dispel headaches, colds, foyers, use Syrup of Figs, made by the California VIA Inn. f' . . ' Celery Headache Powders. Thorela not any hotter romoily for headache than these nowdors. Thev never fall to relieve. Made and sold only at Davis' Prescription Pharmacy, Tooli Til ' -sat Eiv'-i. IMvIs Tr-r 1' 1 J roi 'vi a lut of t ,i 1 . d ( i t" i I.oei .i, ti o '! I n i! t ' r f I r ' i 1 1 1 '). j 'it !".. 'i I 1 " ( ,1 f,n f ; . r ' ' 1 I 1 1 j T TSE CUTICURA SOAP, assisted by Cuticura Ointment, II the great skin core, for preserving, purifying, and" fceatsti fying the skin of infants and children, for rashes, Hchlngi,' and chafings, for cleansing the scalp of crusts, scales, and rian druff, and the stopping of falling hair, for softening, whitening and toothing red, rough, and sore hands, and for all the purposes of the toilet, bath, and nursery. Millions of Women use Cuticura Soap in the form of baths for annoying irritations, inflammations, and excoriations, for too free or offensive perspiration, b the form of washes for ulcerative weaknesses, and for many sanative, antiseptic purposes which readily suggest themselves to' women, especially mothers. No amount of persuasion can induce those who have once used these great skin purifiers and beautifiers to use any others, especially for preserving and purifying the skin, scalp, and hair of infants and children, Cuticura Soap combines delicate emollient properties derived from Cuticura, the great skin cure, with the purest of cleansing ingredients and the most refresh ing of flower odours. No other medicated soap is to be compared with it for preserving, purifying, and beautifying the skin, scalp, hair, and hands. No other foreign or domestic toilet soap, how ever expensive, is to be compared with it for all the purposes of the toilet, bath, and nursery. Thus it combines in ONE SOAP at ONE PRICE, the BEST skin and complexion soap, the BEST toilet and baby soap in the world. Complete) External and Internal Treatment for Ivery Humour. s Oenatrtlng of ovnoiraa Soar, sa cleanse trie skin of eraats sad ATltTiasllsTl scale an3 soften tbe thickened euttcle: Conocai Onmiairr, to lUlluUlal InstenUyallayltddngJn . WS1VUSH. be 4 cdticoba Bksolvkkt, to cool sad eleaase the blood. s v ' A 8IMOLB 8rr Is often inffldent to cure tbe moat torturing, due. - THE SET nrlng, and humiliating skill, aealp,and blood hunwnra, with loee of hair, when all else fails. Sold throughout he world. .British Depot! . Nawaaar A i SoX andi;ChrternottM Sq, ndon. I'OTTKB Oaoo AMD CHXM. oof. Sole Props. Boston. a. A. . , None But Britons. LoHDOjr, Nov. 81. Sing Edward has oheckmated'the thrifty British nobles end others who proposed to Hue their pockets with American and Continental gold by the tale of their seats In West minister Abbey, for tbe coronation cere mony, by decreeing that,' except In an official capacity none but British sub- Jec t sre to be presont, , . ;. He hat decided that the mere faot ot any seat being told dispose sset both the holder end the1, nominee from the right of ocob ;.) ing it, ' -It, Is understood that large turns have been offered both In America and Europe for seals on the oc casion of the coronation. Pcrbapj You Wonder. - If the tormenting cold that made last winter one long misery will bo as bad this year. Certainly not, If you take Allen's Lung Balsam when tickling and rawness In the throat aucounoe - the presence of tbe old enemy,. Do not ex pect the cold to wear itself out. Take the right remedy in lime . Allen's Lung Balsam Is free from opium. , ' Girl Mysteriously Disappears ELtzsBBTa Citv, N. C, November 21. Miss Nellie Cropsey, daughter of W. H. Cropsey, mysteriously disappeared last nlgbt. The police and citizens are searching tor bar. . The rlrer was thor oughly dragged, ' but no clue as to her Whereabouts has boen fonnd. A young man who has been paying attention to the missing girl was the last person seen In her presonce. He was arrested upon suspicion and given a preliminary bear ing, resulting In Uklng his own recog nizance to appear bufore the mayor. Chli.'f of Police Dawson telegraphed to Suflold, Va., tonight for bloodhounds. Dr. EuU's CorU Syrrp Cures a Com;h or Cold at oneo. Comi'i' Cniiin. Wlioetilr.if Cei. hand. .'' ' "i:U wllhout fuil. I t for UrniK nrr.cnftHS, (J I ' rr J "1 il'O J.'n, .'Inn unll' " ini 1. (, MADAM STAHLBT Ot New York, the Celebrated Spiritual Trance and Business Medium It here and can be consulted on all , affairs of life, She reads life, from the Cradle to the grave with absolute correctness. Madam Stanley it ao new beginner In Spiritualism, having been a medium far more than IB years, and during all that time has earned the unlimited praise of the thousands who have consulted her. K-i.::.:';'';; '7- At she usether powers only for the good of humanity, there are tens of thousands of families once In trouble but now happy, who blest bet name for the hspplness brought to them through her advice and assistance. - r She can give the full name and de scription of, your future husband ot wife, with the exact date of your mar- rlage.'. v " t 4 Young ladles end gentlemen having love affairs would do. well t eaU on her. -, , i :.- S . ' -" '- She locates stolen property with abso lute certainty. She can describe the whereabouts and conditions of lost and misting friends. Before buying, telling or investiga ting, you should eall and consult this wonderful medium, at her advice will be of great benefit to you. All la trouble of any kind are specially Invited to eau. All business la strictly confidential. Her hours are from 10 a. m. to 10 p. m dally. . Call at 78 Pollock street, v,. - , , New Bern, N. C Nov, 21,1901. Friend Andrews, v i- JttVonv:i!o.N.O. . -Yours re"' 1 "d wrinis In snswor, I v I f to . 'f you saw met ,.,' ; t'j-"V v i Ur -r t' ! J t ! i 1 I vol I . . - y U s y , . P .1 1 V It 1 i' r .i ''. fl Oi-.'t 6', ' ' I .1 ''! JBS orned M u WIce ItOt Jnst Received. Small Sugar Cured Pig Hams and Breakfast Strips. Atmore's Celebrated Mince Meat, Preserved Figs, Teaches and Apricots 10c lb. Loose Muscatecl Raisins, London Layer Raisins, Seeded Raisii.s, Currants, Citron, Almonds, English Walnuts, xBrazil Nuts, Pecans all new crop. Dried and Evap orated Apples and Peaches, Cranberries, and all the necessary articles for making your Thanksgiving fruit eako. Give me a call, Satisfaction Guaranteed. J.L. 'Phone 91. Something New. Arrivals for this week are as follows : W. R. Pancake Flour, Buckwheat, Currants, Raisins, Prunes, Crystalized Orange and Lemon Peel, Citron, Candies, Dates, Figs. Dried and Evaporated Apples and Peaches, Green $ Apples,Cracker Dust, Crac ers-both package and loose, Wafer- ettes, Macaroni, Cheese, Tapaico, Postuni Cereal, Grape Nuts, Jf Oats, Etc. Space forbids my continuing, as I could mention articles enough to till one side of this paper. Call and get your want supplied. J. J. TOLSON, Jr., Broad St Grocer. Phone 137. Cotton Storage FIREPROOF WARmiOIJ&E. COTTON STORED AND INSURED at Small Cost and reasonable advances made on fame if desired. Tbe statistical position justifies the Storage of Cotton for much higher prices, which we believe will surely come. ty Correspondence Solicited. E. K, BISHOP, Jfext to Cotton Exchange, Ufew Bern, X. V. J. A. JONES, Livery, Feed, Sale and Exchange -Largest and HOESEq and. IvsCTJLES ." ever offered for Bale In New Bern. A Car Load of each just received. Also a complete line of Buggies, Cart Wheels, 4c. Broad At Wholesale We are prepared to supply yon with uMpsi 8T0BS LAMPS, PLMN LAMPS, FANCY PA&LOB LAMIS. ' ; , Our stock of FANCY CHINA DOLLS, PISTOLS, UOENJ tnd all ' ;:r as goods Is c " : '.ae. Call on me at 41 Tollook " .'ot,rTewt-rn,N. C. V .'-cifully, . j A. I lets Wholesale ft Retail . Grocer, 71 Krcsl Nt. w Stables Finest Stock of- Wagons, Harness, ltqbee, Whips. J. A. .TOxEN, . Street, Stewart's' Old Stand. Have You Tried Arch teir& Co.'s Coffees U you have not do so at once and you will get the best value in the city. .-:-V; ,' Rspectlully, ': 1 Arcil)3ll.fi Co,' 9 in TI BROAD ST. 1

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