1 r I 'in i i.,J Stat JtfeJahJePreparnllojifAa- slmllating lhcfiooda'tll:""a:a ting be StomadB oistixwus of Promotes Dicatoj5eerfujh ness andRcstXonlalm neither OpnJm,Morphirui novpaefaL KotHahcotic. Aperfecj Remedy forConsepa-J nun, ouur unnacMiUiaronai Worms jConvulsioti9,Fevenslh ness BndL089Q7 SLEEP. TacSihfe Signature of i. -: NEW YORK." Mi EXACf COPY OF WRAPPER. A Chance in a Million I F YOU ACT AT JTCE TO INVEST IN A TRULY flERITORIOUS GOLD MIN INQ PROPOSITION. The Ozark's 11 Gold Mining & Milling Co s FREE MILL1NO OOLD MINE That red Paboon Gulch in Flor ence, Idaho, which gave up $00,000,000 in placer gold in 1801-2. We offer a limited amount of ground floor 8TO0K AT 25c PER rill ARE (par valuo $1.00). This mine has $50,000 worth of machinery and de velopment; it will pay regular dividends of 10 per cent per month on every dollar invested inside of six months, and will be woith par inside of twelvo months. This is the best investment for the money that has ever been offered to the investing public. The stock is fully paid and non-assessable. For further particulars, prospectus, report on mine, iofercnces,tc, ADDRESS, " Ozark Gold Mining & Milling Co., flOSCOW, IDAHO. ftss. 127 Middle St. Columbian Insecticide, Peterman's Roach Food, Hooper's 'Fatal Food and Bure Death to Moths, Bugs, etc Also Bromo Qoradine The disinfectant that disinfects and deodorises. We keep on hand a complete stock of (ledlclneg, Toilet Articles, Perfumery, tooth Brushes, &c Physicians' Prescriptions" a specialty. T.A. Orn, Pre. K. H. Kwlwn T. hn) a. M. Qmn, OhUk, CITIZENS' BANK, Doing Ckncral Banking Business March t, 1901, Burplu and CndiVr ded Pro8U, $1(5,000.00. Prompt end careful attention given to sll buiinea entrusted to as, Accounts reoelved cm favorable terms, ( Board DtrMton. rwrdlaaad Clnaa C. I. Meadow ' l.i.MMdmri, Cha. Duffy, Jr7 . Bamuel W. I poo If, Jamea BadmoBdi Chae. H. rowier, . Mayer Hana, J. W. eralnger, T&oraaa A. ttra, B.W. Small wood. , O.B.rov. --T7 m.I.1tm. i w.r.Orookrtt. .s -. Hark Dltoavtf. ... . OB BOHI Vit ' Cleaa, pure wholesome, gaaraatcad t be ebemioallr toade from distilled watt . aid free from Imparities. Bpwiaily in tended and prepared (or bum) i amotion. - - ' ; : loo delivered dally (except Bundayi) ; Sondaya (retail only) 7 e b) It Doon ,.f For price sad othernonnatloa, , . f KewUeme Ice Co C Execntor'n Notice. Bavins duly onallfied as Executor of the last -will and testament of Barah Francis Psnis, deceased. '' ' . ; AU persons to whom laid estate I In debted are reqneatcd to present tblr elalms duly rerlfled to in on or before October nti, 1U01 or llils notice will be plead la bar of recovery. And all pr- sons Indebted to said estsis are notified to rnk inmmltste psymeat, r ; This Oct. 17th, 1' 1. ' ' . liiOMAS EDWAIJO PAnniS, , Henrys Pharmacy, IGB Ycj Have; il!v;ays Do'jghr: : Bears the. Signature In Use For: Over Thirty Years 8 The Northlight. 7 he Jury of Awards, appointed by the Pan-Ameriran Exposition to consider the merits of Acetylene Generators, has awarded to us the 111U11E8T GOLD MEDAI , scoring absolutely the higheat numbers of points for simplicity, effl elency and safety, on the Northlight Machine. The Jury consisted of CoL D. P. Heap, Chairman, Lieutenant Colonel of Engin eers. United Btates Army; Prof. Geo. C Pond of the University of Pennsylvania; and Prof. Geo. Bhepardson of the Uni versity of Minnesota. This Is the third time tliat we hare received the highest sward at an expo sition, having Men thus honored Ml Omalut in 1698, and at Philadelphia Information freely furnished by ad dressing T. J. WIATHER9BEB, Agent for north Carolina, New Bern, W. 0. Real Estate 7a; -i I. . Cr.- -Jt i BuyB Hni Mils iif yrojjp rorms ana nmwr utnaj. y ; I CfM and see mt. .M T . - - - ' . v- - ' ..Alt W . . ' Davlnj secured the service of ex perienced parties, I am "prepared on short notice to execnte Farm, City, Lend end Rail Road snrreylng. Pilches, Street and Road laid oat and leveled. Draughting In ell Its branches. Blue end black print made. Old maps paired and mounted. - Tonoffrrtoblc nrveylug and plotting. Drawing an woanng muni executed promptly. r rc ana OnUntgs planned, laid out and construction superintended. Je Je .CllLa.v. wt) X MI IT mm '- I NEGRO SOCIETIES: THE SOUTHERN COLORED MAN'S tOVB OF POMP AND CIRCUMSTANCE. Woadsrfnllr Xuu Oremlanttosui to Provide Fr Members' Siek Bene fit, and Pwsteral ExeMs Hew Tkef FlearUk H Ckarleitost..-. XUe southexu Wgro'e love of pomp end circumstance is nowhere exempli fied more forcibly than la the manner In which, be 'multiplies hie charitable organizations. Inordinately .fond of company, he has few societies founded with JEhe sole view Of promoting social enjoyment' For the most part, what ever ' foundations be ' makes have .A aemtrellglooa trend, the dues entitling members to sick benefits and funeral expense ... There' is usually an elabo rate regalia and an intricate ritual. Not, a few negroes of a southern city, such as Charleston, belong to no Jess than a score of these orders, the names of which are oftentimes curiously and wonderfully made. What, for Instance, would the ordinary patron of secret or ganizations think of possessing mem bership In the Bona, snd Daughter tne Seven Golden Candlesticks In Charity or in the Sons and Daughters of I Will Arise? The sons and daughters Idea Is work ed to the limit of endurance. There Is scarcely a wen known name in Biblical history that is not taeked on to It There are in Charleston alone no less than seventy -five of these societies with charters from the state of South Carolina, and how many there are that have no legal status no man may Bay with confidence. Dues are paid weekly, and, strange ns it may seem when the great poverty of the negro of the south is considered, the arrears list is a brief one indeed. Of course the charges are small, usual ly about 25 cents a month, but when it is remembered that many individuals belong to eiz or eight or even more orders It Is little short of marvelous how the funds necessary to meet the demands of the collectors are found, and yet it la so deep a disgrace to be expelled that Instances of the kind are very rare. To hold membership in a number of societies Is regarded as a badge of honor. Meetings are held monthly in private residences, in public halls or, more fre quently still. In churches. These gath erings begin at tho fashionable hour of 10 p. m. and continue not infre quently throughout the night Re freshments are to be had for a small consideration, and as these are for the most part of a liquid nature the sons and daughters are prone to bo con spicuous by their absence from their several places, employment next morning. .Often the police have to in terfere . to,, restore that harmony In whlcb brothers snd sisters should ever dwell together. Among the societies in Charleston are the Sons snd Daughters of the Pil grims, the Sons and Daughters of the Twelve Disciples, the Sons And Daugh ters of the Bearer of the Cross, the Sons and Daughters of the Evening Star, the Sons and Daughters of the Seventh Star, the Sons and Daughters of: the Celestial Travelers, the Sons end Daughters of the Good Samaritan, the Sons and Daughters of the East, the Sons and Daughters of Christian I ly nnd there mieht be added to I these fully twoscore of others. "The devotion of the negroes to these or ganizations and their loyalty to their fellow members ore absolute. The funeral of a colored man or woman wno holds membership in a half dozen of these orders is a specta cle worth witnessing. Occasionally bitter feuds arise between rival so cieties for the possession of a corpse, for the negro's love of a funeral Is not second even to his love of melons. The Ceremonies usually begin the night be fore the actual Interment is to take place. There are sermons, prayers and personal experiences lntersplced with wild bursts of Incoherent melody, which arouses, religious fervor to fever height Men snd women faint In the course of the -exercises, many others fall Into trances and talk of visions of their dead friends enthroned In glory. The ceremonies culminate la a form al procession.. It Is forming for an hour before the residence of the late lamented son or daughter. Negroes from the uttermost parts of the city gather In the streets. The occasion Is a festive one. '.They run and shout snd caper. The member of the organisa tions to which the deed person belong ed stand In solemn order, clad In elab orate uniforms snd bearing the ban ners and other Insignia of their re spect ire orders, and When the cortege finally moves, wending " Its way at times through miles of the- city's streets, H is followed by mad rush of men, women and children,'-who block tho thoroughfares, and traffic for the time being has to be suspended. The hope of such a funeral is the In spiration of many a negro's whole life. He slaves and deprives himself of actual necessities for years to meet the demands of the, collectors of th societies In order that be may go to hi last resting place In the midst of Such strangely : weird' pageantry Cbsrleston Letter In Kew York Trib une. : j, J "f s....- f ill ' '"I 'i' ' I y' ; .'-rmns t SSOO eV-;: ' A musical composer once said to Iff. Baukey with more frankness than cour tesy that be could write such tunes sS those of the "Gospel Uymnbook" by the yard If be were willing to come down to It Mr. Bankey quietly re plied "Well sir, aU I have to say Is that I am willing to per Are hundred dollars a yard, either to yon or to any body else, for all the tunes you can bring me like those In our 'Qoapol Uymnbook.." Ladles' nome Journal. To remove a troabtesome corn or bun- lont First sok the corn or bunion In water to soften It, thos pare It down closely a pfijslU without drawing Hood and a, j,ly Chamberlain's Talo Talia twice d!!y; roWilug v!forou!y for five minute at r soli application. A corn jjiiuiicr 1iom" 1 1 worn for a few flnvt, to prot'a II fi.,ni i;,o t'.ttis. A a t for br.i f V HARM FUL BATHING". . ' tT Macau Soap ud'watea Is Rot' V Qooa re Bkiat,.; . It Is a familiar boast of English peo ple t&at We are above all pother? a washing nation, ; Soapjjnd water standing dlslrln Great Britain, pntso, Sttle were we aisposed to credit; tn abltual cleanliness 'of foreigners that It piece of soap in tho valise was jtlU re cently the habituaF-companionpf an Mngusnman on nis travels. - au amas of theories bars been raised to account tor this national tendency to ablution, and most diverse qualities have been attributed to its possession, v v : : '; The familiarity of Islanders with wa ter and the use of It occasioned by the national custom that led the ancient i Britons to paint their bodies are;ol emnly urged as the foundation of the English proneness to washing, and the fresh complexions and smooth skins of young Englishmen are held to replace the more dusky and 'hirsute'' counter nances Of the Latin races because ol their Closer and more frequent no- ' . . . in A,. Lt 1 . . m .i;A quainuuce wiui sue arutnn v ura waehstand. It is quite obvious that even hi Eng land there are people who wash too little. . It is not so generally recognized that some people wash too much. The skin is not well adapted to . frequent applications of water accompanied by even the least Irritating of soaps. A tendency' arises to maceration of the superficial port of he epidermis, which Is too frequently removed snd occa sions probably too rapid a proliferation of the cells of the Malplghlan layer. There Is no doubt that many cases of roughness of the skin of the face come from the frequent applications of wa ter. It is a good thing to rub-the face with a soft, clean, dry towel two or three times-a day. If, In addition, wa ter is used In the morning and at night, the skin will be kept In a sounder, smoother and healthier state than If, as Is often the ease, soap and water are used three or four times a dny. Men are not often offenders In this respect, most men sparing little time for the refinements of the toilet Wom en and children, whose skins are the most easily affected by superfluous ab lution, are the very persons In whom such excess is too common. They should be taught that there are dry methods of cleanliness as well as wet ones. Lancet A Dnsrerous Tree. The fruit of the umganu tree of South Africa yields a strong Intoxicating drink for the natives. Elephants are fond of It, becoming quite tipsy, stag gering about, playing antics, screaming so as to be heard for miles and having tremendous fights. - When In this state, the natives leave them alone. T Human L OttefV 1 ,,C HUIIIOII I-UIXGS J Ah. lfMlT I wr beaatlrat how hmvpt Un wmld a." Many fortora maid hu Mid this as she look ed into tne mirror. Foe Mauty women havetacriflcad hom,lovand(rlencU. IM the one poaeeaeloa la the lottery of unman Ufa which woman would sot reins . . BRADFIELD S Female Regulator for von ar girls en the threshold of woman hood, baa been Invaluable. When they ba nal, and languid, th eve dull, aching need, feet and hand cold, appetite a-one or abnormal, obstructed period and Mfnfttl fy run downVthey need building no, and laaa, and their erateme general- a, they neea dui needa nteanalnv. their Bradfleld' Female Regulator for women Is particularly valuable aad uaef ui owing to It tonio properties to build up the sva t.n, and a J a reajaUtor of th aaaoecrul Sow. Painful, obatmeted and anpnreaaed menairaatleo permanently relieved aad all djeeaiee peoaflar to bar genital prgaa are eurea oy it. Regale' relator clean tMeompienoo, ongnt the eye, eharpen th appetite, remove muddy lotcneo. eoaamon or tne ea in aad cure tiok headache to a oartalnty by removing th Sana, n, ArmlriM al GO , r bolt la. "Perfect Health for Women " ia free and will be mailed on receipt of addreaa. THt BBAOritLDBlOULATOBCO. a Atlanta, oa. F. M. Simmon. A. . Wsrd 5IMT10NS ft WARD, ATTOKNEi sat COUNSELORS at LAW. ' SIW BIUS, M. C , . Office 68 Bo. Front Street, nearly oppo site Hotel UbauawKa, y --J (Office also at Raleigh.) .! ! Praetlos In thaooantIes Of Onven, Dnnlln. Jones. Onslow. Csrteret Pamli co and Wake, In the Supreme aad Fed era! Courts, and" wherever services are desirea. - -': ' P. H. PelleUeivv K ATT0BNXT AT Uf Midlls Street, Lawyers Brick y-rT: Balldlag. s Will practti-a pi th Conn tie of Crave uarterm. jona. inaiow ana ramura. u, UwrtMMaw Kara and supreme Court , Do X. WAED, : -C '" - Attorney at Law, - . TiSo, Front 8t , Op Hotel Ohattawka, NEW BERN, N. V. !.V Craven County Attorney. 1 v . Circuit, Craven, Jones, Onslow, Cart, eret, Pamlico, Greene, Lenoir, and the Supreme and Federal Courts. - n. B. ROlXASD.' JOB. K. WILLIS.' - EOLLAND fc MLLIS, , Saoeesaor to Geo. lllaliop, ' - Office: 22 Craven ElroeU a . , ... J a t i.: ifr r Asthmalene Brings Instant Relief! and Per S' r- manent Cure in all Cases; SENT ABSOUITELT FREE ON RECEII-T OF POSTAL. - -K '.i. WXITJt'TOUB K&irfe AKD. ADOBES8 Pi,AlLT. ? . CHAINED- FOR TEH YEARS RELIEF, troubles which combine with Asthma. After having it carefully analyzed, we opium, morphine, clilorolorm or etner. 1 ' N Avon Dr. Taut .Bros. Medicine Company. Gentlemen: I write this testimonial wonderful effect of vonr Athmalene. for afflicted with spasmodic asthma for the past 12 years. Having exhausted my own skill as well as many others, I chanced to see your sign upon your windows on 130th street New York. I at once obtained menced taking it abont the first of November. I very scon noticed a radical im provement After using one bottle her Asthma has disappeared and she la entire ly free from all symptoms. I feel that I can consistently recommend the medicine to all who are afflicted with this distressing disease. Yours respectfully, O. D. PHELPS, M. D. Dn. Taft Broi Medicine Company, February 5th, 1901. Gentlemen. I was troubled with Asthma for 22 years. I have tried numer ous remedies, but they have all failed. I ran across your advertisement and started with a trial bottle. 1 found relief at once. 1 have since purchased your full size bottle, and I am ever grateful. I have a family of four children, and for six years was unable to work. I am now in the best of health and am doing business every day. This testimony yon can make sucn Home addrrss, 235 Rivington street TRIAL BOTTLE SENT ABSOLUTELY Do not dolay. Write at once, addressing DR. TAFT BROS: MEDICINE CO., 7U Jsast lWtu Street, new jforsi Uity. SOLD BY EASTERN CAROLINA DISPATCH LlUt AND Old DomimoD Steamship Ck. FREIGHT & PASSENGER. For All Points Nortli. On and after this date until further notice the steamers of this line are scheduled to sail from New Bern as follows: The Steamer NEUSE for Oriental, Roanoke Island, F.lizabeth City and the North on Mondays, Wed nesdays and r ridays at 8 p. m. The Str. Newberne For Nags Head, Elizabeth City and the North on Tuesdays and Fridays at 12 o'clock, noon. Fff Freight received not later than ona hoar previous to sailing. For farther information apply to GEO. HENDERSON, Agt. If, K. Kiho, Gen. Mgr., H.O. HuD3iN8,Gen.Frt.A Pass. Agt Norfolk, Va. Now Bern, N. C, Ang. 14, 1901. HEADQUARTERS FOB . : HARDWARE ; ;,v; 'j-!llind ail Kinds'of- l. t. - - - . -v, n.i . Heating and Cooking Stoves and Eangos, Lime,' jCement, Plaster, PainUrOils, YarDlsD Pnlt,-Baab, Doors, Blinds, Ontlery and; all tne useful articles usually found in an tTpto-dalo Hardware Store, 5 tinder Hotel Cbattawka,- ." ; NEW : BEEN' N. CLH- ryood, Tood, 7o6d. Stove Wood any length dry and soncd, dollvered qulok to your door, a cheap a you can expeot t.Qlve us a trial A tew houses to let Latli for sale.- y . . -,: ' - Ei 11, ?. Hie Sills Da, i 'i -- I r''fj''i It.. JLa Ol I . JlIU Jl All person are foriilililr-n to hunt on nv IiohI, "Clermont" plnntnll'in. with gM m, (1 or o) her ft ! e. ' t ! I. i ot l.i : .:um, ! .1. C'i.f.p' Notice fp"7 1 :sLL-MJ There is nothing like ATHMA XENE. .-It brings instant relief, even in the worst cases. It cures when all else fails. The Rev.O F.WELL8, of Villa Ridge, I1L, says: "Tour trial bottle of Asthma. lene received in good condition. I can not tell you how thankful I feel for the food derived from it - 1 cannot tell you ow-thankJul I feel for the good derived from It I was a slave chained with pu trid sore throat and Asthma for ten years. I despaired of ever being eured. I saw your advertisement for the cure of this dreadful and tormenting disease, Asthma, and though you had over spoken yourselves, but resolved to give it a trial To my astonishment, the trial acted like a charm. Send me a full size bottle." REV. DR. MORRIS WBCHSLER, Rabbi of the.Cong. Bnai Israel, New-York, Jan. S, 1901, - Drs. Tar Bbob' Mkdioinz Co., Uentlemeni xour Asthmalene Is an excellent remedy for Asthma and Hay Fever, and its composition alleviates all Its success is astonishiur and wonderful can state that Asthmalene contain no very truiy yours, REV. DR. MORRIS WECH8LER, Springs, N. Y., February 1st, 1901. from a sense of duty, having tested the the cure of Asthma. Mv wife has been a bottle ol Astnmalene. My wile com use of as you see ttt S. RAPHAEL, 67 East 129th at, New York City, FREE ON RECEIPT OF POSTAL. DRUGOISTS. 1870. 1901. L. H. CUTLER HDV'F CO. BUILDERS SUPPLIES, SASH, DOORS, BLINDS, Loading brands Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Brushes Ac, House furnishing goods, Excelsior, Elmo, Farmer Girl and Farm er Boy Cook stores and many other good makes. See onr "Favorite" Bteel Raases. We have every thing In Agate, Iran and Tin ware. Give your heating stoves attention Remember that every body can not get a stove put op at once, that nrst eoia day 1 sure to come. We have the beet line both wood and coal stoves ever la New Bern and would advise von to se lect one and have ft put on properly while there is plenty of time. Interesting Figures. We are sellina- Kim? Heaters at the following figures 1,W, 91.75, 12.00, 2.80, 18.00, 8.80 and 94.00. None need do without the comforts of a heater, the price Is in the reach of alL Than our Cole's Hot Blast Btoves for coal is just the thing, they are great heater and coal savers. What more do you want t These who are asing them are loud in ineir prase. Do sou hunt t If so listen I Load ed Shells Black 40c, Semi-Smokeless 48o, Infallible Smokeless 00c Empty Shells per 10013 gauge Tie, 10- gauge 80o. Primers. 100 In a box loo. Wads gOcperbon - - . Breeeh Loading Onns.9S.0Q, 9&. fy.ou, 910.0U ana sis-oo. 1 ' Hunting Costs from K.OV. v. trom 9I.OO to m, , 98.80 and 9400 p'r. lit 91.78, 900iad KiiDoer jioouia.ou, Oiled Clothes oer snit 12. So. : Storm Coats, the very best 900 beiidi a rail line of Hardware. By the wayl Dont forge that lit tle' aeeoant, we ate needing money. . Tonrs Irnry '.' ..-' , J. Cf Vhitty & 1 ' . i CO. He Farcers i CaplUV Snrplu and rrsflts HMM.N ,;,;AFiuMpotii mi.,. ,; What W Hava Doots '.Do aad 1 , Will OonUnuetoOo. "This Bank eoadoeta Its badness a son "sp-to-aow'' methoda, ,'. 1 .r -v ; It is ourperpoM to deal Justly and Uberally wfih alL We earefully safeguard the Interests of our customers, Moreover, we- fre quently do it unknown to tkaioqas op portunities often come to us ts eonfldeav Hal ways, and yon cannot over-appeciaM uch eonildarattoa. " We are not dlapoaed to overlook, the fact that the IntereaU of the Bank and tho of th people are eloeely boaad ta gether, and oannot by any means be separated. - , - . This Bank sots as a repository for Wills, and safely keeps thrnn till the proper time of surrender. Will alao ant a tli custodian of money or papers left with u in escrow. , ho charge for these services. '. - ' W procure Letters of Credit fol 1n ter-Unx lrvel!r. , Vv aim to be prompt, progressive snd literal. . In the rnittor of accommo ' '---a, this rnk n ev-ry r"i- -t iU!a t " 1 . - -f rr t 1 r. 1, y. (i I n' r i 1. :. 1 with 111 ih 1 t n.vfl v V'-u i' r Uor 1 1 1 of' t 4 i la- . T 1 it 1 The Southern Railway Announces the Opening of the Winter TOURIST SEASON And the Placing on Sale of ts ICQ To all Prominent.Points in the South, Southwest, rVestZlndieg, Mexico and California, Including St. Augustine, Palm Beach, Miami, Jacksonville, Tampa, Port Tam pa, Brunswick, Thomasville,Charlestoii, Aiken, Augusta, Pinehurst, Asheville, Atlanta, New Orleans, Memphis and The laand of the (Sky. Perfect Diniog and Sleeping Car Service on all Trains. SEE THAT YOUR TICKET READS VIA. SOUTHERN RAILWAY, Ask any asent for full information or Address B. L. Vsrnon, O. W. Wbstbury, Traveling I ass. Agt. Dist.Pass.Agt., Richmond. Va. tnarlotte, IN. u. S. H. HARDWICK, General Passenger Agent, J. M. Citlp, W. A. Tubr, Traffic Manager. Asst.Pass.Tranic Mgr. Wasnington, U. U. A.& N. C.R. R. TIMB TABLB HO. 24 To Take Effect Sunday, NovemberJ24, 1901 at 12:01 A.M., Kb T. Going Eact Schedule: Going Wea No. 8 Passenger Trains No. 4 DAILY. Lv. p m stations: Ar. a m 8 40 Goldsboro 11 06 400 LaGrange 10 88 4 82 Kinston 10 12 6 40 Ar. New Bern, Lv 9 On 8 80 Lv. " Ar. 8 87 7 15.... Ar. Morehead city Lv 7 06 No. 6, I I Passenger btations-J Train. DAILY. Lv. A. Mi 8 00 Golduboro. . . 8 28 .Beet's 8 81 LaGrange... 842 Falling Greek. 8 83 Kinston. . . . 8 02 O as well.... 9 18 Dover 0 80 Core Creek.. 9 44 Tuscarora . . . 48 Clarke.... No. 6, Passenger Train. Ar.p, u 800 738 7 27 7 17 707 6 65 6 47 6 80 6 20 611 1000., A.M. .Ar. New Bern, Lv 0 00 r. at. No. 1, I I No. 9, ttz'd Ft, and stations: Mx't Ft. and Paa.Tn. Pass, Tn. Daily Exoi.it Sunday. Lv, a nt Ar, p m 600...... ..Goldsboro 588 6 83 Beet's 4 68 7 00 LaGrange 4 28 7 16 Failing Creek 8 68 8 80 Kinston 8 83 8 40 oaswell 2 2H 9 42. Dover 210 ; core creek 1 10 Tusoarora 12 48 Clark's 12 40 ..Ar. New Bern.Lv 12 10 f No. 10. ..Lv. " Ar 10 47 Riverdale; 10 10 croatan , 1000 Haveloek 9 40 Newport. Lv 9 06 1007..., 10 89..., 10 B..., 1118... No. 9. 180... 912... 990..., 808... 8 84. 8 47 WUdweod 8 47 8 62 Atlantic 8 88 4 08.... Ar. Morehead olty.Lv.. ..890 428....AT. M. City Depot, Lv 760 f.M. A.M. - Monday. Wednesday and Friday. fTuesday, Thursday and Saturday. 8. L. DILL, G. P. A. Atlantic Coaat Line. Wtuiwcrxov Niw Bbehi R. B ' ; ; - fill TABLl Xo. t, UMeot Wednesday', Aug. 7, 1898DaiIy -?vC. Xxospt Sunday. Ooiag South I SCnxsCLS: Going North No. Bl. Passenger Trains No. W, Lv. am, stations: Ar. pa, 00.. ....... Hew Berne ........ 8 40 ........Ponookeville. 5 04 81.,..4,.Mayville, 4 49 1009... ... .Jacksonville. 411 IS 18 ''.'.'.J WOinugtoni Lv, ... I H NO.1, 'PASSMWM FnSJOBt. Ho, 4. Ltv Wilmington Mowlajr, Wednes day and Frid leav New Bene Toee eayi Thamday aad tktarday. .. - .-.-Lr. am..-. - ' . ; Ar, tn T80.....LT. Wdmlngton, A..... I 45 8 40.. ...... Jteott'sHm,..M...l 65 SO. Woodalde.. ..,.. II 15 1008... ...... .Hollyridge,.... .11 40 10Bl.i.,...,....DUon.,,,l.J.,10 6t 11 90.,,,,, .... Verona. ..........1090 1906. Jacksonville..,. 48' II 90M,.,,.. .Northeast . IH; 1165.,.. Whlteoak . .,., 880 1 80.. .Maysville, 80S ' 118 ....PoUooksville... ....7 90 68 ......... Debmhl'...,i,,.',, 9 88 40i.,.,.Ai NewDme,Lv.,,,. 900 Dally Xxoept Banday, - , ' . J. R. KENLY. 1 Ueneral Maaar-ar Me tors Ts 3 1 '3 In good, looallty. Aki f : 0 Ilonse and Lot, ,.' E, E,vlTArvPEIl. lv;'- "1--V--W" V'. i. ' , .' - - .,.'..'- Co

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