VOL X1X-KO. 207 HIW BIBN, H. C, THURSDAY MOBNIN6, NOVEMBER 28, 1901. TWENTIETH TEAR An" lffiiaiiin Is Extended by Hackburn to all housekeepers to visit his store this week and be fited by his Thanksgiving Offering In Table Linens and Towels, Our Grocery Department is filled with everything that Is nice to eat. They are all Fresh, New Goods and we guaran tee everything to be first-class and prioes as low as any house in the- city. we wili. not open thubsday, 1 WSJ:. JSJSWJ2J V J2J1 Fresh Cauliflower, Celery and Danish Cabbage, s We are also headquarters for anything youjwant in the grocery line. If you want Good Coffee, Tea utter, Flour and Pure Vermont Maple Syrup try onrs and you will use no other. We also have a full line of Fancy Oranges, Malaga Grapes, Mixed Nuts, Raisins, Currants, Prunes, N. C. Dried and Evaporated Apples. Send me your order for anything in my line and I guaran tee to please you or you get yoar money bac't. Yours tn J. tt. JPjEITZT: Jr., i Wholesale and Retail Grocer, PIMNI1 CO. CVkM llnxnl Jtr lrnn.w.lr H. At Oaks Market POULTRY Turkeys, Ducks, Chickens, Geese. MEATS Veal, Pork, Mutton, Western Lamb, Western and Native Beef. 8ugar Cured Hams, Sliced Ham, Bmithfield Hams, Boneless Ham, Break fast Bacon, Bmoked Tongue. Pork Sausage, Mixed Sausage, Frank furts, Bologna, Fresh Tripe, Pigs Feet VEGETABLES Carrots, Parsnip, Cabbage, Irish Po tatoes, Yam Potatoes, Celery, Onions, Lettuce. WILD DUCKS. Don't Fail to see our stock for Thanks giving. Oaks TXIJeat 1VJI arket, 57 Broad Street Ai.Book Store i Turner s N. C. Almanac for 1902 The one you have always bought. Sole Agent, 6. N. Eftnett. I e The Finest Lager In The State. Bom old floe Whisks inch at Old Charter, for. family us. Habloht Key West Cigars, call for lata. , - ..,,. ; OYSTERS SERVED ; IM EVERT STTLE. li. B IIABICnT, Corner South "Front tad : Haneock BtreeU. --. -.- -.: ' tatral Sfet Martet,' '''.: Cor. Breed 4 Middle Sta., (Oaks Market's old sUnd) you will find the nicest line of Fresh Meats the mar ket affords. The place hat been newly painted and fixed op with a view of ca tering to the wants of the first-class trade of the city. At any time yon desire e-i western beef give us a call. We will be Me to terve yon at all tints. bene- Plwisfi. LONG EXPERIENCE and the skill gained through the constant practice en ables us to successfully repair all kinds of guns and revolvers, Now Is the time to prepare for hunt ing. We are prepared to supply your wants in ammnnition and guns. Our stock of Snorting Goods is com plete. Foot Balls, Dumb Bells, Indian Clubs, in fact everything that you want in tins line. WM. T. niM Dealer In Bioroxaa, FiHsumifH, Spobtiro Goods, Phonographs, Job Pbiktino, Bobbie 8T1KPS, 8UL Fmu, AoJ l-tt Kiddle St HEW BERK, H. St atx or Nokth Outolnr a, V , ..Craven County. J Notice is hereby given to the pub- lio that application will be made to the Governor of North Carolina lor the pardon of J. B. Price convicted at the Fall Term' 1901 of the Su perior Court of Craven County foi the crime of obtaining a transfer of Certain notes by false pretense and sentenoed to the Penitentiary ! for a term of one year and to pay a jSnei of One Htmdred Dollars." ; x f ..Nor. 22, 1901; ;W - . wanted on uood. cjitv Bemirltv lor mounts for separate loans; 8,C0ff.n $8,500.00, tl,0CQ.00: fl Interest. , '.;U ;t ' Parties' desiring to loan all or' any part of the above anmt kindly eommu-- nioate with OWEN H. GUWN, . Nov. 11, 1801. . .r;,. Attorney. Noticcfor Pardon mom m:;m. A Runaway Hatch at Raleigh Suc cessfully Carried Out City Beeevera la a Damage Bait - Water Company Change. The Cropsey Dlsappear aaee. Janitor ef Capitol Dead Raleigh, November 87 At 10 o'clock this morning there was a runaway mar riage here. Mr. Boeooe Ward of Greene boro, a merchant, aged 88, arrived on an early morning train end met Miss May McCain, e Undent In one of the colleges In this city.' A license was quickly pro cured, the young woman's age being given as 18, though she did not appear to be quite so old. Her parents are dead and she was the ward of Mr. M. J. Adams, at whose house she lived. He was opposed to the match with Ward, as he desired Miss McCain to marry another man. Mr. Ward and Miss McCain went by quiet streets to the home of Ber. Mr. Hubbard, pastor of the Baptist Taber nacle, where they were married. This is the third school girl elopement here this year. Two years ago In a runaway accident on a street here, a young woman was in jured by striking a post of a narrow trestle on the Southern railway. She sued the city and got 13,000 damages. The city In turn sued the railway com pany for contrlbutary negligence and re covers the $3,000. ' The entire docket at the present term of the Supremo Court Is very light; so light as to mako it a subject of re mark. Sheriff Held of Pasquotank brought two convicts to the penitentiary. Speak ing of Ihe disappearance of Nellie Crop sey, which appears to be creating quite a sensation, he says opinion is divided as to whether she went away voluntarily or was taken away in a buggy or boat by persons employed by James Wilcox. The sheriff says he does not believe the latter surmise to be correct, as Wilcox has not the means to get such work dono. If the girl went away voluntarily he thinks she drowned herself. F. M. Stranghan, for over 80 years the janitor of the Capitol here, died this morning, aged 73. He was paralyzed ten days ago. He served during the civil war In the 5th North Carolina regi ment. He was known by every man In the 6tate in public life. Messrs. Pherson & Weatherspoon, a large firm of general merchants of San- ford, who recently went Into bankrupt cy have mado a composition with their creditors at 53 cents on the dollar. There are many creditors and this ar rangement Is satisfactory to the majority of them. By the change In the charter of the Halelgh Water Company, which now be comes the Wake Water Company, the stockholders are relieved of liability. Up to a recent period the plant did not pay and several assessments were made. At one lime more than half the stock was held by persons In Dayton, Ohio, but now Raleigh people hold all. A gentlman who has returned here from Charleston says there It more painting of houses In progress there than In the past forty years or more; that he never saw anything like It, and that It Is due to the Inspiring effect of the exposition. The Children's Friend. You'll have a cold this winter. Maybe yon have one now. Tour children will suffer too. For coughs, croup, bron chills, grip and other whiter complaints One Mlnnte Cough - Cure never fails. Acts promptly. It Is very pleasant to the taste and perfectly harmless, C. B. George, Winchester, Ky, writes "Our little girl was attacked with eroup late one night and was so hoarse sheoould hardly speak. We gave her e few doses of One Mlnnte Cough Cure. It relieved her Immediately and the went to sleep. When she awoke next morning the had on signs of hoarsenese or croup. F. 8, Duffy. Tooth Brushes at Davis'. t Davis Prescription Pharmacy has just received a lot of tooth brushes from Chat Loonen, the well-known maaufeo4 tarer of bruthet la - Paris. ..; Bach brush hat 'Davit Pharmacy' stamped on the handle, and It guaranteed to be perfect. If one It found unsatisfactory, It may be returned. It Is being made a leader at Davis' and the price Is only 85 cents. . .-n St. Louis' Blf Palrw 8t. Louis, Nov. M. The committee on ceremonies of tht Louisiana Pur chase Imposition' Company hat decided that the breaking of ground, for the World't Fair December 80 shall betels- brated with great procession. , The power plant to be Installed at the Exposition, It Is said, will be one of the largest In the world. It will have s cap. thnui is nno klln.i Wit Powe r " ( afcrtw' i.,1. !' j .'1 j. :M ' f f dL u t r I f i , Wi 'aO I lis ill 4 ; Tor Infants and CLilOren. f ,...t toars the ' THE MARKETS. The following quotations were recelv- ed by J. S. Latham ft Co, New Bern N.O. Naw Xobk, Nor. 27. CoTTOX; Open. High. Low, Close Deo January... March.... May , 7.64 f.M 7.85 7.65 7.67 7.67 7,66 7.68 7,64 7.64 7.68 7.63 7.68 7.64 7.68 7.64 Chicago, Nov. 27. Open. High. Low. Close Warn Dee May .... ,. 71 ... 75, Open. .. 64, Open. .. 800 72 76 High. 64, High. 820 71 751 72 76 Cobb: Low. Close 631 64, Low. Close 800 620 May..... Bibs: Jan New York, Nov. 27.. Open. High. Low. Close . 1231 125 123 125 Sroexa; Sugar.... Con. T So Ry 84, 35J 13 43 34J 12 42 34 12i 42 4H 29, 67 U.8.L. 12 U. aS 42 Tex. Pac 41, A. OjF. B. R.T. Ve.Cn.. 67 684 67 May 690 700 NSW BERN COTTON MARKET. Cotton sold In the local market yes terday from 7 to 7.30. Liverpool Spots 4.8 82. Sales 10,000 bales. Futures, Nov-Dec. 4 13. Dec-Jan 4.12. Apr-May 4.10. RECEIPTS. Same week last year. 280,000 40000 Last week 818,000 This week. Sat. 45000 Mon.. 440C0 45000 69000 Tues. 420CO Wed. 49000 45000 Thars. 31O0O 56000 280,000 Frl. Dr. Bull's Pills tor Liver Ills. One pill a dose. Box, 50 pills, 10 cts. Cure Constipation. Liver Troublos, Bil iousness, Impure Blood, Dyspepsia, Fe male Complaints, Stomach and Bowel Disorders. Dr, Bull's Pills never gripe. For Shamrock ILL London, Nov. 26. Sir Thomas Lip- ton's announcement last evening at the banquet given In hit honor at the Hotel Cecil that he was willing to make another attempt to lift the America's cup, should no one else do so, may be taken as tanta mount to a definite challenge, and It Is tafe to say that his Shamrock III will be seen In American waters. However, with the view of securing all legitimate advantage,Blr Thomas will not officially communicate his decision to the New York Yacht Club until the eve of the expiration of the tlrpe In which a challenge can be received. TO CLEABSE THE SYSTEM Effectually yet gently when costive or billions, to permanently overcome hab itual constipation, to awaken the kid neys end liver to a healthy activity, without Irritating or weakening them, to dispel headaches, colds, fevers, use Syrup of Pigs, made by the California Fig Syrup Co. Rev. irl R. Hicks Is Not Dead. Notwithstanding e widely current ru mor that the Bev. Irl B, Hicks was dead he never was In better health, sad never did a harder and more successful year's work than that Just closing. He has just completed his large and splendid Almanac for 1808 and, with his staff of able helpers, has brought his Journal, Word and Works, justly forward Into International reputation. For a quarter of a century Mr. Hicks hat grown In reputation and usefulness a the peo ple's Mtronomernd forecaster of storms end the character of coming seasons. never were his weather forecasts to sought after ss now, his timely warning of a serious drouth this year having saved the people from lots and suffering Millions of bushels of wheat were har vested through his advice to plant crops that would mature early. The Ameri can people will certainly stand by Prof. Hicks, when It costs them so little and the benefit -are so great. His fine Al manac of 200 pages Is only 85c, end his splendid family journal Is only one dol lar a year Including the Almanao! Send to Word and Works Pub. Co.; 8201 Lo cust 8t. Bt, Louis, Mo. - - ADMINISTRATRIX K0T1CK. ' .1 Having this day qualified ss adminis tratrix of the estate of B M' Street de ceased. All persons Indebted to said es tate are requested- 10 make Immediate payment. And all persons holding. claims against tatd estate are notified to pre sent the sum for payment1 on or be- ore the Mth dsy of Nov. 190J or thlt notice wtil be pleaded 1a bar of.recov ery. .. ;, v .- Thlt Nov. l3lu, 1001. , L. M. MoILWKAN, ' Admlatutratrlx. Bryan For Governor. Washihstoh, Nov. 26. Senator J. H. Millard, a Republican of Nebraska, said tonight that he believes Hon. William Jennings Bryan will receive the offer of the Democratic nomination for Gover nor of Nebraska next year and tnat he will accept. He thinks Mrr Bryan would be de feated, however, saying: "The attempt to revive the old-line Democratic party In the State has failed and the Demo cratic organization will be tho Bryan organization. Bryan will depend upon hit hit personal popularity to land him In the Governor's chair, but I believe he could not win." Modern Surgery Surpassed "While suffering from a bad case of piles I consulted a physician who ad vised me to try a box of Dc Witt's Witch Hazel 8alre," says S. Fr Cartor,Atlanta 6a. "I procured a box and was entirely 'cured. DeWitl's Witch Hazel Salve is a splendid cure for piles, giving relief In stantly, and I heartily, recommend It to all sufferers." Surgery is unnecessary to cure piles. DeWitl's Witch Hazel 6alve will cure any case. Cuts, burns, bruises and all other wounds aro also quickly cured by it. Bewaro of coun terfeits. F. 8. Duffy. ' Celery Headache Powders. There Is not any better remedy for headache than these powdors. They never fail to relieve. Mado and sold only at Davis' Prescription Pharmacy, MADAM STANLEY Of New York, the Celebrated Spiritual Trance and UusincpB Medium la hero and can be consulted on all alTairs of life. Sue reads life from the cradlo lo the gravo with absolute correctness. Madam Stanley is no new boginner in Spiritualism, having been a medium for more than 15 years, and during all that time has earned the unlimited praise of the thousands who have consulted her. As she uses her powers only for the good of humanity, there aro tens of thousands of families once In trouble but now happy, who bless her name for the happiness brought to them through her advice and assistance. She can give the full namo and de scription of your future husband or wife, with the exact date of your mar riage. ' Young ladies and gentlemen having lovo affairs would do well to call on her. She locates stolen property with abso lute certainty. She can describe the whereabouts and conditions of lust and missing friends. Before baying, selling or investiga ting, you should call and consult this wonderful medium, as her advice will be of great benefit to you. All In trouble of any kind aro specially Invited to call. All business Is strictly confidential. Her hours are from 10 a. m. to 10 p. m dally. Call at 78 Pollock street. LWelKrjowTOur' BusfflesJj Ton wouldn't Mtnmlse a dmnriat who did not There is no risk wben yoa trade hem, W have mtat me ang mumm a cuerui study lot rs. Prescription work la ot vital lmportanost .With u you can aepeoa upon uuiirui lemos, w W hTt in stock a large Una ol rival IVlIIjf Boyaj mid oiahaoQls lined with flannel. t"?- A.,..a (tumuli Vmli for Women rrUS) VU5U and Ulrls,madaolabwaols eovena witn rancn mnnei. : Perfect protection ajnUnst oold and sadden duMM awlnit coo ha. colds, pneumonia, and all chest and lanf trouble. Just the thinf toC , 1 ChUOnn'ssttca, S2.0O. C. D. BRADHAn. Hollister & Cox, Wholesale and Retail ;Full supply ol Anth racite In all sizes and also ' the celebrated Toms Creek soft ' coal, which is lumpy and especially adapted tor use in (frateflr t ; All orders given prompt and D personal attention. ; v 1 , , Foot of Craven St. : Phone 34. 08 Rorf?, about one and a half mllos from Now Born on the right sldo of Pembroke road. For Stile or rent. Apj)ly to . MRS. ANNIE DINKINS. I PSv goal Dealers MR1 Corned u M Nice Lot Just Received. Small Sugar Cured Kg Hams and Breakfast Strips. Atmore's Celebrated Mince Meat, Preserved Figs, Peaches and Apricots 10c lb. Loose Muscated Raisins, London Layer Raisins, Seeded RaisiiiS, Currants, Citron, Almonds, English Walnuts, Brazil Nuts, Pecans all new crop. Dried and Evap orated Apples and Peaches, Cranberries, and all the necessary articles for making jour Thanksgiving fruit cake. Give me a call, Satisfaction Guaranteed. ! J. L McMEL, 2 'Phone 91. 71 Urna tit. Something New. g Arrivals for this week are as W. R. Pancake Flour, Buckwheat, Currants, Raisins, Prunes, Crystalized Orange and Lemon Peel, Citron, Candies, Dates, Figs. Dried and Evaporated Apples and Peaches, Green Apples,Cracker Dust, Crac ers-both package and loose, Wafcr ettes, Macaroni, Cheese, Tapaico, Postum Cereal, Grape Nuts, Oats, Etc. Space forbids my continuing, as 1 could mention articles enough to fill one side of this paper. Call and get your wants supplied. J. J. TOLSON, Jr., Broad St Grocer. Phone 137. J. A. JONES, Livery, Feed, Sale and Exchange -Largest and I'll . " r mi is HOESES and. CTJUiES ever offered for sale in New Bern. A Car Load of each just received. Also a complete line of Buggies, Wagons, Harness, Robes, Whips. Cart Wheels, Ac. The Latest in China Indian Head Ware, no China closet com plete without it. Tryon's Palace and scenes from New Bern on China, appropriate to send your friend. VHITEHURSTS ' 45 Pollock St. r f ATTEUTIOIJ !f ' We have the finest lot ol Dry Btove Wood that webave evet bad on ow yard, tawed any length and delivered, la you yard on abort notion, i - , , 14 f ; j Alto nave a inpply of Lathi on band for tale." -. iu ' A few oily residences to let.'"", : I;t Ecu Eiit E1I1, TL3 Cri'Da, Phone 187. I lets Wholesale A Retail Grocer, follows : tables '"I.''" sliii..." Finest Stock of- J. A. eJOtfEfi., Broad Street, Stewart's Old Stand. Ha You Tried Arch bell & Co.'s Coffees It you have not do so at once and you will get the best value in the city. Bespectlully. ArcMelL&Co, nan 14. f BROAD ST. 1 FOR RENT ! Viriok house. II an cock it. between Pollock and South Front, baa water, sewerage ana mm. . . . Offloet) and stores under Stanlr Hall on Craven streot. , ' Thnronchlv renovated and Caint- ed throaghont, Inquire at , M. HAHN A SON'S STALBE3