S ... r 4 An Excellent Combination. The pleasant method apd beneficial effects of the well known remedy. Btbup or Fiosf manufactured by tun Caufobkia. Via Btbcp Oo., 'illustrate the value of obtaining thai liquid ho 2 . tire principles of plants known to medicinally laxative and Presentii them in the form most refloating to t is the one perfect Btrengtliening lax tive, cleansini dispelling col the item effeciual: h icha and few , ently yet promptly and enabling One to overcome baDltuai oonsnpauon per oianentlv. Its oerf ect freedom from every objectionable quality and bud? stance, ana its acting on toe auaneys, -1 .er and bowels, without weakening or irritating them, makelit the ideal laxative. ' f In the process of manufacturing figs are used, as they are pleasant to tin taste, but the medicinal qualities of the remedy are obtained from senna and other aromatic plants, by a method known to the Caltfobhia-Fio Btbcp Co. only. In order to get Its beneficial effects and to avoid imitations, please remember the full name of the Company printed on the front of every package. CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. 8AV FRAHOISOO, jL. 1 . , , LOUISV1XXE. KT. HEW TOM. . T. , For sale bj U Druggists. -PrtocJ(0o. par bottle. THE JOURNAL; New Ben, N. C, De. 8, 1901, . -Index to New Advertisements. Haokbnrn They Mart 0 - Duffy's Pharmacy Baa!a Day; P. M. Draney Xmas r.eaeala, Whltehurst's They All Hive It-' -MoSorley Letter From Santa. S j Wilmington Floral Co-Flowers. O. N. Ennett Holiday Goods, , " F. H, Ohadwlck Clothing. s " J, O. Whltty & Co-Do Ton t l. ' Hargelt't Pharmacy Colds.. . New Century Cash 810: e. t , r, ' -Jroad Street Fruit Store Candy. u "erfoot's Xmas Goods, r-" - . immonsft Hollo well Cov-MIUlnery Hints. I, ''. Southern Railway. jS' BggB8BBeaBBBeBgMi Business Locals. " JAMES B. DAWSON . win have some nice oysters for the trade today. 108 Middle Street. Phone FOR SALE A fine Mare 8 years old, well broke and gentle. Will sell at bargain. J. E. Latham & Co.- PERSONAL PARAGRAPHS. 1 Mr. J. W. Rawl of Arapahoe, Was In the city yesterday. J- . j CsptW. R. Hlnnant Is (pending-!t few days In the city. $"?" MIh Raddle Davis has .accepted a position at Bnnett'e Book Store. - -Miss Lids T. Rodman of Washington, N. 0., ii In the city, visiting ker ' sister; Mrs. Owen H. Onion. r-'J lira J T H lfnAtA tiu rtilmA ffwur? RlddlcksvUle, Hertford county, whet - she hu been visiting for several months Rev. A. W. Betier of Moralised, pais, through the city last night, returning' home from the Baptist btate Gonren tlon. Rev. R. D. Carroll arrived ere last last night, and will condnot the service st the Tabernacle Baptist Church tot um' Mr. Thomas Daniels, who hat been at Baltimore for several weeks, pecelvtng treatment for his eyes, is expetted home today- . J . ,'. 1 ' Mr. J. 8. Hawk of Maanoh Chunk, Pa. who hu been spending several, day in the city With his son, Mr, J. & Hswk, left last night, returning homei The Best rtecrtpth for lUUrla. Chills and Fever ta bottle of Gbovi's Txstilbss Ceill Toiia It simply Iron and aulnlne In ft tasteless form. No cure no pay. Price BOe. ; SUClusCUlnuBTfrliJDf. -' During the next thme weeksf to earns ': we offst "revely good values In bnth playthlnjts and wearlhlags, especly do vj wemsksthe ssoet alt!i.the f.Kn on ou dolls, toys, eftnugee, go carls, etc, end bring the little ones to nee eld Bants ta our window. v ;:. BARF0'T ; The Spinster Tea. I ' -. ; " "All who wish to enjoy as evening of fun and emueesnent abould at" nd t'e 8pinster Tea oa Monday light ,. ," Splnstere wfll have wl h f n ' - ploftrse of the enea they have i' 1 wf '11 the story of their wot 3 1 will tell why they prefer t life tf n blessedness. , At ftdmUiloftof j 1 1 wfll be charged, ; Ticket may t f 1 z .,..,- bard's.' - i lbs lias fn Hue fCAPUDIK Docs not ef feci heart :; . 1 rn:.yr v.'sr::y. . At tLe llsioulo Opota House, T." ' n'lit, December lS'.h, a play c..-a Diamonds and Hearts will be given ty local amateurs. It will be ft "comedy drama" in three acts and li sure to be highly entertaining. A pretty feature of the play will be three songs to be given In Its progress and also several dances. Among the latter will be a "Tambourine Dance", by Mlsi Cammie Lord, of Wilmington. . , The cut of "Diamonds and Hearts" Is given below; It win show the character of the play and the parts assnmed by the am ate ore. ' V;, . v ' The admission will be 60 cents, no ex tra charge for reserved seats. .The ,-day of sale will be announced liter. The proceeds will be for the benefit of the Nival Reserves. .V. Bernlce Halstead A yonng lady of eighteen, with an affection of the heart, a love of fun and a hatred of arithmetic Mrs. . K. Latham. ' ' - ' - Amy Halatead Her sister, two "years younger. Fond of frolic Miss Sadie lfoOI N vi,. : Ines Gray A young lady visitor, will ing to share in the fan Miss Canunle Lord.. ' ..Mrs. Halstead A widow', and step mother to the Halitead girls Miss Isa bel BryanT .' Hannah Mary;Barnesoift;!'Sls,-rA maiden lady who keeps house for her brother-Mrs. D. Oongdon. ' , ; l Dwlght Bradley A fortuneiunter, and Mrs. Halstead's : eon by a former marriage Mr. a Gordon Tunsted. j ; '; Dr. Barton A young physlclsn--Mr, George Henderson, Jr.-. y ;'; -;t '; : t Sammy The 4arkey bell-boy la the Halstead house Mr. ClarenoeOrapon. 1 Abraham Barnes, or "Bub" A Ten kee farmer stlU unmarried at forty., A diamond la the rough Mr J. E. Benton. Attorney Mr. T, 0. Daniels. : -' 8hrfg--J' J Toleon, Jr.; . rThere will be a 'KUMattsuif at the home of Mrs. Dudley Burkhelmer, ITo. M Craven Bt, Saturday, Deo. Kth from 4 to 6 p. for the benefit of the Jpnlor Auxulary of Christ ohsMelc.;-; Many novel features will be shown for the amusement of all who attend. Admission will be a package of some ar ticle either fancy or eatables valued at lCc These packages will he auctioneered off during the afternoon, Old and young re cordially Invited. ; '".;' Fun Assured. l- - The publlo are invited to attend "country ; party" at the home of Mrs Dudley Burkhelmer, No. 28 Craven St, Saturday Pec. Uth, 4 p. m. given by the Senior Auxiliary of Christ Church. ; Re frethments at city prloes. Admission, package of some' artlole, '' either fancy or eatable, rained at 10c Fun assured. i r Is It Another Beaumont? ? ; For several weeks, a party of North ern OapItallsU have been quietly at work near this city, and in Craven county, making preparations to bore for oIL " The "signs" showed the possibilities for oil, end the parties now at work are so confident of success,' that everything Is fast approaching the time when active boring will begin, derricks-machinery, etc.; being now ereeted. ? It would transform this city's 00m- meroe, if the parties now seeking oil, shnnM make KSumMsfnl "striks." ) SMsaoWlBatsooU. UssaaMkrjraf-Btlsssa. ITEMS OF INTEREST.1 r. In Arixona there ere' 1,700 Indiana erboown tarma. v". i- ' 1 "fithergraphy" ta the name adranceA by a writer In The Telegraph Age for Marconl'a great Invention, wireless te legraphy. -: The largest duck 'farm In Virginia Is that of Mr. S. H. Hansbraogh, near Winchester, "whence 80,000 pounds of ducks bare been shipped 10 tar this year. ,;,.r L f f. -'-.y- . The paper and ptilp Industry of thla country baa Increased la the peat ten years from 640 plants, caplteUaed at 189,000,000, to' T03, with a combined capital of $167,000,000. : . f f - The old Liberty ben Is to make, yet another trip from Philadelphia. 'Since Its return from the Chicago World's fair It has been quietly at rest Bat In the latter part of December, probably. It w"l b taken to the exposition at Charleston, 8. O. .'i,- i '.'. Among the native family names trac ed to royal ancestry by a recent Amer ican book on this subject are Davis, Talllaferro, Dixon, .Nelson, Robinson, Throckmorton, Warner, Goodwin, Bmltn, Lewis, Martian, Bootes, Beade, Chla men, Washington and Watlington. , . The tnonnment to the memory of Blchard P. Bland to be erected In Leba non, Mo., by the citizens of that place will cooalst of a base of white bronae surrounded by a fries made as If from silver dollars.' The base will be sur mounted by a life size figure of Mr. liland to White bronse. . ' ' ; ' F0REiL,CT3, '' - In France tobercut.mle kl'?s 200.POO fmile a yenr; In otbnr v ' a city of tlie size of Toi.li.us-e Is 5 -.r'y V -!pod cnu.sf T!.o -(,-- . ( J 1 t f t 1,' . 1 1 r. f r 1 ' r i 1 1 lit of tiie con,,; ry. ; cf Hie GiTuma 1 ' i Is T In FwMwrland. In 1 i Of ) f h 714 spots t'- . nn; 1 . :i ll c '; I 1 I 1 . 1 1 1. f f trC . 3 Tc:.-r. 1 1 .Jti, SI 8. Epcar, pastor, 1 , to Jay at 11 a. m., and 7.S0 p. m , by tue puslor. At 7:5t) p. m , the Auxiliary to the. Chrlstton Woman's Board of Missions wlU observe their an nual O. W. B. M. day. The program will consist of special music and Instructive selections on the purposes and princi ples of the Christian Woman's Board of Missions.' Sunday School at t p. m. X. Taylor Superintendent. AU are cordial ly invited to these services. Rev. R, D. Csrroll, will preach today, morning and night, at the Tabernacle Baptist Church., i'- ; Owing to the absence of the. putor, the pulpit of the First Bspt 1st Chuich WU1 be supplied by Ber. J. Paul Dpenee t the morning and evening service, Presbyterian Church Preschlog at 11 e'elosk a, m. and 740 p m. by the pastor, Ben H. 8. Bradshaw. Sabbath School t.8.J0pm Visitors and strangers sfe cor dslly invited.' ; ' - ' - v. -. . iv.f (', ' " ' " ' " . Ssrvlces at 8L Mary's Free WU1 Bap Utt Church at lie. m. end 7:S0 p. m. by she pastor, Eld. W. H. Frost. Sun day School at 8:80 p. m, . The public is Invited to attend these services. . Christian. Soleace Chuvch Be vices Sunday 10.48 a. m. Bible Leison Sermon todsy Subject: . "Sac-iment." Matthew, 6:a9. Testimony ; service ? Wednesday 7:80 p. "m.' ' Beading f room sfopeu dally. An are cordially Invited f.6 at tend, , ', ' V: fiMt Shipment of, Lettuce. r The steamer Neuse last Ffidsy n'glit had a flue rotjlgnment of lettuce ' for Baltimore,, PhCadelpMe, and NewToifc. There Were about one hand. -ed ptck- ages in the lot, which were shipped by Messrs B.ay and Clark, , - :,j:iyJ- y " I SBI T v Muriffe Announcement.' ; : Next Tuesday, Dec 10th, Rev. Wardie M. Lewis and Miss Kate Blmps-m will be united In marriage at Rlverdale, N.. O. at 5:W o'clock. Miss Blmpsoa U the daughter of . Mr. CllfCord Simpson of Blverdale. The wedding will Uke place a the Methodist church. Cioral Society- Prospects, The Armory Choral Society has been so fortunate as to engage the services of Mill Alma Speight as conductor of Its musical exercises. Miss Speight comes among ua with the highest fStedenttaU as an acompllshed musician and especial ly capable is ft director of chotals and part singing. '. a : - i , Betideei being an "eleve" of the most eminent musleal conservatory Boston and- having had the advantage of hear ing frequently .the greatest singers and etadylng their methods, she. Is an en. thuslsstio' muildan and devoted to her art. .r t i. , v The meeting room at the Armory will do painted,' carpeted, curtained - and Otherwise made comfortable and suitable a the noma of Art43 ,Jt ;$y '. The Choral Society will no doubt now be able to fulfil Its hopes, and give the city -a musical organization worthy of Its Uttotf,fC vr;i '-ri,-: ' v-. ; i i . ms i f" " ' . - . tfy 4lTQfltaWa BauL A' remarkable catch of fish occurred last Friday and the result shows that fishing Is a profitable Industry, at times at least, A schooner brought la a load of fish, the tesnlt of one haul of 4 net. There were 7,000 poaadt of fish In the lot sad, their value was about tSBO. The fish were caught la the lower pert of Nuese river. v . .--- ': ;Tof .floUday Buyerv - The colomns of the Jotmasi todsy, present ft' fine list of advertisements, from which holiday boyers-csnaot fall to find what they, wank iph-. Remember the home merchant, he Is worthy and entitled to your trade. . ; ' TizTto Udtes Exchtnrcf The ladles exchange wlU reopen Moa diy, December ,9th, 'and will be open every afternoon until Christmas, la the bnUdlug next to. Richardson's Printing establishment oa Craven street. .Popular Price! Ptay toj& ,H The kind', we ar selllug o many of, the kind that everybody can "bur, do'ls, toys, games, boots, doll furniture, trains, drams, gone, swords, banks, herns, whg ens, go-carta,. can lages, tin toys, Iron and wood toys, dolls that go to sleep and dolls that cry, and everything at a little leas laaa : you have to pay aiy whwe else.' r , v 4 BABFOOT S. ; Tooti Brnsttes at Bayls'. ; . Davis Prescription Pharmacy has just received a lot of tooth brushes from Chas Loonnn, tin well-known manufac turer of brushes In Paris. Earn brush has"D8v!a rharms" stamped on the handle, and Is guaranteed to be perfect. If one ! found unpu'ltifnctory, It may be returned. It Is being marto a leader at I avis' and liie pal. o U only 'Scents. Walnut Taffy and Walnut Buttercups t " - y's. . - : ; ir !',r '-TVc' jiy. ', ' i I ( i 1 ' I'ti. t t ) l i r ... , ti b f f : . :. s a- : . '.! ; i x of fiii't ( i ,..e 1' ii. a and o.' r g'o;l uiau.U t the , Mpr!;e7:-. J V T " rvOTX JCLLY CLD U-.'CLB JCZZ. CONTINUED VEOM FIEST PAGB. .. -( Josh, "and as this Is the favorite paper of this section, I'll subscribe to It." ' Being In a literary frame of mind Uncle Josh then piloted the couple across Middle street to Snnetf s Book Store and advised the purchase of a musical Instrument, either a violin or a guitar and also a game board to have at hand tor amusement during the long winter evenings.. Some of the standard magazines were subscribed for, to be promptly delivered. . Unole Josh re marked that he had heard that the firm was noted. for its promptness. Polly meantime was making a aeleetlon of prayer and hymn books and a fancy basket. Mr. Knnett showed his entire Stork of these articles and they foand It not such a difficult matter to choose even If the variety was so greek . .. t - ' At last the day's work net finished, so tby repaired to the hotel, somewhit wearied, but a bottle of French Cognac Uncle Josh had ' ordered from M. L. Jacobs soon revived them Into a cheery mood. WhUe enjoying the exhilarating beverage, Unola Josh warned the young folks against the. evfis . of over-lndnlg-enoe In drink of any kind, but vouchsaf ed the information, however,' that on cerlaln occasions, brandies would doubt less be necessary also to have some thing strictly , pure about the house for medicinal , purposes like "Old' Chester field" wid "Balelgn," that Mr. Jacobs wss the proper person to apply to for these extras, and anyone could essUy see that Uncle Josh had a friendly feel ing for Mr. Jac6bs. Charley too, took ft decided-Interest in this parfof the old man's renarke.-&&rl?&&i ..Upoa aummtng up the wonderful evenU of the day .PoUy began volubly to axpress her thanks .' Ton . have bought us everything," she exclaimed. : "Only one thing," replied Uncle Josh, reflectively, "but I oan remedy that 4 8. Miller, the furniture dealer, always has a nice line of them and yon can et one whenever you want It; I'll pay for for the besC . . . . ., y W.h.y," exclaimed PoUy with great surprise, "Uncle, what can It ber - "Well, It's a baby carriage, en4 "But PoUy had fainted. -: Don't Forret Presbyterian Bazaar. The ladles of the Presbvurian church Will hold their annual Bazaar In the lec ture room next Tuesday afternoon and evening, December lOtb. The doors will be opened at S.80 o'clock p.m. A rariet of fancy , articles ana. reiresa menu, for sale. Taa pa'illo Is mosteor dlaUy Invited. ; . ;.; . " ;;;'- THE MARKETS. .. -, ... . ;,:.y:".- -I.-.- ; . '. : ,'. The following quotations were raorlv. ei by J. X, Latham Co, Jtew Bora iS ' X'-c Niw Toast, Dee, 7 OotiXMi Opeaw Hlga.Low. Close Dee.i.vk...., 8.W 8.10 tM 4 8.10 Jaaaaryu.. . . 8.0S 4.10. S.0S :- 8 10 March.. 8.08 8.00 8.01 -i 8.0 k May...'...',.. 8.08 810 848 8.10 Wauut: Open. High, haul Close Dee-.. ... 77i ; 78 76 i78 :;:;May.;ttJf4Wf ;5tifJ0f 8 Ooaaw .. Open.. High. Low. Close May.....:.. 8811 00 ; 68Jy 8 Btbsv- Open. High.. Low. .Close : Jaa;......... 845 v SU M " . , -v" j i 5.. ;.. .,. Hew Tort,' Dee.7. Stooma- ' '.-Open; High. Low. Close Sugsr.JA..Ul MllJlMI lilt so By m. tn-. : u. a !........ hi fciu mi xm U. S. ;;.SMwC H H I 41 Tetvree'.wi;v. 881 a. cf.-.;,.;. w B. . T.. vpi:' jiiij? I I' May V r;-:C:ii:j W ItaWMEUIOTNiraTAHarr. - Bales of cotton In the local: market Were 800 bales from 7 to 74.' . Vs i I. , Spots 4J- Sales 8,000 bales. V Faturee, Dee-Jaa 4JS.; Apr-May 1W. May-Jans 4J3. i '.'' ' ;.,;'J-h ' r;;., roar MewaarTS. "7-': '. .f -if '.' ?MM Wftftk .-;';' Last week . :, last yesr. .: B3.000 . , This weak.: SaC 40000 Moa. Tubs. - wa.' T:iurs.49O0O Frl. . 193,00 i-.y MOOO : 46000 72000 " 85000 -' 480C0 ' 4100O J14.CC0 1. it you c. it i j c i i , ., r:ms, e'c,f'i i ii v 1 t .1 j a 1 j Y;0 I o.r ' 1 si l f o , . v t (' r r ' l i 'j im. V i i fur I .".. i : i- I'., h, ( -i 1 1 I i ! r . ; Perfumery atJDaTls - : Davis' Prescription . Pharmacy ha Just received a lot o( Perfumery In fancy packages for the holiday trade. Bay your perfumery at Davis'. v Peanut Candy, Coooanut Candy ' . Made Fresh Svery Day, " ' ' I.itmon Taffy, Chocolate Taffy, - ' Made the same way; : , ' . " Chocolate Cream and Hagatine can be . ea- . r-.-..vi";...vVl At the Bread B'. Ft, Store. preuneata ts.souieiuing sweet ' " And everybody should know It, v- And kno w wbwe It is kept " Aad where to get it : ' ' ' ' At the Broad St;et Fruit Store ' ... And try a piece for Cveoent ? Aad you will never regret it. f lorlda Oranges nice and sweet,' .. ".; Jamalcas too they can't be beat And at oar store, you, I would like to T, , meet ; "'. - When yon want nice fruit to eat, And you we can please , For our price can not be beat. Phone thirty-three. do you Know a good THINfl WHEN YOU BB IT? For sale by J. C. Vhitty to ' Cor. So. Front A Craven St, . ; King Healers at 81.4!, tl.7J, I3.C0, JH),83JI0 and 84(0. , " -:(;; AW ETEniiASTfMCr GIFT. K Vnnr frlnnds will irnnemher von WATERMAN'S IDEAL POURTAUI FEU In value daily., i 11M0 IB Z .'x . Roent purchase Lave f ' i .Millinery and we are now t are lower thftn ever.v : Get u . .... ... . ST ' I r 1 ; ' . j. . v:'s.':.'N .. v ... ; .: : The most practical, most sensible and mot ntUfA; tory Skirt ever placed before the public. ? y ' ;ffS '.v, It ig.adjnstablo on both sides to a fraction of an 'inch. It fits in the waint and over the hips like corset, re "duces the waist, avoids, bulcrin? over the abdomen. An easy skirt to walk in, an skirt satisfactory or your to 13.75. ' All Wool rinfk " 1 i't4MMm44 . ... A L f CI L . IS not sn easy thing to Mssea It fastens Itself onto the bronchial tubes and reaches for the Ungs. There la aay to ' Shake It Out of the system. It's in easy way, take Cherry-Glyceriae. This rem edy will cure every time. Its cu rative properties go to the Spot when the mean mue uoaiing an noys yoa and drives It out Quickly It relieves riht away. HARQET'S PHARMACY, Car. Broad Fleet Bta. ' v 1 Xmas Presents! Can be found at a Hardware Store. Cook Stoves sad Heating Stoves for coal and wood. 'J Btlver-plated Knives and Forks, Stag and Bone-handled Knives and Forks. ' Razora, Pocket Knives and Scissors. A good Stag-handled Cftrvln Knife and Fork for only 81.00. P, 51; DUAJeTEY, - . " 87 South FrontStreeU HcSorloy's LETTER FROM SANTA CLAUS. Santa' Letter. 1 Dear Mr. MoSorley: I write to let you know I wlU be at . your, store on. Xmss Bve sure. 1 have Just finished making the toys snd pretty things for this year, and - ; wlU send them elf to iron at once by a special reindeer express. ' Pleese teU the boys and girls that I wlU be with yon so that they can tell their papas aad mammas where to find me. I wish you would also tell the children they must 'every One be In bed and sound ' asleep by 8 o'clock Xmas, Kve, for It makes me feel very smsll to have a bad boy or girl see me come down a chimney, or, even worse, a. crooked stove "pipe 1 1 eend my love to all . the good boys aad girls and bad ones too, for I love the-mallallkel Tour old friend, Benta tlaus. The above letter la on exhibition in McSorley's show window Just ss It was written by Mr. Clans. Let aU the child ren come and see It, r.1cSorlev's t 7 Dleaaanthr if von nreaent them with' a . tor Christmas, it's a gift thaejrrows ii KMMKTT'S BOW BIORE . oompletod our broken stock of able to fill all orders. Prtoea order in before the final 9 :t,-,: ' . easy skirt to live tn. Every money back." Price from 11,60 ' i I i", C3 ii .i -.1 w new weave t : oery mm day, f '.?::-:wl.ii"WwwTBea mini .w H'VmrWM, aTTaTFT TV IT1 W.W : c, ' -.y.-z, y;,-. . ;..es ! 4 os. bottle Extract Tappans. Taaell Daley,,,.,;. 1 4":. cut glass,. 4 1 Extracts, assorted, . Toilet Water, Oaadiay's, Brown Bro's, Colgate's Johann Man's. Farina Cologne, Bonnie Bouquet Cologne Toilet Water, fancy XauDe Coloene...... 4" 4 Dupont'a Almond Meal, Tellows Swan Down, w - Gossamer, . Baily's Swan Down, Bora ted Talcum Powder, Almond Cream 8nowatiUa, Orice Boot in boxes,. Rioe Powder,.. a Shampoo Mixture, Colgate's BriUiantine Ed. Pinnaud's, oar line of Holiday Goods. DUFFY'S PHARMACY. O p Heavy Fleece Lined Underwear, Good Quality 50 OnU a Garments, Sizes 84 to 44. Soriyen's Elastic Seam Drawers, Heavy Weight, 75 cents pair, in all sizes. Woolen Socks, 25 Cents. Woolen Gloves 26 and 60 Cent. Heavy Melton Overeoats $8.50 to 15.0G. Winter Trousers $2.00 to $6.00. Suite, all sizes, Prices (7.60 to (15.00. We challenge competition. Prices Low and Qualities Un quailed. . 6. DU & CO.. MEN'S 57,lFollocls: Street. i IIIIIIIIIIIIIIITITmnilllTIIIIITmYTTTTTTTTl -171.3? Suggestions For Ladies: Cologne Bottles, Perfume Jars, Hair Brushes, Bonnet Brushee, Velvet Brashes, Nail Brushes, Tooth Brushes in oaso, Combs; Soap Boxes, Naif File, Cntlole Scissors, Kail Scissors, Button Hooks, 8hoe Horns, Ink Bottles -Mucilage Bottles, Powder Puffs, Powder Boxes. J, O. BAXTER, Jr. riiiimiiiimiiyriiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiim A Handsome Life-size Doll Dressed in an Ek gant Costume Witt Be Given Away at the: Jleitotiur Caili SlorB,i 69 Broid St., Opp, Jf'onei Stables. V7e T7111 also have tT70 more days, Hon Czj and Tuesday, 'on 7liich X70 T7ill ecll the t ::l-ic3 cf our assort xr. zzit ci Aata 7aro at fthxusiayt f2th. - .. . - - webb.' : stow. 1.8S .61 1.10 .60 185 . 1.18 .60 .... JB6 .85 . 48 1.00 " M .90 M .10 .05 .75 .87 .75 .85 .85 .18 .15 .08 .81 .18 .10 .05 .10 .05 .85 .18 .15 .06 .85 .18 .25 .18 .60 .85 . OCOOO f 1 I ) 7 OIO eather rices & WEAK, For Gentlemen: Shaving Cups, Shaving Brushes, Nail Brushes, Military Brushee, Hair brushes, Cloth Fruehef, Combs Scarf Boxes, Tobacco Jars,. Match Boxes, Ink Bottle, Mucilage Bottles, Cuff Buttons, Studs, Scarf Pins, Locket Charms, Emblem Tins, Etc, Etc. Clothing ior . --.; ; ' Chriatmas v:; should be (he heat ynu can afford. You'll ret tle most aatUfactlon If yoa have us make voa a suit or ov.rcoat to order. We five a perfect Bt and correct tyle. Ton have achntre of nmiertal from a big itock of ttclimlv. p: lumi. ' P. II. !.- .. ' Vr. J.J. 1 ,",irt l.f-a llhdrawn from the ft i ' ' 'p ti.". I.':,lio Bon hav ! f H t s . t la the same to M. ', S ! " T '!1 1 " C-'r''.:UC I at I9.m i ' v i :;lle j'i.trtl to i nil. ef "V , S M f ;." '.; IleadacheRomedlos., : :0LD BT AU BEUCGI

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