1, (I THE JOUumAL. : Pub.lshed every day la Uieyfai,exvpi Monday, at kiddle street - : 1 . Ph6hNo.8. - CHARLES L5TEYENS. IDITOB AHD FBOPWllTOB. ,, . 1 " WUKCRIPTI01I RATES, w-ri On yew, la advances. .". v.".$4.00 On year, not In advance.. S.00 . Monthly, by carrier In the city, rn p Advertising Bates furnished on; appll ' cation. : -' .""--' " - if Entered at the Post Office, New Bern, N, Ons second class matter. -' ; Official : Paper' or New BerV ad Craven Gouty. ,.' New Bern, N. C Ja.S. i08. ' EXTRAORDINARY STATE UA, " ; &1UTIES. State Treasurer Lacy's figures prepared for the Council of Slate, .which that council mutt consider and past tipon, aw decidedly startling. - These figures which have already baen published In these columns In de till, brleflj staled show, that the Bute's appropriations (or 1903 show a net in crease over 1000 of $186,000, balance'un pId for 1901, 1100,000, while the in creases in Pensions, Public Schools, Ju diciary and Sundries amount to $245, 000, a grand total of liabilities of 4581. 0C0. Bow will these State .liabilities be met. Officials give $70,000 as the amount of the revenue Increase over that of 1000. ' It looks very evident that the last leg-. Islature has blundered, at both, ends, first, In estimating that the revenue acts 'It passed would yield vast returns, and with this Idea It went into lavish appro priations. ' In fact appropriations were made upon a scale Of immense tax revenues, based upon property values, which have not materialized, apparently not in the assessments, certainly not In the collect . ing. It Is not that appropriations voted would hot have been of great service for the purposes they were made, but to make an appropriation error of over one-half .million dollars, is very far from good legislation. It Is now estimated that the 'State. Treasurer will try and meet the accounts as they come In, but that the hope is In the next legislature, to seek a remedy to meet the unpaid balances. This is not a pleasant outlook for the taxpayers of the State, especially con sidering the disastrous season of 1001, when every section of the Btate was sub jected to severe crop losses. The Bute taxes to be met In this first month of 1903, are going to strain very many taxpayers, and In some - sections these taxes are olnf to be uncollect able, owing to the failure of crops; . . It If not pleasant to contemplate this $531,000, which confront the taxpayers as a liability to meet. It la a 'startling sum. and one which cannot but cause uneasiness throughout the State. Deafness Cannot be Cored by local applications, as toe? annot reach the diseased portion' ' of the er, there is only one way to cure deafness, and that Is by constitutional remedies. . Deafness la caused by an inflamed con dition of the, mucous lining of the Bus-' tachlan Tube. When this tube gets in flamed you have a rumbling sound or lav perfect hearing, and when It Is entirely closed deafness Is the result, and unless . the Inflammation can be taken out and this tub restored to Us normal condi tion, hearing will be destroyed forever; f .-, terra, wmen is nouum ou mm uuumi il- "'' v. .ni rkMA iThmm twu . .:-' : an ease of Deafness (caused bv catarrh) ' ' :. that nannni ha ennui hv Hill's Catarrh vurt 'mn lurauvunii) im -;;. . ?;. ': j. J. CHENEY A CO, Toledo, O. ;Bold bjr Druggists, 75c' .';- V',. . Hair TamilT Puis are the' besW? V .:,. Boers Make Raid, K London, Jan. 1-A dispatch to the Standard from Pretoria states that 880 ', : uoers raioea the Swaziland., border. ? :l "i sarwion on ine nest liniment. ttW: '-i ' Woe, 15 cts; large bottle KHets'.ateaV . .i. 1 ' n . . ... -n. ., T ' f esi cure on eann lor xuuumsiiBm, nvw ralgia, Soreness, Sprains, Backache ' : Stiffness, Cuts, Bruises, Woundi, Swell ,v Ings, Burns and Frost BItes.g Ba'vatloa ' Oil klUs all pain. ;; , y. i ! :' New .Tear la London.' - London, Jan. 1. The customary mob " , of roysterers outside St. Paul's Catbe- ' dral to welcome the new year wet small- . er tbaa usual. ' Dr. EuU's Pills lor liter Ills. One cllladose. Box, 60 pills, 10 cts. Cure Constipation, Liver TrooLlcs,. Ell lounnoss, Impure Blood, Dyspffnia, Fe- snn'e Complaints, BUmach and Eowol VI " 'ors. Dr, Bull's Tills never gripe, I fen ia 1 -li.. fjie. - An old Virginia horse breeder w ho Is visiting In hew York claims to have en Infallible cure for catarrh. "It seems to me," he said "that 90 per cent of the people of New York city suffer more or' less from -catarrh. t If they will do es I suggest, they can cure themselves In short order, ' ; ; '; .;. '.'A friend of mine who used to live In yonkers had such a severe case of catarrh -that he was compelled to give up his business and go-to Colorado. The doctors told him that the high alti tude of that state would benefit htm. He remained in Colorado nearly a year and then found himself as badly off as when he left Yonkers.. After be had made up his mind that nothing could cure him and that he might as well die at home as among strangers be met an old tinker, who gave him the. reme dy, which cured him In three months, ' . "Dissolve a little powdered alum In a pint of cider vinegar. Use the Rotation as a gargle three or tone times a day. It wont do any . harm If you swallow some of It Two or three times a day, but particularly Just before going to bed, dip a chicken feather in vaseline and stick ibe feather np the nostrils. I suppose any contrivance bought at n drug (tore for the purpose will do Just as weH as a chicken feather but the old tinker Insisted that there was some medicinal virtue In the feather. s: ..... V "The gargle clean the throat and the lower portions of the air passages from the nostrils. The vaseline heals the dis eased, condition of the" affected porta. In a week the sufferer wlU feel better, and If be will keep np the-treatment he can be assured that he will be cared." New York Mall and Express. . , ' . HeadsISnoald Never Ache.. '- ' Never endure this trouble; Use at once the remedy that stopped it fot Mrs. N. A. Webster, of Winnie;. Va., she Writes "Dr. King's New ' Life Pills wholly cured me of sick headaches I had suffered from tot two years, Cure Bead ache, Constipation, Biliousness.; 86c. at O. D. Bradham's drug Store. German Steamer Wrecked. ' Kong Kong, Deo. 81-The German steamer Clara was wrecked today near Hal-Haa, tn the Strait of Hat-Nan; The captain, chief offlcerchlef engineer and four passengers and eleven Chinese are missing. "; -u ;-J"i::V'"-.;'' , Kew Century Comfcrt. Mlllioos'are daily finding a world of comfortln Bucklen'e .Arnica Balve. It kills '.pain from Borns, Bcalds, Cats, Bruises; conquers : Ulcers, and Fever Bores; cures Eruptions, , Salt Rheum, Boils and' Felons; removes Corns and Warts. Best Pile core on earth. Only 25o. at C. D..Bradham's drug store. - - ', Wklta Loo -ymis. r . To'ciean a white lace veil boll It gen tly in a solution of white soap for fif teen minutes; then put it Into a basin of warm water and soap and keep squeec- ing It softly until clean. . t'ouow tms by rinsing free of soap and putting It into a basin of cold water containing a drop or two of liquid blue. Next make some 'very clear gum-arable water or thin rice waiter and pass the - veil through it Then etretch It out evenly end pin It making the edge a straight as possible and pinning each scallop separately to a linen cloth, and allow It to dry. When dry, cover It with a piece of thin muslin and Iron It on the wrong side. " V-'V-. : ' . ' Cms Vow tk BhMi'-' V A prominent phyildan hat offered a cheap and simple core for that form of mental I depression ' ' known as - "the blues." It is to smile. ; The more yon smile the better. It relaxes the nerves, promotes digestion, switches the mind to agreeable thoughts and has m happy effect upon those about yon. The rem edy Is a cheap one, and while is some Instances it may be hard to take there to no fear of an overdose. Cleveland Plain Dealer. , " .- D reams Wtta)oat'SUfe. Mistress WeH, Bridget and how Is your husband? . Waaberwoman-i-Bure, anv he's . an used up, mum. , h 1 ; Mistress-Why, what alls hlmt ; v Washerwoman Indade, thin, mum, last night he had slca bad dreams that he couldn't slape . wink, all night mumHanea urev , thmt sisiktssr riiaiar. when the, self made man says, "Qlmme some of the pummls do ter rey," and the waiter wants him to re peat It be has a feeling of fear that never comes over him In the busy marts of trader Chicago Becord-Berald. : Literarr people par but' little attend tloa to the volume of buslnesa. De troit TrlWine, -- -.' , A Prominent Woman SpeaksC ' Prof, Roxa Tyler; of Chicago, Vlee Pretldent Illinois Woman's Alllance, In speaking of Chamberlain's Cough Beme dy, Myt:"I suffered with a severe cold this winter wbloh threatened to - run In to pneumonia. I tried different remedies but I seemed to grow worse and the medicine upset my stomach." .K friend advised me to try Chamberlain's Cough Remedy and I found it was pleasant to Uke and it relieved me at once. I am now entirely recovered, saved a doctor's bill, time sod suffering; and I will never be without this splendid medicine again. For sale bjB Duffy & Co. , . : fidward AMe to SmoKc; LondoB( De.''f-A' friend of KU-.g Edward Who 'recently vlellud His Josty says that the King If bettor tlmn be has been for a long time, lits voh:e Is no longer husky and after dinner the Informant said Ills .j'!ttr s nok; 1 fou cigars. , , Dr. tuTstf Syrvj.fr' Teoihtiif? I .' !'.' -i, 10 f'i-Wlnd-Co'.lo, L s 1 v ' !.!: A V ' i," , t era I .' Minn. Iir. 1 I pro- i'i s the il ' , " a; an- I to .si Inly. ' CAT; v e i L-::1j i.I.iiycseaf. This prei&ratlon contains all of tin dlestunts and digests all k.'ids ol food. lLglvesinstarstreiicr ana never fails to cure. - It allows you to eat all the food you want. The mostsensrtive stomachs can take it. By its use many thousands of dysneDtica have been cured after everything else tailed. . It prevents formation ol gas on tne stom ach, relieving all distress after eating. Dieting unnecessary. Pleasant to take. It can't her? ' t, . but co you cooa Prepared only by- E. O. DiWin & do., Ohlrair .'i'iw Si. bottle contains H times Uie Mo. sba 1 F.,8.' PUFFY & CO. . -' ' ' , The (.ara-Mt Lift. . ?,,'T ' On the great Dortmund and Ems ca nal,!: which Is destined eventually to connect the river Rhine with the Elbe, an electric lift has been constructor at JJelnrichburg lock which .-will lift barges of 950 tons. The structure Is In tended to Overcome an average fall of forty-elx -feet between the 'Dortmund reach and the main reach and will ac commodate a barge 220 feet lorig, -The electrical power Is supplied by dyna mos driven by engines of 220, horse power,' the voltage used Is 220, and s current of 800 amperes to used'to start the machinery. Needless to say, It Is the largest structure of the kind In the World. - ' , ' " , Beat Oat of an Increase of His , pension. . , - A Mexican war "Veteran and promi nent editor Writes:- "Seeing the adver tisement of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy, I am reminded that as a soldier in Mexico in '17 and H8 I contracted Mexican diarrhoea and this remedy has kept me from getting an In crease In my pension for : on every re newal a dose of it restores me". It Is unequalled as a quick cure for diarrhoea and is pleasant and safe to take. For sale byFHDuffy&Co.:: v ' ! BtcbIust Dreaa. The Toiler of London henra that a Well knowh young peer Is forming a league for the abolition of the present form of men's evening dress. The pre cise details Of the change, have not yet been decided, but as the main object of the league. Is to differentiate the gen tleman from his gentleman some star tling alterations 4rlU be. suggested. tie Mothei's .Favorite. .Chamberlain's Cough Remedy Is . the mother's favorite,' It Is pleasant and sale for children to take and - always cures. It is Intended especially for coughs. . colds,- croup . and . whooping cough, and Is the best medicine made for these diseases.-. There is not the least danger In giving it. to children for U contains no opium ' or other Injurious oi ug and may be given as confidently to a babe as to an adult. For Bale by F S Duffy & Co. Adept In Washing Thlnns Down. . A Louisville man 4s going to eat straw bat oq a wager." f Pretty dry meal, isn't It?" "Not tn Kentucky." Cleveland Plain Dealer. VHal Qaertlon. Ethel Tea, I am a great admirer of Mrs. Roosevelt; ' -'. - f- s : Tom (eagerlyV-Can yorj dress on f300 per yearT-Chteago News. ' Snndr'n Work."'?.' All some men do on Saturday Is to get Shavea. Atchison Globe. Remedy for Nenrons Exhaustion. Are you weakened and exhausted by overwork, worry or disease t The Mystic Life Renewer will quickly - renew - your strength and vitality. 'It Is the Greatest Nerve Builder known. Jt to a marvel ous viUlizer and strengthener, It quick ly and certainly cures , Loss of Appetite, Indigestion," Nervous Weakness, Palpi tatlon of the Heart and falling health. It is Indeed S wonderful Life Renewer and Life Strengthened Bold by T A Henry, New Bern.;.-i,; :Wr?M?:1w"';- Miles as Secretary of War, V Washington, Deo. 81, General Miles was acting secretary of War today, ow ing to the absence from Washington, of Seoretary Root and Assistant Secretary Sanger. -v.- I Finds Way to live lonf. - The startling announcement of a Dls eovery that will sorely lens then life nude by editor O H Downey, of Chore busco, Ind."! wish to state," he writes, "that Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption Is the most Infallible re medy that I bayeeverknowa for Coughs Colds and Grip. It's Invaluable to peo ple with weak lung. - Having this won derful medicine no one need dread Poeu monia or Consumption. - Its relief is In' stent and core certain," O' D Bradham guarantees every SOo and fl JK bottle. and gives trial bpttles tree. Paris as Cay as Eyer. , Paris, Jan. 1. The Now Year was welcomed here with the puilomary gal sty, The boulevards were so crowdod that progress was almost Impossible, and the booths for the sale of tors and sweet nn'sts did a thriving business.- The wcaiher was almost summcrllke. G.e Tenders Lis Res,.,ri,,ni. Wa!.!nKtoo, V-". ri. I . J. t ,e toi'ay fon ' 1 ' ; i ..Una as pre- , 1 l J 'i i' - .., to l'r"'l. C i.t I !. i) I y ' ' Tornlus th Tallies, . "Father," said ft yotirg hopeful the ollit r day,'' "how many fowls are there 64 tMs .table?'-. ' ; .': "Why," said the gentleman as be looked complacently on a pair of nicely roasted chickens which were smoking en the table, "there ore two," - Twel" replied the smart boy. "There are three, sir, and I'll prove lt'V ; v "Threel" replied the old gentleman, who was a plain, matter of fact man. I'd uke to see you prove It" "Easily done, easily done! - Is 'not that one,"- said the smart boy, laying his knife on the fljSrt,."and that two," pointing to the second, "and da not one and two make three r - 'Really," said the father, turning to his wife, who was stupefied at the Im mense learning of her son.'really this boy is a genius and deserves to be en couraged.". . . And ;: then, to show that (there'a fun in old folks ae well as in young ones, he added, "Wife, do yon take one fowl, and I'll take the second, and John may have the third as a re ward for his remarkable accomplish ments In learning.' . ' Still Good Chaaee. !T0 you. thnk there Is any honeT asked the disconsolate lover. . ; . "Hopel" repeated his wise sister." "Of course there Is." vi . ' "But she told me," persisted the dis consolate lover, "that she never wanted to seo my face again when we had our last quarrel," . , . "She didn't mean It," asserted the wise sister. "I know she didn't mean It '.When t was there today, your pho tograph still stood on her dresser. . Un til that disappears there Is no reason to despair." Chicago Post .- - ' . Fatally Sundered. Edgar In Chicago, Eustncin, the housewives keep their cooks by treat ing them as equals, Bustacla Oh, it's too late, Edgar too latol Cook wouldn't recognise me aS her equal If I gave her a- "tea" ev ery afternoon In the week. Detroit Free Press. llxkUler Arm a Deadly Weagon. "Another man has been killed by a blow of the fist which suggests the thought that at times the naked fist of a man, given proper impetus by a well developed biceps, is an exceedingly dangerous and destructive Instrument" said a man who for many years lived at Vlnlta, In the Cherokee Nation. - "It recalls a bit of history local to the Indian Territory," he continued. "Not far from the Arkansas line there lived a half breed who went by the name of John Slxkiller. He was a bad man. but not bad in the ordinary southwest ern way that Is to say, he was not a 'gun fighter,' although he enjoyed a general mlxup Immensely,, and until the Cherokee council Intervened be In dulged In many such affrays. "After three men whom, be-had 'laid out' had died of tbelr injuries the coun cil (tribal legislature) met and passed an act declaring that 'John Slxkiller's right arm Is a deadly weapon' and that he Is forbidden to use It against an ad versary except to protect himself from death or great bodily Injury.' Puaay'a Sponsre and , Halrbrnah. Cats large and small make the moat careful toilet of any class of animals, excepting some of jthe opossums. Li ons and tigers wash themselves In ex actly the same manner as the cat, wet ting the darlc'Cndla-rubber llke ball of the fore foot and the Inner toe, and passing It over the face and behind the ears. , The foot Is thus at the same time a face sponge and brush, and the rough tongue combs the rest of the body, Atte the Weddla. The Countess TouVe no Idea how embarrassed the- count was when be proposed to me. . -. The Dear Friend I beard It took con siderable of your father's money to pay his debts,Wudge.1's;:; . Met lists Tana Half Way.. - Dashaway Well old man, did yon make up with your best glrlt . Cieverton Tea, but I thought I never would succeed in convincing her that I was wrong. Brooklyn Life. .. . ? "Winter Homes In Snmmer Lands,'; The above Is the title of an attractive booklet lust issued -by the Passenger Department of the Southern Railway.. It is beautifully Illustrated and fully des cribee the winter resorts of the South. A copy may be secured bv . sending : two-cent stamp to 8. H. Jlirdwlck, O P. A.. Washineton. D. O. A . The Forum. i aDITlD BY 1. X. WCS '-; i' t. Jakdabt, 1003 i j The Military Duty of the Engineering Institutions., Rear-Adm. George' W. Melville, Eoglneer-tn-Chlcf, U. S. Navy. . A New Era in Mexico, Prof. Paul B. Relnsch. v " .. v -' : '. The Place of Geography in the Elemen tary School. Hon. W. T. Harris, TJ. S. Commissioner of Education. - ' .v Problems of Our Educational System. W. De Wilt Hyde; President of Bowdolp College. - '-'".v'". '':-:.'v The Americanljiatlou of " 'England- Earl Mayo. ' : Probluma, of Irrigation Legislation," Prof. Elwood Mead. - "; Reciprocity with Canada. Bon. John Charlton, M. P., Member of the Anglo- American Joint High Commission. - The Philippines and ()ir KUiinry Power. John F, FLufroiii, from Colo rsrto. Tli Clilncne in America. Bunyowe I . ' 'I I .;.!' Troi-rrss In Tarld Lee Is- 1 . ' r j u. J:fb V ',r,f nhdf.. ( it Honor aud C uba's Med, Murrlon V ' -r. r. :'.i.-;'s asaC'rltlo. I'r-if. Biandrr 1 CO. Mi .i-r.t h : wTtl lUStSr. Llrtlment SesmuksandcatU l TA toad under a Harrow . - suffers bo moro than tha feithfhl horso that is'tortured with Spavins, Bwinney, Harness Sores, Sprains, etc. Most horse owners knowtiua ' and apply tho kind of sympathy thftt bealflJaiQwn far and wido as 'J Mustang Never fails not even ia tho most aggravated eases. ' I - Curbs' caked odder in cows quicker than any known remedy. Hardly a diseaso peculiar to muscle, skin of joints that cannot bo cured by it. MpYiran is the best remedy on the market for - , iTl -' , , Wind Galls, Sprains and Skin Lumrn. iVlUStang Liniment It keeps hoinee and mules in condition. ALL CASES OF DEAFNESS OR ARE NOW CURABLE by our new invention. Only those born deaf are incurable. HEAD NOISES CEASE IMMEDIATELY. r. A. WERMAN, OF. B ALU MORI, 8AY8I n.TTTwniR. Md.. March o. loos. GtntUmt . Be)n entirely cored of desf ness, thanks to your treatment, I wiU now give jam a foil history of my else, to be used at your discretion. About five years ago my right ear began to sing, and this kept on getting worse, untu I lost my hearing in this ear entirely. . . . . . f.. tn ihn. imihi wfihnni anv miccesa. consulted a num berof physicinus, among others, the most eminent er specialist of this city, who told methat only an operation could help me, and een that only temporarily, that the head oolaea would then cease, hut the hearing in the affected ear would be lost forever. , I then saw vour admtisemeiit accidentally in a New York paper, and ordered yourireax tn.nt ift.rilil u n.-lv A fr-w dsva accordiiiff to vour directions, the noises ceased, ana to-day. after five week. :n hearing in the diseased ear has been entirely restored. heartily and tics tc reulii'i ery inn: V, )(! trtxtlntiHi Joes not interfere with your usual occupation. E3flnili:ati':i -vA advice fiv-a. v : mn ri3rsr i lflfi LUiic IHTERSATISiL AURAL CLifiiC: The Finest Lager BEER In The State Some old fine Whiskey such as Old Charter, for family use. . Hablcht Key West CIgsrs, call or them. ' OYSTERS SERVED ' m EVERY STYLE Iu B, HAllICHT, Corner Bonth ' Front and Hancock Btreets. 5127 Middle St. ' ' Columbian Insecticide,' reterman's Roach Food, B coper's Fatal Food and Sure Death to Moths, Bugs, eta.. Also Btomo (rkdme i The - disinfectant that disinfects sad deodorises. - , r ' ....... , We keep on hand a eompleto stock of rUdlclnes.," ' . r.Tdlet Articles, ' - f Perfumery, w ' ' w Tooth rushes, &c. u rhTsioians' Prescriptions a specialty. Ijodge Directory NEW BERNTONCLAVK4M,lmproved Order Heptasopbs, meets Ind and 4 lb Thursday nights, at 8 o'clock at Roon tree Half. Dr. E. F. Early, Archon; J. J, Tolson. Jr, Financier, Geo,. D. Gordner, Beoretary. . ' ;,-f '';" fcRAVEM I.ODGB NO.v 1 ICNIOHTS OP HAHMONY. Meets 2nd and 4th Wednesday nights iu each month In lionntree's Hall. Pollock street, at 7.80 o'clock. J. J.Wolfonilpn, Presldmt; R. J. 1 .-wHr,r.-c'y; It U. Hill, Financial bi-ci clary. ' . I'rt-;-prty JPr.r ftale-" I have nyi ral tli (.linhle Ilcsldcnce nr sW'. situr. 1 In liie best rcsldonce r'lrt t of il" 1 1 A'. n a nnmtMsr of good Luii.llPZ luts ia K'X'd 1"' Hlilles. J. J. V-'CI.FEXDEX, rsndrijr evereor Los fcf Catfl" Diseased Hoofs ana cy-muxm Id bop-'' trytt.'. f - . MY HEAD NOISES? HARD HEARING A. WERMAN, ?jo8. Broadway, Baltimore, Md. tntmori r T UHHSC otasissa lUunocLr hi numr. eoat. 596 LA SMI". r.Yt., CHICAGO, ILL Capital, Surplus and Profit ,850.00 APRIil30th, 1901. What We Have Done, Dt, anal' Will Contiqueto Do. This Bank conducts its business spon "up-to-oow" methods. - It is our purpose to deal lastly and liberally with all. We carefully safeguard the Interests of our customers. Moreover, we fre quently do it unknown to them; as op portunltles often come tons in confiden tial ways, and you cannot over-appeeiate such consideration. . We are not disposed to overlook the fact that the interests of the Bank and those of the people are closely bound to gether, and cannot by any means be separated. , This Bank acts as a repository for Wills, and safely keeps them till the proper time of surrender.' Will also act as the enstodlan of money or osners left with us in escrow. Mo charge for these services. We procure Letters of Credit for in tending travellers. We aim to be prompt, progressive and liberal. . In the matter of accommodations, this Bank meets every 'requirement within the limits of prudent banking. If vou have never been Identified with os as a patron, we ask you to consider the advisability of becoming one. v -' In the early future, we propose adding i a novel, yet substantial Having Bank feature to ear already progressive in stitution. . - Our elegant tine of 8eU-Pronoanolng Teachers Bibles, Vest Pocket Editloa of Pronouncing Testament, Vest l ocket Edition of the Bible Dlctioaaryi besides a nice line of good books to select your Christmas -resenUfrom. xou can give nnthln.h tn Tons bfTv t STlrl ov . . - . sss - . friend than a nice Bible, Testament or good book:. V.;;,:. fgli.; j. c. m i.1 :h. i. A:: CO. Cor. 80. Front Craven St. a, t.tiioixinD.' , ! OB..K. WTULtS, HOLLAND 4V WlLUS, ' ianoaasorsttHOeo. Mlshnp, Fiinnt.nl r'-i-r-e r- T ' ' ' ' Phone 8:0, - Ofllc 22 Craven Btreet,' 1 "'1 armers tDontrFgrget 3 AXXUAL JTEETWG Of Stockholders of tn HallwulBinkof jT Hew Bern, It.'a , ' ' The'annaal meeting of the stockhold-.-" ms of this hank, for the . election of Its directors, and the transaction of such other business aa mar corns before them, ' will be held at their banking bouse, on 7 the 8nd Tuesday of January, being the - 14th day of January, 1901. The polls will be opened at 18 o'clock H. to be closed at t P. M. . - O. H. Robibts, , . Cashier. December 13 1901. Having secured' the services of I parlenced parties, I am prepared on '. short notice to execute Farm, -City, Land and Rail Road surveying. Ditches, Street Me Bbadt laid out and leveled. Dratlghllnfc in' all- its branches. Blue . and black prints made. Old maps re paired and mounted. Topograpnlcal surveying and plotting. Drawings and wosnng plans executed prompuy. oew eram-ana- dralnaira nlanned, laid out and construction superintended. J. J. Wolfenden, Notice to Creditors. In the District Court of the United States for the Eastern District of Nortli Carolina at New Bern. In the matter of Richard 8. Neal, of Car ollna City, N. O.. Bankrupt The petition of Richard 8. Neal, of Corolms City, N. C. for a full dis charge in bankruptcy, having been tiled in said court, it is ordered by tho court that a hearing be had on the 8rd, day of Jan., 1908, before L. J. Moore, Heferee at JS ew Bern, n. at le o'clock, noon, and that all known cred itors and other persons interested may appear at said time and place and show cause, it any tney navo, wny iuo prayer of said petitioner should not he granted. This 20t& day of December laoi. H. 1 UKANT, Ulera. By Qko. Ouern, Deputy. Clothing tor Christmas should be tho beet you can afford. You'll get ihe most Bsil-fuitlon If you have us mane yon a buii or overcoai to order. We give a perfect lit and correct style. ,Yon have a choice of material irom a nig sioca oi exclusive laucnia. F. M . Chadwicli. Notlee! Bids Wanted. By order of Board County Commis sioners, Bids are hereby asked for to tur- nllh provisions for inmates of County Home and other county poor for 13 months. Bids to be male per ration per day, and to be submitted to the Hoairl at their regular meeting to lie held ibe fust Monday in January 1902. Rations required for twemy Inmates 81 days as follower: lUulb best side meat. 8101b bet boluti meal 8101b beet flour. 151 gal. best syrup. 80 tt) fresh meat, 4 weiks. 401b best ket lard. 401b good washing soap. 01b best granulated sugar. S pecks yeopon. 101b best rice. 10 gal. peas. 10 pecks Irish potatoes. 10 plugs-tobacco, 4 to the Ik. 8 pkgs. table salt. 8 lb coffee. S lb yeast powders. Delivered "at County Home. K. R. Jonas, Clinm. . .. , Board Couniy CVm. " U44i .BO YEARS' D KWfil ;SWif!j is' Truot Masmsr-f vv Dtatosis :, v.. OovstiBMVs) Ac tlnasstrlollr wit rra. Oli . iiim ..MtnWnr Mflnrln hub Mriisl twites, wlihoat ohsrn, la UIU..D MUM p VW. ,' S asMsomXr I1tntd inxlT. J' ant.in of anr slnuoo loamsl, 1 t. 'Anna as a I arntkPt timr fnonLlu .r - roar aaonuia, as. swwbjjhi tail Mwadaalsn. -. i , g n .... . ; sj u v..L L.. .. I & lO,""'Tfl'Gffl JUII Is " MUii J Mm . .744 (i FOR RENT. "'A good roomy? house for $8.00 per menui. Auot.ner ior fo.uw , Both naTsUs m Mfsnofl.' r ' . Opening oi winter jourisi season, , The Southern Railway, which oper-; atesltsowa lines over the entire noutu and forms tbe important link la IDS rreat highway of travel between the North ami Houih, Florida, Cuba, Mailco Uis 1 acilio Coast and tsntral Amerioa. announces fot tha winter of 1901 and -1 i the rnnt snrerb snrvlcn ever of- 1. Ilssi did rRnlr eorvice 1 liy the Hnuilicrn l'h n if!fpiil riillmao t' 1 r..J hntweea : o, I .;. -lis.- -

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