V'f ;f4 4 5 ' - AVegetabJe Preparation for As similating ttieFoodandBeguIa lingthe Stomachs andBtnrels of Promotes DigealionCheerfuF nessandRestXonlains neither OriunuMorphlne nor Mineral. wot Narcotic - leejha w 1 Abi&mum A perfect Remedy forConsQpa Hon. Sour Stotnkh.Diarrhoea Worms.Convulsions.Fevensh neas and Loss or Sleep. p Minn i ii -,' "-. facsimile Signal urt of, - new york: - 5 . Al 3J EXACT COPY 0 WRAPPER t , 'J i , ., I. , n I Nil ifvW i , II il i ii irin iu i i .... ill n u mil m ' .t-mw m El I ill If 1, ' . 'V 1 1 stw 'it r-. CarowQtaacanloairywaaibhwaTk and tr47 good health. Tha health Uut WbM o( Cardul briati naaai wonaa vl jorous bi body and mind. Freed from thoM terrible dtvaiatln palm a woenaa Jrawi wtll and (troag I Mturally. Wta el Cardul regulate, the dUaiderU jMiutruittaa and toru , kucorrhota, ftlllnj af the wamb and periodical pains ra the head and luck caoied by lUndin) at fitting a long time the aarat aeettlaa. Thedford'i Black-Draujht purj tha bowels, ttaauchi KVar, UdMVt tad bload hi Draper . , t i A -1 JL 1 . J I- LL- - U U ft ..f.T , l Y anapa. vreauy mmmmm pnnn H-nm m ma rmh nmi, mm cases are cared quickly. All draHbtt seQ $1.00 battles of Wlaa af Cardul aadUcant Mckagea af TheeVtrtTi Mack-Dfaa.-w CXTt';- J Mortgage Sale., Paranaot to the power of aala con tained In mortgage eiecated to me by . H. Kendlg dated the 18th day of Jan. uary 1900, 1 will (ell at pobllo auction at the Court House la the City of New Hem at 12 o'clock m. on Monday the 6th day of January, 1902, the following real estate: .. Beginning at - the northeast corner of the tract of land conTeyed to Gabriel Ilardison by Thomas Emory by deed dated the 80th , day of January 187, re corded In the offloe of the Register of Deeds of Oravon county In book 68, pas 200, which corner Is on the' Booth aide of Nense .River -end running L thence south 00, west 81 pole to stake; thence contlnnfnc the , same direction and coarse to the Atlantic and North Carolina railroad; thenoe with said Rail road northwardly to the embankment running from; said - Railroad to Nense River being the embankment mad dur ing the war at a .point on said railroad about live miles below the Ulty of flew Bern; thence with the- line of said ' nt bankmenUo Nense River; thence ;down and with said River Va the first station containing 160 acres more or. less. ;- .. Terms of tale CASH. ': ,'f' v. KNOOH WAD8WORTH, fe, ? ;v fi Mtrtmvttii: t This 8nd, day of December, 1901. . i: ;'-.v:NOTICTE;i;v.y By virtue of a power of sale ooataJned in one certain mortgage deed executed to me by one Jacob Dudley, dated Not , 29th 1889, due Oct. 16th 1900, -recorded in the Registers office of Jones county, N, O. Nor. 14th 1900,ln Book; 48 page 688 v. I will expose to publio sale, all the real - x estate belonging to Jacob Dudley . con - veyed In said mortgage deed, at the court house door In Trenton on January the 6th 1903, 12 o'clock m. Containing about 100 acres, lying and being in White Oak . . township, Jonea county N. OU adjoining the lands of Jefferson Dudley, K R 11a j and others.- For a more- complete and . . 'definite description of said land refer if. ence may be had to said mortgage deed. 5 This the 2nd day of Dmmber 1901. . - JOHN II. BLADE. 1 -vy?. 'r?;: - Mortgagte.' W ; Bale Under Deed In Trust.. '' ' 1 pursuant to the power conferred in a 'f deed in trust executed tome by L.8 . Harper and wife dated the 14th day of November 1898 and recorded In the office " ef the Rllster of Deeds of Craven coun ty in Rook 138 page 172, etc., I will tell at public anotion at the Court House In the city of New Bern at 12 o'clock m. on ' Monday the 8th day of January 1902 the ' following propertyt AU that certain tract or parcel, of land situate in ' the county of Graven on the south tide of nense river beginning at lilaokledgn corner and running thne with .J, R. - Wadsworth't line to a corner r'r tlio , , cypress pond; thence' with WlnfMrt : Lane's line to vVolf I'lt orMcotlntr 1 - Branch; thence down the said 1" --m ii t the publlo toad or -) road; In o i ts the toad to Wrlrht """n ) i ',. - toad also to tha hue of i n ! ' thence with his lino t I - ConUiiilnir lli'J scn-9 '" - of aalu ci. 'i. v, . . . iu4 - V . - .. ...... .J Li Tb JId Yen !::v3 iMeeUdLv..jlil tv: In Use For Over Thirty Years III tw miui eevMirr. Mew votra orrr. ' I 1 AStongVoman town Wy; Iowa, Ana-.M, IMS Mr wtt ni lick lot three iia W tried ewerjrtbine; without relief ehd .spent much money. MTvutwita wimcor ueram widtoal bottle, ; dniina ,- io all au houa-, bettlet sum bar, Baa look two nm knowing she would to work hud tho tirlinai fho HBd to all kei Cr. ISiii BudlolB mn br rtrenglh. For-' - mariT ui wu imi aaa una ana ooma amrair (t jiboat, bat iao aha aat ban. takin Wina of Oardai aaa faala better and tronfer than wbaa a Taara of a.. . JOB. A. BI8HKHAFBB. . Mi. EfaaahaftrM trM avtryihliig duKo . hr hm ytart ftckau. and had pat coiuld. ' arakk) Mm Sha Wat toak and could hardly ftt about lor thraa year hahrt th tool t : VlNEc'GARDlJI N(w,aftarttnjtUWTt olCardul,iKc-a , : wark wHh her hiubaad In V hay Held. Thai J hard wark, hot K M Mt u Muriooa loi womu'i haalth ai labar In ttarta, bctorkt aid office whtrt Ihaoiaadi a( gtrliart doaehr coa. ' thedwuv Ha im.' WUhthaaldaf Wlaa af ' IGE lOV. HOME USB dean; pure wholesome, guaranteed to Do coemicaiiy maae irom aisauea wmi at.a rree irotn imparities, cpeouuy iu tended and prepared tor human otv sampuon.. ' : - Ice delivered daily (except.Bandaystf amtoOp'm. r ' , Sundays (retail only) 7 a mo 12 noon ; For prices and other;lnl6rniation, J ' Address,' ; Now Berne Ice Cv- : Executor's Sale.- Farsuast to a power of sale'oo'ntalned in a certain mostgage.deed executed by E. W. Carpenter to Mary Pender,' alias Mary Searles, oa the 90th day of May, 1898, reaorded in the-offlo of the regis' tet of deeds tor Craven county, N. C in Book Wo. 120, rolio sis, and by the con sent of- trra.bupertor Uourt, ot uraven oonntyj will expose for sale i public vendue to the highest bidder for - cash, at the court-house door in Mew Bern, N, 0.; en Monday, the 8th day of January, 1902; at the hoar of 12 O'clock the following described real estate to-wit: Two certain lots Nos. 61 and 62 respect ively, in the plan ot the eltyot NewBern N. 0., as revised by W. H. Marshall, surveyor, lathe year 1875, being the same land conveyed bv Ethelbert Uabbt and wife Lottie P. Hnbbs to E, W. C'Ar- penterjby deed bearing date of July 2nd, 1887. and recorded in book of deeds No. 97, pages 297 and 898, lit said register's omcs tor uraven conntyr t. 'l bis otn day oi jjeoenmer, wsi. m , E. W. CARPENTER. 'in Executor of Mary Pender., alias Commissioners Sale. vvirtaeof a indrment -obtained at th fall term 1900, of Uie Superior court ot uraven county, in an action wherein flark Uisotway wu piaintill and M. W. Obapman, Mary A. Chapman, and W J3, Blades were defendants, the undersigned commissioners appointed by the court, will, on the first Monday in Jannmry, (being the 6th day) 100?, at 19 o'clock, m, at the Craven county court house door in New Bern, sell to the highest bidder for cann, tue following described property In the city of New born: Bitu ata at the intersection ot Born and Plus streets In the city of New Bern, being a a part of lot number forty in the plan of the tnld city ot New Bern, beginning at the southeast corner of the Intersection of Bern and I'lne strwts and runs along Bm-n street BU fot Ami 7J inches, ninth; tuence Mst.wBrd'vsml I uinl!''! v illi IMi,e strict VU f'-f-t nml 6 liichos.tliiMu ti nortth nnd iiniUiil with Bern ttroet 611 feet and 7$ lm lies to i'ion strcot, thence alonr I'm suivit to h b-tliimnir. tut tul'- (ii'm-rii'Siori Honk I.o. M. mrn JiJ and 1 , f n - 'T rf il. . .ill, C t - T Tf T T-l T1 1 fit 4ARTORIAL VAGARIES OF THE CEN- " TURIE3 THAT ARE GONE. Broteaqne Rts-lea That B.lgrned' lm the Tim. of , Chancer a Raiment That Rivaled tha Ralabow- ul Ilea -Who StareheV Their Beewda, It Is little gratifying to reflect that, hoWever the man of today -may com pare wttli his ancestors of bygone cen turies In' physique' and morals, his dress Is much more moderate and In expensive, even U lt Is less' plctnr. eeqiie, than theirs. " u - - ' '-. It Is true that here and .there one may find -some foolish . young man whose taste In dress is extravagant its that of eny "buck" of the days of tue.ueorgee. Tnere la, lor instance, a bob of a well known peer who has the reputation of never wearing suit twice. He has a wardrobe of -waist coats of all the colors .of the. rainbow, tanging from a light blue spangled with silver stars to a deep green satin with buttons of eighteen carat gold, each:' of .which- Is' adorned "with the painted face of a beautiful woman. '. Another wealthy aristocrat Is credlt- ed.with having as many suits and uni forms' as ihere are days In the year and with spending" on .his tailor's bill a sum which would, pay. the yearly salary of a minor cabinet minister: But such men are modestly arrayea compared with the dandles ot many- a past -century. : The earl of Northum berland who lived In the latter part of the fourteenth century boasted no few er than sixty suits of cloth of gold alone, and the bishop of Ely of that time bad a change of raiment for ev ery day of the year. Much later. In Queen Mary's time, the wardrobe ot a bishop might have been the envy of Solomon for the va riety and costliness of Its contents, and even a simple village priest, according to Fuller, wore "a vestment of crimson satin, a vestment of .crimson velvet a stole and fanon set with pearl, gowns faced with taffetas, etc." Id the days of Chaucer fashionable to&n wore clothes as many colored as Joseph's coat, so that "while one leg would be a blaze of crimson the other would be tricked out In grcea or blue or yellow, without any regard to har mony or contrast," . : Even as late as the middle of the eighteenth century a dandy would deck himself in "a vivid green coat, a waist coat of scarlet, yellow breeches .and blue stockings," and the gentleman of a few years later wore, among simi lar sartorial vagaries, "a coat of light green,' with sleeves, too small for the arms and buttons too big for the sleeves; a pair of Manchester flue stuff breeches, without money In tbelr pock ets; clouded p.llk stockings, a" club of hair behind larger than the bead that carries It, a hat pf the size .of a six pence on a block not worth a far thing." . . At one fashionable epoch our ances tors, to quote tho words of a quaint Chronicler, "would weare clothes so tlghta to ye skin that It might well be conceived they wore no clothes at all. and at another they Would wear them "so-; voluminous that a single suite might well bavo afforded rayment for a whole farulllo, and so stuffed out with feathers' that, of a verity, their wearers resembled nothing so. much as walking Backes." : At .another period It was the gro tesque fashion to combine on one per son the. dress of all Hhe countries of Europethe. hat would be Spanish, the coat French, the trousers Turkish, and so-on bo that the wearer was a twalk. Ing epitome of the dress of a conti nent"- ," , - ' At. one- time shoes would be worn with square toes of such width that royal proclamation was' issued limiting the width ' to .. six . inches, land; these shoes were succeeded by others which came to the finest of points at the toes. la Henry Il.'s time shoes with points two feet long were' worn by the fash ionables, and In the Telgn 6f Henry IT, these points had grown to auch an Inordinate length that In order to be able to walk at all It was necessary to attach the tips to the knees by chains, which were of gold or silver, while the tops .of the shoes were carved With all kinds of fantastic designs, v ,; ' Id the early part of the eighteenth century It' was a common thing for a man of fashion to spend several hours dar with his valet among the many quaint operations being "th starching of the beard and the proper perfuming of garments, the pointing of the face and anointing with oils, tinctures, quin tessences and pomatums." It la even said that some of the dandles of the time bathed In wine and milk 'Tor the preservation of their complexions and the rejuvenation of their energies." London TtMttts. ,-7 - ' Works tike ' Chans. t'"" ,' Hanson Wonder how It Is that the Juggfnsons get along so harmoniously. They never bare any quarrels, appar ently. - .i,' f ';-: . Burt The reason la simple enough. Juggtnson always lets Mrs. J. have the last word and she never tries to pre vent nlra from having his own way. tsoeton 'franscriB.,; .-. ; .-- ; M.y : Aeorlasr t Soatle MraT'.Wunder It seems to ms 'that that music, teacher, Is always asking for monoy. Mr. Wunder That's perfectly natur al. His scale, you know, begins and ends with "dough." Baltimore Ameri can. ' - .' . . . -i - " ' , ;--'' . Twe Views. ... ' "It Is hard to lose one's relations," said the seedy . Individual with mourning band on his bat. "Hard?" echoed tho mnn whose check Is good for a million. "Why. sir, If s simply Impossible." Chicngo News. " the Secret ot Long" Lite. ' Consists In keeping all the main gns of the body In he&Hhy, "rcgtilar Hon. and In quickly dnstrojrlng dtssi dlaeass forms. Etectrlo Bitters fcti 8lotnsoHl Liver and KMnrys, y blood, an l glre .a i.5i,:' 1 a, .of They woik womluis In tw-u 111 T, ..!,?,,;, r.-.t.ale C '., I I 1 t. . ' ::" , : Whjr, Certalnlrl fe(. - t " ' It Edlth-What are dead letters ' Ethel-The kind that have black bor ders; o course. ' Israoraae of Haw. . - He If your feet are so tender, why don't yon get shoes large enough to be comfortable ' - v ' - - '' She That's Just like-a man; How could a woman be comfortable If she knew her shoes were a size larger than usualj Chicago News; ja - Belllaerent Kentwokr. - Statesman What yon Kentucky pol iticians want to do it to get together. Kentuckian Oh, - I . don't know I -Whenever , we get together , there are fewer of us to get together the next timer-Detroit Free Press. - ' Tha Meaulnsr. "I can't understand," said the bache lor clerk, "why a man's wife Is called bis 'better half.'" - ' "Ton would," said the married clerk, "If you had to divide your salary with one." Tammany Times., Objection Not Sustained. "Thin ain't a freight elevator," said the grumpy elevator man. Tea, lt is," -replied the boy with the bundle. "It carries a big bog up and down all day long' Chicago .Tribune. Verr Powerf nl. Mr, Blnks The paper says a big flour rnfll out west blew up yesterday. Mrs. Blnks La sakest I s'pose It's where they make ths newfangled self raising floor. New York' Weekly. . WHEN BABY IS COMING USE Mother's Friend. .. Women's greatest dream of beauty and ttory la when nature has chosen ber to Become a mother. Krwy faculty Is keenly alert and ber nature the Driest as she fore sees the joy, the ambition, the success and the life-lonr setiefeotion eomlns;, coming; nearer, day by day, in the dear end Innocent being- so soon to eee light,-and the very uncertainty whether she shell see a Sweet girl f ece or a breve boy face beside her oa the pillow, adda teet to her expectancy. Then, if ever, she should taka care of her physical, meatel end moral heeltb. M0Trlfe-5 FRieND applied externally throughout pregnancy will relieve the pain . of parturition, aud no mother and child can fail to be healthy, hearty, strong, clearcom plexioned, pure blooded, calm nerved end cheerful la disposition, who are mutually : Influenced for months bv the continued use , Cf Mother'e Friend, . , ...:. ; Of druggists ii.00 fc , ur ireause " stotneraooa." maiieq pee. TH K BRAPri CLO RgaULATOd CO, .'.'-' 'v' i Aruirra, smLJ--:'-;" : n.iWe smpsojr; iiSiiiiii 68 Bi'oad Street ' r. A. Orne, Pres. K. H. Keadew, T. Free -. H. X, Onrvee, Cashier, CITIZENS XSAfiTK, Ooln; Qeneral Bankltif Buslneii v March 1 1901, Burplus aad UndivV , ded Profits, $18,000.00. " , v Prompt and careful attention given to all business entrusted to ua. Accounts received on favorable terms.-. ' Board ot Dlrsetora, rardlnaad TJlneA . a.jseadowe, Bamuel W. I pock, J Chae. H . Fowier . W. ttralniter, B. W. Smallwood, B. B. Meadows, . Chae.Duny.Jr. -; - James aedmond,- -. afAyerHalin, . : ThomMA.fireaa, . O.K. toy. woo. a,ives w.r.uroecett ,, .Mark Ditoswsy, - HBADtiOARTERPJFOB ' Il ARDV.'ARE .' i And all Kinds of - '. Ilea ting and Cooking Btovna and RitDgca, Lime, Cement, flaater, raintu, Oils, Varnieh, Tutty, Sash Doors, Blinda, Cutlery and all the nas'ful srtii'.lca iimnwly found in an Up-tiv-diito n,ir.laro t'loro, The.--:, Southern' , . . ..fa , .t . .,. k, j Announces the - Opening of the Winter V, '! TOVIIIST SEASON t And the Placing on fale of l To all ProminentJPoints in the South. "Southwest, West Indies, Mexico and California. Including St Augustine. Palm Beach. Muvmi, Jacksonville, Tamoa, Port Tam pa, Brunswick, ThomasvlUe, Charleston, Aiken, Augusta, Finelmret, Asheville, Atlanta, New Orleans, Memphis and The jLandotthe Sky. Perfect Dining! and Bleeping Car Service on all Trains. SEE THAT TODR TICKET READS . VIA. SOUTHERN RAILWAY. 'Ask any agent for full informatior, or Address R. L. Vsrnoh. O. W. Wkbtburt. Traveling i ass.Agt. DistPass.Agt, t-iianotte, a. v. iuchmoua. vo. S. H. HARDWICE, General Passenger Agent J. T. flm.P ' "'W A . TrrllK Traffic Manager. Asst. Pass.Traffic Mgr. VI. ' 1. . L II rvasiiingion, u, u. South Carolina Interstate.; and West Indian Exposition, Charleston, 5. C, Dec ist, 1901 June 1st, 902. On account of the above occasion the Southern Railway will, sell round trip tickets to Charleston, S. C, and return at greatly reduced rates from all stations. Fares from principal points as shown below and comparatively low rates from all other stations: g N ,, SSg 3 -si s e BJo a a g o . " S .H f3 oS 2js Burlington. $13 60 $9 90 $7 00 Chapel Hill, 13 60 9 90 7 00 Cnarlotte, 10 OS 7 85 4 90 Concord, 11 05 8 10 6 80 Davidson. 11 10 8 IS 5 80 Durham, 13 60 9 90 7 00 Oastonla, 10 40 7 60 6 20 Greensboro, 13 15 . 9 65 7 00 UloKory, 13 00 U ou o 80 High Point, 13 15 9 05 6 70 Lexington, 13 00 9 50 6 35 Madison, 14 65 10 76 7 60 Mocksvllle, 12 90 9 45 6 25 Morganton, 1410 10 85 7 00 Raleigh, 18 60 9 90 7 00 Reldsville, 14 85 10 05 7 65 Salisbury, 12 20 - 8 95 5 75 Btatcsville, 12 20 8 95 5 75 Wilkesboro, 18 45 13 66 Winston-Salem, 12 45 015 5 85 For farther Information please call on any agent of the Southern Railway or write. W. A. Tube, A'. P. T. M., Washington, D. 0. J. M. Culp, T. M, S. H. Cbadwick, G. P. A. Washington, D. 0. R. L. Veehoh, Charlotte, N. 0. Christmas and New Year Ex cursion Via fhe Southern Railway. ! On account ot the Christmas snd New Year Holidays tbs floulhern Railway hu arranged to sell 'round trip tickets upon a basis of one and ods third first class limited tares to all points South of the Ohio and Potomac end Bast of the MitsUslppI Rivers; tickets to , br placed on sale December 83rd, 94th, and, 8Sth and again on December 80th, 81st and January 1st with final return limit Jan uary 8rd, 1902. Tickets for StudenU of Schools and Colleges csn bi purchased on December 18th, to 22nd, lnolnslve, limited to January 8th, 1902, upon certifi cate from Prlnolpal, President ot person la charge of the School. - -' For further Information please call on any Agent of the Southern Railway or wrue, a a i yaaaon, i. r. a. 5 Charlotte, N, O. J. M, CtJLl, T. M. ' v ;i W, A. Tnaa, A. P. T. M. - ' -t'J '."A rr int.. IT,. T, . i-v . ' - . - Wublnglon, D. O, F. M.ISIiBtoBS, : D. Ward 5IMT10NS A WARD, Sr. ATTORNEs aai COCKSELOBS at ,V't;''V;"lilWeHArV 3tf;;a1nl BKMB.1I. sHr-ii-' Office 68 Bo. Front Street, nearly oppo- ' ; - site Hotel unattawaa, i y . (Office also at Raleigh.) - . . Prarthui In the counties of Graven Duplin, Jones, Onslow, Carteret, Pamli co and Wake, In the Supreme and Fed eral Courts, and wherever services are desireo. - ' - - IMI. MIetlcr, ATTORNEY AT IAW, ' Kiddle Street, Lawyer Brlek , Building. . '; "Will practloe In the Conntlne of Craves Oourt at Ww lnie end buju,ue Conn i. Jj. wai:i, . Attorney at Law, 74'So. Front St , Opp. Hotel OhaUawka, HEW W.UN,:n. C. . . Cravon Ccutnly Attorney, ' Circuit CMv.-n, Jonc "lOnslow, C.irb-en-l, ramlico, .., I .i-noir, and the Kiii n-ine and i i uiLi. Condensed Soheaale. 1 ' TRAINS GOING-' SOUTH." - ' ra 6 w , sl . . DATED SiiJ9 SS 3 oa it Dto. 82 1901 TrS1 (Corrected) & 8 K(5 p M p Lv. Weldon 11 60 0 88 Ar, R. Mt . I 0010 82 Xt, Tarboro 12 22 y . 7 22 ..... Lv. R. Mt. . 1 05 10 02 T02 5 4512 88 Lv. Wilson 1 69 11 10 8 81 26 2 40 Lv. Selma.. I 66 11 69 ..... .i... ..... Lv.Fay'viUe 4 80 1 12........ Ar. Florence 7 85 8 15 .. ... ..... ..... P.M.A.M. - j Ar. Golds... ..... ..... 8 80 is... I Lv. Golds... ... . ..... ..... 7 81 8 15 Lv. Mag'Ua ., 8 87 4 85 ArWilm'ton ..... 10 10 6 00 P.M. A.M.PiM I TRAINS QOmCr KORTH, . - A,M. " P. V. Lv.Florence 10 05 .... . 8 05. Lv.FayTille 12 40 ev. . 10 09 Lv.Selma.. 2 10 ..... 11 26 Ar. Wilson. 2 67 ..... 12 07 A t K Pa He At Hi LvWilm'ton 700 880 Lv. Mag'Ua.... : 8 8011 05 Lv. Golds.. ..... 7 85..... 8 8712 26 pTil ApTaLpTir Lv. Wilson 2 86 8 80 11 84 10 46 1 18 Ar. R. Mt.. 8 80 8 00 18 10 11 28 1 68 Ar. Tarboro 9 84 , Lv. Tarboro 2 81 Ly. R. Mt. . 8 60..'... 18 48 Ar. Weldon 4 53 ..... 1 87 .... P.M. A.M. Tadkin Division Main Line Train I.AVM WilmlnAn QIA.m . rives FayettevUle 12 20 p m, leaves Fay etteville 12 42 p m. arrives Sanford 1 68 p m. Keturning leave Daniord o oo.p m, arrive Favetteville 4 20 d m. leave Fav- etteville 4 80 p m, arrives Wilmington 9 16 p m. .uennettsvuie Brancti Train leaves Bennettsville 8 10 a m, Max ton 9 05 a m, a m, arrive FayettevUle 11 10. Return ing leaves iray etteville 4 43 p m, Hope Mills 5 00 p m, Red Springs 6 43 p m, Max ton 6 16 p m, arrives Bennettsville 7 -15 p m. uonnectlona at 1 avettnvllln with train Ho. 78. at Maxtoa with the Carolina Central Railroad, at Red Springs with tne tcec. Borings ana Howmore railroad. at Sanford with the Beabovd Air Line and Southern Railway, at Golf with the Durham and Charlotte Railroad. Train on the Scotland Heck Branch Road leaves Weldon 8 15 d m. Halifax 8 S9 p m, arrives Scotland Neck at 4 10 p m, Greenville 6 47 p m, RJnston 6 46 &m.. Returning leaves Kins ton 7 80 a m reenvllleS 80 a m, arriving Halifax at hud ant, nreiaon iiaua m, daily ex cent SnnaKV. Trains on Washington Branch leave waaulngon 6WIm and 2 45 p nh ar rive Parmele 8 65 a m, and 4 10 p m, re turning leave Parmele 11 10 a m & 5 22 p m arrive Washington 12 80 a m aad 6 15 n m. daily exceot Sunday. Train leaves tarboro, H G, daily except Sunday 4 85 pm, Sunday, 4 86 p m, ar rives Plymouth 6 85 p m, 6 80 p m, Re turning;, leaves Plymouth daily except Dunaay, 7-ow a m, ana Bunaay w w a m, arrives Tarboro 9 65 a m. 11 00 a m Train on Midland; H O Branoh leave Golds boro dally, exoept Sunday, 0 00 a, m, arriving Bmlthfleld 6 10 a at, Return ing leaves Smithfleld 700 a m; arrives at Goldaboro 8 86 a tn. Trains on Nashville .Branoh leaves Rocky Mount at 9 80 a m, 4:00 p mArrive Nashville 10 20 a m, 4 28 pm, Spring Hope 11 00 a m, 4 45 pmiBeturalngleave Spring Hope 11 20 a m, 5 15 p m, Haak vlllell 45 a m, 5 45 p m, arrive at Rookv Mount 12 10 p m, fl 20 p m, daily exoept Dunaay Train on Clinton Branoh leaves War saw for Clinton daily, exoept Sunday, 11 40 a m aad 4 IS p m,Retnrnlng leaves Olinton at 6 46 a m and 2 60 o m. Train No 78 makes close connection at Weldon tot all points North dally all nut Tut raonmona. - H M EMERSON, GenT Pass Agent 4 n bjuijux, uen't aaanager, T M EMERSON, Tratfio Miuiager.' OlOoiioiSteailCo. ? rEIIGHT & PASSISfllE. For . All Poliiia Nrtli. ' On and after this date until further notice the steamers of this line are .scheduled to sail trox Hew Bern as f OlluWSI ii.'-iiievvf!-' ; V"' jji? i'v The Steamer NETJDE for Oriental, Roanoke Wand, Elisabeth City and the North on Mondays, Wed- nesoays ana rnaays at tip, m, 4 tTh. Stiv Newberne For Nags Bead, Elisabeth City and the North on- Tuesdays and. Fridays at 18 ; IST" Freight reoeired not htef than one hoar prerioni to salllngy For ; further information apply to V ;' GEO. flENDEKSON; A(t M. K. Kurcr, Gen. Mgr., . 'j. E.O. HuDiH8,Qen.Frt.4 PaatwAit Norfolk. Va. Hew Pern, N. 0 Aug.ll, MM.'"-'.'' -' Otir Iff reiurne.i 1 1 we full. Any on swtHittief (Vftfh mtu tt'-m imHoa of iiiy iitmittoa will Iiiotiiutlw r-' v our ot"i"iio com TTtiitf ) .:Clti' ( 9I . "HaiB m iMtflll'1 BV i I t ' rrn ,-- 1 - MfS sen sstjtt liif i-1 . h oa a -1 i f ' ' ( onr '! !, SI. lilt tt:fl (I'll Ihm. t T ' 4 ifii'', wit -huh ' i't - i-'ti'-ri"''i-i n ii i-.fl ! v - iii.M,a.. !i-tuiM Ontmn - -i hy n: i 'ii in" "4 , b:U Io! f, I - Aumssi, - , o: i co" . .' y ' AffclllClRiR! S3 Tlal TABU zto724 ' I To Take Effect Sunday. November tit' iM)l at . 12:01 A.M., ; B. b T. v Going Xatt I BoBSSULKt Going West . . rassenger Trains No. 4 ' - C DAILY. MT. p SB . 8TAIIOKBS ' Ar. a m aO,....,.,.,Goldsboro,,.. .11 05 OjJ.i . , LaGrange. .10 82 82..,.,, . ..Klnston..... 1012 40.,.,..Ar. New Bern, Ly, 9 On 50.. ....Lv. " Ar. 8 87 15....Ar. Moreheadolty Lv..... J05 Ho. 5. ' No. 8, Pas 'i ni r Tifl i. Ar.p. h Passenger STATIO :J J I A1LY. iram. Lv, A. at. soo. Goidsboro 8 00 Best's 7 sr 8 28 8 81 LaGrange 737 4 42. Falling Creek 717 cot luuston 7 07 902 Caswell.. 6 65 9:18 Dover 6 47 0.80 Core Creek 6 30 844 Tusoarora 6 20 48 Olarks (1 12 1000 Ar. New Bern. Lv 0 00 a. m. P. M. Ho. 1. I 1 Na q feVd Ft and stations: Mx't Ft. 'and Pase.Tn. Pass. Tn. tW. a m Ar. p m 18 00 Goidsboro fi 83 1683 Best's 4 53 f w LaUrange 4 23 i f 10 railing creek 3 58 8 80. Kinaton W 3840 oaswell 228 .43 Dover 210 10 07 core creek 1 10 10 82 Tuscarora 12 48 10 62 Clark's 12 40 1115 Ar. New Bern.Lv 1210 Ho. 0. f No. 10. 1 80 Lv. " Ar 10 47 2 12. Riverdale; 10 10 8 20 oroatan 10 00 8 06 Havelock 9 40 8 84 Newport, Lv 9 06 8 47 Wildwood 8 47 852 Atlantic 8 38 408 ..Ar.Moreheadcity.Lv.. .8 20 4 23 ..Ar. M. city Depot, Lv 7 50 t. . a , Af . 'Monday. Wednoeday and Friday, t Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday. S. L. DILL, G. I'. A. Atlantic Coast Line. Wilmington & New Hehne R. E TIMB TAULB NO. 5, In Effect Wednesday, Aug. 7, 1898, Daily Except Sunday. Going South gonBDCLB: Going North No. 51, Passenger Trains Ho. 50, Lv. a m, stations: Ar. p m, 9 00 New Berne 6 40 9 86 PollocksvUle 5 04 9 51 Maysville. 4 49 10 02 Jacksonville 4 13 12 08. Wilmington, ) Union Depot I 233 1215 ...Ar. Wilmington; Lv. ... 2 25 P H P M No. S, Passenger & Freight, No. 4. Leave Wilmington Monday, Wednes day and Friday. Leue Hew Berne Tues day, Thursday and Saturday. Lv. A M Ar. P at 7 80 Lv. Wilmington, Ar 1 45 8 40 Scott's Hill 12 55 8 80 Woodside 12 16 1005 Hollyridge .1140 1061. Dixon 10 51 1180.. Verona 10 20 12 06 Jacksonville. 9 45 12 80 Northeast 8 65 8166 ....Whiteoak 8 80 180 Maysvtlle 8 05 815 Pollooksville 7 20 866 Debruhl's 6 85 8 40 Ar. New Borne, Lv 6 00 Daily Except Bcnday. J, R. KENLY, General Manager 1 enythtaf yon mrent or tm prove j also ret I CAVeAtJinM-MARIi, COPTlilflMTorDCSniN I PI0IECTION. Send model, sketch, or photo. I or rrer exammaoon ana eanoe, IDS. 01 PATENTS Sbt! "FO.A.CXOW&CO. "m w"n iiuniiiuiuni isev. Boy yoar friends Christmas Presents i .. . that are useful Nioe PeartfHandle Pocket Knives, Scissors and Shears, Razors with plain said faaey handles. All the above goods are fully warranted to be the very finest f ot yonr boy a good first-class single barrel breech loading Gnn only $4.75. j We have many other useful articles let as are kept in Hardware stores. t H. COTLER If'DVrF CO. A Good Telephone; - SERVICE 18 A BtJSINIBB NECESSITY, A ; ;, HOME i ' . OOHYHIEHCB. A COM. .,. BTJRED. , . .' . t . -' t . -:" .'. IffcsjefisUjr yt: ConTenlencee . yV.. Iduxurr I yi'is, Orper Yonr Phone at Once I ; V;.' rsc'''U'".np,ifV'' k.iwWvll llUk4tiiJ. : While la Botufort be tare sad stop at the Rusell House.' Flrst-Class Board, A home for travallng people.. Fishing t .Jtuntln? unstcellod. Terms flJES a -y or 3.C0 pet week v G -A. EUBSELL PlOO.

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