. 1 A a SEW BIILX, N. C, TUESDAY MORNING, JANUAEY 7, 1 902v t VOL X1X-R0. 238 TWINTISTH MAR V i. o a ft THIS SALE FOR " J ' ' - 1 T ; ONE WEEK. Thai 54 inch Skirt Goods, fold for $3.00, now 11,00. 63 inch Blue Cheviot, good value all $1.25, now only 90a. 8-pieces 44 inch Henrietta, sold for 85c, now 55c .6 pieces 44 inch Sergei Bold i goods are in Navy Bins, Golden IS 2 pieces 42 inch Blaok Flannel, good talue at -60c, now Only CM-48jnoh Blme and Brown Serge 26c. x ' 27 inchxlftnid in plaids and stripes, seld for 60c now 25o 25 pieees SSkroldJor 85c, now' 55c.' , " 40 pieces 8ilk7solipM146,Wow Only 70o. , : 47-49 POLLOCK STREET. Good Goods Make Good BasineM.; Poor Goods are Kererl heap. . Thick it oyer, and come to J. R. PARKER, Jr.'g, where you will find r everything in the Grocery line. :. Our stock is fresh and of the Tery host quality. t t . , c Seedless Raisins, 1 lb package, 12o lb. ' V Perfectly Cleaned Carrants, 1 lb packages, 12o lb. Very Best Citron, 20o lb. k-- s I Very Best Mixed Nuts, 20e lb.. Almonds, Brazil Pecans and English Walnwt8,20c. . Very Best Mince Meat 10s lb. 5 We also hate plenty of Fresh Eggs.,; Fresh Celery every week. - , " If you are im need of anything in the grocery line don't fai r o give me a call and I'll me joa money, .f. Toon to J. 33. Wholesale and , ruunsi oa. uor uruau mm nuvwH. sis. . r Lhery, Feed, Sdegand, ; Exchange - -Largest and Finest Stock ef ' HOKSES ; ciTLd. : 2srCJLBl3 ," ever offered for sale in Jfrewera.; A Car Load of each just received. - ' Also a complete line of Baggies, Ifagoaa, Harness, Robe,, . 'Whips. Cart Wheels, 4e;' rH.j Bread Carolina. . , Worm Killer; has never- been known to fall when needed and slwa;sdoes good, even when a Worm Kills is not- needed, by preventing the meed.. 8af tSe. AT Bit idiiamu 'r (.' v, : :-', 1 At Oaks r.larEict ., POULTRY- ;; Tarkeys, Decks, ChUksaa, Geese. r ' ' ; ' ": ' MEATS ; ' Veal, Fork, Mutton, Wester Lasab, Western and Name Beef.- Bnrrar Cuted llama. . BItced Ham, Bmii li(leld Hams, Brmtilpss Hsim, Urk last lacon; Bmokml Tom . '. ' Pork Sausage, Miiwl I iiaaj', Frank tarts, Bologna, rrehS'l i ri reet. ; ';.VEOETAniXJ-. Ciirrntu, farsnlp, Cl.l i- UitM Te- ts S Ttm 5l'tl,ns1 Canary, Oaiuas, ' WILD tvrr.x r . t T" " ' - n : t. VV ? VV w w VV for 60c, now only 42a. These V Brown, Green and Gray. I 25c. V0 VI 9 VV f T w Please, -J Jr. Retail Qrocer, :j n iv taoies ,:r'fril'h::i. -.'''iT't j. a. aonca, 'Street, Stewart's Old Stand.' Abeut 400 acres known as the D, W. Wil iania lands, and situated near Clark's, eight miles west from New Bern. ' . Good buildings and orchard, and about 150 acres cleared. Will sell for one-third cash and balance in five years in deferred payments. " , ', ' For further particulars write to' Eiui Lt-uuF Co., KINSTON, N. .O. ItislUl) m ! Uii I have aTowMIorM-H, Mule Kui'Mcs nniPFiii'm Carli, wliicli I lute tiiVcn in. Will lo koM low fir ('.'!. !i "r on thisf. It viU 1 ' i' v.r h.'-'-r- I l t!UISl Hoi Fight for The D. S. District Attorneyship. ; 1 " , A Female Farmer Stndeat. Auditor Dlxoa Will Speak. Beports . Made to Labor Commls-. " sleaer.. Kew State ' Charters. t Rllxiqh, Jan, R-r-Chalrmaa McNeill of the corporation commission went to Fayettevllle tiday to confer with: the connCy officers and commissioner! re garding tax matters. Miss Xala Dixon, the first female stu dent to enter the Agrlcoltaral and Me chanical college here, has arrived. Bht is from Greensboro., i!::Ti:M'Kf'.'. Clsnde Bernard, TJ. 8. district - attor ney, left today for Washington, to look after his place, for which Barry Skinner is making a fight. Both of these have filed charges and counter-charges, Inrol- Thtg character and everythlog else. It it the idea of some ', obaervant people here that after all neither will get the place, but that Judge Timberlake of the Superior Court will get It. " - ; The Bute charters the Carolina Com pany of Wilmington, . wit a tl.000,000 capital, W..JC Worm being tba largest stockholder. The company wilt con struct railways, sewers, canals, shafts of mines, etc. : State Auditor Dlion today aocepled an invitation to address the Daughters of the Confederacy st Durham on the 10th Instant, Lee's birthday. Announcement la received here that the Inter-State gunshot at .clay 'pigeons will take place here June 25-28. Elmer E. 'Shaver of Pittsburg is manager. The development of the Agricultural and Mechanical College here is certainly remarkable in the past three years. It has to day 860 students. It thus leads all the colleges in the 8Uto.' .,' . ; The reports of miscellaneous factories in this State to the Labor Commissioner show that there are , 11,769 employees. In this list cotton and woolen mills are not Included. The average day's, work is Ml hours; 66 per cent of the em ployees are paid weekly; 49 per cent re port increased wages, 48 per cent report financial Condition of employees good, 63 per cent oppose employment of chil dren under 14 (of whom there are bow only 42J); 88 percent of adult em ployees csn read and write; 61 per cent report improvement in educational per cent report Improvement In morals; 80 per cent ' favor compulsory . edncatlon In this connection it Is Interesting to know that 83 per cent of the farmers far vor compulsory edncatlon. ;A Don't Live Together. - Constipation and health never go to gether. DeWitt's Little Early BIseis promote easy action of the bowels with out distress. ; ''I have been troubled with costlvenets nine years," - says J O Greene, Depauw, Ind., "I .have tried many remedies but. Little Early, Risers give best results." F S Daffy. . " Franklin and Wilson Courts. - ' Ralsjoh, Jaa. 6 On account of the continued Illness of Judge Henry & Brtan of the Superior court, who. Is for this reason unable to hold the courts of Franklin and Wilapa eonntles, Governor Aycock to-day directed Judge Justice to hold the former beginning January SO and Judge Counoll to hold Wilson court beginning February 8rd. V-S, " ' TO.GLEARSB THE STSTEH ' Effectually yet gently when .costive or billlous, to permanently overcome hab itual constipation, to awaken the kid neys and liver to a healthy activity, without irritating or weakening them, to dispel headaches, colds, fevers, use Syrup of Figs, mado by the California Fig Byrup Co. , ' , yi!To Saye Prom Starration.7 Eau Antonio, Tex., Jan. 8 On ac count of the almost total failure of gran and the high price of feed stuffs In this section, oref 100 head of horses and milch cows have been killed In San Antonio during the past 60 days, to pre vent them from dying from stsrvstlon their owners who are of the poorer classes, bolng unable to bny feed for the animals. There has been drought in thU section for twelve months or more, and there is no .present prospect for an Improvement. I Know On Bat Bcawdf lorfla obatluatt oold. Id ouu I Pjnj-BalMm. England's Losses in Boer War. London, Jan. 6 The total reduction of Great Britain's military forces tn South Africa from ths brglnnlng of the war to DccemboX Including dcallii from diseneo, reported missing, elc, amuiuits to S 1,21)9 men. Of this number 10,0 were actually killed, or died. A total of 6t,S30 mcfl were Invalided home.the ma jority of whom recororfd and rejoined thflc commnniln j ISf: . ' I'cr I:. I ) !' SIX TO BANG. - The Governor Fixes the Date For Their ' Execution, to be January 29th. Special to Journal. ' Baxbigh, January O-Governor Ay cock today had to Issue death warrants tof-slx condemned men, upon certificates from the Supreme. Court that It had af firmed Judgment In the various eases. . - Governor - Ayrock fixes Wednesday January 29th a the date of execution of all six. These executions are to be pri vate as the lawenaeted tljls year so re quires. Of the criminals thus ordered to be executed, four were concerned in the burglary of the post office at Emma, near Atheville, these being Dudley Johnson and Russell Gates . white, Ben Foster and Harry. Mills, colored. The men called Samuel Alexander,' the poet muter, to the door at night and while the negroes rwatched the building the whites forced him to take them to his room, where they took his revolver 'and made him open the safe. As one of the men stooped to take the money he put the revolver on a table and Alexander seized It and shot one. They then shot him in the course of a desperate fight, but he put them out of the building. The Supreme" Court said that the ease was clearly, burglary.' VV.'.v Thomas Fatton of Ashevllle came here to see the Governor and to urge him to commute the death sentence, par ticularly of the two negroes who were outside the building. . The other . two men for whom death warrants are Issued are Andrew Jackson (white) who In Lincoln county burglar ized a house whose only inmates .were S women whom .he attacked, and nearly killed With a knife, and John Henry Rose who In Wilson county waylaid and shot a neighbor whom he believed had informed revenue officers of hie -being s moonshiner. ' A Profitable Investment. I was troubled for about seven years with my stomach and in bed half my time," says E Demio, Boraervllle, Ind., I spent about $1,000 and never could get anything to help me nntil I tried Kodol Dyspepsia Cure. J nave -taken a few bottles, and am entirely well." Ton don't live by what you eat. but by what you digest and assimilate. If your stomach doesn't digest your food you are really starving. Kodal Dyspep sia Cure does the stomach's work by di gesting the food. Ton don't have to diet. Eat all you want. Kodal Dyspep sia Cure cures all stomach troubles. F S Daffy. AGAIN Ilf' SESSION. Both Eoases of Congress. Little Busl " ness for Senate. House Bills. WiseiHQTOB,' Jan. 8-The principal item on the Hons programme for the week Is the Hepburn isthmian canal bill, which Is the special order for Tues day. - No limit has been fixed as to the time for debate upon this measure, bat Mr. Hepburn does not contemplate a prolonged discussion of it. It Is sur mised In some quarters, however, that If the proposition of the Panama Canal Company to sell Its property and fran chise for $40,000,000 should be made to morrow, as promised,, this may have the effect of opening a wider field of discus sion than at first seemed probable, 'and If this should prove to be the case the bill may be before the Bouse for a long er time than Is now contemplated. Mr, Burton has given notice of-a speech on the bill and it Is understood that there will be other speeches In criticism of special featuree of the measure, bat Its friends are very sanguine not only that the bill will pass, but It will pass speedi ly. '::-y-x--:.- v ;.-r:'C:.-'rijy : Jt Is expected that by the time the ca nal bill Is disposed of there will be one or more appropriation bills ready for consideration by tba House. None of the appropriation bills ha yet been passed on by the appropriations com mittee, but both the urgent deficiency and the pension bills are la a forward state and the expectation Is that they will be considered by the committee dur ing the current week. The present In tention Is to give first attention to the deficiency bill. The estimates for thst bill aggregate about $18,000,000 and It Is not believed that these figures will be scsled down materially. - . The Senate has'no programme for the week and very little business on Its cal endar as the reorganization of the Senate committees did not take place Until just before the holidays. . ' . . . The Charleston Exposition. CuitLEBTOM, 8. C, Jan. 6 This week will be a notable one at the exposition. The stock show opans tomorrow with 1,010 enterics, undnr the supervision of Geo. F. Weston, of Biltmnre. OnThurs rl'.y tlta L!!toriy Ix-U ni arrive from I 'h!a iid be .tt.;''.l in the licaiill ful structure speclully luilt fur It. On Trlday the Inlotnallonal League of 1'ruxs clubs and the Ten and Pencil Club, of rhl!nlu!phla, will assembly hfire ani the fn.at mun'i al frhtlval . conducted by the Inncs l'smd will bo ri fn. r.. c, 8-Tk' BRYAN ON THE FUTURE. . t Thinks Party WU1 Stand by o:a Issues, . , " Including the Honey Plank. Cleveland, Jan. 5 As the guest Of Mayor om L. Johnson, Hon, Wm J. Bryan spent the day and will remain In this city until to-morrow, morning when he goes to Worcester, 04 to speak at a Jackson Day banquet to monow night. Thence he goes to Sew Haven, Conn., where he will speak at a Jackson Day banquet, on ' Wednesday. Concerning the next Democratic platform, Mr. Bry an said that he thought it too early to forecast such a document, but believed the party would stand by what it has fought for In the past two campaigns and that the money plank would be In cluded in the platform, . Denver's Committee of Safety. Denver, Jan. 6. At a mass meeting of citizens here today, a committee of safety was -organized as a protection against criminals with which the city has been infested for the past year or more. The streets will be patrolled at night by armed citizens, and any per son Who may fall to give a satisfactory reason for being in the streets will bear rested. , This action has been made necessary in the opinion of the citizens by crimi nal assaults on women, hold-nps and robberies, which nave been of almost daily occurrence. The action of today was Incited by the murder of 14-ycar-old Harold Fridborn, and an assault on his sister on New Tear's Day. Seventeen Below Zero, Three Days. Odklxnd, Md., Jan. 5 -Tho thcimom- eter ngleereill7 below ioro for three successive mornings at this place. This is the col.it si weather cxpeiiciiccd here for many years. THE MARKETS. Tho foi owiug.quotatlons were receiv ed by J. E Lat'ivn & O.v Xe Bern N.O. Naw Iobx, Jan. 6. OOCTOIT; Open. High. Low. Close January 7.90 7.00 March 7.08 7.00 May... 8.03 8.06 July 8.0D 8.09 Aug 7.95 7.98 7.87 7.95 8.03 8.03 7.03 7.87 7.97 801 8.08 7.95 Chicago, Jan. 6. Whjut: Open. High. Low. Close May .... ... 83 841 83t 8it Cons- Open. High. Low. Close May .. 68 08 67t 67 Open. High. Low. Close Rlbst- Jan ... 892 888 New Tork, Jan, 6. Stocks; .Open. High. Low. Close ... U7t 117 116 117 Sugar ..... Con. T 116 ... 88 8ti 88 Ui 12 m li lit ... 45f 6t 45, J 89i ... 31, Sl 6J So By C.6.L....., U.S. 8 Tec Pao .. A.C.F..... T.OlC... Oopper. . . . 70t 71 69 71 ' Spots 4.7-16 Sales 8,000 bales.. ' Fatares, Jan-Feb 4.35. Apr-May 4.85. May-Jane 4.5. , ww mmi cowoet m amuct. Cotton wu quoted la the local market yesterday at 7. to 7f.- , " . . -'. PORT BOBJTT. Ssme week , ttast week x 196,000 i's T This week.' flat;;l ; 66000 ; Moo. I' 45000? Xi':,: . laet year.'' VJ:i;;,.;:.;.480C0 f1:': 88000 Tues.V' Wedf:4' Thuse.. . ttu-A T'- s- '4000 i:; .' 80C0 . 84008 i;"-i:s,w T0U KNOW WHAT YOU ARB TAXING When ion take Grove's Tasteless Chill Tonic, because the formula - Is plainly printed on every bottle showing, that it I. a I mini. Irstr, An A Atilnlrta frt ak. I ta1U ' form. No cure ao pay. Price 83o. .1 To Merchants, Commission Her- chants, Liquor Dealers, ' Liverymen and Hotels. .' Offira Rpolxtnr of Deeds. I . (Jraven (Jounty, ) . w-n0. vn n B! toni a.iakw 4.11 v. u, You are required by law to deliver or ir. tn within tan dav. aftor Ih. Ht rtnv of Innu.rv. In ch tear, a . r , ,,;, ... nf ihn .mount of irross sulci) mndo 1 y yoo In y our bualness as a J vendor of or dualor In goods, wares. merchandise, commodities of whatsoever kind or nsturo, either wholesale or retail for the twelve months, or any part of sa'd t' -mi, .rer(. ling the flrt day of l'ro'. : t ' ; !!m-! wlih the law Is : 1 ' 'y i v :1 ! T 1 f '. 1 f r f illuro to do 1 to 6 In m ice Small Sugar Cured JUST DECEIVED. ' Also new barrel Fulton Market Corned Beef. J. L McMNIEL w mi Siiwasisiisiusai 'Phone 01 71 Bread Ht. H 4SaRa(aaisiasasRnasKMi(M(it titrr iiiiiimHiifMiiiviiiimiiiiiiui iiiiffiri The World's Appetite We supply' enough variety to suit all who come here. The different selected ihings which appeal to the taste of those who want the rare and pleasing, aa well as the sub; 8tantial necessities. Ton will eat with relish if we supply tie food. Kespectfally, J. J. TOLSON, Jr., Broad St. Grocer, We call your Attention to the Following Useful Articles. Shears and Scissors, Pen Knives, Pocket Knives, Razors, Hones, and straps, they are all warranted and can be exchanged if not satisfac tory. Carving Seta, Knives and Forks, Batcher Knives, Can Openers, and Eye Opener ia prion. 69ns from ti.7t to Wi.10, Ait Rifles and Boy Axes for the boys. A full and eompletestocX el General Hardware, Paints, Varnish, Enamels, Oil, Lime, Pleats, Com), gash Blinds, Doers and Glass. Ball Bearing Castors. PHONE 147. 78 : MAM OPERA HOUSE : Friday, Jaru t6, 4 THE ORIGINAL AlfD ONLT BIBLOH g&l HllSOirS ' t Greater Wew York ' MINSTRELS 16 Skilful Danoera, 10 Onlturad Bbgera, -- '; '; 10 nolunlnnlesv y iAlMy, 12 8jeoialti( vi urana jimary jjano, . r 10 Solo Orchaitra, ; ' ' Tha EwaU Tami f The atlVSIBU. Admission 7Ba. ; Qa"7 26a, ; Some : J Jewel rv Facts , . ' , , It Is a fcrt that every artiele In oa . i.,k. tm as. 11 , " - , " ' nd rellabl" J ,"ht PreU,nd b- U faot th onr It is a faot thst tand' b1,lnd eTerT artletowe sell nds behind every 1 It Is a faot that, QUALITY considered, onr prices are lowest et the low. Don't these facts labersst yoaf Come la; lut's lavs a talk ebeat Jewelry, '1 I n j lot s Wholesale eft Retail rocer, Phone t37.s Ham GaskUl Hardware Co. aa It HEWJBBRN, N. O Our Motto is to please everyone who calls at 011 store, or sends us an order. Wa are receiving daily Freeh Groceries. ' , New Raisins and Currants. Citron and Prunes, caches and Apples. Candy and Cakes. Batter and Cheese. b sure to ask for a pound of our fresh Boasted Coffee. - We guarantee quality and price. Archbell Ho., raoire IM.' fS BROAD ST. It yon will oome down to onr store we ' Hi show yon lust the thins? that will 1 suit tor nice Zmas present We have just received a line of Juvenile Bicycles, . Air Klllea, Foot Balls, Phonographs and a hundred other things. , 1711. T. IIUVL, . Dealer to Riotous, Fmaiana, Brosmsa Goods, FnoNoanirag, Jos;raiimo, r.-cRi Btimps.J jiAiiPsuasa, AJ l-3 r: :v.e St HBtBERN, R. Ilcuca IcrT.cnt. Et end of' doub'e house, footot CY.!'ju f.t., nesr IJouse liver bridge, con t -'".i'rj four recti 1 at d k'ti'lnn. c.r.r -vrn.

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