.'-:' -1 - 4 a.M a JJkXX.XJk The Kind Ton Have Always Bought, and wlilcLilias been . ' in use for over 30 yean, baa borne the signature .of All Counterfeits, Imitations and Just-as-good" are bat I: experiments that trifle with and endanger the health of a Infanta and CUldrenBxperienoe against Experiment. - What lofCASTORIA : Castoria is a harmless' subttitate for Castor OH, Pare- . goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. It contains neither Oplom, Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. . Its age Is its guarantee. ; It destroys Worms " , and allays Fererishness It cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency It assimilates the good, regulates tho Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. The Children's PanaceaThe Mother's Friend. ; ,. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS 7 Bears the The KindTou Haye Always Bought . M n " Use For Over '30 . Years. J VMS SSimun OMffsnV. nnwwtTWT, mwi .PITT. - T say temais conoiuon. tA M mk mn ud I wa Attn laadviiT tnimvL Th. hum wUohennaatths nay, i un anin fau lnorMMd. Mr Ms fuUto mWMt wonwHy chsdu. Thai la ataoty ol atta an g pains which modi Sea' livtt Jial. ,Waa facet, haggard eye, and emacUttd form art (h ranitt of suffering. What- tufftring can torn pan wtth thfiwfaa-iof Irrtculsr ia4ratls kactsThec and faunig of th womb I Beauty flu quickly beiar th ravages ol such distant. Tho . ; (harp paint of failing of th wood deepen th crow track In th fact. Menstrual Irregularities rob th y of Itt fin and th complexion of Hi transparency. Leucorrhoea drain th body of tta strength, but Win of Cardul restores th natural beauty, brightens th eye, dean the complexion, rounds out the figure and brtrtgi back lh( vigor of health, every druggist strUtctyhafttoOOfattfasofw Wot 4m m Mtwwha sMNaysfrhg V miiaa.. Tfr Iaht ASVtory , ftasMMt," IM riHiiiiaTMHiJMfCQfMv OuniMwai, Tmi ARE ;"fM 1 1 Hills f :0k mimnm i h ULf II i " aV ALL CASES OF f- aa lrl OR ucMrisicoo. ARC HOW by ear sew InTention. ; Only HEAD II0ISE8 CEASE IMMEDIATELY. r - U ' F. A. WIRMAB, Of BALTIMORR, SAYSl - , . v .: . . Baltthois, Md., M.rch not. Gtnllnuni BHsk entirely ewefdesfa, thank to your Utswnt, I will now a-iT.y . Hill hltfnrv ni tflw tmmm ,a Vi. m4 ! AitKiml About Stc yean ago wy riant tt began to sina, aad this kept on fetlini worse, until I lost ay bearing In this ear entirely. ., 1 1 auderweat a treatment for oatarrn, for thra ttfcontht, without anysueeeas, consulted a nun berof pbyriciaua, among othen, the most eminent ear specialist of this city, who told me that only an operation could help me, and even tkat only temporarily, that the head noises would tnen ceaM, out tne nearmg in the effected ear would be lort farercr. , - . I then saw your advertUement aoddsnlally iu a New York paper, and ordered your treat. mem. aiier i naa usea n oniy a tew uys sccorain to your aireciioua, toe noisvceaKu, fcxl.T. after &r weeks, my hearing In the diseased ear has bean entirely restored. I thank hMftllv And bM tonuuiti . . vrw tnilv tonr. - , ..-iV. ,. - P. i. WBkUAH. 730 a Broadway, Baltimore lid. . Our treatment tloe net interfere with your usual occupation,. YCU CAN CURE YOURSELF AT HOME ' t"KSu ' (NTCRHATiQKAL AURAt CUMCf 595 U SALLE AVE CHICAGO, ILL House.Work Is Hartl Work without GOLD DUST. 9 turanant to i power of Bale eontalned . In S certain mottgag deed ezeoated by X. W. Carpenter to Mary Pender, alto . , Mary Searle, on the 80th day of May, v 1868, recorded in the office of the regla- ter of deed for Craven connty, N. C, in Book No. 120, Folio (18, and by the con. aent ol the Superior Court, of Craven -,, onnnty, I will expose for sale at publlo vendue to the htehest bidder for cash. at the court house door In New Bern, H. 0., on Monday, the 8th day ot January, : 1D03; at the bout of 11 o'clock m, the following described 'real estate to-wtt: Two certain lot No. 51 and S3 respect ively, In the plan of the city of KewBero N. O, m revised by W. IL Marshall. : surveyor, in th year 1875, being the same land conveyed by Etbelbert Hubb and wife Lottie P. Hubb to K. W, Car penter by deed bearing date of July and, 1H87, and recorded In book of deeds No. B7, page m and 898, In ald register" vi lur v mrni county, - This oth day ot December, 501. . ... ' E. W. CARPENTER. f xeoutof of Mary Fender, alia ; . oiary Dearies, deceased. Winter Excursion Rates. EITeotlv Octpiiftr 1", 1001. eiouraton . rate are plarnd on 111 by the Southern nauwayioail pr - ! ulnlcr r-sori r Of the Houih an ) houibwcst. - Auk any Knt Bouthcrn JUIIway fur f "il Infor mation. and bas been made under us per- t sonal supervision since its infancy. Allow no one to deceive you in this. - Signature of Beauty is Health. t thank ytmtnimil'i Mredviotaadth Win of Oai motived from. Otrdul I took In aty lit ni no pleaanr of no M to onTbodv. your odrio. sod modiolne I KM .II imnwiHwy w ooixaoi tun, sontinusd three '- Ml. 1 M nravw ana my woiguv husband says tho mediolna ' wolou than star berora. In. LI2ZUI HAXtlELL. ntifth 'BtUM svnht cyci, dear canokxtoa and tiutJcttv offona ihc youth anmeasurta1 by ytars th -ft. f w - I than I ptrfott wrrnahnod. Btiotlful Hanky and get nor out of lift thai whoM don Indkjts wffsrin VimofCarilnl.MiKJI'ttCT look. biC and W Inrtaty happier bcrnm It curtd her atthoai kfribb pain. - But the It no txoeptloa. ahtathV fcsaarv and rracaoaa from th dra. ) HEAD NOISES? HARD HEARING CURABLEf tho born deal are incurable. and yo Mlllllllllli-- 1 b3 BCsaanWaQS 0B HOME VBt Clean, pure wholesome, cuaranteod tie cbemicaliy snade from distilled wau d free from impurltie. Specially in tended and prepared for bnman ..."on aumntlon. 1 '.' ' v- .r'. loe delivered daily (except Sundays)' Sunday (retail only) 7 a m, to It noon for price ana otner iniormeuon, 'r - - rAddres, V1 . New Berne Ice Co. Steamer Tuc Carrie 1 will -sell for cash to the highest "bid der at tb Cour Boase door in Mew Bern on the 11th day of January, '1003. at 11 m, the ileum tng ''Carrie X' Th tug bas a new wheel and Is In good oondltlon. Martha A. Kkiii.sii, , D. U Wabi, Attorney,' . Deo. 80, 10M, " : ' '.;', ICE W Vr Jt I'rcstdent ot World's Union. Tlie Christian Endeavorer nave 0C- gaulzed a world' rjnkm and hare ln coriiorated under the law of Massa chusetts. Bey. Francis E. Clark, tM has been at the head ot the Christian Endeavor society In the United State - - BBT. VBANOia JL OLiMX. was elected, president of the World's union. The union starts out with 01, 020 societies , nnd an aggregate mem bership of 8,820,000. As evidencing the extent of the work done by the En deavorer President Clark calls atten tion to the fact that there are now 480 societies in the Madras presidency of India alone. He further says: "Japan shows more Interest In the work; than ever before. China is eagerly awaiting her new secretary." Faann by Cnaaee. Tbe story of William Allen White's sadden leap Into fame through bis 'What's the matter with Kansas' editorial is familiar to everybody, but It is not generally known by what a narrow opportunity Mr. White got there. It was In the summer, and Mr. White's wife was at Colorado Springs. He was about to Join ber there for a rest and bad written In advance ed itorials enough to carry along bis pa per during his absence.- So at least he thought, and he was leaving tbe office when his foreman came In and asked what provision he had mode for the editorial columns during bis ab sence. There on that hook," said tbe ed itor, pointing to a spike on bis desk upon, which was Impaled a quantity of manuscript. The foreman detained Mr. White while be glanced It over and announced that there wasn't enough copy. Give me a little more," be pleaded. "and I'll manage to get along." All right." said the editor, dropping Into bis chair. He thought a few mo ments, dasl-fd off tho vigorous para graphs, handed them to the foreman and went off for his train. When he returned, he found his desk henped two feet deep with letters and himself a nntlonnl character. It was that last editorial that did It Valuable Stntlirl. G. Bernurd Shaw, the eccentric Eng lish novelist, CBBaylst and playwright. who Is never so happy as when bo Is stlrriug up controversy, has lately tak en up the cudgels against vncclnntlon. In a speech In Londou he ridiculed the 6tnttBtic.nl claims advanced by the vac cinationists, saying tbey reminded him Of the report made upon an investiga tion into the prevalence of the drink h.iblt in a British regiment In India. 'Tho Investigator," said . Mr. Shaw, "was informed that 60 per cent of tbo teetotalers bad been Invalided home, while tbe remaining 60 per cent were dead. Further Investigation revealed tho fnct that the total number of teeto talers in the regiment had been two. One man bad been eaten by a tiger, and tbe other bid been Injured by pulley block falling on his bead." Th Raw Postmaster General. Tbo first break In tbe cabinet which was carried over from tbe McKlnley administration by President Roosevelt ' came through tbe resignation 'of Charles Emory Smith as postmaster general. Mr. Smith announced as tbe cause of bis resignation bis desire to return to tbe active management of bis paper, the Philadelphia Pre. . Henry 0. Payne of Wisconsin suc ceed Mr. Smith In tbe postmaster gen- j eralsblp. Mr. Payne la rice chairman ot tbe nntlonal Republican committee and Is highly valued as a political or ganizer and cahipalgn director as well as a man of exceptional business quali fications, such a will be required In bis new position. President Roosevelt and Mr. Payn are warm personal friend end bav worked harmoniously, together In political affairs. . i ? t The Secret ot Long Lite. Consist in keeping all - the main or gans of th body in healthy, regular ac tion, and In quickly destroying deadly define germ. Eloctrlo Bitter rrrolats Btomach, Liver and KItlnoyi, purify tlie blood, and give a Iplendid rpetlte. Thoy work wondon la curing Kldnny Troubln, Female Comjituiut, jNnrvon P'j.i'iiscs, Conn!1; fi'Jou, I'y;.rj.a, atid ir.t'a 'a. V :.i a .1 ' !i p. 1 r !i ! a iyi f.i ln'T t' r i . ' : r M llyC.I-. : ,. $1 " f Love's Sacrifice. '"I shall have to give yon upl It was in the year 1005, and as he spoke tbe youthful scion of a once noble boose burled his face In his bands and groan ed aloud, ' "Yes," he said, "my darling, much as I love yon, I cannot sritrject 70a to all th privations that A mar riage In my present circumstances would entail on my wife. ; Three weeks go I was rich and prosperous, the head of a large syndicate) that my fa ther had bequeathed to me and oa the most familiar and Intimate terms with the emperor, Nothing, it seemed, stood fat tbe way of my continued success. Suddenly, however, another syndicate loomed above me, and I war quickly overshadowed, and now, after having been obUged to sell out, I find that all my earthly possessions amount only to the paltry sum of eight millions and mux.". . - - , The girl at his side never wavered; -but, firm and resolute, her voice be traying the great love And determina tion that animated her In spite of this terrible blow, she rushed to her ' dis consolate lover and threw her arms round his neck. - . , V' . - : ' "My own dearest," she cried passion ately, "why, I would marry you If yon were worth no more than a million!" Smart Set ; His Artful Plea. "Tea," said the confidence man, "I did sell the forma a gold, brick, but it was to get even with him." "To get even with him!" repeated tbe Justice. "Yes, sir to get even with him," as serted the confidence man. "Last sum mer he advertised bis "place as a de lightful summer resort, with large rooms, cool breezes, fresh vegetables, fine lawn and good fishing, and I en gaged board for the summer." "It I could believe you," said the Jus tice thoughtfully, "I would Jet you go. I've been np against that game my self." Chicago Post In the Studio. "Your work bears the closest kind of inspection," remarked the girl with the dimple. "What infinite pains you must take with it!" "Perhaps," replledthc artist; "but. do you know, I enjoy tbe pains." "Then," sho rejoined, with a bright smile, "you, too, pursue art for arf s ache." Chicago Tribune. . A Compromise. Borroughs Say. old man. lend me $20 till the first of the month, will you Markley Well er I'll compromise Iwlth you. 111. lend you f 1 till the 20tb. Philadelphia Press. The Human Lottery "Ah, Ifonly I won peewtlfnl . haw happr U would D." Man v a forlorn maid has said this as she lnoksd into th. mirror. For beauty women havaaariaeednom,-wvanairlenas. itis th on possession in th. lottery of human U( which women would not refuse . . BRADFIELD'S Female Regulator for youK rirlaon th threshold of woman hood, has Eeon invaluable. When they bo- Ml I aching-h.ad, (est and hsnda cold, appetite fon or abnormal, obstructed perioda and tiv una LDKuiq, in. T" uu,, fy run down, thy need building up, and fialntulmenai y run down. lalntul mease, and their cysteine goneral- td l letr diooo neeas eieansini uA, AlaAn.Ino'. Brndfteld's Feaal Regulator for woman tsp.rtloulM-1yv.lu.bl. and useful owing to its tonie proportju to build np the eya- Sows. Painful, obstruetsd and su menstruation permanently rellevednnd all diseases peculiar to her genital organs are eurea ny it. R.gul.tor clears the complexion, brlg-ht-ii th. . sh.roens the aonetlte. remove muddv anablotohedoonditfoneof the .kin andcnr.aelckheadaehtoaortalnty by removing th cause. Ofdruluroperbottl. V " Perfect Health for Women le fra aad will be mailed on receipt of addreaa. -TH BRADFICLD riqulatoh Co. , . ATtanva, O. 68 Broad Street r, A. Or, PrM. K. B. alMdaws, T. Tr CITIZIsWBAIffK, ,OJf JM JIW XMhUaT. JSf.Ct. Doing Central Banking- Bui lues March 1, 1901, Burplus and TJndiVr . t ded Profits, 18,00(Wa . .rf. Prompt and careful attention riven to au business entrusted to a. Account received on favorable terms,. v "v;':Voar4 at DIrsstors., :'Jf tardlnaad Ulno K. H. Msadowa.: J. a. Mb.iIows, .- . . ChM.Dufly, Jr. Bamnsi w.ipoca, . i Jun.s Kadmona, Cbss. R . rowier, . sl.yerH.Hn, I. W. Uninsw, r -- , Tbomui.U B. W. Sm.llwood. -'' 0.,.Fov. Crata, Um.K.Ith, w.F.Crookntt - - . . Mark uiosy. . - Notice of Dissolution of Co-partner , The co-pannershlp ieretofore con- dnoted nnder th firm nam ot J. H. Fowler k Co., composed ot 0. H. Fow If r, II. J. Kennedy, J. 0. Muse andJW, J, Swan has this day been dissolved by ma taal oonsent, , ;; . II. J. Kennedy baring purchased the Interest ot 0. II. Fowler, J. 0. Muse and W.J. Swan, the business will bacon tinned at tbe same, place undor tb old firm name of 0. H. Fowlor t Co. AU debt owliu by th firm wilt be pld by II. J. Kennedy and all person onlnirthe firm cltbor by note or book account will py same to II. J. Kennedy, Btonownll, K. C January 1, 1933. C. II. Fowi.m, II. J. I r M iiT, J. ('. ' v.j. -. , The Southern pathway . . Announces the t -. Opening of the Winter -. . . . TOUItTST : KBASON And the Placing on Pale of To all Promlnent;Points in the Southwest, West Indies, Mexico and California, Including St. Augustine, Palm Beach, Miami, Jacksonville, Tampa, Port Tam pa, Brunswick, Thomasville,Cbarleston, Aiken, Augusta, Pinehurst, Asheville, Atlanta, JNew Orleans, Memphis and The Iaud ot the Sky. Perfect Dining andSleeping Car Serviee.on all Trains. SEE.THAT YOUR TICKET READS VIA. SOUTHERN RAILWAY. Ask any agent for full informatior, or Address R. L. Vernon, O. W. WkstbArv, Traveling I ass.Agt. Dist.Pass.Agt., Cbarlotte,'N. C. Richmond. Va, 8. H. HARDWICK, -General Passenger A gent, J. M. Culp, W. A. Turk, Trafflo Manager. Asst. Pass.Trafflc Mgr. Washington, D. C. South Carolina Interstate and West Indian Exposition, Charleston, 5. C, Dec. ist, 1901 June 1st, io02. On account of the above occasion the Southern Railway will sell round trip tickets to Charleston, S. C. and return at greatly reduced rates from all stations. Fares from principal points a shown below and comparatively low rates from all other stations: 11 i a o S o a oii Burlington, Chapel Hill Cnarlotte, Concord, $18 50 18 50 10 05 11 05 11 10 ;i3 50 10 40 13 15 13 00 1.1 15 13 00 14 05 12 90 14 10 13 50 14 35 12 20 12 20 18 45 12 45 $9 00 9 00 7 85 8M0 816 9 90 760 9C5 fl0 p;5 l).r0 10 7b 7 00 700 4 90 15 80 5J30 700 530 7i0 685 0 70 L0.85 Davidson, Durham, O as ton la, Greensboro, Hickory, High Point, Lexington, Madison, 17 00 Mocksvillc, Morgan ton, Raleigh, Reldsville, Salisbury. 9 45 6 25 10 85 7 05 9 90 10 05 8 95 8 95 IK 55 915 700 7 65 5 75 6 75 5 85 Htatesville, Wilkesboro, Winston-Salem, For further Information nlcs.ee call on any agent of the Boutbern Railway or write. W. A. Turk, A. P. T. M., Washington, D. C. J. M. Culp, T. M, 8. H. Chadwick, O. P. A. Washington, D. O. R. L. Vernon, Charlotte. N. 0 F. M.ISlmwous. A. D. Ward SIMnONS & WARD, ATTORNEY aal COUNSELORS at LAW. HEW CUSRNE, M. V. Otnee 68 Bo. Front Street, nearly oppo site Hotel Chattawka. (Office also at Raleigh.) Practice In thecounties of Uraven, Dnnlin. Jones. Onslow. Carteret. Pamli co and Wake, in tbe Supreme and Fed eral Courts, and wherever semees are aeairea. -t ' P. II. Pelletler, ATTOBNBI AX IaW. Kiddle Street, ; Lawjer Brtek 7 StUdta;. Win nraetle In tta Oonntlas of Cravaa UoartatSaw Barns aad Sunrsn Ooort uarssres. tfones. vnsiow anu i .uitmv. v. u, li WABD, ; Attorney at UiWr ' 740. Front 81, Opp. Hotel Ohattawkm, v v ; NEW BEEN, K..O. .." 1 Craven County Attorney. .. 1 ;,. y. Circuit Craven.' JonesIOnaW. Cart eret, Pamlico, Greene, Lenoir, and the Supreme and Federal Courts J ElfeEsool v' ; HEADQUARTERS FOB b:' HARDWARE .- - - -..,- a. - - " . w 't -i-. And all Kinds of I ; tBUPIKd KATERLAt- lleatinir and Cookinc Stov and Kango, Lime, Cement, Plaster, Paints, Oils, VarnUb, Pnttj, 8ash, Doors, Blinds, Cutlery and all tbe naoful articles usnallj fouDd in en Up-to-date Ilard ware Store, "'"-.'Bfst CjJoovIs. Jdowt- t IVIccv - Vr'-tV. ir iwien Tickets Atlantic Coast Line FaW iuL AN f! R.R " .' - ueaaaaief scnraai. . TBAIII8 GOlKQ.i SOUTH. 7: &i h dated gj j m. D.C. 83.X901 (Corrected) g5, & . gl5 A.M. P. M. Pi M. A.M. P. M Lv. Weldon U 60 9 88 Ar.B. Ml.. 1 0010 83, Lv.Tarboroia 22 722 ..... ..... Lv. R. Mt. . 1 06 10 02 7 62 5 45 18 68 Lv. Wilson 1 6811 10 8 81 186 8 40 Lv. Selma.. 8 66 11 69. Lv.Fay'vllle 4 80 1 18 Ar. Florence 7 86 8 15 P.M.A.M. Ar. Gold 80 . Lv. Gold. 7 81 8 16 Lv, Mag'lla 887 486 ArWilm'tpn 10 10 6 00 P. M. A.M. P.M TRAINS GOING NORTH, w e d ti 3w 03 9h 2iS wf A.M. P.M. Lv.Florence 10 05 12 40 8 05 iV.Fav'ville 10 09 Lv.eelma.. 2 10 2 57 rtl 26 Ar. Wilson. 12 07 A.M. P.M.IA.M. LvWilm'ton 7 00 8 80 80 Lv. Mag'lia 11 06 Lv. Golds 7 85 9 87 13 26 P.M A.M P.M.I P.M Lv. Wilson 8 85 8 20 9 00 11 84 10 46 1 18 Ar. R. Mt 8 12 10(11 28 1 68 Ar. Tarboro Lv. Tarboro 0 84 2 81 Lv. R. Mt 8 60 4 58 18 481.. Ar. Weldon 1 87 .. P.M. A. M.I Yadkin Division Main Line rives Fayetteville 12 20 p m, leaves Fay etteville 12 42 p m. arrives Sanford 1 68 pm. Keturning leave Banlord 8 06 pm, arrive J) ayettevuie du p m, leave r ay etteville 4 80 p m, arrives Wilmington V is p m. uennettavuie urancn Train leaves BennetUvlUe 8 10 a m, Mazton 9 05 a m, Red Bprings 9 82 a m, Hope Mill 10 66 a m. arrive Fayetteville 11 10. Return tng leaves r ayettevuie 4 40 p m, tlope Mills pm, ttea springs 0 43 p m, Mazton 6 16 p m, arrives Bennetts ville 7 15 p m. connections at r ayettevuie wltn train No. 78, at Mazton with the Carolina Central Railroad, at Bed Springs wltb tne lied (Springs ana Bowmore railroad, at Sanford with the Beabowd Air Line and Southern Railway, at Gulf with tbe uurnam ana cnarlotte Jtallroaa. Train on the Scotland Neck Branch Road leaves Weldon 815 pm. Halifax 8 29 p m. arrives Scotland Neck at 4 10 p m, ureenviue o 47 p m, Klnston 0 40 p m. Returning leave Elnaton 7 80 a sa Greenville 8 80 a m, arriving Halifax at 11 06 a nr. Weldon 11 20 a m, dally ez- oept Sonot.. I ram on Washington Brancb leave Washington 8 00 a m and 8 45p m. ar rive Parmele 8 66 a m, and 4 10 p m, re turning leave rarmele 11 10 a m & 5 22 p m arrive wasnington li UO a m and 0 10 p m, daily except Sunday. Train leaves Tarooro, u, daily except ounaay twpni, uunaay. 4 no p m. ar rive fiymontn n SO p m, s su p m, rte turmng, uatves Plymouth dally except ounaay,'. sua m, ana ounaay w a m, arrive Tarboro 9 66 a m. 11 00 a m TTaln on Midland: N O Branch leave Goldsboro daily, exoept Sunday, 6 00 a, m, arriving Bmithfleld 6 10 a m, Return ing leaves Smlthneld 7 00 a m; arrive at Uoldaboro o 20 a m. Train on Naahviile Branch leaves Rooky Monnt at 9 80 a m, 4:00 p m .arrive Naahviile 10 20 a m, 4 28 pm, Spring Hope 11 00 a m, 4 46 p m.Retumlng leave Spring Hope 11 20 a m, 5 16 p m, Naah viile 11 45 a m, 6 45 p m, arrive at Rockv Mount 12 10 p m, 6 20 p m, daily exoept uunaay. Train on Clinton Branch leave War saw for Clinton daily, .exoept 8unday, 11 40 a m and 4 It p so. Re turning leave Clinton at 6 45 a m and 8 60 p m. Train No 78 make close connection at Weldoa foi all points North daily all rail via Richmond. H M EMERSON, Oen'l Pass Agent i K JLnniiX, uen'l Manager. T M EMERSON, Traffic Manager. EASTJEBIf CiHOUNA DISPATCH AND Old DqmiiiioD Steamship Co. FB1I6HT & PASSIHOIE. For All Polnta Worth. On and after this data until furtkat notice the steamers of this Una are scheduled to sail from Maw Bern as follows; .. , . . The Steamer- NEtTSB for Oriental, Roanok Island, Elisabeth City and tbe North on Mondays, , Wed nesday and Fridays at ftp. m. ; The Str. Newberne . tor Nag Head, Elisabeth City aad the North on Tuesdays and Fridays a M o'clock, noonv-'. .; ;:r'"i - Freight reoeived not latat than ona hour pravioiu to MOintf, . j For farther information apply to GEO. HENPEBSON, At. U,'1C. Erfd, Gan. Mgr' :' H.O. HvifliaTB,Gn.Frt.A ?im.lgjt :t--JJ Norfolk. T., ;j New Bern,' W. 0, iog4, 1901.' : Our It. murnl 11 w. fall. Aar "l'nI skttrh sud dncrlpiion of any Invmiloa wiU promltly Tteviv our oplaioa (nn ooacrnlnsj ih palcntalnlitv ol an "How to Obtain a Puttnt" Bent po miuMt. PMnll svwsa tlirmifrh n. .flverliMl t ..lent our .vfwoM. I-meiil. l.kfn rt through ua TcM4 iptol Bollf, wlihnitch.rf. In 1 us P.t.bt K-o.o, an lihir.il ..it wi'lrlr .irnii.iM iuniaaS con.uU.-rt by MiMif.r1nri nnd lit'S,. Itrad lor Muipl. copy I m a. i. Addiwa, . (. - . victo j. w'in- a co. .. . latent Atimeri,) t.sns lulldlr.J. KH-HIHOTON, ft. 9 .am SV SI v nata TABLB SO. Z4 . To Take Effect Sunday, November U. mi at 18:01 A. M., K. b T. Going Kait ScHanULS: Doing Wsi No. 8 Passenger Trains No. 4 DAILY. Lv, p m STATIONS: Ar. a m 140 Goldsboro 11 06 4 00 LaQrange 10 83 488 Kington 10 12 6 40 Ar. New Bern. Lv 9 fin 8 60 Lv. " Ar 8 87 716....Ar. Moreheadoity Lv 7 0S No. 6. No. 6, Pa i ngi r Tr..iu. Passenger j btatio .i :j TA1LY. Train. Lv. A. K. Ar.P. m 8 00. 8 83. ....Goldsboro Best's 8 09 738 8 81 LaOrange 7 27 o K railing Creek 7 17 8.61 Klnston 7 07 902 Oaswoll 0J55 9 18 Dover 6 47 ML80 Core Creek 0 30 9 44 Tnscarora 6 20 9 48 Clarke 012 10 00 Ar.New Bern. Lv. . . . . . 0 00 M. p. at. No. 1. I I No. 2. Kz'd Ft. and stations: Mx't Ft. and Pas8.Tn. Pass. Tn. Daily Exoxft Sunday. Lv. a m Ar. n m 6 00 Goldsboro 5 83 6 81 7 Best's 4 53 lim LaUrange 4 28 7 15 Falling Creek 3 53 8 80 Kinston 3 33 40 oaswell 1 28 9 42 Dover 2 10 10 07 core creek 1 10 10 82 Tuscarora 12 48 10 62 dark's 12 40 11 15 Ar. New Bern, Lv 12 10 No. 9. f No. 10. 1 80 Lv. " Ar 10 47 212 Riverdale; 10 10 9 20 oroatan 10 00 8 06 Havelock 9 40 8 84. . . Newport, Lv 9 06 8 47 Wildwood 8 47 8 58 Atlantic 8 38 4 08 ..Ar. Morehead city, Lv.. .8 20 4 23 . .Ar. M. city Depot, Lv 7 50 P. w. A.M. 'Monday. Wednesday and Friday. fTuosday. Thursday and Saturday. S. L. DILL, G. T. A. Atlantic Coast Iiine. Wilmington & New Herne R. R TIME TABLE NO. 5, In Effect Wednesday, Aug. 7, 1898, Daily Exoept Sunday, Going South schedule: Going North No. 61, Passenger Trains "No. 50, Lv. a m, stations: Ar. p m, 9 00 New Berne 5 40 9 86 Pollocksville 5 04 961 . ..Maysville. ... .... 4 49 1002. 1208. Jacksonville; 4 13 ( Wilmington, ) Union Depot I .Ar. Wilmington; Lv. 232 226 1215 r at P H Passenger & Fhkioijt No. 4. N6.8, Leave Wilmington Monday, Wednes day and Friday. Lea a New Berne Tues day, Thursday and Saturday Lv. am Ar. p H 7 80 Lv. Wilmington, Ar. . . 1 45 8 40 Scott's Hill 12 65 9 80 Woodside 12 15 10 05 Hollyridge 11 40 10 61 Dixon 10 51 11 20 Verona 10 20 18 05 Jacksonville 9 45 12 80 Northeast 8 55 2156 Whlteoak 8 30 1 80 MaysvUle 8 t)5 915 PoUocksville 7 20 9 66 DebruM's 8 38 8 40 Ar. New Borne, Lv 6 00 'Daily Except Svnday, . J. R. KENLY, General Manager anything yon ntvant or Improve also jrat CSViaTJimol-llaRK, COPYRIGHT or DESIGN PROTECTION. Bsadmodsl, skakh, or photo, for (rsa axanunatlon and advloa. BOCK OX PATENTS KllW "2-C.A.SNOW&CO. . . a . tAJ auiai hi n f & ssasBw Mwwyama. nnvni I1U I Vli Buy your friends Christmas Presents that are useful Nlo Pear'lJHandle Pocket Knives, Scissors and Shears, Razors wltb plain and fancy handles. All the above goods ar folly warranted to be the very llnest quality, For your boy a good first-class singlo barrel breech loading Onn only 94.75. W have many other useful articles nch as are kept hi Hardware stores. LH. COTUR H'OT'F CO. A V.. Telephone 'A BER VICE IS A BtJBIKESS V . lTOrESBITT, .: A . HOME CONVENIENCE. A, COM- CtoatTenlenoe, l; v'Iiixaa-' I yptt Your PbOM nt bw , Russell llousoi . Whll la Boanfort b inr lad stop tt tha Ttnaall TlnnaiL flrat-fTlau Rant. A horn for travallag peopl. Flahlng and hnntlng nnexcelled. Tnu IM aay or J.uo per weea -4 O A. RCESSLI. Prop .'