Tho Kind .Yon Have Always ' lu use for over 30 yean, and baa iW?fi" aonal saperrislon since its infancy. ctfcAtw s Allow no one todeeeive you in this. '.AH Counterfeits, Imitations and Jnst-as-good" are bud i Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health of . 4 Innuits and Children Experience against Experiment J ; What lo CASTORIA ; I Castoria Is a harmless' substitute for Castor Oil, Pore goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups, It Is Pleasant. It p contains neither Opiunt, Morphine nor other Karootio -;':' substance.,; Its age is its guarantee. It destroys Worms ' -- and allays FeTerlshness. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation ,v, and Flatulency. ' It assimilates the Food, regulates the Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. : The Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend.- GENUINE QASTORIA aWaYS Bean the The Kind You Haye Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. , THt CaTNTAUll OflMPaWV, TT WUMUtt ITWlt, WIW Wit PITT. ' I I tfttacttvS womanhood end equip her eD U bottle of Wine I I "AB druggists - 'The Hollywood, Asbary Park, If. J., Febraaiy S.M0S. I read your advertisement tn ngaxd to Win. of Oardal In the Baltimore . American, end it bo favoreblT imnmuMl tn. tht tm m 1.t tn DaUJimm ; daring the holiday! I pnrohaaed a bottle ot it for my adopted daughter, who . yea eufferina; with female trouble. She had been under the dootor'e uo -tor some time, and when her period, would oome on her mOeiint waa eome- , Uuna terrible. I lndnoed her to trr lianA th. Int Aia. hmnaht m hmr 1 1 r, r P". iaujriy munuu w ue aireouona, ana waa relieved, lo nae her own ordbIt eared iny Ufa," v jTwaaLHYi ARE ' ' f$&& DEAFNESS OR HARD HEARING .ARE HOW CURABLE .:. S-by crar new Invention. Only those born deal are incurable. ' . HEAD IBISES CEASE IMMEDIATELY. - r A. WERMAN, OP BALTIMORI, SAYS I ..f 'f. u ' '' 8LTiiroB,,Md., March so. rjoi. . Gntuntn Being entirely cored of dearneae, thaake to your treatment, I will now gin yon . ajull history of ray cae, to be tued at your clitcretloa. ' - ...... About fir. year,- ago my tight ear began to aing, and thla kept on getting worn, until I loot my hearing in thi ear entirely. -.i . - , . ., . louderwent a treatment for catarrh, for thremoatlia wlllioiit any raocna, coniulled a nnm bet of phyndana, among ethen, the moat eminent ear epeclaliat of thie city, who told me that only an optr.tion could help me, and even that only temnorerlly, that the head oouwa would then ceaie, but the hearing in the affected ear would be lott forerer. .t I then eaw your advertiKment accidentally In a Hew Vork paper, and ordered year treat, mem. Alierl had lued It onlyafew daya according to year direction, the not at dated, and to-day. niter five week, my hearing In the dfaeaaed ear haa been entirely metered. I thank yon heartily and beg to remain Very truly yoara s, F, A. W8BMAX, Jjet. Broadway, Baltimore, Md. : Our treatment dots not interfere with your usual occupation. to.cV,rJ, YOU CAM CURE YOURSELF AT H0MECBt?o,."ta- ; INTERrlATlONAL AURAL CUNIC, 596 LA SALLE AVE., CHICAOO, ILL ' f House Work Is Hard Work without GOLD DUST, '; -'.Bale of Valnible Propertj. , ; ' - Pariaagt to the Judgment In the Mtlon now pending In the Superior Court ot c CTareo county, Horth Carolina, wherein ;' Tho National Bank ot New Bern la , ; plaintiff and i. it. Bpencer,! ale defend anta the undersigned will eell at public ' . auction tor caan, at tue uourt uonae of aid Oraren county In the City of New Bern, on Tueaday, the 11th day of Feb . ruerr, A. D. 1002, at 19 o'clock, tntd-da, r the following property, to wit; , All that body of land eltuated In aald Craven county near the City of New . Bern, wett ot End Street and between . Keuae Road and Ltweon'tCreek, known V aa the "Rhem Farm" embracing among other tracta of land the, orlglnal"Rbem Place"i the "Hart" ' land, tbe "Carter' traot and the "Jerkins Field", and all the machinery and icnproremenU on aald lands rM lands eonreyed to Kate E. Johnson by deed "dated Fab". ,1B0 by V. M. Simmons, Commissioner., and de . at r ial In the complaint in aald action. . Ainu the horsea, mules and farm Ins 1m- , plemenla directed lo be-sold by laid judgment.' ; JU. JOW.BTBVEtiSOK, ' ' ' - ' Commissioner. Jan. 10ih, 11 . Winter txairsion Rates.. Effective Oclober 15, 1!nir-ecurs!oh raire are placed on aale l y the 6outhro llallwnr to ail prlrn.f,, ,! w!m(,r r- -in la of the Hoiuh ami Homhw 4. - Ak any MentBontliern Bniiafuj f.,r full nfr. .'Ion. Bought, and which baa been. : baa borne the signature of . been made under bis per ; . Signature of , Start Girls Right! t Miy beautiful girls bacons invalids for Ilk, . bccdM at iht cnidal period of puberty they ptyMattcoUontoirftkwiprhutth- Mother! ' j thoiiM protect their daughters health by giv ing them aecesiary Information and proper ' treatment. When the mcaie com or a girl : aaawaiw hV her inexperience she k either rrlghttncd bete coavuliloai, or scared Into try. tog to check the Bow. Hairy girls have checked the now and It his sever alerted agate.''- And '' aa result may. have grown pale-faced, with . "crow-track" oa their Acekt, and dark half- VEGAIU)III takes every morning after a glri b twelve yean old will bring the kkmcj on properly and keep then regular. It wBI help her to develop into for the duiitt of wife and motherhood. of CarduL HEAD NOISES? - , . AllL CASES OF . ' V E01 FOR HOME UM . . e e dean, pare wholesome, guaranteed to be chemically made from distilled watir d free from Impuritlne. , Bpeoially ln- tenaea ancj preparea lor puman on. atimntlon. " . loe delivered dally (except fiundaysi;n a m too p m, ....... ... -i1.' Hundaya (retail only) 7 a 11 noon For price and other.lnforinatlon, , ' - - r Addrese, ' - i- , New Berne Ice Co. MteaRier Tnj; 'Cnrrlo I will toll for Cash to the hltho st bid der at the Court . Home door In . New Born on the 11th day of January. 11)02. at 13 m, the steam tug ' Carrie X". lb tug has a new wheel and Is In good condition. Mamm AJCkm.kb. D, U Warm, Attorney, ? Doc 89, VMl. OAn-'iri-:.!.. p. ' PonruJev oa Anto Drtriaa;. Heni'1 Foii,-u!er, the world's greatviit chnulTeur has some very valuable ideas on tlio subject of auto driving. Fourntcr aaya that In order to become n trustworthy motorist a man must be gin early and practice -long. He must not become ofllieted with that ever prevalent disease, overconfldence, and should always be cool and cautions, s :. The French speed demon names tho ability to steer ns being one of the Im portant requisite for the successful chauffeur. He speaks a follow on the subject: "Any man who has ridden a bicycle should be able to adapt himself to auto driving without much trouble. H8NR! FOCRMEA IK HIS 1I0BB HACBOOt. A steady band Is absolutely necessary, and practical experience, as a steers man is the only means of obtaining It. "In regard to overconfidence. I will say this mucb. The man who affects to know everything about automobiles and automoblling is a dangerous per sonage, to come in contact with. Tho worst smnsliups I have over seen were brought about by operators who imag ined that tbclr reputations would shield tnern from all chance of mis hap." Indoor Athletic Meet In NeTr York. The annual winter athletic meet of the Knickerbocker Athletic club, wblcb Is scheduled for Madison Square Gar den on the evening of Feb. 8, 1002, gives promise of being a very success ful "nffnlr. . At this meet tbe athletes, who innUe It a point to compete In doors throughout ' tbe ' wlpter season, Will be dealt quite leniently with so far as spiked shoesiire concerned, for there Will be no restrictions. Tbe competitors may wear spikes or not, as they wish. The lnterscbolastlc team relay race, eight laps, each runner to run two laps, will no doubt prove tbe star event on the programme. Tbe other events are a 60 yard run, novice; "CO yard run, handicap; 220 yard run, handicap; 440 yard run, handicap; 880 yard ran, handicap; three mile ruii, scratch;, 440 yard run, novice; running hlgb Jump, handicap, and a GOO yard run, open to boys of tbe public schools of Greater New York. The prizes will be new, novel and of exceptional value and without donbt the bent prizes offered this year out side of the championship events. Entries close with J. E. Sullivan, 10 Tark place, New York, Jan. 20. Rreler Is In Demand. , - Unless tho owners of the Brooklyn Baseball club are wide awake they trill lose that prince ot ball players, tbe re doubtable 'Willie Keeler. The sturdy llttlo outfielder baa received a gilt edged offer from the Detroit club of the American league, which he Intend to accept If tbe Brooklyn club doe not moot it with one that would make It worth while for blm to remain here.; "Business Is business," soys Keeler, "and I propose to go where I can get the most money, especially when the offer Is of the gilt edged kind made by the Detroit club." Wants Racine Conrae Sbortemed. E. G. Storrow, Harvard's head row Ing conch, has received ranch (Com. rneudatloiv In aquatic circle because of hi suggestion to lower tbe distance of the annual eight oared race with Yale. ' . Coach Storrow advocate that tbe race bo rowed over a three Instead of a four mile course. . The schema Is good1 one and will probably be ac cepted by tbe two colleges. . Laweoat Leaea Hie Tralmrr. ,- -v It 1 annonnced that ' Thomas W. Lawson ha decided to quit the turf. This doc not mean that he will go ont of tbe horse business, bat that he will pay no attention, hereafter to racing. Jimmy ; Gatcomb, lwon' trainer, ha ended hi service in that capacity and made arrangement to go Into partnership : with Scott Hudson, the Kentucky driver, -... ''. tow Weat Point FaotbaU Capiat m. - Cadet Robert B. Boyer of tbe second cine ha been elected, captain, of the West Point football team., Gadet Boy er ha been on the team since ho en tered ns plebe and is one of tbe ol .Cler player. Cadet Dongla MacAf thur, son of General MacArthur, will be manager,' He 1 also a member of too-second cuts and stand, at it head. , . - , , , Arkaaaaa Joeker Clnb'a Datea. The Arkansas Jockey club -bo an nounced the receipt of the official no tification of the assignment of datoa, March 21 to 20. Inclusive, for the spring meeting. . .-- - ' - Oolfar Doaclas Laavaa America, Fludlay H. Douglna, tbe metropolitan golf cbumplon, ha inllod for England to spend Ave week at bl borne la Scotland. , :' ' . . I I: '- Thf) Secret ot Lorie Lite. . '. Conilsts In keeping all tbe main or gans of the body In healthy, regular ac tion, and in quickly destroying deadly disc Me gonna. F.loctrlc Bitters ferulote Stomach, Llvpr and KMneya, pmlfy i' e blood, and give a spliitHHil f ,-.:, u. They work won'b-isln ri!'!i" i l'i- y Troii! !, Fciiiale Cc ! j ! ', :i, ? tvoi.s I" r ' . ' .. ! fW. 1 FUN FCn THE DINNER TADLE Sngaeatlona br Which at Roateaa Can "Maike" Coaveraattoai. - A hostess always finds that it re quires more tact to keep the ball of conversation rolling while her guests are at table than any other time,-'The following suggestions ' may ' prove of value a an ice breaker: ... To each guest give a card on one side of which la a dainty, pen; and' Ink sketch of some vegetable, an artistic bunch f celery, lettuce or fruit, On the opposite aide have the heading:- . ' "how soke otheb peopli Jim" . Below have the following statements, the descriptions' to"- be answered . by word ending In "ate:"k . No. 1 never ate alone-Associate.. ; No. 2 never ate with his uperlors- Subordinate, , - - No. 8 ate very daintily Delicate.. ' No. a ate la the most lusty way la vlgorate. " ' ' , , Na 5 ate like somebody 'else Imi tate.. . -- v No. 0 ate iso that he constantly grew Worse Deteriorate. - 'Na 7 ate In high places Elevate. No; S ate In a way that compelled at tentionFascinate." . j - No. 0 ate with other representatives Delegate. - ' Na 10 ate with the politicians Can didate. No. 11 never ate today what he could leave until tomorrow Procrastinate, i No. 12 ate so that bis food was well chewed Masticate. No. 13 ate more than was necessary Exaggerate. : No. 14 was always the last one to eat Terminate. What to Eat No Chanare Dealred. The Mother My daughter has been nsed to the tendercst care, to the ut most sympathy and to unflagging guardianship. I trust this will be con tinued. The Suitor 1 hope so, I'm sure. De trolt Free Press. Nice Man. Cndleigh Won't you give me an other dance? Miss Wiggins Really, Mr. Cadleigb. you've hnd nearly all so far and Cadleigb Yes; yon know, it's Just to spite Miss Pechls. We've had n quar rel. The Height of Delicacy. Clara Mabel Is so thoughtful about her Christmas presents. Belle In what way. dear? Clara Always leaves tbe price tag on so a to save me a trip down town to find otlt Brooklyn Life. The Human Lottery "Ah. iroalr I wen bMntlftil how nmppv lltt would be." Manj at forlorn maid has aald this as she lookad Into the mirror. For beauty worn en have sacrificed home, love end friends. It is the one poeaeeeio. in the lottery of human life which women would not refuse . . BRADFIELD'S Female Regulator for younir alrls on the threshold of woman hood, has been invaluable. When they be come pale and languid, the eyes dull, aching; bead, feet and hands cold, appetite gone or abnormal, obstructed periods and painful menses, and their syatems general-' Ir run down, they need building up, and their blood needs cleansing. BradBeld'a Female Regulator for women is particularly valuable and useful owing to Its tonio propertiaa to build np the aya ttn, and as a reamlator of the menstrual flows. Painful, obatructed and suppressed menstrual Ion permanently relieved and all dieeaeea peculiar to her genital organs are cured by it. .. '. r . '- j.. . ... ' Kegalator cleari the complexion, bright en! the eye, eharpene the appetite, removes muddy anq blotched conditions of the skin and cures sick headache to a eertaiaty by removing the cause, . . Of drugglaUai.OOperbottle.: " : ' ''Perfect Health for Women " Is tree and will be mailed oa receipt ot address. -THE BRADFICLD REtiULATOII CO. TtNV, O. ' n. w. simpsoiVa -i i i n 8 Rroad Street F, A. ereea, Pres. JB. H. Meadows, T. Free . 1 , , H, BC Groves, Caahiex. - crrizEjrF.: baite, ,. car jh ju w Mnuir, w. c. -i. ... Dolnf Ocneral Banklns Bustaen March 1, 1901, Surplus and TJndivl- ' t ded Profits, 116,000.00. ; Prompt and careful attention given to all bneinesa entrusted to us. Aooounta received on favorable terms. , Board ot Directors. " . J rerdlnajid TJlnca ,, . B. H. Maadowe I. A. Meadows. Chaa. Duflv. Jr. Bam,uel Vf . Ipock, Cuaa.H.Fowier, I, W. GraliiKer, K. W.Bmanarood, fames Redmond Mayer Hattn, ' thomaa A.fcreesa, O.BIov. w.r.urooKetv. MarkDisosuey. Notice of Dissolution of Co-partner- ship. ' The co-partnership heretofore con ducted, under the Arm name of J. H. Fowler & Co., composed of O. II. Fow lir, II. J. Kennedy, J. 0. Muse andJW.J, Swan has this day been dissolved by aiu tnal consent. i ,:.!'.. . n. J. Kennedy having purchaser tbe interest of 0. H. Fowler, J. C. Mas and W. J. Bwan, the business will be con tinued at tbe same place under tbe old. firm name of 0. H. Fowler & Co. ; All doMs ow!ni by tbe firm will be f -M by II. J. Konntily and all person! owing tbe firm cither by note or luok S':emirt w!:i pny same to II. J. Kennedy, EloiiCWfi'I, N. C Jammry 1, IB',8. . . C. !!. FfYt..m, . K.J. !' .:.:..y, , rated S wnoteodei Southern ; H t, -Annbnnoes the - , Opening of tbe Winter " "" TOURIST SSASON ; , And the Placing on ale of Excursion Tickets - To all ProminentJPoints in the Soath, Southwest, West Indies, . Mexico and California, -- Including St. Augustine, Palm Beach, Miami, Jacksonville, Tampa, Port Tam pa; Brunswick, Thomasviile,Charleston, Aiken, Augusta, Pineliurst, Asbeville, Atlanta, JNew Orleans, Memphis and The Ijamlol the Sky. Perfect Dining andSlceping Car Sorvice'on alljTrains. SEEjTHAT YOUR TICKET READS VIA. SOUTHERN RAILWAY. Ask any agent for full informatior, or Address E. L. Vrrnon, O. W. Wkbtburt, Traveling lass.Agt. Dist.Pass.Agt., Cbarlotte,N. C. Richmond. Va. 8. II. HAHDWICK, General I'asscngtir Agent, J. M. Culp, W. A. Turk, Traffic Manager. Asst.Pass.TrafflcMgr. Vyashington, D. C. South Carolina Interstate and West Indian Exposition, Charleston, S. C, Dec. ist, 1901 June 1st, ioOZ On account of the above occasion the Houthern Railway will sell round trip tickets to Charleston, S. C. and return at greatly reduced rates from all stations. Fares from principal points as shown below and comparatively low rates from all other stations: 2 M o m o! el o o o 3 00 Burlington. $13 50 $9 00 $7 00 Chapel Hill 13(50 0 00 7 00 Cnarlotte, 10 05 7 85 4 00 Concord, 11 05 8!10 5 80 Davidson, 11 10 15 530 Durham, '13 50 9 90 7 00 Oastonla, 10 40 7 60 5 80 Greensboro, 13 15 9 65 70 Hickory, 13 00 0150 6)35 High Point, 13 15 9:65 6 70 Lexington, 13 00 950 6(35 Madison. 14 65 10 75 17 60 Mocksville, 18 00 9.45 6 85 Morcanton. 14 10 10 35 7 05 Raleigh, 18 50 9 00 7 00 Reidsvllle, 14 85 10 05 7 65 Salisbury, 18 80 8 95 5 75 Btatesville, 13 80 8 05 5 75 Wilkesboro, lb 45 is od Winston-Salem, 18 45 9 15 5 85 For further information pleaEe call on any agent of the Bon them Railway or write. W. A. Tubk, A. P. T. M., Wasbtjgton, X. C. J. If. Culp, T. M, B. H. Chadwick, G. P. A. Washington, D. O. R. L. "Vkknof, Charlotte. K. C. P. H.cSimmon, A. 1). Ward SIMflONS & WARD, ATTOBNE um COUNSELOBf at liAW. HEW BKBHE, S. C. Offlce 68 Bo, Front Street, nearly oppo- - site Hotel (Jbattawta, (Office also at BaleUrh.) Practice In the counties of Oraveit, DuDlln. Jones. Onslow. Carteret. Pamli co and Wake, In the Supreme and Fed eral Courts, and wherever services are oesirea. . , IMI. lelletler, - ATTOBMET AT LAW. Middle Street, Lawyen Brick 1 ' ' , Building. - ' : Will praottoa tn she Oonntles of Craven Oarseret, Jones, Onslow ana Pamlloo. D. Usan at New Barna and Bnprxma Ooan , B.IX. WABD, 1 i " - ' Attorney at Law, -740. Front Bt , Opp. Hotel Ohattawka, l? NEW BERN, If. a Craven County Attorney, . 1 i Circuit, Craven, Jones,OnsloW, Cart ret, Pamlloo, Greene, Lenoir, t and (be Bupreue and Federal Courts. ,. ; . , , HEKDy 0ABTER8 FOB HARDWARE . " And all Kinds of - , Heating and Cooking Stovn and Jlunges, Llnio, Cement, I'laster, rainta, Oil?, Varnish, Putty, .EhbIi, Doors, Blirrdai Cutlery nd nil the useful articles usually found fit Up-to-dnte Hardware Store, ' ." TT A Atlantic Coast Lias Paifefj. Condensed Schedule. TRAINS GOING -OCTtil i$g " l1 ;i (Corrected) g Kfl 5 " AM. pTm! pjlt A.M. P, M Lv. Weldonll 50 9 88 .. ..... Ar. R. Mt.. 1 00 1Q 88 t. . ... ..... Lv.Tarboro 18 82 ,.,V. -f 88 ..... ..... Lv. R. Mt. . 1 0510 08 7 6851868 Lv. Wilson t 69 11 10 8 81 8 80 8 40 Lv.Belma,. 3 55 11 69 Lv.Fay'vUle 80 1 18 Ar.Florence 7 86 8 16 - P. M. A.M. Ar. Golds... ,. 8 SO Lv. Golds 7 81 8 15 Lv, Mag'lla... , 8 87 4 86 I ArWilm'ton 10 10 00 P.M.A.M. P.M TRAINS GOING NORTH, w S ji 3 b 2s A)i As Si s3 a.m. pTit Lv.Florence 10 05 8 06 Lv.Fay'villel8 40... . 10 09..., Lv.Belma. . 8 10 11 86 Ar. Wilson. 8 67 18 07 A Me Pa Ms Ae Mt LvWilm'ton 7 00 9 80 Lv. Mag'lia .. 8 80 11 06 Lv. Golds 7 86 9 87 18 86 P.M. A.M.P.M.P.M Lv. Wilson 8 85 8 80 11 84 10 45 1 18 Ar, H. Mt.. 8 80 9 0018 1011 88 1 68 Ar. Tarboro 9 84 Lv. Tarboro 2 81 Ly. R. Mt. . 8 50 12 43 Ar. Weldon 4 58 1 87 P.M. A.M. Yadkin Division Main Line tiMu ic , l. ,, uiuuiwu a iv n u, oA rives Fayetteville 12 80 p m. leaves Fav- ettevllle 12 42 p m. arrives Sanford 1 58 p m. Returning leave Banford 8 uo p m, arrive Fayetteville 4 20 p m, leave Fay etteville 4 80 p m, arrives Wilmington 9 15 p m. tfennettevuie tfrancn Train leaves Bennettsvllle 8 10 a m, Maxton 9 06 a m, Red Springs 9 82 a mj Hope Mills 10 66 a m. arrive Fayetteville 11 10. Return ing leaves Fayetteville 4 45 p m, Hope Mills 6 00 p m, Red Springs 6 48 p m, Maxton oio pm, arrives JJennettsvuie 7 lo p m. connections at f ayetteville wltb train No. 78. at Maxton with the Carolina Central Railroad, at Bed Springs with the Red Springs and Bow more railroad, at Sanford with the Beabowd Air Line and Southern Railway, at Gulf with the uurnam ana unariotie Kauroaa. Train on the Scotland Heck Branch Road leaves Weldon 8 15 p m, Halifax 8 89 p m, arrives Scotland Neck at 4 10 p m, Greenville 6 47 p m, Kinston 6 46 p m. Returning leaves Kinston 7 80 a m Greenville 8 80 a m, arriving Halifax at 11 05 a m, Weldon 11 20 a m, daily ex cept Suoouy. Trains on wasmngton jjranon leave Washington 8 00 a m and 2 45 p m, ar rive rarmeie u oo a m. antl 4 ill p m, re turning leave rarmeie 11 10 a m o an m arrive Washington 12 80 a m ana o d m. dailv excent Sunday. lo Sunday 4 85 pm, Sunday, 486 p m, ar rives nymoutn o oo p m, o ou p m, He turning, leaves Plymouth dally except Sunday, vwsm, ana uunuay w a m, arrives Tarboro 9 66 a m, 11 00 a m l'raln on Midland; N 0 Branch leave Goldt boro daily, exoept Sunday, 6 00 a, m, arriving Bmlthfleld 6 10 a m, Return ing leaves Smlthtleld 7 00 a m; arrives at Goldsboro 8 26 am. Trains on Nashville Branch leaves Rooky Mount at 9 80 am, 4:00 p m.arrive Nashville 10 20 a m. 4 88om. Spring Hope 11 00 a m, 4 45 p m.Returnlng leave Spring Hope 11 80 a m, 5 15 p m, Nash ville 11 45 a m. 5 46 d m. arrive at Rooky Mount 12 10 p m, 8 20 p m, daily exoept nunaay. Train on Clinton Branoh leaves War saw for Clinton dally, exoept Sunday, 11 40 a m and 4 16 p m. Returning leaves Clinton at 8 46 a m and 9 60 o m. Train No 78 makes close connection at Weldon fot all points North dally all rail via Richmond. H M EMERSON, Gen'l Pass Agent J K K.KNLY, Uen'l Manager. T M EMERSON, TrafBo Mirnager, EASTJEXtHT CAROLINA DISPATCH Lllit AND Old Domiidon SlMtp Co. fBHflHT .fc FASSlHfllB. IW AU iPolmto Xrth. Oaaaad after this date until further notice the steamers of this line are scheduled to sail from Sew Bern as follows: ' The Steamer NEUSE for Oriental, Roanoke Island. Elisabeth City and tbe North on Mondays, Wed nesdays ana xuuys at ujx. m... .The Sir. Ifewberne roc Nags Head, Eniaabeth City and the North on Tueadaya and Fridays at 1J o'clock, noon. -. IT Freight reoelvod not latex than one hour pmtoai w wnng. For farther inorauttion applj to, .' GEO. HENDEESON, Aft. H.O. H0DOiH8,Gen,Frt4 PmAft '. ' Norfolk, Va.. ,- ? Hew Bern, V. 0, Ang.-M, 1901. ' JLocI8 directory. : KEW BURN CONCLAVTC 488, Improved Order Uentaaophs. meets Ind and 4th lkumla nights, at 8 o'clock at Bonn tnw Hull. JJr.-Hi. r. Jiariy, rcnon j. j. Tolson, Jr, Financier, Ueo, 1). ttordner, tsocretary. , . c"Avrv rone! ro. 1 rr:"riT8 dr" II A I iV. 1 "s 8 d and 4 h Wednw v i-' 1 In mi it u.m.fh In Ton ' a ! . i - s at 7 A. tN. C; R. R. To Take Effect Sunday, November 8 , 1901 at 12:01 A.M., E. 6 T, Going Eatt Bohbotjlx: Going West No. 8 - Passenger Trains No. 4 DAILY. Lv. p m statiorb: Ar, a m 840 Goldsboro 11 06 4 09 LaOrange , .10 82 4 88;. Kins ton 1018 6 40...... Ar. New Bern. Lv,...., 9 On 6 60 Lv. " Ar. 8 87 715. ...Ar. Moreheadoity Lv 706 No. 6, Passenger Train. No. 6, Pass ngt t Trulu. . I uTaTlO . : 2 t'AlLY. Lv. A. IL 8 00 Goldsboro 8 28 Best's 8 81 LaOrange 848 Falling Greek..., 8.6)..., Kins ton 902 Caswell 9 18 Dover 9 80 Core Creek 944 Tuscarora 9 48 Clarks Ar, p. m .... 800 ....788 ... 78? . ... 7 17 . . . . 7 07 .... 6 65 . . . . 6 47 .... 6 30 .... 0 20 .... 0 12 .... 0 00 P. , 1000 Ar. New Bern, Lv.. No. 1. I I No. 2. Mx'd Ft. and stations: Mx't Ft. and Pass.Tn. Pass. Tn. Daily Except Sunday. Lv. a m Ar, p m 6 00 Goldsboro ... 5 83 6 8 Best's 4 53 7 00 .LaGranee 4 23 7 15 Falling creek 3 58 o w j&mston . 3 33 8 40 Caswell 8 28 9 48 Dover 2 10 10 07 core Creek 1 10 10 82 Tuscarora 12 48 10 62 dark's 12 40 11 15 Ar. New Bern.Lv 12 10 No. 9. f No, 10. 1 80 Lv. " Ar 10 47 2 12 Riverdalel 10 10 2 20 oroatan 10 00 05 Havelock 9 40 8 84... Newport, Lv 9 0(1 8 47 Wildwood 8 47 8 58 Atlantic 8 38 4 08 ..Ar. Moreheadoity, Lv.. .8 20 4 88 . .Ar. M. city Depot, Lv 7 CO H. a . M. Monday. Wednesday and Friday. fTuesday, Thursday and Saturday. S. I,. DILL, G. P. A. Atlantic Coast lane. Wilmington & New I'.ehne R. K TIME TABLK NO. 5, in Effect Wednosday, Aug. 7, 1898, Daily Except Hunday, (Joing South SCHEDULE: Going North No. 51, Passenger Trains No. 50, Lv. a m, STATIONS: Ar. p m, 9 00 New Berne 5 40 9 86 Pollocksville 5 04 9 51 Maysville. .. .... 4 49 10 08 Jacksonville 4 IS 1208. 1815 ...Ar. Wilmington , ) Union Depot I Wilmington; Lv, 8 5 P M P M No. 8, Passenoee & Fkkioiit No. 4. Leave Wilmington Monday, Wednes day and Friday. Lea e New Berne Tues day, Thursday and Saturday. Lv. AM Ar. P M 7 80 Lv. Wilmington, Ar 1 46 8 40. .Scott's Hill 12 55 9 80.. Woodside ...13 16 ..Hollyridge 11 40 ...Dixon 10 51 ..Verona 10 20 10 05.. 10 51.. 1180.. 18 05. .Jacksonville. 9 45 18 80 Northeast 8 55 8155 Whiteoak 8 80 1 80 Maysville 8 05 815 Pollocksville 7 20 8 55 Debrubl's 6 85 8 40 Ar. New Borne, Lv 6 00 Daily Exoept Svnday. J. R. KENLY, General Manager for free examination and adrioe. BOOK ON PATENTS rffi w2?O.A.SNOW&CO. Patent Lawyers. WASHINGTON, D.C. Bay your friends Christmas Presents that are useful Nice PearIHandle Pocket Knives, Scissors and Shears, Razors with plain and fancy handles. All the above goods are fnlly warranted to be the very finest quality, Tor your boy a good first-class singlo barrel breech loading Qnn only f 4.75. We have many other useful articles nch as are kept In Hardware stores. LB. CUTLER HWf CO. A Good Telephone V6ERVICB IS A BtJSUUEBB HXOES8ITT, , A EOME OOKTENIENCE. . A COM BIHED '. ' ' v::l,:K.vNcedaj4 ; r ' ; - i;'y,;;r Convenience, Orper Your Phone at Once I . - nuSCCH llOUSO; While In Boiufort be sure Ind op at the Ruscll Bonsa, Flrst-Clasi Board. A home for traveling people. Fishing "and bunting unexcelled. Terms $1.85 a d y or 1 1.00 per week ' . v ., O A. ETCELL Prop-

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