. V IV.W V . An Excellent Combination. Tho pleasant method and beneficial -- effeeto -of the well known remedy, Btbdp of Figs, manufactured by the ClLitosstA Fia Stbcp Co.', illustrate tho value of obtaining' the liquid laxav tire principles of plants known to be Inodicinally laxative and presenting - them m tho form most refreshing to the - taste and acceptable to the system. ' It is the one perfect strengthening laxa tive, cleansing the system effectually, dispelling colds, headaches and fevers tontly yet pr-mptiv and eniblingone to overcome habitual constipation per- 1 mancnily. Its perfect freedom from every objectionable quality and sub stance, and its acting on the kidneys, liver and bowels, without weakening or irritating tiifeuumake it the ideal laxative. - In the process of manufacturing figs are used, as they are pleasant to the taste, but the medicinal qualities of the remedy are obtained from senna and other aromatic plants, by a method known to the Caliporhia Fis Stbup Co. only. In order to get its beneficial effects and to avoid imitations, please remember the full name of the Company printed on the front of every package. CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. BAN FBAirolSCO, CA&. N ' . LOUHVTLLE, EY. , HSW YORK, W. Tfc for sale by all Druggists. Prioo 60o. per bottle. TME JOURNAL. New Ben, N. C., Jan. 11, 1908. Index to New Advertisements. J, Q. Darin & Co. Reduction. Simmons & Hollowell Co. Ribbons. Broad BL Fruit Store Fruits. Central Market Lamb. Bradham-PUls. ' Masonic P Business locals. WESTERN Lamb and Beef at Central Market today. GRAPE FRUIT, Mandarine, Tanger ine and Navel Oranges. ' A fresh lot of Lowney Chocolates, 50 cents per pound, A big lot of Bananas to day at the Broad Street Fruit Store. Phone 88. FOUND Masonic Pin, at Atlantic Coast Line depot. Owner can get pin by calling at Joubnal office and paying for advertisement. JACOBS' Raleigh Rye Whiskey Is the best. Middle street. FOR SALE A good horse and baggy. The horse Is ten years old, and Is a good traveler, will work on farm or road. A good Bargain, Cheap. Apply to W. A. Wilson, Dover, N. C: Bradham's Anti-Billions Liver Pills should be In every house. They are of ten needed. Always bandy and Invaria bly beneficial. Safe, easy and sure. Large boxes 85c Sample, 8 pills for 5c Prescriptlons at Davis'. Davis' Prescription Pharmacy makes a specialty of prescriptions. Prompt and careful attention Is given them. Only the best drugs are used. The prices are reasonable. Send yours there to be filled. If your child Is ailing, you may find that Carolina Worm Killer is Just what they need Anyway it can do no harm, but always does good. 25a at Brad ham's. Walnut Taffy and Walnut Buttercups at McSorley's. Hot Drinks at Davis'. Daring the cold weather, stop in at Davis' Prescription Pharmacy .and get a enp of hot chocolate or tomato bouil lon, or yon can get a glass of genuine coca-cola. What are you waiting (or, when every one who hat tried It, will tell yon that Bradham's Carolina Cough Cure Is 'the best yon can boy? Try It yourself. Price 86c. Embroidery Remnants. Beautiful Hamburg Edging and In serting remnants that sold at l and as high as 15c yd. reduced to lOe yd. Also some remnants of silks and velvets at remnant prices. Zepher at bo skein. .. BARPOOTS. i If your children have Croup, Whoop Ing Cough or a simple Cough,' Anway's Croup Syrup will certainly relieve them It Is about the only re medy prepared ex cluiively (or Croup and '. Children' i Coughs and we unhsaltatlngly recom ' mend It at the best. Many ose and praise It We guarantee It. Price 85c ; Sold at Henry's Pharmacy, Darts', Pharmacy; . tna ursansm s rnannecy. , ., ef CAPUDE4E Does not effect the ' heart, ' . . IlJlHdifferont from'olhcr , .. IleadachojRcmedloa. EOLD BY ALL 'DRUGGISTS. The annual meeting for tue election of the officers of the Craven Club of this city, was held last night la the tlub house on Pollock street, there being a large attendance at the meeting. . j Reports from the President, Secretary and Treasurer, of the club's condition for the past year were read, showing the club to be In excellent shape, in number of members, Improvements made and financial standing. Amendments were made to the By Laws, and suggestions for the future conduct of the club offered. - The following officers were elected (or the ensuing year..- ' J President E. W. Rosenthal. - 1 ' ' Vice-President Matt Manly, - Secretary, and Treasurer' C L. Ste vens. ' . - : Board Governors John Dunn, E. : B. Hackburn, P. 8. Cox. , PynT-Balwa Stop th Tickling, and pUUj allays innammsrloa la the throat For that head cold, get a bottle of Bradham's Dime Catarrh Cure. It Is warranted to give relief in one night or money cheerfully refunded. A Conspicuous Residence. Among the more noticeable Improve' ments In residences In this dlv of late, is that of Mr. R. A. Richardson, corner of Craven and Johnson streets. . Mr. Rich- rrill-m VnvMieiaajl iKa hIias ftnm life 17! wwM y VM mwvKA tuv aisw uviu i aVse K. Bryan and has greatly ImproVed the house by the addition of a long piazza and new steps and In other wave, be sides repainting the structure. If troubled with a weak dlaestion. belching, sour stomach, or If you feel uuii aner eaung, try unamneriain's 8tomach and Liver Tablets. Price, 85 cents. Samples free at F. 8. Duffy & Co's. drug store. Tug: Carrie X Sale; Attention is called to the sale of the tug Carrie X, which Is to be sold at the Court house door todsy at 18 o'clock, Collision and Runaway. Last evening what might have proved a serious accident and injury to several persons, fortunately resulted only In damage to property. Ed Street, with little Myrtle Dlsosway was driving on Johnston street, when reaching the corner of Middle street, at tempted to turn down Middle street, when a transfer at the conjunction of the streets made It difficult for young Street to make the turn, his horse also provlnglvery fractious. The result was that a collision occur red, the transfer being partially wrecked while the shock threw out the two oc cupants of the buggy. The hone broke loose from the buggy and ran towards the stable on South Front street, knocking over a peanut stand on the corner of Middle and South Front streets. 'The persons In the collision escaped without Injury. A Fai thiol Representative. Ollnton Democrat. We see that the Hon. C. R. Thomas, our honest, faithful and able Repreeenta live, spent the few days of vacation at his home, New Bern, returning to Wash Ington on January 8. The Third Dis trict has never had a more honest or more untiring worker than Mr. Thomas. He Is an earnest advocate of all meat- ares that tend to promote the best Inter ests of his people and also of the South. He Is a typical Southern man, and a Democrat of the first water. His con stituents appreciate him and are satisfied that their Interests will always be sub served when Thomas Is In the national hall. OASTOHIA, Bontst 1 slid Ym i Hiw artwyt fagu annum Minstrels Next Thursday Nfcht. Conroy and Horn are the hottest dancers in the country. They are with Barlow and Wilson's Mlntstrela. . Barlow and Wilson's Minstrels, which appeared her last night, opens a new era in" Minstrelsy. The performance was devoid of bolsteronsness, and the rough and uncouth language, which is oommoa with soma of the so claimed flrst-clsss companies! yet the vivid por trayal of the nnlque attributes and the volant humor of the genuine darkey, wee charming In the extreme. The vo cal numbers were all given In a manner that took with the audleno from the start, while the orchestra was all that was claimed for it Barlow and Wilson's Minstrel always find a cordial welcome awaiting them hers. Salt Lake Dally Desert News. v ,, - , ; The Pernna Almanac. .:: ; The druggists have already been sup plied with Peruna almanacs. There is sure to be a f reat demand for these al manacs on account of the articles on astrology which they contain. ' The sub jeot of astrology Is a Very attraotlvfone to most people. The artloles on ' astrol ogy In the Pernna almanac have been furnished by a very competent astrolo gist, and the mental characteristics at each sign la given, constituting almost a complete horoscope. A list of lncky and unlucky dsys for each month are given. There will be a great rush for these books. Ask yonr druggist for on early before they ar gone. - : Clears at Davis'.- ' Davis1 Prescription Pharmacy hss es elusive agency In this city for the popa UrMTheo" cigars, Besides this biand there sre othor well known brands. Buy yoor cigars at Davis'. i C . 1 C.--.i CvwLS RACHZT. the Pamlico County Farmer Who Lost His $600. Another version is given of the story of the loss of 600 by Mr.' Elbert Phil lips of Pamlico county, who went to New York last week and had his money In his satchel and upon his return, upon opening his satchel had the experience of Old Mother Hubbard who went to the cupboard, to fetch the poor dog a bone.,- Like that famous receptacle, the satchel was "bare." The revised - version reported .- is, that Mr. Phillips had some correspond ence with some "financiers" of the met ropolis and the negotiations reached a point that required his presence in New York. His son accompanied him and in fact It Is said that the young man had oonduoted the negotiations which were of a somewhat' delicate and diplomatic character.;' The money was raised on a mortgage on Mr, Phillips property- near Wilkinson Point on Nense river and the lump sum deposited In a satchel, where upon the journey was made to New York with expedition and safety. . , .The rendetvoufwas in one of the great city sky-scrapers but the Pamlieo county couple only ascended, by means of the "lift" as high as the seventh story of the Imposing granit pile on Broad way. Here, they met a suave gentleman in an ante-room of a suite of offices and upon proper identification, essential among dealers in "securltes", they were admitted to another room filled with tables. Upon, these tables were ''"lots and cords" of bills, or "green backs", mainly of $10 denomination. The money was evidently genuine, It had the right look. . Several rolls of bills were shown to the visitors, each roll said to contain $8,000 in bills and just like those upon the tables. One of these $8,000 rolls was offered to the North Carolinian for the $600 still reposing securely within the satchel. It is ssid that the would-be benefactors represented that the bills were printed from genuine elates stolen from the government and were therefore the real thing. At any rate the trade is said to have been made and a roll, the outside of which was plainly a $10. wrapper, wss wrapped In tissue paper and curled to Pamlico county. The package was not touched on the way down but upon arrival at Arapahoe examination reveal ed the fact that like beauty the money was only skin deep. There was nothing below the first bill except neatly folded papers. As already stated In an account of the matter, the affair Is a deep mys tery to the community. The explana tion given above that It was only an other successful working of the green goods gsme, msy lend to shed some light npon the happening. James H Tnorne Dramatic Company at the Opera House. Manager Green has booked as his at traction for two nights commencing Monday January 18th, the Jas H Thorne Dramatic Company In a round of popu lar plays, Mr. Thorne is no stranger In Mew Bern, having visited our oity regu larly for the psst 80 years, he will make his appearance on Monday night in that celebrated comedy, '(In fonr acts) Rip-Yan-Winkle. Mr. Thorne has surround ed hlmielf with a company of actors, and actors that are equal to any that have appeared here this season. Mr. Thorne is ably assisted by Miss Bonnie Meyer. This engsgement Is for two nights only. All special scenery Is carried for the production and every little detail la looked after. There will be a change of bill each night. . Designer for February. St Valentine's Day and Washington's Birthday divide honors in the February Demean, which contains Valentine verses, Valentine amusement for the children. "Washlngtonian Tableaux", a Washington's birthday comedy "Mrs. Podgers' Mlnoe Pie," and Illustrated di rections for dressing the hslr In Martha Washington stylo Three capital abort stories are "Aunt Una' Conjurin'," by Will Harben, "Her Son' Wife," by Mar garet Whillans Beardaley, and "Miss Clarissa's Bmlle Factory," : by Mary Knight Potter. "Pincushions" and "Novelties In Crochet" give hints for fancy work. ' Ths Hygienic Pantry and Storeroom," "Household Advice" and "Breakfast Recipes" offer- assistance to the housewife. "Points on Dressmak ing," "Fashions and ' Fabrics," "For Health and Beauty," and "Nursery Lor are other practical and Interesting fea turea. "Daughters of the Whit House." byWaldott Fawoett, I an Illustrated article of merit, and "Book Note" and Selections for the Recitetiontst" make up the list of miscellany. Prominent among the fashion features Is "Costumes for Elderly Ladles,", beautifully Illus trated, and containing just such infor mation as is needed by those desiring dignified, and appropriate , apparel. A new departure In The Designer, and one which will be highly appreciated, eon slsts of Sully-Illnstrated instructions tor the making of stylish hats and bonnets v, Winter Excursion Rates. Effeotive October 15, 1901, excursion rates are placed on sale by the Southern Railway to all principal winter resorts of the South sod Southwest Ask any agent Southern Railway for full Infor mation. . - . A LIGHT COUGH. ' Is toot an ey thing to losen It fastens lUclf onto the bronchial tubes snd reai lirs for the lungs. There Is ir to , SUdke It Out - 4. of the system. It's an ey way, tnke Clmrry-Ulycerlno. This rem edy will euro vtiry time. Its cu- j Tnilve proportion iro to Iho Ppnt J w!nm tii lltlie tickling n- . vnti R'nl drives It O'lWiu.i i, y ill i r H -v. Z 1 rlf - N WINTER. Yon tnay talk erbout your summer an the tileshurs of a spoon On the porch br In a hammuck by the - shtnin' of the moon, When the firebugs glance an' glitter 'sln ths shrub'ry by the fence -Ax! the owl boots hi the wood lot. an : you're young an' got no sense. It's all right an' fine, I reckon, but there's 'r callus skeeters round. -An' It's long odds that the hammock ".. oomss a-tumblbY to the ground, ; ' If you're befty luce, es I be, an' the gal la befty toot v.-..,-.'. "i ,..-'"7-: -. But, anyway, the winter Is ths time I like ... . tO WOO, '. .... ' ; I . , ?"'.'V.;.-.;.;r;;:.:.?.:r. .- , Bundled up In a neat eutter, where the . seat ain't none too wide, A bright eyed, red cheeked, laughin' gal a-Mttln' by your lde, 'A speedy, one hand drlvuV hoes, the snow v well trodden down. X eoapstone in the laprobee an a good safe ways from -town. Too talk erbout the weather, an' the Ut'ry, an the bee : They bad down to 81 Hoskins an' your arm keeps workin tree. Blmeby she looks up at you in a euiintn' kind of way, An' your heart beats like the mischiefs an you don't know what to say. Tour arm slides 'long the lasyback an' then draps down to hern, An' she Jest sorter snuggles, an' you do not give a derm That's me. That's when I'm happy, an' I keep that way ontll I git back tothe stable an' the Uv'ry keep er's bia V Chicago News. -Bookish. rTour majesty," sald the court cham berlain, "this la the page who baa been behaving so scandalously." "Ah," exclaimed the king, "a loose1 pagel He must be brought to book." . "A royal Jest, I'll be bound," said the page, with an opportune laugh. There upon the king forgave him. Philadel phia Press. Noneom'mlttal. "Do you think the world is growing worse or better?' "I shouldn't venture an opinion," said the man who makes no pretensions to being a philosopher. "One's Impres sions on that point are likely to depend largely on the kind of society lie hap pens to get Into." Washington Star. ImpoHlble IneonaUtency. Hiss Hlghe-Waye Poor Fido cried so when I drove away In the victoria Without him I Mr. Qulzz Why didn't you take him With you? Miss Highe-Waye Because I didn't go in the dogcart, of course. Smart Set The Only Explanation. "What makes you think she has money?" be asked. The envious girl tossed her head air ily. "Tho combination of her looks and the fact that ber engagement Is on nounced," she replied. Chicago Post A DlBcaselon. First Tramp Xou' oughtn't to tell people you want a nickel to quench yer hunger. Second Tramp Ain't dat what ycr do wit' yer hunger? Dot's correct! ' First Tramp It's correct. all rig but it ain't diplomatic Puck. Something specially Ribbons at LfalW Ja aaaaa t I5c Per Spool, 10 yards on each spool. All the leading shades. This is Extraordinary value. NECK RIBBONS. We offer this morning an unusually attractive line- 1 X of Piain and Fancy Naok : 25c Per Yard. , look at the styles in our windows. And the price Is; . so low. . ' y )':' y, dJ'fi ft' - P" V ', j ; These values are wortk looking into.' 1 ; " ' , ; ; ; ; : f I J ss v ; BETWEEN H EATS. C. K. 0. Billings has a total of sixty horses. ,.; ' '-,.: The Boston horse show la scheduled for April 14-19. , , H. E. Deverenx of Cleveland la ths new owner of Harlque, 2:14. .- -: ; ? It la reported that the Oakley track management will ask the privilege of penlng the grand circuit of 1902. . -. During the past two' years the Terre Haute Trotting association baa reduc ed Its debt from $34,000 to f 14,000.' : The fact that the Louisville trotting track baa been leased to outlawed run ners for another year puts that city 'out of the harness racing world for 1902 at least " Members of the Bond Drivers' .asso ciation of Milwaukee are planning for the biggest season next year In the nee of the light harness horse that that city has ever known. An unreported addition to last year's list of new 2:15 trotters la the more Jean that trotted to a record of 2:11 at the meeting held at Galesburg, 111., late In the fall. She is five years old. Tbo National Trotting association has ruled that a member cannot have three races in progress at one time. The amateur driving clubs in membership with It have been doing this for years. Steamer Tag "Carrie X" For Sale. I will sell for cash to the highest bid der at the Court House door In New Bern on the 11th dsy of January, 1902, at 13 m, the steam tug "Carrie X". The tug has a new wheel and Is In good condition. Martha A. Kekler. D. L. Ward, Attorney. Dec. 80, 1901. LAXATIVE TASTELESS HILL TONIC. Combining the laxatire property of Cascartt. beneficial as a gener al tonic. Gnaranteed. 50c. Only'sold at ttHAUUABl'B Mr UAHBlAli X Violins Half Price, e Left-over Holiflay M, 201 I per cent. off. I Turner's Norll Carolina' Al maoac 1902. G. N. Ennett. t t nice is our new All Silk Baby Kbboni at . v; 'f;,i0 Z W i Bool-keepers Snpplies el ft :t!u : ;itf t ? r z z z z ooooooooh c z z m 5 ! irow is iotq criAWCE to nuir ! ! Syit Cheap. We have a very few 16.50, 17.00, 8.C0 and $9.00 Men's Suits left. In order to alose them all out at once we offer them to you for THINK OF IT I The in town. IT IS UP TO YOU. You will regret it if you don't avail yonraelf of this offer. TEEMS STRICTLY CASH. i. g. in & co., Men's A 57 ollocls: Stxeot- Brushes AT COST HAIR BRUSHES, TOOTH BRUSHES FEESH BRUSHES, NAIL. BRUSHES, LATHER BBUSIIES. I AT COST PRICES. S We buy a large line of sample brushf s every year and gtt fj&S 25 per cent. off. We make the 25 per cent. You get them at ! the price we would have to pay for regular stock. The advan- Hs tage to us is we sell so many more "Quick sales and Small g profits." 1 DUFFY'S FOR Horses, Mules, Buggies, Farm Wagons, Cart Wheels and Harness OIYE ME A TRIAL THOS. J. Court Notice. ' SPEGAL TERM. On the request of the Board of Com missioners of Craven county, Els Excel lency the Governor has ordered a special term of the Superior Court tot said oonnty for the trial of civil cases only to be began and held on the first Mon day in February next, said term to con tinue for one week. The regular Februsry term of the Su perior Court fox the trial of civil cases will follow the special term and begins on Monday February the 10th to con tinue one week. Judge Francis D. Winston will preside at both terms, ..l W, M. Watsok, Clerk Sapertor Court anuary 8 1902. - TUCKER'S .'-:Yi".: i GRANITE & MARBLE WORKS, CtltrB'ta'U kta ifv Granite & Marble Monuments, - ; t Contractors for Building Stone H. A. Tucker Q Bro. ''Uv 810 North rwntBtieet,' K- WILMINQTOW,' " K O. : NOTICE I y Ml creditors of J.' B. ,Tlnsos ; will please" render aa Itemised stateaieniof their account to aft at oooe. Those Indebted to him will kindly remit to cover their account and oblige. ' ; ; , G. L. VINSON, ; ' ' . Administrator. Deo. iOlb, 1901. ; largest saorifice offer ever made Boy's Wear, rOwOO PHARMACY. MMIIM in IstssssllJSjW nn wausin Is fcllllf W MITCHELL. HORSE SHOER Shoes Bones at his shop next to Street's Stables, Fouth Front St. A Mothers Horror I Croup, Croup. can be prevented if used in tisae and cured almost Instantly by using ANWAY'S CROUP SYRDP, - AT BRADHAM'S. 28 At rinkr.' Hoiabnl Tarkeys, Decks, Chickens, Qeese. MEATS Teal, I'ork, Mutton, Westera I atnb, Sugar Cured Bams, Sliced Ham, ttmlthneld Bams, Boneless Bam, Ursak fast Bacon, ttaioked Tongue. Pork Sausage, Mixed tfausaga, Frank farta, Bologna, Fresh Tripe, pigs Feet, f VXOITABLK8 '- ' Carrots. Parsnip, CabbsMi Irish I'o- tatoes, YsmlPotaUea, Celery, Oaloas, Itattsjoa,. -. -. ' , WILD DUCKS. Oats T?J7e4 J7 Broad. Street y yy iy At bvtwyy y t, :. Jordan's Cough Bslsam, made acoord- Ing to formula of late Col. Jordan, Is oa sale at Davis' Pieserlptloa Pharmacy. This Cough Bslsam has always been found very efficacious, and It doa not oontala any harmful drug? It la erpeo- luHj good for children. Price 13 cents. J t

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