HI W BIBS, N, C, SUNDAY MORNING, JANUARY 12, 1902.' TWENTIETH YEAR -V A, ........JVJV.- . 'J. aWW - " -4 -mr -V -''i'Zyy ' MORE CR0PSEY CASE, ; PEACE OVERTURES. YOL X1X-KO. 24S THIS SALE FOR : . ONE WEEK. That 54 Inoh Skirt Goods, sold for $2.00, now 11.00. 52 inch Blue Cheviot,' good value at $1.25, now only 90c. 8 pieces 44 inch Henrietta, sold for 85c, now. 55c. 6 pieces 44 inch Serge, Isold for 60c, now only 42c. These goods are in Navy Bine, Golden Brown, Green and Gray. . , 2 pieces 42 inch Black Flannel, good value at 60c, now Only 6 pieces 42 inch Bine and Brown Serge 25c. 27 inch Flannel in plaids and stripes, sold for 50c now 25c 25 pieces Silk, sold for 85c, now 65c 40 pieces Bilk, sold for $1.25, now Only 70c. " "47-49. POLLOCK: STREET. Good Goods . Make Good Business. Poor Goods are Never Cheap. Think it over, and come to J. R. PARKER, Jr.', where you will find everything in the Grocery line. Our stock is fresh mid of the very beet quality. Seedless Raisins, 1 lb package, 12o lb. Perfectly Gleaned Currants, 1 lb package?, 12c lb. . Very Best Citron, 20o lb. ' Very Best Mixed Nuts, 20o lb. Almonds, Brazil Pecans and English Walnuts, 20c. Very Best Mince Meat 10c lb. " We also have plenty of Fresh Eggs. Fresh Celery every week. If you are in need of anything in the grocery lire den't fai o give me a call and 111 save you. money. . Tours to Please, J. IB. TZEZnTZ, Tr. I Wholesale and Retail Orocer, ( PHONE 69. Cor. Broad & Hancock Sts. Liveiy, Feed, Saleand Exchange Largest and , ever offered for sale in New Bern. A Car Load of each just received. ! - Also a complete line of Baggies, Wagon, Harness, Robee, "Whips. Cart Wheels, &o. - J. A. .TOOTS, ,' ' ; ' Broad Street, fowart's Old Stand ; ; mk Sale! About 400 acres known as the D. W. Williams lands, and situated near Clark's, eight miles west from New Bern. Good buildings and c orchard, and about 150 acres cleared. Will sell' for one-third cash and balance in five years in deferred payments. 4 . " ' ' For further particulars write to' .V'ta BmLLEtoCoL,:'' ' . ' ; ; ' KENSTON, N. C. FOR SALE ! .1 have a few Horses, Mulc, Buggies and Farm Cart, which I have talen' in. Will be sold low for Cash or on time. It will be to your interest to soo me before bnyh'jj.' 25c. JONES, Finest Stock of ' is .. ,. Winter Time ; Vehicles n now to b considered. To all who require the best, most adaptable most SractlcaV most comfortable mna most urable carriage (or cold, stormy and wet weather, we recommend our line of rocVawaya, enrreys and top buRgiea, $50 to (100; two seated roekaways at km to (300. We ate only the very best material in every department of pnr fac tory, for lie construction of only the highest (Trade vehicles to be found on the nmrkot. You can depend on our vehicles being np to now. We are first haDds for any kind of niaterral for re pairing and can save you money, too us. 1' ours to j)l(, Q. II. Vr.im i tUnu rhona 1 71 r- i pi., - rv rw, n. r. r 1 !53V Conference 1b Regard to the Swamp ' Lands in Carteret County. - Well Kaowa Citizen Dead.' Condi . tloa ef Farmers la Piedmont 7 , Section. Case ef Default - ea Ball.- Cotton Mill Increase. .Ralbioh, N. C.x Jan, 11 A. W. Fraps, died here thU morning of asth ma, at the age af Hi He wai a native of Baiony, foaght la one of the Euro pean wars, came here In 1859, and daring part of the Olvil War, made many arti cles for the State and Confederate Gov ernments it hit factories here, particu larly tents, bayonets, saddles and cart ridge boxes. He also made lead pencils, nslng plumbago found la two miles of Raleigh. After the war he waa in the furniture and saloon business and be came known of all men in public life In tee State. Be was a mason. One of his sons is a professor In the Agricult ural and Mechanical College. Sheriff Tayloe of Hertford county has brought to the penitentiary Drew Vang han convicted of mnrderlnir an old ne gro on a steamboat, but who was this week granted a commutation of the death sentence. Vaughan Is to serve a life sentence In the penitentiary. The sheriff says he la a dangerous criminal and that the penitentiary officials will have to exercise special care to keep htm. Commissioner of Agriculture Patter son returned to day from Caldwell coun ty. Be says the condition of the poorer farmers there and In much of the Piedmont ' section la distressing and will be mote so during the coming spring and summer. .The heavy rains so destroyed the corn crop that not enough was raised for bread. The excessively high price of corn Is a blow. Few have corn to sell and practically all are buyers. Rev. Baylus Cade and State engineer McRee were here today to confer with the State officials regarding the swamp lauds in Carteret county, held by the State Board of education. Dr. Cade says ihere are 110,000 acres of these lands, of which 80,000 are what are known as "open lands," that Is they are under water part of the year. Dr. Cade says these open lands are not worth a dollar a square mile. Not long ago at Maxton a man named Resnik attempted to burn bis store. He waa arrested and gave ball In flOOO for his appearance at oourt. He gave a mortgage on his stock of goods. The bail Is of course forfeited and goes to the educational fund. Now some of Resnik's creditors are trying to have him put in bankruptcy. This the State will fight. The Capitol Club here.has decided to establish a well equipped gymnasium. During 1000 no less than. 88 cotton mills were chartered by the State. Last ear only 15 were chartered... There were extensive additions to mills, yet the gain in spindles and looms was much less than in 1900. Labor commissioner Tamer Is now preparing the report si to cotton and woolen mills and says It will be both accurate and complete. The millers found last year a trying one. Next Monday 190 convicts go to the Ohio River and Charleston railway. Of these 184 came from the TJJIery farm on the ttoanoke river, which the State has contracted on shares for several years. CWld Worth Millions. "My child Is worth millions to me," siys Mrs. Mary Bird of Harrisburg, Pa, 'yet I would have lost her hr eronp had I not purchased a bottle of One Minute Cough Cure, "One Minute Cough Curt it sore eure for coughs, croup and throat tnd lung troubles.. An absolute ssft cough cure which acts immediately, Tht youngest child can take U with entire safety. The Utile ones Ilk the taste and remember how often It helped them. Every family should have a bottle Of One Minute Cough Core handy. At this season especially It may be needed sud denly. ...F. 8 Duffy.' -i-yr , Sulian Watches Tripoli. . London, Jan. 10 Tht Cairo corres pondent of the Daily Mall cablet that Sultan Abdul Htmld, of Turkey, tu Vainly sought to enlist French aid to prevent, the Italian occupation of Trip jll The sultan then decided to fortify the cspliol, and Tripoli Will be reinforced with a garrison, which will be equipped with' the most modern weapons, , . 1 Children Especially Liable. . Burns, bruises and puis are axtremrly painful and If neglected often result In blood poisoning. - Children are especial ly liable to inch mishaps because not so careful. Ave remedy De Witt's Witch flaw Salvo Is Unequalled. .Draws out the lire, stps the palo, soon heals the I wound. Dowaro of counterfoils. Sure euro for pllta. DeWilt's Witch Hazel Salve cared my fcahy of trtcma after two physicians gave her up." writes James Mock, N. Wei). let Ind., "The sores were ro had she sollrd two to five dresses S day." FS-Duffy. 'CASTOHIA IVr Infants nml (:: ' ; i. Citizens Committee Against Mayor and Chief Police. Utter Brink Dam age Suits. . Bdvfojlk, Vs., Jan, 10. The climax to the alleged friction and altitude ot rival ry and antagonism which is said to have existed all along between the Elisabeth City citizens committee and the muni cipal authorities, came today In the form of two damage suits for 910,000 each. The plaintiffs are Mayor T. B. Wilson and Police Chief W. C. Dawson, each of whom seeks the sum named from mem hers of the citizens committee. . .The match which set off the volcano of unrest, was applied in the form of a signed statement from four members of the committee, ; which ' ;inferentlally charged the offiolals not only with su pineness in solving the Cropsey mys tery, but In the committee's words, "they have at all limes seriously handlcapped our efforts by their actions and manner of treatment." They also charged Chief Dawson with wlilag the release of a Cropsey suspect whose identity they were preparing to Investigate. - After referring to the burden of criti cism they have borne, the committee de clared, "we could have accomplished better results and saved much time and labor had the chief of police and Mayor recognized that they were public offi cers, paid as public servants and dis charged their duty in accordance with those facta." The intense Interest which firBt cen tered in the location of Nell Tropsny and.then in the fate of her alleged lover and murderer will now bo diverted to the legal wrangle among those who sought to solve the mystery. It is rumored that the citizens com mittee wanted to find Nell Cropsey. be fore the police, and that one member bad wanted Dawson's position. The fight Is expected to be a bitter one. The sympathies of the townsfolk are dl vldcd. Thecommlttee, promlnentcttizens all, has much wealth among its members, and a verdict if gotten, will be worth Its face value. The Best Prescription for Malaria. Chills and Fever is a bottle of Gbovb'b Tasteless Chill Tonic It Is simply Iron and quinine in a tasteless form. No core no pay. Price 50c -Experiments in Tobacco Raising;. Washington, Jan. 10. At tUe cabinet meeting today Secretary Wilson explain ed what had been done by his Depart ment In the way of experiments in rais ing tobacco. He stated that It had been fully demonstrated that we could raise in this country all the wrapper tobacco necessary for domestic nae and of a quality second to none. In every partic ular It waa as fine as could be grown In Cuba or any other country. Last year ten acres of filler tobacco bad been suc cessfully rsised in Pennsylvania of a very high grade, and during the coming season extensive experiments would be made in raising high grade filler in Ohio Texas, North- Carolina and California. Last year the Imports of wrapper tobac co Into the United States amounted to $8,000,000 and . filler 18,000,000. In a short time, the 8ecretaryfcsald, we.would be able to supply our own wrapper and filler of a grade that would challenge the best grown anywhere in the world. Dr. Bull' Coufh Syrup Cures a Cough or Cold at once. Conquers Croup, Whooping . Cough and Measles Cough without fall. Best for Bronchitis, Hoarseness, Grippe, Pneumonia, Con sumption and Lung Affections. Quick, tare results. Price, 25c , Combine in Small Stoves.' v ' Chicaoo, Jan. 10 The Record-Hetaid of moriow Will say: "A combination of gat, gasoline and oil stove factories Is the latest. . The American Stove Compa ny, with a capital of 5,000,000,"Ts the name the corporation bears. - Nine com panies, covering practically all ot the Important manufacturers of gasoline tnd oil stoves and gas stoves and appli ances, figure la the new combine." v .' ' NEW FEAT BY WALLER. Gallant Major Marches Straight Through . Samar Isle. , - ' ,: WatniHOTON, Jan. 10. Tht Navv De partment today received ihe following cablegram from ; Real-Admiral Rodgtn at Cavltet .C ;W ' ;- Waller reports having completed 10 days march toross Samar from Lanaug to Basey. Column' endured great hard ships. Killed 18 Insurgents, captured captain, lieutenant and four men. Major Littleton W.T. Waller, of the Marine Corps, who is thus referred to, rendered gallant service with the ma rines In China during the march of the allied forces from the sea to Poklu. In view of the belligerent spirit shown by tht natives of. Samar, and the physical character of the country traversed, the march of Major Waller and hit com tnand waa a feat ot more than ordinary I daring. Lanaug is situated on the east and Haaey on the west coast, la the southern part of tlie Island' ' YOU KnOW WHAT YOU ARB TAKIKG Wh-.n you tai.e Grove's TantU.s Chill Tonic, fcr ;e tho formula Is plulnly i on t-;y I;. (.:.!) liOwii:;.f t'.ut it ' I.--I r. 1 V ' ' " W a " Boer Delegates in Holland Expect Them .f'-jv tore Made," ; ' Amstebdau, Jan. 10 The Boer dele gates In Holland evidently anticipate that some kind of peace overtures wll shortly be made, tbongh they - are retl. cent as to their reasons for this . belief. They maintain, however, that the de mand for an unconditional surrender must be abandoned. It is privately admitted the dele gates will not reject what they call "any fair offer of terms. ' If the negotiations are started by 8 neutral Power the dele gates will earnestly seek to obtain a modus Vivendi, which will reconcile Mr Kruger's desire for complete independ ence with the terms offered by Great Britain. London, Jan, 10 The Globe's flnan clal editor said a report, which came from well Informed quarters, was cur rent in the city to day that the Boer ohlefs had made overtures to the Brit ish Government to the effect that they were prepared to lay down their arms, provided they were not exiled. Wednes day next is the Boer feast day and it was said tho surrender of the Boers 'would probably occur then. The War Office officials asserted that no proposals to surrender had been re ceived from the Boers. TOBACCO SEED. Wanted by Growers. Farmers go to Work. New Barns. Per sonals. Oum llrnncli, January 10. Christmas come and gono anil the New Year brings plonty of work, and the people have gone at it "in (load earnest." Some farmers around here have sold out and hired out owiog to the scirclty and hich price ot Uv I, "Its hard times you know." Some time slncosomcof my neigh bors requested mo to send their names to The Planters Warehouse for seed, etc. the houso also requested mo to Bend them, which I did, and the seed haven't come, the farmers want their seed, what is the matter? If the names hasn't reached the house and the warehouse will send the seed to me, for 0 farms of 4 acres each, I will distribute them to those who wish them. There will be 5 new tobacco barns on Gum Branch next season. We hope for better times, tho merchants now don't want to furnish supplies with a claim on the crop only. More marriages a brewing, hope to be able to report them soon. Mr. J. T. Barber has gone to Barbers, Ga. He left last Monday to seek a bet ter business, but don't know of what na- We wish him much success as he is dear to UB. Mr. W. T. Cox haB accepted a position with Mr. L. D. Brapgs, the place left va cant by Mr. Barber. Wo learn that Mr. Boftgs is well pleased with Mr. Cox. Ouano hauling has begun already for plant beds wo presume. We want to sow about tho 20th. Mr. J. N. Scott has moved to Dr. Nicholson's plantation on Bachelor's Creek. Mr. E. W Murrell has gone to Klnston to carry Mrs. Lillian Murrell home from a visit to our burg. Mrs. Efflo Harrell who spent Christ mas at this place has returned to Kins ton where her husband Is engaged in the liquor trade. We are haviug some beautiful weather to work and we must keep at It. Gcxes. For Sale Or Lease I The Grist Mills and Factory property, Cor. Hancock and Johnson streets known as New- Bern Grist Mills and operated by Geo. Bish op, nowdeceased. ; The plant consists ol two up to date mills. one corn '.cleaner, ele vator, belts, one bolter and every thing com plete and in first class shape for operation. ; For terms and fur ther information ap ply 'to;-, v: v:' . E. K. -BISHOP. At th Book Storel , We have a lew Bargains i,n left Turner's Old lie t liablo North Caro- lina 1C03 Almanac. t fx. II. !'!nntt. ITRJESIESL" &f load Snow Drift, White Frost, & Admiral Just Received direct from the mill Flour is still advancing. If you need a barrel you will save money by buying now as it will surely be higher. Youre for business, J.L 'Phone Ol, -52 The World's Appetite We supply enough variety to suit all who come here. The different selected things which appeal to the taBte of those who want the rare and pleasing, as well as the sub stantial necessities. You. will eat with relish if we supply tie food. Respectfully, J. J. TOLSON, Jr., Broad St. Grocer. Phone 137. We call your Attention to the Following Useful Articles. Shears and Scissors, Pen Knives, Pocket Knives, Itazors, Hones, and straps, they are all warranted and can be exchanged if not satisfac tory. Carving gets, Knives and Forks, Butcher Knives, Can Openers, and Eye Openers in prices. - Guns from $4.75 to $25.00. Air Rifles and Boy Axes for the boys. A full and complete stock of General Hardware, Paints, Varnish. Enamels, Oil, Lime, Plaster, Cement, Sash Blinds, Doors and Glass. Ball Bearing Castors. PHONE 147. 78 Umli St MASONIC OPERA HOUSE Thursday, Jan. 16, , THB ORIGINAL AND ONLY BABLQH & VILSOH'S Greater Hew York MINSTRELS 16 Skilful Dancers, - 10 Cultured Singers, 10 Pickaninnies, . . ' 12 Specialties, 21 Grand: Military Band, r 10 Solo Orchestra, Th. IwiUFml. tkt XIHSTBBX Admission 75o. Gallery 25ov ; 4 Some . ;; - Jewelry Facts It Is a fact that srsryartlol hi' m large, new stork, Is thoroughly good and reliable; Just wliat It pretends to be. It is a tact that our guarantee stands behind erery artlole we sell. : It is a (aot that, '.'. . ;. '.. . ; QUALITY considered,' our prloes art lowest t the low. ' - . ' : Don't these facts Interest toT Corns! tat let's tare a talk aboat Jewelry. .. EAI0i3; Wholesale A lie tail i rocer, 71 Broad Ht. & Oaskill Hardware Co. NEW.BKRN, N. O Our Motto is to please everyone who calls at onr stor, or sends us an order. We are receiving daily Fresh Groceries. New Eaisins and Currants. Citron and Prunes. eaohes and Apples. Candy and Cakes. Butter and Cheese. Be svre to ask for a pound of our Freeh Koasted Coffee. Wo guarantee quality and price. Mbell h Co., raONB 14. fS BROAD ST. thsck Shooting V , Is now at Its best -: Our stock of guns and ammunition Is the finest erer carried In the city. We have on hand a few single barrel gnns which will be sold very low. A fine double barrel hammerless gnn with twist barrels for 120.00, grerrthlnK Will be sold low to make room for tho spring stock of Bicycles, etc.' : . ; wn. t. niLii, Dealer In Bicroias.fFutEABMS, SromsQ Goons, Phokouiupds, Job Pbintiko, ' Itcmisa Stjmm, Biu Pbebsbs, AoJ !-! K'iJ!c;St KEW;EER!T, K. C J. JzTzlzu v ,