THE JOURNAL. V rubdshed every day in Uie year, ezcep ! Monday, at H Middle street '.--L. j1 , PhomIIo.8. CHARLES L. 5TEVENS. ' - 'trroB AlTD FBOPEISTOK. , t J . SDBSCRIPII01I RATES, r One year, la advance.'..,' 4,i.. $4.00 One year, not In advance.......... 5.00 Monthly, by carrier In the city...,. , .SO A iImIdIr. Rmin ftiratahiwl em annll .cation." - - . Entered at the Poet Office, New Bern, N. On as aecond class matter., 1 Official Paper ; of New Bern d Cravee, County.' - 5, New Bern, N.:C Jan. 12. 1002. THE VALUE OF KNOWING. Illustration! are to be seen every day, In all kinds of trades, professions and business pursuits, of the value of educa tion. S It la not merely the technical knowl edge that Is demanded of the manor woman of today, for the technical must have with It the practical, book learning must have added .to it experience to bring forth its needed development. f. V Is the symstematlc training of school and college, which, counts so much, If the student will accept the opportunities presented. : ' It la the knowledge of self.that counts. Inspiration, without the genius for "work, rarely proves of value. Techni cal learning, without the thought of the practical application, and the ability to put into execution, is not of the profita ble kind. Thta age with all its rapid develop ment, 1b not going for ward heedlessly or blindly. Each new Invention has been thought out and worked out, and Is not the crea tion of an hour, but of the forced thought - and effort of days, weeks, years. The present time demands of men and women that they know something, to be of worth to other people, and be of money value, so far as their service are concerned. Every line of business demands a thorough knowledge, if the man or wo man employed Is to be worth money to . the employer. And no line of business Is so well learned, that there remains nothing further to learn. When any business Is known so well, that nothing more remains to be learned, it is a good business to leave, for the world Is progressive, and anything which halts is quickly left behind, In the rush of progress. It Is this knowing and still learning, that makes an employe worth money. And it Is the application of this know ledge to advance the employer's Inter ests, which means an added value to the employe's services. There is no line of business in which men and women may not add to their value as employes, If they seek to do so. It Is to know something, and putting the knowledge Into effect, which meant, for the person so doing a money worth which ever increases. Deafness Cannot be Cured, by local applications, as they cannot reach the diseased portion of the' ear. there b only one way to cure deafness, and that Is by constitutions! remedies. Deafness is caused by an influned. con dition of the muoous lining of the Eus tachian Tabs. - When this tubs gets In flamed you have a rambling sound or Im perfect bearing, sod when it is- entirely closed deafness la the result, and unless the Inflammation can be taken out; and this tube restored to Its normal ebodi- ' tlon, hearing will be destroyed forever; ' nine oases out of ten are- caused' by ; ca tarrh, which Is nothing but an .Inflamed condition of the mucous surfaces. ) '. We will glvt One Hundred Dollars for any case of Deafness (caused by catarrh) that cannot bs cured by Hall's ' Catarrh Cure.- Bend for circulars, free. W. X. CHEHET& COTottdo; 0$ 001a 07 uruggisis, 10a. . y. -A . v. Hairs FamCy Pills an thsbssv.v--. -s Ireland Stirred by UkvtlV' Pablln, Jan. 10-Tbe CnlteeV Irish ' League Is sprsadlng ' throughout the country like wildfire. The progress of lbs . League Is M great that the Lord Lleuten ant Is paralysed and helpless. ,, '. ;: OASTOniAi Beers ik A 1,01 " "w"1' .. T Bank Fannre. 9 , Cleveland, Ohio, Jan.' ltt-The Euclid Atenue Trust and Savings Bsnk has failed. The bank was effected by the fl asaotal difficulties of the Ereret Moors trolley syadlcats. , , ; k -. , .' t Salvation OH tte Pest ;tlnbncn(. Price,' 15 cts; .large bottle o-.ts.QreaU est cure on earth for Rheumatism, Nou ralfla, Soreness, Sprains, Backa!io BUITnesa, Cuts, Bruises, Wounds, Bweil-Inp-a, Bums and FrostjUltes.J Sa'vntloa C11V: all pain. . long ran tit caeti;;.?. Chrlttteninor Yu Sootland Vai Com dueled Under Dtilloulttea, In wide and sparsely populated high land districts of Scotland it riot infre quently happens that a parent Is oblig ed to walk a distance of five or six miles with an infant for baptism. It is related of a minister of the north that he agreed to accommodate aparishloner thus, situated by meet ing him at a stream midway between the parents bouse and the manse and there baptizing the child at the run ning water.'. 1 - - - It so happened that by the time the parties, came to opposite sides of the bourn heavy rain -had swollen tt Into a rapid torrent, so that neither party could approach the other. ' Unwilling to turn back With the "bairn'' unbaptlzeoV the farmer pro posed that the minister should splash water across Accordingly the minister stepped down to the stream and en deavored to throw handfuls of water on the farmer's baby. - "Ha'e ye -got ony o that J" . he cried at each successive splash. ,:, - - "Vera a spalrge," was the reply. . At last few of the splashes were communicated to the Infant's " face, and the ceremony was then concluded In the usual form. 'Before retiring to their respective homes the former produced a bottle of whisky,! crying across, "A I canna offer ye a glass owre the held b this, here's the bottle-keppl" And he threw tt across the stream. - ., v- : The bottle was caught, It Is related, with a precision that betokened on the part of his reverence, If not considera ble practice, at least considerable dex-terity.-Stray Stories. ' -e V i ; Causa a Tartar, tilke so many of bis learned brethren in the Church of England, the late (Canon Carter was the terror of com positors. His was perhaps, after Dean Stanley's, the very worst handwriting of the last century. About 1880 the then bishop of Lich field, Pr. Maclagan, surprised one of his secretaries - by . saying: ,"1 have hardly ever received an anonymous letter, but I got one this morning. It is very badly written, and can hardly make it out, but from the signature It is sure to be abusive. The man has signed himself 'A Tartar.' See if you can make It out-" ' The secretary, who knew the hand writing, rather startled bis lordship by rejoining: "If s nothing alarming. If a only a tote from Canon Carter of Clewerf-London Tit-Bits. Ltea of the White Kind. The whole fabric of social Inter course Is Interwoven with what would be lies according to a strict code. Some are pleasant Actions that deceive no body.. Host of them have their genesis in a kindly, cheerful desire to avoid giving pain. These polite untruths are the lubricant of society. They "wear away the rough edges, take away the sting out of uncomfortable facts. They ore the flower of courtesy, "the pine apple perfume of politeness." Wash ington Times. ' The Beat Utter. . Hiram That boy of yours what went to college could do some powerful lift ing with the clubs and dumbbells. ' Silas Yes, but I always thought more of the other one's lifting powers. Hiram Did he lift dumbbells and the like? 811a-No; he lifted the mortgage. Philadelphia Becord. With every exertion the best of men can do but a moderate amount of good, but It seems In the power of the most contemptible Individual to do Incalcula ble mlschlet Washington Irving.' The man who gets up to make the Are does not always get bis share tit the beat Saturday Evening Post. - j . Rheumatism Cored in 24 Honrs. - T. 3. Blackmore," of Haller 4 Black- more, Pittsburgh, Pa., says: "A short time since I procured a bottle of Hystlc Cute. It got me out of the house In 24 hours. I took to my bed with Rheuma tism nine months ago and the Hystto Cure Is the only . medicine . that did ma any good, I had Jive of the best pbysi clans In the city, but I received very lit tle relief from them. 'I know the Mys tic Core to be what tt Is represented and take ; pleasure ln recommending It to outer poor snnerers." 001a oy I , A. Henry, Druggist, New Bern.. .1 '. i Reciprocal TarUti ? r. Washlagtoa, Jan." 10-Ths President and Secretary Root will oppose any com promise measure providing a tariff ' re- bateon Cuban products. ' They are - do termlaed to aoeept aothinjr less than a reciprocal tariff arrangement which will give Cuban products coming Into the United . States the. same . concessions asCubs may give W American pro. ducta. , i. i.iV ?'t...'";Wv .... Beat Out of an Increase 'of His ;' Xt'i Penslon,"A; ''0: v A Mexican war" veteran and promi nent editor writes) "Seeing the adver tisement of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy, I am reminded that as a soldier In Mexico In '47 and '48 I contracted Mexican diarrhoea and this remedy has kept sne from getting sn In crease In my pension for on every re newal a dose of It restores me". It is unequalled as a quick cure for diarrhoea and Is pleasant and safe to take. For sale by P 1 Duffy ds Co. , - ANNUAL MEETING Of Stockholders of tne national bank of 'V ;v , ' lcw Bern, R. C ' ' The annual meeting of the stockhold ers of this bank, for the election of Its directors, and ths traniactlon of such other builness as may corns bofore llii m, Will bs hold at their banking liotinn, on Hie 2nd Tunmlny ofjunuary, tc'ng t' o 14thd:iyof January, 19)2. Ths polls will be oj cnel at 13 o'dm k M.tobeclo-el at 1 P. It. , ' ) O. II, roHKlTS, ' C'.'. ' ' DCR.lerl3l801." ; I'zzzli yea cat. This preparation contains all of tht digestants and digests all kiids ol food. It gives instant relief and never falls to cure. It alio ws you to eat all the food you want. The most sensitive stomachs can take It. By Its use many thousands of dyspeptics have been cured after every thing else failed. - It prevents formation 01 gas on the stom ach, relieving all distress after eating. Dietlngunnecessary. Pleasant to toko. It can't help -, but do you good Prepared only by E.O. DaWirr Ca. ChlcaM . The tL bottle contains Sit time tit Mo. oket P, 8. DUFFT CO. h, I -Shooting FOllowel Resignation. ' - Buenos Ayres,' Jan. -10-When the resignation of President Acevclof Para guay, was tendered In the Chamber of Deputies a tow occurred.; Senator Faa cardo was killed, Scnor -Caballero, Senators ' .Miguel and ' Carbalan, and Deputy C arreras were seriously - wound ed, Dr. Bull's Pills tor Liver His. , One pill a dos vBox. 60 pills, 10 cts. Curs Constipation, Liver Troubles, Bil iousness, Impure Blood, Dyspepsia, Fe male Complaints, Stomach and Bowel Disorders. Dr, Bull's PUls'never gripe. Serious Charges Against Jndge. t Honolulu, Jan. 10 Charges have been formulated and "forwarded 'Roosevelt asking for ths removal Of Judge John W Ealuls, Circuit Judge of the Island of Maui..; He is accused of drunkedness on the bench and la other public places, misappropriation of trust funds and bribe taking. New Century Comfort Millions are dally finding a world of comfort In Bucklen's Arnica Salve. It kills pain from Burns, b'calds, Cuts, BruUes; conquers Ulcers, and Fever Boras; cures Eruptions, Salt Rheum, Bolls and Felons; removes Corns and Warts. Best Pile cure on earth. 'Only 85o. at C. D. Bradham's drug store. Pope Hay be Centenarian. Rome, Jan. 10 Dr. LapponI, the Pope's physician, says His Holiness has not enjoyed such perfect health in three years. He considers it possible that thr Pope may be a centenarian' Heads Should Never Acne. Never endure this -trouble. Use at once the remedy that stopped It for Mrs. N. A. Webster, of Winnie; Vs., she writes "Dr. King's New Life PIUs Wholly cured me of sick headaches I had suffered from for two years." Cure Hesd ache, Constipation, Biliousness. 25c. at C. D. Bradham's drug store. Stormy Sea Trip. New Tork, Jan. 10 The steamship Kalserlu Maria Theress,' which arrived today from Bremen, had a fearful trip, the steamer .corkscrewing her wsy through tremendous seas, . The Mothers Favorite. Chamberlain's Cough, Remedy Is the mother's favorite.-It Is pleasant and safe for children to take and always cures. It Is Intended especially fo coughs, colds, croup and - whooping cough, and is the best medicine made for these diseases. There Is not the least danger In giving It to children for It Contains no opium or other Injurious ding and may be given as confidently to a babe as to an adult.- For Sale by F 8 Duffy ft Co. " v . ' . THE CYNIC- i'- 1 ' Some people always look.tlliMr.rtblsit ed.-;, , . y.y.';' : ' .: If you are a rabbit dog. tioti't dut a bulldog.;"-. - ';tj;;T..,? .k-vS: Some people ore so good niitored they are disaswraliieio ; : ,f . ,..$ When n piece of loco Is dirty, a well posted woman calls It oriental ud lets It go at that k:.-'v--. '..X1 .'.!-..';i.; ... The more reasons there are why a man should save money the less likely ho Is to save It 'jrff. ii's srff ." When your rriends say they wish jam Would tell them what 70U want; call the bluff and tell them. . . f : t .' Ever remark the number of men vrbp have time to tell you they are worked to death and haven't a moment to sparer , They usually call It "burning the candle at both ends." Atchison dob. '- .1 v.;-; v'yDr. Bnll'a Baoy Symp for ; . Teething Babies. Price, 1( cts. Cures WInd-Co:io, Diarrhoea, Dysentery, Gri ping Pains, Bour Stomach, Fever, Chol era Infantum. Dr. Bull's Baby Syrup promotes ths digestion and) soothes ths baby- ; ' ' r . Daaaera of Blodero CdaeaTlon. . "Fond Mother Oh. J am so glnd you came In I I don't know wbnt ou earth Alls the baby. . , , Caller Shall I run for tbo doctor. Fond Mother No, for an interpreter. Ills French nurse left Suddenly today, and nobody can understand what be says. Wave. . . r . Finds Way to Live Long. The startling announcement of a Dis covery that will rarely lengthen Ufa Is made by editor O II Downey, of Cluira bunco, Ind., "I wli h to st-i'o," la wrli.-n 'that Dr. Kill's i' w r'Tnvety f.,r Conauir j 'ii n 1 1 1, 0 ni..; t 1 1, f ni: i!,!o n ! 'y I' ! I ! c.yo ever known f it (''' C!!ti JC.'ii. Ii'n i i) v ill 1! -i ? .?u to j -I 0 v 1 v ( In . n n v 1 1 1 . t!- C ' 1 ! fi) (il O IH"1 (!:' ' ' li 'i'' . ',' . J . r M . ; s'.- t : !i ...rmiii." t: ; 1' ' " ' ' JOHN AND NATURAL HISTORY Mevejaeata of Blrda Toe Fait, kat SnaOla Jut Salted Blaa. . , i He was leaning against the fence In a half hearted why,' nibbling at the end of a straw. There were patches on his trousers, and the hat be fore had not improved with age. "So you're out abdyln' natural his tory, be youP' he asked the man from town. 'Well, I'm klnda Interested In that myself. Ton see, my boy's got it He never liked farmwork," beln' of a retlrlrt' disposition, so he went to col lege up to the State university for sev eral years, and when' be come out he aald natural history was the thing for him. I hadn't- ever thought much about natural history before that, be In', busy pretty much of the time with the crops and the calves and the mort gage and things, but he cracked tt up pretty well, so I says to him one day: " John,' says I, 'where are you goin' to do your studying - - . " ' Well, be told me. l think I'll stay here and study, Some folks seem to have the opinion that a person must go away off somewhere and associate with wild animals several years before they can make much headway in nat ural ' history, but there's plenty of chance right here at home. I'll stay here and study the birds.' "It run along for awhile, and John didn't seem to be doin' much. He said the birds were too swift for him, and I could ; see - that they were plain enough. By the time John would get ready to begin study In' 'em the birds Would always get tired hangln' around and fly away. John wasn't gettln" ahead a bit He'd set in some fence corner all forenoon while I was doin' farmwork, and when the dinner born blew he'd get up slow, all tired out, and I'd say; . ""Well, John, bow's the natural his tory today?' ' "T ain't been able to do anything j et, he'd always answer. 'The trouble (With these birds around here is they don't want to get on friendly terms With yoa They're too lively.' "But," the old man went on, with a gleam of satisfaction In his eyes, "he's all right now. He's give up the birds. They're too blame quick, and be ain't goin' to' study 'em any more. He's on the right track at last" "And what is he studying now?" "Snails." Chicago Record-Herald. Filial Consideration. "TeB, slree," said Farmer Corntasscl, "Josh Is a right good boy, an' a great comfort to his parents." ' "But he doesn't help much around the farm." "I know It But, on the other hand, he doesn't stand around like some young men an' act reproachful becnuse he has to do bis loafin' in a spring wagon Instead of an automobile." Washington Star. A Prominent Woman Speaks. Prof. Roxa Tyler, of Chicago, Vice President Illinois Woman's Alliance, in speaking of Chamberlain's Cough Reme dy, says: "I suffered with a severs cold this winter which threatened to run in to pneumonia. I tried different remedies but I seemed to grow worse and the medicine upset my stomach. A friend advised me tc try Chamberlain's Cough Remedy and I found It waa pleasant to take and It relieved me at once. I am now entirely recovered, saved a doctor's bill, time and suffering, and I will never be without this splendid medicine ag aln.' For sale by F 8 Duffy & Co, Cola Rlerbt Abend. Alphonso Gwendolyn, why are you so cruel as to keep me waiting for my answer? It Is now ten minutes since X asked you to be my wife. Gwendolyn Oh, pardon me. 1 for got I was simply choosing my bride. maidss-Brookryn Life. . 1R. CAN BS 8AVED. So on tvtr need Coko1andnif Core vithoot aittafyirtg resulta. It makes scalp healthy, and healthy acalp growa healthy ', bilr. IoiiUUona and aubati-, tutea. fill, but .the genuine - v. does all e claln it iU do, . Bold at every drug- store,- uaei in avery barber ohop.' 'r'v;,;: Coke Shampoo arid: : coilet;S()apV. for ahampooing the hair and j-fe beautifying .the cotppleiion. " A pronounced and It-mediate buc- -, cesa. Delightfully refreshing. ,1; p Him. CO.'.; CHICAG0;v Wood's Seeds EEST FOR THE SOUTH. SEED POTATOES ONEOFOURUAOinO EPEOUITIEI. We have thousnnila of barrels In (took; the bent flalno-grown nnd Vlrjclnla Second Crog Seed. Wood's 11KJ2 Catalogue gives comparative crop results, loth as to earliuem and yield, with Maine I'rown and Hecoiid-crop seed. It tuno eontaiiia much other unfful end valualile iiifnrnmtinn ahout 1'ntnbie. W'ri tc fur ( 'iiiineail I- . 1'iilut.i) I'lire l .l' t. ;eC- 1 o lire : 7 No one would be so foolish as to kindle the fire on top of a pot to make it boil, yet the treatment of Catarrh is often just, as senseless and illogical. Douches, sprays, ointments, ' so-called tobacco cures, and various other applications; are diligently used, but the little good accomplished is swept away by the first breath of winter. When you attempt to cure, a constitutional disease one affecting the entire system with: purely local remedies, you are applying the fire to the top of i the pot, you are doctoring symptoms, and, like thousands of " others, get disappointing results. In Chronic Catarrh, the whole system becomes; involved; the entire mucous membrane, or inner covering of the body, is in a -state of high inflamma tion. The pressure of blood upon the glands and cells produce excessive secretion of mucus, much of which is absorbed into the blood and distributed to all parts of the body. In this way the stomach, kidneys aud intestines are often seriously affected. The nose, throat and ears are most frequently attacked by this foul disease, because the mucous lining is exposed to the cold, damp air, which: attracts the vitiated blood to the ohed continually, and the odor of my' becomes parched and dry; the hot, waterv discharge from breath waa aiokenlng-. I had a moat j 11 i . -m . . , nnoyin ooug-n, aiao. i tried a number the nose gradually changes to a yellowish color and of renuxUoa and wa treated by (avaral yminrr Trfiic orrrl n,om,. A 1 1, 4-t doctors, bat got no relief my oas waa thought to be lnourable. B. S. 8. belna reoommended to me, I began lta use, and after taking nine bottlea waa cured, and have never been troubled with Catarrh slnoe. MIS8 MARY L. STORK, 01 Franols Street. Blinding headaches, neuralgia of the eyes and dizziness are also symptoms of this disease, and when the inflammation reaches the delicate mechanism of the ear, hearing is lost, and, as the blood becomes more deeply poisoned, the tissues and soft bones in the head are eaten out, greatly disfiguring the face. At this stage of Catarrh the breath becomes insuffer ably offensive. S. S. S. is the simplest and most effective treatment for Catarrh, and when taken into the circulation reaches all parts of the system and cleanses the blood of all Catarrhal matter and restores it to a normal condition. When rich, new blood begins to flow through the veins, the obstructed glands and broken down cells resume their natural functions, and the hot and inflamed membranes are lubricated and moistened with a soothing, healing fluid that quickly brings relief to the congested parts. S. S. S. puts the blood in such perfect condition and so strengthens and invigorates the general health that the local perfect safety in all stages and forms of Catarrh. Our physicians will gladly advise, with out charge, all who write them about their case. Book on Blood and Skin Diseases free. THE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO.. Atlanta. Ga. Commissioners Sale. NORTH CAROLINA, ) Superior Court, Cbavsn County, j Nov. Term, 1901 W. H. Oliver, Trustee, The Grlffln School Fond and State on Relation of h. I. Moore, Solicitor, on llehalf of W. H. Oliver, Trustee, vs. The East Carolina Fish, Oyster, Game and Industrial Asoclatlon and Wil liam Dunn, Trustee. NOTICE! Pursuant to a decree of said Court rendered at said Term in the above entitled action, we will sell at the Court House door In New Bern, N d, at public auction for cash, to the highest bidder, on Monday the tenth day of Fel rusry, 1902, at the bour of twelve o'clock, M., the following described property to wit: Biluate In the County of Craven and being in the City of New Bern, known and designated as follows, viz being in that part of the City of Now Bern formerly known as Dryboro, and being lots nnmbers twenty-eight, twenty-nine, thirty, thirty-one, forty one, forty-two, forty-three, forty-four and forty-flve In the plan of said elty, bounded on the north by Cypress street, on the east by George street, on the south by Pine street, and on the west by thepnblio road connecting Pine and Cypress streets, known aa the Griffin School property convoyed to the said East Carolina Fish, Oyster, Game and Industrial Association by. John Dev ereut, Trustee of the Grlffln School Fund. . This 7lh day of January, 1609. Libbv I. Moons, f:,v;;-Wilmam Dcnr, '; , ;!-"'" ' '' Commissioners. Our fee returned 41 we fnil. Any out .ending sketch and dcrlptlon of any iu.enlloo will promptl? recein our opinkm Ire eoacenua( rk. t.hiiit of HnuL How to obtain a Patent" seat .pott request. Patents accural through as ad.ertl.ed (or sale at our expeaet. Patents taken out through u. receive epmtal Hettc, wltnout cnarge. in i am rTHT iwmn aa illustrated and widely circulated Jouraar eonauHed by Manufacturers and lovertorfc . . , Seadfocaamplecopy rSES. addteat, V . :.V-?nvton j.rvA.ta a co. 5FORSRENT; v. A good roomy house for f 8.00 per montlu'p' Another) tor f8.00 Both payable in advance.: ., "Winter Homes m Summer Land.' The above is lbs title of sn atlrsctlvs booklet )at issued by the Passenger Department of the Southern Hallway.' It la heaui If ully Illustrated and fully des cribes the winter resorts of the South. A copy may be secured by sending two oeot stamp to 8. U. ilardwlck, G P. A., Washington, D. O. :: . . , Crcn!re cf Winter Tourist Season., The Hnullinra Ifaliwav, wlitih oper !cnown Hues over 'lie i-ntlre Houlh ftiid fnftna Ihe impnrisnt link In the I'riut lili'hwnv "r ir.vl til-tP''n tilt) r.rriii Htvt r- in t !, 1'l.irliU. Culm. S!i'lno t ;f t'fii'iim ( int it an 1 'inul Amrrtca, K'li.iiiinni for llti v-1 n t - t4 li)ii anil 1 Miii pt 'ir'Hi " rvirrt ever of- i it . ,i , i.;: I V- il-r nrvli will i v 1 I v I bs f !.' -t n I'llllTl fi V ' ;'!it ruUit.i.ll Irilln ... II., .11.. ...PI, surface, causing congestion of the little blood vessels and glands, making breathing difficult and labored: the throat- throat, causing gagging and almost constant coughing to dislodge it. This offensive discharge, in spite of all pre cautions, finds its way into the stomach, and extreme nausea and an obstinate form of dvsoeosia follow. manifestations of the disease gradually disappear, the dis charge from the nose ceases, the head clears, breathing becomes easy and natural, the appetite improves, and a perfect and permanent cure is effected. S. S. S. is the only guaranteed purely vegetable blood purifier. It contains no minerals to further poison the blood and deranere the dieestion. but can be taken with HI Having secured the services of ex perienced parties, I am prepared on short notice to execute Farm, City, Land and Rail Road surveying. Ditches, Streets and Roads laid out and leveled. Draughting in all Us branchea. Bine and black prints made. Old maps re paired and mounted.. Topographical surveying and plotting! Drawings and wokring plans executed promptly. Sew erage and drainage planned, laid ont and construction superintended. J. J. Wolfenden, New Hern, If. C. The Farmers & Merchants Capital, Surplus and Profits $88,150.00 APRIL 3Cfi, 1901. What We Have Done, Do and Will Continue to Do. This Bank conducts Its business opoo "ar.-to-now" methods. It is our purpose to deal Justly and liberally with all. We carefully safeguard the Interests of our customers,. Moreover, we Ire auentlv do it unknown to them: aa on portunlttes often come tons In confiden tial ways, and you cannot over-eppeolate sucn consiaerauon. t - Ws are not disposed to overlook the fact that ths interests of ths Bank and those of the people are closely bound to gether, and .cannot by any .means be separated. - ' This Bank sou as-a repository for Wills, and safely keeps them till the proper time of surrender,, . Will also act as lbs custodian of money -et4apers left witn us U) escrow.- .Wo charta tor jneee servtoss. . - t .iv. ', - We procure Letters of. Credit for In tending travellers. . ' r We aim to be promptr progressive and liberal..-.; .... - - la the matter of aooomtaodalloBa, this Bank meets every requirement within the limits of prudent banking, If you have never been Identified with us as a patron, we ask you to oooslder the sdvlsabllity of becoming one. . la the early future, we propose adding a novel, yet substantial, (savings Bsnk feature to our already progrsaaTS la etltutloat -v... v-wS t , fr ..! : Columbian Insecticide, Peterman -Boach Food, Hooper's Fatal Food and Sure Death to Moths, Bugs, eU. Also . . Bronxd Qor 'zijiz The disinfectant tliat dislnfooU as deodorises, . ',., Ws keop on band a eomplets stoek 6 fle-Iclncs, ... ' ,. ;-', '..c. - Toilet Articles, . C ?; '; . Pcifjuicry, '. : .' 'j Tonff CrL'Sf 3, ftc ' I hTilc'n'is rrwrljiUons a ipeclalt 2 c sZ. : it J ' v. 91. ."' J -' iaf-JsnVTl m A Our elegant line of Pelf Prononncing Teachers Bibles, Vest Pocket Edition of Pronouncing Testament, Vest ocket Edition of the Bible Dictionary; besides a nice line of good books to select your Christmas resents from. You can give nothing better to your boy or girl or friend than a nice Biblo, Testament or good book. Yours truly, J. C. Whitty 5V Cor. So. Front A Craven 8t. Clothing lor .Christmas should be the best you can afford. You'll get ths most satisfaction If you have us make you a suit or overcoat to order. We give a perfect fit and correct style. " Ton have a choice of material from a big stock of exclusive patterns. F. M. Chadwhk. B. W BOXaMI. JOB. . WILUS. : . -):v HOLLAND fc -vYTLLB, ' 'i--',.. SaeeeesarcfOajBlaap, .-. . Eonl Fort teral Jirector, ail Matari?;' v : Phone g'O, Office: 22 CraYen Street i T MerchiiQU,'. &minlMloii ner-. ,r 4 cbaotav Liquor Dealers, : .'.' 1 livtrymen and Hoteli.;;; (Vbfflce Begjster o'f OeeoV I 0-, ''-.' Oravea County, jo-' ' Kw Bm; V. V., Dee. 81. IBOl; v. .m MnnlraA . hw law ia deliver or return to me, wlthla tea days after the ' d ' first day of January, la each jear, a . V mi aiatmant of the amount of sross '- ! sales msds by you In your business si a ' u '; vendor of or, , dealer la (ooas, wares, . mrohandlse..aonunodltles of whatsoever ' ' kind or nature, either wholesale, or retail" ' for the twelve months, or aay part of . said time,.. preceding, ths first day of January, 1808. "V.' .;'.rr r Promnt eomDUaaos with the law Is earnestly requested, sad for failure to do so yoa will be required to come before the Board of County Comml'idonera, snd further be guilty of a misdemeanor. .... . r:""'"T?-. c:-'-"'. i- rof I ' . IV: