The Kind You Have Always Bought, and which, has been i to use for over SO yean, has borne the signature of and nu V3ji-;nal supervision since Its Infancy. . C44Q . Allow no one to deceive you In this. All Counterfeits, Imitations and "Just-as-good" are but Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health of ' ; Infants and Chfldren Ibcperlence agauist Experiment, WHat lo:CASTOR.frC Castorla is a harmless' substitute for Castor Oil, Pare" goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant.-; It : contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. Its age Is Its guarantee. It destroys Worms and allays Feveriahnesi. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic It relieves Teething Troubles, cores Constipation and Flatulency. It assimilates, tha Food, regulates the Stomach and Bowels,: giving healthy and natural sleep, -The Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend. . genuine CASTORIA always Bears the Signature of v. - M The MYou Haie Always Bought ln Use For Over ,30 .Years. to Invest on the ground floor with owners, in a developed free milling "gold mine. that has produced, and lias expended tin it 7 Fifty: Thousand Dollars in development on the ledge and a complete five stamp mill, with all other necessary machinery ready to ran. The Osark is not a prospect, but a mine that has produced. We are . placing 100,000 shares of development stock at 25e per share, capital 1,000,000 shares (parlue $1.00 each), fully paid and non-assessable, to further develop 'and put the property on a paying basis. ' 'J. A property lying near the Ozark,' with nowhere as good a showing 1 and very little development, sold last week to a New York syndicate for $200,000. The Ozark will pay dividends and bo worth par inside of six months. I his Is tha best investment for the monsy that has ever been offered to the investing public. Do not lose this opportunity. It will never appear again. -For further particulars, prospectus, report on mine, reference's, etc., , ADDRESS, . ' ,-. Ozark Gold Mining & Milling Co1, ... ':. noscow, Idaho. -:..; '7i n p- . -.- mim m. i.iiwi ' all cases of . ; . , z" ' ;:4'R1 iPEAEOOSSlORi :, ' ' ' ' - by our new invention.. Only those bora deaf are incurable. -' HEAD IIOISES CEASE l'.'"EDIATELY. '-Vi P. A. WIRMAN, OP GtntUmtn r-r-Mnn courtly eared of deafness, r',. a full b tatnnra of my case, to be need at your discretion. About five ynn ago my right ear began to sing, and this kept on getting wont, until I lost hearing in this ear entirely, t , -. ..--.,. -.-.(-.; -; I underwent a treatment for catarrh; for three month, without any success, consulted a num. of physicians, among othera, the moat eminent ear specialist of this city, who told me that -er only an .operation could help me, and even wencaue, But the Hearing In the effected ear would be lost lorerer. ; I then m your adTettiaement accidentally in a Mew York paper, and ordered your treat. . mem. Alter i nap naea n only a lew aaya accoraing to your Directions, me noiKsceanc j to-dar. after five week,, my bearing in the d laced ear baa been entirely restored. I thai e,cnn uj ana oegic remain -. -very truly - ,.,? ;. " ' i '. .. f. Our treatment dpe$ not interfere with your usual occupation, - i .'KrrimtQeTlotv.fttM YOU m CURE YOURSELF AT HOME ?Xaa. INTERNATIONAL AURAL CU.W'C. ' ' House Work Is Hard Work Without QOLD DUST, fi ; 8ale of Valuible Property.;- ''" Pursaant to the Judgment in the action . now pending In the Superior Court of r raven county, North Carolina, wherein ' ' , plaintiff and J. M. Spencer, et all defend j lun-iug uuuaraignea wiu sell SI puollO -.; aoction for cash, at the Court Boas of ssid Crsvea coanly In the City of New '" Bern, on Tuesday, the 11th day of Feb ruary, A. D. 1903, at IS o'clock, mid-ds, the following property, to wit: ' r , . All that body of land situated in said : Craven county near tha City of New Bern, west of End Street and between Meuse Road and Lawson's Greek, known j ' as the "Rhem Farm" embracing among :. nthertrsntlof land the orlglnal"Ilheni , ? Place", the -"llsrf lsnd, the "Carter" traol and the "Jerkins Field" and all the '' machinery and improvements on said ' lands said lands conveyed to Kale E. '- Johnson by deed dated -Feb. --, 18!)0 by , -"f. M. Blmmoni, Commissioner, and de scribed in the complaint In said action. Also the horses, mules and farming Im plements directed to be sold by ssld Judgment. , ."M.De'W. STEVENSON, "' :. Commlsnloner. - ' Jan. Irtth. IWVt. ' ' I have si 1 r'- ' "e lor tale, ,liii..i, ,i i,i t I, t r. part of Ihn ( 7. a r ' building lots I 1 r , I ,1. i. J. ' ' fu 4 4 peen made under ids per- UK HEAD NOISES? HARD z HEARING BALTIMORE SAYSt tiTunk. UH ifsrrl, mm. thanks to your treatment, I will now gin yon that only temporarily, that the head noises would syoa yours. - . . . A. WSKMAH, noS. Broadway, Baltimore, Md. , CSC LA Ulll AYE, CHICAGO, ILL - . 1 m i . kk'4yj BO YEARS' V V CXPERIENCK TfiAoc Marks ' Dcsions - OOe-YRrOHTS Ad rtotlTnontliinntlKL U&iiilbonhfiii Vtrin .Mill TrtM, tjiinl snncy tor Hflrurilis; isuitil, Put out tkn tlirfMiirh Munn & Co. noelTff A rmntlmirni'iT lllnwtrnftvl wtir. I.ftnrMut rtr. ulntlin ot "f ifiitMU itiC Jihii iihI, TiTnm, $3 a irnr Tour moniua, l ooui uyu nwinairg. v lirtuiob itn.ixt. OA V BU WMhluitto D. C. . eon ROME USE Ulcan, pure whoicHome, pnarantoea 'a ho cli"mlnl!y mado from dmtillcj wa'.tt sad fme Iroin Impurities, Hpecinlly in lowlH snd prepared for . human on S"1' I '1. i uvitoI daily (oxcept Eutidttjup' a m to ti p m. t ..! mm, nil only) 1 a m'tu 12 1 r j 11 rii.1 oti.ii;inffri'innon, . UUem, good iuo:: Mib SEVERAL AFFLICTIONS THAT HAVE THLIR COMPENSATIONS. Am Attack of Smallpox, U To Swt Over It, WIU Add Ttwi to You Life -r Sufferers From Bhonaaatlsaa and Gout Are Ioaa; Lived, i Have- yon had BfnnllpoiJ If you. have and yon have recovered from the terrible disease without your eyesight or hearing being serlousjy affected, as Is very often the case, yon may-congratulate yourself that smallpox' at tacked yon, for you will probably, bar ring Occidents, Uve considerably longer and enjoy better general health than if you had never bad the dlsealse;?; It la A remarkable fact one of na ture's peculiar .compensations that people who have suffered from small pox generally live longer than people who have not Why this should be the cage there Is only an unproved theory to explain, And the theory ia that the microbes which go to make smallpox, being very powerful' and pugnacious, swallow op the microbes of many oth er diseases which they find In the sys tems of the persons they attack; hence, by contracting smallpox severely,, yon stand a. good chance of eliminating from your system other diseases which would Boize upon you at some time or other and, likely enough, prove fatal. At the same time It must be admit ted that smallpox Is not scheduled as a preventive medicine, and the number of persons it either kills, maims or in flicts with mental Incapacities Is prob ably greater than the number of per sona whose lives it prolongs. At the same time It Is a fact that the disease, though one of the- most terri ble known to medical science, does you a great deal of good if you are capable of throwing It off without suffering after effects of a more serious charac ter than being pitted with the queer little marks It almost invariably leaves belilad to distinguish Its. victims. Numbers of elderly persons in more or less feeble health are kept alive by coughs, such, for instance, as bronchi tis. Chronic coughs are peculiarly com mon to old people, and hundreds who complain of the distress caused them by such affections are really Indebted to their coughs for. their length of life. The reason of this is that most elderly persons suffer with weak hearts and feeble circulation of the blood, and weak hearts become weaker merely as a result of their weakness. A constant cough corrects this, keeps the heart beating more strongly than It other wise would, and the strong heart beat keeps the blood circulating more quick ly, and tbo vital organs are thus kept in a state of activity which could only be maintained by artificial means and 'for a limited time bnt for the trouble some cough. Moreover, the constant reminders given by the congh deter the sufferers from running risks of catching colds. In other words, they have to study tbfeir hearth or suffer "more acutely from tbclr coughs, and, choosing the former, tbey benefit accordingly. , Gout and rheumatism are exceeding ly painful diseases and of course in some eases prove fatal, but they confer many a - blessing upon mankind, and rheumatism particularly is well known to doctors as a preventive of many oth er diseases. It Is a notorious fact that gouty subjects generally live to a ripe age, and albeit they suffer very se verely at times they generally enjoy ex cellent .general health, the very causes ot the gout keeping their blood In good condition and making it unendurable to many kinds of microbes. Cases have occurred of whole house holds,, except one member, : , being stricken down with infectious diseases, and the lucky exception has been a suffered from -rheumatism or gout, which clone has prevented him from contracting the diseases which have run through the house, . Such sufferers do not run half the risk of catching the common illnesses that nonsuffcrers run, and a large proportion of the peo ple who reach age of fourscore years are people who for years bavo suffered from gout or rheumatism, to which fact they undoubtedly owe many of the years tbey have lived orer the al lotted span. ' ' ' .. Take half n dozen persons orer tho ago ot seventy who suffer from rheu matism pr gout snd half a down oth ers who suffer from- neither and o Wll find that except for. their rhen tnatlsm or gout, they enjoy very much better health than . the nonsufterers and stand splendid cbanco of outllv log the latter., Moreover, gout and rheumatism greatly enhance a suffer er's chances of retaining his mental faculties until ihe end. A large per centage of oentenarlans who died with an their wiu about them and with ex cellent memories Of the days of their youth nave suffered for many years' from rheumatism and been particular ly free from other diseases - ' - 5 V The loss of a leg or an ami Is also said to do yon good in the long ran. Perhaps that Is an awkward phrase to PPly to the loss of a teg. but let it stand. It certainly seems that When man Is deprived; of a leg or an arm the vitality snd vigor of the lost menV ber remain with blm to. Increase the vitality of the remainder. -. , It has been declared by an eminent authority that when a man has s leg cut off, h being In sufficiently good health not to collapse from the opera' Hon, adds two or three, sometimes more, years on to bta latter days. rearson s weekly. : -w -w . . ' . , . ; . : ;. ':'''i,"1' Firing Wedlationa, ' J In 1273 Friar Haeon .predicted that flying would "shortly" become S gen eral practice.' and BIsbop Wllklns In 1052 said, "It will yet be as usual to hear a man call for his wings when be Is going on a Journey as It Is now to hear blm call for bis boots." ' ; The Secret ot long Lite. ; : Con lifts In keeping all the main or gam of the body In healthy, regular ac tion, and In quickly destroying deadly diroaie germs. Electrlo Klttcrs Ksulnte Blomavh, JLIvor and Kidneys, mrlfy the blood, and give a gplcndM npi"!lll. They work Wondors In curing Kidney Troubh-s, Female Cowplnin'a, hcrvous Dlr'Ml'iilfl, Coil'C'p-i'Ji.iIl, py . .!, Blid F:i''ir'a. V -.HJ IB " 'f ' ! f.'"r"'?l '! t-, " r i ,-. THE. BATTLE OF LIFE. Begin life where yon are. Go to work earnestly snd confident ly. Carefully look over what Is to be Bone. " Keep a . cool ..bead snd cultivate poise. " s Do not be overcome by seeming mis. takes. "..-.'. Do as well as yon can what lies near est at band. ' ,.!.- Only weak people are cast down by apparent failures and blunders. Sometimes our apparent-' mistakes help us along more than our seeming SUCCeSS. - , !, i r . tf "v Errors are sometimes very expensive: but then, again, they often save In the long run more than tbey cost Those who win In life's battles are the brave, courageous ones who look upon all experience as being educa tional. . - - - ;. ' Meet yooi difficulties and problems calmly and with a belief that it you do your part' ther will be solved and overcome In-the best way.-rChlcago Uvo Stock World. Twain md the, Klvermen. . ( Mark Twain once told, to a party of friends the following story on himself: On one occasion when he started on a trip down the Mississippi river on a flartboat he was advised never to an swer the questions asked by rtvermen on other boats and never to bandy 'words with them, as he would be sure always to come out second best. He followed the advice religiously for a time, but one day he thought he saw S chance to get the better of a river- man who called out: i "Hey, thar, what yer loaded with?" "Jackasses. . Don't you want to come aboard!" yelled back Twain. "That's whut I reckoned, soeln' as how they let ther biggest donkey hev ther run of the deck!" came back. Twain made a dive below as all tbo rtvermen In the neighborhood set up a derisive laugh at his expense. A Lnckr Dursraln. It is said that a foreman stereotyper in a London printing works has had a curious windfall. Going to a sale of musical Instruments, he purchased an old harpsichord for 20 shillings, be cause, having a bobby for fretwork, bo fancied the wood ot the front panel. When he got his purchase home, he dissected It. He then discovered that the ' harpsichord bad a double back, and presently between the boards he found very old Bank of England notes the total face value of which amount ed to 30.000. KNOW the many ae-called birth medicines, and most remedies for women in the treatment of ber delicate organa, contain more or leaa opium, morphine and strychnine t , , Do Von Know that opium and morphine are atapef vlng narootio poiaontt ' Do yea Knew that in moat eountriei drug giita are not permitted to aell narcotlca with out labeling them poisoner Do Von fcTaow that you should not take Internally any medicine for the pain accom panying pregnanov f Da Von Know that Mother's Prlend la a purely vegetable preparation, and that It ia applied externally only. Do Yea Know that Mother'a Prlend la a celebrated prescription and that It hi been in me over forty years, and that each bottle ot the genuine bears the name et The Brad Seld Regulator C&r Do you know that when you uie thia por feotremedrdwringehUdblrtb or throughout the entire period of gestation that you will be free of pain and bear healthy, olever children t -' - . . Well, theso things r worth knowing. Theyaretacta. ordrugglBta.Sl.OJ. Aooopt tube tit ate. Our book "Motherhood" free. -. THE BRADFIELD REGULATOR CO- - ' - , ATLANTA, OA. '.- H.w.vSrapsoir, ii te SbDeiiieot ;t08 'Broad Street r. A. ereoa. Pres. K. H. Meadows, V. Prea ;r,";;f. B. St. CbrovesvOaahiar. , citizens' bank; Doinc Qenersl BanklrJc-Business - March 1,1931, Burplus snd CndiVr- So';!;s"ided Profltt, tl6fiO0M,SZZ ' ' Prompt and earefnl sttentlos given to all business entrusted to ns." Accounts received pn favorable terms, - -., -, ,.v :i Boara et Dirsetorai' ; ;,f fardlnand IJlrwa J. A. Meadows, Samuel W. Ipock, Chaa. H. rowiar. M. B. Headows, ? Cbaa. Duffy, 4r. Jamoa Baaiaou, .! i. W. Grainger, ..' Thomas tin ttanu. b. w.omaiiwooa -..v.n.iov. beo..lTe, W.F. Crockett. Mark Disoswar. ' Notice of Dissolution of Co-partner- jr'i'i-'v: '!''" abln. ' -'.i The co-partnership heretofore con ducted under the firm name of J. H. Fowler A Co., composed of 0. H. Fow hr, II. J. Kennedy, J. 0. Muss and! W.J, Swan has this dsy been dissolved by mu tual consent. ' . H. J, Kennedy having purchased the Interest of 0. II. Fowler, J. C. Muse snd W.J. 6 wan, the business will be con tinned at the same place under the old firm name of 0. II. Fowler i Co. All di l ls owlnsi by the firm will be pidd by II. J. Kennedy and all persons owlrgtl.a firm either by nole or book S'-eoinjt vi "1 pny sr'ko to II. J, Kennedy, t'.l-'f K. C January 1, 19:3, C. Jt., H. 3. I .;s;t,r, - ' J. :.. ' The -r- jt-ti South em zil'way , - Announces the v ." Opening of the Winter ? TOURIST SEASON i And the Placing on Pale ot I. . To all ErominentJPoints in the South, Southwest, West indies, Mexico and California, Including St. Aueiistine, Palm Beach, Miami, Jacksonville, Tampa, Port Tam pa, Brunswick, Thomasville, Charleston, Aiken, Augusta, rinehnrst, Aslieville, Atlanta, New'Orleans, Memphis and The laandol lie Sky. Perfect Dini a andJ.Slecping Car ' fc'ervice'on allTrains. SEEiTHAT TOUR TICKET READS VIA. SOUTHERN RAILWAY. Ask any agent for full information or Address E. L. Vernon. O. W. Wbstburt, Traveling I ass.Agt ' Dist.Pass.Agt, tiiarlotte,;w. t. 8. H. HARDWICK, General Passenger Agent, J. M. Culp, W. A. TuBK, Trafllc Manager. Asst. Pass.Traflic Mgr. Waslilngton, JJ. V. South Carolina Interstate and West Indian Exposition, Charleston, S. C, Dec. 1st, 1901 June 1st, 10OZ On accouut of the above occasion the Southern Railway will sell round trip tickets to Charleston, S. C, and return at greatly reduced rates from all stations. Fares from principal points as shown below and comparatively low rates from all other stations: o-g 8 a, a a a oca a 9 a cfi-3- 'O je Burlington, $13 50 (9 90 Chapel Hill 18 50 9 90 Cnsrlotte, 10 06 7 85 Concord, 11 05 8!10 $7 00 700 490 5 80 5.30 700 5 20 7!0O 0135 Davidson, 11 10 BJ15 Durham,. '13 50 0 90 Oastonia, 10 40 7 60 Greensboro, 13 15 0 65 Hickory, 13 0U i)K0 8f05 0 70 Lexlneton. 13 Uii 050 ;085 10 75 7 00 9;45S:25 10 35 7 05 Madison, , 14 G5 Mocksvlllo, 12 90 Morirsnton. 14 10 Raleigh, 13 50 9 90 Reidsville, 14 35 10 05 Salisbury, 12 20 8 05 Statesvllle, 12 20 8 95 700 765 5 75 6 75 685 Wilkesboro, l 48 13 0D Wintton-Salem, 12 45 0 15 For further Information please call on any agent of the Southern Railway or write. W. A. TuitK, A. P. T. M Washington, D. C. J. M. Culp, T. M 8. II. Chadwick, G. P. A. Washington, D. 0. R. L. VtBHON, Charlotte. N. 0. F. M.iSlmmoD". A. I). Ward SlMflONS 4 WARD, ATTORN Ei aa1 COUNSELORS 1 LAW. SEW nfcRHB, H. !. OtUoe 68 80, Front Street, nearly oppo site Hotel Cbatlawta, (Office also at Raleigh.) Practice in the counties of Craven, Dunlin. Jones. Onslow. Carteret, Pamli co and Wake, in tne supreme ana Jrea ersl Courts, and wherever services are desired! ; ' P. II. Pelletler, ATT0ENET AT LAW, Middle Street, Lswjeri Brisk 'jcZ-: . - .i BslMIs. V -V Wiu nractloa in tbe Coantlea of Orareei Oarterat. Jones. Onslow aQ PamUeo. D. S Uoort at New Bans and Supreme poors y:;.UMtxtmsy at Law, '::r- 74.80. Front 8t Opp. Hotel Ohattawka, V .... NBW BERN, N. WJf :; Craven County Attorney, ; f: Clrouit, Craven. JoneslOnalow, Cart. eret, Pamlico, Greene, Lenoir, and the Supreme and Federal Courts. ... , V? ; t V. '. HEADQUARTERS FOR HARDWARE ::i,'-C-And ail Kinds of- HeatiDg snd Cooking Btoves snd ItangoB, Lime,-Cement, riastor, rsinta, Oils, Vsrninb, Pottj, Bash, Boors, Blinds, Cutlery snd sll the useful articles usually found in so Up-to-date Hardware Etore, . s ; Excursion Tickets , .. .. . .... . - r r 1 c- Aflaiiic,CcaxtLiiiii7EaWCo. J Condessedcfs TRAINS GOIKQ bOUTU. DATED jg jS'.:o a . e . Dec. 22,1901 " (Corrected) a4 "a.M. P.M. P.M. A.M. p75 IjV. Weldon 11 0 0 88 .... . . , Ar. E. Mt.. 1 00 10 82 .. . . ;.. ..... Lv.Tarboroia 22 7 22 Lv. R. Mt. 1 OS 10 02 7 62 5 46ir6 Lv. Wilson 1 6011 10 8 81 0 86 S 40 Lv. Belma.. 2 6611 69 Lv.Fay'vlUe 4 80 1 12 .... Ar.Florenoe 7 86 8 16 . P.M. A.M. Ar. Golds 9 20 ..... Lv. Golds... ... . ..... 7 81 8 16 Lv. Mag'lla 8 87 4 26 ArWilm'ton ..... 10 10 6 00 P.M. A.M. P.M TRAINS GOING NORTH. o' o J d '3 o 3 o3 A.M. pTm! Lv.Florenoe 10 05 8 05 . Lv.Fay'ville 12 40 ... . 10 09 Lv.Selma. . 2 10 11 25 Ar. Wilson. 2 57 12 07 A. M. P. M. A. M. LvWilm'ton 700 980 Lv. Mag'lia 8 80 11 06 Lv. Golds 786 9871226 P.M. A.M. P.M.P.M Lv. Wilson 2 86 8 20 11 84 10 45 1 18 Ar. K. Mt. . 8 80 9 00 12 10 11 28 1 58 Ar. Tarboro 9 84 Lv. Tarboro 2 81 Ly. R. Mt. . 8 60 12 48 .... 777! Ar. Weldon 4 63 1 87 P.M. A.M. Yadkin Division Main Line Train leaves Wilmington 9 10 a m. ar rives Fayetteville 12 20 n m. leaves Fav- etteville 12 42 p m, arrives Sanford 1 68 p m. Ketnrning leave Hanford B 06 p m, arrive FsvetteviBe 4 20 n m. leave Fav- etteville 4 80 p m, arrives Wilmington 9 16 p m. uennettsvuie uranon Train leaves Bennetts ville 810 am. Maxton 9 05 a m. Red Springs 9 82 (m, Hope Mills 10 65 a m, arrive Fayetteville 11 10. Return ing leaves Fayetteville 4 45 p m, Hope Mills 5 00 pm, Red Sprues 6 48 p m. Maxton 6 16 p m, arrives Bennettsville 7 10 p m. Connections at Fayetteville with train No. 78, at Maxton with tbe Carolina Central Railroad, at Bed Bprlngs with the Red Sprinirs and Bowmore railroad. at Sanford with the Heaboud Air Line and Southern Railway, at Gulf with the Durham and Charlotte Railroad. Train on the Scotland Neck Branch Road leaves Weldon 815 p m, Halifax 8 29 pm, arrives Scotland Neck at 4 10 p m, Greenville 6 47 p m, Klnston 6 45 p m. Returning leaves Einston 7 80 a m Greenville 8 80 a m, arriving Halifax nuaaro, weldon liaua m, daily ex. oept Sunahy. Trains on Washington Branch leave Washington 8 00 a m and 2 46 p m, ar rive Parmele 8 55 a m, and 4 10 p m, re turning leave Parmele 11 10 a m & 5 82 d m arrive Washington 12 80 a m and 6 15 p m, dally except Sunday.. Train leaves Tarboro, N G, daily except Q..J. IM.m Q..n. A OK . m j uuun, w 111, muiu. s vu y su, m rives Plymouth 6 86 p m, 6 80 p m, Re turning, leaves Plymouth daily exoept ounaay, 7 no a m, ana rjunaay swam, arrives Tarboro 9 65 a m. 11 00 s ni Train on Midland; N 0 Branch leave uoiaiDoro aaiiy, exoept Sunday, 0 uu a, m. arriving Bnuthfleld 8 10 a m. Return ing leaves Smlthfield 700 a m; arrives at Goldsboro 8 25 am. Trains on Nashville Branch leaves Rooky Mount at 9 80 a m, 4:00 p m,arrive Nashville 10 20 s m, 428 pm, Spring Hope 11 00 a m, 4 45 p m.Retornlngleave Spring Hope 11 20 a m, 5 15 p m, Nash ville 11 45 a m. 5 46 p m. arrive at Rooky Mount 12 10 p m, 6 20 p m, dally exoept Sunday, Train on Clinton Braneh leaves War saw for Clinton daily, exoept Sunday, 11 40 a m and 4 15 p m. Returning leaves Clinton at 6 45 a m and 9 60 p m. Train No 78 makes close connection at Weldon fot all points North daily all rail via Richmond. H M EMERSON, Genl Pass Agent i K h.xmiiX, uen'l Manager. T M KMERSON. Trafflo Manager. .JEAHTESOS CaiROijINA DISPATCH n IilUjb. Old DomMoQ Steamship Co f BatlSHT t For -All Poliit Jforth. On snd after this date .until further notice the steamSrs of- this line are scheduled to sail from New Bern as foUowsrvy , ,. The Steamer ,NE USE for Oriental, Roanoke Island. Elisabeth City snd the North on Mondays, Wed nesdays ana t riaays si m. , The StrKiswberne Tot Nags Head, XHsabeth City snd the North on Tuesdays snd Fridays st 18 o'clock, noon,...., r'i""? :. tW Freight reoelvsi not ,IUc than on hoar previous t sslling. For farther inormstion spplj to ?$: GEO. HJENDEE30N, At J M, K. Kim, Genv Mgr.,!y:il. IL0. HuD0i58,Qen.Frt.4 Psss,Axt H.;NorfoUci Y;H: New fiern. N. O- An.fl4. 1801. - ' M Xsotle Ulrcctory. NEW BK RN CONCLAVE 408, Improved Ordor Ileptssnphl, ments 2nd and 4th Thuraday nights, at 8 o'clock at Bonn tree Hall. Dr. E. F. Early, A rchnn; 1, J, Toleon, Jr, Financier, Geo, D. ti"rdner, Hocretary. . C'tAVFT mra?6 NO. 1 f ' TITS OK I' M :"') s i. V -fa ... 4Lh Wednt-i.ry ?' '! 1 1 : h X ilh In I,..'-' r ,,i,'. x t. i, at 7.R0 ii'- ...J. .1. , I '; t. J, I ., , ., ;.MClal A.&N. C.R. R. " TIMS TABU HO. 24 To Take Effect 8nnday, Kovemher 24, .1901 at 12:01 A.M., B. b T. (JowgXatt j Bohsdulx: Going Wen No. 8 Passenger Trains No. 4 DAILY. Lv, p m stations: Ar. a m 840 Goldsboro 11 OR 409 LaG range 10 83 4 89. Einston 1012 6 40 Ar. New Bern, Lv 9 On 6 60 Lv. Ar. 8 87 7 15.... Ar. Morehead Oitv Lv 7 06 No. 6. No. 6, Pasunger T'tlu. Ar.p, at 8 00 Passenger CTATIO . :J I A1LV. Train. Lv, .A. M. 8 00. 8 28. 8 81. .Goldsboro ....Best's 7 f ..LaGrange 7 27 Falling Creek 7 17 ...Klnston 7 07 ...Caswell 6 65 8 42. H.6I. 9 02 9 18 Dover 6 47 9 8o Core Creek 6 30 9 44 Tuscarora 6 20 9 48 Clarka 0 12 1000 Ar. New Bern, Lv 0 00 . p. u. No. 1. I No. 2, Mx't Ft. and Pass. Tn. Mx'd Ft. and stations: Paes.Tn. Daily Biobpt Sunday. Lv, am Ar. p m 6 00 Goldsboro 6 33 6 8 J Best's 4 53 7 00 LaGrange 4 23 7 15 Falling creek 3 53 8 80 Kinston 3 33 ,8 40 oaswell 2 28 9 42 Dover 2 10 10 07 core creek 1 10 10 82 Tuscarora 12 48 10 52 Clark's 12 40 1115 Ar. New Bern.Lv 12 10 No. 9. f No. 10. 180 Lv. " Ar 10 47 212 Riverdale) 1010 8 20 croatan 10 00 8 05 Havelock 9 40 8 84. . . Newport, Lv 9 08 8 47 Wlldwood 8 47 8 52 Atlantic 8 38 4 08 .. Ar. Morehead city, Lv.. .8 20 4 23 . .Ar. M. city Depot, Lv 7 50 P. W. 1 . H. Monday. Wednesday and Friday. (Tuesday. Thursday and Saturday. 8. L. DILL, G. P. A. Atlantic Const Line. Wiliiingto'n & New Bkkhe R. E TIME TABLE No, 5, In Effect Wednesday. Aug. 7. 1898. Daily Except Sunday, Going South j bciiedcle: I Going North No. 51, Passenger Trains No. 50, Lv. a m, STATIONS: Ar. p m. 9 00 New Berne 5 40 9 86 PollocksvUle 6 04 8 51 Maysville. 4 49 1002. 1208. . .Jacksonville 4 19 I Wilmington, ) 9 an Union Depot f w 1216 ...Ar. Wilmington; Lv. ... 2 25 P II P M No. 8, Passenoeb & Fbkiqdt No. 4. Leave Wilmington Monday, Wednes day and Friday. Lea e New Berne Tues day, Thursday and Saturday. Lv. AM Ar. P 11 7 80 Lv. Wilmington, Ar 1 45 840 Scott's Hill 12 56 9 80 Woodside 12 16 1005 Hollyridge 11 40 1051 Dixon 10 51 1120 Verona 10 20 12 06 .Jacksonville. 9 45 12 80 Northeast. 8 55 2166 Whiteoak 8 30 180 Maysville 8 05 215 Pollocksville 7 20 9 66 Debrubl's 8 86 8 40 Ar. New Barne, Lv 6 00 Daily Except Sknday. J. R. KENLY, General Manaper rV 11 anrtahif too invent or Improve! also set CAVCATJinoI-HARK. C0PYRISHT or DESIGN PROTECTION. Bend model, sketch, or photo, fee tree eramtnaUon and adrlee. I00K ON PATENTS K&M? Write n M PrMWS to MtMaMim0 are- w wm t Patent Lawrera. WASHINGTON, D.C. i ,eaeee Buy your friends Christmas Presents that are useful Nios PesrTfHandle Pocket Knives, Scissors and Shears, Razors with plain and fancy bandies. All the above goods are fully warranted to be the very finest quality, Tor your boy a good first-class single barrel breech loading Gnn only (4.75. Ws have many other useful articles nch as are kept In Hardware stores. LB.CDTLER HWf CO. A Qpod Telephone . SERVICa IS. A BrjBINESS ;.; kecbssitt, a, HOMX CONYIN1ENCB. i.;00M 'tisX-h Onrenlenoe, .. : -',:;''. ' -,(- Xitixiurj ! . . Prper Your Pbons at Ooc I Russell llouso, While In Boanfort be sure tnd stop at Ihe Busell- House. First-Class Boards A boms for traveling people. Fishing and hunting Unexcelled. , Terms $1J)S S d?y or 13.00 per week; OA. EUSSEtli Pron, A