i ' - 1 An Excellent Combination. The pleasant method and beneficial effects of the well known remedy, Bteup or Figs, manufactured- by the California Pro Stbcp Co., illustrate the valuo of obtaining the iiqnid laxa- tire principles of plants known to be medicinally ' laxative and presenting them in the form most refreshing to the taste and acceptable to the system. It - is the. one perfect strengthening laxa tive, cleansing' the system effectually, dispelling colds, headaches and fevers gently yet pr.vmpsly and cnnblingone to overcome habitual constipation per manently; Its perfect freedom from every objectionable quality and sub- ' stauoe, and Its acting on the kidneys, liver and bowels, without weakening or irritating them, make it the ideal laxative. In the process of manufacturing figs are used, as they are pleasant to the taste, but tho medicinal qualities of the remedy arc obtaiued from senna and other aromatic plants, by a method, known to the California Fio Stout Co. only. In order to get its beneficial effects and to avoid imitations, please remember the full name of the Company printed on tho front of every package. CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. SAN FBAHCI800, OAL. tOTJISVIIXJ!, ET. HSW YOKE. If. T. For sain by all Druggists. Price Wo. per bottle. THE JOURNAL, New Bern, N. C, Jan. 12, 1008. Index to New Advertisements. Barfoot Wednesday morning. G. N. Ennett-r-A few bargains. E. K. Bishop For tale or lease. Simmons & Hollowell Co. Ribbons. Business Locals. FOUND Masonic Fin, at Atlantic Coast Line depot. Owner can get pin by calling stJoUBKAL office and paying -lor advertisement. JACOBS' Raleigh Rye Whiskey Is! the best. Middle street. FOR SALE A good horse and buggy. The borse is ten years old, and is a good traveler, will work on farm or rosd. A good Bargain, Cheap. Apply to W. A. Wilson, Dover, N. C: Brsdham's Antl-Bllllous Liver Fills should be in every house. They are of ten needed. Always handy and invaria bly beneficial. Safe, essy and sure. Large boxes 25c. Sample, 0 pills for Sc. Prescriptions at Davis'. Davis' Prescription Pharmacy makes a specialty of prescriptions. Prompt and careful attention is given them. Only the best drugs are used. The prices are reasonable. Bend yours there to be filled. K your child is ailing, you may find that Carolina Worm Killer Is just what they need. Anyway it can do no harm, but always does good. 25c. at Brad ham's. Walnut Taffy and Walnut Buttercups at McSorley'e. HotDrtnks at Davis'. Daring the cold weather, stop In at Davis' Prescription Pharmacy and get a cap of hot chocolate of tomato bouil lon, or yon can get a glass, of genuine coca-cola. What are yon waiting for, when every one vfho has tried it, will toll yon that Bradham't Carolina Cough Care Is the best you can buyt Try It yourself. Price 25c Hot Chocolate, and Hot Coffee and Bandwlcb.es at McSorley's. For that bead cold, get a bottle of Brsdham's Dime Catarrh Cure.. It if warranted to give relief la one night or money cheerfully refunded. ajar at Davis'.' ' Davie Prescr! Dtlon Pharmacy hat et . xlnilva usncv In thll CitV for the PODU- , lr Thso ciiars. Besides this brand there are other well known brands. Bay voar cigars at Davis'. : r ir Tonr onuoien jut vtvwir,- i wvv Ing Cough or a simple Cough, An way' Croup Byrap will certainly relieve them It la about the onlv re medy prepared ex datively lor vnrap . nu , vumuw - Cooghs end we unhesitatingly mom saend It as the best Msny ute and praise .' it. We guarantee It Price 20c ' Sold K at Htnrv's Pharmacy. Wis' rnarmacy, and BradhamVi Pharmacy,; t:,,, . Celery Headache, Powders. ' i , i Thank not anv better remedy for headache than these powders. They never feu to relieve. Hade ana sola only t Davlr PreectlpUoa Pharmacy. . ; capudihe Does not effect the heart -;j --V v: ;; Iiya'difforcDt fromjolhcr ' ' ' ' ' JIcadacheKcmcdics. ' , COLD BY 'AIL BSCCGISTS. a:,gl:.j a:,d a: cut. The cutter Boutwell returned yester- dajaooalroa SOrn,B8J0,rn the river and in the sounds. Mr. E. H. Barnna hat been employed as Ume keeper at the A. & N. 0. railroad shops and is considered a very reliable man for all clerical work. - Mr. 3. W. 8mallwood has taken a'po- sitlor- as book keeper at the Oaks Mar ket, Mr. 8. H. Lane having resumed his former, position with M. Hahn St Bon.- The high winds caused a good deal of dust on the streets yesterday and a rain ts needed. The country roads are dry, the last rain recorded being Dec. 80th, a few drops fell yesterday. - Lower Middle street was pretty well crowded yesterday. There were good oyster receipts daring the week and re. tall dealers' say they nave fine Hock for (ale over their counters. - 1 The new fence, which It was noted some time ago would be built around the A. & N. C, railroad property, it now under construction,; The fence runs along Pasteur street and encloses, the side as well at the main track, The track farmers are preparing their lands for spring crops. ": The fields with in a shorf time ago were covered with a dense growth of cotton, are now In many oases ' completely transformed, , having upon them rows of young cabbsge plants. The office In "doctors' row" lately oc cupied as a small restaurant, Is being fitted for an insurance office and will be occupied by Mr. W. B. Allen represent ing the Prudential Life Insurance Com pany. The property belongs to Mr. A. H Bangert, , The. loud megaphone caused a good deal of a noise on the street last night. It was sounded) by the Jas. H. Thome Dramatic Oompany, advertising "in thunder tones" that prices of seats at the Opera House Monday and Tuesday nights would be 10, 20, and 80 cents. Tobacco seed is in demand now by the farmers as the time Is close at hand for planting the beds. Among those who called at the Planters .Warehouse for seed was Mr. 8. 8. Waters of Mays vllle. Mr. Waters reports much lncressed Interest among growers of tobacco. He was also In to see about his fertlll- :rt. ' ' The first shipments of material for the new electrlo light plant, under contract by Smith, Courtney ft Co. of Richmond, Va are expected to arrive in a few days. The many different articles re quired are being gotten ready for ship ment and the plant Is promised to be in shspe within the three months allowed by the contract It is likely that a good many New Bernlans will avail themselves of the chance 19 visit Chsrleston daring the next three months. The fare is very reasonable, being $7.55 for the round trip. Leaving here in the morning the arrival is made at Charleston about 11 o'clock that night and the return can also be made during the day. Mr. E. E. Bryan, Jr., of Dublin, Ge., is having a residence built for his par ents, Mr. and Mrs. E. K. Bryan, on Craven street next to their former rest denoe. Mr. Bryan was here a few days ago and let the contract The founda tion is being laid and an Interesting de tail Is that the "corner stone" was laid by 18 of the grand-children; eleven of them each laving. a brick and two absent ones each laying one by "proxy."- Cut this out and take it to P. 8. Daffy & Go's drag store and get a free sample of Chamberlain's Btomach and Liver Tablets, the best physic They also cure disorders of the stomach, biliousness and headache. Closed by Order of Court B. Coplon, formerly a merchant on lower Middle street, moved to Durham and opened a store there a year or two age By an order of Jddge Purnell last week the (tore was closed npon the rep resentation of creditors In Baltimore. Mr. Coplon la called to appear before judge rurneu at Kaieigh. January lem and show cum why he should not be declared Insolvent ; . ' .' A Profitable Investment . "I was troubled tor about seven yean with my stomach and In bed half my time," tart B Demlo, Semervllle, lnd., I spent aboat $1,000 and never could get anything to help me until I tried Kodot Dyspepsia Cure. I have taken a few bottles and am entirely well." Ton don't live by swbat yon eat, .;. but by what "yon digest and assimilate. If yonr stomach doesn't digest your food yon are really starving. Eodal Dyspep sia Care does the stomach's work by di getting the food. Ton don't have to diet- Eat all yon want Kodal Dyspep sia Cure cures all stomach troubles, ft) Duffy, -irv ' - r - 'Help It Heeded.' A farmer of Lenoir county, whose crop last yew was a failure, came to New Bern In hope of getting work. He has been hers two weeks and having no trade has been enable to secure work. His name Is Dock Faulkner and with him is hit wife and five children. They have been living across from the knit ting mill on Griffith street and Mrs; Faulkner has been lU since coming here. They lived on bread alone for several days and without fire It Is represented as a case deserving of the attention of charitable people. LAXATIVE TASTELESS nm to::ic. t ( aaratw, l.ri"ii- ittl mm m p- r- V.: 1 r oylatcci Ycu:;a fxcfle. The Result Is a Suit Brought That is of Huch Interest. " . ' A trial was begun before magistrate 8. R. Street yesterday and postponed un til next Wednesday, that promises to be of considerable interest. The suit was brought by Mr. 8. H. Scott on behalf of hit son Fred Scott, sgalnst Messrs. W K Btyron and Dwlght Styron. ,'-., " The account 0' h affair that led to this suit is told as follows: Young . Fred Bcott, 17 years of age, and ; Hiss Inas Tsunch, a young Mist of .15 years of age of Baltimore, who Is a nelce of Mr, W. JL Styron and on a visit In this city, became fast friends,; Miss Inei Is de scribed as a young girl of a merry and somewhat romantic disposition and . she asked Fred to take her to a dance to be given at Yanoeboro Friday night. Fred's brother, George, had gone to the dance with a boy friend and .Fred - asked ' hit father if he also could have a horse and baggy from his livery -'. (table and . ob tained consent. Fred called, for Miss Inez at a neighbor's house where 'the girl was waiting and at 7 o'clock they started for Vanceboro by the Neuse river road, intending to cross at Street's ferry.'". : . ' ''' Mr. Btryon heard that his noicehad gone on the trip, and it being without his consent he strongly objected and a hasty vkit was made to livery (tables and at M. Hahn & Bon's a fast team was hired and hastily harnessed and pursuit began. Oat near Streets' Ferry, which Is some 10 miles north of New Bern, the pursued and pursuers came in sight of each other. Fred saw thst something was up and whipped op to get oat of the way, but there was a broad river ahead and one horse was no match for two. The young couple were fairly caught Fred was forced to descend from the buggy and Mr. Btyrofl proceed ed to "wear him out" with the buggy whip. A pretty severe chastisement is said to hare been given and some of the details may be brought out at the trial. All returned to this city and Fred re lated his troubles at his home. Yesterday, as stated, Mr, Bcott brought suit In behalf of bis son and en gaged Attorneys W. W. Clark and L. J. Moore to prosecute it, and upon request It was postponed. Hiss Inez has return ed to her home In Baltimore. Only Temporary Shutdown. The Wallace Shoe Bouse was closed for a short time yesterday on account of a suit for debt brought by Mr. 8. R. Ball, representing a northern firm. A debt of 158 was due the firm and Mr. Ball brought salt to recover his commission, through his attorney, D. L. Ward. A judgment was rendered, but Mr. Wallace claimed exemption under the homestead law, and Messrs. M. M. Marks,' tf . T HIU and T. Burke laid It off. It was found that the property did not exceed the exemption limit end the plaintiffs were assessed the costs. The Wallace Shoe Company resumed later In the day and were doing business last night. ' New Repair Shop. Messrs Atkinson and Blalock havs bought oat the picture frame business formerly conducted on Craven street by 8. B. Parker. The new proprietors will oontlnue the picture frame business and will also conduct a furniture repair shop and will add an upholstering depart' ment where the best grsde of work will be done OASTOXIXA Bwntb The aind Yoe Hue Alwsvs BonC SVfMU Wednesday Horning' Jan. 15th. Starts by far the greatest bargain tale of Embroideries, Edging and Inserting that we have ever had on sale. Edging and Inserting actually worth from 10c to 40o per yard now at 4c to 18o yard, one ease 1788 yards to be sold and we expect every yard to be told In two dayt at these prices. ; O. A. BilrooT. Barlow k Wilson's minstrels. minstrel show alwsys catches the crowd. Those who failed to see Barlow A Wilson's Minstrels at' Cooper Opera House Tuesday night missed . good thing of the kind. The performance was first rate all the way through while some of the specialties were of the high est order. The dancing was splendid, the singing fairly good, the Jokes humor out, the comedians funny. ' Lawrence Barlow la inimitable in hit line, with Walter T. Stock, t good second at a fun maker, while at a back and wing dancer his eqnal would be hard to find. Frank Lawrence who is styled the most artistic club juggler In America, Is certainly the finest .we have seen. ' The slsck wire performer Wat perfect In his work, tome feats being ontqualed on this stage' The contortionist vu perhsps the best ever teen here.; Lawrence Barlow and Fred Wilton were great In their act as the musical msganets, and kept the audience In an uproar of laughter. Henderson, N. O. Gold Leaf, Jan. Oth. - ; T Barlow and Wilton, will appear at the Masonlo Opera Route In New Bern next Thursdsy night, . ' , BnntVi Sign till of A LI0IIT C0ULII. Is not an r tiling to 1 , n It fattens iLclf onto th hrnncliml tnbot and rechri fur tlie lung. There It a wy to Sh.u.e It Cut of tlio tvo'i m. I in nn pn'V wbv, take CI'-rry- . ; irlnn. '1 m r-m-nlv ill one rvi-iy lime, lit cu- p. ivn .r"! rrnu")lO llifl Fpnt v, ,1 I i! ii l;u, Urkllnvi' rn p. i y;i -I )!; ! ves It out fpi:' ; y Mrs. BeUle Whitford Is visiting in Klnston. Mr. L. 8. Grant left for his home In Northampton county yesterday for few days visit Rev. John Stsnlj Thomas of Suffolk, Va., left yesterday, after several days visit in the city, Mr. Robert Nelson of Contenlnae Neck, Lenoir county It (pending a few dsyt In the city. ' Mist Hattie ' Markt deft yesterday morning, returning to Peace Inetitute at Raleigh. ,-.- Mrs. Almon Hart of Tarboro, left yes terday, after several days visit with her sister, Mrs, 8. W. Hancock. ; Mr. J. C. Freeman, of Burlington, N, 0., arrived here last night, to take a po tition in F. 8. Daffy's drag store Mr.G. N. Ennett, proprietor, of the New Bern Book Store, Is in the city. Mr Ennett held a position In the peniten tiary under Mr. Leaser's administration and has many friends in Raleigh News Observer, 11th. ;.. Notice Heptasophs. , Tour Conclave No. 486 will meet Mon day night at 8 p. m. Jan, 18,, at the office of Bro. J.J. Tolson, Sen. Brethern it will be to your interest to attend this meeting. Geo. D. Gordneu, Secretary. 1 i Services Today. First Baptist Church. Hlght C Moore pastor. Services todsy at 11 a. m. and 7:80 p. m. Sunday School at three o'clock, O. C. Clark, Jr., Superintendent. The public cordially Invited to all services. Presbyterian Church Preschlng at 11 o'clock a m and 7.80 p m by the Rev: E E Gillespie of Greensboro. Babbath School at 8.80 p m Yisltora and strsngers are cor dialy invited. Services today at Centenary M. E. Churoh, Rev. R. F. Bumpas, Pastor, Morning service at 11 o'clock, evening service at 7:80 o'clock. Sunday School at 8 p. m. Everybody Invited. Services at Christian church this morning at 11 a. m. and this evening at 7:30 p. m. by the pastor, M. 8 Spear. All invited to sttend. Christian Science Church Services Sunday 10.45 am Subject: "Life." Ptslm, 86:7.8. Testimony service Wed nesday 7:80 p. m. Reading room open dally. All are cordially. Invited to attend. If troubled with a weak digestion belching, sour stomach, or If you feel dull after eating, try Chamberlain'i Btomach and Liver Tablets. Price, 25 cents. Samples free at F. 8. . Duffy & Go's, drug store. A-AAAAAAAAAAAA AAAAa Ear Something specially Ribbons at I5c Per Spool, 10 jarda on each spool. All the leading shades. This is Extraordinary value. NECK RIBBONS. . We offer this morning an nnuaually attractive line , of Plain and Fancy Neck Ribbons at . 25c Per Yard.- Look at the styles in our windows. And tbo price ls( so low. '-.-A'- . '. ! . - These vataes are worth looking into.- .. ..... ' TEE MARKETS. The fol owing quotations were receiv ed by J. X. Latham ft Co,' New Bern H. O. ' -' - . , Naw Yoei, Jan. 11. 0ottob - Open. High. Low. Close January-.... 7.05 - - 7.05 March.. 8.04 8 08 8.04' 8.04 May... '8.14 8.18 8.18 8.18 July..;...... .847.. 8.21 8.10 8.10 Aug.... 8.08 8.01 8.03 8.03 Chicago, Jsn. It Wbkat: Open. High. Low. Close Msy 83, - 83J 82i 82, Goes; . Open. High. Low. Close May.. 66 66 65 65J Ribs: Open. High. Low. Close Jan 860 860 Newtork, Jan. 11. Stocks; Open. High. Low. Close Sugar 122, 128, 121, 121 J Con. T 115 115i 115 115 Bo Ry 88i 83 83 33 0.8. L. 12J Hi U. 8.8 431 43, 48 43 Tex. Pao A. O.F 29J 29 V. O. C Copper.... 70 71 70 70 Cot. Oil Liverpool Bpots 4 17-82. Bales 5,000 bales. Futures, Jan-Feb 4.27. Apr-May 4.28. May-Jane 4.28. NEW BERN COTTON MARKET. Cotton wss quoted In the local market yetterday at 7 to 7. PORT RECEIPTS. 8ame week last year. 175,000 fjaBt week 282,000 This week. Bat. 40000 Mon. Tues. Wed. Thurt: Frl. 10000 23000 88000 33000 26OC0 86000 175,000 Don't Live Together. Constipation and health never go to gether. DeWltt'a Little Early Riteia promote easy action of the bowels with out distress. "I hsve been troubled with costlvenets nine yeare," says J O Greene, Depauw. lnd., "I have tried many remedies but Little Early Risers g ire best results." F 8 Duffy. nice it our new All Silk Baby 1 U . t1ttttt ttt" recce $ooooooooooc :: zz j NOW IS TOVIt CHARGE TO BUT j gw va ea - We have a very few $6.50, suits leic. in order to close them to yon for S5.00. THINK OF IT ! The largest sacrifice offer ever made town. IT IS UP TO YOU. Tou will regret it if yon don't avail yourself of this offer. TEEMS STRIOTLY CASH. in x X X o o o . G. DU & W Men's eft Boy's Wear, 57 lePolloclr Stxeet- oc Brashes AT COST (BassssaHSBSsssHsasasBSsssMsassisHssaasBBtsaswsasiaBSSBMi hair BRUsnra, TOOTH imilNUES IV AIL. IIRUNIIKS, LiTUER IIRIINIIEN. AT COST PRICES. We buy a large line of sample brutihrs every year aud get 25 per cent. off. We make the 25 per cent You get them at the price we would have to pay for regular stock. The advan tage to us is we sell bo many more "Quick sales and Small profits." TXt TCITVJC DTI A T?TUI A fV . FOR Horses, Mules, Baggies, Farm Wagons, Cart Wheels and Harness GIVE ME A TRIAL THOS. J. Court Notice. SPECIAL TERM. On the request of the Board of Com missioners of Craven county. Hit Excel lency the Governor has ordered a special term of the Superior Court for said county for the trial of civil cases only to be begun and held on the first Moa: day In Februsry neit, said term to con tinue for one week. ' The regular February term of the Bo rterlor Court for the trial of civil easel will follow the tpeclaf term and begins on Monday February the 10th to con tinue one weak. Judge Francis D, Winston will preside at bith terms. . v7.X,Watsok, .. . . . . i Clerk Superior Court. January 8 100. TUCKER'S GB1KITS 4 HiBBLS WOBIS, . Dealers In all kinds of ' Granite k Marble Moonmenti," Contraetori for Balldlnj Stone, H. A. Tucker & Bro. 810 North Front Street, WILM W0T0N, ' ' ' H. O. NOTICE!, All creditors of J. H. Vinson will pleats render an Uemlxed ttstsment of their account to me at onoe. Those Indebted to him will kindly remit to cover their account and oblige. Q. L. VINSON, ' Admlnlttrator. Dec l(llh, 1901. ' . , A t 17.00, $8.00 and 9.00 Men's tnem all out at once we oner Vn MITCHELL. HORSE SHOER If. TBEWWITII Shoes Horses at his shop next to Street's SUbles, Sonth Front St. A Mother's Horror ! Crouo. Crow. can be prevented if used m time and cured almost Instantly by using AMY'S CROUP STROP. AT BRADHAM'S. He. At faks Market POULTRY Tarkeya, Decks, Chickens, Geese. : MEATS ' ;: -Veal, Pork, Mutton, West lamb, Western and Native Beet Sanr Cured Hams, Sliced Bam, Smlthneld Bams, toneless Bam, Break fast Bacon, Smoked Tongue. - - ' Pork Sanaage, Mixed Mnsage, Frank (arte, Bologna, Fresh Tripe, Pigs Feet Carrots, Parsnip, Cabbage,' Irish Po tatoaa. xam -roBtieea. leterv. vaioas. Lettaoe. , . ' - . ',:, -....," WILD DUCKS. OaltS Tneat -1V1L. ai ivci, 7 Broad Street ' ;;.r-"; At Dv1V '- ?.;'-: ' Jordan's Cough Balssm, made accord ing to formula of late Col. Jordan, It on sale at Davis Prescription' Pharmacy. This Cough BaUm hat alwayt been found very edacious, and It does not ennU'n sry hnful dmjrj It It erW3- MMM MIIIWIIWr r 1 for chlldrtn. I'rtce 3 c nti. ; ; : ; ; ! ! ! : : s ;