A KIIxSTON HUE. FIS3 C2ALERS KEET. PERSONAL PARAGRAPHS. An Excellent Combination The pleasant method and beneficial effects . of the well known remedy,' Sybup of Figs, manufactured by the - Camfobkia Fio Sybup Co., illustrate the value of obtaining the liquid laxa tive principles of slants known to be medicinally laxative - and presenting them in the form most refreshing' to the taste and acceptable to the system. It Is the one perfect strengthening laxa tive, cleansing the system effectually; - dispelling colds, headacheB and fevers gently yet promptly and ennbling one to overcome habitual constipation per manently. , Its perfect freedom from every objectionable quality and sub stance, and its acting on the kidneys, liver and bowels, without weakening; or irritating them, make it the ideal laxative. In the process of manufacturing figs are used, as they are pleasant to the taste, but tho medicinal qualities of the remedy are obtained from senna and other aromatic plants, by a method known to the Califobnia. Fio Sybup Co. only. In order to get its beneficial effects and to avoid imitations, please remember the full name of the Company printed on the front of every package. CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. SAN FRANCISCO, CAI LOmSVUiUB, KY. NEW YOKE, N. T. Forsalobyall Druggists. Price BOo. per bottle. THE JOURNAL. New Bern, N. ., Jan. 14, 1902. Index to New Advertisements. F. M. Chadwlck Day Dress. Hackburn offers. J. M. Arnold Horses. Simmons & Hollowell ''Co. Ribbons. Business Locals. FOUND Masonlo Pin, at Atlantic Coast Line depot. Owner can get pin by calling at Journal office and paying for advertisement JACOBS' Raleigh Bye Whiskey Is the best. Middle street. FOB SAIife A good horse and buggy. The horse Is ten years old, and Is a good traveler, will work on farm or road. A good Bargain, Cheap. Apply to W. A. Wilson, Dover, N. C: Bradham's Antl-Bllllous Liver Pills should be In every house. They are of ten needed. Always handy and Invaria bly beneficial. Safe, easy and sure. Large boxes 25c. Sample, 6 pllla for 5c. Prescriptions at Davis'. Davis' Prescription Pharmacy makes a specialty of prescriptions. Prompt and careful attention Is given them. Only the best drugs are used. The prices are reasonable. Send yours there to be filled. If your child Is ailing, yon may find that Carolina Worm Killer Is just what they need. Anyway It can do no harm, but always does good. 25c. at Brad ham's. Walnut Taffy and Walnut Buttercups at HcSorley's. HotTrinks at Davis'. During the oold weather, "stop In at Davis' Prescription Pharmacy and get a cup of hot chocolate or tomato; bouil lon, or you can get a glass of genuine coca-cola. What are you waiting for, when every one who has tried It, will tell yon that Bradham's Carolina Cough Cure li the best you pan buy? Try It yourself. Price 25c. Hot Chocolate, and Hot, Coffee: and Sandwiches at McSorley's. ' ! For that head cold, get a bottle of Bradham's Dime Catarrh Cure. It Is warranted to give relief In one night or money cheerfully refunded. - A ' j v mmmn r Cigars at Davis'. , Davis' Prescription Pftarmaoy has elusive agency In this city f of the popu lar "Theo", cigars, Betides this brand there are other welt known brands. Buy your cigars at Davis', . ; . y . If yonr ehCdren have Croup, Whoop Ing Cough or a simple Cough, Anway'i Croup Syrup will oertalnly relieve them It la about the only remedy prepared ex cluslvely tor Croup and Children! ! Coughs and we unhesitatingly rccom mend It as the best. Many use and praise lU We guarantee It Price 85c Bold at Henry's Pharmacy, Davis' Pharmacy, , and Bradham's Pharmacy! ' i , Celery Headache Powders. , There If not any . better remedy for headache than L these powders. They never fad to relieve. Made and told only at Davis' Prescription Pharmacy. - t , ; CAPUDfflE Does not effect the heart. IIJnJcMorent fromother , IleadacheJFtemedlci.' SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS. There were plenty of - oystert In " the market again yesterday and a big fleet of boata was at market dock. . A car load of horses has been received by Mr. 3. M, Arnold at his Broad street stable. They are fine animals. . Fish were in fair supply yesterday lor the retail trade, ; mainly mullet. . Only one shad Is reported to have been seen a white shad, caught some days ago. The Life Insurance Company of Vir ginia has established a branch office of the company at Elnston. Mr. R.I. Dls osway will be the agent and left yester day to take charge of the office. ' The floor of the cotton exchange Is being relald. It was badly bulged up by being covered With water, which occur red during the big tide two year ago when so great damage was done on the waterfront The tug Winthrop brought in a tow of barges y esterday morning and attraot ed some attention. The tug was com pletely covered forward with a Coating of ice and looked Ukeaboat coming into some Northern port. There was a aheeTof ice fringing the river banks yeeterdej morning. ; The minimum thermometer was 21 degrees. The prerious lowest record this year was 15 degrees on December 22nd. There was less ice then as the river water had not become chilled at that time. Gates should always be swung so as to open on the inside and gates that swing across the sidewalk are especially dan gerous in the absence of street lights. A citizen complained yesterday of walking into a gate that was open the night before and quite severely injuring him self. An alarm of fire from box 56 at 10:10 o'clock last night was due to a burning chimney In the building occupied by Mrs McSorley on Pol lock street near Middle. No damage was done. An alarm from box 47 at 11:15 o'clock was a false alarm. The many friends of Mr. and Mrs. T. G. Hyman were rejoiced to hear yester day that their two year old daughter Laura was better. The child Is suffering from diphtheria which developed last Friday. On account of the loss which the family lately suffered from the same disease, much sympathy Is felt and hope that the danger will be safely passed. The Cyclists' Touring Club of Eng land has appointed Mr. A. E. Stevens their Consul for Eastern Carolina. This organization has a membership of over fifty thousand and Is represented in all the countries of theorld. Those con templating a trip abroad will do well to join this club and make the grand tour on their wheels. Information will be furnished by Mr. Stevens. The "North Carolina Year Book",1 published by the Balelgh News and Ob server, will be found a valuable book of reference. It is arranged so as to give the Information by counties. Mr, 0. J. Rlvenbark is in the city and will begin the distribution of the books to pur chasers this a morning. The price is placed at the low sum of one dollar. A late map of the State is contained In the volume. Rip Van Winkle. The J. H. Thome Dramatic Company presented the wellknown play of Rip VenWlnklet the Opera House, last night to a fair sized audience. Mr. Thome In the leading part of Rip and Miss Bonnie Meyer, as Gretchen, j gave ah exoellent interpretation of th.nl r parts, and were liberally applauded. The same company will play again to night, giving a farce comedy entitled Uncle Stephen' Legacy. DIED Suddenly, at his home In Itow York City, Bev. T. G. Wall, D. D. - Many wlH remember Dr. Wall, as far mer pastor of the Presbyterian church In this city. ,. v, . j Involuntary Petition In Bankruptcy. An Involuntary petition In Bankruptcy was filed in the District Court Saturday by Rodman and Rodman, of ", Washing! ton, N. 0. Attorneys tor the petitioning-! Creditors against 3. L.-fitarkey and Bro. merchants of Greenville, N. C. , (''!.;' ' 1 1 " 1 rrwM Civil Service Catalogue, i r TheTJ. 8.S Civil "Service- Commission will hold examinations at several plaoea la each State during March and April, to secure young men and women for .the government servloe.' 0,889 persons se cured position last year through these examinations.;.' Probably 10,000 appoint ments are for life and for most position only a common Mhool education ' I te qulred. ; Salaries at appointment . vary from I860 to 1800 a year with liberal promotion afterward. Politic Is not considered. ' There Is less- competition in the Southern SUte. than In other part of the country,,; This afford k a good opportunity for ; people between 10 and 45 years of age. Those deitring place of thl kind can get full Informa tion about them, free, by writing to the Columbian 1 Correspondence ' College, Washington, D. C, and asking for its Civil Service catalogue, number three.' -., ;, : Rural Delivery Petition. '. A petition I being circulated asking lbs Post Office Department to establish aa additional Rural Free Delivery rout In Craven county, there being three routes ' now In operation. The route asked for in ' the petition would go by the Neuse road to Bellalr, then to Lima and Jasper, and returning would pin The Oak, making a circuit of 28) miles. The rout would be especially conven ient for truckers and farmer near this city. , tj JC Rarrow Escape From Destruction of Much V aluable Property, A terrible conflagration was averted In Kins ton this morning by the Just . in nick of time Interference of Providence, the hard and Intelligent work of the Elnston Fire Company, the Dread Not Hook and Ladder Company and other citizen. At one time It looked to , be ; almost certain that the tobacco section of the town would be swept away, and no telling where the fire would eventually stop. " ' The alarm tounded at 10.18 o'clock. It was first given by the whistle of the American Tobacco company's plant and in a few seconds later by the fire bell. To the people who rushed from their residences and places of business to learn the cause, It waa reported that the Elnston Carolina Warehouse was on fire. They realized tho seriousness of the situation If this wa so, and a great state of exoltement prevailed. As the people hurried to the scene, on the northern outskirts of the town, the black smoke could be seen rising and whirling with the fierce wind which wa flowing. Upon arriving at the scene the worst fears' were slightly relieved to see that it was not the Carolina Warehouse on fire, but a group of small wooden buildings' on the corner of Heritage street and Ver non avenue, a short distance from the warehouse, consisting of a small confec tionary store run by Mr. Norman B. White, and two tobaoco hogshead fac tories, one of them owned and run by Capt. J. M. White and the other run un der the firm name of the Elnston Hogs head Co. owned by Messrs. Fleming. Bobblt and Goodson. A strong northeast wind was blowing, which at first took the burning cinders towards the Carolina Warehouse. The tobacco stored there was removed, and by close watch, putting the flames out as the warehouse caught, the fire was pre vented from spreading there. The greatest danger of all now loomed up. The three story prize house and stemmery occupied by Messrs. Bobbltt and MoBeley and Mr: J A Long, situated direotly across the narrow street from the flames, caught fire. The wind seemed to dip down and,taklng the flames.burn ing cinders and thick black smoke,' hurl ed It against the west side of the three story building. This, of necessity, drove the crowd and all who were fighting the .flames back, and it seemed beyond hu man skill to prevent a fire that would consume thousands and thousands of dollars worth of property. But history repeated itself (as to Elnston fires) and once again Providence came to the res cue. The wind changed to northwest, and then some of the prettiest work ever done by the Elnston fire department was put Into execution, and with the two streams of water and the ladders of the Dread-Not Hook and Ladder company, the Are was gotten under control. The fire was first discovered on top of an old discarded building, which was used as a store house by Mr. A. Mitch ell. The stock In the store and all the hogsheads In the two factories were saved. The loss on these buildings was small, several hundred dollars covering the en tire loss. Messrs. White and Son had their loss covered by Insurance. The others had no Insurance. The prize house and stemmery was damaged to the extent of several hundred dollars. It Is owned by Messrs. S. H. Abbott and J. W. Grainger and the loss Is covered by Insurance. Free Press, ISth. Cut this out and take it to F. S. Duffy & Go's drug store and get a free sample of Chamberlain' Stomach and Liver Tablets, the best physic. They also cure disorder of the stomach, biliousness and headache. Strong In Musical Attractions. Barlow and WlUon's Minstrel made their annual appearance . at Power' Opera. Home to an excellent, house. It 1 a fact worthy of notice, that at each successive trip of thl ' famous organiza tion vacant down stairs seat have been few and far between.: It follows that an attraction able to fill that ' portion of the theatre Is one of intrlnslo merit.. The musical portion waa particularly ctrong. The ballardsof" James Barardl, James Leonard and Joseph MoGrath were pret ty renditions. The monologue work of Barlow and Wilson wa very funny, while the popular Conroy and Murry met with an ovation that must have been exceedingly pleasant to those favorite comedians. Taken , altogether the Barlow and Wilson show farsur- passeithe usual minstrel attraction.- Grand Rapids Dally Democrat. ' OABTOIIIA, BtaritU ftgsstua ef ' Jjf urn w mi rarajn Wednesday Morning Jan. 15th.1 '. Start by far the greatest bargain sale of Embroideries, Edging and Inserting tbat we have ever had on sale." Edging and Inserting actually worth from lOe to 0o per yard how at 4o to 18c yard, one case 1738 yard to be told and we expect every yard to be sold In two day at these prices. , G. A. Babfoot. A LIGHT COUGH. Is dot an easy thing to losnen it fastens Itself onto the bronchial tubes nd rw.ki'i for the lungs. There Is a v to - s;..-Ue it Out of the system. It's an way, take Churry-Ulyterltie. Tills rem edy will cure every time. Its cu rxijve prnpnrilns go to the Spot when the n.i iin little tlekllnir Rti rmvs you find drives it outqms:kiy il ii-n-vfn r- ''I . ( ' r. I 1 Resolutions Regarding Rates Given to Competing Points.' . The fish dealers of New Bern, More- head City and Beaufort meet in New Bern N. C January 13th, 1903, to consider matter pertaining to the successful prosecutive extension of their business, Many matter were discussed but all agreed that their efforts were handicap ped by the discrimination in freights, via, the Southern Express Company. Rate from competing points by this Company being lower than those given the point represented by dealers pres ent, r ' ' The following resolution was unani mously adopted: ' "Whereas, the rates of freight given the fish dealers of other points on fish and oysters are lower than those given to us, thereby necessitating the purchase of fish and Oysters by us, or necessltat ing the sale at less price in. order to meet competton from other points, there fore be it "Rssolved, That the matter of freights be brought to the notice of the Southern Express Company, and a demand made that the same rate be given to us as are , given other polntB in the Southern Express Company's territory, thus enabling us to meet competition on an equitable basis, That if after thirty days this request Is not granted, then an effort be made to obtain these rateB through the Railroad Commission. That a copy of these resolutions be giv en the New Bern Journal, the News & Observer and the Coaster of Morehead . TO CLEANSE THE SYSTEM Effectually yet gently when costive or billlous, to permanently overcome hab itual constipation, to awaken the kid neys and liver to a healthy activity, without irritating or weakening them, to dispel headaches, colds, fevers, use Syrup of Figs, made by the California Fig Syrup Co. Baseball Meeting, Tonight. There will be meeting tonight, at 8 o'clock, at the Joubnal Office, of those interested In local base ball matters. Meeting, Fire Board. There will be a meeting of the Fire Board tonight at 7:30 o'clock at the meet ing room of the New Bern Fire Co. Two Barges With Fertilizer. The barges W. R. Clinton, from Nor folk, and Eent, from Baltimore, loaded with 13,000 bags of fertilizer, and con signed to . E. Bishop, are unloading at the Bishop Warehouse. If troubled with a weak digestion, belching, sour stomach, . or If you feel dull after eating, try Chamberlain's 8tomach and Liver Tablets. Price, 25 cents. Samples free at F. S. Duffy & Co's. drug Btore. lev iwe..T ear a y IvUaa Something specially Ribbons at 15c, Per 10 yards on each spool. All the leading shades. This is Extraordinary value. -t jr-ca- NECK RIBBONS. . ' We offer thli morning an unusually attractive line ' of Plain and Fancy Neck Ribbons at ', , 25c Per Yard. ' Look at the styles in our eo low. , - , ' These Valnes are worth i s. i - J 67 Pollock 5 tree i. f f ttftti !t '? fit " 1 . ti Mt t $ M i Mr. W. T. Cabo, of.Bayboro,- is In the cityi on business. Mr. Henry Brown, Jr. went to Nor folk yesterday on business. - . Rev. T. M. N. George went to Trenton yesterday. -. Mr. Fred Tucker left yesterday morn ing, returning to Davidson College. y Mrs. V. W. Shield and children, of Jacksonville, Fla., are visiting in the city the guests of Mrs. M. D. Nelson. Miss-Mary L. Bryan returned from Tlllerylast night, where she has been visiting Her sister, Mrs, C. J. Rhem. , Messrs. W. L. Arendell, Eugene Ar thur, Staoey W. Wade and Charles S. Wallace of Morehead, were in the city yesterday, ' Mr. W. E. Patterson left yesterday morning for a Southern business trip. Mr. and Mrs. A. O. Newberry went to Newport last night to visit relatives. ( K 1 Day Dress Stytes. should never be slighted In favor of evening dress. Good form demands per feet garments at all times, and when you havo your clothes made by Chadwlck you are not only insured a perfect fit, but cut, style and finish will be equally gooa. F. M. Chadwlck, Some Jewelry Facts It is a fact that every article in om large, new - stork, is thoroughly good and reliable; just what it pretends to be. It is a fact tbat our guarantee stands behind every article we sell. It is a fact that, QUALITY considered, our prices are lowest ef the low. Don't these faets interest you? Come'' in; let's havs a talk about Jewelry. EATON The Leading Jetoeler. nice ia our new All Silk Baby X Spool, 'ses) windows. And the prlpe la X , . " ' ' ,." ' looking into. ", ' . 'C. ' :-. " . ' i ... . , .': . ':;, r. x .1 ft & WE? S3 '-if r 0 m, . jf -us sir tt () tl l NOW IS TOUIJ CHAWCE TO IIUY Suit Cheap. We have a very few 6.50, $7.00, $8.C0 and $9.00 Men's Suite left. In order to close them all out at once- we offer them to yon for S5.00. THINK OF IT ! The largest sacrifice offer evei; made in town. IT IS UP TO YOU. You will regre it if you don't avail yourself of this offer. TEEMS STRICTLY CASH. i. g. Mi i go., Men's eft Boy's Wear, 57 Follocls: Street. Brushes AT COST HAIR BttUSIIES, TOOTH BBTSHES FLESH BRUSHES, NAIL BRUSHES, L ATHER BRUSHES. ; AT COST PRICES. We buy a large line of sample brnshfs every year and get 25 per cent. off. We make the 25 per cent. You get them at the price we would have to pay for regular stock. The advan- fj tage to us is we sell so many pronts. DUFFY'S PHARMACY. FOR Horses, Mules, Buggies, Farm Wagons, Cart Wheels and Harness OITE ME A TRIAL THOS. J. Court Notice. . SPECIAL TERM. On the request of the Board of Com missioners of Craven county, Els Excel lency the Governor hu ordered a special term of the Superior Court for said county for the trial of civil oases only to be began and held on the first Hon' day In February next, said term to con tlnne for one week. The regular February term of the Su perior Court for the trial of civil cases will follow the special term and begins 00 Monday February the 10th to con tinue one' week; Judge Franols D Winston will preside at bith terms. W.M. Watsoh, . 1 .. Clerk Superior Court, v January 8 1003. TUCKER'S GBAMTE &MBLE lORIS, Dealers In ell kinds of 1 " ' Granite & Marble Monuments, -Contractor! for Buirdlnj Stone. k A. Tuder & Bro. ' ' 810 North Front Street, ' WnMIHQTCW, ' - K. O. NOTICE! All creditors of J. B. Vinson will please render an. Itemised statement of their account to me at once, those Indebted to him will kindly, remit to cover their account and oblige. O. L. V1K301C, i ' Administrator. De-. 15tb, 1001. . more "Quick sales and Small 3 CI ) MITCHELL. HORSE SHOER IV TR Elf WITH Shoes Horses at his shop next to Street's Stables, South Front St. A Mothers Horror I Croup, Croup. can be prevented If need m tisae and cared almost Instantly by using ANWAi'S CROUP SIRUP, AT BRADHAM'S. SSs. At Oaks Market POITLTRT Tarkeys, Dacka, Chickens, Geese. -, : :: MEATS Teal, Pork, Mutton, Western Lamb, Western and Native Beet. ; Sugar Cured Bams. Sliced Ram, SmithAeld Bams, (toneless Ham, break fast Bacon, bmoked Tongue. Pork Sausage, Mixed eausage, Frank farts, Bologna, Fresh Tripe, figs reet. VSQETABLB3 ' OarroU, Parsnip; Cabbage, trish Po batoes, Yam JPotaUes, Celery, Ualens, Letts ot. WttDDUOKfl. .--' Oaks Vut'- : 97 Broad Street Atoavls'. -' Jordan's Couih Balsam, made aooord- In to formula of late Col. Jordan. Is on sale at Davis' Prescription Pharmacy, This Cough Balsam has always been found very emcaolous, and It does not contain any hsrroful drurj It Is e!ro- Islly good for children. 1'nce 23 cnte.

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