t TOLMiX-HO. 249 HIW BIM, M. C, SUNDAY MORKIff 6, JANUARY. 19, 1902. TWENTIETH YEAR O) jO) G G mt IN BIBBONS AT HACECBURN'Sl 25 Pieces No. 6, All Silk, Heavy Groi Grain, s. IS v A A A A FBI I & 47J9 POLLOCK STREET. Goodly due at 8c, Ttifl Sale SO Pieces No. 7, Satin Gros Grain, 25 Pieces No. 9, Special, This sale 85 Pieces No. 12, 20 Pieees No.; 16, . ". . , " 25 Pieces -Silk Veiling, regular 25c goods, 20 Pieces Lace that sold at 6c, 8c, , 10c and 12Jo, This Sale Sc, 8c, 5c 8c 25 Pieoes Lace that sold at 15c, 20o, 25c, 85c and 40c, This Sale Only ' ; 8c, lOo, 15c, 20 a 25c. These are all in Ecru. 10 Pieces Silk Lace to close at 10o and 12c. Only 8c. Only 5c. Only 8c. Only lOc. Only 12c. Only 10c. Here We Are Again with Prices and Quality that cant be beat. Stringless Beans, 2 lb can 10c, 8 for 25c. a - a 8 15c, 2 25c. No 1 Standard 8 lb Tomatoes, 10c can , l a Com, Belhaven Brand 10c. . "1 " 2 a good article, 3 cans for 25c. . 1 lb Seedless Currants 10c lb. 1 Brisins 10c lb. English Walnuts 121c lb Mixed Nuts 121c lb. Nice, large, juicy Florida Oranges 35c dozen. Don't foil to see me before placing your orders for any thing in the grocery line and I will save you money. Tours to Please, J. T2 PHONE b'9. SJJbSBOSEL Jr. Wholesale and Retail Oncer, Cor, Broad eft Hancock Sis. c J. A. Livery, Feed, Sale and , Exchange JONES, Stables -Largbst and' Finest jStook "ot HOUSES: QttiattUB& ever offered for sale In New Bern. A Car Load of each just received. Also a oomplete litis of Biggies. Wagoaft, Harness, Robe?, Whips, fart Wheels, fto. " ' ' . f A '. ; . ' Broad. Street, Stewart's Old Stand. uur 1- VhV. Mott to please everyone wha calls at 'Jiii. U'.LJ J ' - - -' nur i j ti v i if uniii i mn Arnap TC J-M-i i IK .1. v Groceries., :v;YVir , l Citron and PfnnML'k 1 ; I finnv anil iLm ... . : ' Butter and Ceese..5.';.;;' 4 .Jje si ire to ask for i pound pf onr , v '.We guarantee quality and price. Archill PHONE 194. Co., rs BROAD ST. TUCECER'S EMIT! 1 11AEELS i'CJl, ' ealeri In all klndt of Granite k Mirble Monnments, : ' Contractors for Bulldlnj Etone. H. ATvchcr Q Bro. ." 810 Nort.li Trout Blrwt, - " : mv.vx it :', ' - i': o. About 400 acres known as the D. W, Williams lands,' and situated near ( lark's, eight milea west from New Bern; ; Good bulldins' and orchard, and about 150 acres cleared. Will sell' for one-third cash and balance la, five years in deferred pay mento,';; i f '; 1 ' For further particulars write to . '. HiEES Bros. Wcr 'CC? . :, - KINSTON, N. C.; ASUTB LEAGUE. to be dLPook Store y ' Allen's Forty Lessons In X Book Keeping. : ' .. North Carol I n o T e a r j Book. Sole Agent for Batarian Harps. ' i til MM U EUgbt BasebaU Qnbs ; Desired i - Formed. , Speofal to Journal. v -' Raleigh, Jan. 18. Ed ascbenback left for Charlotte to night in the Interest of 8ttte Baseball League. He will rlsit a dosen other places, lnoladlug WUmlng ton end New Bern. : nbstis deelred ts hat a Bute league of eight clubs be formed. , Jl Profitable Investment "I was troubled for about seven years wi h my stomach and in bed ' half, my time," says B Demlo, BemervUle, lnd., I spent about $1,000 and never could get anything to help me until I tried Kodol Dyapepsia Cure. I have taken a few bottles and am entirely well." Ton don't ' live by what yon eat, but by what yon digest and . assimilate.' If your stomach doesn't digest ' your food you are really starving. Kodal Dyspep sia Cure does the stomsch's work by di gesting the food. Toa don't have to diet. Eat all you wWt Kodsl Dyspep sia Cure cures all stomach troubles. F 8 Duffy. ' - Headquarters For Engineer. Special to Journal. Raleigh, Jan. 18 The State Board of Education directs that Its engineer, Mr. HcReeot Wilmington shall have hie headquarters here and will furnish him a room In the caphOl. THE MARKETS. The fol owing quotations were receiv ed by J. B.Latham A Co, New Bern H.O. Naw Voai,' Jan. 18. OoTTOK; Open. High. Low. Close March 8.18 8.18 8.1S 8.18 Kay.... 8.19 8.19 8.18 8.19 July 8.81 8.84 8.88 8.88 Aug .....18.06 8.07 8.06 8.06 Oct j 7.70 7.78 -7.70 7.71 Chicago, Jan. 18. Wheat: Open. High. Low. Close May 80 80J 80 ' 80f Cobb: Open. High. Low. Close May 64 64 64 64 BIbt: Open. High. Low. Olose Jan 8671 870 New York, Jan. 18. Stocast Open. High. Low. Olose Sugar. 184 114 188 188 Con. T U6 SoRy 831 831 34 SSJ V.6.U lit U. a8 431 431 48 48 Tex. Pao 881 1.0. F 891 V. O. C 60 Copper 701 - 70 701 704 UnipMl Spot 4.9-1 Sales 6,000 bales, futures, Jan-Fob 4.80. Apr-May 4.80. May-June 4.80. aaw BBBN COTTON SJAaSUST. Cotton was Quoted In the local market yeaterday at 7.88 to 7.80 roT BMsarTS. Last week 846,000 This week. Bat. 83000 Mon. . Tues. - .. Wed. Thus. Basse week last year. 178,008 , 80000 .19000 .000 89000 v 88000 87000 .169,000 Cut thle out and take It to F. B, Duffy A Go's drug store and get a free sampled or Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets, the best phytic. They eUo care dlaorders of the stomach, biliousness sad headache. ,,r, - ; ,-. , . Dntml tka Pknu. '-r' The precise worda of "Coming-events east tbelr shadows before" occurred to Campbell In a dream. ' He awoke and found himeeif repeating tbem aloud and afterward used them In "Lochlel's Warning," , a minor poem of much merit ; , , - .' : ..; . It troubled with a weak dlgeitlon, belching, sour slomach, or If you feel dull after eating, try Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets. Price, 85 eenta. Bam pies free at F. 8. Duffy ft uo's. a rug store. - -j . At Davis'. Jordan's Cough Balaam, madeocord Ing to formula of late Col. Jordan, Is on ale at Davit', Prescription Pharmacy, This Cough Balaam has always been found very efflcacloui,' snd It does not contain any harmful drug; Itlienpec lally good for children. Price 85 ctnt .CASTOniA For Infants an! C! " ' x FRESSURE BRCuSHT. Effort to Induce the Governor to Issue Pardons. - DoabtfalU He Will Act A Base ' ball Meetlag. The Poet Boner. Public Balld ings - Close Monday. Ralbiqh, Jan, 18. C. M. Conboy, of Ohioago, la here to see the Governor, snd Is urging the latter to pardon 'Daly one of the three gold brick swindlers now In the penitentiary here. The claim is set up that Daly, who played the part of "Indian" la the swindle, has not been tried before and that this Is his first of fence. The odds are, of course, that the Governor will do no such thing as par don this swindler. There Is ho requisi tion tor him from other States, while there are requisitions for Hawley snd Howsrd, his associates in crime. Locke Craig and Mr. Moore of Ashe- vlUe are here to see the Governor and are urging him to commute the sentence of J. A. Gerhsm, who was an attorney of the Southern railway snd who wst convicted of tampering with s juror In s noted dsmsge suit st Statearllle snd sen tenced to 80 days In jail snd to- pay s fine. Gorham la also here. The effort being made It to have the jail sentence stricken out. The Supreme court sustained the lower oourt and laid Gorham mutt aerre hit term, bat he, has never been In jail. It la now settled that Raleigh will have a profeatlonal baseball team this year. This wss done at an enthusiastic meeting last night. Thomas J. Pence, who, since Fred L. Merritt left the Newt and Observer to go on the Norfolk Virginian and Pilot haa been the city editor of the Hews and Observer, goes to Washington to become the regular correspondent there of the Raleigh Morning Post and other papera. Edward B. Brltton succeeds him on the News and Observer, and Mr. Rotter, a native of.Petersburg, becomes a member of the staff of that paper. Mr. Pence be gan newspaper work In 1894 on the Ral eigh Times and then became city editor of the Morning Post, which place he held until he went on the Newt and Ob server. John A. Boner, the wellknown North Carolina poet, after a stay here of 8 months for his health, returned to Wash Ington. He has consumption. His wife Is also an invalid. He has s position in the government printing office. Johnston Pettlgrew Chapter, Daugh ters of the Confederacy, of thla city, this afternoon held special exercises in com memoration of Lee's Birthday. Officially thla will be recognized Monday by the doting of the public buildings. The State Board of Education met to day as did the council of Btate. The lat ter went over the whole subject of the State's financial statues, figures being provided by the Bute treasurer. The figures were given In 'this correspon dence two or three weekt ago. TO CLBAKSB THE SYSTEM Effectually yet gently when costive or bullous, to permanently overcome hab itual constipation, to awaken the kid neys snd liver to a healthy activity, without Irritating or weakening them, to dispel headaches, colds, fevers, uae Syrup of Figs, made by the California LFIg Syrup Co. -ADMIRES THE MUSEUM. Rational Curator on a Visit. Counties That Have Schools. Special to Journal.' Kalmgh, Jar. 18. Dr. F. W. True, curator of the National Muaeum st Washington spent today here, especially to see the Btate Museum. He expressed great gratification at its plan and scope. It Is most prsoticsl of all the State museums. State Superintendent of public Instruc tlou has reports from Warren and Gran ville counties that they do not need a cent of appropriation to bring the terms of their public schools up to 4 months aa they are now almost 8 months. LOST. My sight by pride, neglect and cheap glasses. '.' Neglected when I was young to have my eyes examined when they were so troublesome and painful, put It off be cause I was ashamed people would think I wss growing old. . . Bought a pair and Could see splendidly bought them from, cheap Billy the dry goods man, for 80 cents, and they have rained my eyes. & v. !.',','." You will find In my optical depart' ment, one of the most oomplete set of Instruments to be found anywhere, also every pair of glasses I fit are guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction, and as Cheap as the clsss of work done will permit, , J. O. Baxtss, Jsv ' Graduate Cptlclen, atlnia Ante. ' The Bedouin Arabs are small eaters. Biz or seven dates soaked In melted butter serfs a man a whole day, with a very small quantity of coarse flour or a little bell of rice. (Join t'iO In many Japanese factories no' pro- Vision is made for suitable ventilation, and lung dlseneee are common among the employees, while the arrangement! are such that In case of fife escape .would be almost Impoeslble. ' , LESS worry. Children will play and get over-heated get their feet wet, expose themaelvee In dozens of ways, snd yo oan't pretest It. All you can do It to. keep - them st free from expoture as poatlble and al waya have In the house a Cough Remedy that can be depended bpon. Anway't Croup Hyrup will fill every requirement. It It guaranteed to cure Congha, Colds and Croup or the price 85 cents will be refunded by any dealer selling It. Bold by Davis', Henry's, and1 Bradbam's llmrnmry. Children Especially Liable. Burns, bruises and cuts are extremely painful and if neglected of ten result In blood poisoning. Children are especial ly liable to such mishaps because not so careful. As a remedy DeWItt's Witch Hazel Salve is unequalled. Draws out the fire, stops the pain, soon heals the wound. Beware of counterfeits. Sure cure for piles. "DeWItt's Witch Hazel Salve cured my baby of eczema after two physicians gave her up.' writes James Mock, N. Webster, lnd., "The sores were so bad she soiled two to five dresses a day." F S Duffy. Anthrmetie Coal. A Philadelphia firm has calculated that there ellll remnln uninlned 5,073,' 778,000 tons of coal In the anthracite regions. The Pur Mart. In the Alaskan fur market London quotations govern. These are fixed twice a year in March and August by a board of principal dealers In that dty, and prices are gauged according to that scale In all parts of the world except Russia. Dr. Bull's Court! Syrup Cures a Cough or Cold at once. Conquers Croup, Whooping Cough and Measles Coueh without fall. Best for Bronchitis Hoarseness. GrlDDe. Pneumonia. Con sumption and Lung Affections. Quick, sure results. Price, 25c. Chained Books. In the cathedral of Hereford, Eng land, there are still about 1,000 books with the chains that used to be at tached to books In the sixteenth cen tury In ecclesiastic and university li braries. BelsrlunL Saloon. Belgium has 175,000 taverns and sa loons for the sale of liquors. The Best Prescription for nalaria. Chills and Fever Is a bottle of Gbovb'b Tabtelbss Chill Torio. It 1b simply Iron and quinine in a tasteless form. No care no pay. Price 50c. I Know One Bare Bemedy torn obstinate cold. Itt name li Pjnj-BtlMm. Prescriptions at Davis'. Davis' Prescription Pharmacy makes a specialty of prescriptions. Prompt and careful attention la given tbem. Only the beet drugs are used. The prices are reasonable. Send yours there to be filled. DR. SHOOP'S PREVEKTICS. The great cold cure, are sold snd guar anteed by Bradham's Pharmacy. If yon bring the empty box back, and you are aot satisfied with Preventlcs we win re turn your SB cents. Ton must have them on hand it you expect to prevent eolds; snd prevention ts better then cure Preventlce cure colds, as well at prevent Winter Excursion Rates. Effective October IB, 1901, excursion rates are placed on sale by the Southern Hallway to all prlnoipal winter resorts f the South and Southwest. Ask any agent Southern Railway for full Infor mation. Hot Drinks at Davis'. Dnrlnttha cold weather, stop In at Davit' Preaerlntlon Pharmacy aad get a eop of hot chocolate or tomato bouil lon, or you can get aglets ot genuine oca-cola. - HOT SODA. An the Dooular flavors Beef Tea Beef Bouillon, Clam Bouillon, Tomato Bouillon Tmsdo from beef, tomatoes and eelervk Chocolate and all the soda fla vors Lemon, Orange, Cherry, Orape aad Coca-Cola your choloe for 9 cents and at hot as you eaa drink It At Brsdham'S Fountain. .. Cliw atDavisV : Davis' PrescriDtlon Pharmacy has si elusive agency ta this city for the popu lar "Theo cigars, Betides this' brsad there are other well known brands. Buy your cigars st Dsvhv. , . - f Wheat a Fresh lot Just Received, Fresh Oatflake?, Car olina Bice, Grits and Big Hominy. fauer Kraut. Small Fig Hams. Canned Goods of all kinds. Georgia Yam Potatoes. Scotch, Irish Potatoes. Codfish, Corned Mullets, and Spanish Mackerel. Pigs Feet, Tripe, Bologna and Fresh Pork Sausage. Anything in the grocery line you want at J. L. mm. Hiv0e.His.aa Wholesale eft Retail Grocer, 'Phone 91, 71 Kro.M, St. The World's Appetite Wo supply enough variety to suit all who come here. The different seleoted things which appeal to the taste of those who want the rare and pleasing, aa well as the sub stantial necessities. You will eat with relish if we supply tie food. Respectfully, J. J. TOLSON, Jr., Broad St Grocer. Phone 137. We call your Attention to the Following Useful Articles. Shears and Scissors, Pen Knives, Pocket Knives, Razors, Honea, and straps, they are all warranted and, can be exchanged if not satisfac tory. Carving Sets, Knives and Forks, Butcher Knives, Can Openers, and Eye Openers in prices. Gnns from $4.75 to $25.10. Ais Rifles snd Boy Axes for the boys. A full and complete stock of General Hardware, Painte, Varnish. Enamels, Oil, Lime, Plaster, Cement, Sash Blinds, Doors and Glass. Ball Bearing Castors. Qaskill Hardware Co. PHONE 147. 78 St NEW BBRN, N. O FOB Horses & Mules, CALL. OX Julius M. Arnold 66 B ROAD STREET, Who has just returned from tlio West with the finest lot of Horses ever seen in New Bern, Suitable for the FARM, DRIVING, SADDLE, also DRAUGHT HOUSES, that vrill b sold for cash on time. GUARANTEED AS REPRESENTED. JULIUS M. ARNOLD, 1' v A LIGHT COUGH. Is not an easy thing to lessen i fuiini lUfllf onto tha bronchial tubes end reaches (or the lungs. ' There la a way 10 Shake it Out of the svstem. It's an ey way, take Ctiflrry-Ulycerine. This rem edy will cure every time. Its cu rative propnrtl" fo to the Bpot when the nx-fin liule tickllnar an noys you s I (' 'v It ont quickly ' (-T, Court Notice. ' SPECIAL' TERM.' - Oa the request of the Board ot Com missioners ot Craven flouaty, His Excel lency the Governor has ordered a special term of the Superior Court for said eouaty for the trial of civil cases only to be begun and held on the arst Mon day la February next, said term to oon tlnae for oaa week... .i Tbs regales February tern of the Bn perior Court for the trial of civil eases will follow the special term aad begins oa Monday February the 10th to con tinue one week. " Judge Francis D. Wlnstoa will preside at "both terras.; ? i W. M. Watsow,' - . ' Clerk Superior Court. , Januarys 1901 '" ''-",';.'. FOR SALE ! " I have a few Horsea, Mules, Buggies and Farm Carta, . which I have taken , in." Wllf b aold low for Cash or on tints. 'I It will bo to your Interval to see ma Ixsfore buying. . -- .. e 111 'Sm Dock-Shooting VP Is now Ita beat. Onr stock ot guas and ammunition la the finest eves carried la the city. We have oa ban a few single barrel guns which will be sold verv low. "- fine double) barrel hamtnerless gun with twist barrels tor $20.00, everything will be sold low to make room for the 'spring stock of Bieyolee, etc . ; - -," v av itaa .m.m sw - . Dealer In Bictclbs, FraaAaaa, Broanaa .600ns, FBoaooaaral, Job Panrnaa,'. " Pmemai 0sm Oats TnMaSl jaVdal . 1-M Wdaie SL t RBW BBlUt. R. re f (' -

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