TH AVegefable PrcparalionfM' As similating the Food andHegula ting the Stoinachs aniBowels of Promotes DigeaaonJChserfU nessandHestContains neither Opium,MorpWnB norMtaeraL OX NARCOTIC, JUtrtafOUJt-SSMVIimCHDI flririm SeU- ;.. JtxSaum A perfect Remedy forConetip Ron , Sour Stomach,Diarrtea Worms Convulsions Jeverish ness and Los9orSusBB - i" Facsimile Signal uro of . NEW YDHK. EXACT COPY Or WRAPPER, nnnniiniiiiniiinnmmmmnmm A CBAIICE HI A LIFE TiH to invest on the ground floor with owners, in a developed free milling gold mino that, has produced, and has expended on it Fifty Thousand Dollars in development on the ledge and a complete five stamp mill, with all other necessary machinery ready to ran. The Ozark is not a prospect, but a mine that has produced. We are : placing 100,009 shares of development stock at Kffe per share, capital i stock 1,000,000 shares (par value $1.00 each), fully paid and non-assessable, to further develop and pat the property on a paying basis. A property lying near the Ozark, with nowhereas good a showing aud very little development, sold last week to a New York syndicate for I'ilfl.m.O. The Ozark will pay dividends and be worth par inside of six months. 1 his is the best investment for the money that has ever been offered to the investing publie. Do not lose this opportunity. It will never appear again. For further particulars, prospectus, report on mine, references, etc., ADDRESS, Ozark Gold Mining & Milling Co., I105C0W, IDAHO. 73 timiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiixiiiiimmiiiiiiTTTTTTi HUB W i l.VvvA mil. mwv v ALL CAS,ES.OF, v.ifi,:,,;;'. DEAFrJEGS OR i ARE WOW by our new Invention. ' Only HEAD IIOISES CEASE IMMEDIATELY. 9. A. WERMAN, Of " ' - - BaTiifO Md., March A, not. ' Gtnllnttn -Win errtrrel)' cored of deaf neat thaaka to your treatment, I will aow riw TO a full history of my caeo, to b wed ot tout dtocmion. Abont St ream ago my right ear began to aof, aad this kept oa getting wane, uatUIloet my hearing-lulWter entirely. " , ... I underwent treatment for catarrh, for three months, wHhowt any noceea, consulted on ber of phyiicuma, among others, the moat erolneat ear specialist of this city, who told me that only an eviration could help me, and m that only temporarily, toat the head bouk would then ccae, but the hearing in too affected ear would be lost forever. . . -. ? I then tan your atlrertliement accidentally in a New York paper, and 04 end your treat, merit. After I had oed ttoulyafcw day aaromMng to yosr direction, the noiees ceased, aud jo-onr (ier fire week., my bcarinr In the dlaeaaed ear haa bem entirely mtored. -1 thank vow hcnrtily nnd beg to remain Very truly youra. - ... . ..... . . WatRMAK.yjo a. Broadway, BatUmoro, aid, ( J nr treatment does not interfere with your vaster! occupation. " ' - YOUCAH CRE YOURSELF AT HOME SXf 1WTERNATIC.1AL AURAL CUK1C, 698 LA SAUE AVL, CHICAGO, ILL .,V " Sale of Valuable Property; '.. Parioant to the Jndjrmetit lit the action ow pending In the Superior Court of Craven county, North Carolina, wherein The National Bank of New Bern is plaintiff and J. M. Bpeneef, at all defend nts the undersigned will sail at public auction for cash, at the Court House of said Craven county In the City of New Bern, oa Tuesday, the Ulh day of Feb ruary, A. D, lfiOi, at IS .'clock, mld-da, the following property, to wlti ,: '. All that body of land si tooted in said Craven- county . near the City of New Bern, west of End Street and between . Neust Road and Lawsoa'a Creek, known v at the "Bbem Farm", emhracing among other tracts of land the orlglnaP'Rhem Place", the "Bart" land, the "Carter" tract andlb "Jerkins Field" and all the machinery and Improvements on said lands told lands ' conveyed to Kale E. Johnson by deed dated Feb. , 18U0 by i t. M. Simmons, Commissioner, and de 1 scribed la tbe eomplalot In said action. Also the horses, mules and farming Im plement! directed to be told by sold : judgment. . ' , : L ,'j . iJeW. BTtVINBON, , ,-;,. , .Commlsslener. Jsn. 10th. Iftfrt.' ' - Willi' mi IB krt(h ami O'-xrrtltoa of pay litvcniu.o th fMtcctHHiiity of atii. 'Vnv to Olrtaia a Pstput" aent uiK.n r'no. ' Wtraia aoxtjitd thrniiKh naarivctli'W-) f"t pw If at ottr vpriiB. Pnlonlti IflhtTn out tlii'H'ii rriv rHtl li, wHhotitchftrjc, In i m I'tit t w 'n, an llhisiiKtM and vi.i'iv it i )"UiUavi QoKMiltf-'l by MminiV-tin iiiJ l'ivtoi4 tvCUti I'H aatiii,rt ciipy - .. A'l'" VICto j, r co. , ltc-ni A-, i- J 1 w w U -i hi Tfc: lir-d Ycj Ilavo fj.v:ys C:"3ht : Tl 1. Jl - sears, me A T In Use For Over Thirty Years f ' fMt MHTKUn CSMMMT. NtW VOflft CftY T ?4 NY HEAD NOISES? HARD HEARING CURABLE those born deaf are Incurable. 't BALTIMORE, SAYS I 'JO " - v i44- B0 YEARS' ijr EXPERIENCI ,i'."V D mm Tn a rttr M mm m ; 'tut!1 ; - Anmn fjfrrtrtinf ft tli(fh .tx) (Iwwcrlrytlon mmf ..'dnffiiiif iaKrijiin onr opinion fra an j, IriToritlon t pnhthlf nintM. Comtnunir4v fTTiiinmiTf.iinnfit!iaL 1 1 ai i rvo on i' aImU4 4 wni irmom. in'ietn jm"T I xirinj poUmLa y Fdlnt lUMl through Munil t C. roli ' EfFfrnw wit nim, oiinnrtn, IB Ul - Ctjr? 7 ;: cilun of mnf vi lniitiUO Vitirnal. Trrn, U) aiuKib ) as V BU Waakiuiiu D. 0. . IO 4 M t 1 OB R0XE USf Clean,' pure wholmome, guaranteed to bo chemically made from distilled wattr ar.d free from Impurllloa. frteolally in trmded and Drepared for human on lumntlnn. . ' ' Ice delivered dally (ejocpt.Bundays) tniotpn, HnniUya (rtll only) 7 a m to 13 nnoi. r or prinee and other lnlorti atlon, NCT7 r -" 0 ICO fat " Villi ASTRONOMICAL BULLS THAT LIVE IN : PROSE AND POETRY. , : Ball Calae Wosderfal Blsht, dek vmwf StKtiomarr Star, aU4 Batr gravel 'a Woaderfal KalraHM ovael CtH rts-o laaswaalbl Cnmat , , It Is carious to note In how many In- atances strange astronomical errors ap pear in works of fiction quite unneces sary to the requirements of the story ovndre8nltlng Bpparently ; from sneer lack ot observation. AJf t modern example of such gratuitous blunder ing take a piece of description from Mr. Hall Cable's "Scapegoat?" "It was a wonderful night The moon, which was In Its first quarter, was still low In the east, but the stars were thick 'overhead.'' A wonderful -night, ln- deedl AAnd strange that such a lover of nature as Mr. Hall Gain should not have reflected that when the moon in its first quarter Is low in the east It Is broad daylight, with, the son high in the heavens! . -',. Nevertheless on this -point he erred In good company, m The young moon has proved a stumbling block to many a writer who has attempted to Intro duce It as a picturesque adjunct to his description of evening, v In Dickens' "Our Mutual Friend" Eugene Wraybnrn, In his walk along the -river bank, finds It haa Just risen when "the 'stars were beginning to shine in the sky, from which the tones ot red ani yeUow. wet flickering." Dickens, In truth, was sublimely su perior to astronomical niceties,' espe cially i when they, in any way Inter fered with the artistic effect of his stories. In his "Child's Dream of a Star" the point turns upon one special Btar, "larger and more beautiful than the rest," which , always came out every night In one particular place and at one particular time, thereby behav ing as no star has ever, conceivably been known to do. This Is undoubted ly taking a liberty with the solar sys tem, but it Is small Indeed compared with the license sometimes claimed by authors desirous of calling in the aid of astronomy to assist their plots, but who are either Insufficiently acquaint ed with their subject or count It no sin to twist and convert facts to suit tbelr requirements. A very famous and noteworthy In stance ot this Is afforded In Rider Hag gard's "King Solomon's Mines," where the phenomenon of a total solar eclipse Is employed with most happy and dra matic effect as far as the story is con cerned, but with a perfect disregard of astronomical details which In Its audacity Is almost startling. Here, again, as In so many other cases, the difficulty of the young moon comes In, and tbe sun has scarcely set be fore the "fine crescent" rises In tbe east. Within a wonderfully short space of .time after this curious event the moon Is full, and only a day later the total eclipse of tbe sun takes place, despite tho astronomical fact that-it Is at "no moon" (or, more accurately speaking, the last few seconds of tbe old moon and the first few seconds of tbe new) that a total solar eclipse alone Is possible. But perhaps- the most' Interesting feature of this altogether remarkable eclipse Is that the total darkness lasts for nearly an hoar. Alas, under the rarest and most favorable conditions, Seven minutes alone Is the utmost limit of time during which the sun's face la totally obscured, and the observer un der ordinary circumstances counts him self lucky If be is rewarded for a jour ney of some thousands of miles by an uninterrupted view of tbe corona for three minutes, two or even less. Some years ago one of the magaslnes contained a story called "Tbe Portent,' the motif of which was a certain strange seeming tn the heavens which, whenever It appeared, boded ill to a particular family. This prophetic sign was none ether than the appearance of tbe crescent moon with a star be tween the two boras. Nor was this a particularly novel Idea, for It will be remembered that In. Coleridge's "An dent Marluer" that veracious seaman .relates bow at one period of bis ad ventures there rose V- , .'.. . ' above tho eastern bar ' ' , The horned moon, with one bright afar Within tho aether tip. v- ; . i--; In a purely miraculous' and fanciful creation - like this famous poem . It would be ridiculous to cavil atusucb a -detail, though In the case of the story It might well be questloned bow the star could manage to appear In such a position. - We may perhaps re fer to the line In The Burial of Sir John Moore" where the great soldier Is represented as being interred "by tbe ' struggling' ; moonbeam's misty light." whereas, as a matter ot fact, the moon was but a day old at tbe time of tbe battle of Corona and there for Invisible. This seems like hyper criticism, especially In a poem that lays no claim to astronomical accuracy. The case Is different when an author deliberately makes t statement which be Intends shall be believed In "In nocents Abroad" -Mark Twain draws special notice tp the point that on the voyage across tbe Atlantic they ob served the full moon located just in tbe same spot la tbe heavens at the same hour every night He accounts for this by the motion of tbe ship, which gained enough every day to keep up with the moon, but be seem' Ingly forgot that, though for this rea son the position of the moon might not greatly, alter, ber phase ' certainly would, so that It could not have been tbe full moon which was visible night after night London Btandard. :. - .... : Be Laok. - He flo your married life Is not hap py T well, you have my regrets. - ; She Oh, 1 don't need tliem; 1 have enough of my own. Judge. , .,'; .. 'V The Secret ot Lone Lite. Consists In kecking all the main or gans ot the body In healthy, regular ac tion, and In quickly Jlostroylng deadly dlecaie germs. Electrlo ElUers rri'ukie Stomach, Llvor and Kldnnys, pur" the blood, and give B tplcndM :l!;e. They work wonders In cut! ? J TrouU-o, Fm.r.'o c,.-: ' ' ,': ,.,T I 1 ' OH, Joy! I" DIM girls an filled with Bio " - When tho north wind skips, For it brings tho chaps, you see, - (To their rubv Una. it, : ,.... -Philadelphia : X aUral Fee Goorsro'o Hstehot. .:,'. Geverton So now we have two hatchets of awttoDaittB-:T;. zt-VU, Uatenwell Whose t v -- Cleverton Carrie's and George's- lodge. - " - f , " 1 - ' ' , Am lanwNMleat. If we boiler what Rumor says '-': '. In speech both srav and tunny, ; Tho mod eat people get tho prate, :v -' The bold ones get tho money. - -. ' : . New Tork World. feokreaunab Mrs. Fuss I have kept my last hired Ctrl a month. t . . Mrs. Flip Dear me l Do you keep her locked up? Ohio State Journal . -- Tho As ot thai Olera Horolai. . ''v . - Th weeplns heroin has fled, . . Tho fatntlns horolne's no mora; For gain or loos wo bav Instead .'..-" Op who talks ophrram solor. Hvldeatlr sa Aiutear. Gladys They Bay Harold Is an ex pert In the art. of self defense; Ethel Nonsense I Edith made him propose In Just one weekv-Puck. ffhey usod to ask yon, "An yon fit Fame's sounding plaudits to entioe," But now they say, "Hav you th wlti" i Ann, tiaewis, "tiav 70a sm me price 1 . - Washington Star. Bli Idea. - Teacher What do you mean by a "Quietus?" ' Pupil A blow In the solar plexus. IPuck. , Inamsne. Affliction sore long time ho bore, . But now,. with Joyous look, .'a, Eo swing hut arm, aoonre from harm; His vaoclnatlon "took." i ' eomervllle Journal Doubtful. "Was her hair always blond?" "IT m well, 1 nave a dark suspicion thht It wasn't" Philadelphia Bulletin. An BawT Marie 'Tls a saying trlts and true That prldo goo before a fall; 'Tl easy quit to trip a man . Who thinks h knows It alL Chicago News. WHEN BABY IS COMING USE Mother's Friend. Woman'o greataot dream of beauty and glory U when natnr has ohosea her to Doeona a mother. Every facalty Is keenly alert and hor nature the Boost a sho f oro ooo th Joy, th ambition, th ooooeso and tho llio-foaff oatlafaation ooralnr. comlnflr aoaror, day by day, In tho dear and inaooen being so sooa to so light, and th very tinoertalnty whether oho shall oeo a sweet Slrl lace or bravo boy fac booldo her oa 10 pillow, add seat to hor expectancy. Then, It vr, oho should toko ear ot hor fhyifcal, mental and moral health. MOTHBB'A FBihNn annKed eiternallv thronghoatprognaaoy will relieve th pain of parturition, and no mother and ohlld can laaaanoad for months by th continued ue of Mother's Friend. ytaraggistasi.W Oar treatise " liCotherhood" mailed Am. THB BRAOriCLD RCOULATOR CO. ' Ariaarra. Ba. EXADfjUABTKRS FOR' " 1 HARDWARE ; "1And all Kinds of - ; - BUILDING MATERIAL, . ,r'f . !i ' :: Heatiog and Oookiri g Stoves and Bangea, Lime, Cement JPlaaUr, Painta, Oils, Varnish, Putty, Bash, Doors, Blinds, Cntlery and all the nsefol article! naallj Yonnd. in an Up-to-daU Hardware Store, r-.:.. , f'f- : - .-. . 11 . . .. . :j..?,'l. Best , CioOils. Isoweftt.' IhAemi jf Under Hotel Cluttawktv :" ' wew umiN; is; cC ; r. A. )ra, Fto. at. H. Bladus, T. . 1 ,' H. BL Srav, Oaaalor. - or wirwiimuir.iir.o. Polnj Oenerai Banking Business March 1, 1901, Burplus and Cndivlr ded FrofiU, !,000.(K). . Prompt and careful attention gives to all business entrusted to US. A oe ousts reoelved on favorabl terms. '" ItoAjrd t Dtroetora, frd'"d FlnoB I. A. ', V i r-.l.-M-fc, I t ...,,, J. . H. H. "rws, ' Ijliae. In. ,r. -tti,ta 1 ooad O-r... . v...i,,ii,keti. I' uk D!sf ay. I I Jill . Mexican-- '"ft !?. cvereometoss Of Hair, m J. ""v, DiteaedHooaad8oTtchembor iMliStang Liniment sesmulesaadwiti. Fanaerstrytt. v .'" A toiad under a Harrow ' suffers no more than the faithful horse that is tortured with Spavins, Swinney, Harness Sores, Sprains, etc. Most horse owners know this and apply the kind of sympathy that heals, known fax and wido as Liniment.1 Never fails not oven in tho most aggravated cases. Cures caked udder in cows quicker than any known remedy. Hardly a disease peculiar to muscle, skin or joints that cannot be cured by it. MpYiran la the best remedy on the market for . 1 . , ' A WIndOalls,8prainsandSklnLump. MUStang Liniment Itkeepehorsesandmule in condition. Henry s Pharmacy 127 Middle St. Columbian llnsecticlde, Peterman Roach Food, Hooper's Fatal Food and Sure Death to Heths, Bags, etc Also Bromo Cloradine The disinfectant that disinfects a deodorises. " We keep on hand a complete stock o riedlcines, Toilet Articles, Perfumery, Tooth Brushes, &c Thvsicbuut' Prescriptions a specialt The Southern ilway Announces the Opening of the .Winter TOUBDST SJ3ASON And the Placing' on Bale of To all ProininentfcPoints in the SMth, Southwest, West Indies, Mexico and California, Including St Angus tine, Palm Beach, Miami. Jacksonville, Tampa, Port Tam- ml, jack tat. Bmnawl BrnnawlcJt, Tnomaavuie,i le,Cbarleston, Aiken, Augusta, Pinehurst, AshevUle, Atlanta, New Orleans, -Memphis and The Imnd ot the Sky. 1 ' ;V-' wwae.wBBaa.aawaB .' - " Perfect Diniog and Sleeping Car Service on all Trains. SEBITHAT TOUR TICIET READS ; Tl . ' gOUTBIRr BAILWAY, Ask any agent for full mtormatlor, or Address t- ' -:. ; .; t. , s RTL. Ybbxobv W. Wbsibubt, Traveling PMS.Agt DtBt.Pess.Agt., : Cbarlotte,?ta '(, B4chmoBd.Va. 'V.iV a H. HARDWICK, ; ' . ft General Passenger Agent, .4 - 'J. itv Crou, -.rfW. A. ttrnt,- W Traffle Manager. Ant.Pas.TraaicMgr. ..'V Washington, D. C , . -. t . .-. : i''Artictesh ; :!ils'iNSf.; Paiittie'pookeb ICnlvea, 8cissors and Shears, Basori.vlth plain and fancy handles. All the above goods are fully warranted to be the Very finest quality,; .V ;j XiP. For year boy a good first-class single barrel breech loading Gnn Only 94.78. " We have many other Useful article ach as are kept InHardw tro itritf. L 0. M:r Ik ' Cfl. :. r. r ' Mots mm Notice of Sale. Pursuant to those three several mort- gage deeds executed by Henry B. Lane and wife Annie L. Lane to Henry B Frost and Gustavo Hetachell dated the 4th dav of October. 1885. and recorded In the office of the Register of Deeds of Craven County. In Book 116. pages 894- 895, and 898, duly assigned to tne unaer- signed; and In the certain mortgage deed executed bv said parties on tbe 2nd day of April 1897 to George H. Roberts, wnicn said mortgage ueea is amy re corded in the office of said Register of Deeds, in Book 181, psge 490, and In that certain Mortgage Deed executed on the 19th dav of January, low. By sua par tlea. to the said Oeorro H. Roberta, duly recorded In the bfflce of said Register of Deeds, In Book 130, pages 7,0 ana v ana duly assigned to the undersigned, I will as such Assignee, on Saturday, the 15th day of February, at thehourofll. o'clock m. at the Court House door of Craven county to the highest bidder for cash offer for sale and sell all the followlni described lands as described in the sali several morteasre deeda as follows, to wit: Beginning at a point on Goose Creek, known as "Popular Spring, runnlna thence south 81 degrees east magnetic course of 1891, three hundred and thirtv-three noles to the intersection of the Hill road with Pembroke road these along and with the Pembroke road to Reed Branch, thence with the main road known ss the Follocksville and Beaufort road to a point known the Pnnch Bowl, thence with the eastern boundary of the division line between the lands of the late Samuel Hill, the Perry heirs sad the Williamson heirs snd others to a point known sa Woods creek thence down Hoods creek to Trent river, thence np Trent river to the month of Goose creek, thence ap Goose creek to the beginning, containing fifteen hundred acre, more or less, excepting that part of th land within the above boundaries known ssthe Foscue land. The land hereby conveyed being the same land which was coBveyed to said Annie L. Fov bv Wm. F. Foy bv deed dated December 82nd, 1891, and register ed In the office of the Register of Deeds of ssld Craves county In book No. 107, pages 444 and 440, to wnlea reference is made for full description always ex cepting reserving the timber on said lands wBlcn saia parties 01 ue im pan have heretofore conveyed ana also ex cepting the part of said land conveyed by said parties of the first part to Henry Frost and Gnstev Hetoction by deed dsted October 4th, 1895, same being about 58 sores aad lying between Hoods Greek sod Trent nver. This January 14th, 102. . J. R. a OaBJUWAT, . Assignee of the mortgagee. By O. H. Gdiow, Attorney. CommiaslonerB Bj&le. NORTH CAROLINA. ) Snnerlor Court. Cbavxb wtjittt. j ov. Term, ivi W. H. Oliver, Trustee, ' The Oriffln School Fund aad Bute oa Uaiauoa of L. L Moore, Boll oi tor, , oa .:" , BehaU of W. H. OUver, -. ' - Trustee. . '-.-'- ..i ts. ' '' The East Caroline Fish, Oyster, Game and Iadastrial AsociatloB and Wit - Ham DnnnuTrastae. NOTICK1 Ptirsnaat'to a decree-of said Court rendered at said Term In the above entitled action, we will sell at the Conri Honae'door III New Bern.- N. Om at nnhlifl anotlon fMeasa.U the BIB nest bidder, on Monday tbe tenth da of Feb raary. 1909, at , th hour of twelve oVIook. H. lha followlnr described nvntMrtv to witt 'Situate In th Ooanty ef Craven and blng In tbe City of New Bern, kaowa and dMigaatea as iouow. via bdna la that part of the City ot New Bn formerly known b Dryboro, and being lou number twnty-lght, tarmtv-nlna. thlrtv. thlrtv-OB. lortv , ortyHwo,. forty-three, forty-foof d forty-flv in the plan or salacity, hoaaded on the aortb bv Ororess StlwM, on tbe east by George street, oa ib south by Pin street, snd en the west by theoablio road eonneotlng Ptae and Cypress streets, known as the Griffin East Carolfo Fish, Oyster, Game aad Indnatrial Association br Jha DT- b.hnni nmnartv convavaa u, ua owui ereax. Trastee of the Grlffla ' School Fond. ' -' ' - This 7th df of JaBBary, 1901 "y- :v.-.t ' Labbt L Moobjbv , ' V:' . " Commissi oners. I 1 1 1 ( ej V , A good -V tooiny hoase 'i. nr'lier for for (S.00 per Te Merchants, .Commission fler thant, Liquor Dealers, Liverymen and Hotels. Office Register of Deeds, I Craven County, ) Ntw.BBXH, N. C, Dec. 81, 1901. Ton ! trquired by law to deliver or return to ate, within ten days after the lirst day of January, in each year, a sworn statement of the amount of gross ssles made by you In your -business as a vendor of or dealer in goods, wares. merchandise, commodities of whatsoever kind or nature, either wholesale or retail for the twelve months, or any part of said time, preceding the first day of January, 1802. Prompt compliance with the law is earnestly requested, and for failure to do so you will be required to come before the Board of County Commissioners, and further be guilty of a misdemeanor. ERNEST M. GREEN, Register of Deeds. Tie Farmers & Merchants Capital, Surplus and Profits $88,850.00 APRIL 30th, 1901. What We Have Done, Do, and Will Continue to Do. This Bank conducts its business upon 'np-to-now' memoes. It Is our purpose to deal justly and liberally with all. We carefully safeguard the Interests of our customers. Moreover, we fre quently do it unknown to them; as op portunlties often come to us in confiden tial ways, and you cannot over-appeciate such consideration. We are not disposed to overlook the fact that the Interests of the Bank and those of the people are closely bound to gether, and cannot by any means be iparated. This Bank acts as a repository for Wills, and safely keeps them till the proper time of surrender. Will also act as the custodian of money or papers left with us in escrow. No charge for these services. We procure Letters of Credit fur in tending travellers. We aim to be prompt, progressive and liberal. In tbe matter of accommodations, this Bank meets every requirement within the limits of prudent banking. If you nave never been identltieu witn us as a patron, we ask you to consider the advisability of becoming one. In tne early future, we propose adding a novel, yet substantial 8avings Bank feature to our already progressive In stltntion. Our elegant line of Self-Pronouncing Teachers Bibles, Vest Pocket Edition o Pronouncing Testament, Vest I ockct Edition of the Bible Dictionary; besides a nice line of good books to select your Christmas F resents from. You can give nothing better to your boy or girl or friend than a nice Bible, Testament or good book. Yours truly, J. C. Whitty 0. Cor. So. Front fc Craven St. B. B. HOLLAND. JOE. K. WILLIS. HOLLAND & WILLIS, SccaseorattfGeo.IIIahop, teal Directors anil Maimers, Phone 210, . Office: 22 Craven Street. Notice of Dissolution of Co-partner ship. The co-partnership heretofore con ducted under tbe firm name of II. Fowler & Co., composed of ' '. H. Fow ler. H. J. Kennedy, J. V Muse and w. j. Swan has tbls day been dissolved by mu tual consent. H.J.Kennedy having purcbascil ilie interest of C. H. Fowler, J. C Musi- tud W.J. Swan, the business will be con tinued at the same place under tb. old firm name of C. H. Fowler & o. All debts owing by the firm will be paid by H. J. Kennedy and all persons owing the firm either by note or book account will pay same to H. J Kennedy. Stonewall, N. C January 1. 19(2. O. H. Fowlxb, H. J. Kenheot, J. C. Mess, W. J. Swan. EASTERN CAROLINA DISPATCH LiHt AND Vor All Points Wortli. 6n and after this date until further notice the steamers of this lins are scheduled to. sail from Mew Bern as foUowstr r ,, ' . The Steamer NEUSE for Oriental, Roanoke Island, Elisabeth City aad tb North onr Mondays, Wed nesdays ana maays at to), m. , The Str. Itewberne For Nags Head, Illambeti City and the North o Taeodays and Fridays at IS o'olock, noon, ;-, :- rrr Frelithi reoelved not later than 6ne honr previoni te tailing. For further information apply to ,' GEO. flUNDEBSOIi; Aft, at, K. Kir, Gen. Mgr.. .-'.C HO. IIoD8ia8,0en.Fr-,4 fm, ."Norfolk, v.:y-Q.!- Kew tern, h, un Aug. i, iwi, ... .1 Don't Forget Old Dominion ' ' ,- - 1 fEIISHT & PASSEN8I&. 1 r .!?; -1, if; 1 C"TQ it t