THE JOURNAL. , . PubJahed every dy la they ear, sxcepi . -. Br.-3. . ml VIJJU ilfMl -j ' ikfnolm No. 8 . -V - CHARLES li 3TBVBWS. tsrrox and mmwbiotobA- - .SUBSCRIPTION RITES. One year, to dTnc,........M0 One year, aot to advance..;.,.!,. . Monthly, by carrier to the city.. . . . .SO Advertising Bates famished on appll cation. ' : Entered at the Poet Office, New Bern, K. C, ai second clan matter. V, Official Paper of New Ben aa Cravea Gouty. - New Bern. N. C Jan. 25. H02. The OreenTlUe Recorder eayi that the result of the Indictments broaght against the slot machines In Its town has re sulted In all of them being shut down and some already shipped away. War rants were sworn out before the Mayor In this case. It Is in this connection fair to remark that the continuance of these machines in operation here Is a reflection on the morality and intelli gence of our people. Every few days at this season of the year the papers of the State record the fatal or serious burning of a child that has been left exposed to an open fire place or unprotected store. Often the result is a lifetime dliflgorement. While accidents will some times occur, it is no less than criminal carelessness to leave children exposed to an open are. Burned children dread the Are but the lesson Is a too ooitly one to the subject. lso the tearing of small children alone la house for any length of time W la human. KILL THE DISEASE. The prevalence of smallpox In tyils 8tate Is by no means exceptional for the disease Is common In all parts of the country and especlslly so to a number Western States where the most Strin. gent regulations hare as as yet failed to check Its spread. There Is a pretty warfare going on now In Wilson county and the discus sion has reached the acute stage, one side claiming that the disease so preva lent there is not really smallpox but a sense brought back by returning soldiers snd a heritage of the Spanish! war. Many persons hare been drawn Into the controversy, the fitate Board of Health holding that It Is smallpox and should be stamped out by quaran tine and other stringent measures. It Is asserted that where small pox now exists in several adjoining counties that the origin of the disease can be traced to Wilson county, being carried from that county by people .who went there. This is the belief of a large num ber of people and It wouldjeem to only the part of ordinary decency and con sideration for the rights and feelings of others for the Wilson county authorities to do everything In their power to lessen and abolish the evil. It Is true that In any case It Is a mild type of the dire disease and few deaths occur, but If ll even so closely resembles the real thing It' mast be dreadful enough to call for Its banishment. Every once in a while there Is aroused sentiment against vaccination. This has latfly been stimulated by the unfor tunate use of Impure virus, due to crim inal carelessness to the St. Louis case ' and to neglect of ordinary precautions In the New Jersey Instance. The dis covery of the efficacy of vaocinatioa by Jenner has been hailed for over a cen tury as one of the greatest achievement known to science and It la discouraging in this day and time to find cer tain Illogical people talking gems! the system. Millions upon million of lives have been ' eared by the nee of the vaccine virus. Before the dls oovery by Jenner, itl said that to whole sections of Europe It was hard to find a person tnscanfed by the mages of mallpot. It spared neither youth or ' age, wealth or poverty and It fell upon the just and upon the unjust. The hope o Jenner thai the pest would be exter minated from the world hat not been granted but the benefits hart been be. ryondoompntatlon. ,, ;JThe.eom mend able efforts of the New Ben authorities when. the disease via ltcdhere.a short time ago hare been ex- perWaced. The disease was jpreveetsd from spreading and stampted out. Kins- ' ton Is now doing the same thing. Thii kind of prompt notion should sbe bi llowed by aH places where the infection ; touches. . , f ' N'b.'l ' 1 '!; i:" br. BnU'i Bafcy Syrup tor r Teething Babies. Price, 10 eta. Cures Wind-Colic Diarrhoea, Dysentery, Grf- ping Pains, Hour Btomaoh, Fever, Choi- - era Infantum. Dr. Bull's Baby Byrnp promotes ths digestion and aootho the - PERT frERSSfULS. Queer sort of a bird that MaBsaehu aetta Crane that declined the treasury; portfolio wort bet Philadelphia In quirer. - 'yikyyi. v-7;.C;.-; -Z Opto Bead is a man of ample girth and would do well aa a Chicago alder man. Therefore he who runs may be Beao-8t. Louis Post-Dispatch. . .. -c The case of - Postmaster , General Smith only goes to show how: bard it la for a newspaper man to reform and quit the businesa.--Atlanta Journat Sir Thomas Llpton bos received more presents for not winning the America's cup than he can find storage room for on his defeated - yachts-St Loula Globe-Democrat is When Miniates-Wu was asked-why, be would not accept the chair of orien tal literature at "Columbia university, he replied by asking aix bther qhea--aons, Mr. Wu' diplomacy la of a kind that makea a person see atari Rttb.itj abruptness. Washington Timet, " r . Mi,.,,,,.,!. ii .au.cIJb y Deafaess Cannot be Cnred ,. by local 'applications, 'as they cannot reach the diseased portion of the ear. there 1 only one way to cure deafness, and that Is by constitutional remedies. Deafness is caused by an Inflamed con dition of the mucous lining of the Eus tachian Tube. ..When this tube geta In. filmed you hareerumbllng sound or Im perfect hearing, and when It Is entirely closed deafness la the result, and unless the Inflammation can be taken out and this tabs restored to Its normal condi tion, hearing will be destroyed forever, nine cases out of ten are caused by ca tarrh, which Is nothing but an Inflamed condition of the mucous surfaces. , - We will glre One Hundred Dollars for any ease of Deafness (caused by catarrh) that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. Bend for circulars, free. P. J. CHENEY CO, Toledo, O. Sold by Druggists, 75c Hairs Family PUls are thejbest. Who Will Get Them? Berlin, Jan 88 Admiral Prince Henry of Prussia selected at the court jeweler's this morning about fifty presents for Americans with whom he will come es pecially In contact during his visit to the United States. The presents Include several gold and silver boxes-set with diamonds. The boxes will hare the emperor's monogram encircled with dia monds In the enamel on the lids. Ctilia Worth Millions. My child is worth millions to me," says Mrs. Mary Bird of Harrlsburg, Pa., 'yet I would hare lost her by croup hsd I not purchased a bottle of Ooe Minute Cough Cure. "One MluUte Oongh Cure Is sure cure for coughs, croup and throat end lung trouble. An absolute safe cough cure which acts immediately. The youngest child can take It with entire safety. The little ones like the taste and remember how often It helped them. Every family should have a bottle of One Minute Cough Cure handy. At this season especially It may be needed sud denly. F. S Duffy. Seeds to Burn. Washington, Jan. 28 Representative Moody's constituents will soon be long on seed. Fifteen thousand packages comprising nineteen sacks hare been shipped In a special express car, to the ninth district NewJCentnryComlbrt. Millions are dally flndlngVworld of comfort In Bucklen's Arnica Salve. It kills pain from Burns, Scalds, Cuts, Bruises; conquers Ulcers, and Ferer Sorer, cures Eruptions, Salt Rheum Bolls and Felons; removes Corns and Warta. Best Pile core on earth. Only too. at 0. D. Bradham's drug store. Compliment to Mrs. McKInley. Washington, Jan. M-Preeldent Roosevelt has algned the bill granting the franking privilege to Mrs. McKIn ley. Dr. Bull's mis tor Lirer Ills. " One pill a dose. ; Box, SO pills, JO eta. Cure Constipation, Liver Troubles, Bil iousness, Impure Blood, Dyspepsia, Fe- male Complaints, . Stomach and Bowel Disorders. Dr, Bull's Pills never gripe. Cubans Pinal AppeaL,;;,' Havana, Jan; 8 A largely attended meeting, inaugurated by the economic soeletss, was held at the Teeon Theatre to day. It was described as the bat ef fort to obtain tariff concessions Arom the UaltedStatea., - r. A '"""if 'Heads Should Neref.Ache. Never -endure thli trouble. ; Use at once the remedy that stopped It for Mrs. N. A. Webster, of Winnie; Vs., she writes, "Dr. .King's , New , Ufa PWs wholly auftd me of sick headaches I had suffered from for two-years.? Curs Bead ache, Constipation, Bllloueaess. Se. at C.H Bradham's drug store. ' ,' .ggtne WccTriaL .-;: New Terk, Jan. : 8 No witnesses werecalled to day lathe trial of Albert T. Patrick for the murder of Wm. Marsh glee, September 18, 1W0, the session sslng takea .ap by the opening argu ment of the proeeoatloa. The ease will go on to morrow., - '' v ':. mu uunaie is Moa .-v enough for anybody with weak lungs. The patleaV need- not travel. He can get well here whh the help of Allen's laang Balsam, taken frequently when coughing and shortness of breath after oxerolsseerve notice upon blm that se rious pulmonary troo&le is not far away, Allen's Lung Balsam Is free from any form of opium. ' - : ' - 8 j"'i ' Ears. - If your ears burn, people say, Some one is talking about you.. This is very old, for Pliny says, "When our ears do glow and tingle, some do talk of us in our' absence." 'xvi, s '.'. ' Shakespeare,' In "Much' Ado About Nothing," makes Beatrice say to Ur sula and Hero, who had been talking of her, "What Bre is in mine earsr Sir Thomas : Browne ascribes this conceit to the superstition of guardian angels, who touch the right ear if the talk Is favorable and the left if otherwise.- This is done to cheer or warn. l ; One car ttnglea, soma there be" V . That ere anarllns; now at me. . . "Yiiv -8efor SBTawaefc:Str--T'2r-Mrs. Snagga-I ead a paragraph In the paper which said, "Woman waa made before mirrors, but It wasn't her fault" Don't yon think that Is a mean remark to make about woman f - : Mr. Snaggs Tea, I think It Is. What Xha writervrneant to say was that wo man waa made before mirrors and had been before : them ever'-Bince, Ex change. ' , ; ' Xeedea Ke Bel. ' - Mrs. Hiram Off en And do you think yon could do the enoklng for the family with a little help Trom meT v - Applicant No, ma'am, 01 do not. Mrs. Hiram Off en-Ion dontt -"Applicant No, ma'am, bat Oi'm sure 01 cud do It wldout finny help from you. Philadelphia Press. ' r OABTOni'A., Bsantbs 'yy Kiixl Vm Han Always Boeftt EDUCATORS. .. Professor Thomas R. Bacon of the University of California says that, nH though be believes In the higher edu cation of women, he Is opposed to co education.. Dr. Moses Merrill, bead master of the Boston Latin school for more than forty-three years, has resigned on account of declining health. . He Is one of the est known educators In the country and famous as a disciplinarian. '.Professor J. B. Kelsey, a graduate of the University of Nebraska, bos been selected as head of the new department for the education of telephone engi neers In the Purdue college at Lafa yette, Ind. Inflammatory Rheumatism Cored in . 3 Days. Marton L. Hill, of Lebanon, Ind., says: "My wife had Inflammatory Rheu matism in every muscle and Joint; her sufforlng was terrible and her body and face were swollen almost beyond recog nition; had been In bed for elx weeks and had eight physicians, but received no benefit until she tried the Mystic Dure lor Kheumatism. it gave imme diate relief and sh wss able to walk about in three davs. I am sure it saved her'llfe." Sold by T. A. Henry, Drug gist, new Bern. - Hanculaa Water. The first alcoholic perfume made In Europe was Hungarian water, made from rosemary In 13T0. Tm Vint, TelesTvaph. The first electric telegraph at all de serving the name was Invented by Messrs. Cooke and Wheatatone and was laid on the London and Blackwell railway In June, 1837. The Emperor Approves. Washington, Jan. 28-Kmperor Wll- lltm hss approved the plans of the United States committee of arrange ments for the reception of Prince Henry so far as they go. He hss left to the committee the arrangement of the de tails of the general plan. Ate la the taass. The human lungs usually contain about One gallon of air. A Great fiffrwr. An immense geyser, has been dis covered la Rotomahona, New Zealand. It covers an area aa acre In extent and constantly throws columns of water to vast hetgbta, some of them ascending 800 feet, with clouds of steam jwhlch go much higher. J Finds Way to live Lonf. The startling announcement ot a Dls co very that will surely lengthen Ufa Is made by editor 0 H Downey, ot Chora busco, Ind., "I wish to state," be writes "that Dr. King's . New Discovery for Consumption Is Jhs most Infallible re medy that I haye ever known for Coughs Colds and Grip. - It's invaluable to peo ple with weak lungs. - Having this won derful medicine no one need dread Pneu monia or Consumption. Its relief Is In stent and car eertsln.n O D Bradham guarantees every 60s and 1.00 bottle, and gives trial bottles free. , IOWA'8 BOOM. V Iowa la making a desperate effort to get Into Ohio's elasa.-Plttsburg Qa sett, - : -. . Tho leading question no longer Is, "Are you from Onlor but "Are yon from Iowa r Ohio State Journal With Wilson, Shaw, Allison and Henderson tn cabinet and congress, Iowa seems to be right In the heart ot the Unions-Atlanta Journal. ' Iowa is moving for a compulsory ed ucation Jaw.' If she Is to succeed Ohio to political consideration, she ought to have one-Boston Transcript. Iowa furnishes the nation with two cabinet members, tbs speaker of the bouse of re presents tires and the lead. er of the senate, which is pretty, swell for lows Louisville Post, A Prominent Woman Speaks. - Prof. Rosa Tyler, of Chicago, Vice President Illinois Woman's Alllanoe, In speaking of Chsmberlaln's Congh Reme dy, says: 'I sutlered with a severe cold this winter wbloh thn-atmu 1 to ran In to pneamonle, I tried dl.T.-mnt vniedlns but I semel to crow worte and ti e medicine npset my stomach. A f. ' sdviacd me to try Chamberk'n's (' Komcrty snd I found It was fl'it 'int to take nd It relieved me at o . .. 1 n i r' v entlrc'y recovered, sav 1 S ' '" 1 'Cr u V. Dyspepsia Cure Digests what you eat. This preparation contains all of U digestanta and digests all kinds ot looa. it gives instant reiieianu never f alls to cure. It allows yon to cat ali the food vou want. The mostsensiUve stomachs can take it. By Its use many thousands of dyspeptics nave oeen cored after everything else fulled. It prevents formation of gas on the stom ach, relieving all distress after eating. Dietingnnnecessary. PleasanVto take. It can't help r T - - : oat do you good Prepared onlvby KJ3. KsWrw tc Co,. Ohtcag Toe at bottle oostubis z Umta the Mo, ate s. i)upnr & co. . -.. Battteaamkea. Battlesnaltee are aald to have a nat- nral antipathy to white ash leaves. Some naturalists asBert that a rattle snake placed in a circle of half ash leaves and half - hot coals will cross the coals rather than encounter the leaves. - Biat Out ol anllncrease oi.Hls . Pension. A Mexican war veteran and promi nent editor writes: "Seeing the advert Usement of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy,;! am reminded that as a soldier in Mexico In '47 and '48 I contracted Mexican diarrhoea and this remedy has kept me from getting an In crease In my pension for on every re newal a dose of (t restores me". It la unequalled as a quick cure for diarrhoea and Is pleasant and safe to take. For sale by'P S Duffy & Co. Cflatat and Woandi. Medical men have noted the Injuri ous effect of the Philippine climate on wounds. The time for healing is much longer than here. In Sooth Af rica It la shorter. If Ton Were Scared easily you might anppoae that the pain In the lower part of your bsck meant kidney trouble. But being a person of sense yon know it is only muscular stiff ness, from cold, snd thst prompt treat ment with Perry Davis' Painkiller will prevent It from growing Into lumbsgo, Act accordingly and you you will be glad you ssw this. There is but one Pel kli:er, Perry Davis'. Ioalan Lace. The Ionian IbIos produce a loose lace, unique rather than handsome. It was need at first mainly in the churches and tombs. As' antiquity more than doubles the price the shrewd natives blacken and mildew their work before offering It to the tourists, who take dirt as a voucher for age. Salvation Oil the Best Liniment. Price, 15 cts; large bottle 25 cts. Great est cure on earth for Rheumatism, Neu ralgia, Soreness, Sprains, Backache Stiffness, Cuts, Bruises, Wounds, Swell ings, Burns and Frost Bite. Sa'vitloa Oil kills all pain. Bow Mnskrat Arc Trapped. - Trannlnir is one of tile modes br which mnskrats are secured, the traps are made of boards about six Inches wide and three feet long. These are nailed together like an ordinary box trap, the open ends being secured by swinging doors of wire network; fasten' ed to the upper part of both entrances. These doors allow easy ingress to the. trap, but Once in the rat cannot get out without opening the door by pulling It to him, which secret they seem very stow to discover. . These traps are put to the leads running from the bouses to the water when the tide Is at low ebb and the rats are out feeding. On tho return they crawl up. the leads, push against one of the wire doors of the tran, which Immediately opens Into the trap, but they cannot go farther, as the next door opens toward them. - Before they can gnaw out the tide makea up, and they are drowned to the trap. YoURIHAI'V CAS BB WVED. CokelimdiiiiICiire tithout istisfyina mults. . It nskis scalp healthy, ind i btsUb scalp grows haalthy'-.y -bair. - Imitations snd substl tatts foil; but tht gtnniBSVt oo. all clits it .ill do. Bold si svtry drug stors, use! in svery barbsr sboj. v .v - Coke Shampoo and .Toilet Soap for shampooing ths hiir 'snd beautifying tbs complexion. A: pronouncid and inoeaiats sui tin, Dsligbtfully refrtsbipg: ,'? k, R.'. BREMER CO, , V CBICAOO, ajaa buug gi ra Notice of fininmonia. North Cnoi.iA, 1 Superior Court, Craven County, f April Term, ,1103. .' f Charlotte Williams. . . - ' vs. '' .Nathaniel Williams. The defendsnt above named will tli notice, tlist an action as shove entitled Iim lmn romnitncFii In the Superior (Jourtof Craven county for divorce, a vinculo matrimonii, arid said defendant In r "mired to appear at tlie next term of the t nperlor Cunrt for Craven county to I i s iii on tlia ft' h Monday after tlie 1-l i ,tn)i.y In ft n Ii, 3si j, It tifllnir the 1 Ii iy at A i r i 1 . 1 1, at tlie curl lioine of p . i coiimy, In tlm city of iiew Hum t i l fii'ivwr tod nmr to IliO coicpIhIiiI I'll:- i ':'"!!, orti'i iili.Iiii1 T will a p. t .i i n -,-i ff i,a f f lit ttisuthd (.! t. VYOMAJj AND FASHION .; :'K Ckanalas; Tea, Gowa. , - ,Tea gown of .cream crepe de chine, plaited all around at the top, the plaits opening out below, the waist The low neck is bordered .with a pretty draped A TEA OWN FBOM PAEIS. flchu and fluffy knot of cream mousse- line de sole edged with embroidery in delicate colors. The bottom of the skirt is finished with the embroidery and with applique roses of pink gauze. The large sleeve consists of two full puffs and a deep frill trimmed with the embroidery. Chlc-Parlslen. Woman's Iionl XVI. Coat. Louis XVI. coats, with all their plc turesqueness of big revere, hip pocket laps, turnover cuffs and lace trim-' mlngs, are among the season's favored designs. This highly effective model Is cut in the most fashionable lines and Is adapted to velvet, velveteen, hand some cloth and silk, either with skirt to match or In contrast. The original makes part of a costume, the material for which is hunter's green velvet, and is trimmed with bands of mink and large jeweled buttons, the rest being of brocade and the revers, collars and cuffs of Irish crochet over white satin. The waist portion fits snugly and in cludes single bust darts. The skirt la seamed on at front and sides, but cut in one with the back, and the pocket laps are attached at the seams. The vest also Is closely fitted and is joined to the fronts, which are extended to turn back and form revere. The sleeves are in coat style, with roll over, flaring cuffs, and the neck is finished with a deep turnover collar. Combination Party Gown. As party gowns are such expensive luxuries, the girl of limited income cannot afford more than one, which must answer ifor all dress occasions Being to nil intents and purposes an evening costume, it is of course made decollete, bo in order to make it suita ble for other affairs that demand an elaborate but high necked gown the economical young woman has several yokes and pairs of sleeves made of net, chiffon and lace to give variety to this combination gown. The pretty lace yokes that mny be purchased so cheap ly jUBt now are the very thing for these useful accessories when they can be matched in other lace from which the sleeves may be made. Wood's Seeds BEST FOR THE SOUTH. SEED POTATOES OKI OF OOR IIADIIB SPECIALTIES. . We have thousands of barrels in stock; the best flalne-grown and Virginia Second Crop Seed. Wood' a 1903 Catalogue gives comparative crop results, both as to earlinessand yield,-with Maine grown and Second-crop seed. It also contains much other useful and valuable information about Potatoes. Write for Catalogue and Special Potato Price list Wood's Descriptive Catalogue far 101 give rel labia, practical, np-to-dats-lnformatlon about all Seeas.RlTlnt' no only deaerf ptkms, but the bait crap to avow, ai aat iMcaaaamlwayaa Inf alHaraat Crape, and much other In formation of special Interest to everr Traeker.eardeneraadranner. Mailed In spoa nqaasi. T.W. Wood & Sons, Seedsmen. ;? ion ioio, virsiiia. ? fracfrar ana Parian mralrtng largs .. quart tlttr ot seeds are requested. to writ for tpaslal prtoea. On the request ot the Board of Com mlisloners of Craven county," Bis Excel lency the Governor bu ordered a speolal term of the Superior Court for said county for the trial of olvll eases only to be begun and held on the first Hon dsy In February next,, said term to con ttnoe for one weskv-f-v;.':' i ; The regnlsr February term ot the Su perior Court for the trial of civil ea will follow the speolal term and begins nn Monda Vebruarv the 10th to con tinue one week. Judge Frauds D. Winston will preside at bout terms. -: '; , ., ' , i- .W. M. WATSOIT, ' 1 v' ,t; :"". Clerk Superior Court :!. January 6 1008. j- :. A Good Telephone BEItVIca 13 A BCBETE88 K::cr:r.iTT, A HOM. . CONVENIENCE. A ' COM" BI3D Trv r Y; r I -'''."'ij Some Sensible Advice to Women by " -Mrs. E. Sailer. . President German Belief Association, Los Angeles, Gal Owing to modern methods of living, rxoTone woman in a thousand ap proaches this perfectly natural change without experiencing a train of very annoying; and sometimes painful symptoms. Those dreadful hot flashes, sending the blood surging to the heart until it seems ready to burst, and the faint feeling that follows, sometimes with chills, as if the heart were going to stop for good, are only a few of the symptoms of a dangerous nervous trouble. The nerves are crying out for assistance. The cry should be heeded in time. Iiydla E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com pound was prepared to meet the needs of woman's system at this trying period of her life, and all women who use it pass through this trying period with comfort and safety. . - MRS. E. SAILER. "Dbar Mrs. Pinkiiam: When I passed through what is known as' change of life,' I had two years' suffering, sudden heat, mid as quick chills would pass over me ; my appetite was variable and I never could tell for a day at a time how I would feel the next day. Five bottles of tiydla E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound changed all that, my days became days of health, and I havo enjoyed every day since, now six years. " We have used considerable of your Vegetable Compound in our charitable work, as we find that to restore a poor mother to health so she can support herself and those dependent upon her, if sucli there lie, Is truer charity than to give other aid. You have my hearty endorse ment, for you have proven yourself a true friend to suffering women." Mrs. E. Sailer, 7364 Hill St., Los Angeles, Cal. When one stops to think about the good Mrs. Sailer derived front Mrs. Tinkham's advice and medicine, it seems almost beyond belief yet it is nil true as stated in her letter published above at her own request. No other medicine in the world has received such widespread and unqualified endorsement. Refuse all substitutes. As a matter of positive fact Mrs. Pinkham has on file thousands of letUrs from women who have been safely carried through that danger period "Change of Life." Mrs. Sailer's cure is not an unusual one for Mrs. l'ink ham's medicine to accomplish. No other nerson can srive such helping advice to women who are sick as can Mrs. Pinkham, for none havo had such a great experience her address is Lynn, Mass., and her advice free if you are sick write her you are foolish If you don't. $5000 REWARD. We hava deposited with theNatlonal CitlBankof Lynn.SSOCO, which will b paid to any peraon who ean find that the abovo testimonial letter la not (ran ulna, or waa pubUihed before obtaining the writer's apecial per mlnlon. Lydla K. Pinkham MedlelM Co., Lynn, Maea. Handy, Useful, Articles Nice Pearl Candle Pocket Knives, Bclssors and Shears, Razors with plain and fancy handles. All the above goods are fully warranted to be the very finest quality, For your boy a good fust-class single barrel breech loading Onn only 4.7 We have many other useful articles itch as are kept in Hardware stores. L B. Cutler Bk Co, The Farmers S Merchants Capital, Surplus and Profits 88,8M.oo APRIL 30UJ, 101. What We Have Done, Do and Will Continue to Do. . This Bank conducts Its business upon "un-to-aow" methods. ' It is our purpose to deal . Justly and liberally with ell. r- We carefully safeguard the. Interests of our - eostomers, Moreover we fre quently do It unknowa to tltem as op. portunltles often corns to as In eon Aden tial ways, and yoa cannofrover-apaeciaU such consideration- - ' . We at aot disposed to overlook the fact that the Interests of the Beak and those of the people are closely boaad to gether, and cannot by .eay .ataaas b separated.- .-'. -,. -. -v ' " This Bank acts ai a repository for Wills, and- safely keeps them , till the proper lime of surrender. Witt, also act as the custodian of money or papers left with as Id escrow. Mo charge for (beet servloee. --c:-,-, ' We procure Letters of Credit for in tending travellers. . ..' We aim to be prompt, progressive and liberal. ' J 1 . ., ' "J In the matter of accommodations, this Bank meets every requirement within the limits of prudeutbanklng. If you have never been Identified with us aa a patron, we ask you to consider the advisability of becoming one. In the early future, we propose adding novel, yet substantial Bavlnge Bank feature to our already progressive la stttutioa. " : . - ' a. s. bollahd. r. job. a. wiLua HOLLAND i WILUS, . . SaaceiaorallolOMntahaB, ' Phone 9i0, Office: 22 Craren Btrct t P. . 'mmcas t. 1). Ward 5IMnON5 S WARD, ATTORN El aa1 C0D! FLOKS t LAW. aaw aaatass, a. . Office S8 Bo. Front Street, nearly oppo site Hotel Chattawka. (Office also at Raloinh.) Practice In the counties of Uraven, Duplin, Jones. Onslow, Carteret. Pamli co and Wake, In the Hupreme and Fed eral Courts, anil wherever airvlees are desired. P. H. Pel letter. ATTORNET AT LAW Mldile Street, Lswjsra Brl. Balldlsg. arm practice Id the Cuunttea of Ciao artaraVJoDea, 'lnalow ami I'mltco. t B mrtalHew Bam enrt pi n '"in D. h WISH). Attorney at l-w, 74;8o. Front 6t , Opp. Hotel i liattawka, NEW I'fcKN, N. 1 . Craven ounry Attorney Circuit, Craven, Jones ' nslow, Cart sret, I'amlico, fJreeua, lenolr, and tit Supreme and Federal "ourts. Jjdge Dirn-tor.v. NEW BERN CONCLAVE 486, Improved Order HeptssnpbS, meets Ind and 4lh Thursday nights, at H o'clock at Koun tree Half. Or. K. F. Karlf, Arcbon; i, J. Tolaon, Jr, Financier; Goo. D. Oordner, Secretary. ' 0RAVKK WDQZ HO. 1 KNIGHTS OF HARMONY. Meets 2nd sod 4th Wednesdsy nights la each month la Roontree's Ball, Pollock street, al 7.S0 o'clock. J. J.Wolfeoden, Prestdenti R. J. Dlsosway, BeCyt R.B. Hill, Financial Seoretary. To Merchant, Commission Her- . Y ; cbantV liquor Dealer. tf -Liverymen o4 Motel.; ' : v -'.t iOfllce Register of Deeds, :- vt-v :;, .i-.-.tDraveB County, f,t ITiW-BaaiJ, N.a.Deo. II, t iToa are required by law to deliver or ; ntora to ase, within tea day after the (rat day ol January. In each )ear, . i swotastsissaeat of the aatoaat et gross sales'aude by yea la- your business as s vendor of o dealer . In goods, wares, . . marohandlsa, eommodltlas of whatsoever klad or nature, either wholesale ot retail for the twelve awnths, or any part of said time, preceding the first day of . January, 1W8, Prompt eompllaaee with the law is earnestly requested, and for failure to do so you will be required to come before the Board of County Commlnsloners, and further be guilty of a misdemeanor. : .. . r::r: vtm. cnr.nN, - 1 ' - - Pollster of D- '. r--;rv 'i! 7 T V

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