The Kind Toa nave Always Bought, and wUch bas been" In use for over SO yean, baa borne the rismatnre of . and bat sonal Allow All Counterfeits, Imitations and Jost-es-gtKd are baft " Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health of. . Infants and Children Experience against Experiment. What lo CASTORIA a harmless mbstttote for Castor OH, Pare - goric, Drops and Soothing Syrnps. It is Pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narootla , substance. ' Its age Is Its guarantee. It destroys Worms ;;' and allays FeTerishness. It cures Diarrhoea and "Wind " Colic It relieves Teething Troubles, cores Constipation and Flatulency. Jt assimilates the Food, regulates the Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. The Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend. ; CENUIIliQj S9 Bean the The KinMoiilal In Use For Over 30 Years. V; tm etNTauN omtv, rr amtMiv mm, nmr vmr etrr. ; suacyMnible I 1 , has brouahi s Bmamt Manv heir hopes I I which K& mothers of I Wine. You are asked to try Wine of Cardul and Thedfortfs Black-Draught, its companion medicine. Nine out of tea cases of female trouble, barren ness Included, yield to them. ADdranlstssdlXlottluofWlMofCanlul VandarvnnM. Aife. Arjrfl 1. ISO. Last Ha j I had a miscarriage, which a miscarries, w my haeband got and restored m etottnad nr aoodinsr and mfamd mv enrol after taking three bottlae and . morning. I am expecting to besoeas my doctor. . , TV t-, . II rwaovte , . tepertawi aMUfcissTe.eMiess,aWajwioine'i '1 a," TUe Chshansos Msdliana Caaujaay, Ant m mm m YOU Mif "T. HEAD DEAF? NOISES? . ?-y ... '.-.ALL CASES OF '." , ";';V;-. DEAFNESS OR HARD HEARING ARE NOW CURABLE f ? . by titsr new lnvetiW , Old HEAD NOISES CEASE IMMEDIATELY. . - F. A. WERMAH, OP BALTlMORIr AYIl - "v- . BiLTiwoam. atL. March ts Not. GtnlUmn .- Briny entlrrir earad of deafness, berof physician, among others, the most eminent ear eptciaUat of this city, who told me that , only so oprrntion coifld help me, and eVva that only temporarily, that the head noises would then ccaae, but the hearing in the elected ear would be loot forem. I then saw your advertisement accidentally in a New Vork paper, and ordered your treat ment. After I had used it only a few days according to your directions, the aoiseaceaaed, and tc-dsv. after Are weeks, my hearing In the diaeaud ear kos aeaa entlraly restored. 1 thank ys ' heartily and beg to remain . Very truly yours. . , . V ,4 , :''. r. k. WKSM AH, res a Broadway, Baltimore, Kd. ,. Our treatment (loot not interfere with your utual occupation. 1 m m CURE YOURSELF AT HOPIE ."tmSSlS- .T INTERNATICNAL AURAl CUKII, K LA 3AUS AVE, CHICAGO, ILL - ,p Sale of Valuable Property. ; Pursuant to tbe Jadrment In the action now pending In lb Superior Coort of Craven county, North Carolina, wherein Tbe National Bank: of New Bern la, plaintiff sad J. If. Spencer, et ale defend ants tbe nnderslgned will sell at pablle auction for cub, at the Court House of aid Craven county In the Otty of New Bern, sM Tuesday, tbe 11th day of Feb. rnryrA, D. UOJ, at 13 o'clock, mld-ds, the following property, to erlt: ,v All that bt dy Of land altoated In said Craves coonty near tbe ;Oltf of New . Pern, west of End ; Street and bet sen Homi Ro4 and Uwstrn's Creekt known atb'Bhem Farm" embracing amoat other tract of lead the original "Room Pla" tb- "Hart" laad, tbe "Carter" tra-t and the "Jerkin Field" and all tbe marninery ana Improvement on said .lands said lands conveyed to Kate E. Johbson by deed dated Feb. , 1890 by F. M. Simmons, Commissioner, and de scribed In the complaint In aald actios. Alto the horsee, mule sad .farming Im plements directed fobs told by said lodgment.-.-, - . .' ., ; ,":. , ; M. DeW. 8TCTEN80N, , , 1 - ; ..vommiHiensrc Jaa.loth.lO0J. " wwmm. Our fee relumed If we fall. AnyoneMnding Sketch aud description of any invention will praaiptly receive our opinion free com-emlng . the patent. Mtit y of same. M Baw lo Obtain a rtut " aent apon rv,Mt. Patent, avenred thrnnah na alvertiiied (or m)c at our .zpenM. Pitmta taken out through us retve rat . ., without charge, in 'inn P.tbmt, an llloatrated and widely cirmlatrd )uuraa . aoiMultM l,y Manufivturr. nnd InvMtora, Bead lor Mt.iule copy SUE t. Aildiua, V'H " v;c's J-rH0 co. ,' ,i 4 ' ' "l .Itlvoi.; s.) tsens ... . t. u.snir:0TON, ft. t ni .Mi been made under bis per snpervisioii since Its Infancy. no one to deceive yon in this. Signature of Lonely Homes A hoens Is aevw comrJde without children. Yi sneny hemes ar chlfcless. Many wives are . SuoUs f IhtUckolt child to love. Their Ivtsare aimless void l the high motives of Whne Mmtnui is causing rncai- and Mrrew, H txlsts to most nt of mim Stae kmale trouble. which WkM of Ceroid would speedily set right This sex VYiM refulete the alsordered female organ fcy Wilding; up the worn out nerves and nwlatmgtrwmeiistrualflew. It restores the faUea womb to Hs proper place. By strength. eaag the generative organs, It makes prc possiDW wnere Mrreuess exists, ion WINEGARDII SoHertng women ell over the land have bees ' depending on It for seventy-five years. No : ions convincing proof cm be given than the testimony of Mrs. Benson, who Is only on of thousands of women to whom Win of Cardul esses of mlscarrla that trouble have keen avoided bv Umch use of the wu followed by floodine. I read me a battle of Wine of i falUn womb So 11a nlaofl. Now I am ' uarani ana is Save aooih.r to fake which I got this mother and Wine of Cudui will be . . . . Mm. MART U BENSON. . ThaUmaCAdi nan, eOk.-V- esV.ieVi:--" Ji thaaaa to sr treatment, I wiU now yat on letting worse, until I lost anr eaeceae, eonanued a nunK 1 bl44 . so YEARS' ' yV V,CXPERieNCS ;V 4 Track Mrr :vj -. r r r r v i CotwiGMTt Ao AnrorM Msnfllnf aktrh and armerivtUm wtty tuloklT aMosyrUtln ennr opinion fr -iDTtjnUnfi M prohaM MtntAhl, pruim ennr opinion itsm wnmner ma prohablv Mtcnlabla, rommuniAav tWmi strlotlr oonBdesntl liaU. ncf oust I Mtit rrj. uinnu aurMie lor i vnc rrsjfj. uinrai uewicr ioi rlncasUnu J'aUsjnu tetksrn throuath Muiin Co. ivosbIim Msviai IK is. wUhout hirBv iu the $ci:i:anc mxtita; A hanHorf)slf llrawtrasfM WMtls, InNWt fltr ealsUon ot any ictatitiOo KmrnaL Tttrms, M yoar i four iponUia, l eylo VOaaUffUl 01 nawaulsmlsavf. Co."Kev York Rtaoeh oatofc est t St, WasbiQatoo. 6. 0. OB HOME US1 Clean, purs wholesome, jraaranteed to be chemically made from distilled wattr d free from Itnpuritlea. BpeclaJly in tended and prepared (or human on- atimntlnn ' Ice delivered dally (ezceplButidaya(6 m so o p m. Hunday (retail only) 1 a mto 13 oooo For price and otherjnformstion, . , ; Addrena, -;, Nct7 Ecrno Ico To. CI: ICE 5?, cfo.iti:;g vcrxp ' ' Qvr BllUswState AfcretstS. SeTeral of ear leading manipulators of the cne are aeeklng honors7 and shekel in foreign lands this season, and consequently the borne Interests of both pool, and billiards are Buffering. Of the blllla rdUrta who have ventured serosa the Atlantic the best known Is Jacob Bchaefer, who recently won the great championship tourney In Madi son Square Garden, Hew York. ' . Bchaefer bas for several years been the moat prominent figure In the Aimer- . t - ... JACOB BCHASFKB hTAXTita A KASSS. " ' lean billiard arena. He la the greatest exponent of tbe balk line game in the world today. Georgo Bloeson of New York can defeat Bchaefer at cushion carom 8. Bchaefer mode a very snccesaful trip to Europe a year ago, winning a large amount of money in London and Paris. He brought with blm on hie return last summer a French crack named Barn- tel, who performed creditably In Amer ica. Barutel returned to Paris recently with Scbaefcr. It is Bcbaefer'a intention to compete in the various tournaments to be held durlug the winter In the foreign capi tals. He will also participate in many specially arranged matches ana nopes to come back with a comfortable bal a nee In bla pocketbook. Caring Otsst Shy Dor. An old hunter tell the following etorv relative to gun ahy doga: "A few years ago I owned an Irian terrier who waa not only frightened out of hla wits at the report of a gun, but Who would flee at thejiight of one or even at tbe sound of tbe 'click' caus ed by closlng.the breech. To cure him I used to take him on a chain fastened to a belt around my waist and used to fire continually at small birds. Occa sionally I let him chase a rabbit, shot It ns close In front of bla nose aa I dared and then let him pick it up. This waa of course teaching blm bad manners, but to cure him of running in was an easier matter than breaking him of being gun shy. After s month or two of this aort of thing and it very often meant dragging him out by main force he began to understand that the gun was quite harmless to himself and that there was fun to be bad some times in addition. Eventually whenev er be Saw me pick np the gun he went wild wltb excitement, and to .the day of hla death, although only s terrier. he was one of tbe best dogs with the gnn I ever had." For the Aaaerteaus Derby. An agent of the British government who bas ' purchased . several broken down thoroughbred at Montgomery Park, Tenn, for ahlpment to Booth Af rica called on Bam HUdretb In Mem plus recently snd naked that owner, to pot a pries on McCbesney, the sensa tional son ot Mscduff. ' "Ob, , nor - was Hlldreth's - reply. That colt doesn't go to Africa. He Is going to Washington park, where he'll win the next American Derby." ' Hlldreth thinks bs has the Derby al ready won and Is anxiously swsltlng tbs opening of the winter book on the event-';: '': '"ZQ----' 'v.'efts4ee to Meet as Wlaaerr Jlnt Jeffries will ' meet the winner ot the Sharkey-Ifahes boot In Denver In either March or April. : when Jef fries wss In Denver recently,- hs was asked by local promoters If he would consent to such a match, and be stated that be wouldr A letter has sine been received In' which be expressed strong desire to most tbs winner of tbs fight which takes place in Philadel phia. - .' .- . ' ' TSaGeTera the "Saatsiaw KM." - Sam Harris Is, prepared to match Terry MeOovern against "Kid" Le vi sne at 128 pounds, ringside, snd bet 15,000 on tbs side. When George Con sidlne learned of this, hs said be would take the Lavlgne end of the bet. The only provision Harris makes is that MeOovern must be successful la bis match with Dave Sullivan ; ,- -j. ..'- '.' AoaiatlM as A.Dall. - ' Aquatic Interests sr to bs looked after with greater cars than ever at the- Annapolis Naval academy next season. James A. Ten Eyck, ths vet. erao oarsman, has been engaged to coach the crew, snd t champion elbt is hoped for. - -,.;, ,. r) ThcSecrctJotLonEpJle. - Consists lo keeping all tbs mala or gan of tbs body' is healthy, regular ac tion, snd In quickly destroying deadly disease germs. Elect rlo Bitter regulate Btomacb, Liver and Kidney, pnr'.fy th blood, snd givs s plead id eppBtll. They Work wonder In curing KUney Troables, Fomale Complaints, Iteryoa Disease, Constipation, Dyif-ps's, a JTii!i,!'. V "iro-is 1 ' H r 1 t s'mys fulli.-v t' "r . ( ' si.t !!'. BY THE LITTLE TOTS, Beask ef Clever Beaaarlre From the sfomtk of Toauasateraw . - What Is the feminine of tailor r asked tbs teacher of the Juvenile grsun mar ciaaa. - "Dressmaker,; prompOy i answered th class In chorus, - . -V , t . ' Bmall Mabls .was dining with her mother st s neighbor's one day, Snd, not beimr accustomed to silver knives and forks, shs queried, "Mamma, why. dont ws have tin knlvesr - Little) four-year-old Annie had been to church, snd upon returning home her sunt asked what the minister nsa said. "He tUdnt say anything for people who stay st home," was the pert reply. One evening' little Clar having re peated her regular prayer, surprised her mother by adding, Tm ever so muoh obliged to you, Lord, tor all you bars done for me, snd I'll do as much. for yon some time! J i , "Now; Julia, aald .tbs teacher .to s small kindergarten pupil, "suppose I divide this apple into four equal parts. What "would one of tbe parts be call ed r - . - "A piece of apple," was the prompt reply. . - Margie (aged four) Mamma, what made our washerwoman black 1 Mamma fine was born so, Margie. Tbe Lord made her black. Margie Well, I'm awful glad the Lord waan't around when I got born. "Mamma," said five-year-old Bessie, Tm going to be s duchess when I grow up." 'How sro you going to acquire the title, my dear?' asked her mother. "Just like other ladles do," replied Bessie. "I'm going to marry a Dutch man." Small Willie one day asked his moth er who made- the trees and was told that God made them, A few days later an old colored fellow came to trim the trees, and the little fellow, seeing him at work, ran to his mother and ex claimed, "Oh, mamma, God's out In the yard repairing his trees!" Chicago News. The Human Lottery "Ah, If only I won beantlfal how happy US would be." Many a forlorn maid has eatd this ae she lookedintothe mirror. For beau ty-vromen havesacrlAced home, loreand frianda. It is the one possession in the lottery of human life which woman would not refuse . . BRADFIELD'S FemoJe Regulator for yonngglrls on the threshold of wotnan- aooa, naa oeen invatnaDie,. notnimj ny- pale ana ungnta, tne eyes dull, achlngl - hMO. (Mt ana hands cold, atro.1 gone or abnormal, obstructed pefioda and tit. fy run down, they need building up, and theif blood neede oleanslng. BradB.ld's Female Regulator for woman Is particularly valuable and useful owing to its tonic properties to build np tbe sys tem, and nan regulator of the menstrual Sows. Palatal, obstructed and suppressed menstruation permanently relieved and all diaeaaea peoauar to her genital organs are cured by it, - Regulator elears the complexion, bright ens the eye, sharpens tbe appetlte,remores muddy enq blotched conditions ot tbe akin and oareaetok headache to a eertalnty by removing the cause. Ofdrugglstefl.OOpeTbottle. " Perfect Health for Women " la tree and will be mallad on racpt of THC BRADFICLO RKOULATOR Co. ,. , ' ATLSNTa, Oa. . sea. an "---rJand all Kbids of - ;jinuiRii"i!m it:. Hesting itnd Cooking gtorss nnd Baoges, Lime, y Cement, Plaster, PsinU, Oils, Vsrnish, Patty, Bssb, Doors, Blinds, Ontlerj and all tbe niefol articles usually found in an Up-to-date Hardware Store,,'.: H!I . Erst OooJUiri'-'; Isowctat Pricey Under Haul CtutUwka, '; " WEW XSISIIIT, TSi C T. A. Crreem, Fie M. St. afeedews, T. Pre ; - . K. 6roTee,Caahler. ' - ;.' : -' oar mrw3KMmxr,xt.Om - Doing Qeneral Banking Buslneta March i, 1801, Burplua snd UndivW : ded Prrta, 118,000.00. -Prompt and careful attention given, to all buel nee entrusted to n. Account received on favorable terms. ; ''! B-mrd ot Dlreetere. , -'" fardlnaaS TJlnoa ' Swnunl W.Ipock, I. W. (.raliiKOr, ' E. W.Swaiiwood, . B. Meadow, Chas. Dully, Jr. - Jamfie KAmnoajd tyr itahn, liioirtaa A.atr O.B.Iot. eo. at.AToa. . W. Moose. Mark Disoev ay. . V 4 a A good roomy hosae pr month. Anotlier 1' "i j . 'a Iu el? . for for fS.QO ?5.C0 E.W.Smallwood 127 IXiddle HU r Columbian (Insecticide,! reterman -Bosch Food, Hooper'a Fatal food and Sure Death to Moths, Bugs, etc. Also Bromo Goradtne Ths disinfectant that disinfects aa deodorise. - . . . .' . Ws keep on hand a complete stock o ; fledicines, ' Toilet Articles, Perfumery, Tooth Brushes, &c. Fhysioiana' Prescriptions a apecialt Day Dress Styles, should never be alighted in favor of evening drees. Good form demands per feet garments at all times, and when yon have yonr clothes made by Chadwlck you are not only insured a perfect Ot, but cnt, style and finish will be equaly good. F. M. Chadwielf. South Carolina Interstate and West Indian Exposition, Charleston, 5. C, Dec. st, 1901 June 1st, io02. On account of the above occasion the 8outhern Railway will sell round trip tickets to Charleston, S. C. and return at greatly reduced rates from all Btatlons. Fares from principal points as shown below and comparatively low rates from all otheifstatlons: od e S o, a a r- SO 4) a m sea OQiJi-a Burlington, $13 50 $9 90 $7 00 Chapel Hill 18 50 9 90 7 00 Cnarlotte, 10 05 7 85 4 () Concord, 11 05 8 10 5 80 Davidson, 11 10 8 15 5 80 Durham, (.13 50 9 90 7 00 Oastonla, 10 40 7 60 5 80 Greensboro, 18 15 9 65 7 00 Hlckorv, lW 0 o High Point, 13 15 9 65 6 70 Lexington, law ou " " Madison, 14 65 10 75 7 60 Mocksvllle, 18 90 9 45 6 25 Morganton, 1410 10 35 7uo Raleigh,- 13 50 9 90 7 00 Reidsvllle, 14 85 10 05 7 65 Salisbury, 18 80 8 95 5 75 Btateavllle, o " Wilkeaboro, 18 45 18 55 Winston-Salem, 18 45 .9 15 5 85 For farther Information please call on any agent of tbe Southern ;Ral way or write. W. A. Tcbk, A. P. T. M., Washington, D. C. J. M. CuLr, T. M. 8. H. Cbadwick, G. P. A. Washington, D. 0. R. L. Vkbnom, Charlotte. N. 0. . Having secured the aervioes of -perienced parties, I am prepared on abort notice, to execute Farm, City, Laad and Ball Road surveyings Ditches, Streets and Boads laid out snd leveled. Draughting in all Ite branches. Blue ad black prints made. Old maps re paired and mounted. Topographical ssrveylng snd plotting. Drawings and wokrlng plans executed promptly. Bew errage and drainage planned, laid out and construction superintended; i. J. Volfenden, He w. ArcMtectf S i cs Brid Street .: . ' Our elegant line of 8elI-Pronounclng Teacher Bibles, Vest Pocket Edition o Pronouncing Testament, Vest t ocket Edition of the Bible Dictionary! beside nice line of good books to select your Christmas resent from. Ton oaa give nothing bette to youi boy or girt or friend than a ale Bibls, Testament ot goed book. . '.. .v-'....... i - " . ; Toar truly,: v J. C. Uhitty to. . Cor. Bo. Front k Craves Bt, '. Irt: Vrty For Kal3. Ihav SfTural dnalraW IlwiMflno sor sii !t 1 In tlie h-t rwiiUino p liltai .-. i a n" l-nr of good t lots I i ; i 1" SIMM! Atlantic Coaait Xtne. WlLKISGIOS 4 NlW BjllJig 1', 1 Tim TABLl HO. 6, ta Effect Wednesday, Aug. 7, 1888, Dally .. Kxoept Sunday, Uomg South sensotTLB: Going North No. 51, Paaaenger Trains' Ho. 60, Lv. a m, sranoas: Ar, p m. 1 00 Kew Berne 6 40 9 38 PoUockivtlle (04 0 61. Maysvillo. ........ 448 10 03 Jacksonville 4 W 12 08 1 rf.ttte IBS ( usAauaa wyn 1815 ..Ar. Wllmlngtoo; Uf. ... IK r It fa Nss 3, Passenqkb d; Fbbsht, No. 4. Leave Wilmington Honday, Wednee- 4ay and Friday. Leae New Berne Tnee- lay, ibunday ana Hatnrday. -v. a at Ar. p at 7 80 . . . Lv. WUmineton, Ar 1 45 8 40 Scott's Hill 18 65 9 30 .. Woodaide 1116 10 05 Hollyrtdge 11 40 10 51 Dixon 10 61 11 80 Verona 10 80 18 05 Jacksonville. 8 46 13 30 Northeast.. 8 56 II 65 Whitecak 8 80 1 30 MayavUle 8 06 8 15 ...Pollocksville 780 8 55 Debrubl's 6 89 3 40 Ar. New Borne, Lv 1 00 Daily Ecep Sunday. J. R. KENLY, General llanara Notice of Sale. Pursuant to those thiee several mort age deeds executed by Henry B. Lane and wire Annie L. Lane to Heqry 11. Frost and Cnstave Hetachell dated the 4th day of October, 1895, and recorded in the office of tbe Register of Deeds of uraven bounty, In Book 110, pagea 894 895, and 896, duly assigned to the onder- signea; ana in tne certain mortgage deed executed by said parties on the Snd day of April 1897 to George H. Roberts, which said Mortgage Deed is dnly re corded in the office of said Register of Deeds, in Book 181, page 490: and in that certain Mortgage Deed executed on the 19th day of January, 1898, by aald par ties, to the said George H. Roberts, duly recorded in tne omce oi saia xtegisier oi Deeds, in Book 186, psges 7, 8 and 9 and duly assigned to the undersigned, I will as such Assignee, on Saturday, the 15th day of February, at the hour of It o'clock m. at the Court House door of Craven county to the highest bidder for cash offer for sale and sell all the following described lands aa described in the said several mortgage deeds as follows, to wit: Beginning at a point on Goose Creek, known aa "Popular Spring," running thence south 81 degrees east magnetic course of 1891, three hundred and thirtv-three Doles to tbe intersection of the Hill road with Pembroke road thence along and with the Pembroke road to Reedy Branch, thence with tbe main road known aa the Pollocksville and Beaufort road to a point known as the Punch Bowl, thence with the eastern boundary of tbe division line between the lands of the late Samuel Hill, the Perry belrs and the Williamson heirs and ethers to a point known as Woods creek thence down Hoods creek to Trent river, thence up Trent river to tbe mouth of Goose creek, thence np Goose creek to the beginning, containing fifteen hundred acres, more or less, excepting that part of the land within the above boundaries known as the Foscue Isnd. Tbe land hereby conveyed being the same land which was conveyed to said Annie L. Fov bv Wm. F. Foy by deed dated December 82nd, 1891, and register ed In the office of the Register of Deeds of said Graven oonnty In book ao. 1U7, pagea 444 and 445, to which reference is made for full description always ex cepting reserving the timber on said lands which said parties of the first part have heretofore conveyed and also ex cepting tbe part of said land conveyed by said parties of the first part to Henry Frost and Gnatave Hetachell by deed dated October 4th, 1896, same being about 56 acres and lying between Hood Creek and Trent river. Thjs January 14th, 1903. J. R. B. Caebawat, Assignee of the mortgagees. By O. H. Gdiok, Attorney. Commissioners Sale. NORTH CAROLINA, ) Superior Court, Ckavbm Codhtt. I Mot. Term, iwi W. H. Oliver. Trustee. Ths Griffin School Fnnd and Bute on Relatidn of L. I. Moore, Solicitor, on Behalf of W. H. Oliver, Trustee, vs. The East Carolina Fish, Oyster, Game and Industrial Asoclatlon ana Wil liam Dunn. Trustee. NOTICE t Puissant to a decree of said Court rendered at said Term In the above entitled action, we will sell St the Court Hoase;door in New Bern, N.O., at nabllo auction for cash, to the highest bidder, on Monday the tenth day pi Feb ruarr. 1S08, at, tbs hour of twelve o'clock. M.. ths following- described property to wit: Situate in tbs County of Craven aad being In ths City of New Bern, known sod designated as ioiiows, via helne? la that cart of the -City ol Nw Beta f oraeerty known as Dryboro, and bain v - lota - nambers twenty-eight, twanto.nineL Ihlrtv. thlrtV-OUS. forty- one, forty-two, forty-three, forty-four and forty-flrs isi ths plsa of said city, hnnndad on tha north bv OVDrSSS Itreet, on tbe east by George street, os tbs south by Pino Street, nd os ths west by the pqhllo road connecting Pine snd Cypres streets, knows ss the Griffin School property conveyed to ths ssid East Carolina Fish, Oyster, Gams snd Industrlsl Association . ov jona vov- sreoz, Xrnsteaot to uruna oooow Fund. ' ;- This 7th dsy of January, lsus. Laut L Moons, : . '' iWnjxiJS Dmrsj Oosamlsslonus. Notice of DlsMlotJoa oqaMPartner The eo-oertnersnlo heretofore con ducted under the firm same of J. H. Fowler & Co., oompoeed of U. u. row ler, H. i. Kennedy, 1. 0. Muse sad W.J. Bwaa bas this day bees dlasolrsd ky mu tual consent. - - - . IT j. Kennedy savins Duroneaea we Interest of 0. H. Fowler, 1. 0. Mas snd W. J. Hwan. I ho boeluaM will b 001 tinned at the same place under thsold Arm name nf f). H. Fowler A Co. - All debU owlns by tbs firm wU bs paid by H. i. Kennedy aad U persons owing the firm either by sots or boos account will pay sam to 11. J. Asnssay Stonewall, N. C January 1, 190s. a H. Fowls, . H. J. Kxhmkdt. J.O.Mcsa, ;, ! W. J. SWAJt. C-70 ASfitN; c; r. r. TIKI TABLE NO. 24 To Take Effect Sun' r ovember f4, 1901 at 13:11 A.ii., I h T Going East Sohkdtjle: fil ing wm No. Passenger Trains No. 4 DAIi.v . Lv. p m STATIONS: Ar. a m 40 ..Goldaboro u 05 4 08 LaGrange 10 33 4 83 Kington 1012 40 Ar. New Bern, Lv 9 On 6 60 Lv. " Ar 8 87 7 16. . . . Ar. Horehead oity Lv 7 06 No. 5, Passenger Train. No. 0, J-iTATlO . : I AIL V. x .Ms. 1 1 j: Tr-i'i, Lv. iu at. Ar.p. at 8 00 8 33 8 81 8 42 h5' 9 02 9 18 9 80 844 48 Goldsboro. - 0') 738 7 27 7 17 7 07 t ;,s (i 47 (i :'i (i 20 0 12 IS 11(1 p. u. Best's LaGrange ...Falling Ureek Kluetou Caswell Dover Core Creek Tuscarora Clarka .Ar. New Bern, i v.. 10 00 aj No. 1. No. 2, Mx't Ft. and Pass. Tn. alx'd Ft. and stations raaa.Tn. Taut Except Sunday. Lv. a m Ar. p m 6 00 Goldsboro.... 6 3 Best's 7 00 LaGrange. . . . 7 15 Falling creek. . . 8 80 Kinston 8 40 oaswell .... 533 . 4 53 . 4 23 . 353 . 3 33 2 28 . 210 . 1 10 .12 48 .12 40 8 43 Dover 10 07 core creek. . . . 10 83 Tuscarora 10 63 Clark's 11 15 Ar. New Bern, Lv 12 10 No. 10. No. 9. f 1 80 Lv. " Ar 10 47 3 12.... Riverdalej 10 10 8 80 croatan 10 00 8 06 Havelock 9 40 8 84 Newport, Lv 9 0(1 8 47 ..Wildwood 8 47 8 63 Atlantic 8 38 4 08 . .Ar. Morehead City, Lv. . . 8 20 4 23 . .Ar. M. Oity Depot, Lv. . . 7 50 r. . a M. Monday. Wodnesday and Friday. fTuesday, Thursday and Saturday. S. L. DILL, G. I'. A. NOTICE! NORTH CAROLINA, ) Superior Court. Cbaven County ( Before the Clk, Henry Williams TS Charles Williams, and Amanda his wife, Delia Norfleet and Jerry Norflect, lier husband; Henrietta Foreman; Anilemon Williams and wife (name unknown); Joshua Williams and wife (niunc un known); and the heirs of Isaac Williams, Clarissa Williams. 1 nomas Ann - n- Hams, Tempe Foreman (formerly T mpo WllliamB), Benjamin William-; u miisy Williams, Husau Bynum ( lonui i H Williams), Phyllis Willinms h l Williams, whose names and ii-m are unknown; Manttiulii Dancv, i Dancy (mlnori,), and The miin my vui Banking ionipnuy of .Nua lit rn,? To Delia Moi Duel ami J i-r i - iic t, her huBband; Anderson William and wife (name unknown); Joshua Will urns and wife (name unknown), and ihe lu-lrs of Isaac Williams, Clarissa Williams; Thomas Ann Williama, Tempe e un man, (formerly Tbmpo Williamn), iienjamin Williams. Demnsy Williams, Muaan isy- num (formerly 8usau Williams), 1'i yllls Williams and Turner Williams, wiiosc names and residences are unknown, TAKE NOTICE. That special proceedings as above en titled has been commenced before the clerk of the Superior Court of said Craven county, to sell for division a cer tain lot or parcel of land in the city of New Bern, N. C, conveyed by A 1) Moore and M E Moore, his wife, to John Williams, (doe'd.) by deed bearing dato of September 20th. 1872, and recorded in book 73, folio 409, In office of Ueglsterof Deeds of Craven county, N, C. And each of you are required to appear at my of fice In the Conrt House of Craven county on tbe 6lh day of March, A. D. 10C2, at the bour of 12 o'clock m., and answer or demur to the petition filed in Baid pio ceedlngs, or otherwise show cause, if any you have, why the prayer of the pe titioner shall not be granted, otherwise the petitioner will apply to the court for the relief demanded. This 22nd day of January, 1902. W. M. Watson, Clerk Superior Court. CMIHA DISPATCH L1L AND Old DomimqnSteamship Co. FREIGHT & PASSENGER. For All Points North. On and after this date until further notice the steamers of this lino are scheduled to sail from New Bern as follows; The Steamer NEUSE for Oriental, Roanoke Island. Elizabeth City snd the Mortn on monuays, w ea- neadsys ana r riuays as o,p. m. The Str. Newberne Tot Nags Head, Elizabeth City and the North on Taesdays and Fridays at 12 o'clock, noon. WFreieht rooeived not later tbsa on hour previous to sailing. For rurtber inionnsuon sppiy to . ' - Gia. EENDEBSON, Agt. If, K. Kixa, Gen. Mgr., H.0,HrorjTB,Crn.Prt.4Psss tgt Norfolk, Vs. ye Esro, It, 0, sing. 11,1901, WW n- i-r Tn Inwwnl or ImproTsjf lsv r4 C i.T i-B-l-AHK, COPVmHTorDESINC r i r CHOK, nsoa noati, svsngsi. siyssam tnr fro itunlnaVlJnQ nd v1t1ps3sj - Ttt lawrwa. V .' S H I N QTO N. O.C.

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