' f 1 1- An Excellent Combination. The pleasasrt method and beneficial effects of the well known remedy, Stbup of FlQB, manufactured by the CsxironiaA Fio Stbup Co., illustrato the value of obtaining the liquid laxa tive principles of plants known tq be medicinally laxative and presenting them in the form most refreshing to the taste and acceptable to the system. It is the one perfect strengthening laxa tive, cleansing the system effectually, dispelling colds, headaches and fevers, gently yet promptly and .enabling one to overcome habitual constipation per manently. Its perfect freedom from every objectionable quality and sab stance, and its acting on the kidneys, liver and bowels, without weakening or irritating them, make it the ideal laxative. In the process of manufacturing figs are used, as they aro pleasant to the taste, but the medicinal qualities of the remedy are obtained from senna and other aromatic plants, by a method known to the Caufoknia Fio Btbup Co. only. In order to get its beneficial effects and to avoid imitations, please remember the full name of the Company printed on the front of every package. CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. SAN FRANCISOO, CAL. LOUISVUXE. KT. NEW YORK. K. T. for sale is all Druggists. Prioo 6Qo. per bottle. THE JOURNAL New Bern, N. C, Jan. 85, 1908. Index to New Advertisements. J. J. Tolson Ordinance!. E. R. Jones Bridge notice. J. G. Dunn & Co. Now. Broad St. Fruit Co. Fruits. Simmons & Hollowell Ce Special. Business Locals. ALL kinds of Oranges, also Bananas Apples and Grapes today at the Broad Street Fruit Store. 'Phone 88. BOOK-KEEPER, S. & D. E. would like work from 7 to 10 p. m. Address H, Journal. LOST Gold Watch and Fob Chain, with name engraved on case. Liberal reward will be paid for their return to my office. Dr. J. W. Duguld. FOR RENT Five rooms on second floor of Street's Building. Apply to J. K. Land. SHORTHAND CLASS-Hiss Mettle Belo Williams will open a class in short hand Tuesday, January 21. Those de siring Instruction will please apply at once. JACOBS' Raleigh Rye Whiskey Is ;the best.' Middle street. Prescriptions at Davis'. Dsvls' Prescription Pharmacy makes a specialty of prescriptions. Prompt and careful attention Is given them. Only the best drugs are used. The prices are reasonable. Bend yours there to be filled. Hot Chocolate, and Hot Coffee and . Sandwiches at McSorley'l. Fresh lettuce and radishes at the Oaks Market, Saturday, Clears at Dayls'. Davis' Prescription Pharmacy has ex clusive agency in this city for the popu lar "Theo" cigars, Besides this brand there are other well known brands. Buy your cigars at Davis'. Fresh Frankfurters, lOo. per pound. Oaks Market. LOST. My sight by pride, neglect and cheap glasses. Neglected when I was joung to hare my eyes examined when they were so troublesome and painful, pot It off be cause I was ashamed people would think I was growing old. Bought a pair and could see splendidly bought them from cheap Billy the dry goods man, for SO cents, and they hare mined my eyes. Ton will find In my optical depart ment, one of the most complete set of Instruments to be found anywhere, also evarr nalr of classes I fit are maraateed to give perfect satisfaction, and as cheap as the class of work done will permit. J. 0. Baxteb, Jb. ' Graduate Optician. HOT SODA. . , All the popular flavors Beef Tea "Beef Bouillon, Clam Bouillon, Tomato Bouillon (made from beef, tomatoes and . celery). Chocolate and all the soda fla vors Lemon, Orange, .Cherry, Grape and Cooa-Cole your choice forSeanU - and as hot U you can drink It; At Bredham'i Fountain. t CAPUDENE . Doesj not; effect V'jthe nearu - -v.?f'.- '' ' KJ idlffwnlf romjother J , ' u ' '. UeadaohcJItemedleg. ll" BOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS, ' , AROUKD AND ABOUT. Much toldet weather Jm the forecast for tonight. The temperature li away below aero in the northwest. . .v Business U very brisk at ell the saw mills. The. heavy wind of late hare made the towing of logs difficult bit of work. . --., A newpublio school boose la being bnllt In James City by the county. - It la one story structure, containing three rooms, and la to cost 1800. --. ..'"v; V Seventeen' cords of pine wood along the line of the A. N. 0. railroad near Cove were burned last night, supposed to hare caught fire from cinders eVom a passing engine, -' -. .'... Two new gates are being bmllt at the A- A N. 0. station. Each track wUl have a gate swinging across It, , closing the space between the platform and the new line fence. ' r. J; . The cabbage crop Is reported by truckers to be In bad condition. ; It U believed, however, that the weather of the past week, with the rains, has Im proved the prospect. The funeral of the late W. E. Snell Inge was held at his home' on George street yesterday afternoon and was con ducted by Revs. Hight 0. Moore and M, 6. Spear. The Interment was In Cedar Grove Cemetery. It Is desired that the subscribers to the library fund hand In the amount of their subscriptions at once. The ladles have canvassed the town and desire to make up a summary of the result of their efforts, They have undertaken the work, realizing the Importance that there should be a good library establish ed In this city and everyone should help push the good work along. The Lord loveth a cheerful giver and the ladles sp predate one. Don't hide your light un der a bushel but let your light so shine. The Knights of Pythias held a very enthusiastic meeting last night. They decided to charter a train to take the lodge to Greer vllle next Wednesdsy night to the district convention and ban quet. The train will leave here about 7:80 o'clock p. m. and return after the banquet sometime during the night. The Goldsboro, Wilson and NewBern lodges are expected to join the Klnston lodge here and go with them on this train to Greenville. About 50 members of the Klnston lodge are expected to go. Klnston Free Pree 14th. If troubled with a weak digestion, belching, sour stomach, or If you feel doll after eating, try Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets. Price, 85 cents. Samples free at F. 8. Duffy & Co's. drug store. The Coast Line Suit Goldsboro, Jan. 24. The time of the Superior Court today has been taken np with the case of B. B. Ralford vs The At lan tic Coast line. Mr. Ralford is suing the company for $10,000, which he claims will Indemnity him for an Injury re ceived last spring while at work In the shops of the company at Wilmington. It was devoted by the evidence Introduc ed that Mr. Ralford was sent to do some repairing to an engine which had just been in a wreck and had been brought In for repairs. In the course of a short while a piece of loose Iron fell from the engine on the track and bounced and struck Mr. Ralford on the leg. Messrs. Allen and Dortch are appearing for the plalntlfl and Mr. F. A. Daniels la repre- entlng the defendant. Both, sides gare fighting bard, and at this time while the arguments are being made, It Is Impos sible to forecast a decision by the jury. X l YOU KNOW WHAT TOO ARB TAKING When you take Grove's Tasteless Chill Tonic, because the formula la plainly printed on every bottle showing that It la simply Iron and quinine In tasteless orm. No cure no pay. Price 50c PERSONAL PARAGRAPHS. Messrs. Will and Joe Bnellings arrived here last night. Mr. M. H. Watson, representing H. E. Bucklen ft Co., of Chicago, DL, was In the city yesterday. Miss Nora Btyron left for her home at Durham, N. O., yesterday morning, after several weeks Tialt with her slater, Mrs. Jas G. Dale-mar. . , OAMTOXIXA. Bears ih ' ' IH Vm Hm Umqt iotfl . af ,-. Ladies Storm Robbers, 39c Pair. We offer toda) at a apeelaV three (8) cases, Tt pairs, Ladles best quality, high cut storm rubbers, slses S, to 8 at the special . price of Weeper pair. . . , BARFOOT. MU SHOOrs" t UTBNTICS, ; I ;;' " The great bold cure, are told and guar anteed by Bradham'i Pharmacy. If yon bring the empty box back, and you are not satisfied with Prerentloe we will re tun your M cents. You must have them on hand If you expect to prevent colds; and prevention Is better than cure Preventlca cure colds, at well as prevent -BrMre' Rilce.iiib.: . The draw at Brlce'i ; Creek, bridge will be opened for about I days on Tues day morning, January tSth, for repairs on said bridge. '. ' ; -y K.B.JORE9, ' '' - Chm'a.Bd.Co.Com. ' January 15th, 1001. ""V w ' Bot Drinks at DaTls. During the cold wsather, atop in at Davis' Prescription Pharmacy and get a cup Of hot chocolate or tomato bouil lon, of you us gtt a glass of genuine coca-colt, 2. .. - ,- TES KARIXS LABORATORY. RemaAs of Congressmaa Thomas. An Additional liJ,5oo Secured by Strang . Work. A CrcdlUbte Erjilolt " ;" The last Congress appropriated SIS, 500 for a Marine Laboratory at Beau, fort, Carteret county, The buildings are now In process of construction and It was considered that an additional and equal amount was required to complete the plant, y. ..' &:?::ff'-' . The seeded' appropriation hat been patted and that It waa done It due to the hard work of Hon. O. R. Thomas and credit la also due to CongressnuaTSmali They fought hard for the measure and their efforts were crowned with success. The following remarks were made by Mr. Thomas In support of the bill: "Mr. Thomat of North Carolina. Mr. Chairman; I hope the amendment pro posed by my colleague f rom North Caro lina will past the House. ' I simply rise tor the purpose of speaking briefly In behalf of the proposed amendment, and do not desire to debate the matter with the distinguished gentleman from Illi nois, the chairman of the Committee on Appropriation!. But I am interested In this amendment, Mr. Chairman, not only in behalf of the cause of science, but also -somewhat Interested personally in the matter, because the county In which this marine laboratory Is located la the county of Carteret, which I not only had the honor- to represent In the State legislature, but which, after the nest general election, will become a part of the Third Congressional district of the State of North "Carolina, my dis trict. Now, Mr. Chairman, it Is true that the act of the last Congress appropriated only $13,500, and this amount at the time was considered sufficient, but it has proven entirely Inadequate. The origi nal appropriation was for a marine labo ratory to be located at some point In North Carolina, and the town of Beau fort was selected, because, as my col league has well said, there Is no point on the south Atlsntic coast, south of Woods Hole, Mass., where there are so many valuable specimens of marine life or so advantageous to the cause ' and Interest of science as this particular locality. As the distinguished gentleman from Illi nois (Hr. Cannon) well knows, this ma rine labratory Is endorsed by all the leading scientists of this country. v The members of the House would be astonished If they could see the indorse ments given to this enterorlse by the scientific men at Yale, at Harvard, at Johna Hopkins, and all the leading uni versities snd colleges of this country. The marine laboratory at. Beaufort is therefore valuable to the cause of science It Is absolutely necessary that the build ings should be completed. I know per sonally, from a visit to the buildings, that they are exposed to the . weather, and that unless the government protects its property there Is some likelihood of serious damage being done to it. The site has been purchased; the buildings are partially constructed; the United States must complete them or abandon the enterprise. Now, Mr. Chairman, the distinguished chairman of the Committee on Appro priations says we are going to put an additional appropriation In the bill at the next session; but my colleague and myself Insist, on behalf of the people who are interested, and on behalf of the Government of the United States, which Is Interested In this matter, that these buildings need this appropriation for the purpose of speedy completion, and that the matter Is urgent. The Government has appropriated for a fish hatchery at Tupelo, Miss., and for a lobster hatchery en the coast of Maine, and all these en terprises are being pushed to a comple tion. Let us likewise complete the ma rine laboratory at Beaufort. This Is an urgent matter, and In my opinion thlt Item should be carried In this bill at this session and not watt for the next session to be incorporated Into soma other bill. I appeal to the members of the House to paaa the amendment and give us thlt additional approrplatlon now, Mr. Fleming. I should tike to uk the gentleman a question. The Chairman. Does the gentleman from North Carolina yield to the gentle man from Georgia f . Mr. Thomas. Certainly. Mr. Fleming. Will the gentleman pleaae explain to the House the reaaoa why the officers in charge of thlt station exceeded their authority and apparently committed the Government to a twenty fire thousand dollars project ; under cover of a IU.,500 appropriation f ' 1 Hr. Thomas of North Carolina. That I can not say to the gentleman from Georgia.) I confess I am not posted on that subject. lean only aay that thlt Government frequently starts upon the construction of buildings and other en terprises, and that the limit of cost Is often exceeded; ; ; . v T;) :f . Cut thlt out and take It to F. 8. Duffy A Go's drug store and get a free sample of Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets, the best phytic They also cure disorders of the stomach, biliousness end headache. l';"" W:;;v:;;.;: Walnut Tally and Walnut Buttercups at McSorley'a. ,Jj-!. . ': Try the Oskt Market Breakfast Bacon, II oentsper pound.. ('.'.t: i.-e sf,. .','.',...;.':".'-'' A LIGHT COUGH. - Is not an easy thing to lossen 11 fastens Itself onto the bronchial tubes and reaches for the lungs. There is a way to Shake It Out -of the system. It's an ey way, take Cherry-Olycerlne. This rem edy wlil cure every time. ' Its cu rative properties go to the Bpot when the mn little llckllnt; an noys you and drives it out quickly It rt'llovs rii'ht wy. 1MIU..U ! ,; UT, for. limed ft I l""t : n. 4 t i : Major Dares in Klnston. Free Press 14th. ' 1 The Round Table club was given a de lightful reception by Mr. and Mrs. T. 0. Wooten at their home last night, - -Mr. and Mrs. Woolen received their guests in the reception hall ind after their arrival they were highly entertain ed through the evening by an address and several selections read by Major oranam uaves, or Hew Bern, i , . Major Darei divided hit address Into three ? parte, Tlxs (1) The historical evenU" that led to the discovery of North Carolina. (8) ' Colonisation and settlement at Roanoke Island. (S) Sir Walter Raleigh's expedltons. He made a highly Interesting and thoroughly en joyable address, abounding In historical facta known only to a pw North Caro linians. .. . During the address he produced a great many relict of historical Interest, showing among other things a fac-smlle of Sir Walter Raleigh's seal and a pho tograph of the monument on Roanoke Island erected in commemoration of the first landing .of the English on North Carolina toll. ; Thlt monument Is made of Virginia and North Carolina granite. After the address Maj. Davis read sever al selections from his book, Virginia Dare. After the address and readings the guests were ushered Into the dining hall where a most elegant lucheon was served. Prnr-Balsam Stops the Tickling, tod qulck allays Inflammation In the throat. CROWN POINTS. The outdoor sporting tastes of the emperor of Japan range from lawn tennis to football. The king of the Belgians ia said by the gossips to envelop his finely curled beard each night in a silken bag as he goes to bed. Queen Wilhelmlna was a lonely child. Impressed by her own deso lateness, she would threaten ber dolls, for punishment, with being kept from having anybody to play with. Prince Eugene of Norway and Swe den, the youngest of the four sons of King Oscar, Is a painter by profession, who spends a great part of bis time In Paris, where be has a studio. It Is said that be clears quito $10,000 a year, and his pictures are well criti cised not only in ParU, but in other parts of Europe. Don't Live Together. Constipation and health never go to gether. DeWItt's Little Early Risers promote easy action of the bowels with out distress. 'I have been troubled with costlvenees nine years," says JO Greene, Depauw. Ind., "I have tried many remedies but Little Early Risers give oest results." tr a uully. 1 1 fill ML We are offering a Very Speoial Value in All Silk Foulard, 21 inches wide afOc per yard. All beautiful patterns and beautiful quality. An ticipate your wants in this line while you oan get such pretty patterns. rrsn 1 woons. Many of the styles in the line of 25o Neck Ribbons are closed ont but still many beautiful patterns and the finest qualities of 85c, 40c and 60o Ribbons are going at the uniform price of 26c per yard, - These are all grand values. ' We are showing today the handsomest line of .. Z ! ! - !Mnsliti Underwear ever shown In this city. " We en ! o ',1 deavoro suit the most fastidious as well as the lighter .,! It purse, henoe.our large assortment - c ' ; ', We' ask yon to inspect 67 Pollock Street. ; . SHIPPED TO EUROPE. Dogwood Logs Front This Section For The Foreign Trade," ,' ' The river steamers Howard and Caro lina have brought down from Vanoe- boro and from np the Trent river a eon tlderable quantity of dogwood. : Some 0 cords of the wood are at the E.C. D wharf, awaiting shipment by - steamer for Norfolk. Inquiry regarding these shipments of dogwood brought out the following fact. ; The dogwood It being shipped to Nor folk and thence goes to Europe, where It will be used for making shuttle blocks and othe articles ef a like nature. The dogwood tree Is not of large growth and the logs come in four foot lengths and must square up four Inches at the small end. In some cases the logs are cut in two foot lengths so as to get-a sufficient size at the small end. The wood Is quite heavy but when dried out becomes rather light as it holds a great deal of water. The material is paid for here and the prloe obtained is from eight to nine dollars a cord. A Profitable Investment. "I was troubled for about Beven years wi h my stomach and In bed half my time," says E Demlc, Somerville, lnd., I spent about $1,000 and never could get anything to help me until I tried Kodol Dyspepsia Cure. I have taken a few bottles and am entirely well." Yon don't live by what you eat, but by what you digest and assimilate. If your stomach doesn't digest your food you are really starving. Eodal Dyspep sla Cure does the stomach's work by dl gesting the food. You don't have to diet. Eat all you want. Eodal Dyspep sia Cure cures all stomach troubles. F S Duffy. DIME CATARRH SNUFF loosens up the tenacious viscid mucus In nose, clears out the head and stops catarrhal headaches due to cold con gestion In the front of bead. The cost Is only 10 cents and the benefit arislDg from its use is worth dollars health too Mfg. by Bradham's Pharmacy. LAXATIVE TASTELESS HILL TONIC Combining the laxative property of Casoara. beneficial as a txener- al tonic. Guaranteed. 50c. Only sold at BRADHAM'S I'UAKM AUK. STOLEN ! Rambler Bicycle, with very broad seat and corrugated tires, rear wheel new. 5.09 Reward for its return to owner, . R. B. BLALOCK. 4 4 the line. ' w - - IMOW is your TO SAVE & t t t A few "lelt over" HATS marked down. $1.50, $2.00 and $2.60 Soit Hats, (a window full) Reduced to $1.25 Big Bargains everyone of them. We can flit you, so call and get the best Hat you ever had at such a price. 1 6. hw & CO, jnen a ex uoy near, o S7 3?Hodte Street- g I CCCO iutw4 I. W l If III I IIM.IIIIH1 MIl'IJll'.J.IBU jRig oullion, Hot Chocolate, Uara Broth and ( oca-f oh. .;5 All the well I nown Cold Drinks, Koot Beer, Orange ami l Ijs Lemon Phosphate, &c., and a New and Delicious ono (Jrape gj Juice and Iron. Our oda Apparatus is New and Up-to-date, ) No contamination from contact with nieta'. We use the Heut 5 of everything and try to please all tastes. j You cave 5 per cent by our system of relate clinks. -'s ll Til TT717VtC DU A DH7I A nT ll li or. middle 'Jl )H !X!S!SjSME!!SjHFjg FOR Horses, Mules, Buggies, Farm Wagons, Cart Wheels and Harness GIVE ME A Tit 14 1, THOS. j. For Sale Or Lease ! The Grist Mills and Factory property, Cor. Hancock and Johnson streets, known as New Fern Grist Mills and operated by Geo. Bish op, now deceased. ' .The plant consists of two up to date mills one corn cleaner, ele vator, belts, one bolter and everything com plete and in first class shape for operation, v For terms and fur ther V information ap ply to - E. K. BISHOP. iiiSLBook Store MFfoe minutes w-i I strudton wilt ar t able anybody to I play the, 'Bavarian Harp. ', - Sole Agent : ' v - fi." H. Ennett. time MONEY. GQQO Q !-; Hot Stuff. Do hot fail to try our i'e- fjijjj Iiciouh, IiiTigorating XT a ll Q $S now inning v)j Soda Drinks. Vigoral, Tomato and 'V!ery j-f. S. Front Sts. m llllin.lh'l.H.I.MIIM.IIMIMlIC HI. I 'i Ml KlUII i il ll Ki In I in nil ... w "wiiiiiw'T(tff-,,v niwiiiiinimii iiiiiiiiiiiii i iTHTi n MITCHELL. At Oaks Market POULTRY Tarksjs, Dacks, Chi.k.aa, Otwi. MEATS Veal, Pork, Mutton, Wsstm lamb, Western and Natir. Beet. Bnear Cured Hams, Sliced Ham, Hmlthfleld Hams, Koneless Ham, Break fast Bacon, Smoked Tongae. Pork Sausage, Mixed Hauaagf, Frank farts, Balogna, Fresh Trips, Pigs Feet VEQETABUI3 Carrots, Parsnip, Cabbage, Trish Po tatoes, Yam Petetoes, Celerj, Oaloas, Lsttaos. WILD DU0K8. OaU TiJIeat . J.YA arket. S7 Kroad-Slrtet. Bring it Here.. '- If yoor earrlag needs repairing ' Wt will repair U so that It Is as good as saw Wa ruaranue oar work. Oar onsloaurs . art always satisfied with oar work and with oar prloss. Yon will be satisfied If too send our work bera. bteaosa we do tnlr tjocd work. - The only place la town yon can get any and everything to repair botgles and we can ssroyoo money If you will see as tefors baylag. , - O. XX. Waters & Hon. 78 Bread Bt., Hiw Ba. W. C. A V

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