The Kind Tot Cave Always V in se for over 80 years, and has ffif foj," onal . All Counterfeits, Imitations and "Just-aa-good" are but p? Experiments that trifle -with and endanger the health of Infants and Children Experience against Eiperiment, ' f WhafloAiTORIA f:f : Oastorla is a harmless substitute fbr Castor Oil, Pare -goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. ; It is Pleasant. It" - contains neither Opium," Morphine nor other Narcotle , substance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys Worms and allays Feverisliness. - It Cures Diarrhoea and Wind ' Colic It relieves Teething Troubles, cures. Constipation and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. The Children's PanaceaThe Slofher'a Friend. cenuine" CASTORfA Always Beam the Ji. ' ;fci7 The Kind Ik'im Always Bought In Use For .Oyer 30 Years. tut cnmiim oowmhv, tt mwhmV imtf, nr tmmn wv, . yonrMTMeaaauM wise Aft. mml bam4iheaandaof wersaa ttaallh, beauty and freedom from the draj. gin pah) which made their Uvea to mbertbie. v Waa (ecu, haggard eyci , and emaciated fonu are the nraHs of tafftring. . What aufferinf can com. par with the tartar f Irregular aMavoiiatloav kewerrhoea and falkngof -the womb I Beauty flea qakkly befort the ravage of (och dixate. The . , tharp pains of falling of the womb dttpea the crow tracks hi the face -; Menstrual RTtgnlarUlcs job the ay of Ka Or and the complexion cl Its trarupartney. Lsucorrhom drain the body of IU strength, but Wis of : Cardul restores the aatural beauty, brightens the eye, dears the complexion, rounds out the flgur and brings be tr vfg e health. Every druggist mtlucltyrMdleS1.00bottlo(WlMo - - ARE deaf? trnM ALL DEAFNESS OR . ARE HOW . by Oar new invention, Only thos bora deaf are incurable. - v HEAD NOISES CEASE IMMEDIATELY. T , v f. A. WERMAR, OP i -tl tlltmtm t Belnv enttrelT eand of aMrnasa. thanks to roar treatment, I will now glr yes a foil history of 1 history of my case, t be used et joor dianetion. - -. '.,; Lboot fire yeare an mv risht ear beaaa to an a and thai bent on Rttlni wore, otll I tost about fire yeare ago m' my ncanng in mm ear etuircr hHnM in f hi. aar tln,l I underwent a treatotent for catarrh, for berof phynicuus, among others, the most only-en operation coma aeip me, ana even time oniy muinnmriij, am.. m imw aynn ' then cease, but the hearing In the elected ear woald be Uat forew. -. : I then sow your sdrcrtiaement ecddentelly in a Mew York paper, and Ordered yer treat ment. Afterl hert need It only e few days accordiag to yonr directioas, the noises cessed, end , So-osr. alter Hire weeka my hearinf In the diaraeed ear hee bees entirely restered,. I thank yoej bearnly end bee to remain ., ferytralr yoore. ' - -I . A.WSSMAIf.Tm 6. Broadway, usUitaora, Md. ) . Our treatment detnoi interfere with your ushuI occupation, . minstio. Y0U m mi YQURSELF AT HOfJSE 1 " 'St x VINTERNATI3XAI AURAL CLIXIC, t U SALLE AVE, CHICAGO, ILL. 7- " Bale of Valuable Property. Purpinrjt to the Judgment in the setioa sow pending is the - Superior Court of ('raven county; Nirlh Oarollna, wherein ..The National Bank of New 'Bern I plalotllt and J. M. Spencer, et alt defend k ania iseunderaigand will tell tt public ; auction for casb, at the Court Uoute of 'Mid P.,... H a. , Urrdb Tuetday.the itth day of Feb toarr. A. D. 1903. at 13 o'olnck. mlA-Ax. viB.'jii ituumi ill in. viit Vi MOW . the followlor ommrtr. tn wit; - All that botly of land altuated In laid : Traren counir near the. City of New Bern, west of End Street : and between ' Neiia Iload tnd Lawson's Creek, knows ,.s tbd 'lihem Farm" embraclrj(( among tVthertract of land the. original "Ithem l'lac", th "Hart" lafid, the "Carter" trart and the ''Jerkin Field" and all lb machinery ' and Imprortmente on laid lands taid land conveyed to Kate B. f Johnson by deed dated Jeb. ', la0 by , 7. M. Blmmons, Commlealoner. and de scribed In Ibe comprint In eatd actios. Also tho horses, mules and farming Im , pleroent directed to be sold by laid . judgment, .-.' ' ; ;,; M. DeW. STBVKNSO, : ; " ' Commissioner, Jan. mth. 1!MH. ' - 1 .-sak ' -a . . . fci sit j Olll l I' IHIIMH 'I It WC lUll. AllV Olir fertlti! - alert h Hii't 'I' npiion of any tnvrni nn f rntlipllv ir ' n ouf Ol'MltoIl f md c- n tn: lis? Mlrt.f:i''iniy oi tVinie. "If1 tfi (i!ih 1'fl trill IMMll II!" il tP'tlH "it. )'M.t fill Sr-I 11 Ihnniifh u it'lvci i (I t.-r si Ip t our r 1'iiti it ta tnl c n rwi m s i .in til rr,ivr fiaticr, wil'ioul rh ti tn 1 il h i 1 ' Bit JUllKH H(l fl fllHl W!i;"V CKrufttr ,( (rfinmil' '11. y ft. t-wu, : m. ',,M I'M, fcrCU'l I'.'l . . i i J Bctagbt, and which has been " has borne the signature of been made under bis per- - supervision Since its infancy. ' Blgnatore of : .Beauty is. Health. Wahnit Lata, Arb Jon t,.MM. I IMBOllt i (eoelred tram rdul I took la ' of Oaidnl I took fair terrible omdluoa. My lire waa no pie in m. at aft and I M Of DO 11 R. to anT life waa no pleainre MMlvlnr vonv adrioa and modiolus meed laaiiif n ana oefaa ihudwiamij . The puna left me and the menus, BMoeatttieoerraetUme.eontlnaedthiea u I hate gained atrenata and my velchs . mj nnanana hti we wwu. HnTLlZZia JtaMNBLL. 1 bright evat, my : Thk b the yeutS BMnceaurcd by yean the . -I teaaty ol pcrftct wenMnhooa, Beautiful - ' I . amtrthapniaraadgataMMS out of Wathaa :. I laM f aatiiM.ina ana auatvin. in im i. nw Hnen wnots laces siawats micnnj -. ; Hflrn of CarM made Mr. Manacll "btttei loot Brf end WMtety happier became K tared her W trtarribkpama. But ihcbnocxcepUoa. WINEstGAMlJl - , r i ,ANY:;: h . HEAD IIIOISES? CASES "OF ' - , " - . w f. hARD HEARING CURABLE ; BALTI MORI, SAYS I ..f. fiAT.TIMOKa Md.. Bacmfoan, Md., March so, net. giro renins; wore, three monthe, wtlhont any eacceee, nonsuited a num. eminent ear specialist of this city, who told me thet BO YEARS' EXPERIENCE 'm Comr right lo itldlilr twoMiAiii our opinion trm wfifttiew m fitreMiuon ta pri.bubl ptiihla romniuninw ' tlontatrttHlrnoiiflflniitlfU. liiuidlsook on (atMila mil irj. iin HKOfifjr ior iicfiiriiif pmlttf falnnlfl tdkknn lliroueh Miniii & Co. nodff SyWWN WtCel, wiinoufccnnriie, m ui ; vVkw.siit Jk. .! bwVJ . k bssT(lHnmlr lllTiritmf M mtWr, t.nrwnmt rr mi 11 ion nf nny i(-ii:hf!ii ii.uiiirtl, I 'tihh, fa nan f"ir tTioniLi, ,L 0uti bjrall TtttwaiUuilar nrsuic.i fjiiiu. t.Jt v ru WMliluutuii, u, U FOE HOSE USE Clean, pure wholrorne, frimrnntocd i be rbi'mlrmllr niaila from diHtiilid '(( t d free Iroin iiripuritiie. Ht'i-rinlly In ti-nnM and pri-pnrcd fur Ijuiimn on. tnrt'ptlon. - lie d' livori'd daily (oxo.-,ntj:-innlny; m to tt p m. H ml;-. ( retail nnHO 7 ft ni'io 12 won f or pi ii iiinl (i...ti,iiniit'on, 10 .i. Thos. Daniels. Trsss., in Aceosst - wits tke City of New Bern. , ' gexbbak jvxd. . Itnf, to J M Hargett, City MP- - ibal - ' 8040 ToJ J Tolson.-. - - - S80178 - ' ' ,t 1,618 77 Deo! 81 by bal. do. Treasurer W WClark. . ' rj, -:'- jv.:.r 8543 : 88 00 - ' 84 00 " .'Ksoa' MOO . 88 00 ' . 85 00 88 00 -" 88 00 t-:-" 8 00' -- 88 00 " . v- p- . 8800 . - ' 88 00 j, - - 8800, ' t 85 0b ' " 83 09 " j!5 00 . 85 00 " - . , UUO ' IS 00 ' , 8800 ' m . co - " -n. MOO v'. H C WbUehorst ' - . x 85 00 ' -tt , ' 88 00 " " -15 00- " - " ' 85 00 .. . ..i-"- '.. U00 i ' " . ,.8500 . ,.....,- 88 00 88 00 a. " 38.00 23 00 - 16 67 , " 4000 SS00 85 00 8100 80 00 ' 801.0 80 00 8000 85 00 78 " 48 40 2S 80 AO 00 -83 00 . 89 00 88 00 85 00 88 00 14 85 4189 . 8160 8100 . 80 00 85 00. 83 00 ' 87 SB - - 17 74 878 00 800 84 110 00 888 74 104 00 104 00 100 00 100 00 100 800 ' 1187 -85 00 18 18 889 8900 75 180 7187 88 00 v SBOOr. 15 00 Thos Danlela, Treas, . ThotDanieli Treat J 0 Dixon Lon Bryan : j T Lewi W U OrlfHri John (J Oollins Nathan Brook t , 1. Gasklni . vH.H, looker ,'BurrniftQray , 8. B Parker - Mew Bern Gaallght Co. J. M. ilargett F. T. Patterson J. Lnpton v It P. Montague - F.T. Patterson-. H. T. Smith f By Oaskill Hardwar Co Unrra & Gray , John Hater ' ' American Fire Engine J. a Potter J. O. Green i - . ' . F. T' Patterson , Mew Bern Gat Co .: Hyman Supply Co. - Tho Danlela - 7 : t, B. Latham Bond Mo. 8. 108 79, lot." 439 HP, Williams, voncher ' 232 83, Int. 8 .., R, P. Williams, voacher . -10000Int4 00 ri B. P. William, voucher - ' 100 00, Int. dOO.v It. P. William ."',.do ::. . " P. B. Parke B. M. Grove Blade Lumbal Co. - J. K. Latham ; - - John W. Bowden . ' Blade Lomher Co.. . J.K.Latham J. BLBbepard - - Jobn William '.- R. P. William J.K. Latham 1 . H. CWhltehurat ' v do 0. U Steven " J. K. Latham ' . : R.T. Smith ,- :) J. E. Latham . "-(. . J. 0. Thomas .- 7 ': W. W. Clark o m 88 00 : 85 00 4' ' as tA -r . SH UW . 88 00 88 00 ao wo ,.8800.-;i Az AA A as oa : u ii ( - M - Balssss , 89 OOf ! 88 DO T 81 08 ' A ; Bloobrl U(M Vooel. Jan. 80. To Sals of .81 J 000 00 Ml. twuuta . -. . ISSMflA - ''.'S. ' "4'SdarOrv Oansoiory,.1 Jan. 80. To balanoa . 888 86 i - T. F, McCarthy'. 18818 Caeaar Whits . ' ' 800'; A J. Uaaklos " 1 w.jf By balance . lllTi,y Osa.owaaS CaanetatT i c- Jan. To balanca 17018 , Blade Lumber L'O '. ' i 3. 0. Wbitty Co vjr Bdwtrd Harris . , : .: . riscss --", : Jtt---K .. .Or .'. - ' 8 IS' ' 168 W , II IW 1 ;.i 170,18 Water a4 tewar fiepe. ''."t....Ui..pi 'i t irxl. l. .. . sauHIIf , vr... OS 881 87 i BI8 80 ' do ' do dor i X0 47! ' 400 00 1,174 74 By J. 8 Manlt , , , ( Italph Davenport ' -. ' U. M. Grove - J. 0. Thomaa, 8npL - Leon Conk, firemaa Jo Parsons, do JH. H. Tooker, lineman J, J. Tolson, book-keeper ' T. F, MoCarthy ' Snow Btearopump Co; ' J. J. Tolson, cash order .- Elm City Lumber Co for wood ' I B. Kill Williams, Eng. - J.C. Whltty A Co. - do l)owd & King Supply Co - . John II. McQowan A . Co. , . Tri'iu Lumber mills , H. U. Willi - U. Mullur &Co. i 78 63 Balance 1.174 Si till 0ta Makeap. .. . A. noted comedian,1- who is noted for bis skill in the. art of makeup,: says: "lines will never' help an actor to play part If he ha not made a stud; of the character itself,. The true artist looks to bis bice, ar much as 'to 14a wigs. He wants a large box of Toices as well as of makeup It Is absurd for a man to go Into character business unleas be can disguise., bis .voice and speak several dialects to- start with, Character work is no plum duff for any one.' I've- seen men who seemed to fancy that a Lancashire dialect would do first rate for a Scotchman and that any old thing-was good enough for s heathen' Chinee. , .A character . actor taust disguise face, walk; volpe, man nerisms; in short, he mast take bis own personality and bury It deep."...,"1. .' , . iWtf islittan.,. Lord Avebory declares that ants that maintain their sobriety make a great distinction In their treatment of the In toxicated stranger, and the fellow citi- sen Who bas'saoeuinbed to hi blan dishments.' : He . Inebriated fifty ants, twenty-five from one. nest and twenty- five from another, and put them nil lu to the nest from which one lot had been taken. The inhabitants nt once took the helpless atruncura and threw them Into the water,, while those who were citizens cf the nest wri carried ten derly, n way Into retur.te corners to re cover from their festivity at leisure. . . n . Bribed tn Adraswe. BrlKgs So yoa are coins to have your fortune ti ld Uy the new ustrolo- ger down' town. Let me give you s pointer. 'If you want him to predict that you will one day be rich. Just give bin) s handsome tip. lr!i?gs That's all right I'll give him my note for a thousand or so, puyuble when I become a miiiionaire.-uostoi) Trauscrlpt.- , Coetlj Rosea. It Is said that the first four roses of the beautiful variety known ns Jacque minot received by a New York flower dealer' just before a Jong ago Christ mas sold for . 800815 apiece eight times their weight In gold. . Shop Tnlli. The only time some employers rslso their clerks is when they play poker to gether. Philadelphia Record. Grateful: Women A tut for perfect erttr lai Idmpaih bU frum love of thm kpatlfUo . , Tk. 4 l-Ksa kosllrshnnsk. vlfllafat nriwan u pndtMM m ths lovaly ftowera who brwtth thar r nA whU the ils of AowsM m brief ajva we fan only eajor them foe a day, th. bcaarlful wonaa (lyea the aleaaare of Mr fn (nueteaa.aaoniiaaaatt)lMsla, ThaewMt, purahreaUi of the babels svf feaUveof Inaocsnee aa health the soft fracraace ol a beautJfn wom.a aiiaats to the lenses earltr, health skS atasancei ah. Is th. nanament at drUU.tloni ha la lndlcatlr. of a dnlr to pleaaa, aa lodcx of goad tester eaSearoarringbaosa of aaSjiUtr. f&S Brad f laid. n Female Regulator In frsjraUtinr tSoae tsraer periods tn wfmea, per do wnoxi thins AflJ.swMnhsswaiiftMll tt ttow tWsjIvtafcUie iNKhaMrTmrt the matiatniAi ornae wUi svot be oacsMved by H, e permaeesit Ti7or.hf.Sf .Il roa,fAJ)0, OarTnatlseoa Wosasn auiled tree. . -. ' , THE BBAOrilLD RcaULATOR tjfli.; TUWTS, OS. - " Ss i ll 1 1 51. a ll iuyu' l."' HKADyDARTER8FOB HARDWARE V, VAnd tail Kinds of-. !,- 4 Hrating snd Cooking Stoves and EsDges, Lime, ; Oetnent, -" PlssUr, Psiots, Oils, VarnJsb, Putty, Sash, Doors, Blinds, Cutlery and all the useful articles uiaally foanrl in so Up-to-date Hardware Store, v, f t, Iiowest; Prices, ir . Under Hotel CbatUwka,' r. A. flra.n, Pre. X. H. MeadcrarS, T. Prae H. M. arvree, Oaehtar. fiirr'f','r"'Tt, jl M. A aiAJXt ojt ivairWBiiHir.w.a- Dolny; General Cnnkinj Cuslness Man h 1, 1901, Burpluisnd TJndivl- ,: - d--d rrofitn, Pr 'iitftnj rnrt-rul 1st t' .ij'iun r'vnn to all l)i.HiiH'na riitruvti il to uh. fcvtounU rn;i:We(l on favoinbie tonus. It'iard of IilracUira, rir.!' 3. a. St. B. A..towe, .! ,.lr. ' x. no wriuue, psue enaetia, Krnurea Bsarrasj upetoaa wrae. It la eerUln, 8m ra mod It la N tnie's ranait and Chre b no eoch a rtskfalirsaT nAtnra. The antsutst DDKT 'vnetTika srkfkrJ n m iwooa lieniy s riiamacy lSTJlIddle Sf. . r Xolnmbiaa llnsecticitle,! Teterman Loach Food, Hooper's Fatal rood and Sure Death to Motha, Bugs, etc. ; Also Brofno Gofadthey Tbs disinfectant tiiat disinfects van . deodorises..- - Ci" Ws keep on hand a complete stock o - ilediclaes. v Toilet Articles, -; " Perfumery7 v ' f- Tooth Brushes, &c. ' PhysloUn' Prescriptions s specialt : Day Dress Styles should never be-ailirhted in favor of evening dreas. - Good form demands per feet garment at all times, and when you have your clothes made by Chadwlck you are not only insured a perfect fit, but cut, style snd Onish will be equaly good. ' F. If . Chadwick, South Carolina Interstate and West Indian Fxposilion, "Charleston, 5. C, Dec. ist, 1901 June 1st, ' io02. On account of the above occasion the Southern Railway will sell round trip tickets to Charleston, S. C, and return- at greatly reduced rates from all stations. Fares from . principal points as shown below and comparatively low rates from all other stations: al "S Is - 0) (M at a a H t-c II T3 . saS 00 i-l --a T2 Burlington, 618 50 69 90 87 00 7 00 4 90 6 80 580 7 00 5 20 700 0 85,. 610 085 70 Chapel Hill 18 50 9 90 unarlotte, iu t 7 Concord, 11 05 8 10 Davi'lson, lll i o is Durham. 1.18 50 9 90 Oastonla, 1040 7 00 Greensboro, 18 15 9 05 Hickory .SSW 18 00 860 Ulgh Point, 13 15 9 05 Lexington, 18 00 9 60 Madison, 14 m iu m HocksTllle, 12 90 0 45 Mora-inton. 1410 10 85 6251 75 700 7 65 5 75 5 75 Raleigh, 18 60 0 90 Reldsvllle, - 14 S 10 05 Salisbury, 12 80 8 95 Btstesville, 18 80 8 95 Wilkesboro, lo isoa Winston-Balem, 12 45 9 15 5 85J For further information please call on any agent of the Bouthern Ual.wy or write. W. A. Ton:, A. P.TT. M., Wsshington, D. 0, f, J. M. Culp, T. M. S. n. Cuadwicx, 0. P. A. Wsshington, D. 0. R. L. Vsbsos, Cbsrlotle, N. C. " Having seenrod the services of e. perlenced parties,' I am prepared on short notice to execute Farm, City, Lsnd snd Rail Road surveying. Ditches, Btteet snd Roads laid out and leveled. Draughting In. all Its branches. ; Bio snd black prints mads. ' Old map re paired and . mounted. .; Topographical orveylng and plotting. Drawings snd wok ring plsns executed promptly, bow ersgosna drainage planned, laid, out and oon traction lupennienoea. J. J - If VIIVIIUVIII iititiieiiiilf : C3 Rroatl Street v Executor's ; Wollcc. Th undersigned having duly qualified Executor of th last will sod test roent of Mis Busks A Butler, deceased, this Is to notify all person having claim tgalnsl th estate of my testator to pre sent th same, properly authenticated, to m on or before the 8rd day of February 1908 or this notice will be pleaded In bar of their recovery. - All person Indebted to said eetat wl 1 make piompl pay ment. Feb.8d.U03. 8. R. BALL, Executor. - C; z cf V.'intcr Tourist Season. The Hi utlirrn Hallway, which oper ates lis own Cnei oicr the entire Bouth and forms tlifl Imnortsnt Ink In the pri nt 1,' 'iay of trawl between th I ,, h A' 1 I' '.ulli, 1'iotlila, Cuha, leilco t: I ( 'it and tent nil Aimtrli-s, ) f, r i' v.'1'i'i-r r ! 1 and 1 : i i i c ii i ever of- in 'Atlantic Coast Xine.l Witot fx oiis 4 w hyrri BJ. fjieot Wedney, Ang.7,le,.Ds Bxospt &mUfS.&ZXilZ:-' Going SonthJ sxnnBOUt Going Kortb Ho. W, Paseger Train Ho, 60, ' Lr. am, btitiohs: - Ar. p m, .000,,..,,,., New Berne ........ 640 9 86 ....PolloolcsTille - 6 04 8 61 .....M...Maysville. 4 49 10 03. Jacksonville......;.. 41) Wilmington, 1 aM Union Depot f . ' 1208. 1816 ...Ar. WUmlngtotij lit. ... 986 r at ' r a No, 8, . Passbhoeb A Fbbmht, Ho. 4, - Leave Wilmington .Monday, Wednes day and Friday.- bettt Hew Berne Tues day, Thursday and Saturday. , Lt. am Ar. pit 7 80.. ...Lt. Wilmington; Ar..... 1 46 8 40,.........8cott,aHiU. 18 66 9 80.......,. Woodaide. .18 16 100S ..Hollyridge..... .1140 10 51 ..Dixon 10 61 1180 ...Verona. ...... ...10 80 18 OS. Jacksonville. 9 46 18 30. ..Northeast. ,866 8165 Whiteoak 8 80 180 MaysvlUe ....... 806 215 Pollockeville 7 80 8 55 Debrubl'i... 886 8 40 Ar. New ftsrne, Lt 6 00 - "Raily Except Svnday. , I. R. KENLY, General Manarer P olice of Sale. Pursuant to those thiee several mort gage deeds executed by Henry B. Lane and lfe Annie L. tiane to tlonry u. Frost and Custave Hetschell dated the 4ih day of October, 1895, and recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds of Craven County, in Book 116, pages 894 893, and 896, duly assigned to the under signed; and In the certain mortgage deed executed by said parties on the 2nd day of April 1897 to George H. Roberts, which said Mortgage Deed la duly re corded in the office of said Register of Deeds, in Book 121, page 490; and in that certain Mortgage Deed executed on the 19th day of January, 1898, by said par ties, to the said George H. Roberts, duly recorded tn the ofnee of said Register ol Deeds, in Book 120, psges 7, 8 and 9 and duly assigned to the nnderslgned, I will aa such Assignee, on Saturday, the 15th day of Fehiuary, at the hour of 11 o'clock m. at the Court House door of Craven county to the highest bidder for cash After for Bale and sell all the following described lands as described In the said several mortgage deed as follows, to wit: Beginning at a point on Goose Creek, known as "Popular Spring," running thence tooth 81! degree eaat magnetic course of 1891, three hundred and thtrtvtbree Dole to the intersection of the Hill road with Pembroke road thence along and with the Pembroke road to Reedy Branch, thence with the main road known as the Pollocktvtlle and Beaufort road to a point known as the Punch Bowl, thence with the eaatern boundary of the division line between the lands of the late Samuel Hill, the Perry heirs and the Williamson heirs and others to a point known as Woods creek thence down Hoods creek to Trent river, thence up Trent river to the mouth of Uoose creek, thence up uoose creet lo the beginning, containing nrteen hundred acres, more or leas, excepting that part of the land within the above boundarlea known as the rotcue una. The lsnd hereby conveyeJ being the eame land which was conveyed to said Annio L. Foy by Ws, F. Foy by deed dated December 22nd. 1891. and register ed in the office of the Register of Deeds of said Graven county in book Mo. 107, pages 444 and 445, to which reference Is made for lull description always ei centlng reserving the timber on laid lands wnicn said parties or tne nrst pan have heretofore conveyed and also ex cepting the part of laid land conveyed by said parties of th first part to Henry Frost and Uustave uelsohsll by deed dated October 4th. 1898. same being about 66 acre and lying between Hoods Ureek and Trent river. This January 14th, 1908. J. R. B. CaBJUWAT, Assignee of the mortgagee. By O. H. Goios, Attorney. Commissioners Sale. NORTH CAROLINA, I Soperlor Court, Csavsn UouitTT. hot. Term, ivoi W. H. Oliver; Trustee, The Griffin School Fund and Stat on Relation ofL.-l. sloore, Solicitor, on Behslf of W. H. Oliver, - Trust. TS. The East Oarollna Flsb, Oyster, Game . nd Industrial Aioclatlon ana Wll .: llam Dunn. Trustee. . NOTICE 1 . Pursuant to a decree of aid Court rendered at taid Term in . the abov entitled action, we will sell st the Court House door In New Bern, N. C, at nubile auction for cash, to lb sit best bidder, on Monday th tenth day of Feb ruary, jvus, ai . too noar oi iwoiee o'clock, HL, the " following described nrooertv to wlti Bitnats is the Connly of Craven and being In the City of New Bern, known snd Oeilgnstsa a loiiowa, Tlx being lo that pan of th City of New Bern formerly knows aa Dryooro, and being lots nnmoert iweniy-oigni, iwentv-nln. thirty, tnirty-ons, lony one, forty-two, forty-throe, forty-font snd forty-five In the plan of aald city, bounded on the north by Cypress street on the east by George street, on the south by Pin (treat, snd on the west by the public road connecting Pine' end Cypres street, known the Griffin School nrooertv conveyed to the said East Carolina Fish. Oyster. Gam end Industrial Association by John Dot- ereux. Trustee of- the Grime School Fond.' - -'-, - -' ... '. ;4,; ', This 7th dy of Jsnoary, 1901 ' ' v-i;;vV:". LansT L MOOSS, I'.- AWiXuail Doss,'" -J -' '" Commissioners. Notice of Dissolution ofjCo-partner ':,:;;;riuP'i:"i';'-;!'v':; - Th eo-partnersblp heretofore eon ducted under th firm name of J. H. Fowler A Co composed of 0. H. Fow ler, 11. J. Kennedy, J.O. Muse end W.J. Swan hat this day been dissolved by l tnal conaent. H. J. Kennedy bsvlng purchased th Interest ol V. it. fowler, J. v. Sins sno W. J. Hwan, the business will b con tinued at the samo plana under th Old firm nsme of 0. II. Fowler A Uo. All l' bts owing by the tirm will b p ' l by II. J. Kennedy snd all persons owlntr th Ann either by note or boos account will r"T sme to ii, J. Kennedy, Bloncwall, N. C January 1, 1908. C., ' ' H.J. Kn, : ' J.C. ?.'.:;, v:. j. f.v. a.&n;cr; r. ; tnri TABtB ho. 24 ..- Tet Tsks Effect Sunday, r'ovembcr 14, 1901 at 12:(1 A. M., E. b T. Going Eat t Bohkdulb: Going Wist Ho. 8: . Passenger Trains No. 4 - DAILY. Lt. p m , .. BTAT10KS: Ar. a m 8 40. , Goldsboro. 11 OS '409.,...:.... LaGraniro in m 88.. Kinston.. 10 18 40 Ar. New Bern, Lv 9 On i B0 T. - a. aaS a fit eaooa 47 vs 715.... Ar. Uorehead citv I.v inn No. 5. No. 6, Pimci ger Train. Passenger IsTatiob:. I AILY. Train. Lt. a. m. Ar.p, u .... 8 01 .... 738 ... 72f .... 717 .... 7 07 .... 0 r5 1)47 .... 6 Sill .... 6 2" ..... 6 12 .... Bou P. u. 8 no 8 88 8 81 Goldsboro Beet'B . . . . LaGrange. . . . ...Falling Greek.. Klpston (Jaswell i Dover Core Creek... .....Tuscarora..,. Clarke A r. New Bern, i e 42 H 61 9 03 9 l 8n 9 44 9 48 lUUll, No. 1. I I TJ., 9 ttx'd Ft. and stations: Mx't Ft. 'and Fass.Tn. Pass.Tn. pAttT ElOKPT StJNDAV. Lt. s m 6 00... ... p m biiii 4 53 4 23 3 53 3 33 228 2 10 . . Goldsboro Beet's , . . LaGrange , Falling Creek 7 00... 715... 8 80 Kinston 8 40 caswell 9 43 Dover 10 07 corecnek 1 10 J 83 Tuscarora 19 iH 10 (i9 Clark's 12 40 11 15 Ar. New Bern. Lv la 10. No. 9. f No. 10. 80 Lt. " Ar 10 47 8 12 Riverdalo' 10 10 9 20 croatan 10 00 9 40 9 08 8 47 8 38 820 750 8 06 Havelock "84 Newport, Lv... 8 47 Wildwood 8 52 Atlantic 4 08 . .Ar. Morehead city, Lv. 4 83 . .Ar. M. city Depot, Lv. M. Monday. Wednesday and Friday. fTueaday, Thursday and Saturday. S. L. DILI,, G. 1'. A aroTiJEi NORTH CAROLINA, ) Superior Court. Cuaven Codsty j Before Ihe Clk, Henry Williams vs Chsrles Williams, and Amanda his wife, Uelia florlleet and Jerry Norlleet. her husband; Henrietta Foreman; Andereon Williams and wife (uame unknown): Joshua Williams ana wife (name un- snown); and the heirs ol Isaac Wtlliumg, Clarissa Williams. TLomas Ann Wil liams, Tempe Foieman (loimerly 'fiinpe Williams), Benjamin Williams; DcnipBy Williams, BuBau liynuin (formerly .Susan Williams), Phyllis Williams unil Turner Williams, whose names and residences are unknown; Manrfleld Dancy, lienny Uancy (mlnort.), and I tie Mutual Aid Banking Company of New llcrn.N. C. 10 Delia IN Ol Duel and Jerry Noilleet, her husband; Anderson Williams and wife (name unknown); Joshua Williams and wife (name unknown), and the heirs of Isaac Williams, (Jlansxa William?; Thomaa Ann Williams, Tempo Foreman, (formerly T6inpe Williams), Benjamin Williams, Uempsy Williams, Susan Hv num (formerly Susan Willlaui), i'byllls Williams and Turner Williams, whose names and residences are unknown, TAKE NOTICE. That special proceedings as above en titled has been commenced before the clerk of the Superior Court of said Craven county, to sell for division a cer tain lot or parcel of land In the city of New Bern, N. C, convoyed jy A D Moore and H E Moore, his wife, to John Williams, (dee'd.) bv deed bearlnir date of September 20ih, 1872, and recorded In ooos 78, folio 4UV, In oBlce of lteglsterof ueed of Uraven county. IN. U. And each of you are required to appear at my of- noe lu the Court House of Craven county on the Oth day of March, A. D. 10C2, at the hour of 12 o'clock m., and answer or demur to the petition filed in said pio ceedlngs, or otherwise show cause, if any yon have, why the prayer of Ihe pe titioner shall not be granted, otherwise ihe petitioner will apply to Ihe court for ihe relief demanded. This 92nd day of January, 1808. W. M. Watson, Clerk Superior Court. EASTERN CAROLINA DISPATCH LUk AND teamship Co. FREIGHT. & PASSENGER. For All Point North. On and after this date until further notice the steamers of tills line are scheduled to sail from .New Item as follow!-'''.'... The Steamer NETJSE for Oriental, Roanoke Island, Elizabeth Clt. and the forth on Mondays, Wed aaadaTa and FrldaTB at S ti. m. , The Str. Newberne ror Nag Head, Elisabeth City snd the forth on Tuesdays and Fridays st IS .I'elock, Boeei. ; :s ' .. .. , . ' - t3f" Freight 'reoeWed aol later than on hour previous to tailing-. IT Tn W h InfAnnafilAfl ann tn GEO. HENDEESON, Att. M, K. Knra, Gen. , , E.0, HuDmGe&.Frt.A FsmAft . C' Norfolk, Vs.' 'V- w-et" "T - - J . r vim .-Iort .K . Kft AHt- Old Dominion S