N"W imirin mi VfVVV If v-v Mill h Kit il&Rme3C: . yMM.;tvvvxvxv'vvv.iM v wrl M-1-T Tho Kind Too Have Always in uso for ovct 80 yean, and bas . All Counterfeits, Imitations and " Just-as-good" are bat Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health of Intuits and Cliildron Experience against Experiment Whal Is CASTORIA Casfwla is a haftolcss sabstitnte for Castor Oil, Pare gorio. Drops and Soothlnjr Syrups. It is Pleasant. It .contuhis neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. Its ago is its guarantee. It destroys Worms m:d allays" Feverlsltness. . It euros' Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency, It assimilates the Food, regulates the Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. The Children's Panacea Tho Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS 7 Bears the The KM You HaYe Uways Bought In Use For Over -30 Years. thk CKirrauti aanmw, tt mmmmv wim, hivvmii chtv. attractive womanhood and equip her for the duties of wife and motherhood. All druggists Mil $1.00 bottles of Wine of Cardul. Tha Hollywood, Asburr Park, N. J., February 8, 1000. I read year advertisement in regard to Wine of Oardui in the Baltimore American, and it ao favorably improaaed me that on my visit to Baltimore during the holidays I purohaaed a bottle of it for my adopted daughter, who waa suffering with female trouble,. She bad been under the doctora care for some time, and when her perioda would come on her offering waa some thing terrible. I induoed her to try it and the first doao brought on her menaea. She took it regularly according to the directions, and was greatly relieved. To oh her own words, "It eared aay life." J. WESLEY OBOBS. for .Mc ud Jltecetne. iSem atrial; ampins, -Tk. Ueka' Advisor Psoartinsnl," Tin Chsnannoia kudisuie OMfsey, Chstlsaoaas, lasuu t l assisMaiaua, ARE f91ll YOU fil L DEAF? &Wm& ALL CASES OF DEAFNESS OR HARD HEARING ARE NOW CURABLE by our new invention. Only those bora deaf are incurable. HEAD NOISES CEASE IMMEDIATELY. P. As WCRMAN, OP BALTIMORI, 8AY8 1 BAtriMOM. Md., March 50, 1901. Gentlemen. DIng entirely cared of deaftttM. tliankj to your treatment, I will now give yon full history of my cue, to be ueed t your dlKretion. About five years ago my right tar began to sing, and this kept oa getting worse, until X loat my hearing in this ear entirely. I underwent a treatment for catarrh, for three months, without nysocceaa, consulted a num ber of pliyfficiana, among others, the most eminent ear specialist of thiscity, who told me that only an operation could belp me, and eren that only temporarily, that the bead noises would, then crane, but the hearing In the affected ear would be lost forever. I then saw your odrcrtlsemcnt accidentally iu a New York paper, and ordered your treat ment. After! fmd used It only a few days according to your directions, the noises ceased, and 10-unv niirr nvo weeKs. my lies ring in me uiseaseo ear Has beta entirety restore!, ltnanKjon heartily ami beg to remain cry uniT r. itir treatment doei not interfere with pour usual occupation. .imil:.v.!nt! and YOU CAKURE aovlc? fr-. INTERNATIONAL AURAL CLINIC, Sale of Valuable Property. Pursuant to tbo Judgment In tbe action now pending In the Superior Court of eV Craven county, North Carolina, wherein The National Bank of New Hern Is plaintiff and J, M. Bpencer,et ala defend ants tbe undersigned will anil at public auction for cash, at tha Oonrt Bones of lf aaid Craven county in the City 6f New Bern, on Tuesday, the 11th day of Feb ruary, A. D. 1803, at 13 o'clock, mid-day, ; '. the following property, to win All that body of land ailuated In aaid ; Craven county near the City of New Bern, west of End Street and between . Neuse Road and Lswson'sCreek, known . t . ss the R hero Farm" cmbrarlnr among " other tracts of land the orlitlnaf"Rhais ' Place", the "Hart land, ike "Carter ' J - , tract and tbe "Jerkins Field' and all J be V ' machinery and Improvements on std p. " .' lands aaid lands ' sonveved to TCal E J ; Johnson by deed dated Feb. , 1800 by ?. K. Simmons, Ocatmlssloner. end riv scribed in lbs complaint In aaid action. , Also tbs horses, moles and-farming tm- plementa directed . to be sold by said : :-x judgment. Y 1 - - -iiW? - M.DeW.8TEVEN80X,V( -';v.;"' ;'i 1 " .' -; Commlaaloser. " -V'::'" Jan. 10th. 1rl. rl. i Lilal ' Our lee returned if we fait I. Any one (tending : v elctf h eed deaertottoa of eev tnveelloa will , V -promptly reieive our opinion free eoaeernlag , , , v, . the patentability ol eanie. " How to Obtain a VV' Wtent" mrnl tinott reaucsL Patente aerured lUrongli oa adrertined lor sale r.t eur espenM. ' : I Paleut, token out throtiijll BS receive .rfnl - y.'4' Nette,withcMitchaTa,ln Tun Fatkt CtKcoenv J.i ea uiuatraicvi ana wiuciy ctrcuiatru ournat ''V : ttiHUHUted by Manufarturrrsnnd iuvrrtore J; Send lor aeiuplecouy FREK. Addteaa, ... ,V:;., iU: yiSfon J. CVANSA0O. ' ':'.' ' C.'. (rt:atAttarncf$,) t.eaa Ivlldlxg. WAaHiNQTOHi 0. f WVYVWfl'r'W ' Bought, and trbich baa beat ' bat borne the signature of been made under bis pee. ' ; Bonal supervision since Its Infancy. ; Allow no one to deceive you In this. Signature of Start Girls Right! Many buuttful girls become Invalid, for lift, kacaui tt ths crucial period of puberty they piy a attention to the Uwi of health. Mothers should protect their daughters' health by giv. ing them necenary inorrnatloa and proper treatment. Vfhta the menses come on a girl unawares I her Inexperience she b either frightened hat convulsions, or scared Into try. tag to check the How. Many girls have checked the flow and K has never started again. And as a result they have grown' pale-faced, with "crow-tracks" on their cheeks, and dark half, snoons ander their eyes. A dose of WlNEo'CARDM taken avery rooming after a girl Is twelve years old will bring the menses on properly and keep them regular. It will help her to develop Into 1 3 ANY HEAD NOISES? yours. A. WBBMAN, ;aoS. Broadway, Baltimore, Md, YOURSELF AT HOME ""XSr 596 LA SALLE AVE, CHICAGO, ILL ' y4(V; BO YEARS' y V EXPERIENCE 4 I nsot iTiNnnv r r r T1 " ' 0O1TRIOHT slO Anyone sentMnff ft fceten nntl diseiiirtton s Ontefcl sisweruun our opinion froe p wnsjs.1 mTsmmn is pro nwmwn Is prohnblf Mtentabla Conimuniov 1 1 1ST 1 i ttom slriotlr ormndtwiUaU. lltwidbooh on fataant sent rn. OMest . Orrtest Airanoi Patenu tnken through Munn i . itneai awsjnoy xor socumif patents ouiTh Munn sfc C sywrisk) ftsx, wH houl ehurfrQ. In the i vo. reostvsj Scientific Jltr.crlcax . A hsndsomelr ftfctstrntail sreeelf. I. oaisuon or mnj sneuun rwur t trxtr mootbs. L Bt In vwrnal. Term. SS a ws.fl. sjok) ojell MWMaeien, MreBoli OfSoe. M t St. Wesbiaetoe. D.C. . Cleao, pure wholcsomS, guaranteed to he chemically made from distilled water a d free from Impurities. Hoccially la -tended and prepared for human on snmptlon, - ' '-Ice delivered dally (eiccpt8undays),u am toepm. Hnndaya (retail only) 1 a tn'to 19 oroo a or piiveas auu vtueriniuiiiiiiua, ; v t , ; i Address, ; .- ;,; ,'; Net7 Berne Ice Co. tic;' -J r--- t " , " " v -1 J 1 ffipg 1 V . W A 1 A. FOIl THE HOUSEWIFE : - Tha Bachelor XCltekcsb - s- In these days of costly, apartments the bachelor girl has evolved many In genious schemes for making one room do the work of two, One of the latest pf these schemes Is called by-Its In ventor n, "bachelor's kitchen,'! It looks much like an 'Old fashioned, cabinet, With dull red ailk draped tightly Inside. The glass doors are a snore and a de lusion, . however,' for they slide Into place cd are Quickly removed by un fastening an lnconsplcnous' hook' t each end. This removal leaves the back &nd -two sides standing,' but a ' few movements reduce them to a krwty po sitionT where they make a table. The base Is sine covered and holds a gas 'stove. ' , - . : . In the lower part, where the doors arc simply paneled, ore theew cook ing 'utensils needed and space for household .stores. The bottom has a deep pan of cine to hold ice and la too far remoyed from the upper portion to be affected by the heat of the. stove. The finish of the wood is black stain that allows the grain to show, and the article Is really a decorative piece of furniture. The Vanity Bas. The vanity bag is one of the graceful little features of mademoiselle's ward robe. It Is made Of velvet or silk, dain tily lined mid having prettily shirred pockets Inside, with plenty of space for opera glasses, handkerchiefs, purse and whisper it the wee powder puff and tiny mirror. Among the quaintest bags for opera glasses are those which look like grandma's reticule. These ore made of delicate brocades, lined with satin, and are drawn together with ribbons which pass through crocheted rings. They may be bung on the arm In the real old fashioned way by ribbons. Other opera bags of brocades in white, pale blue, pink, buff, green and lavender are lined - with white satin and close llko a chatelaine bag with a gilt clasp. Workbax Embroidery. Fancy hags of nil kinds are very much in demand now. The absence of pockets in our skirt makes something of the kind an absolute necessity. Then for holding opera glasses, fan and pcent bottle they are useful, while for small pieces of fancywork they are most convenient. The ting illustrated on this page is for holding fancywork and tho neces sary implements. It Is made In corded silk of a pretty shade of olive green A FANCT BAG. worked In cording and long stitches with gold colored silk to form a net work stripe across the center, the cor ners being embroidered with China ribbon in shades of pink and green, with brown silk for the stalks. : - A piece of silk Is left unworked about two Inches deep at the top of the bag. The lining of pink silk is carried up to the edge of this. Gilt rings are sewed on tbe outside below tbe plain piece, and pink ribbon Is threaded through the rings by which to draw up tbe bag. Young Ladies' Journal. ' Care of a Broom. " There Is a great deal of difference In the quality of" work that a broom will do and the length of time It will last One that is used every day should be washed once a week. Prepare a buck etful of suds by dissolving -washing powder in hot water and dtp the broom up and down in It Until the straws look clean and new. Rinse well and bang It up to dry. This toughens the straw so it will not bend easily. The broom should never be set down In the corner after It Is used, bending the straw over and making tbe broom one Sided. Have a hook screwed In the end of the handle and Insist upon hav ing the broom hung up when not la use. It will greatly lengthen Its period oi usefulness; and the sweeping will to easier. - ' '"-?; '!!". Oolev Schemata. -.' In large rooms large and solid fur niture sod subdued coloring sre desir able. A scheme of color should bo cho sen for every apartment and. most to carefully carried out This does not mean that everything must be blue or everything red or green, bat that all tints produced should harmonise -with tbe predominant tone. A red room may havo terracotta a, tans and 'browns. A blue room may admit cool gray blu ish greens, cream and even crimaoa or roee iu smsll quantities. Only iulet tones In any color can escape the doom of growing monotonous snd distaste' ful, so cars must be taken to avoid, pure reds snd pinks, brilliant bines and vivid greens. ' ' s. ' t u ' 'The fs miliar , workbssket bow ap pears under the name of work Jug, and the possession of a work Jug la neces sary if one would bs Up to datev- Slen der sera pbsakets ars employed or this purpose. Tbe lutsst note with re gard to tbs genuins scrapbasket Is to provldo an! inside. lining that may-be rifted out without disturbing the Inte rior of tbe highly decorated straw satcball. i' C;..osr?liicinc Amwer. .'St' j'l hobbled Into Mr. Blaekmon's drug store one evsolng," savs Wesley Nelson, of namllton, Ga,. "and ha 'asked ma to try Cbamberlala'i Tain Balm for - then matism with which I bad su.lcrcd for I long tlms. I told him I had so faith In any medicine sa they had all failed. Ha aid: 'Well If Chamberlain's Pais Balm does sot help von, yon need not pay fof It.' 1 took a bottle home and u J It according to the dlrwtlnna end tnote week I w a cuieil, and have ni t a'nie been troi'1 ! i.H r? ' "'Mt'.!' n. tf'ild l-y F, H, 1 y t. n, l . atlshtly Aaeestta. . "Some people are never satisfied,'' re marked the stags carpenter. , C i ' - "What nowT asked the scene shifter, "Why, I Just beard nttle Eva say sho was tired of going to paradise.' -Chicago News, . ' 22 1 rtat la ' ' 1 . TtaerS wss k young man named Pete, - Who thought he was! very dlacreet . - v ; . J Till he met a' aweet girl, a Now hto brain's In a whirl. And he can't tell hia head from hie feet. Chelsea Oaxelto. LlTlaar Up Hte Repartatlon. Paul They say Frauk Is a first rate shorthand man. ' . George That's right. Whenever 4 suggest that he hand over tbe $10 he owes me be always happens to be short, De Would Do It Cheap. And If you're very, very raw. Oh, Mr. bull, perhaps you might Get Kuriyard'e brawny brother-in-law . To liolp you eft the matter right! Chicago Iteconl-HtTald. The Proper Thins- Bess-I'm sure I'd make a nicwhi Wife. .Nell-lf you hnve faith in your con victions, why don't you marry tin art Istl-New York World. The R!eslnu; of Poverty. This Is what, that Bhaky dny. They hi-urtj llic oM ni7m holler. "The IjanU iu broke, lint llinnlt the Iord ' 1 never owned u ilollar!" Atlanta Constitution. Sncpfiliot Opinion. - Ned Clara says yon are a perfect gentleman. Fred Why, she doesn't know mc! Ned That's what I told her. Smart Bet A Reminiscence of Jnlr. Thls earth with blizzards seems to teem. It U u frosty pot. You'd scarce believe It Is the same That erstwhile waa so hot. Washington Star. One Way to Keep Them. Mrs. Fuss I haven't kept uiy last hired girl a month. Mrs. Flip Dear me! Do you keep her locked up? Ohio Sfnte Journal. Two Claasee. Of amateurish singers We know two kinds. Just two. They're those who can't and do not And those who cun't and do. Philadelphia Press. The Human Lottery -All, lfoDlr I were beatlfol how happy life would be." Many a forlorn ma 1 4 has Mid this as she looked into the mirror, Kor beauty women liavesaeriflcedhome.loveand friends. It is the one possession in the lottery of human lifo which women would not refuse , . BRADFIELD'S FemaJe Regulator tor roans; eiiia on thethreehold of woman hood, aea been tovalaeble. When they be come pale and languid, the evee dull, aehlna; Bead, feet and hands cold, appetite Kone or abnormal, obstructed perioda and Fiainf ul menaea, and their eyateme general r run down, they need building vp, and tnetr blood needa cleanetnar. BradSeld'a Pemale Reinlator for women lasartlealarly valuable and useful owing te lla tonio propertlee to build up the ays tent, and aa a Tevnletor of tbe meMtrsml Sows. Painful, obstructed and suppressed menstruation permanently relieved and al I dlaeeaea peoallar to her genital organs are cured by 1L Regatator clears the complexion, bright ens toe eye, sharpens the appetite, removes muddy anq blotched conditiona of the ekln and cores etckbeadacheto a certainty by removing the cause. ptdruggiaU 11.00 per bottle. Perfect Health for Women " la free end will be mailed oa receipt of address. THC Bbadfield rcsulatorCo. . e ' Stunt. 0 HBADg0ARTER8FOB HARDWARE And all Kinds of 5 EUILCISG KATERIAL V- Heating and CookiDg Stoves and Ranges, Lime, . Cement, Plaster, Pints, pil, Varnish, Potty, Sssfa, Doors, "Blinds, Cutlery and all the NlAfHl'MtliJs'MBrtttllw tAnwiA In mr ueoisil Btivibicu ,hiii ,vuui. sis cm Up-w-date Hardware Btore, " Best Oooilfi. 'fei'lWest; Prices, . ...V w " -..WT. f - Wfu,r' -Kiirswr- .- jn r.A.e A. Orewm, rrea. Jt. B. SfeaSaws, T. Free, Km St. Orovee, Oahler. ' CITIZEW "BANK, " Jsmw sxKir, jtr. c. . Dolnf General Banking Busliesi r I'"' r ' ''- ' '" ' March T, 1901, Surplus sad TJndrvW d4 Profits, l,0OOXO. v . ' Prompt and careful attention slven ft all bualoeaa entrusted to us. Aocousts received oa. (avorauls, terms. '.' ISaeasl el PttaaSaaa, - '''. rardlnaad fjlnefe st. H. Meedowa, J. A. Meadowe. fihae.'DuOv. Jr. ShMunel W. Ipock, CiiM.H.t'owier, 1. W.Uralnemr, B. W.fl'imliwuod, Jsrni s RmfmoBd, leyer Itebn, Ihonma sV.wraaa, u. H. SOT. Mao, a. ivee w.r. i Crookett. Mark DIaoamar. " -WntcrJExcurslon Rate. ; Elective October 18, 1001, eio .tslon rales are placed oS sale by tha Bouttt ra Hallway to all principal -winter resorts of the fckmlh ami foutliwr t. Ark any a " t t'o'.'hnrn I! :!!w6y I t ! Inf. Ileniy s Pliaroiacy, 127 Middle Nt. : '-. Colnmhisn lnsecticlde,j reterman Boach Food, Hooper's Fatal Food and Snre Death to Moths, Bugs, etc Also Bromo Cloradine The disinfectant- that disinfects an deodorises. We keep on hand a complete stock o riedkines. Toilet Articles, Perfumery, Tooth Brushes, &c. rUysicians' I'rescriptlous a specialt Day Dress Styles, sbonld never lie Blighted in favor of evening dress. Onoil form demands per feet aarments at all times, and when you havo your clothes made by Cbadwick you are not only ineured a perfect fit, but tut, style and finish will be equaly good. v F. JI. Chadwick, South Carolina Interstate and West Indian Exposition, Charleston, 5. C., Dec. ist, 1901 June 1st, 1 902. On account of tbe abovo occasion tbe Southern Railway will sell round trip tickets to Charleston, S. C, anil tciurn at greatly rcduied talcs from all stations. Fares from principal points as tliown below and comparatively low rates from all other station!.: cum S-i - a E a - a $13 50 13 50 10 05 11 05 11 10 13 50 10 40 13 15 13 00 13 15 . 18 00 14 (tO 120 14 10 13 50 14 35 12 20 12 20 18 45 "12 45 a o o .E- -3 eS H oi Burlington. Chapel Hill (narlolle. Concord, to 00 t) 90 7 35 f;io 8 15 0 00 7;o II 00 (1350 8 (15 50 10 ?.'i 9 45 10 3S 9 90 10 05 8 U5 8 85 18 55 9 15 7C0 7 00 4;o 6 30 5 30 7 00 5 20 7 00 0 85 (i 35 7 (10 fi 25 7 06 7 (XI 7 65 5 75 5 75 585 Davidson, Durham, GasuSjIa, Greensboro, Hickory, High Point, Lexington, Madison, Mocksvllle, Morgan ton, Raleigh. Reldsvlllc, Salisbury, Statesvllle, Wtlkesboro, Winston-Salem, For further information please call on any agent of the Southern Ral. way or rite. W. A. Tuuk, A. P. T. M., Washington, D. C. J. M. CCi-r, T. M 8. H. Chadwick.G. P. A. Washington, D. C. R. L. Vkrnon, Charlotte, N. C Having secured the sor vices of ti pertenced partlos, I am prepared on short notice to execute Farm, City, Land and Rail Road surveying. Ditches, Streets and Boada laid out and leveled. Draughting In all tta branches. Bine snd black prints made. Old maps re paired snd mounted. Topographical snrveylug and plotting. Drawings and wokring plans executed promptly. 8ew eraee and dralnass planned, laid out snd construction superintended. J. J. Volfenden, "New Ilrn, W. C. II.W.:siMPS01Vf rchitect & SuDerint 08 llroad Htnxtt Execulor'ai Notlot. I The undersigned having duly qasliflsd as Executor of the last will and testa ment of Hiss Buses A Butler, deoeaai d, this Is to notify all persons having claims aaalnst tha eststs of my testator to pre sent lbs same, properly authenticated, to ins on or before tbs 8rd day of Febroary 008 6t this notice wilt be pleaded In bar of their recovery.- AU persons Indebted to said estate will make ptompl . pay stent. Feb. 8d, 1803. .' ' : X r .:. '. S. II. B ALL, Eiecolor, ' Opening oi WIntef Tourist Season, ' Tbe Bonlhern Railway, which oper ates Its own lines over tbs entire South and forms tbs Important I nk lo the great highway of travel between the North snd South, Florida, Cuba, Mexlao the Paclflo Coast and ( ontral America, announces for iba wln'sr of 11X 1 snd 1803 the most superb service ever of fered. . Its splendid regular service will be augmented by the Southern Palm L'mled, S magnificent P llman trnlo ! h HI bo ct'Tatcd Ictween Now V'iiik 8 il El. Au :" , I "r .' i. mm - A llantlc Coat XI nx WiLMiKGioir L Kiw bntr P. I TI1II TABLK HO. 6, (n Eifect rYedneeday, Ang. 7, 1898,.Dsilv Except Bnnday, Ooing South scnsouLc: Going North No. 61, Passenger Trains No. 60, Lv. a m, stations: Ar. p m 800.. New Berne 6 40 Pollocks ville ... 6 04 .MaysvUle 4 49 ... .Jacksonville.. ....... 4 18 886.. 8 SI . 10 03.. But). 12 15 . p at No. 3, 1 WUmlngton, I Union Depot f .Ar. Wilmington; Lv. . 8 33 Passbngbr & Fbbioiit No. 4. Ijb&vc Wilmington Monday, Wednee lay and Friday. Lea5 New Berne Tuee iy, Thursday and Saturday. Iv. ah Ar. p a 7 30 . . . .Lv. Wdmington, Ar 1 46 8 40 Scott'aHiU 13 6ft 9 30 Woodside 13 16 ! 05 Hollyrldge 11 40 10 51 Dixon 10 61 11 20 Verona. 10 20 12 05 Jacksonville. 9 46 12 30 Northeast 8 66 21 55 Whitorak 8 80 I 30 MaysvUle 8 C6 i 15 Pollocksville 7 20 i 55 DebruM's 6 86 3 40 Ar. New Barne, Lv 6 00 Daily Kxcop' Sunday. J. R. KENLT, General Maa&rer Notice of Sale. Pursuant to those thtee aeveral mort gage deeds executed by Henry B. Lane and wife Annie L. Lane to Henry B. Frost and Uustave Hetacbell dated tho 4ib day of October, 1885, and recorded in tbe olnce or tbe Register of Deeds of Craven County, in Book 116, pages 394 395, and 896, duly assigned to the under signed; and in the certain mortgage deed executed by said parties on the 2nd day of April 1887 to George H. Roberta, whicn said Mortgage Deed is duly re corded in tbe office of aaid Register of Deeds, in Book 121, page 490; and in that certain Mortgage Deed executed on tbe l'Jtb day 'if January, 1898, by said par ties, lo l he said George H. Roberts, duly recorded In tbe office of said Register of Deeds In Book 128, pages 7, 8 and 9 and Inly assigned to tbe undersigned, I will us such Assignee, on Saturday, the 15tb lay oi reoruary, at tne nouroi Yt o cioc.a m. at ibe Court House door of Craven con hi to tbe highest bidder for casb oiler tor sale and sell all the following described lands as described In the said eevcial mortgage deeds as follows, to wit: Btglnnlng at a point on Uooee Creek, known as "Popular Spring," running tbence soutb all degrees east magnetic course of 1891, three hundred and ihlrty-tbree polea to the intersection of the Hill road with Pembroke road tbence along and with the Pembroke road lo Reedy Branch, thence with the main road known as the Pollocksville and Heaufort road to a point known as the Punch Bowl, thence with tbe eastern boundary ot the division line between the lands of tbe late Samuel Hill, the Perry heirs and the Williamson heirs and others to a point known as Woods creek thence down Hoods creek to Trent river, tbence up Trent river to tbe moutb of Goose creek, thence up Goose creek to lbs beginning, containing nrteen hundred acres, more or less, excepting lhat part of Ibe land within the above boundaries known as tbe Foscue land flie land hereby conveye I being the same land which was conveyed to said Annie L. Fov by Wm. F. Foy by deed naied December raoo, tarn, and register- In tbe olnce of the Register of Deeds ofsaidtliaven county In book no. 107. pages 444 and 445, to which reference is nifcde for full description always ex epilog reserving the timber on said lands wblcb said parties oi the nrst part have heretofore conveyed and also ex cepting tbe part of said land conveyed by said parties or the nrst part to Henry Frost and Gustave Hetschell by deed dated October 4th, 1885, same being about 50 sores and lying between Hoods Creek and 1 rent river. This January 14th, 1802. J. R. B. CaRkawat, Assignee of tbe mortgageea. By O. H. Guion, Attorney. Commissioners Sale. NORTH CAROLINA, ) Superior Court, Cravkn Countv. ( Nov. Term, 1901 W. H. Oliver, Trustee, The Grlffln t'chool Fund and Stale on Relation of L. 1. Moore, Solicitor, on Behalf of W. H. Oliver, Trustee, vs. The East Carolina Fisb, Oyster, Game and Industrial Aaoclatlon and Wil liam Dunn, Trustee. NOTICE I Pursuant to a decree of said Court rendered st said Term in the above entitled action, we will sell at the Court House door In New Bern, N C, at public auction for cash, to tbe highest bidder, on Monday the tenth day of Fa) rnary, 1803, st the hoar of twelve o'clock, M., the following described property to wit: Situate In the County of Craven snd being In the City of New Bern, known snd dealgnsted as follows, vix being in that part of the City of New Bera formerly known as Dryboro, and being lota number twenty-eight, twenty-nine, thirty,, thirty-one, forty one, forty-two, forty-three, fdrty-foor and forty-live la the plaa of said City, bounded oa the north by Cypress atreet, on the east by George atreet, on the south by Pine street, sad on the west by ths pnbllo rosd connecting Pine and Cypress streets, known ss the Grlffln School property conveyed to the said East Carolina Fish, Oyster, Game snd Industrial Association by John Dev ereux, Trastee of tbe Griffin School Fund. ' - This 7th dsy of January, 1903, LasBTLMooaa, - WlLUASt DDIS, - - Commissioners. Notice of Dissolution ofJCo-pjrtner; The' co-partnership heretofore eon ducted, under, the firm name of J, tt. Fowler Co., composed of OJH. Fow ler, 11. J. Kensedy, . 0. Moss and W.J. Swan bas this day been dissolved by mo tnal consent. - ' . . : B. J. Kennedy having purchased the Interest of 0. H. Fowler, I. a Mass sad W.J. Swan, the business will ba con tinued st ths same place ander the old firm asms ot 0. H. Fowler A Co. All debts owing by ths firm Will be paid by H. J. Kennedy and all persons owing ths Arm either by note or book account will pay same to H. J. Kennedy, , BlonewaU,M. 0 January 1, 1908. . ''.'--- f-n '4 Hifowuus, , ' V;V;-;;.V H. . KrnwT, . -;Cl'.:-iv'v.: J. 0. Moss, ": ' 1 . , W.J. Bwah. v 1 1 IA.& N.C; R. R. TIME TABLE NO. 24 To Taks EffectSunlay, Kcvtn.ber 24, 1801 at 12:f 1 A.M., E b T. Ooing Eatt Bobbduuc I Going West No. 8 Pasacnger Trains No. 4 DAILY. Lv. p m stations: Ar. a m 40 Goldsboro 11 05 4 08. LaQ range io 88 4 82 Kinston 10 12 6 40.;. ...Ar. New Bern, Lv 0 On JW I. ' at 8 87 7 15. . . . Ar. Morehead oily Lv 7 05 No. 6, Passenger Train. No. 6, P.m vi ter Trr.'i,. TATIONB: I A1LY. Lv. a. at, Ar.P. h Goldhoro sol 8 I"'.... 8 23 Best's.. 7 38 7 27 7 17 7 07 0 ..'i 1.47 (I 3d 8 81 LaG range 8 42 Falling Cteek....... ' KlDBtOIl 8 02 Gnawell 9 13 Dover 3 Core Creek 8 44 Tnsc&rora . 0 20 48 Clarka '' i 100' Ar. New Bern, iv t, to " P. M. No. 1. I No. 2, Mi't Ft. and Pass. Tu. Mxl Ft. and stations: Pasa.Tn. I'AILV EXORPT Sunday. Lv. a m At. p ni ... 5 33 ... 453 . . . 4 23 ... 8 53 . . 3 33 . . 2 28 00 Goldsboro 3 Beet'3 7 00 LaUrange 7 15 Fulling creek 8 30 Kinston 8 40 caswcll 8 42 Dover 2 10 10 07 core creek 1 10 0 TuscarorH VI 4H 10 .'.2 Clark's 12 40 11 15 Ar. New Bern, Lv 12 10 No. 8 f No. 10. 180 Lv. " Ar 10 47 8 12 Riverdalo 10 10 8 20 croatan 1000 8 06 Hnvelock 9 40 84 Newport, Lv !) 00 3 47 Wildwood 8 47 8 52 Atlantic H 38 4 08 . .Ar. Mnri-hcnd cily, I.v. . .820 4 21 ..Ar. M. City Depot, i.v 7 50 ' . a , M. "Monday. Wednesday nini Friday. fTuenday, Thursday and Saturday, ti. L. DILL, (1. I'. A. NOTICE! NORTH CAROLINA, Cuavkn County ) Superior Court. ) Before the ClK. Heury Williams vs Charles Williams, and Amanda his wife, Delia Noi licet and Jerry JXoi licet, her husband; Henrietta Foreman; Amlereon Williams and wife (name unknown); Joshua Williams r.url wile (nnine uu knowD); and the heirs of Ii-auc Williams, Clarissa Williams. TLnmas Ann Wil liams, Tempc Foreman (loruicrly Tempo Williams), Benjamin Williams; Dcinpsy Williams, Busau Ityrium (formerly Snsau Williams). Phyllis Williams iu! Turner Williams, whose names anil resiliences are unknown; Mini; lic ld llancy, Benny Dancy (mlnon ). and The Mutual Aid Banking Company of New Iiern.N. V,. To Delia Noi fleet and Je r ry Moilleet, her husband; Anderson Williams and wife (name unknown); Joshua Williams and wife (name unknown), anil t lie In irs of Inaac Williams, Clarissa Williams; Thomas Aim William, Tempe Foreman, (formerly Tempe Williams), Hcnjamlii Williams, Dempsy Williams, Susan Hy num (formerly Susau Willinui-, 1'liyliis Williams and Turner Williams, nhose names and residences are unknown, TAKE NOTICK. That special proccediuKs aa abovi: en titled bas been commenced before the clerk of the Superior Court of said Craven county, to Bell for division a cer tain lot or parcel of land In the city of New Bern, N. C , conveyed by A l Moore and M Moore, bis w ife, lo John Williams, (dee'd.) by deed bcariiiK Halo of September 20lh. 1872, and recorded in book 73, folio 4119, In ollice of ltcKistcrnf Deeds of Craven county, N. ('. And each of you are required to appear at my of fice in the Court House of Craven county on the 0th day of March, A. I). ntC2, at the hour of 12 o'clock in., and answer or demur lo the petition tiled In said pio ceedlngs, or otherwise show cause, If any you have, why the pray er of the pe titioner shall not be granted, otherwise Ibe petitioner will apply to the court for the relief demanded. This 22nil day of Jsnuary, 1002. W. M. Watson, Clerk Superior Court. EASTERN CAROLINA DISPATCH LINE -AND- FREIGHT For All Point North. The scheduled steamers of' this linn aro to sail from New Hern as follows: The Steamer NEUSE for Oriental, Roanoke Island, Elizabeth City and tbe North on Mondays, Wed nesdays and Fridays at flp. ni. The Str. Ocracoke On Tuesdays and Fridays at 1 2 o'clock, noon. ty Freight received not later than one hour previous to tailing. For further information apply to GEO. HENDERSON, Agt. M, K. Kive, Gen. Mgr., H.0,HcD8lB,Gen.Frt.4 Pas.A(rt Norfolk, V. Hew rom.pr. 0, Feb. ft, IB '?. aasaawawjaia,syvaa,sAsi ltn-H.in rtri lriTn nlmprt7T (Wl C Hr.TfMu.MARK, COmiGHTorDCSfoN PHHitCIiON. Hftnd mods, kwioh.cryhoio fr frsst YsUn1nilnTi and arlofj. - Pabmt Lawywa, WASHINGTON, D.C. Old Dominion Steamship Co. & PASSENGER. 11