s. . f v VOL XJI-KO. t72 NEW BI&5, N. C.; SATURDAY MORNING, riBRUARI 15, 1902. f IWINTIKTH TIAB "; ; RALEIGH. r n n n n I - iiae.KPurni OFFERS THIS WEEK iv mil FOR EVERYONE. Ladies, Misses, Children and Babies, Gents, Boys, Tooths. 1 REMEMBER We are agents for the well known make 11 pi Shoesr-Ziegler Bros., and Thos. . Plant & Co. Examine "The Victoria", $2.00. N we bare tne ieet ai.uv, si.z ana i.u ones ior womeu in the city. In Men's, Our Patent Kids are the latest, Prices $3.60, .14.50, and $5.00. Look at then. $1.75, $2 00, $2.60 and $8.00., W : A7 At pnr r nrK tpfft w Fresh Country and Side Bacon, Fancy New Orleans, West India Jand Porto Kico Molasses, Vanilla Drips and Maple Svrnp Jnst Received. We also hare a foil and and and Crackers, such as Uneeda, Biscuits, uneeua muk Biscuits, Oysferettes, Cheese Sandwichei, Forentine Vanila Creams. Orange Wafers, Chocolate, Ice Creams, Ac. Don't fall to give qs a call and Jgetjypur groceries freeh and delivered promptly. -Tears to Please, Wholesale n4 PH0N E 69, Cor. Croad S Hancock Su. r J. A. JONES, Livery, Feed, Sale arid Exchange -Largetaad Finest Steele of- HOKGES and ACITXiES ever offered for Bali in Hew Sen'. " ! ' A inn a nmnlta line ef Barries. Cart Wheels, As. " .' Brwai Wheathearta, , " Graham' Flour, . . WoleWheatFlour Fox Bivfr Butter, Maple Syrup, ; . ; - Gream Cheese, ' ' Boasted Coffee. 1, ' Bee u& v. before you . buy.;; S- ' Archbell'.&Co, V.'-. V- l"''" :' "'V it-V S V : ' '' ' Mother's Horror I Croup, Croup,. aa4 On red almost lnatly by ipj AT IT A ' ; "j, ; .. Cheaper Shoes tl.S5, $1.50, Smoked Hams fresh supply of Fancy Cakes Retail Oncer, tables A Car Ladf each lost received. Wanna. Harness: Babes. ' Whins. -"'W; Cy.: T. JLi eTOJITSS, . Bferesk, Ibtwarfs M Mnd. ' ' nil bout carriage from K to. Z, and the old stager who lias held the reins lor nrty yeart will tell you bs list had experience and that experience juit iflet him in ttating that the best car riages for style, comfort and durability are made and sold by Water Buggy Factory. ' You will find any part of a bupjfr yon may want to repair with. We are ilwd qntrtera in thit buifncts and can SAVE VOU MO SKY, G. II. Wnlera d Kon, , Flieee 18, . 78 Broad Pt, Mew Baan, N. C. ' " Qcri-n I Mat Dav:i, Csvla Tt" ! .'::!.,(! fherntery bx Judt re!v-l al t rf t -'., n, Rrr Sending Site For Ktw College Bnlldlngs . ismall CoBtrlkatloa Te Darls Monn- , ,? i - . ment Arch Copper Hue Ma-.': ' chlnery. - - - RAUiaa. Februarf 14 Oommltiloner of Agricaltura Patterson says the State Road Contention was la all IU aspwts a loocewj that there were 500 delegate present and that Martin Do1ge, who has ban la this line of bntlaeat for 10 yean T he ha never seen a more earnest or pnrpoiefalabodv.' ' ' The exeontlva oomnlttea of the Board, of Agrloaltaretnd the ercblteots went out to the Agrlcaltara and Mechanical College to day to select a ilte.for one of the new traildiac, one of which Is : to be a met ball, ehapel, et&,and the other a dormitory. I Seventeen eoantle atk no Btate aid for their pabllo aohool, these being Buncombe, Catawba, Chowan, Camber land, Durham, Fonjthe, Guilford, Hick lenburg. New Hanover Pasqnotank, Pitt, Bwatn, Wake, Vanoe, Washington, Wayne and Wilton. A yet North Carolina ha contributed only $1,400 to the Davit Memorial Arch General W. R. Cos desires to Inaugu rate a campaign to rale funds for ibis pnrpote. The road In the Raleigh road dlttrlct are attracting much attention. They erenow made entirely of gravel. The cott 1 only about $150 to $800 a mile, depending on the dtttance the gravel has to be transported. In most eases it I found alongside the road. The executive committee of the Sol dier' Home trustees met today and in spected the nsw buildings, both of which are now team heated and supplied with hot and cold water. The eommlttet ordered that when the Inmates are able to do work for which outside labor wotrfd have to be nsed that they be given renumeratton for doing such work. A grest deal of costly machinery Is be Ing put In the Demsy copper mine In Grsnvills county, by Its new purcbssen It wss formerly the Porter mine. Many men are employed In this mine. TOO EHOW WHAT TOO ARB TAKING When you take Grove's Tssteless Chill Tonic, becsue the formula la plainly printed on every bottle showing thst It Is simply Iron snd quinine In s tasteless form. No cure no pay. Price 59c Colored Servants Struck. Pittbsobo," Feb. It. Guests of the Homestead Steel Works Hotel went to work without breakfast this morolag. The colored population of Homestesd hsd s dsncs last night Ons of the colored employee took a friend to the hotel end registered him as a gusst. When Jsmes Denton, proprietor, learn ed of It this morning hs ordered the ne gro out of the house. Hs hsd to csU the police to eject Urn, st (he 40 colored' employtt In ths plaoe resented the oolored guest's eipulsloa snd threatened to mob the ' proprietor. The colored help left la a body and did not leave a servsat la the house. AprUl4llItrtJT,I)ty., Wsshlogton, Feb. U Representative Frank a Wur, of Baltimore,' has In troduced a Mil In- the House sotting stlds April 14 of seek yew a a national holiday, to be known tt 'Martyr's Dsy." ' .... "- ,A . Ths bill provides that April 14 shall be a legal holiday. "In oommemoratloa of the sscrUos end death by violence of Abraham Lincoln, slxteentk Presi dent, Jsmes A Gsrneld, twentieth Presi dent and William V MoKJnley, twenty fourth Prestdant of the Called (States. Ths measere wlU be coot Ids red -by the Judiciary Committee of the House, r Nervous Deringement the Result of ' frSM-Bye Strain; ?',r . . The strain Imposed upon the eyes, by varies optical defects ku a decided effect upon the nervous system, and by ths leakage of serve force of tea leeds to a train of evils far more extended tbsn ws ere soenstomed to suppose, j . .. The strsla call for an sxceetlveup ply of nervous energy, acting at aa Ir ritant to, lbs central . nervous . system, Anally ending tn a breaking down of the sytem, which, not only canted misery snd suffering, . but statistics , are sot wanting to prove that the duration of life It materially thortened thereby. Fpllepiy (ot flt) It one f the most terrible disease that can befall say hu man btlog, and lis treatment by drug alone, (by Dr. C. H. . Brown, PMla ) U , veryuntstUractory. . ; V' . i . Of late year pecUlltts on nervous diteatet have found tbat error of refrac tion bear a direct casual relation te the attacks snd that properly adjusted glutei are an ' Indltpentible adjunct to -the treatment. If they do not ever toper- sede all other methods of treatment. You can Hod a large stock4 of optical goodt, and erery Inttrument needed to do aclentlOo refrtcllva work at . J. Ov BAXTER'S' - , , ' ' Optical Parlor. '' ..' i ..iummj '" ' Hot Chonolain, and Hot Coffee end Handwtchet st McSorley's. ' ( LAXATIVE TASTTLrS 1 ! 4 ww Absolutely Pure Made from grape cream of tartar, most highly refined and chem ically pure. Leaves neither acid nor alkali in the food. ROYAL BAKING POWDER CO., TUB MARKETS. The following quotations were receiv. tdby J. K, Latham A Co,. New Bern, K. O. New Tobk, Feb. 14. Oerros; Open. High. Low. Close March 8.69 8 78 8.68 8.08 May $.53 8 64 861 8 5S Jaly 8.64 8.54 8 40 8.60 Aag 8 81 8.86 8.88 829 Oet .7.87 738 7.78 7.88 Chicago, Feb. 14. WsnsAT- Open. High. Low. Gloss May 78f 7e Ceaa- Opea. High. Lew. doss May 2i Bihsi Opea. High. Law. Gloss Msy $68 147 Nsw Tork. Fab. 11 tTsssMt Open. High. Low. Close agar 188t ist issa Oea. T 1H e By Ui 84i U.i.L.,.......,Hi 11, tT.aS.... ...... .44 444 TsxFae... 4l 41 tar... Ni v m Mo.tr.. 104 191, Te.C.0 Atehlsoa 774 771 0SRM Msy. 1(0 860 v .. ., ' . .. I UnrpMl '," ." " A 8eelt 4-U-ls. Bales 7,000 aales. ' '' ' Fatarea, Fsb-Meh 4.88. Apr Msy 448 MayjaaetSS. XIV y asm jsaast owrrev sutsuswv. ;.!. Cotton la lbs leeal market yesterday 8f eeata.' rlt rn'-BOBisrrs.'." .' S'.i'-i'T. week Lsst week - r -... :,' lsst ysar, . 174,000 ,' 14i,9' This week. Sit. . 19009 ' i . ' 1S098 Hea. 8IO0O " " S009 Taes. 81000 - ' 86000 Wsd.' 88000 - ;' ' 80009 Thars. 8W00 ' M009 FrU ., 88000 ' 89009 167,000 114.009 Dr. Bull's Couch Syrup Cures s Cough or Cold at f nce. Conquers Croup, Whooping Cough snd Meaalet Cough without fall. Beat for Bronchitis, Hoarieneai, Grippe, rheumonlt, Con turn ptlon and Lung A Heclloni. Quick, lure retults. Price, 3c.' Celery ncai.ichePowflcrs. Tli'tre In not any better rmnwly for ' t t'"ii thi--n p!i-ts, Tl'ry s r lint . ". r 1 ! (, ,'y Care must be taken to avoid baking pow ders made from alum. Such powders are sold cheap, because they cost but a few cents per pound. Alum is a corrosive acid, which taken in food means injury to health. 100 WILLIAM ST., NEW YORK. MUST BE FOR CAUSE. Importaat Decision Regarding Fourth Class Postmasters. Not Liked By Patronage Dispensers. Wasbinqtoh, Feb. -13. The fourth- clsss poitmaiten, numbering over 70, 000, and hitherto without protection from arbitrary removal,' will not, here after, be removed except for cause and on charges proved. Senator and Representatives at the Pott Office Department sre told, when the call to maks customsry requests for changes In fourth-date post offices, that removals would only be made npon ohanres end proof thst good csuse ex isted for msklng them In each individual ease. This Is a radical reform provided for In an order Issued by Postmaster Gen eral Payne, and It Is assumed under the direction of President Roosevelt. Senators snd Representatives receive the news with mingled feelings. They ave hitherto bad sn almost oomplete oontrol over ths removal , and appoint ment of fourth-class postmsttert, and regarded the offices as "patronage," tn the fullest tense of thst term. Protest Is already coming from them, and there may be serious contention over the mat ter. The Best Prescription for Hal aria. Chills and Fever Is a bottle of Gbovb's Tarilxs Chill Toaio. . It Is simply Iron and quinine in a tasteless form. No cure no psy. Price 50c. Young Roosevelt all Right, Crotou, Mats. Feb. 13. Young Theo dore Roosevelt Is considered out of dsn- rer, and his fsthsr, the President, thit afternoon left for Washington. : The crisis of pneumonia In the right . lung has bees pssssd suooettfully, the left lung bat cleared, and the boy - is now considered out of danger, th ugh his re covery will be slew. It's NoTD Time 'y-" A to purchase your Bicycle for lpring. 0r Bh7clnt have been timed and everybody who ridrm them says thny are ahead of the age. Tbey are light in weight, easy running and toe prices are way down. If yonr Bicycle It weak or needs at tention, bring It to as. We guarantee Mtiftfactlon. We make keys to fit any lock, eln and repair typewrltora, etc, T)(r!it In i'H'tiuf, FmfAnMI, flrOBTino !mi., rnt,Hwfi-ci, Jon riUNTmo, V 'I !' rj-r !' kl.li So, NICE LOT Georgia, and Norton Yam Potatoes, Fulton Marlet Corned Beef, C orned Hogs Heads 5c lb. Good ( ookiag Butter 25c lb. Corned Mullets. Fresh Prnnes, Dried Peaches and Apples. Buckwheat. Fancy Elgin and Fox River Butter. Syrup, Molasses. Maple Fjrup. Complete Stock of the Best Groceries the market sifforJe. "Satisfaction Guaranteed. Yours to please, a. 'Phone 91. rill your Larder from Tolsoris Grocery. That's the best way to be Bnre of getting the best of everything, promptly de livered at money saving prices. MpIUNIRI. nesVDMssliaE Respectfully. J. J. TOLSON, Jr., Broad St Grocer. Phone 137. ef I I I S I B W Vti Of ALL Tobacco Fertilizers. BS W GOLD LEAF TOBACCO (MO. Specially prepared for the lands of Eastern Carolina. Insures a good cure. Makes wrappers and fills your purse. By its merit alone one farmer in Jones County will use it exclusive ly on his sixty acres of tobacco. As our goods are manufactured near you and not rc-shipped, we claim Freshness and Good Mechanical Condition. Biib Grade Catte, Potato. Allcrop and Cotton Guano. Our Motto: "Not How Cheap, But How Good." tcflt jou use Fertilizers Call and See us. E. II. eft A. MEADOWH CO., High Grade Fertilizers, Factory Reuse River, NEW BERN, N. c. ever seen in New Bern, SiiUbl for the FARM, LRIVINP, SADDLE, also DRAUGHT HORSES, that will be sold for cash on time. GCARANTEED A8 REPRESENTED. JULIUS M. ARNOLD, uw..,.Liilt). llim r.'rr.nl P. tit reet, INSl'RANCB AHENT, 1 (fflce, Middle It, ' Nsw 1 kaff, N. C. Rojirosmitu; Vnlted BtatcS Fire Tnt. Co. of N. V., I'no IliX Int. Co. of London, I mulcin fid Ll mns llrn, li di'tmiity of li. y., Cn i. e is ol ti ., Cum nut Lue. ::: - f Wholesale A Retail -Grocer, 71 Broad Ht. We want your giucc-iy tmue FOB Horses & Mules, CALL, ON Julius M. 'Arnold . 66 B ROAD STREET, Who has just relunu d from tho Wett with the finest lot of Iloises TUCKER BROS. ' . . - (ULNorth Front Street, WILMINGTON, . . $: (', . . The place to buy your Cemetery Work at BOTTOM mtiEVn e S Sv . . a . roreign ana uomestio tirnnite and Marble. Lettering and Finish the Best. Send for latest desiirns. All n . 1 I 1.,-, ' . HotDnnksat Davis. During the old wi a'ber, K t op In at DsvY Prescrlptl tn I ba mtcy ad et cup of hot (hoco'a o; tomito toull on, or you tan grtegUu ofgnulo coca-cola. II

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