THE JOURNAL. :r Pubdshed every da; in the year, eicep ttoaday, at M Middle street,. ;; P. - - Phoh No. 8. " CHARLES U STEVENS. -rv'i SUBSCRIPTION RITES. - " ? . One year, In advance ....4.6 ': One rear, not ta advance,..."... .W Monthly, by carrier la the olty..... ,SO Advertising Rate furnished on appll cation. ' s " f ' ' I? Entered at th Port Offloa, New, Bern N. a, aa teoond class matter. Official Paper ef New . Berm and Crave Cowty. s " V New Bera.N. C MOa. A NEEDED PROTECTION WLL STheblU recently lntrodooed in the Unite! States Senate, which seeks to! protect the President, Vice President, or any officer In the of succession to these offices; which also seeks the pro tection of all foreign rulers or chief magistrates, from persons In this conn try, Is a much needed piece of National legislation. And If also there might be a bill against those persons who By speech or publication seek to promote their anar chical theories, and thus influence others to destroy lives and property, anch legislation would prove of inesti mable value, For It is theQoldmansnd Hosts who cause the acts of incendiarism and as sassination to be committed, for "No one but madman would fling about Are, And say that I did It la Bporf hi And In connection with lues dingers of lire, who incite others to deeds of crime. It Is of interest to recall the words of Judge Gary, who sentenced, the Chi cago Hay market anarchists In the fol lowing words. "The law holds each man responsible for the natural and probable -eonsequen ens of his own acts. It holds that who ever advises murder is himself guilty of the murder that is committed pursuant to bis advise. Each man has the full right to entertain and advocate by speech and print such opinions as suit himself, and the great body of people will usually care Utile what he says, but if he proposes murder as a means of en forcing them he puts his own life at stake, and no clamor about free speech or evils to be cured or wrongs to be re dressed will shield him from tbe conse quence of his crime. His liberty is not a license to destroy." $100 Reward,;$ioo. The readers oftDis" psper'wlll be pleased to learn that there la at least one dreaded disease that science . has been able to cure in all Its stsges and that is Catarrh. Ball's Catarrh Cure is the only positive enre now known to the medical fraternity. Catarrh being a constitution al disease, requires a constitutional treat ment. Hall's Catarrh Curs Is taken in ternally, acting directly upon U.e .blood and mucous surfaces of tbe system, thereby destroying the foundation of the disease, and giving tbe patient strength by building up the constitution and as sisting nature In doing its work. The proprietors have so much faith in its curative powers, that they offer one Hundred Dollars for any case - that it falls to cure. Bend for list of testimon ials. Address. F, J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, 0. Sold by Druggists, 78c. Hall's Family Pills are the best. To Rob Miss Helen Gould. ) , . New York, February 13 Daniel Don ohan, second butler to Miss - Helen Gould, was arrested to day by the police onachargo of theft. The police, be lieve that they have frustrated a plan by which Miss Gould's residence would have been stripped of valuable , con tents. . ' - - Keep Up a Brisk. Attack upon that bad cold, and do not wait for It to "wear Itself out. Perry Davis' Painkiller Is a powerful ally, ; Use it la . tenuity, with-warm,, sweetened ' water. Bab it well into the Inflamed throat snd ' tore cheat, and when the foa has taken flight you will understand why time and . spismxllc competition make no differ. ' ' enee la the popularity of tha one Pain ; killer Perry Davis'. ; '"(.-; Dtaz to Retire. - ,4 1 Elpasa,-February 18 It Is rumored that President Diss, of Meiico, Intends to rettr within tlx awnths. tUenersl : ,'. Reyes U1 succeed Mat. Byspopoia Sore D&csiJ uhit yea cat. -;Tbla preparation contain" all of tbt dlKestunts and dlgenta all kinds ol ItglveslngUntrollcfanilnnver u fails to cure. It allows yon to eat all tbe fond you want. Tbo moot sensitive atomachB can take it. liy lt use many - thousands of dyspeptics have been cured after everything elna faded. It ' .prevents formation of was on tha stom- a'h, relieving all dlstn-ns after eating. "Dieting unncceHmiry. l'loasant to take. II ccn't Ir'i lTVtontybv K. t TifWwAfVi,, 'lu tL boUfecuuiiii l.iuou. uu. t. B. DUKFT CO. On It t f r It Is ceciiiiitriy n.-.-- -.ry t'. A ia America Should. uuucibUuI the dan ger of morbid BlII conaGiouenena, for It Is one of our two most dlBuneUve na tional vices, being equaled only by our Irreverence. - It la no accident that more books are written about America than concerning any other land, nor doea It mean that we are more Interest ing, except to. ourselves, than the rest of the world. It does mean that we are so self coDBcions, bo oversensitive to praise and blame above all, ao anxious to know what our neighbors are saying about ua that any traveler, however inane and incapable, who spends a few week upon our aoil may return borne and write bis book about us, and we buv It by the hundred thousand. We are doing great things, thanks to our opportunities and our forefathers, but how.muchvgreater might we ao coma we use In quiet, simple action the-time and energy we spend In pluming our selves ' upon oar achievements. Ed ward Howard Griggs in Ladles' Home Journal... , - .v . ..- - H.Vni. i'Iijum 1,1 11.1 I -. Salvation Oil th? Best Ltalment Prtoe, 18 ctt; large bottle 85 eta. Gres. est cure on eat tat for Rheumatism, Ntu ralgla, Borenesa, ? Sprains, Backache L Stiffness, Cuts, Bruises, Woundv Bwell- Inga, Boras and Frost;Bite. Sa'Tatloa Oil kills all pain, . A Littte Naval Battle - Panama;' February 13 The , Colon blaa r . government fleet- left Panama yesterday mewing and met the insur gents warship Padella off Ague Dolce el4 p. m. and fought one hour. - The government gunboat Boyaca ' - was struck and slightly damaged. The Pa della was hit three-times and sought the protection of Insurgent guns ashore. Bncklen's Arnica Salve. The best and most famous compound In the world to conqaer aches , and kill pains. Cures .Cuts, , heals .Burns and Bruises, subdues Inflammation, masters Piles. Minions of Boies sold ytarly, Works wonders in Bolls, Clears, Felons, Skin Eruptions." It ...ouiea or no pay. 25c. at Ot D. Bradham's drug store. Tbe Airship Contest. 8t. LouU, February 12 There .were two new entries to day for tbe World's Fair alri-hlp contest, One of the ma chines will be run by J. H. O'Coanell of Pittsburg, and the other by John T. Wllford and Eugene Terrell, Jr., of Jacksonville, Florida. The greatest danger from cold and la grippe Is their resulting in pneumonia If reasonable care la used, however,.; and Chamberlain's Cough Remedy taken, all danger will be avolded.jlt will care a cold or aa attack of la grippe In less time than any other treatment.' It Is pleas ant and take. For sale by F. 6. Duffy Co. Burglars Bind Iutro4ers Fort Wayne, February 13 The store of B. K. Randall at Avllla was burglar- lied to day and the safe dynamited and robbed' ot a. large; sum of money. David Bhaallna la returning from a sleigh ride with a young ladv discovered the bur glars. They ware bound and carried Into lb as to re and kept notll.the robbery was completed. When yon want a physic that Is mild and gentle, easy to Uke and oleasant In effect use Chasaberlain'a Stomach and Liver TabletaPrlce, 5 cents. Samples free. Every box: guaranteed. For aale by P,S Duffy Oo. - . i riBM.rer Wtrmtlmm Htrlmoy. ' ' A peculiar custom prevails at Nor bam, Durham, In England, that If tbe banns ot marriage be thrice published and the marriage doea not take place tbe refusing party, whether male -or female, pays 40 shillings to the vicar aaa penalty lor "scorning th church." ' MHUlonsPutToWorL : " The : wonderful activity of. tha new century la shown By an enormous de mand for tbe world's best workers Dai; King's New Lite Pllbwt, For Cba stlpatloBv Blck Headache, -Biliousness, or any . trouble of . Stomach, Liver or Kidneys ibey're-nnrlvslod, Only8Sc at OiD. Bradham's drug store. " -, . f The most, striking characteristic of tha Mexican flowers la their deep, rich color. Tbe-prevailing hues are alwaya glowing and Intense. The tropical for ests of tha country afford a rich Held for tha botanists, for In their shades bloom the moat exquisitely tinted flow era and arcblda. .-, .- V?. 'ivt" 1 """ii V;!i.S" i; Duffy tba drugglsV wUl ref and 'yo your money If yon are not satisfied arte using Chamberlain's Stomach- and Liver Tablet, ' They Icare disorders of : the stomach, biliousness constipation and kaadacmUaA Prioe 15 cents. Sample free F B Duffy ds Co. " ;? Tke.afMa Kat aidBlsisr. " V A certain well known Judge waa one violently attacked by a young and vary impatient counsel. : To the surprise of everybody, th Judge heard him quit through, unconscious of what was said by those, present, and tnad Bo nty. : After the adjournment for the day and when all were assembled at the hotel where the yudga.and many ef the court folk bad their refreshments, one f tbe-eempanjf.aaked-the Judge why b did ot rebuke th Impertinent f el lew, -t j , , -Term!t meA said, the Judge loud nough to attract th attention of tbe whole company, among whom was the barrister in unoatJon "permit me to tell you a little story. STy father, when W lived la the country, bad a Cot, a mere puppy, I may euy. V.ell, this puppy would go out every moonlight Dllit and bark at the sooon for hours toKother." Tbe Judge paused, aa if he bad On- inliod. "Well, what of Itr Tc!n!mrd half a diwen of the audience at once. "Oh, nothing nothing, but ta moon k'- t shining on, J.wt as if ts. ' ;r 1 ni baiincnuL" .l 1 ; ' r I I f ( v M aj v w ) KSTrcTiisscuTii. SEED POTATOES ONE OF OUR UADim SPECIALTIES. We have thousands of barrels in stock; the best ilaine-growsl and Virginia Second Crop Seed. Wood'a 1903 Catalogue gives comparative crop results, both as to earliness and yield, with Maine grown and Second-crop seed. . It also contains much other nseful and valuable information about Potatoes. Write for Catalogue and Special Potato Price list, . , Woofs Descriptive Catalogue for 190 gives ral table, practical, up-to-date information about all Heeds, gWlng notonlf desert ptlons, bat the but craps to grow, sMt meeeuf ul ways of grow ing different craps, and much other In formation ot special interest to every Tracker, Gar dener and farmer. Mailed fax upon..mest.--;4.;-.vv? T.W. V'ssit & SchSftSecdsnisti.1 IICNMOID, inw.S? Trackers an raraiers nqalring targV quaoUtlee of seeds an request4 ;:, ' ; to write for epeolal prtoes. " ' Jut tike T Rooks. ' .i. ' "I'm from England," said the nut, on the, car platform,..' addressing;: no body Id particular and apropos of noth ing, "and 1 want totell you people that we all are only a lot of rooks. . Say, did you ever watch a colony of rooks build their nests In the spring?" , - Everybody looked reflectively away.' "Welt I'll felt -you... First a rook picks up a. stick and puts It In hia nest, then goes away after another one. . When he's gone, another - rook (Ilea to his nest and steal th stick. When he gets back, he puts down th second stick, for still another rook to 'steal and starts after, the first atlck. He doesn't' find lt and when b gat back to hli nest be flnda tbe second iatlck gone, and he starts after that, acoldlng and swearing In rook raahion. ' "By this time tba other thieve have been robbed, too," and it only, take about three. stick to' go around the community and get tbe whole blamed colony powwowing. Say, ain't that human nature T Everybody looked reflectively, away. New Tork Pre. Tbe claim of other cough medicines to be as good as Chamberlain's are effect ually aei at rest in tbe following testi monial of Mr. 0. D. Glass, aq employee Of Bartlett A Dennis Co., Gardiner, Me. He says: "I had kept adding to a cold and cough la the winter of 1897, trying every cough medicine I heard of with out permanent help, until one day I was la the drug store of Mr. Houlehan and he -advised me to try Chamberlain's Cough Bemedy and offered to pay back my money If 1 was not cured. My lungs and bronchial tubes were very sore at this time, but I was completely cured by this remedy, and have sine always turn ed to It when I got a cold, and soon find relief. I also recommend It to my friends and am glad to say it Is the best 6f all cough medicines." for sale by P. S. Duffy & Co. Wreck From Broken Rail. Fremont, Ohio, Feb, lt-The west bound passeager train called the Pitts burg and Detroit flyer of tbe Penney 1 vaaia Railroad struck a broken rail to day between Helena and MlllaravIUe and left the track. The baggage car, smoker, passenger coach and two sleepers were ditched- and wrecked. A dozen passengers were seriouly hart. Do Not Be Afraid to look th facts hqnarely la the face. That cough, racking end persistent, ac companied by tightness In the chest and spitting of sticky mucus, Is a sign of consumption Common sens ; dictates tbe rise of Allen's Long Balsam, an hoaeel remedy, sine It contain no opium, an efficient remedy, sine tt heal the Irritated, Inflamed throat aad lungs, and so prevents a deep-seated cold from running into Insurable forms of con sumption. - " ' . v "4 v . ss" . ;. .. . , : Oil Peverln Kentucky, - -; MtSSUrllng, Ky.J February 18-Th oil ferer which has spread to this ac tion, is causing great , xoltmnt. New walls are being started la Knott, El liott, Morgan," Johaaon, and Manlft MMtlea,' '.f! Cf; "si ."'?v ' . Dr. Ball's Baby .SyTOp tor Teething Babies. Prioav 10 at. Cure WUd-Collo, Diarrhoea, Dysentery, Gri ping Paine, Soar Stomach, Fever, Choi. er Infantum.- Dr. Bull's Baby Syrup promotes th dlgestloa and soothes the baby.'i'" 't'f.'.sJcJfil-J A.;-; : . . 0 Gtfta. . Gifts of a pair of prlr cows," a load of bay and another of potatoes hav been received Id response to aa appeal for funds on behalf of a Liverpool hospital.: '" ;," ..' a' ':.'"- '-y-.v , . 'f.. :'.' mk edsM. --.; Th oldest .Athenian coins bear th type of Atheua, and thla was followed by, a design ot tbe bead of the god dess. Oreek coins bore the Initial of the town wber tbey wre streck, and then followed monogram. ' ;. ',.-. (jaiok aa st Wtak. -1 i Th duration of ao ordinary .wink I fgur-teuths of a second. ' V-;-Saved Her Child's, Life... - "la thro weeksjour chubby little boy wss changed by Pneumonia almost to a skeleton," writes Mrs. W. Welkins, of fli asant City, O. 'A U rr!!;!e conch t In, that, In snlte of a good dorfor's trrol tnent-.for several wevks, r-r woreu everyday. We tlirn use I I r. KIik' Now Dltcorory for Cunw: ; :!,.M ,id our dnrllng was soon sou ml and wfll. Wears sure this g and, ri.- !:,.' .-.! ! his ll'o." T'lMons know ii'n !')(1 ' sure cure f-!rC"i,'i,'i.' '-ir-id ",! -. d'ia-i. C. D. tr . r-st'o'.-ic'.l'-n, 5i'o, 1 0 '. ", fr-o. Arj Shoes and "If a law could be passed," (aid a chiropodist, "prohibiting the wearing of any shoe in thla country except the pattern army .ghoe - worn during our civil war, doctora occupation would be gone. -That war waa for tbe time tbe greatest corn eradicator ever known. I never knew a atngle case of a soldier In that war, who suffered from corns a-month after he began wearing his regulation army shoe, and 1 was four years a soldier in it myself. That' shoe seemed to be made Just right for c(fcrt":jS;.:,j;;i :rL '' c Qoitte at OtaTemee. 'ffU:. The department store la useful and convenient, : but th maltlfarlous na ture of lt nctivltlea sometimes leads to a cUlemma.'''-:s;:-irvfl. . "Where shnll I find something nice In oil for the dining room T" asked a stout, smlllug woman of the floorwalker in a western department ator. ;V-'-,i:f : "On-the third" began r tbe floor walker. Then be paused and looked doubtfully-at the Inquirer. VDld yon, mean sr painting or something in th sardine line H be aAed,i t l. , Ssf t7pHtM Vkeaw.,1 -i. Blderly iGeot . (cUnglng tw trap- There are a good many conditions af fecting one governmental-, system to day that are very oppressive, and their continuance may some day lead to a popular uprising. --" ' ' Lady (also on the standing commit tee) - Perhaps. ; but r wlth withering glance at male occupant of the seats) yon would never -look for it to begin in a street earl Richmond Dispatch. . Bow Hake !. To produce liquid glue which win keep; for year break pieces of gin and place In a bottle .with some whis ky. Cork tightly and set aside for a few- days. - This should be .ready for use without the application of beat ex cept in very cold weather, when tha bottle ahould be placed in bot water for a few minutes before using the glue., " - A Moatb. Wlthowt a Vmll Hooau, The month of February, I860, waa the most remarkable, month In the world' history. January had two, full moons, uud so bad March, but Febru ary had none. ;. This bad not occurred since the creation of the world, and, according to aome astronomers, th same thing may not c--iir again for a period of 2,500,000,000 years. Silently Aeaented. 'The Nervous Pedestrian ran plump into a Stolid Individual standing In front of a Clothing Store. "You Dummy!" be shouted. The Stolid Individual Ignored the Ac cusation. A Second Glance showed tbe Nervous Pedestrian .that he was Right Lo Angeles Herald. Dr. Bull Pills lor UverJUs. On pill a dose. Box.80 pills JlOJcts. Cure Constipation, Liver Troubles, Bil iousness, Impure Blood, Dyspepsia, Fa- male Complaints, Stomach and Bowel Disorders. Dr, Bull's Pills never gripe. Bolllna Meat. Don't boil meat at a gallop. Boll five minutes; then cook It at a temperature of 100 degrees P. To Swmtesi Ranold Batter. Melt tbe butter and skim It; then put into It a piece of well toasted but not burned bread. In a few moments tbe butter will lose Ita offensive taste and smell, which the toast has absorbed. Gas la Theater. Tbe first theater In this country to be lighted with gaa was a theater in Philadelphia, -which put in gas pipe In 1816. A Legacy- Of Tbe Grip Is often a run-down system. Weak nets, nervousness, lack of appetite, en ergy and ambition, with disordered liver and kidney often follow, aa attack of this wretched disease.) Thearalaataaad then la Electric Bitters, th aplaadld tonic, -blood purifier and . regulator of Stomach. Liver and Klduti Tkna. sands hav proved that they wonderful ly strengthen the nerves, build up th yiicu, luu. rnwri id neaitn ana gooa splrlta after t an attack of Grip.- If sf farina-. lr ' thim...ftnl (Uk .:vuii aattsfectloa guaranteed by C. D. iJftrsd- ' . nuriovno qSp q iq pra t' nojonmeiTx ttPswOOfltS? - pAfeo84 eq "qoaiia noma ) tr jo m qj io aio)nz q; o SJeeva P ll Pope oqai n)ai)nrj aa pu tjooia 'MX 'awXitat ap)sny dmx 1IH lsal f : tK::W';' r: : r-'A-l-ii:,- ; J Gtant Bene Buflder. Tho Myatlc Life Beawr 1, th mm Powerful Kerve Builder known, Jt . sb solutely cores all forms of Nervoua Die esses snd Weaknesses no matter .how aggravated or how long duration-, such as Neuralgia, Jfervous Prostration, Nsr vous Paroxysm. St Vitus' Dane, Pal pitation of th Heart, Physical aad Men tal Weakness, Debility of Old Age, etc fold by T. A. Henry, Druggist, Ksw Bern. - - v . Orteatal Waasea. Oriental hame ending In "an" hav th accent almost invariably on th lost syllable, as Teheran, Baluchistan. piaaat Warahlaa. ' ' In countries -wber the aborigines worship tba plftnMs proferenc Is esr ally given the sun.' The Botocudo of Brsall give tbe higher place to tbe moon, deriving most ot the phenomena of nature from It -- Tne Last Heard Of It. My little boy took tbr-J croup one night and soon gn wjsi bd you could bear Lira 11 over the hou.r," F. D. RejnnliM, JSTun-H.-ld, O. "We t -. i lis wouM din, but a few dosea of One I-.'n-ote Cut" i Cure (jnlrkly i-' v 1 h!.n s-i.l.he wi-nt to alc-p. Tlist's tl i, t we h-trd of tl.e croup, IV !. i't iff I cute K that v!iii"'er Ci: (Y C " is t-' ' ' ' (- '-) f 1 r '9 I '. J rf: , , ( ' . i -1 ' i t . : i FEMININE CHAT.', i tlrft. Roosevelt Is vry fond of whit, tbe lady of the White Hons I said to have-no- lose than a doaen -bandaom Dew gowna, all white. - - . Princess TJrusoff, the wife of the Rus sian embassador in Paris, baa written to tbe paper warning travelers against the organised system of robbery to whlcb tbey are exposed on Italian rail ways. - - , ' - - - Miss Beletr Taoflerbllt Wackerman. the young . American - beauty ' wboae mind suddenly became unhlnged a few weak ago. in, London, la now progress ing satisfactorily toward recovery at a private asylum,. , f. - r r . Mrs. William .Gregory,' wife of the tat Governor Gregory of Rhode Island, has become the incorporate head of the mill business which the governor con. ducted for a great many year in a toost successful manner. ? Mr Elisabeth Allen Deolson, "th Barbara Urietehle of Texas." died re cently. 8lie raised above her bom in San Antonio the Brat Federal flag that floated In th state,. The town of Denl aou. Tex vra named In her honor. Mr. Mapleaon, widow of the once fa- Hnoua .Impresario, has been left prac tically Unprovided for. Mrs. Mapleaon Is now-upward of seventy years of age and 1 nearly blind, it is proposed to form a committee witb tbe object of helping her. Adelaide- Bistort will be eighty years of age in Tew weeks, when tbe ac tor of -Bom will give a performance In bar honor, Eleanara Duse, NovelH and Zqcconl will taTs part, and.GoI donl'a "La Locandlera." in which Bis tort, waa famous In the title part will be performed. ' Mrs, Frank O. Lowden Is building a mmmer home for poor girls near Ore gon, III. Mrs. Lowden, who waa Mrs. Harrh't Pullman, Is a daughter of tbe late palace- car millionaire. She pro poses to take tbe sick and weary from Chicago and give them a summer out ing. The late Mrs. Christina Bradley of Peru, Ind.. was known throughout her state aa a shrewd financier. Sbe was one of the largest individual landown ers In tbe west In ten years sbe more than trebled tbe amount left to her by her husband. Mrs. Bradley was seventy-eight years old. Klaaily (apetatttloas. Klngabip ha been kin to superstition alwaya. , James I. of England was su perstitions about dates, and there were remarkable coincidence In his life with certain dates of the calendar. Tbe day of th month on whlcb be was born waa strangely Interwoven with the daya of birth and marriage of his wife and aome of his children and their wives. But James was an old fool who made love to yonng Buckingham, wbo laughed in bis face-ami robbed him of hla jewels. Napoleon was superstitious about the way he pnt on his stockings. Frederick the Great and tbe great Peter of Rus sia were superstitious about dozens of things. Marlborough, both as Jack Churchill and th duke, was supersti tious, aa well a a thief and a traitor. Nearly ail the Stuarts were supersti tion and double dealers In religion. Henry of Navarre was superstitious, bat that never kept blm from a thou sand Infidelities. Ail the children of Catherine of Medici were scared to death by their superstitions, but they could He, cheat and murder Just as well If Cromwell was a victim of su perstition, be kept It to himself. New iXerk Pre. EASTjEItJT CAROLINA DISPATCH LINK 1 I AND ., JPA1IY jLIJEE. FBII8HT & PASBtmn. Wpr All Point North. Commencing Monday, February 17th to steamers ot tnia una are scneo uled to sail from New Bern as tol- lowar -,: . ' Tlxe Steamer NETJSE for Oriental Koanok Island.' Fllsabetb City and the North oa Mondays, Wed- wsaaif and tOjiayi at o p. m. . 'iThOrStr.' Ocracoke On Tuesday, ; Thursdays and Saur daysat J t -light rwoeived no later loan on nonr prvioni ta galling;. For farther information apply to GEO hendebson; At, lilC Ens. Gn.JsfaT.,'-., H.a HwpiaT8,Gn.Frt.4 Pas A Norfolk, V. Vwrn, K. 0n Feb. 14,1908. H&ncfy, Useful, : . ' . Articles- :. - ' Nice Pearl Handle Pocket Kalvea, BciaaoM and Shears, Fasor with, plain and f aney hand lea, A 11 tbe abov goods ar fully warranted to be the very flaeat quality, - - , Far your boy a good fir&t-claie single barrel breach loading Qnn only H.75. W !'' r-any otlmr nsnful articles si -;li as art k-t in Hardware stores. - il. l ...a C!,7, Co. . I.J'IOLIPv tUB. , WILLI. ..J, ( ,,n :, t. IMVOliPROSTjlATIOIJX Miss W, Mda-KackblEtTn, Secretary of the Rock Island . Literary and Art Society, Writes a Special Letter to Mrs. Pink ham TellingrHow .She Was Cured. .ft "The relation of woman's nerrea and generative organs ia verv close con. 2 f axa, wiwiw aawMtuuu( uervons aesponaener and r nerrons irrttobiUty ot women arise from some derangement of the onanism ' "B""- wmyviama MISS W. CHILDS-BLACKBTJRN. Dear Mb. Pinkham: I take ploasur In acknowledging the effects of Lydla E. Pinkham's Veg-etable Compound. In my estima tion there is no female remedy to equal it. Weakness not properly attended to, together with the close confinement at my desk brought on nervous prostration, so much go that for a yoar I doctored continually. I tried different remedies which only succeeded in poisoning my system, and myatomach refused food. A neighbor who had suffered with ovarian troubles and was perfectly cured, called my attention to your Vegetal) le Compound, and I made up my mind to arive it a two months' fair trial. However, before one month had .passed I was like a new woman, and after sis weeks faithful use of the Compound I was in perfect health. It certainly is of great benefit to women, and I wish every poor suffering woman could have a chancfrto try it Yours very truly, Miss W. Chjxds Blackburn, 2922 Fifth Ave, Rock Island, 111." Nothing; will relieve this distressing condition so surely as Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound; it soothes, strengthens, heals and tones up the delicate female organism. It is a positive cure for all kinds of female com plaints : that bearing down feeling, backache, displacement of the womb, inflammation of the ovaries and ia Invaluable during the change of life. How Mrs. Pinkham helped Jlrs. Borst "Dear Mm. Pixkham: When I wrote to. you some time ago for advice I really thought my days wore numbered. I was so ill that I could not stand on my foet for fifteen minutes at a time. I had female troubles in many of their worst forms ; inflammation and ulceration of the womb ; leucorrhcea ; bearing down pains ; hcadacho and backache ; nervoai prostration. My kidneys were out ot order and blood in a bad condition. Everyone, and even my doctor thought I was going into consumption. I followed your advice faithfully for six months with the result that I Iwcamo a well woman, and it cost me much less than a doc tor's bill. I foci that Lydla E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound saved my Ufa." Mas. Samuel Borst, 7 Cozy Ave., Oneonta, N. V. The above letter shows how unerring is the advice which Mrs. Pinkham gives to women who write her about thoir sickness ; as the advice is free and always helpful it is not strange that she advises more than one hundred thousand sick women every year. Iler address Is Lynn, Mass. $5000 REWARD. We OAT.depoaltwl with the National CHy Bank of Lynn, S6000, which will hepatu to any raon who cannatl that the above testimonial letters are not goualhe, or Wore publlihe.1 before obtaining tbe writer's special per mission. Ljdla K. Pinkham Medicine Co., Lrno, Mass. Lodge Directory. CRAVEN LODGE NO. 1 KWIGHT8 OF HARMONY. Meets 2nd snd 4th Wednesday nights In eack month In Ronntreo's Hall. Pollock street, st 7.80 o'clock. J. J.Wolfenden, President; R. J. Disosway, Bec'y; R. R. Hill, Financial Secretary. NEW BERHCOHCLAV48o,IinprOTed Order Heptasopbs, meats Ind .and 4th Thursday nights, at 8 o'clock at Roan tree Ball. Or. E. F. Early, Archon; John C. Scales, Flnanclsr; Geo. D. Gordner, Secretary. FOR SALE! . I have a few Horses, Mule, Buggies and Farm Carts, which I have talen in. Will h sold low for Cash or on time. It will b to jour interest to tea me before buying. , J. W. STEWART. : JSxecdtorti K ITdtlctv .Baring quUJflod.. a. sjeco tor of th last will and testament of , the lata Thomas C-Battle deceased. Voile Is hereby- glvesvls all ,raons1 hsrlng claims against ta est ol lbs ald de ceased to present abaca to-the' ndr signed for selUamwt, - oa er before th 8th dsy ef Fahraary, 190ft ot thl nolle wil be, plead lo -bar of - aaoatory. All persons Indebted to said estate-,ar no lined t saute- la same prompt. . ; . ' ... - Wat. DkBATTLI, s--:,: - .v Kaeenlr-r. i Feb. 8th, IrO -t ' J Agriculture! h. J : implements BUCHAB . Plangler t-uano owsrs. , - , Hand Quano Bowers. t On and Two Hors Team 1 low. " ' Collars, Harness, Blngl Treev Clerlses, 'Vk Cauda, Mow Line.- , And STerjlhlng you need in tb Im plement Lin. t ' '. . '- .. i j .'CAM Or U3,v"5' enrs truly, - , ' k - II a i i. a. Cor. Po. riottt Cin ft, yw a-fcSy agaais, tj mwOVO tU UUS WOQOie. He Farmers k Merchants Capital, Snrplns and Profits 88, 850.00 APRtt 30th,M?oi.; JBS What Wc Hav Don, Do, and WIH Continue to Do. This Bank condocts Its business upon "un-to-non" methods. Il I oor parpos to deal Justly and liberally with all. ; W carefully safeguard the Interests of oar CQStomers, Moreover, are frs qoently do It unknown to them; as op portnalties often eorae te ns In conAdeo tial ways, aad yoe caaaotorer-appeclaie such consideration. . W are not disposed to oTerlook the fact that tba Interests of the Rank si.i1 those of tb people are closely bound to gether, and can not by any means b separated. This Bsnk acts as a repository for Wills, and safely kreps them till the proper time of surrender. Will also act as lb custodisa of-money or papers If ft with os In escrow. Ho charge for these service. We procure Latter of Credit for In tending trarellers We aim to be prompt, progressive and liberal. . Ia tb matter of accommodations, this Back meets every requirement within the Masite of prudent nankin. If yon bar nstsr been Id'atlfled with at a a patron. ask you to consider the Advisability of becomlni oo. - -. Ia lb early fotare. w propose adrilnc aorel, yet sabstaatlal Hating Bank feature to our already progreaalve In stltntlon. r. l. simttaaa. i. f. wr 5!MnONS yVARD, ITTOftNX. a1 COCXItLOBS at ' . LAW.';. -: '' U - - mbj a. a. . Otto 68 Bo, Frost Street, nearly opt . ? IU Boast Obattawka, .; , . . n (Offlo also at Baletgft.) ' Praotlc la, th ooaatle of Orsren Dnpllo, Job, Onslow, Carta rat, Pamll oo and Waks, la tb Supreme aad Fed. , ral UovjrtSraad wberersr serrioe are . desired. .- -rvi ... . --: J r.n;reHetier, ATT0SNIT AT LlW, - HUH Stmt, Uwrr.Bvi - . -;; irfi . -Ballalag, i. '. . r Will araaMne In th Oonattas M Oravea 4' Oarwwt, Jones, Oaalo an Pa ail loo. II. ',' iwan a. a.w aatae aaa avprrwa vr V V1K I;, WAllD; '. " Attorny at taw. . ' T4k Frekt Bl , ()pp. HftUl i hattawka . ' kkW EKJf, n. , ... ' 4 way At'oraay Ctmtt, r i o.i..w. Can- i i ti- 'V:','

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