i THE JOURNAL. : Pobitsned irrery day In the year, excep) Moadaj, X Middle itiwt-V. CHARLES L. STEVENS, 1 JM'SUBSCRIPTIOIIRlTEfcl One Vear. in advance rv ?iii .! One year, not In dvan..vV.."S.S Monthly, by oarrierU thaelty.l... 46 AdvertlslngJRates famished on ;ppll cation. " 'HHL Entered at the Post Office, New Bern, N. 0, as second class matter. ' Official Paper of New Bern U' Craven Comty. " : - New Bera. N. C. I Feby. 81. 1908. DEMOCRATIC IDIOCY. It Is just such speeches as that made in Congress last week, by Representa tive Wheeler, of Kentucky, that war rants the long eared animal being named and maintained as the most fitting rep resentstWe of National Democracy.; - It is this exhibit snd fall display of Idiocy, which makes the Democratic party ridiculous, even foolish to Its own followeis who must submit to be yoked In politirsl fellowship to such men as Congressman Wheeler. Tha fact that an eminent member of the Royal family of Germany is to visit this country, and this goTernment makes suitable preparations to receive the distinguished visitor, and honor Mm is fittingly becomes his rank, does not mean that such a reception Is an exhibi tion ot "UuokejUm ' on the part of the Americaus. 12 Prince Henry of . Prussia ccmes as a lepresentative of the German Empire, a natlcn which has given to this country millions of gooi citizens, who are to day true to every spirit of sincere Amer lcanisn, and staunch defenders of Amert . can institutions. These citizens, as well as all other citizens, are Interested (n seeing that the German Princo receives fall American hospitality, and all display that his posi tion warrsnts, and that this country csn show. To deslgnste what this country Is do ing, and will do in the reception and entertainment of the Prince, as "flunk eylem." Is not merely untrue, but It Is an exhibition of poor tasto, and decided ly bad manners, snd far from (he spirit of Democracy, . The fact that Congressman Wheeler has had his "fling," means no abatement in the courtesy which will be extended by this country to the German Prince, soon to be this government's guest. But It does show an uncalled for and Idiotic display of boorisbness, which the opponents of Democracy will use with effect In future campaigns. $100 Reward,'.! 100. "The readers of thisj paperwillbe pleased to learn that there is at least one dreaded disease that sclenoe has been able to cure In all It stages and that Is Catarrh. Ball's Catarrh Cure Is the only positive cure now known to the medical fraternity. Catarrh being a constitution al disease, requires a constitutional treat ment. Ball's Catarrh Care ! taken In ternally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system, thereby destroying the foundatloa ot the disease, and giving the patient strength by building up the constitution and as sisting nature in doing Its work. The proprietors have so much faith in Its curative powers, that they offer one Hundred Dollars for any case' that It fails to cure. Bend for list of Jtestlmoa lals. Address. P. J. CHENEY & CO.j Toledo, 0. Bold by Druggists, 70a Hell's FsmllvPUlsIere the best. Tramps, to be ViccliateO. Bethlehem, Pa., Feb 17. Local thoritlet have; given stringent orders that all tramps, beggars and the like found by the police shall at one be vac cinated and chased oat of town. '.- Dr. BnU's;PlU torjierjnijw; ' On pill a dose. BoxSOJ piliJUOet. Oar Constipation, Liver Troubles, BlU lotuaees, Impare Blood, Dyspepsia, Te (ale Complaints, Stomach and Bowel Disorders. Dr, Bull's Pills a ever gripe. Li ' Dyspepsia Cure f ' DiaestJ what yea cat . This preparation contains all of tbi ; dlirestarits and digests all kind! oi '.'food. ' Itglves Instant relief and never fails to cure, It allows yon to eat all : the food you want. The tnoHtsenslUve . .- ewmaens can tax ic jiy its one many r thousands of dyspeptic have been ' ' cured after everything els failed. It 1 prevents formation of gas on the atom . : ach, relieving all distress after eating. Dletlngunneceiuiary, rieasant to take, ' U caa't he? : r ' " L-t da yr-i ricJ - JVriwrfd only br IP O. PtWttt A r.n, t i Mr lut Si. tortile contains H Uium Urn m. a- ''::x. H t. 8. DUFFY St CO. ci: ' ,'. ' Built't Bad Ckewlaa-. " M, de Witte la perhaps the greatest finance; minister Buaeia, has ever had and in' his last report baa painted aa gloomy a view of the Industrial and' economic situation of the empire as any of his predecessors have done In jt darkest days; of war, bankruptcy and famine, - Th metal Industries, be says, are en the verge of ruin: the tex tile nearly as bad.' Int twenty years the productivity of the land has diminish ed ever one-quarter. An acre produces lew than one-fifth of the same area In America, The number, of house ha diminished nearly one-half in thirty years. Nearly half the population are hopeleesly U arrears with their taxes, and the only parts of the empire which how uny signs of prosperity are those inhabited by nort-Buaaiau populations) Finland, Poland and the Caucasus... It Is not a favorable Showing for Russia's aggressive' purposes, though she is lit tle accustomed to abate them on ac count of bard time or the penury and Bufferings ot ber people. Umele Sua avt tke Bead. In the world's race after the rolling dollars Uncle Bam comes in far ahead. The treasury bureau of statistics baa just received the yearbook of the London Dally Mall for 1602, in which the United States heads the list of wealthy nations, with f 16,350,000,000 to her credit v Great Britain comes sec ond, with 11,806,000,000; Franc third, with M8g80,000,O00, -nd ., Germany fourth, with 18,052,000,000. Russia Is last of the' principal nations, having to her credit only 6,425,000,000. It la also satisfactory to see that of these five 'nation the United State has the smallest national debt, 221, 006,000. Germany's debt is 661,006, 000, that Of the United Kingdom 708, 000,000, that of rSussla 711,000,000 and that ofFrance 1,239,000,000. The same list also shows the United State to be the largest .wheat pro ducer, her crop for 1001 being 480,000, 000 bushel, over double that of Bus sia, next on the list, t ' , "- HowiMleaqlnsr by Air. - ' The first stationary compressed air cleaning apparatus to be placed In a hotel in the United States, If not In the world, was pat In operation In Mil waukee recently. The compressor la located in the basement, and from It pipes lead to every floor of the build ing, with places thereon for attaching the hose, and hereafter the carpets and furniture and draperies of the ho tel will be kept clean and sweet by means of this new device. It is an automatic piece of mechanism, and when In use the air pressure Is kept at eighty pound to the square inch. It is j operated by. electricity, ana when the limit of pressure is reached the elec trical .current is cut off, but as soon a started: up the connection I renewed and the pressure maintained. By this means the air current is sent through the carpets, furniture and bedding; cleaning out- all. dirt and rendering them sweet and . clean. Milwaukee Sentinel. - Eaar War to Hake Iran. About the easiest money making scheme ever seen is at Jerome, Ariz., in the opinion of L T. Stoddard, secretary of Arizona. "There 1 a brook that runs out ot the tower workings of Senator William A. Clark's United Verde cop per mine," he said. "This water perco late all through certain suphuretic copper and gold deposit in the bowels oftbe earth,' and as a result when It runs out of the mine into a pool ar ranged for Its reception it Is heavily loaded with liquid copper. The mining people damp' scrap 'Iron of, all kind into the pool, and the -presence of the iron. In the water, precipitate the cop per in solid form to the bottom of the pool, where it Is picked op in Irregular shape. I was told the last time I was In Jerome that Clark' people pick out of that scrap iron pool about (600 or $700 Worth of practically, pure copper every twenty-four hour. ' That' what I call an easy way of making money." " Dr. Bull's Baby Syrup for Teething Babies. Price, .10 lets. Cures Wind-Colic, Diarrhoea, Dysentery, Gri ping Pains, Boar Stomach, Fever, Chol era Infantum. Dr. Ball' Baby Syrup promo) the digestion and soothes the baby. ' " y- Colossal MeiU Product Concern. , Pierre, 8. D., Feb. 17.-Artlclea of la corporation' were filed la the office of (he Secretary of Stet Saturday for the Northwester Industrial Company, with a capital of 1900,000,000. ': The purposes of the corporation art to construct abattoir! and , to ' handle all kind of meat produot and by-products, of the Duffy th druggist, will rsfuad yon yoor money If yoa are not satisfied sfte using Chamberlain's 8lflmaca and Liver Tablet. Thry core dlrerders of th stomach, titllousness constipation ' aad headache. ' Price S5 cants.' Samples free F 8 Daffy t Co. ''i&vfiZftJ&tf; , : 8HOBT 8TOmi8 It cost 10 to snd a ten word mes sage by telegraph from New fork to Bkagusy, Alaska. - ' Cabinet minister la' Mexico receive WUXX) a year. In this country they ar paid only $8,009... ,. i - In Ehod Island. Bontaxpayero are re quired to register yearly before Dec 81 U they wish to votv ' w .. Bnopgb timber I destroyed by Br la this country every year to supply all th pulp mills, though these can torn out 2,500,000 too of paper a rear. . As a consequence of artificial propa gation the yield ot cod la the coastal water between Maine and Mew Jersey baa la ten years Increased 60 per cent There are now more than 1,100 pulp and Taper mills In tbe United Bute. They use about 1,000,000,000 feet of lumber a year.. The sawmill consume twenty times as much. Officials of tbe Chicago. Bock Island and Paclflo railroad lately furnished transportation from Cblcego to Peoria on a ticket issued In lfir.7. It was an emigrant's ticket, but It bor no limit ing date snd ws trsnftfernble. C::.":3. y !" BETWEEN HEATS Creeeeus," 2A214.' ffUl not b raced aiayear. - A , . ' Leone, 828li wiir.bsvbred to.The Bondsman, . ' : :' . i ' Brookside, 8:114. la a road bone to New Orleans, "T:---'i; : The Billings bone are being Jogged dally on the Mempbia track.., : . - T. V.. Lawaon' Kentucky hones have been shipped to Dover, N. H. - A seven days' meeting win be given at Colorado Springs, commencing June 7. - Charles Downing ha been re-elected secretary of the . Indiana 8tate J'air board, " i t v . -i - ' The elghty-elghtnew stall at the Lexington track will be completed by April L --.-. It la reported, that Directly, 8-03tt, Win not make the season of 1803 In Tennessee. ' Nat Crist, Meadvlllet Pa, will pre pare Dakota 'Dan, 2:124 a favorite pacer on the Lake Erie circuit ot last season, for the 1902 campaign, fe rS' f, ' Mr. Davis, owner of. Zolocli. 2:10Vi, states that Wa stallion is not for sale at any' price, as the horse will be cam paigned' in the grand circuit next sea son. . ';-; -.. " ; A new driving park association has been organized at Fox Lake, Wis., with F. C Warren president; W. A. Gamble secretary and George H; Welsei treas urer, v ')"-. " RenewerFor Laalesj-f fi . Olivia Peterson, of Coldwater, Mick. write: "I had not been able. to sit up a half day at a time for thirteen years until I used the Mystic Life Renewer It baa cured me of nervous troubles, headache and a very bad stomach. I has helped me In so many ways, and cured me of afflictions that the doctors Mid could not be cared. The" blessed Life Renewer has ' done more .for me Lilian all the Patent Medicines, Doctors and Christian Science treatments com bined. It is the most wonderful medi cine I ever saw." Sold by T. A. Henry, Druggist, New Bern. Casualties at Klip River. London, February ' 16. The casualty reports of the fight at Klip river last Wednesday show that four British offi cers and twenty-nine men were wound ed, and two men killed. Millions Pat To Work. The wonderful activity of the new century Is Shown by an enormous de mand for tbe world's best workers Dr. King's New Life Pills. For Con stipation, Sick Headache, Biliousness or any trouble of Stomach, Liver or Kidneys they're unrivaled. Only 25c. at 0. D. Bradham'a drug store. Rebellon on tbe Congo Crushed. Antwerp, Feb. 17. A steamer, which has arrived here from the Congo reports that a fresh revolt recently occurred in the Welle District, and that the Bate tela rebels hare been annihilated. Saved Her Child's Life. a ''Inthree weeks our chubby little toy was changed by Pneumonia almost to a skeleton," writes Mrs. W. Wstklh, of Pleasant City, O. "A terrible cough set In, that, In spite of a good doctor's treat ment for several weeks,! grew worse every day. We then nied.Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption, and our darling was soon sound and well, We are sure this grand medicine saved his life. Millions -know ifi the only sure cure for Coughs, Coldasad allLung diseases. C. ' D. Bradham guarantees satisfaction, 50o, $1.00. ' Trial bottles free. .', Famous Minstrel Dies of Cancer ' Chicago, I1L, Feb, 17.-Wllllam H. West, known to theatre-goer; for tbe put quarter of. a centnry' as ."Billy West," the rhlostrel, died hereSaturday of cancer of th tongue, due to excessive smoklag. HfwaaiB year! old. -; The greatest danger from cold and Is grippe I their resulting ' In pneumonls It reaaonaUa aaralt ased, kowaweif and Chamberlaln'i Conga" Remedy taken', all danger will be avoided. It will uf cold or aa attaok of 1 grlpp la i4esi tlmal than any other treatment. : It Is : pleas ant and safe to take. For salt ' by F. o -DaffyACo.VVK-X.-'; : "''.. 1 . ; : Ibsen Able ta Resume Work; ; Christian Norway, Feb. i7, After a year ooaiplet rest Benrlk Ibsen baa so far recovered bis health that bl physic ian baa . sanctioned bat Nsnnip)lo' ot work, snd th dramatist baa started, on a irA. BncUen's Arnica SaJve. ;: V The best and tnost famous compound, In the world to conquer aches aad kill pais. Cures Cuts, ' heals Burns and Braises, subdue Inflammation, masters Pile.. Millions ot Boxe. sold, yearly v Works wonders In Bolls, UloersFelons,' Bkla Iroptlons. If cure or no pay. S8c at 0. D. Bradham's drug story. . ..!- . ' '. y ftiflaenzt. Plaftie it LondtaLT . Loadoa, Feb.' 17..fflcll tetuirns show that 100 death ar ooourrtngNja London jost now from InDssnr. snd Its sequels te every on death from sml- A Lepicy Of The Grip. ",:f? I oflea a rundown system.; WsskJ aers, servouaness, Isckjof s ppetlte, a ergy and ambition, with disordered liver and kidneys often follow an attsck of this wretched disease. Thegreteat need then Is Xlectrio Bliters, its splendid tonic, blood purifier si.d regulator of Stomach, Llvir and Kldatjrs Thou sands have proved tbst they wonderful ly strengthen the nerves, build op the syatem, snd restore to health eud good spirits after sa attack of Or' p. If iuf fering, try them. Only 6To. Terfoct satisfaction guaranteed by CD Brad-' i:x.v:(ee fzc,iE- Couia . nardly Believe it "" i Promiaent Woman Saved From Death by Irdia E. rinthjim'a ' Tegetable Compomii, ' ? Peji Hbs. Pis k ham y- suppose a large number jof people who read of my remarkable Cure will hardly believe It had I not experienced It myself, I know that I should not. . VVJ MM. 8AOIJB O. KOCH. 41 1 s-iSered for month with troubloa peouliar to women which gradually broke down my health and my very life. I V7as nearly Insane with paln ej times, and no human sldll I oonsulted in Milwaukee could brinf me relief. " My attention was called to Lydtst E. Fukhapa's Vegetable Com poaitd t tlie first bottle, brought rey Uaf, and the,seoond bottle an absolute cure.' T could not "believe It myself, and felt ure It waa -only temporary. but blessed fact, I have now been well for a year,-enjoy the best of health, and cannot In words express my grat itude. Sincerely yours, SAnra E. Koch, 134 10th St., Milwaukee, Wis." fl0O ferfttt rs6oM Uttimmlal It tut smnte. BuAb.' " unquestionable testimony proves the power of Lydla E. Pink ham's Vegetable Compound over diseaae of women. - 'Women should remember that they are privllegred to consult Hrs. Plnkbam, at Xynn Mass, abont the'r Illness, entirely free. COLLEGE AND SCHOOL. It la estimated that this year Chicago will have 10,000,000 for public school purposes. William Swltzer, who has for several years been the law librarian of Colum bia university, has resigned. Henry St George Tucker, professor of constitutional and international law and dean of the law faculty of Wash ington and Lee university, has tender ed his resignation. Salvation Oil the Best Liniment Prlce,15 cts; large bottle 25 eta. Great est cure on tarth for Rheumatism, Neu ralgla, - Boreness, Sprains, Backache Stiffness, Cuts, Bruises, Wounds Swell ings, Burns snd Frost Bites. Sa'vatloa Oil kills all pain. Iron mI Unit. - Jbon articles can be prevented from "rusting by first warming them until sufficiently hot to burn when touched nnd then . rubblns them with clean .'white wax. After doing this hold them, again to the Ore until they have absorbed the wax and finish by sub bing with a piece of serge or rough woolen. . When yon want a physio that is mild snd gentle, easy" to take and nleaaant in effect aae Chamberlain's Btomsch snd Liver Tablets. Price, 25 cent Samples free. , Every botTguaraateed. For sale by F 8 Duffy & Co. . THE CAPITAL,- . Washington will be easily the most beautiful city of the world before A. I). 2000. But It bnd the great advantage of an admirable plnn at tbe beginning and did not "Just grow." Jacksonville Times-Union. No patriotic American will revolt be cause it. Is the Intention of tbe federal authorities to beautify tbe American capital.. Tbe capital of every nation ought to be the most, beautiful city In the nation, and every loyal son of that nation ought to be of that mind, Phil adelphia Inquirer. . The claim of other cough medicines io be a good as Chamberlain's are fffect- ually set at rest in the; .following - testi monial of Mr. G. D. Glass, an empjoyee of Bartlett A Deanla Co, Gardiner, Me. H saysr , I bad kept adding . to a cold and cough la the winter of. 1897, trying very cough medloin I heard ot with; out permanent help, until one day I was In the drug store of Mr. Houlebea and be' advised m to try Chamberlain's Cough .Remedy snd offered to pay back my money If I was not cured. My lungs aad bronchial tube were very . sor at till tint, bat I was completely cured by this remedy, and bar since always tan ad to It when I got a cold, snd sooa And relleL.V I ,lso recommend It td my friends snd am glad to asy It Is tha best of all bouh medlclneaJ' For sale by F..8. Duffy A Co.iA 'Ui-rp:, r ' flossethlBST ! .OsaasoB. J - ' Visitor flu museumHWhy don't you get a giraffeT A -f-vi:-' Manager Can't afford it. They come loo UIgu. Town and Ck)untr. . , :; - , Dont Oso steel knivesfor catting Vsh, oysters... sweetbreads or brains. Th steel blue-kens and gives an Un pleasant flavor. .:.'';,--: .V'V',' ,'', ' - ' ' " . ' ; it thou art master, bs sometimes blind; If a servant, sometime deL- Fuller. TbeUst Heard Oflt ' ""Myllltt'e boy took; tht, croup -one nlghljand loon grew'so bad you could bear him til over the bouw," says F. D. Rejnolda, Mansfield. O. "W feared he would die, but few dose of - On Mlo. ate Cough Core quickly relieved him and.he want to sleep. - Tbsl's tbe last we heard of th croup, -Now Isn't a cough cure like that valuable f One t Inute Cough Cure Is absolutely safe snd sets Immediately, For coughs, colds, croup, grip, bronchitis and all other throat and lung troubles It Is a ceitala crjie. Very Vnnl to take. Thn.llttle ones like It. F.B. Duffy , , , - NOTES OF NOTABLES. , - i , It is sold that President Booseveli always shakes hand with the engineer of tire railroad on phlcfi he rides. -' Tbe lieutenant -governor of the Cans' dlan provinces at Alberta, Asslnibola, Athabaska, Saskatchewan- and Mae kenat is the Hon, A. B. Forget .-. Lord Wolseley i it present occupied In writing his mlUtary history of Oreat Britain. He-1 also, writing "his own memoir and will finish hi ?Llfe of Marlborough.,,''' -' " James C.1Needbam, a member of the house of representativesi was born at Carson City. Nev In an emigrant wag on, his parent being en route across the plain to California . i- Major BlggaA who saw service with the Canadian contingent In South Af rica, has been appointed to tlie com mand of the'' Canadian army service corps, with tbe rarik of lieutenant colo nel, i - ' William Gwin, tbe colored messenger who has served thirteen secretaries of state daring the past thirty years, car ries a gold watch Inscribed "From Wil liam M. Evarts to William Gwlu, Feb ruary, 1803." Miss Belle MacKinnon, who for sev eral years has been superintendent of the mammoth knitting mills of her brother, Robert MacKinnon, In Little Kails. N. T., has been admitted as a partner In the concern, which employs 2,000 hands. "s Dr.' John lv Wood of Coffeyvllle, JtniC who has just celebrated bis one hundredth birthday, is said to be the oldest practicing physician In the world, having been in continuous prac tice for seventy-eight years. .- Vr., and Mrs. John D. Rockefeller. Jr., are both instructors in the Sunday school of the Fifth Avenue Baptist church. New York city. Mr. Rockefel ler 1s the leader of .the Bible cIiihs. and Mrs. Rockefeller lias a class of little boys. Dr. Conan Doyle was born In 1830 and Is a tall, heavily built man, whose open air life is evidenced ln-hlB face. He may perhaps be best described as typically British. Before devoting hini Sflf entirely to writing Dr. Doyle had been a ship's doctor, a mllltury doctor, a general practitioner In both town and country nod a Wiinpole street special ist. THE FASHIONS. That wc are to be clad In silk from Easter time on appears to be a fore gone conclusion. The skirts arc still well shaped to the figure, tight to the knees ahd with a graceful dure below, many of them fin ished with a flounce. A pink negligee In cloth bas a yoke formed of tuck made squares, these very small, and the lower part of the sleeve is finished with the tiny squares, as with a cuff. Some petticoats are made entirely of tucked silk. The tucklug on the skirt proper runs up and down and on tbe flounces around. The flounce Is further trimmed with ruchlngs of the silk and applications of lace. Most conspicuous among stockings Is a pair of a violent flame red having a large plain medallion of block over the Instep and upon this embroidered a few red flowers a little less brilliant than the body of tbe stock lug. Some of tbe flannel blouses for dressy wear are most artistic, with the fronts tucked and relieved with an em broidery .through which a narrow black bebe velvet ribbon is threaded, while on others coarse lace is judiciously em ployed. r BALDHEA06 would be a eurioaity. if Dandruff, Itching Scalp and Palling flair were promptly arr sated and cured by using Coke Ddruff Cure Reeulte arc absolutely certain. Pries returned if satisfying results ara not produced. Only tha genuine is sure. Imitations and aubatitutea ar worthless--sometimes dangerous. Coke Shampoo and Toilet Soap Has no equal for the complex ion. Results ars quick and highly gratifying. i;,B. mm CO.. Chicago. Wood's Seeds BEST FOR THE SOUTH. " : SBEDPOTATOES on or obi lueiei smoiauus. - W have thousands of barrels in stock; the best Ylalne-grown and Virginia Second Crop Seed. Wood's 1903 Catalogue gives comparative crop result, both to earliness snd yield, with Maine-' grown and Second-crop seed. It also contains much other useful and valuable Information about Potatoes. Write for Catalogue and Bpeoial Potato Frio list. . .; Wood's Descriptive Catalogue w ivnx irivriiAbM, praetlml, up-to. dt Information abouttll Bmda.KlTliig Bo4only6erl pttoaa, bat thbicrps tm f row, imt acoMrfulwmai trow Inf strtaraat crop, and nnoh other la-' XormmUoa of special rntorMUto every Traoker.aardenersadjraruer. Mailed Ires upon request, - .. '. T.W. Vc:J & Scnsf Sc:d:n:cnr tCHSOID, V1I01IM.. r.Vt Trmrcmrt mn4 Pmrmmt nqiilrliiK Itrf qunHHiof In or rMDMtM ... U w rt Ln for TMnlA. prloM. t 4 I v I - . - ' Daimr pUi i r ' . - - V k, i - 0 tvkuni . a h 1 N GTO N.D.C. : m . ; i i j ; i or t. 4 V k t f n- t, . u ii( or lihXa car.zc . alio ULOHRO. iX Sores snd Ulcers never become chronic smless the blood is in poor condition is shunriah. weak and unable to throw ofl the poisons that accumulate in, it. The system must do reueveo or me unueaitny matter through the sore, and great danger to life would follow should it heal before the blood has been made pure and healthy and all impurities eliminated from the sys tem. S.S.S.beginstiiecurcbyfirBteleans ing and invigorating the blood, building tip the general health and removing from in JwS f A OOMSTAMT DRAM UPOH WE SYSTEM. When this has been accomplished the dis charge graduolly-ceascs, and the sore or nicer heals. It is the tendency of these old' indolent sores to grow worse and worse, aad eventually to destroy the bones. Local applications, while soothing and to some extent alleviate pain, cannot reach the seat of the trouble. S. 8. S. does, and no matter how apparently hopeless your condition, even though your constitntn has broken down, it will bring relief when nothing else can. It supplies the rich, pure blood necessary to heal the sore and nourish the debilitated, diseased body. Mr. 1. D Talbert, Lock Box Winona. Miss., says : v Six years otto my lei from the knee to the foot was one solid sore. Several physicians treated me and I made two trips to Hot Springs, but found no relief . I told induced to try 8. B. B.. and it made a complete cure. I have been s pep fectlv well man ever since." is trie only purely veg etable blood purine known contains no poisonous minerals to ruin the diirestion and add to, rather than relieve your suffer ings. If your flesh docs not Ileal readily When scratched, bruised or cut, your blood is in bad condition, and any ordinary sore is apt to become chronic. bend for our free book and write our physicians about your case We make no charge for this service. " THE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO- ATLANTA, OA. CAROLINA DISPATCH LINE -AND- 1D10D B 4II.Y OlfS. FREIGHT & PA8SK56EK. For All Point North. Commencing-Monday, February 17th the steamers of this line are sched uled to sail from Ntw Bern as fol lows: The Steamer NETJSE for Oriental, Roanoke Island, V linbt tli Citv and the North on Mondajs, Wed nesdays and 1 lidays at 6 p. m. The Str. Ocracoke On Tuesdays, Thursdays and Sa-iur days at 8 p. m. ' VST" Freight received not later than one hoar previons to sailing. For farther information apply to GEO. HENDERSON, Agt. M. K. King, Gen. Mgr., H.0. HcDGiNS,Gen.Frt.A Paas.Ajrt Norfolk, Va. New I em, N. C, Fe i. M, 1 2. Lodge Directory. CRAVEN 10DGK NO. I KHIGHTr OP HARMONY. Heels 2nd and 4tb Wednesday nights In erh - month In Rountree's Hall, Pollock street, at 7.8 o'clock. J. J Wolfendtn, President; K. J Dlsosway, fec'y; R. R. Bill, FlnancU' Secretary. NEVf BERN CONCLA VI 486. Improver Order Heptssophs, meets Ind and 4tl Thursday nights, st 8 o'clock st Ronn tree Hall. Dr. E. F. Early, Arcbon; .loot C. Scales, Financier, Geo. D. Oordaer. Secretary. Agricultural Implements HITCH AH . Spangler Uuano Sowers. Band Ouano Bowers. One and Two Horse Team flews. . . Collars, Harness, Single Trees. Clevises, Bark Bands, Plow Lines. And everything you need in th Im plement Line. CALL OJT U. Tours truly,. J. C. Whi CO. Cor. Bo. Front 4 Cram jt, x?cntor,s IVotlosN ,; Bavin quillded a siseotor. of b lsst wilt and testamesw ot th lata Thomas 0. Bsltl deceased. Kotle Is hereby glven to ail parson.' bavlsf claims sgalost thsestaU of th said de ceased to present teem loth aadsr- lined for seitleaieat, on before lb Bib dsy of February, ISOS or this (Slice wll bs plead In bar of recovsry. ' All persons . Indebted tn-sald estate - ar no. tided lo settle tbe sea nrmsipilvi . j -r -. Wm. I). BATTLaU ' . . '' ... Kxeentor.; , rb. sib, ioiJ :.;i' r.'V Opcnlne of Winter Tsarist Se&sdiy TbsRoulhsr Tisllway, wblch oper ate Its own Unas ovr laa eatlra Booth end forma the Imp rtsnt link la tb great highway of travel between lb North snd South, Florida, Cabs, Usiloo the Psolflo Coast aad t estrsj jlrMrlo. snnouoces for lbs, wlnier of 19tl and 1003 tb most superb service ever of. fered. Its splendid regular service will be augmented, by tb Bontbarn Palm Limited, a msgnlflceat Ptllman tral which' will be operated between Hew fork and Bt. AuguitlD, Florid. , . f sss Steamship Co HanJy, Useful, Articles Niee Fearl-Bandle Pocket Knives rtcissorn and Shears, Razors with plain and fancy handles. A 11 the above goods ara fully warianUd to be the very finest quality, 1 er your loy a good fir t-class single barrel breech loading Gun only $4.76. We have many ether useful articles such as are kept in Hardware stores. L J. toiler Hi. Co. A Good Telephone SERVICE IB A BUSINESS NECESSITY, A HOME CONVENIENCE. A COM BINED W?cs?sslty, Cnvenieui?e, .'Usury ! rpr Your Phone at One I Tte Farmers & Capital, Surplus and Profits $88,450.00 APRIL 30th, roi.; 5JJ ' What We Have Done, Do, and Will Continue to Ho. This Bank conducts Its business upon "nr-to-now" msthods. It is our purpose to deal justly snd liberally with all. We carefully safeguard the interests of our customers, Moreover, we fre quently do it unknown to them; as np portunitles often come to us in confiden tial ways, snd you cannot over-appeciate such consideration. We are not disposed to overlook he 'act that thaJnterests of the Rank and hose of the people are closely bound 'o xellier, snd cannot by any mean" be leparsted. This Bank sots as a repntitnr) 'or Wills, and; safely keeps ilu m till he rtroper time of surrender Will l ct s the custodian of money or psperc ft' wilb us lu escrow. No c liarge for tin so uirvlces. We procure Letters of Credit for in endln travellers We aim to be prompt, progressive nd Ibersl In tie matter nf accommodations, nis Bank meets every requirement -wit tjin 'he limits of prudent hanking. If you hsve never been Id ntilieil Kith 'is as s patron, we ask you to conrnder he ailvisaliillty of becoming one. In the early future, we propone add ng novel, yet substantial Havings Bi uk feature to our alr.ady progressive la tltutlon. f. X. Van t. I. Ward 5'MnONS 4 WARD. ATTOBNEi aal C0UN8EL0B8 at LAW. SIW BJCBBJB, SJ. O. Onloe 68 Bo. Front Street, nearly oppo site Hotel Chsttawka, (Offlo also at Balelah.) Practice In the counties of Craven, Diplin, Jones, Onslow, Carteret, Pamll jo and Wake, in tbe Supreme and Fed eral Courts, and wherever services ars desired. X . P. H. Pelletler, ' ATTOBNIT AT LAW, llddle Street, Lawyers Brlek Balldlag. . WW sraetlca la Uia Coostlss o Craven artarst, Jobss, Oaslow ana Pamlleo. V. 8 Oonrtat llaw aaras aa 6npr-B fenrf iirt s.'versl 'tfslrible- BiVMdenee Or sale, situated, la th tmst TesUeae part of tha City. AJsoili aftmbeof jrood wilding lou ln pVile- - i-, r 1 - '.'vJLFSNDElf - " - !'V. . ' - .' ' ' ' -' . t " . '. 1 '''' t ."til ' .i 1 VF 6XrtHIENCE ID - "A.' .ratilllaial? 'rrt-' oowviwohts ac tnaf a skxti! snd Oassrtnttnn tain oar opinion fraa wbMhOT an SIM It am raaUoa Is I la arobabrr uatsntahia.' Gombii Uotu urtotlr bunsdontlaj. naDdbookoa h aant rraa. UMast Patanu taaan bbroairti Mana acb.raoslf. laaBana,mtas mflcv for saourloM natoni SJiWlal Mtlt, wKaoat Scientific American. . A hkvtomlr llimvvtffsiavtl wtkYf. liinmtsair MlaUc of stnr awlnilfla tnarnail; - TsjstsM. $ a wsasvvt tnsir snruitna. IL fin 111 hull alamilaaiai t-t 1 ff Pn iiTb,imi Vnr iumii vu,. n u rr i u t a w. f T wsaasaaips), ft. u. . .Oarfcarctanwd If wfail.JUraeaaautna akttck aad description ei soy lhnttoa wtfl Eomwlv mm our epiaum ire coacoraiu; palcBtabUitv of asm, " How (a Ohula a Patent" asm vpoa raqtMst. ' Patau Mcuraa ikroawh a advartlasd for aasBralAat ezstuav - - Psmta Ukca oat tkronrti as mcl nwHol 'HaltM.wHtuxslckurfT.la Tua PATmT Baoosvii, . pat lllaMraiea aava wwaif atronawa oan-maff (ua.ulirf by Manufaetums ajayiavastors, . ' . . Sand lev sasspls asw filCt Adoraas, . ' sa)as.'fllS.V , s WilttllttprilS, I Attorney at Law, , TWJe, troal St , Opp. Hotel OhaMawka, . H; i'--Xttir DEBIT,' Vf.Oav'li.- ; L Cmvea Cewnty AMoraayA ; Clrenlt Cravea. Jckes. Oaslow. Cart ret, Pasallea, Grsena, I eavolr, aad tb Saf rams a4 f4emLCrt) I: .- 1 - ysT - IHS.1 II I iv irtpLn lvjisv m i - n flw ' th mm nasi . i. afittt aTtt.tisl' -f. A sm aw. awvs ... , a.; ;;-Y V t, ;w - - - .. , . " . V