THE. JOURNAL, Hew Beta, N. 4 Fby. 18, 1902. Index to New Advertisements. J. i. Tolsoa, it Celery B. 1. Blilock Well paper. -. " 8imnwns A Hollowell Co Special. . stofiud. - ; 4 " Bosltess Locals. FRESH CELERY it J. J. Tolson, Jr. Broad street, to day. " THOSE Much talked of end extensively advertised Cubanola clgtti eta be found at James B. Dawson's, 108 Middle St. ' FOR RENT Five rooms on second floor of Street's Building. Apply to J, E. Land. JACOBS' Raleigh Rye Whiskey la .the best. Middle street. Guilford Lewis, 1902. Samples of the CELEBRATED ALFRED PEATS WALL PAPER sent to your house or may be seen at Daw son's Confectionery. It will cost you nothing to see these samples and have estimates on one room or yonr whole house. PHONE 209. New Wall Paper Sampl?g--1902. Jutt Received at R. B. BLALOCK'S PICTURE ESTABLISHMENT, Craven Street. Call and examine. Sample will be sent if desired. Dip CATARRH SNUFF loosens up the tenacious viscid mucus In nose, clears out the head and stops catarrhal headaches due to cold con gestion in the front of bead. The cost Is only 10 cents and the benefit arising from Its use Is worth dollars health too Mfg. by Bradham's Pharmacy. HOT SODA. All the popular flavors Beef Tea Beef Bouillon, Clam Bouillon, Tomato Bouillon (made from beef, tomatoes and celery). Cbooolate and all the soda fla vors Lemon, Orange, Cherry, Grape and Coca-Cola your choice for 5 cents and as hot as you can drink It. At Bradham's Fountain. Prescriptions at Davis'. Davis' Prescription Pharmacy makes a specialty of prescriptions. Prompt and careful attention Is given them. Only the best drags are used. The prices are reasonaoie. oena yours mere to be filled. LESS WORRY. Children will play and get over-heated get their feet wet, expose themselves In dozens of ways, and you can't prevent it. All you can do Is to keep tbem as free from exposure as possible and al ways have In the house s Cough Remedy that can be depended upon. Anway's Croup Syrup will fill every requirement. It Is guaranteed to cure Coughs, Colds and Croup or the price 25 cents will b refunded by any dealer selling it. Sold by Davis', Henry's, and Bradham's Pharmacy. DR.SHOOP'S PREVBirTICS. The great cold cure, are sold and guar anteed by Bradham's Pharmacy. If yon bring the empty box back, and yon am not satisfied with Preventlcs we will re turn your 25 cents. You must have them on hand If you expeot to prevent cplds; and prevention is better than cure Preventlcs cure colds, as well as prevent them. i r At Davis'. . Jordan's Cough Balsam, made accord ing to formula of late Col. Jordan, it on sale at Davis' Prescription Pharmaoy. This Cough' Balsam has always been found very efficacious, and tt doe not contain any harmful drug! It la espec ially good for children. Price 6 cent This Weeks' Store News, t New arrivals we want to tell yon about First shipment of tew wash dress goods are in, beautiful line of French ginghams In solids and stripes, Florodora combs, wire frames, tor msk. Ing your ribbon stock collars, and the Swiss and Nansook Embroideries ,ta matohed sets. BARFOOTS. r Walnut Taffy and Walnut Buttercup t McBorley's. . Fel Park. . - Prospect park, Brooklyn, which eotn priae 618 acre, 1 valued at 127,730,. POO. , . iKn.' ,; v Brm4lsa. f-. "'A. medical man aays: "Be careful la - your dealing with horseradish. . ) It Irritate the stomach far more than ' aploe, and an overdo will brine on an unpleasant aeoaatlon tor days." i CAPUDINE Does not effect the heart.'; 0 . V f . " tJl8jdifferenfroTnother , "' Headache Itcmediea. BOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS. ABOUND AJnD ABOUT. Ther will be a meeting of " the ladles of the library committee to day, Tne day, at ll;80, . m, at the home of Ura. Seymour. ..j''1-, Fair and eoo), 1 th weather forecast for to day A Th mow tinder yesterday's clearing weather, nearly disappeared. Th minimum temperature: wa as de grees. 7 i .- frv-lV 'A fj' v'i;-"-;;-?' ' : The planing null of the uongdon plant in this city, now the property of th Blade Lumber Company,' baa been closed down, temporarily. L la th leotion bi Vic Presidents of th North Carolina Good Roads Assocl atloo.Mr. William Dunn, of city wu elected to represent Craven county. ; John Bowden, who has been operator at Cove station, for th A. tt. O, Ball, road, hat resigned, and take a position with th Western Union Telegraph Co. in this city. ; Early yesterday morning, there was' a fall of one inch of snow, making five aches the total snow fall here during the last storm.' Clem Monroe, Dead. ' W. 0. Munroe, Jr., or better known here as Clem Munroe, died in Goldsboro, yesterday morning. .Clem , had often visited .here, at his Uncle's, Dr. N. H. Street, and wa gen erally liked: File father "is Mr. W. C. Monroe, Attorney of - the A. & N 0. railroad, and all will sympathise with him in his loss. Crops Two Weeks Late. Froze Oaground since early in Novem ber has prevented nearly all kinds of put door farm work, especially in pre paring the ground for crops. Cabbage plant set out two months ago, have practically made no itrowtb, where they have not been killed or dwarfed by the cold. Truckers who have planted peas are not certain as to what Is to oome from the planting. Two wetki late is the general estimate regarding crops in this vioinity. The finest Western Beef and lamb ever seen In New Bern will be on sale at Oaks Market today. PERSONAL PARAGRAPHS. Mr. A. R. Willis left last night for Besufort on businsse. Mr. Samuel Hudson of Pollocksvllle, wu a visitor in the city yesterday. Mr. W- B. Blades left on the steamer Kense'last night for Elizabeth City. His Honor, Judge Francis D. Winston left Sunday for his home in Windsor. Mr. W, W. Clark was a passenger on the steamer Neuse last night, on his way to New York, on bnslness. Mis Dollle Davis, who has been vis iting In the city for few days, left for her home In Beauort yesterday. Mr. Walter Henry, of Charlotte, Na tional Bank Examiner was In the city yesterday and left last night for Eliza beth City. List of Letters Remaining in the Post Office at New Be. J, Graven county, N. C. Feb. 17. 1802: ' MSN'S LIST. C Grant Cradle, George Cogleton. D Henry Davis, or- Denis, Noah B. Dunn. E Hebron Everlngton, (ETelg ting- ton), v G Fred Green. - ; H-DauHadley, E. D. Hardety,-o o a. J. Brown, Jr. . J William Kennedy. L J. M. Lea, A. P, Lunford. M Simon Mateger, John Morris, E. A. Moor, Joseph Manly, eo Gna Lanch, P-aH. Perry. R Nathan Roe,' H. R. Richardson. e 0 JerveyJHalch. 8 Duncan (Jean Smithy Ernest A. BtarklofT, Star Bargain House, 8. A: Simpson. . T Elmer E. Taloott, Charlie Ta- ten, (2) . . W Heary WlUlaoa. wowaa's list. A Ella Alston. ' 0 Elisor Cualogbam. ' -Mary Evett, e o Bob Erett. H 8arah J. Homer, (Hsmer), Nancy Harris. ; l v. , L Bnaan Jarkln. , M Mary A. Moor. . : Nsaay Mats. :-y.-; R Sophia Ray, Deaa Russell 8 Ellz8plvah, Margem Bpellmaa Maanl Smith, Mr. V. L 8ml h. ' T Ithsl Tbornblrg. ;' i . W-Claasl Willi. i -;i : ?:-, i' l' fersoas ealUng for th abov let tn will , plsas say kdvertlsed and glv dat of lut '.i ;:H f Th regalatloas bow fqulr!thi one (1 eatsbsllbeeolleeted oa th delivery f eh advertised letter, . i ;, . " , -v. S. W. HaiooocP. M v , ,. !.' T 1 , OABVOXIXa.. ' ' '' Umrt BotgM For this Week Only. W will sell ft regular 78e, 'two Snart Fountain Pyringe for 60 o. veryone of tliera wamntod per fect and good as most fl.UO ones. Bee our window. . BRADHAM'S PHARMACY, Uor. f oUtx-M KlUdle bta. Who? ; m . "Who befriended Unci Bam f " '"I," aald John Bui, . - , a "I need my PoU, " V1 . I befriended Unci 8am." -' ... Who heliwd him lick Spain f 'V aald th Kaiser, .. .' "I stood right by. t-'.-:---: '. r I blpd him lick Spain." i "Who tood oft th Powrr;"' aV aald th Csar, : V' " . ' "I wa right thar. ' i I stood oft the Powers." . "Who hU friend now f , - "I," aald they an,. . With, unanimous bawl, ' "I'm hi teal friend now l" Chicago Trlbnn. Conee at Conlederate Reunions. 1 : Quotation from a letter wa received from The Texas Reunion Association, Dallas, Tex: . " W beg to assure you of our grateful appreciation of your kindness and gene rosity to ourselves and to th old Con federates who will so much enjoy yonr liberal donation. TEXAS REUNION ASSN., By 0. L. Martin, Seoretary." The donation which la referred to above, was -offered In a letter ofonr reading aa follows: , We agree to duplicate at your Re union at Dallas what we did for the Con federate Veterans In Memphis, serving from sunrise to dark to every Confeder ate Veteran as much Coffee as be could drink. What we did at Memphis was not a cold-blooded business proposition and the offer we make to you has just as much sentiment in It. We assure you It will be a great pleasure for us to bear ths eatlre cost of the coffee and cream used, aa well as furnish our own men to brew the coffee ss It should be." This means that at the Reunion in Dallas we are to serve four thousand gallons or more equalling at least one hundred thousand cups of our "deal Brand" Coffee, the highest grade it is possible to Import. Yours very truly. Chase & Sanbobit, Tea ds Coffee Importers. Boston. Daughters of Confederacy. The regular monthly meeting of the Daughters of the Confederacy will be held Wedneabey, February 10th at 12 o'clock, at the home of the President, Miss Mary Oliver. Namxii P. Strict, Rec. Sec. Scarcity of Water Products. A few oysters were available yester day, so that shippers could fill a few orders, but not enough to make them feel that they were doing any, bus! Mr. Geo. N. Ives, In speaking of the fish market, said that the fishing season was fully three weeks late, and makes the outlook very bad for the fisher men. A few mullets and trout were on the dock, but bothtng In the way of receipts for the shipping trade. WILDWOOD. , February, 17 We are having very disagreeable weather at present, aome snow. little cold wind, p lot- of rain and plenty of cold weather. Some of our old men-say It Is the most regular weather this winter they ever saw. No warm Weather slnoe November worth speaking of. We are getting re warded for some of those hot daya last summer. The people In our community ar bet ter .prepared than ever before agslost th great horse disease. W . have wltb us a man who has been studying surgery He haa a collection of, bid taule skull bones, and,I studying the different pas sages of th akull. H aays all th trouble oome from the bend. - Farmer ar getting OH ahustl now, plowing, ditching, putting ralle, shrub bing, mending fencee and burning off th grass. , They kr laid Mid th dl eouragsment of a bad crop last year, entered la again wltb new resolutions of. making a good crop-this, year.? Bop they will not b disappointed la their ex peetatlon. . Rev. & H. bier preached in th Pres byterian church last Thursday night.; '. Capt Jim Plgott and. CoL' Dsnal of Boguspnt Thursday 1 night In Wild wood, ' '" -u-' "''-V. Mr. K.B. Stewart ha just moved In onr midst this week. Bop k will b satisfied wltb hi new horn, r .! .,- Mr. Wm. Moor ha Urt ua and nord to Broad creek. W ar orry to have him leave, but he ' know hi bnslness best, so h hs our beat wish. '. -;. Mr. Oeorg Latham of Rlverdale spent Saturday night at Wlidwood. :t:r , Mr. Walter Mann of Newport spent Saturday and Sunday her. ' 'I .Bom of our young men went to New port Saturday and there they saw some thing aw. It wa a ana fight. Bom of th countrymen cam la town, and old Cora got th best f them and they eonoluded they would fight It oak ' It took nearly all th ansa la towa to quell tt fight, ;) , - -( But, Mac; That Ught Coagti, ' - and aa far aa that it eoncerned any oengh oreold, ennlit be relieved and cured with CliERHY ObYC KKINK. It is an entirely reliable oongh symn which hne had an e normotii sale during the last few yra. It soems to give bnttor sat isfaction tln any o( lifr like prep aration tliat we could got lild t. One thing we know we lied rntli-. er reoommend It to onr cunUininrs than any oilier we hare In our Y store, it ta aafe to Rive to (MIH Z Tn. Fold only at HA! ; - I ti 1'IIAKMACY, Cor. t Im t fitreft. tll : ' " " ' ARAPAHOE. V Febraary 17. Th working part of our community- baa bad set back for the last two weeks, because of (he x treme cold weather. ,. Last Saturday morning we bad nlo snow, but y eater day it waa very near all gone. This morning It snowed again and th weath er looks likely to continue unfavorable. -The farmera are set back with their plowing. ' Potato seed seems to be vary acaro with na thto-aeaaon. TherawllI be about a nsualcrop planted this season Our mall has n been her tine last Friday. .'-:. : ' '-- - Sheriff dampen seems to continue to hsve business among bur citizens, his deputy wa visiting her laat Thursday. Mr. Will Miller of Bay boro was here Thursday. : Mr. Griffin of New Bern visited Arapa hoe last week representing 0. Marks & Son of New Bern. Mr W. S. Reel of Arapahoe visited New Bern last Thursday to buy goods. Our merchants Seem to be doing a good business considering the hard times. Mr. J. W. Bawls of Arapahoe lost one of his mules ' last Thursday, I do not know the exact cause. Mr. Rswls has about 45 bead. Mr. L. A. Land of New Bern and his wife and three little children visited Arspahoe yesterday a week ago and left for New Bern last Monday after attend ing to tome business at their place In Arapahoe, ' v ' v Mr. Whftehurst of New Bern the son of Mr. Moses Whitehurst, was In Arapa hoe laat Monday. .' Mr. Joseph Reel one of our merchants of Arspahoe Is making some improve ment fh the arrangement of bis building and adding to his warehouse room. J.B.B Clerk's Wise Suggestion. '1 bare lately been mnch troubled with dyspopals, belching and sour stomach,' writes M. S. Meail, leading pharmacist' of Attleboro Mass. "I could eat hardly anything without suffering several hoars. My clerk suggested I try Kodo Dyspepsia Cure which I did with most happy results. I have had no more trouble and when one can go to eating mince pie, cheete, candy and nuts after such a time, their digestion mngt be pretty good. I endorse Kodol Dyspep sia Cure heartily." You dont have to diet. Eat all the good food you want bnt don't overload the stomsch. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure digests your food. F. 8 Duffy. Western Pork Loin at Oaks Mar ket. Very fine display of all kinds of Meats at Oaks Market, today. X Kow One Sure Remedy for an obcttnate cold. Ita name i Pjrnj-Balaam. FOUR DAYS ONLY Wednesday, -Thursday Friday and Saturday. A T SIDE WALL, CEILING and BORDER r; Several odd I ridiculously low t a lull double roll, . . -''J' "r. rNot one piece in the lot but is worth 16c, and most of it is worth t irom 25o to 60c, ft ... rrt it "n ::'v : r ) jfv . gaJUleb items. , Feb. 15. This community has been formerly known as Morgan 8wamp,: but we (th community) ar now building a Christian church Which will b called Galilee, heno w change th name of our community.-. . ' , ' '.i . ' Farmer are busy Infence 'mending and clearing new ; lands.' Bom war disappointed this morning, concerning log rolllnga. ' '' Rev, I. P. Helton filled bis appoint ment at the school house In this neigh borhood last Saturday and Sunday. We hope to have the new church ready for use by the summer. The. Sabbath School at this place la rapidly progressing, It haa 69 members and a very small house. Hurrah I for the church house and give the Bunday School more. . Miss Parthene Btapleford left yester day to visit friends ot Asklns. v I We are glad to relate that Mr. Wm. A. Thomas' little boy who broke his leg some time ago Is mending slowly. SNAP; Sale of Laud. NORTH CAROLINA ) k",0 CBAVBN COONTT.P0" rerm The Citizens Bank of New Bern vs. J. 0. Bushnell, A'irora M. Bushnell, his wife, a&4 Henry 0. Whitehurst, -- Trustee. . . . NOTICE Pursuant to a judgment In the above entitled action, rendered at ssid term, I will sell at the court house door la the city of New Bern, N C. on Monday the 24th day of March. 1902, at the hour of IS o'clock, M., all the follow ing described property, to wit: All that certain tract or parcel of land lying In the County of Craven, and State of North Carolina, lying on the south side of Neuse river and being a part of the old Fort Barnwell plantation aa convey ed to John Blddle by Rosa B Smith and others by deed dated March 8 1886, and fully described in a Commissioner's Deed of the ssid Henry 0. Whitehurst, Trustee, dated December 19ih, 1898, t which reference Is made for a full des cription. Terms of sale cash. This, 18th day of February, 1903. Romolus A. Numn, Commissioner. I iHLBook Store Better thau a Black-hoard -Our Slated Cloth. Recommended by X School Officers and Teachers. 6. N. Ennett. rirrS JUc. lots, but all at the:, price oi 10a lor . V." ; - 67 Pollock Street, ; '),; : ijr G Dann .Q Co f-OLE AGENTS. g 57 UPollocIls: Street- 2 O sOOQ44OCOOO cMineral and Table Waters and Malts, o Harris' Lithia, . Buffalo I'eaufort Lithia in Siphons, Carbonated, o Appollinarig, Vade Mecnm, lfed l?av-n plits, o Curabannu, Hunyada Janos, HofJE's Malt, Hoff's Malt with Iron, . o Malt Nntrine, Cjown Malt, Olimpian Malt. ' Pabst's "Best Tonic," o Beaufort 1 DUFFY'S PHARMACY, I 1 Cox. Middle & S. Front Hi. p L. G. DANIELS, -DEALER IN- Horses ? Mules. FEED AND EXCHANGE STABLES. It AND 41 I'DftVM STRUT, OPPOSITE II V MAN SI PPLT CO NEW BXB1V, 9T. C. Winter Goods At Summer 'Trices. We have a gofd linQ of foal and Wood Urating Stoven that you will find cheajer ilian eleeithar. dan 't want to carry them over. If yours is not nil right bow the time to buy. Our Stock of General Hardware is Complete Sash, Doors and l'lindr, Paint. Oil and Varnish, Co-Id and Silver En amel, Lime, Platter, ( einent, and building Material for a flniahed job. Lowest Trices. Goods Guaranteed. PHONE 117. 78 FOR Horses, Mules, Buggies, Farm Wagons, Cart Wheels and Harness GITJB ME A TUT A I THOS. J. Our Spring Styles f .. In fabrle for Ovarooata and Bait intra r ifdj (or yoor lnsMotion.'' . W hare all Ui novcltiaa ol ui seaaoa n Harms and C heviots. Order bow and yon will bav plenty of tfm to have your fittinc done, i Our prices win be found saUsfactorr, oar work nainr- " V. W' Chiidwlek, Wlnter.ExcursIon Rata. ',' f ffeotiv October f, 1801, Hoarsloa rate ar plaoad oa sale by lb Bon the ra Railway to ajl principal wlntsr resort of tb 8oalk and Honlhwest. Ak any agent Eouthern Railway for fall lafor. matlos. - t. : u o 4 Lithia. Sta Ginger Ale. g The Spring Blocks nave Just Arrived. The most Popular Hats On the market To-day. Do You Wear One? Qaskill Hardware Co. HrooLi St NEW BBRN N. 0. MITCHELL. For Sale Or Lease ! The Grist Mills and Factory property, Cor. Hancock and Johnson streets, known as New Bern Grist Mills and operated by Geo. Bish op,' now deceased.; ' ' Tbe plant consists ol two up to date mills nnafiorn clanner. ' ele- ' -ww W ' MiwMaMsmwwM vat or, belts, one bolters? and every thing com plete and in first class For terms, ana. iur- ther inlormation ap ply to -:r-:A ; -E. k. Bisnoiv

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