;.YOL m-'.-NO.-275 NIW BIRN, N. C, WEDNKSDAY MORNING, FEBRUARY 19, 19Q2.v: TWENTIETH TIAR RALEIGH. iff , " ... . ; " ,V''' - i i -vi- to" 8- OFFERS THIS WEEK Ml i FOR EVERYONE Ladies, Misses, Children and Babies, Gents., Boy's, Youth?. VJjf REMEMBER "W art agehte for 'the well known makO-M of Shoes-Ziegler Broa, and Thoe.HG. Jiant & Co. ...nv. W Eiamina Tha Victoria". i2.0O. ' " .-' W - ------ X Examine "The EmpressV We hare the Best 11.00, $1.25 and 11.50 Shoe for Women intheeity.. . ' SXt In Men's, Our Patent Kids are ' the Latest, Prices $3.50, $4.50, and $5.00. Look at them. CI eaper Shoes $1.25, $1 -6(C $1.75, $2.00, f2.60 and $3.00. : " ' .. . 4 47- POLLOCRtSTREET. V Fresh Country and Side, Bacon, Fancy New Orleans, West Indiajgand Torto Kico Molasses,' Vanilla Drips and Maple Byrnp Just Received. . We also have a full and and fresh supply of Fancy Cakes and Crackers, such as Uneeda Biscuits, Une$da ; Milk Biscuits, ; ysterettea, Cheese Sandwiches, Forentine Vanila Creams.' Orange Wafers, Chocolate, Ice ( reams, &c. . : nnfi- fail nv. M tHkW and (rif.Fvraip flrrvmAT-iM frAfiH and deliyered promptly. Tears to J. SR. Wholesale end Retail Qrocer, !r. ISroad, ITaneock (Sm. PH0NI 69. , , J. -AL, Livery, Feed, oaie.ana Krrhitnnfi Large.td 1 ..1.1. V. I.V Also a complete line ef Baggies, .'V-;.;'V, f '-' Broad aD about earrlf;e from to Zi :' and the old tsgr whn has held tlia .' . reini for flrty Jmrt will tell 70a h hti hd zperlenc and thit expeclenosJatC ' Itlea btm In fUtlng that lh beat cmr ritgoi tot tyle, comfort and dunibilltj are made nd told by Wten B""t . rartory. Vou will find any rrt of a biu , you imy want to rofalr with. WearaUntid ' iiiiartnni in tlili bualneaaand can bAVK you ilUWHiX. ; G. II. Vr.lfrs d Hsa, . riin ' , 78 Broad 8t, Kkw r-siir, N. C. 1. V ) ' V ' i - - w ! . Hams '- f? Please, EES, Jr., finest Steele; l Aa tk. n unit inof iA-A Wagons,' Harries, Boher, Whips. Street Stewarrt W4. Stand., ? to finrcliasb your Rlcycle for Bprln(f. , Cit Blcjf( U lmve boon tlnifid and everybody who rhl them sn'ys tboy are akead Of tUe K- " They ire ll(,-lit in welKhtrCaiy ranauigdnd lliivjincci are way down. ... ... . If yor Blcygle l wi-ak- nr vwii at- tontion. bring It l V pnsrnntBC satltfaction. We muse Vi yn to lit any k't k, ol(n and repair tyi era, etc i J, , ; OIITIN0 1 HISTINO, -A io. ' '.It, N. t Dealer In B!Ctoi.er,Tiii: Goods, rminoanAPim, .! n ' ,RvB8K Bra Mrs, 8iL 1 . l-yj Ei'cSt. .' '' iv; Vampire Father. Several Bore Pardons - Death From' Pneumonia. -State . Charters. ' ; r " Balsioh, N. 0., Feb IS The tempeta tor took a tharp fall lut night and the Indication are that the great anow will remalo a considerable time. Very few tide walks are cleared -and ihote are merely narrow path. There U, itrange to eay, no municipal regalatlon ia re gard to clearing tldewalks, and the city doe nothing towards clearing thorn. The Btate anthorlses the Balelgh Ho- ilery Company to Utae preferred stook to the amount of $18,000. ' . ') The new that there Is being formed an association to . drive oat the "ram- ptre" fathen, who make their little chil- dren work in the cottoa mUli while they themselTda live In utter idleness, ti very gratifying. ; There are -plenty ottobh "vampires" here and Indeed at most places where, there . are mills, : In one county the association has begun driving the vampires" from lu limits. , Governor Aycock pardons Ed BUI, colored, of Tyrrell county, ' who. killed his wife and wu sentenced to five years for manslaughter, of which he had aerv ed twq. The pardon was recommended by the solicitor and many cttlteua. ' The jury was very doubtful about convicting him. There was evidence that the kill ing was aocldental and not malicious. A pardon Is also, granted ; James Marine, white, of New Haifover, who wu convicted of larceny and given two year sentence. . The Judge, juror and many citizen recommended the pardon. The young man.ha always borne a good character, ' Another pardon we granted to Wal ter H. James, while, of Edgecombe 'who was sentenced to 18 mouths on the road for Stealing .the use of a horse. The judge and many leading citizens ' rec ommended the pardon.,. Jasper Fleming, the oldest iludent at the Agricultural and Mechanical college, died yesterday of pneumonia. ' He wu 88 year old and wufrom Milton He wu a graduate of Randolph- Macon col lege and wu s cluamste there of Hon. T. J. Jarvl. He wu taking the dairy course at the college. .. The Btate charters the Wuhlngtoa Us;ht and Water Company, capital $100,- 000. ' - FaTOrite Ilcarljr Eycrywhere. Constipation mean dullness, depress ion, headache, generally disordered.! health, DeWItt', Little Early Riser stimulate the liver, open the bowel and relieve this condition. Safe, speedy and thorough. They never gripe. Favorite pills. F. 8. Duffy. Supreme Court Opinion. Special to Journal.' -r :" - - SaLBiOB, Feb. 18. The Buprene Court filed the following opinion here toJayl . '.!'.' . Cutler v. Cutler, frost Beaufort, sew trial.. - :: Methodist Church vs. Toung," from Tince, affirmed. The following cum were disposed of by per curiam order: State vs. Dry, f rem Currituck, affirm- Pension vs. Ferguson, from Haywood, afflrmcd.' " .- '.'M';fcf Lv v. Railroad, from Jeokson, af firmed.',. ;'',t(';;yV ; " '. ' ,'.y.y.'(t t '' t The'followlni esses were argued from the Id district j'J Xjtf; tfe BtaW vs. Hopkins, by Attorney' Oes- trU for Biete, D. L. Ward, for defend- ast."'.: ":.;"'; '; r '-"r Insurance Company vs.' Steamship Company, eontlnued. King v. Cooper, by Fleming sad Moore for plaintiff, Bheppard and Bhep- pard for defeadanW '.i '-!" Hooker t.' Towa of Greenville, by it auer aed Whedbee for plaintiff, Sim mons had Ward and Fleming and Moore for defendant. - -', "- '.. '.; ' Trm y-W.1i.Bi SUUwn Blt Away.. aadaudmaapaefeMflMaadsoleii r Danish West Indies Now Ours, f WasnisoTon, Fob. 17. today In lit re more lhao three hours' time the Ben ate disposed of the treaty with Denmark ceding to th United States for a con sideration of $3,000,000 the Islands of Bl Thomas, St. John and 8t. CroJx. com p Mi ig the group of the Antilles known u the Danish West ladles, and lying just rait of Porto RIoo and thus, so far 1 this country It concerned, consum mated a trasta'nioa which has been un der contldaiallon since the admlnlurs tlon of President Lincoln. TLt Best Prcictiiitfoa for lUlaria, Chill and Fever Is a bottle of Gnova's TBTi:LKitstuii.uToio. It U simply Iron and quinine in a tasteloa form. No cure no pay. Price SOo, . Hoi ClmcoIu and Hot Coffee and SjinluU'hceat McRorlcy's . LAXATIY2 T i Makes delicious hot bbcu rolls, crusts, griddle cakes and muffins A cream of tartar powder, absolutely pure. , ' ' '; " " ROYAL tAKINO POWDER 00., NEW YORK. OLD WAYNE MUTUAL LIFE. Citizens Warned Against This Company, Observes no Laws. . RiLSiGB, February 18. It will be re membered that Insurance Commissioner Toung tome time since published the above company U a fraud and warned the citizens of the State against It. He had arrested and put on the roads of Wake county for two years, the man O. R.Hassell for representing this com pany. Commissioner xoung 1 contin ually receiving letter from citizens of the Hate about this company and wishes to publish the statement- below that be hu just received from Hon. W, H. Hart, Insurance Commissioner of Indiana. Mr. Htrtuyai ' ' j -The Old Wayne Mutual Life I or ganized under one of the very loosest as sessment laws that could be conceived. This objectionable law has been super ceded by one more stringent In Its pro visions, so that It It np longer operative in this Btate, for the organization of new companies. 1 do not believe that this company complies 'with soy Insurance law In this world, or the nezt, sod some time ago, uked tho Attorney General to commence a suit to determine the matter la the courts,' with a view of hav ing It wound up, but so far, this suit hu not been commenced. The company generally psys from ten to fifteen per cent on the face of Its polloles, when It pay st all. It Is s disgrace to Indiana that such companies should be permitted under the color of law to do an alleged business, snd I trust ere long, that the court will have the opportunity of de ciding u to whether Its methods can have their endorsement Under tbettat ute." This company never compiles with the laws of any state but relies upon doing an "underground" business. Clerk's Wise Suggestion. 1 have lately been much" troubled with dytpnptla, belching and sour stomach,' writes M. 8. Mead, leading pharmacist' ofAttleboro Mass. "I could eat hardly anything ' without suffering several hours.' , My clerk suggested I try Kodo Dyspepsia Cure which I did with most hsppy results. I have had ao more trouble and when one can go to eating mines' pie, cheese, candy and ants after such a time, their digestion , must be pretty good. I endorse Kodol Dyspep sia Cure heartily." You dont have to diet. Eat all the good food you waat but don't overload the .stomach. Kodol Dytpepslt.Cure digests your food. F. 6 Duffy.;.. .' '''- ':' ..(- i- Navigation at Baltimore Closed Baltimore; Feb. 17 The Ice 'packing the upper part ef Chesapeake Bay aad the lower part of the Patapsoo river bu practically put k stop to navigation at this point. Nous of the boat of tie regular Hum plying between this elty snd point on the C beta peak left the docks hers to day. : ,Geo.p. Bennett Deal h r' ' Goidsboro, Feb. 17 Georp , D.Ben. net), of Goidsboro, who hu been 111 la Bt Iioul of pneumonia, died at the lat ter place early Monday. ; His Interment will likely take pltoe at Charleston, W. .. beside the grave of hi wife. Mr. Bennett wu widely and popularly known. ' it,'1- . Cowatr' ! ta'SaajlaBt.. A noted traveler says be has sanv pled a large nomber of hotel In his time oven In Greece but for bare faced dishonesty In the making of bill the bluff British landlord takes first place. "After charging twice what hi food and rooms are' worth he tacks on a further charge for service. another for lights, another for bath, another for fire. Ia short, my expert' euce of country Inns in England and 1 enn speak with aomo authority Is Hint I py as much a Any at a ahabby little country Inn of Kngliiud, where the food Is poor and 111 cooked, the at tendance Inferior and the beds poor, n I would et a good hotol In sucn town RprlnnflcUl, Mans., or the Very bent in Switzerland or Germany. Indeed, It must hnve strurk the avernpo Amerl enn that tho Incomparable Baedeker linrilljr ever find It imwilble to recom mend on i:n;t!tih lmlcl." lr. T-'.Vs Cfc;::i Syrrp Cures , (' or C' ' 1 t once. Cim'jnprs C h a..-l r- G.Asr7t5Vc2a WORST BLIZZARD IN TEARS. New York City and Vicinity Have Hurri cane, : now and Ice. If iw Yobk, Feb. 17. This city got s Usteof the kind of winter New York Ststs hu been having pretty much all the season, and made s fuu about It. A high wind, rising at night to a velocity of 60 miles ah hour, drifted the anow a good deal, made trouble for the railroads and with the floating Ice practically (topped' business In the harbor. The total snowfall wu about ten Inches. The prospects were for clear, cold windy weather tomorrow. This city and the New Jersey coast Immediately to the southward caught all the worst of the storm which wu brewed on St, Valen tine day In Western Texas. New Jersey coast towns had. more snow than New York city, Long Branch reporting twelve Inches. Atlantic City reported one snd a half Inches of melted snow." This meant about ten Inches of snow and considerable rain. From Atlantic City southward ths reports showed less and leu snow and more rain. Lynch burg, Va., for Instance, bad only an Inch of now, Baltimore hsdhslf an Inch, Wublnglonhad an Inch, Philadelphia had four aad a half Inches. To the north the snowfall wu even lighter. Al bany had merely a flurry, Boston had two-tenth of sa Inch. Tbs high winds, Ice-clogged piers and ths wst and driving enow practically tied up traffic In the harbor except that of the ferry boats. Not one steamship, liner or tramp, hsd been reported pate Ing In st the Hook from midnight this morning until late tonight Celery Headache Powders. There Is not any better remedy for headache than these'powders. They sever fail to relieve. Msde snd sold only st Davis Prescription Pharmacy. Cigars at Davis'. Davis Prescription Phamscy hu ex elusive agency in this city for the popu lar "Theo" cigars, Beside tbl brand there are other well known brand. Buy your cigar at Davis'. ' "No man is bora bsto the world wheu work is bo bern with him. There Is always work withal for those who wilL" Wa have Tools for the Carpenter, Implements for the Farmer Bel- lap's, White'e and Avery's Plows and Castings, both steel and cast; Guano Sowers f 1.75, $t.00, $6 00. and f 12.50 (see onr new guano sower); Planters, Cultivators, ; Har rows, Ac; Shorela, Hoes. Spader, PitohTorks, Bakes and everything for the fara. .. . Paints, Oils, Varnish and Brushes f it the Painter. ' ;. : v ' , :-j ; . Cooking utensils for the kitchen. Agents for the . oldest and ' most reliable Stoves and Ranges tnann fact ared,and-keep castings in stock to fit. ii'ivV.'' Builders Supplies of all kinds Sash, Doors, Blinds, Lime, Hair, Cement Plaster, &o; ) V " LB. . Co. FOR SALE! I have on hand; ; Several f econd-band Baggies.1 ' 8 joke Onn. , - . 8 Log Carriages and Tackle."' : " . 1 Pray and Harness. " I Also a lew more muius ana iiorses. I will sell very low for cash or on time. : ' J. WrSTEWART. A Hothzt's Horror! Crc:p, Crcrp. .- en) lis j ii i ' I if In time Fancy Elgin rnr Kmrr ntfffpr a f a . w w m a s7 a. wf FRESH LOT JUST RECEIVED. Lima Beans, White Beans. Loose Oatflaies, Ontario Trepared and Old Fashioned Buckwheat. Maple Syrmp, Corn Syrup, Fancy Porto Rico Molasses. Mince Meat, Prunes, Dried Apples and Peaches. Canned Goods of all kinds. Feather Dusters, Brodms, Lamp Chimneys and Wicks. Complete stock of everything in the grocery line. EF" Give me a call. T T VtMWJ V. U. BltiUUttkUU 5 'Phone 91. Fill your Larder from Tolsons Grocery That's the best way to be sure of getting the best of everything, promptly de livered at money saving prices. We want your grocery trade Respectfully. J. J. TOLSON, Jr., Broad St Grocer, At the Head Of ALL Tobacco Fertilizers, Mi WM G1M0. Specially prepared for the lands of Eastern Carolina. Insures a good enre. Makes wrappers and fills yonr purse. By its merit alone one farmer in Jones County will use it exclusive ly on his eiity acres of tobacco. As our goods are manufactured near you and not re -shipped, we claim Freshness and Good Mechanical Condition. M Grade Cathie, Potato. Allcrop aod Cotton Guano, Our Motto: "Not How Cheap, But How Good." . ats-lf jou use Fertilizers Call and See us. E. H. & J. A. MEADOWS CO., High tirade Fertilisers, Factory Nease River, NEW BERN, N. C. ! h in r ever'seen n New Bern, Suitable for the FARM, LRIVINP, SADDLE, also DRAUGHT HOBSIS, that will be sold for cash on time. ' GUARANTEED AS REPRESENTED. . . , JULIUS Me ARNOLD, fi.!niTS. S f ZZUxJJ cnzil I. fUrccf, INSURANCE AfiENT. Oir.ce, JlIiMln Ft,, Nw lBni, N. C. -UnHi',1 Finies Fire In, - f and Wholesale & Retail a Grocer, 71 llro4 HU Phone 137, GOLD LEAF FOB Horses & Mules, CALL. ON Julius M. Arnold 66 B ROAD STREET, Who baa -just returned Jfrom the Wett with the finest lot of Horses TUCKER BROS. t 810 North Front Street, , ' ; t wOMCNQTON, ".N-p sT '.V . - J A t . ' 1 ' a . .si ' ine piace vx ouj your cemetery ; h ' a JaxtWlty nn . "wm J unir ar. ki ri ri iai fir k tr i a r ' il- a fi. ' . roreiirn mitt lAJiiieeuo unuuie ana v Marble. Letter in n mi Finish the L "Rftnt.'' STld fat IntAftt dftA.tTtia. All 'L . Dot Drinks at Davis. Dorlag the told weather, slop la at Davis' Prescription I harmacy and (et enp of bot clocolat or tomato Jooll . t'o. of L on, or you can gitagUcs ofginuln I

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