VOL JCIX-' J. Jilf NEW BIKH, H. C, THURSDAY MOBNIN6, FEBRUARY 27, I8U2. UiXiibT . UAR iHaekfo OFFERS THIS WEEK FOR EVERYONE. Ladies, Misses, Children and Babies, Gents, Bojs, Youths. HEMEMDER We are agents for the well known make 1 Shoes Ziegler Pros., and Thos. G. I lant & Co. Examine "The Victoria", $2.00. Examine "The Empress", $3.00. We hare the Best 11.09, tl.25 and $1.50 Shoe for Women the city. In MenV, Our Patent Kidi are the Latest, Prices $3.50, 1.50, and $5.00. Look at them. CI caper Shoes $1.25, $1.50, .75, $2 00, $2 50 and" $3.00. A7-AQ pnrmrK qtpfft til JL SJLM S Fresh Country and Side Bacon, Fancy New Orleans, West India-fund Porto Uioo Molasses, VaiiilUi Drips and Mnple Sjrup Just Received. We also have a full and ami fresh supply of I'aue.y cakes and ruckers, such as Unecda I'.isouit, Uneeda Milk liiocults. Ojsleictte?, Cheese Sandwiches, Foreiitinu Vanihi CnaniK, Orange Wafers, Chocolate, Ion Creams, &c. Don't fail to give ns a call and get your groceries fresh and ('elivered promptly. Tours to Please, 1 J. IZ- &JEZBX&, Jr., Wholesale and Retail Orocer, 1 PHONE G9 Cor. Broad A Hancock Sis. J. A. JONES, Livery, Feed, Sate and Exchange Largest'and Finest Stock of HOESES OTLd. UTILES ever offered for sale in New Ben. A Car Load of each just received. Also a eomplete line ef Baggies, Wageas, Harness, Itobee, Whips. Cart Wheels, Ac. J. A. .TONES. Bread Street, Stewart's Old Stand. JSSSsS s erdr seen In New Bern, Suitable for the FARM, 1 IUVINP, SADDLE, ftlso D BAUGHT IIOItSKS, that will be sola for cash on time. GUARANTEED AS REPRESENTED. v JUL 1,7. urn w i i M, W X A M tl 1 M. yV Smoked Hams K Stables TUCKER BROS S'.O North FrontStrect, WILMINGTON, ' N.'.O. The place to buy jour Cemetery Work t BOTTOM PltlCEi Ir Foreign und Domestic Qrnulte and Marble. Lettering and Finish the Best. Send for lutent designs. All work delivered. . .', Branch yard, Goldsloro, N. O. . .: FOR . Horses & Mules, cam ow'Xv Julius M. Arnold ;'7; 66 BROAD SWEET. '"f. Who has juBt returned 'kfrora , the Wet with the finest lot of Ilorsei APJIOLD, TBKEB WERE HUNG. , Two Emma Post Office Burglars and Wilson Couniy Murderer. Special to Joarnal. Raleigh, Feb. J6.-pudley Johnson white), aad Ben .Foster (oolOied), two of the Emma, N. O. burglars were hanged at Asheville today at twelve thirty, noon. Johnson wag astonishingly cool, laughed on the gallows and talked gayly with the sheriff while the latter was fix ing the noose. Johnson refused to reveal his real name, Foster made a religious talk. John Henry Rose the murderer of Thomas Farmer was hanged at Wilson today. He was composed and resigned. Boys Were Sent Home. 8peclal to Journal. Raleiuii, Feb. 26. The boy horse thieves Thayer and Pratt were bound over to court in one hundred dollars ball each, the bail was given. Both boys were sent home tonight. Tillman and McLaurln on Senate RolL Washington, Feb. 25. The most Im portant development today In connec tion with the Tillman McLaurln episode of laet Saturday was the act of Senator Frye, president pro tern of the Senate, in ordering the cleik of the Senate to re store the nanus of the two South Caro lina Senators to the Senate roll. If the present plan is carried out this act wl.'l be followed by the adoption by the Sen ate of n resolution before a vote on any sul.j.-ot is taken, practically endort-lng lie action of the president pro torn In ordering their names erased and sus pending I lie two Senators for some dif hike time. Freshet a; Roanoke. Tu a yt V'., Fi b. 25. Hit ri-'ns o' ' h.-i I r days and tli u IHng movs i'i'i'jmoai bro swelled the vo'- i o-. i f Sifi H Ko rki river hl olh- mu i js 'a c'ly nntll toi'sy toey aa vii'iiWo to.icnt. Tbe lolnd r 'lh "ii" wt of the city aro sub - uiimd tho street cs'3 ire n ' '3 10 ute si rr.o of their suburban ij) a'iaorile Norfolk & W'stera : i ill 8 c e. vd wlih wvr w.'. o. i t ote and tun.ddd l.iciaaifl ipjoiiid n 'La I-'cciote &Soelhem and Sflrn Irn.i V.i. ly dlyi'lons. Two pn'pn- " t on the ltnor.i.ke & Ko.ilLe.a 'verj c'm to ll:c c'ty oj strce. cars from ' .'lure there was a wahonl. Si'r.rudtr RuruoiS Denied. a vDc-, Fob. tf.-Tha Wrr Vbc, io " .1" . d tit) rtno'b. wulc'i ere cir- id hi he li.bby ut ur llou-e of (.ninoi N.t nlhl, that Oeu. Lou's " !, the Boer comrcander-in-cLler In Scnlh Africa, bad made an offer to sur render on certain conditions. The story appears to have come from Paris. The Colonial Secretary, Mr. Chamber lain, In the House of Commons today, Informed a questioner that Lord Mlluer had not received a communication from Gen. Botha offering to surrender. Hlmn rna Mm Hortfctrm Wood wo la Pynj-BilMTn, tha oattala on for egok. Confederate to be Orator. New Tobk, Feb. 25, Hon. Thomu O Jones, of Montgomery, Ala, whom Pres ident Roosevelt lately appointed United State District Judge of Alabama, bat accepted the Invitation to deliver the oration at Grant's tomb, In New York city, on Memorial Day . The prominence of Judge Jones as a Confederate soldier, later as Governor of Alabama, as a conspicuous figure In the national campaign of 1896, when be was tha leader of the Gold Democratic movement la the far South, and Dually his appointment by President Jtoosevel'. make him a noteworthy personage. German Tacbt Launched; Nbw York Feb. M. The all-Import ant event In the Itinerary of Prince Henry of Prussia today waa the launch ing of the schooner yacht Meteor, built at Shooter's Island for the Prince's brother, the Oeraaaa Emperor. The ohrlatenlcg ceremony waa performed by Miss Alice Rooeevelt, daughter of the President of the United States, la the presence of the President, the Prince, the Geraaa Ambassador, yon Holleben, and a brilliant assemblage. :. ' . The Meteoe, moved dowe the ways, amid a scene of grrat enthusiasm. The launching proper wee without mishap, sad presented a graceful and beautiful picture, though It wa accomplished la s drizzling rata and other Inauspicious atmotpberle conditions. ' ' ,.. "rpaTorlte Nearly Everytter;e. . Constipation means dullness, depress ion, headache, generally disordered health, DeWltt'e Little Early Biters stimulate the liver, open the bowels snd relieve this condition. Safe, speedy snd thorough They never gripe. Favorite plils. , F.S. Duffy. ' LAXATIVE TASTELESS "hill to;:ic. ttiHlnlnic ihm Iwvmiiv tira,Mrtv of t., Wirtleal a f.n.r. 1 tan In. i.i4i.'iI.i iI. rn. Onlj.uia ml Poor Prospect For State Base Ball League. Fashionable Morning Marriage. No Prosecution Against Boys Itunnlnir Away With Horses. Both ef Wood Family. The Em ma Burglars. Raletg n, N. C, Feb. 86 A fashion able audience filled the First Presby terian church this morning to witness the marriage of Miss Mary Crow of this city and Mr. George M. Rose, Jr., of Fayeitevllle. The bride was attended by her sisters, Misses Elizabeth and Hargar et Crow, as Maids of Honor, while the groom's bcBt men were his brothers, Dr. Augustus Rose ;and Charles O. Rose. The ushers were James McNeill of Fay ettevllle, Goorgo Crow of Wilmington, John Crow and James McEee of Wil mington. Among those present wo e Hon. George U. Rose and wife of Fay ettevllle, the parents of the groom. The prospect for the formation of a base ball lesguo In this State appears to be extremely poor. All now depends upon Wilmington and Greensboro. People from here will go to both these places this week. It appears that at Wllmlng ton there Is nobody to take charge of affairs. Greensboro has made no sign. Tho odds are there wdl bo uo league. It Is certainly unfortunate. Base ball has ovule the two past summers here very gay. This morning thi- two liojs, 15 and 16 years of age, who hi ed horses heio Sun day and were ciptured at Fajellcvllle Monday afKrnoou while attempting to sell the horses to a liveryman, were brought here and placed in the station h 'Use, tho mayor having Issued the war rant fur them. Thty are well dressed and well behaved, and are from North Abingdon, Mass. President Meserve ol dhaw Uulveifity went to see thorn and found their story to bo true. He knows the parents of Pratt, one of the boys. Pratt's uncle Is a 83 degree mason and past grand master of Massachusetts and he and his wife are now touring In the Mediterranean. h .jer Is an orphan and Dr Meserve knows his uncle, with whom be lives. He vouched for both of the boys. The boys had 1 50 they had saved and came South, they said to get away from the bitter New England weather. Thay could not talk much about what they bad done, by reason of their tears. Tele-g'-im were sent to Nonh Abingdon re garding th.in. T'mro Is no desire to prosecute lhm, after these facts weir i.-H -ni'd, but si pa were taken to send b"0Q ba. k horuo. Tremendous efforts ere made jestor os) aud it mghi bya lot of people at A&herUe and vlr'olty to Induce toe i'.vrtnor to rommiiie i he death sentenr c'Ut Eaiui burgtair This morning tr.ee w a cmtinuitlon of the er ror's. Clerk's Wise Suggestion. '1 have lately been much troubled with dyspepsia, belching and sour stomach,' writes M. S. Mead, leadlog pharmacist' of Attleboro Mass. "I could eat hardly tnythlng without suffering several boors. My clerk suggested I try Kodo Dyspepsia Cure which I did with most happy results. I have had, no more trouble and when one can go to eating mince pie, cheese, candy and nuts after such a -time, their digestion mutt be pretty good. I endorse Eodol Dyspep sia Cure heartily." You don't have to diet. Eat all the good food you want but don't overload the stomach. Kodo) Dyspepsia Cure digests your food. F. 8 Duffy. Nlverton Mine on Fire. Somerset, Pa., Feb. .15 Fire which has been barntagn a small vela In the mine of W. K Nlver Co., of Balti more, at Nlverten, In the Meyertdale region, for two years burst through the bilck wall built to keep It back yettei day as the result of the explosion of ac cumulated gat and la now burning la the mala heading. The mine It supposed to hate been set on Are during a strike In 1000 while the p'.ant wu Idle. The company officials ere now on the scene. ' ; The mine It one of the largest In lbs region snd It Is feared It may . be a long while before It It reclaimed, Three bub dredmeaare throws out of employ meet by the accident '. - :- New Thirteen Cent StamD. Watblngtoa, D. Om Feb. IS Postmas ter General Psyns hat decided on a stew stamp, particularly designed for Uis for elgu mall service. It It to be of s de nomination lew to the postal service lSoente. ; : :-.. -. At present It Is Impossible to send s registered letter through thej foreign malls without using two stamps, ons of five cents, to psy the pottage, snd oae of eight cents to pay the cost of registra tion. When the lJ-oent stamp It oa sals this will, of eourse, be obviated by the ute or oae nemp. The destitt of the stamp provides for a portrait of Pretideot Harrison, which laanezcellent likens Mr. Harrlaoa It thowa tested at hit desk In the Iiku ttvo Mansion. 1 . , . Very One display of all kinds ot Meats at Oaks Msrket, today. THE MARKETS. The following quotations were receiv ed by J. B. Latham & Co, New Bern, M. O. Nbw Voire, Feb. 6. CottoH; Open. Hijrh. Low. Close March 8.80 8 63 x.r0 i 3 May 8 44 H li'J S41 8 4? July 8 At 8.4S 841 8 " Auj, 0V7 8.UJ .T f V O:; ... 7.S4 7.'J1 7 7.91 i jic , Fop. 1 ' WhbaT: Open. Hlish. I.'iw. C May 76 701 75 I!1, July 7c j :c; 6pbi: Open. High. Low. d :i ? liay 6ot . B.r Open. High. Low. C'o-.e JHy K.i . ej NfcW HKIIK COT1 ON MAKKET. 0of.oa In the local market jesin ini ss"-s I t rrals. Spots it. Ssles 8,104 1m1i. Fut.trs, Feb-Mch 4 87 Apr II. f 4 o" ill- No4:7. strek quotations incomclete. IlK'J IITS ltOi)0 '.nal week 157.' M0 This -vn-k. tit. 8'fluO Mop. 24MI0 Tuea. 8WI0 Wed. 2.'e0i Tojrs. 1fj"0 Pi-id rx The Best Prcsctlpilon for Malaria. Chills and Fever is a lio'ilc of Guovs's Tahtki.bss Chii.l Tonic, It la Hiinply Iron and quinine in a tasteless 'oriu No cure no pay. Price 50c. HOT SODA. All the popular flavors Beef Tea Beef Bouillon, Clam Bouillon, Tomato Bouillon (made from beef, U rnatoes and celery). Chocolate and all the soda fla vors Lemon, Orange, Cherry, Grape and Cocn-Cola your cholco for R ccntp and as hot as you can drink It. At Brsdham's Fountain. At J. A. Swert's HIE4T MARKET, 49 MIDDLE ST., Some Extra Find Stall Fed Beet, from Mc Qowan's larm. Stock ot Forsythe's raising. Fine Fork and Sau sage daily. MAS0N1O OPERA HOUSE Tuesday, March 4. Htu year Or AIDEK BENEDICT'S Fabb Romant A Romantic Melodrama of Surpassing Excellence. Greatest ef Stage and Scenic Effects, aa originally presented la New York City. EXTRA ATTRACTION ! MISS OLLIE COOK Baa r a noes 8URPENTINK, FIBE and STEREOPTICOI DANCES. Star Safety Razor. dm Atna.000 nslnrt It Hakes selt-ebaving aluaury. Shaves cleaa, never palls, saves time and money. We also soil the cel ebrated Diamond brand Cluae Rater. Tea do Front view of Starraaor new model ready for not nil any risk in buy ing a laser from at, at we guarantee everyone to stve satlafaoUoa. DON'T FORGET that wt carry the biggest line ef Bicycles, Guns, Am munition sad Sporting Goods In the city. PrllCEl ABB WAY DOWN. WM. T. HILL, rkM ' 01 oe UA&. fttraat. A Mother's Horror l 1 V.r Crmm " i 0P P WOVp. can be prevented If used fce time ' and cured alsaest InsUnllylby using ' ' ion o? syeup, A.T VMKVllll''tl'r,a. fresh: Volgt's Snow 4 rift, White 5 Frost s& Admiral -la BbtU. JUST IiECEIVEI. g J New lot Kresh Pori Sausage. Fulton Market Corned K, t l", i ( alifornia Hams, ilreakfast Strips, fsniail Pig II;,nis, 'I'lijic. Fancy Jersey Tomatoes large cans, California I Varies 20c per can, Lobstera 25c and 85c can . ; J Give me a call for whatever you may need in Kioccrii s -1 3J and I guaranteed to please you. 5 J. L McDAM 'Phoue 91. A Walking Advertisement Our custiimers always have a KmhI wmil for us. They tell about our good, our prompt ness and our price. Aftk Anyone Who Uuyn lit ro, Tliey will tell you all you want lo know about our meth ods and our goods. Respectfully. J. J. TOLSON, JK., ViA Qt fl DC uiuau ji KJiuLcr AT M. HAHN ' 40 head of Horses the farm, draught and seasoned and ready tor Full line of Buggies, Harnesp, WagouB, CarU, Ktc. See ns before buying i nd SAVE MONEY. Resj ectfully, M. II A 11 e'V Mi. At the Of ALL Tobacco FertlHzers aw mm rar Specially prepared for the lands good cure. Males wrappers snd By its merit alone ons farmer ly on his sixty seres of tobacco. As our goods are manufactured near you and not re snipped, v e olaim Freshness and Good Mechanical Condition. , ". Bit. Gratis Cal.iiP.PolaiP, lllcnip atfl Cte Ccann. Cur Motto: "Not Bow Cheap, But How Goo.l." lOrlf yon ms Fertilizers fall and Sea us. ... E. H. & J. A. MEADOWS CO., - - Blgb (Irade FsrUllsen, ' " Paetory Means River, - a NEW DESK, M. C. SIIm Wanule 1". hirwtf INSUBANCE AUEKT, '. C ffloe, Middle 8i, -Jsw Bans, K, C, Represent; United States Hre Int. .IH V Ph.l. In. I nl J hiJM, London and I snrashlie, Indemnity ot N. r ., Citiaena of Mo., bennanta Ul Wholesale s c& lit i nil Z 71 Ilriivl Hi. ML" ?7 i none tj and Mulea adapted lor road work, thoroughly work. Hea of Fast (in Carolina. Insures a fills your purse. In Jones County will tut it t xcIuhxo- During the told wrsther, stop la a DstV Prescription Pharmacy aad get i 000 of hot cbocola'e or tomato boull on. or your to gUg'tst of g nolo oocs oob. ' - & SON

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