THE JOURNAU Kew Bern, N. C, Feby. 87, 1902. Index to flew AdTertisements. Office for rent. ' Harvey Hoote Reopened. J. A. Swert-Meat Market. K. a D. 4 0. D. Line Notice. Simmon & Hollowell Oo Pattern. , Business Locals. OFFICE For Rent Furnished or anfnr nlthed. Addres P. 0. Box 464. WANTED Position m cook or none for children. Apply at No. 169 Broad street. - HARK YE A medium sized Sitting Writing Desk. Address P. O. Box 713. FINE lot of Fancy Fruit today. Also splendid assortment of candies. Give me yonr order, by phone or otherwise. James B. Dawson, 108 Middle St., Phone 209. HOUSE.f orient, seven rooms with all moden conveniences. Call on H. B. Holland 23 Graven street. GALL on S. A. Edwards the shoemaker he is prepared to do first class work in any desired style on boots and shoes. For the next 30 days I'll put on rubber heels for 40 cents per pair, I'll half sole shoes with the best white oak, direct from tannery at the same old prlce,nalled 40, sewed 65 cents, ladies half sole 30 cents per pair. J. U. Payne always on hand. JUST received 1000 bushels of fine polished Virginia peanuts, for sale by Lee J. Taylor. JACOB3' Ralolgh Rye Whiskey Is.lthe best. Middle street. Guilford Lewis, 1902. Samples of the CELEBRATED ALFRED PEATS WALL PAP1R sent to your house or may be seen at Daw son's Confectionery. It will cost you nothing to see these samples and have estimates on one room or your whole house. PHONE 209. See R. B. Blalock For all kinds of PAINTING, DEC ORATING and VARNISaiNG. Fine work a specialty. Picture Frame Establishment, 39 Cravev Strert. Desperate Reeolntlom. ' Rivers (exhibiting it This la a neck tie my wife gave me. Brooks What arc you going to do iwlth It? Rivers (heroically putting It on) I am going to try to Uve It down. Chi cago Tribune. Watches. Wo have purchased a Urge 9tock of 14 karat watches, small ladles, and medium gents sizes, heavy gold cases, and made by our best manufacturer, handsomely engraved and plain, the designs are the very latest. We sell them as cheap as a good filled case cost you. Tou are In vited to call and see them. J. O. BAXTER, Jb., Leading Jeweler. DIME CATARRH SNUFF loosens np the tenacious viscid mucus in nose, clears out the head and stops catarrhal headaches due to cold con gestion In the front of bead. The cost Is only 10 cents and the benefit arising from Its nse la worth dollars health too Mfg. by Bradham's Pharmacy. Clears at Davis'. Davis' Prescription Pharmacy has ex clusive agency in this city for the popu lar "Theo" cigars, Besides this brand there are other welt known brand. Buy your cigar at Davis'. At Davis'. Jordan' Cough Balsam, made accord ing to formula of late Col. Jordan, I on aaleat Davjs' Prescription Pharmacy. This Cough Balsam has always been fonnd very efficacious, and It doe not contain any harmful drugj It 1 espec ially good for children. Price 25 cent Tenney's Candy at Davis'. The sole agency for Tenney'a candy has been aeon red hereby Davis1 Pre scription Pharmacy. A fresh assortment of the candy ha J ait been received. Chocolate and Bon Bon 80 oeots per pound, Fruit Tablet and Peanut Brittle each 10 noli per box, Staffed Date Bo. per box, Assorted Mint box. Buy Tenney's at Dvls Th finest Western Beef and Umb ever seen In New Bern will be oi sal at uax nariei toaay. . . , Hot Chocolate, and Hot Coffee and Baadwlcheeet McSorieT'., CAPUDINE Does not effect the heart. : 'T--S: 4 V1 , It lfUlIori.nt from.other. ' . v .: nealacue.Ilett.ediei. v SOLD BT ALL DRUGGISTS. m PAPER CONCERT TO-NIGHT. A Tery Enjoyable Musical Program at ..v ' . , The Armory. I To night at the Armory, at 8:15 o'clock ihe Choral Society will give another of it thoroughly enjoyable concert :, Betide the member of the Sooiety, yao will take part, . If it Harlan Bad cliff hat most kindly tendeied her attlst ance, and the program, aa can be seen, will prove Qbe which every one will want to bear. . No Night There. Reynold ChoralSoolety. The Pining Flower.. Rototl Miss Koch. Bedouin Lore Bong Peusuli Mr. Watson, . A Summer Night Goring Thomat Hiss Radcllff. Chorale ... Gonnod Choral Society. Intermission of ten minutes. It Was Not So To Be '. . . .Nessler Hiss Radcllff. A Thousand Laagaea Under the Sea.. . . . ...Petree Mr. Benton. Blanca Mattel O! Paradise ..Barnby The Day Is Over Barnby Choral Society. DIED. Inthieclty at 2:15 a. m., February 96th, 1902, after a brief Illness of three days, Frauds P., wife of David Congdon in the 8ind year of her age. A husband and three grandchildren survive her. Funeral from the residence this, Thursday morning at eleven o'clock. Friends of the family are Invited to at tend. ' Overhauling Distilleries. Deputy Collector O. M. Babbitt, of New Bern, was here yesterday and su perintended the replacing of two wood distilleries, owned by Mr. T.J Gere down the river, with the latest Improved copper stills. One of the plants is known ts the "B. M. Roberts" still. The capacity Is not increased by the change but the Deputy Collector is required by law to be present and make the legal transfer Wilmington Star, 3ih. Salvation Oil the Best Liniment. Price, 15 cts; large bottle 25 cts. Great est cure on earth for Rheumatism, Neu ralgla, Soreness, Sprains, Baokache Stiffness, Cuts, Bruises, Wound, Swell ings, Burps and FrostJBHes.V Sa'vatlon Oil kills all pain. Well Played. Fabio Romanl last night at the Acade my of Music lacked nothing of the tre mendous action of Marie Corelll's novel The Vendetta, of which it Is a dramati zation. The parts were all well taken and sustained. Tbe changes of charac ter were carried out with great effect. Miss Ollle Cooke's serpentine stereoptl can dance was a feature of the evening. Raleigh News-Observer, 25th. TOO KHOW WHAT YOU ARE TAKING When you take Grove' Tasteless Chill Tonic, because the formula is plainly printed on every bottle showing that it Is simply Iron and quinine in a tasteless form. No cure no pay. Price 56c Not a Case of Small Pox. Pollocksvllle, Feb. 26. Ed. Journal. I see an article in your paper from Trenton, N. C, stating that Mr. Clyde Sanderson and bis sister, Miss Julia had the smallpox at their home which is only 5 miles from this place. In justice to the healthful condition of this neighborhood I will say that tbe report la false a to smallpox. I have seen both Mr. Clyde and Miss Julia from 9 to 8 tlmea a week for th last two months and know neither of them have been the least sick In any way.. Neither of them bare been to tbe Charleston Ex position as the report says. I am glad also to say that there hat not been a case of smallpox in Jones county for 18 or 20 year and truly hope there will never be another. Tours truly, JCLIAH B. BlMDXB. The Last Heard Of It. "My)lttle boy; took; tbe' eronp one! night ana toon grew to bad you could bear him all over tho house," ssys F. D. Reynolds, Mansfield, O. "We feared he would die, bat a few doeea of On Min ute Congh Cur quickly relieved him and be' went to deep. That' tbe last we heard of tbe croup, Now lan't a cough cure like that valuahlef" One Mlnat Cough Oure Is absolutely safe and act Immediately. For coughs, colds, croup, grip, bronchitis and all other throat and lung trouble It 1 a certain our. Very pleUsant to take.' Tbe littleones Ilk II. F.8.Dnffy. - DitsHOors ritEVBrnics. The great cold core, are told and guar anteed by Bradham's pharmacy. If you bring -tb empty box took, and yoa art ant tatUfied with Preventlc w will r turn your 88 cents. Ton matt bsv them on hand If you expect to prevent ooldst aad prevention la better tbaa ear Preventlot cure cold, a well a prevent Celery Headache Powders, "There 1 not any better remedy for headache than' thetefpowders. They aever fait 10 relieve. Mad aad told only at DavW freeorlptloa Pharmacy. ' k t , Trscriptionj at Davis'. Davit' Prescription Pharmacy make Itpects'ty of prescriptions. Prompt and careful attention I given them. Only tl. heat drurt are used. Th prioe are real ooable. Bend your there to be filled. THE WRECKED SCHOONER , Harla Row On Ways. Extent Of Damage iTo Vessel, iiit Th sunken aohooner Maria, firmly lathed between;, the schooners Porter and Farson, reached here late Tuesday night, a tug the last mile or two. assist ing in bringing the vessels to the foot of the marine railway, .-. . ; '.y yesterday, the Maria was hoisted up on the ways, and the extent of her In juries was-made fully apparent. On the starboard side, just aft of tbe foremast rigging, a wide gap from the rail to below the water line, (bowed where the schooner had been atruck by the steamer Ocraooke. The cargo which was hoisted out. Is practically a total loss, as the river mud seemed to enter into every bundle and package, except a number of stone jugs containing whiskey. - Throughout the schooner there waa a ellme-of tbe river bottom mud. Besides the damage to the schooner' hull, sail and rigging will need over baallng. Capt. Llge L'upton who had the work of raising, the Maria and bringing her here, made a good and quick job. A chain was first run under the schooner a she lay in 22 feet of water off Neuse river light, and then the boat was raised and lashed between the schooners Porter and Farson, the two schooners then sailing pp the Neuse, as above noted. The Maria will be repaired and again put in service on the river. Capt. Nat Gasklil is the owner of the schooner. AROUND AND ABOUT Tho spring like weather continued yesterday tho temperaturo extremes va rying between 45 and 71 degrees. Fair and probably armer, is the forecast for to day. PERSONAL PARAGRAPHS. Mr. J. C. Qufneily of Klneton, is in the city. Mr. Ralph Gray returned from Rich mond last night. Mr. W. W. Claik returned last night from a business trip to Mew York. Miss Kate Brown, who has baeu vis iting in the cily returned to Klnston yes terday. Mr. G. A, Darfoot left on the steamer .Neuse, yestorday, for New York on bust ness. Base Ball Outlook. Now thai the weather has fl .rally Jeaied, and oui door life Is postt''e, the qevi'on of a Sine Lesgue of baJl clubs, n .'ikely tn b detetailufd ia a few Wilmington shows no sign of want ing to hit a team In the League, snd Instead of a StV.e League the prospect Is for a number of independent clubs thiongbout the Stale. The following from the Wilmington tsr of 26ih, shows the tendenoy in that ' ity. 'Pitcher A. B. Hopkins, of last yesr's Wilmington base ball 'earn, write Mr. C'em WeMV.t that ha will be here March i5 to a few days wlih htm. Hot Iclns tiiUks of oigaoiztug an indepe id ertt'imlD Wilmington for th- season ana will 1.4 asiiisltr) in ibe enlerpilxe bv Mr. Wesc tl." few Bern will have a club, whether the State League is a go or not. Dr. Ball's Cough Syrup Cures a Cough or Cold at once. Conquers Croup, Whooping Congh and Measles Cough without fail. Beet for Bronchitis, Hoarseness, Grippe, Pneumonia, Con sumption and Lung Affections. Quick, sure results. Prioe, 25c Western Pork Loin at Oaks Mar ket. Low Rates to Charleston Via. At lantic Coast Line. The Atlantlo Coast Line Railroad Company announce the following rate to Charleston B. O. on account of the Sooth Carolina Inter-state and Weat In dian Exposition, Charleston, S. O. Deo. lit, 1901 to Jane lit, 1909. - The following rate apply from New Bern, N. O. $7.58 ticket to be told Tuesday and Thursday of each week until and Inclu ding May 19th, 1908, continuous passage; Anal limit (even (7) day In addition to data of tab. law tlckett to be told dally until aad Including May Slit, 1901, contin uous paataga, final limit, tea (10) day In addition to data of eato. 1190 ticket too cold dally until and Including Hay Slat, 1901, contin uous passage, final limit Jus Srd, 1908. . , : .Ft any farther partloulars writ or call on ' .--W-is : , . v-y.-r.'v. h-'m. emersok, , ' GeiiX Pas'gr, Agt, Wilmington N. 0. I. S. MAHlX,V,. vrt,,. .. ... c , Agent, Kw Bern, N. 0. '.."'I . . J.8.UART8KLW ,; .Trv. Pas'gr. Agt. Tarboro. N. 0. '.. j V That Light Coug-bv ; and a far aa that It concerned any oongh or eold, could be relieved and en red with CUERHY Gl.YC EUIMB. It lean entirely reliable cough syrup which bat bad an a normoua sale during the last few years. It seems to give better sat ItfavctloB titan any other like pron- taration that we oould get hold of. i In. lilnH I...- I 1 .1. .vuu -' .iivw iwu min er recommend It to our customers than any other we have In our J store, it i sare to gtve to rmi'i ron. Hold only at HAHOKT'd PHARMACY, Cor. Broad & Fleet Street. : h . ? POLLOCKSYILLE. f Wet and Cold For Farmers. Only Two . awweej w wvuvaa invit - ytiujav 0J t . Windstorm February 85 Very little progreetl' being made by the farmer. When not I too cold it it too wet to work. Mr. J. R. Ball bought 800 bales of cot ton last week from Mr. E. L. Haogfatoq of this place, for Rodgers, MoCabe & Co of Norfolk, Va. s Only two more big lots of -cotton now held In this county that we know of, which is in the possession of Messrs. John Pearco and John Simmons, near here. Mr. I. H. Barrua has contracted with the Elm City Lumber Co., to move tbe ' timber lately purchased by them, from Dr. Hughes and wife, of this place, he will toon begin operations. Mrs. J. H. Bell of tbl place, is, and hat been very sick, this week, but we are glad to learn the is some better tt this writing. Mr. Win. Henderson of near Trenton, was visited last night about 4 o'clock, by a tornado that did much damage to (hls property by blowing his house off mo iouuaauon, mowing away an me out-buildiugs, tearing up anil bearing away a wire fence and much more dam age was done on the farm of Mr, Pol lock, so Mr. Henderson reports. Messrs. J. H. and E. T. Bender has bought the Interest of Mr. T. A.Bell In the saw mill property formerly owned by Bender, Bell & Co. and will operate the same as before at the same place, where they make shingles and varlius kinds of lumber. Mlssos Izora Jones and Emma Weeks, of Bogue, Carteret county, are visiting relatives In this place, Hope their stay will be so enjoyable one among us. Very little courting among the young folks of tbU viciuity aud not the slight est hope of a wedding any time soon. Mr. G. H Cooper the aent at the A. C. L. depot of lliia place will leavo for new fields of operation lu a day or so. His place will tc rilled by Mr. liae of Buie, N. 0. We wish Mr. Cooper suc cess lu his new place of business. Mr. Willlnm Koonce, one of the old est citizens of this place and this county is very feeble at bis home here. Old age end disease Is telling on tbe old t;eiilleinan very fast. LESS WORRY. ' Children will play and get over-heated get their (i:ct wet, epotc themselves In dozfns of wayp, and you can't prevent it. All you can do is to keep them as free from exposure as possible and al ways have in the houso a Cough Remedy that can be depended upon. Anway's Croup Syrup will fill every requirement. It Is guaranteed to cn re Coughs, Colds and Croup or the price 25 cents will b refunded by any dealer Belling It. Bold by Davis', Henry's, and Bradham's Pharmacy. mm Having secured the agency lor the Eanner Patterns, to introduce them in this community we 'will furnish FREE a pattern tor any garment the material to be pur chased at our store and to cost 15c or more per yard. This is e. great opportunity and no doubt will be appreciated by our patrons. The Banner Patterns are strict ly first-class In every respect and guaranteed to be as good as the best and at half regular price. BANNER' PATTERNS 10c AND 15c EACH. 67 Pollock Street. . M tt Rural Delivery For Onslow, J Beginning April ltt, tbe following ru ral free delivery route will become oper ative. - One carrier: length of route. IS miles: Area covered, 80 square mILs; Popula tion served, 750; Number of houses on route. 169. Carrier. Alonzo T. Redd: Postotflce at Palo Alio to be discontin ued. Walnut Taffy and Walnut Buttercups at MrPorb-vV NOTICE ! CD, 8 P.P. Line. We will not have any steamer sailing from New Bern on Saturday Marcli 1 st. GEO. HENDERSON, Agt. HARVEY HOUSE And Newly Furnished. Board with rooms, by week or month. Terms reas onable. Apply to MRS. JANIE BERRY, 8outh Front Street Umbrellas ! We have a number ot Umbrellas left over from the holidays which we will'sell at a reduction. Ivory, Pearl, and Silver Handles. Fine En graving tree ol charge on all articles sold. EATON, The Leading Jelteeler. Got that Chicago Typewriter Yet ? IF NOT, WHY M OT '! The Machine U Ail Right. The Price is All Right. The Guarantee is All Wight. G. N. Ennett. a" r - I The Greatest Minify 8aY3r Of the Age. Old, woru Umbrel las MI)K NEW in Un miiiuifs. i'ii 1 o:i us for particulars. i Mu' fe J 57 ollocls: Street. j as? $ cMineral and Table Waters (.'5 mi tit -j Car. Middle . Men Knew the IntrinsicValue of a Suit of Clothes. Ft nie It inn the truth hy cxpriiciicc, aome hy heivsav, hut tln v tatch cn. We an- catering to the Vopular Sml imcnt this spring. We l ave m? (led lo our Clothing Dcparlimnt a lim- of sninplea from oik! of the hugest tailoiing houses i:i the rnm.lry. Von ii, ale your Kcleetioii, we laic yonr nicaaiiir an. I g::nr.uito on Tries 1 it ai.d Quality. We have on display this week in our 1'nllnck utivel store iliis up-o-date line of samples. It eot joh nothing to loo; at (Ii.-m-xanp!cH and hut little to liny. We invite yonr inspection and will he ple.iflod to th iw rou. 61 tit SMITH'S L.- Go DANIELS, -DKALKlt IN- Horses Mules. FEED AND EXCHANGE STABLES. 42 AND 44 CDAVEN STREET, OPPOSITE IIVMAN SI PI'LY ( () NEW BEItN, N. V. Winter Goods At Summer Prices. We bsne a goid line of ( oal antMYood llci.ling Stovrs that you will (inil cLcnj ( r t-h'cMhere. Vad n t wunt to cany tlictn oer. If yours i3 not till right now itt the time to bnv. Our Stock of Geneiul Hnrdware is ( oniplcl Sash, Doors end Itlindp, Ftiint. Oil and Vainith, Gold and Silvir Kn aniel, Limp, Plmtcr, ( ertitLt, t.r,d building Material for a f nitlud joh. .. Lowest Price. Oooda Guaranletd. PHO-NK 147. n Midsli St FOB , Horses, Mules, Baggies Farm Wagons, Cart Wheels and-' , Harness GIVE 3X12 l inUL: C THOS. J. i & go., i Boy' Wear, 1 and MaltsM tl Harris' Lithiu, Buffalo Lithia, eaufort Lithia in Siphon, Carbonate Appollinarin, Vade fecm, Wed Wavcu SpliU, Ciirabaniiii, Hunyada Janon, Hoff's Malt, Hoft's Walt with Iron, Malt Nutrine, ( rown Malt, Oliiupian Malt. I'abst'u "HeBt Tonic," Beaufort Ginger Ala. m m pi Site pir. aft U. Front St. fi a,,,-. ress !)9 St, Gaskill Hardware Co. NEW BXRN, N. 0 niTCHELL. '

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