l i i i Mia r n T VOL XlI-fO, 283 ' KIW 6m, S. C, FRIDAY MOESINB, FEBRUARY 28, 1902. TWENTIETH V'sUR I"' .. - r s . : " n aaGiiioyrai OFFERS THIS WEEK 4 FUJI FOR EVERYONE. Ladies, Misses, Children and T?KMRMREft'W ara amntn for tha .veil known make 1 of fihofift Zlflo-lar Brew" and Thoa. Q. Plant k Co. V ( - Rxumina Tia Tinteria" M.Bn. W jj) Examine "The EMpress", $8.00. S We have the Best 11.01, 11.25 and $1.60 Shoe for Women yjj A in the city. M jk In Men's, Our Patent Kidi are the Latest, Prices $3.50, i Jy $4.50, and $5.00, . Look at them. Cheaper Shoes $1.25, $1 .50, $ i $1.75, $2.00, p.iO and $8.W. - ( 47- POLLOCK STREET. Fresh Country and bide Fancy New Orleans, West IndiaJJand Porto Kico Molasses, Vanilla Drips and Maple Bynp Juab Received. . We also haye a fall and and fresh supply 'of Fancy Cakes and Crackers, such as TJneeda Biscuits, TJneeda Milk Biscuits, ' Oysterettes, Cheese Sandwiches, Forentine Vanila Oreams Orange Wafers, Chocolate, Ice Creams, Ac Don't fail to giro ns a call and "get your groceries fresh and delivered promptly. Teurs to Please, J. 33. FadJRSSB, Jr., Wholesale-and Retail Oncer, ' munis oa uor. uroaa juancocK bis. r Livery, Feed, Sate and Exchange , Largestfaad HIOISSES.;; and. "CTHiES . ever offered for sale la New Bern. V;-' . . Also a complete line ef Bafgies, Cart Wheels, As. v---':r5; , C'i ' Bread ''i: - ' - N J :;:--.r:: , iu for t! ; ever e u r also D"AV : ') t f. v -L. r V ... Babies, Gents, Boys, Youths. a. W te W Smoked Hams Bacon, $ Finest Sbeok oi A Car Laid ef each just received. Waftaj,' Harness, Rokee, .Whips. - --' ; V: A. aTOJTES, Itreet, Itewart's Old Stand.' TUCKER BROS. ; 1 - 110 North Front Street, a ; wiLMinarotf, ' The place to bny your Cemetery Work at .BOTTOM PRICKS. I Foreign and Domestic Granite and ' Marble. Lettering and Finish the , ieei. - oena lor laieei aesigns. ah work delivered. - ' ;'"'J. ' ; ,r ; Branch yard, Goldsboro, K. C. i Horses : Mules, CAIili Oil ; JuliiiG Arnold 66 BROAD 5TH:CT, Who has junt returned 'from Uic Writ with tlio fint'fct lot of IIutH'-f ti.o fai::.', uiavixo; faddlk, l. .! I r rr,; h on timo. JONES, ASKED TO WITHDRAW. Uett. Got. Tillman Requests tne Presi dent to RecaU His Acceptance of an Invitation to Deliver a Sword to a ;s ---- , ." I Soldier- Augustai Ga.j Feb.'" SB Lleuteasnt GoTernot Tillman, who Is la this city, says that today, In deference to re quests by wire from the subscribers to the fond for the sword alluded to, he telegraphed as follows . to President RotsevelL- - , - A short while ago I ihad. the honor to address your Excellency a.letttr re questing that on the occasion Of your Tlilt to Charleston, yoo present a sword to Major Jenkins, of - the First United States Volunteer Cavalry, of whose gallant ssrvloes ' yon spoke so highly, your words being engraved on the stabbard. Ton accepted the Invlta- tatlon for which we thanked yoo.-1 am now requested by contributors to the sword fund to aak that yon fwllhdraw said acceptance, i - . - " "J ahm H, Touui, 1 "Lieutenant Colonel First 8. C, Vol unteer Infantry and Lieutenant Gov ernor of South Carolina." In explaining the sending of the tele gram Lieutenant (Jovernor : Tillman said: "It Is with much regret that I am directed, or rather required, to haTe sent the telegram X -did and especially In view of the fact that I am to eloeely related to one who but a few days ago was subjected to an affront which was seemingly, or at least the people who contributed to the purchase of the sword, think, unwarranted." The Best Prescription for Malaria. - Chills and Fever Is a bottle of Gnova's Tasteless Chili. Tonic. It Is simply Iron and quinine in a tasteless form. No cure no pay. Price 60c Almost Lynched American. Loudon, Feb. 38 Charles Brown, an American Bosnian, narrowly . escaped lynching at South Shields, . Durham, this afternoon, after killing a fellow pallor. A general fight occurred on board the Liverpool steamer Beacon Light, Cap tain Kelley, which was anchored In the Tyne, during which Brown shot a sailor named O'Donnell. Brown escaped in the mcleo and got ashore. There he was captured by a constable after a hard fight on the dock, and It was with diffi culty that he was protected from the mob. Brown was carried to the police sta tion, and as the constable laid the Amer ican's pistol on the table a cartridge ex ploded and the bullet seriously wounded another sailor. DOVER. Feb. 28. Services next Sundsy st the Ifethoditt church at 11 o'clock and at night 7:30. ' Quito a number of shade trees have been sot out In towa wbloh will add eon- (lderably to the appearance of things generally. . , " . ' Work on farms hss been suspended In this section owing to ihe wet westhsr and will neceaserisUy cause our farmers to start late " r .- Mr. Bryant Fields Is making the neces sary preparations to commence a dwell Injt In East Dover. Hardly a. week passes but what some one has Jail com pleted or finished building, i W are moving forward gradually and substan tially snd before msny years psss we ex pect to cee Jtover s county seat. 1-' J . Prof. ' L. L," Eargrave has ' enrolled nearly seventy Are pupils and the Indl- cations are that the spring session will be a sucoessf ul one.The ' painting -of the school building , will soon' be com pleted sad a lot of shsde trees planted around H. 7 V.,( .'!"': avt.jy ; Our people think Gov. Aycock made a splendid selection In appointing Prof. Joyner to Bnperlntendency of the Publlo Schools of the Stste.' Now If our worthy Board of Education will select Mr, 8, H Brlnion for our county superintendent. we can rest assured that our educational affairs are in good hinds . and ws need have no fears of the results.' . A Mr C. A. Diugherty bss moved from here to ' loss, bis former home. . . LESS WORRY. , : Children will play and get over-heated got tbelr feet wet, expose themselves la aotrns ot wsyi, snd yon can t prevent It. All you can do Is to keep them aa free from exposure as possible' snd al ways have in the boute a Cough Remedy that can be depended upon. Anway't Croup Syrap will fill every requirement It Is guaranteed to curt Coughs, Colds snd Croup or tbs price 20 cents will refunded by sny dealer selling It. Sold by Davis', : Henry's, snd . Bradhani's Tharmscy. . t HOT SODA. All the popular' flavora Beef Tea Bocf Bouillon, Clam Bouillon, Tomato Bouillon (mails from beef, tomatoea and celery). Chocolate snd sll tbe sods fla vors Lemon, Orange, Cherry, Crape and Corn-Ola jour choice for 6 crnte and r hot yu can drink It. At r,m'li m' Fi nnlnln. LAXATIVP. T.'-r P.IUISH. Snrrey . tor Water Power on Cape ' i Fear River. Meeting State' Board ef EdncaUen, Short Political Campaign Do- , sired By Tonng Democrats. : - State Charters, Named r. , '". . r Changed. , RAiiaH,Feb. 97. The State Board of Education met this sf ternoon, es peolslly to consider the apportionment of the $100,000 appropriated by the leg islature for specie's purpose of keeping all publlo schools open 4 months In the year. There are so fsr 1 reports from all the counties save 8. ' Twenty one of these ssy they need nothing, while the 9 ssy they require $78,000. ' , v ., It wss decided to send out quickly to ooontles the sums they actually needed to keep their schools open four months, bnt they ste. notified that they must first exhaust all tbelr svsllable school funds. There is no question of the Speedy pay ment of the money, snd that without waiting for reports from the eight coun ties unheard from.' : ; ' : ; There wss dlsoasslou of the proposi tion to make William B. Rodman of Washington, agent for the Board for all the State swamp lands. Action on this was deferred until the next meeting of the Bard. A surveying party has finished mak ing a special survey of the water-power at Buekhorh Shos'.s on the Cape Fear river and flirt that It will develop fcr leoulual transmission 8 W0 horse power with aolllty to Increase this to 5000. It is proposed to use this power at Fayette- vllle and points In tbat vicinity. The party Is now surveying the wster -power at Lcckvt'H on tbe sDs-jp river, an I finds it ll give 23W II. P., and tbat the6 Is ax'llty to mcieavi this 10 4000. It is the purpose to ui tbla st Rale'gh. Tt Is K9 miles from this olty. The gt.narat desire among Demounts s?ppii to be tost tas csmpatgn tnts j ear shall not be a long one. The State committee Is called to meet March 21. One Demootatlo leader said today feb thought this looked like them wa to bn a long campaign and adctid tbat he did not totnk Vbi committee should meet un- I Isle In Ap.ll. Ttin Sisle obaners tbe Oregon CWr Company of Dunn,; with 445,000 capi tal. The name of the "Fids Club," at Ohar- rtle. rbarierad by tbe State, was today changed to "No. 803. B. P. O. Eiks." Arnvsls: 1 O. H. Galon, New Bern; D. J. lice, Rcuky Mount. Bluest Cotton Cargo. Bavahtar, Ga Feb. 28. The Ger man steamship Drychenf Ola, Oapt Llnltls sailed today for Bremen and Hamburg with the largest cargo of cotton ever cleared from a South Atlantic port. She carried, according to the official way of estlmstlng the total by counting round bales, two for one, 19,833 bales, valued at $804,897. In. addition to the cotton the Drychenfols also took 8,100 barrels of rosin, 8,404 sacks of cotton seed meal snd 8,481 tons of phosphate rock. Farorlte Nearly Everywhere. .'Constipation means dullness, depress ion, - headache, , generally disordered health, DeWltt's Little Esrly Risers stimulate the liver, open the bowels and relieve this condition. . Safe, speedy and thorough-; They never gripe. Favorite puis.- F. B Duffy; v r::-., - . ; : Fsbrsary 17. The weather has been vert unfavorable for the past twe weeks The poor old farmers . haven't been able to do any work. ,- ?;-vjv..M-. , The basket party at Mrs. G. L. Ar thur's waa enjoyed by all. There were people from Vaaoaboro," Wasp, Ernul and New Barn.' , Mlu Mamie Ernul who Is attending school la your olty spent last Saturday and Sunday with her parents. . i " Miss Lottie Ruff of your city Was also In our midst last Saturday and Sun dsy. ' -, - :'v Miss Vara Hancock who has been visiting at Mrs, F. bV Ernul's returned to her boms last Mondsy. . Miss Estbsrine Ernul spent the after noon with Dells Chsse last Sunday. , ' Messrs. W. B. snd G. L. Arthur msde a buslneas trip to your city yasterdsy. , Mrs. W. R. Arthur has two right sick children, hope tbey will soon be belter. Well I would like to know what has become of Joshua, Has bs let O. T. E. run him out of tbs State f . : Ocrk's WIse Sntxestion. '1 hsve lately been much troubled With dyipcpila, belching and sour stomach,' writes M. 8. Moad, .leading pharmaclfit' of Attloboro Mats. "I could eat hardly anything without suITorlng aureral hours. My clork lugr ittod I try ICodo Djapepsls Cure which I did with moat happy results. I have bail) no more trouble and whea one can go to eating mince pie, checm, candy and nuts sftr auch a time, their d!;;"Uon muot be pretty good. 1 endnree Kodol Dynpep la t uro lii'rtny." You don't hTS to ill. t. r..il all tlio god fi b'it don't ovciload tlie a' IU p' ! 'ft Cnrc dUsth y ! ' l J"U Wnnt i,h. i;..:.,i r f.;o.l. J- B THE MARKETS. The following quotations were receiv ed by J. X, Latham Ado, New Bern- - ., Nnw Toax, Feb. 27. Oonon- : ; Open,' High. Low. Close March.. 8.60 8 61 -8.57 8.50 May 8.48 8.48 8.48 v 8.48 aly 8.47 8.47 8.43 8.48 Aug. 8.81 8J1 8.87 - 857 Ost.......... 7.81 7.r 7.89 7.89 Chicago, Feb. 17 Open. High. Low. Close ..76 77 761 76f .701 76 Open. High. Low. Close . 601 611 Open. High. Low. Oloss . 887 885 WsuiAT: May;.... Jaly.... Gobk-v May RIbS! Msy..... There were sales of cotton In tha loosl market yesterdsy from 71 to 81 casts. Spots 4.81-83 Sales 8,00 bales. Futures, Feb-Mcb 4.86. Apr-Msy 4.86 Msy-Juns 186. - New Tork, Feb. 87, Stocks; Open. High. Low. Close Sttgsr ......129 129 Con. T Be By 83 32 C8.Ii. Ill Ul U. 8.8 481 Ex. Div. 431 TexPac. A.O.F Mo. P. 101 9i Va.C.0 Atchlbon 76 71 Copper. .1 C S. S., Pref'd. 9iJ 911 fOKT KKCKIPTH. Same week last yesr. 181,000 Last week 167,000 This week. 6st. 80000 18009 270T0 210CO Men. 84000 Tues. 85000 Wed. 85000 Thurs. 16000 Fri. 19009 14000 21000 131.008 At J. A. Swert's MEAT MAItKET, 49 MIDDLE BT, Some Extra Fine Stall Fed Beet, from Mc Gowan's iarm. Stock ot Forsythe's raising. Fine Fork and Sau sage daily. ' Tuesday, March 4, 14t TEAR Of AIDEX BENEDICT'S A.Romaotle Melodsama ot Surpassing Iieatteaea.-y. - Greatest ef Stage and Soenio Effects, as. originally presented - fa New Tork city. . : -. EXTRA ATTRACTION ( 1IISS OLLIE COOK Lift t&y-i a MB 'woes t ' BURPENTINS, FIRE and ' - . . STEREO PTICON DANCES. Star; Safety Razor. Over 5,000,000 using ii ..Makes sslf-shaving a luxury. Shaves oleaa, never pulls, saves time and money. . ' We alao sell tbe oel ebraled Diamend brand Cluaa Raser. . Ten do not raa any riak In buy Front ! view of Btar raser new mode ready for UIS, ; f.l ing a raser from a a, aa we giurantee everyone to stvs satlafactlna. DON'T FORGET that we carry the blrrt Una af Bicycles, Guns, Am munition and Hnortlnff Goods In the city. TRICES ARE WAY DOWN. WILT. HILL, 81-83 Kiddle Street. Hi. A Hcilicrs Horror I CiC - 1 if u:,' d la tiui Fabio Romani ci- -J Sing J . j Void's Snow Drift, White Frost Admiral JUST RECEIVED. New lot Fresh Pork Sausage, Fulton Market Corned Beef, California Hams, Breakfast Strips, Small Pig Hams, Tripo. Fancy Jersey Tomatoes large cans, California Peaches 20o per can, Lobsters 25c and 85c can. Give mi a call for "whatever you may need in groceries and I guaranteed to please you. J. L. MeDANIEL 'Phone 91. A Walking Advertisement Our customers always have a good word for us. They tell about our goods, our prompt ness and our prices. Ask Anyone Who Buys Here, They will tell you all you want to know about our metk ods and our goods. Respectfully, J. J. TOLSON, Jr., Broad St Grocer. Phone t37. mmmmfmmmvfmmmmfmi AT M. HAHN & SON'S An 40 head of Horses the farm, draught and seasoned and ready for work. Full line of Buggies, Harness, Wagons, Carts, Etc. . ' . See ns before buying and SAVE MONEY. Respectfully, M. nAiiur fc SON. Of ALL Tobacco Fertilizers. n mm ' Specially prepared for the lands good cure. ; Makes wrappera andffilu yonr pun. ..": SX: By its merit alone one farmer ly on his sixty acre of tobaoco.;;i & " As our goods are nannfactved near you ana not re-smppea, we , claim Freshness and Good Mechanical Condition, ' '.r , x -ir ' " -a. . V f ' JB i Jts U frk rsnrifl netiiura Vntifn , , liiU U1UUU vaMUUj,Uj aviuuii uuvtvy, y , Our Motto: "Not How Cheap, Bnt How Good,"; "vV J VJ tarlf you via Fertilizers' Call and See vs. -.. 'I V ; E. II. J. A. IIEADOWS CO., ; ; . , Blgk tirade FertilUert," .); -.Sy, Factory Sense Itiver, . SEW BERN, N. C 'AVC2 At EM, t., - r.iw rum, N. c. -I'i ""1 ! i I "i Ina. I !. f .. f I i II- Whuv Wholesale fc Betall Grocer, 71 Broad I Stables and Mules adapted tor road work, thoroughly of Eastern Carolina. Insures a In Jones County will use it exclusive k pwiTi anti I'nrtnh uniim vv Hot Drinks at Davis'. . During the cold weather, stop In a Davie' Prescription rharmacy and get t c pofhot chocolate or tomato boull on, or you can grtSRlaas of gonuln j 3 ail

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