r VOL"XIX".RO.'284 ' , KIW BIRN, H. C.j SATURDAY MOBNIHG, MARCH 1, 1902. TWENTIETH TEAR State's Attorneys In South Dakota . Bond Suit Mackburn" OFFERS THIS WEEK FOR EVERYONE. . . . . -s Ladies, MissesChildren aid Babies, Gents, Boys, Youths. BEMEMBEK We are agents for tha veil known make ' Shoes Ziegler Bros., and Thoa. 6. Plant & Co. Examine "The Yicteria", $2.00. Examine "The Empress", $8.00. We have the Best tl.Oa, $1.25 and 1.50 Shoe for Women i the city. In Men's, Our Patent Kidi are the Latest, Prioes $3.50, i.50, and $5.00. Look at then. Cheaper Shoes $1.25, $1.50, 1.75, $2.00, $2.50 and $8.00. 47-49 POLLOQL STREET. Fresh Country and Side Fancy New Orleans, West Indiajand Torto Kico Molasses, Vanilla Drips and Maple Syrup Just Received. We also have a fall and and fresh Bupply of Fancy Cakes and Crackers, such as Uneeda Biscuits, Uneeda Milk Biscuits, Oysterettes, Cheese Sandwiches, Forentine Vauila Creams Orange Wafers, Chocolate, Ice Creams, Ac. Don't fail to give us a call and 'get your groceries fresh and delivered promptly. Tours to Please, X. 13- 'SjbESBZEE Jr., Wholesale and Retail Qrocer, PH0NK 69 Cor. Broad Hancock Su. J. A. JONES, Livery, Feed, Sale and Exchange -Largestaad Fiaest 8tock of- HOESES axidL 2TtJX-ES ever offered for sale ia If ear Berm. A. Car Lead of each just received. Also a complete line af Baggies, Wajaas, Haraess, Robes Whips, Cart Wheels, &o. J. A. JOJTES, Broad Stmt, Stewart's Old Stand. J. ( j Vi ever seen in New Bern, Billable for :": 1 III aiso unAiuui- uui3n.3, that will U sold for cash on time. ' ' . ;i GUARANTEED AS REPJKESKNTKD. , JULIUS El. Smoked Hams Bacon, it tables TUCKER BROS. $10 North Front Street, wiuimoTON, . - kia The place to boy your Cemetery worst a BOTTOM PRICES. 'Ii Foreign and Domestio Granite and Marble. Letterine and Finish the Best. Send for latest designs.. All wore delivered, .v-;?,-;,?,...': , Branch yard, Goldsboro, N. O. norses Aluies, 'IlllillO M I Atnnlrl juiiuo in, ni iiuiu .. 66 BROAD STREET, Who has just returned Jfrom the West with the finest lot of Horses the FARM. DTtlVTNn. s Anm w I 7 TV Sheriffs SetUeaienU Wltfc Stat Slow: New Ledges- at Odd Fellows. Bala Storm. Glanders Among Horses. Raleigh, February 88. Attorner Gen eral Gilmer, ex-cblef justice Shepherd, James H. Herrlmon and Gorge Ronntiee leave tomorrow for Washington, where .they, will appear before the Boprenie Court Monday to look after the Btate'i Interests In the suit brought gainst It by South Dakota to recover full prlool pal and interest of State bonds Issued In aid of the Western North Carolina railway. To this date only 19 counties have made full settlement of State taxes for 1901. Rev. A' A. Marshall, pastor of the First Baptist cnuroh here, who for nrae weeks has been sick, of Jaundice, leaves tomorrow for Indian Springs, Ga. The growth of the Odd Fellows in this State oontinues to be remarkable. The receipts this year will be IS per cent greater than those last year and will be nearly $11,000. There were received yesterday applications for new lodges at Jackson, Northampton county, and Wadesboro. The8tate Superintendent of Public Instruction has telegraphed to Cherokee Camden, Henderson, Madison, Martin Nash and Robeson counties, that they must send In at once statement of their needs of funds to keep their schools open four months In the year. The money is ready for distribution, even before theso reply. No county whose schools have been open four months can get any money. There was a sharp thunder storm here this morning, lasting an Lour, accompa nied by a great rain. The lattea will eause a further rise In the swollen streams. Neuse river near here is rag. Ing. It Is near the mark of the great May freshet of 1901. On the hillsides some plowing was being done yesterday This rain will atop farm work for per haps another week. Governor Aycock went to Goldsboro to day. Glanders has made Its appearance among the horses and mules In the Scot land Neck section. State Veterinarian Talt Butler Is there and made the diag nosis. Practically Starving. ' After using a few bottles of Kodol Dspepla Cure my wife received pel- feet and pei mannnt relief from a severe and ch runic case of stomach trouble' says J. R Holly, real estate, Insurance ana loan agent, of Macomb, III. "Be fore using Eodol Dyspepsia Core sbc eooM not eat an ordinary meal without intense suffering. She Is now entirely cared. Several physicians and many lemodlea had failed to give relief.'' Too doa'l hare to diet Eat any good foot yuo want, but don t overload the Horn eh. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure wl" always dlgfHt u for you. F. 8 Duffy. PRINCE HENRY IN CAPITOL Heart Hay's Eulogy on McKlnley. Very Impressive Scene In Hall of Rep resentative. Washington. Feb. 87 At noon todav In the great hall or Representatives In the presence of President Rooaevalt. Prince Henry of Pruiila,b'other of the Uermao Xmperor, the members of the cabinet, the justices of the Supreme uourt, the general of the armv sad offl- oars of the army and aavy who have re ceived the thanks of Congress, the am bassadors and other dlolomatlo reoreaen- tatlves of foreign countries, the Sena tors end Representative In Congress and a large number of distinguished guests, Hon. Jobs Hay. MoKlnlev's Pre mier, pronounced aa eulogy upon hi dead chief. By a Strang ooiuctdeao todav waa the twentieth anniversary of that on which tne peerless Blaine la th same hall delivered aa eulogy opon the mar tried Garfield, and straurer atlll. tha subject of today' memorial servlo was tn chairman or th committee that had charge of the arrangement on that oc casion. Cotton Receipts Pass Million' Bale BaVaha. Ga.. Feb. 97-Th. antlitn receipts at ibi port since BerUmbar HWl, the beginning of the cotton pawed the one million bal mark today. in grot receipt up to and laeludlag today ar 1,001,904; nt receipt 1,001,609 nil I about on month tn advanc th million . mark mat season, and th earliest , tho port ha ever touched th ..... ....... U ,. . Very One illsplay of all kind of Meals at OnksjMarket, today. -: '. LAXATIVE TASTELESS hill to::ic. V rfc Made of Pure Qrape Cream of Tartar. koru SMis rWN so., PRESIDENT MAT STAY AWAY From Charleston Exposition. Sword Pre sentation Outside Matter. What Chlcagoans Say. Washington, Feb. 27. It Is reported nere ton'ghv that Presldegt Roosevelt nay not go to the Charleston Exposl 'on. This rumored decision is said to have followed tbe Tillman-McLaurln episode In tne Senate; the withdrawal of the in ltatton to Senator Tillman to attend '.he Pilnce Henry dinner at tho White House, and of tho latest phase of the vho'e affair, the requeit that President P.uoneielt withdraw his acceptance of n lovHatlon to piesent a sword to tfajor.Mlcah Jenkins, of the PDUgh Hidet, on the occasion of his visit to Onarleston. Tho President realizes that the entire matter has aroused a bitter feeling la uth Carolina. He is dot unaware that he would be hospitably received In Cher leiton, yet he would not care to visit South Carolina unless all the people were personally desirous of having him do so. The Injection of politics and per sonalltles Into his trip would be unpleas ant. Reports received by tbe President are that the people of the State are spilt over the Tillman-McLaurln affair, and that feeling runs high. The Information Is that the Senate episode will play an Important part in the campaign this summer for a successor to Senator Mc Laurin. Charleston, 8. C, Feb. 27 It Is stated here to day that Lieutenant Goveruor Tillman's action In withdrawing the in vitation to President Roosevelt to pre sent the sword to Major Jenkins will have no effect on the Exposition pro gram for the President's entertainment. The sword presentation was an Inci dent only of the President' visit to Charleston and In no way connected with the Exposition program. The. sworn was purchased .with a fund raised by subscription among the women of south Carolina and others, largely under Lieutenant. Governor Tillman's stlmul tlon. The Invitation was extended by Lieut enant Governor Tillman and a place for the ceremony was made on the program by the Exposition committee, at hi re quest. The whole matter Is outside of Exposition or Charleston control. WHAT CHIOAOOANS SAY. Chicago, Feb. 27 Chloagoans who have been planning to take part In the Illinois Day celebration at Charleston March 11, declare themselves astounded at the telegram teat President Roosevelt byOolonel Tillman. Intimation are made that the Marquette and Hamilton Club will not tak part in the oalebra tlon unless the management of the Ex position repudiate the action of Colo nel Tillman. Sntxeon's jtnlfe Not Needed. Surgery Is no longer necessary to cure pile. De Witt's 'Witch Hazel Balv cure such cases at once, ' removing the necessity for dangerous, painful and ex pensive operations. For scalds, cut, bum, wound, bruises, core and kln diseases ft la unequalled. Beware of counterfeit. T. 8. Duffy. Wish to Withdraw Gold. ' WASHiaaTOB, Feb. 87 Tbe Treasury Department ha received a request from Mew Tork for tha privilege of deposit ing $9,000,000 la gold with the Subtree nry there, with the privilege of with drawing It at Baa Franolsoo, presumably fnf ihtpment to the Orient i;-.,'';;'':.':,-.-.. The request also says that probably $14,000,900 will be required before th aolddl of March. As thl transaction is of advantage to the Government, the de partment having aa excess of gold la Saa Franolsoo, the request hu been granted. ' - TOD KNOW WHAT TOD ARB TAKOfO When yon take Grove's Tasteless Chill Tonle, because the formula I plainly printed on every bottle (bowleg that It I simply lion and quinine to a tasteless form. No cure no pay. Price 80c. . Celery Headache Powders, : Tbers Is not any belter remedy tor buulacne than thew 'powders. They Dflvnr fall to roHcve. J' at rV;i' I'r- .'K!.n I In bik! sold, only :ars the fool m ham sth savrow.. HE RIVALED AGDINALDO. Terror of samar Island Captured. Flllpl nos Paid Tribute to Him. Manila, Feb. 26. General Smith, In command of the United States troops on thti Island of Samar, cables that Lieu ten in t Strebler'a scouts have captured Lukban, the notorious leader of the Sa mar rebels, and brought him to Laguan, Oipltal of a small Island of that name, north of and adjoining Samar. The report has been confirmed by s cable from General Cbaffee. The prison er is confined at Laguan. Another capture is reported In the same dispatch, that or William Dunaton, laid to be a deserter from Company C, Eighth Infantry, who had in his pos session a lot of arms and ammunition and all of the tools necessary for the making of ammunition. He was cap tured by Second Lieutenant Pratt, First Infantry, at Gaghayan, on the Islanl of Samar, The lieutenant also destroyed the Cuartel and factory, and killed 11 sol diers, besides capturing all of Dunston's correspondence. , Tbe officials of the War Department regard the capture of Lukban as the most important military event Blnce Agulnaldo's capture He was run down on the Island of Samar. The placo ot his confinement is a tiny island in a bay on the north coast of Samar. Lukban is one of the moBt energetic and ferocious of rebels. He Is a half breed, a mixture of Chinese and Fili pino stock, and he has been an irrecon cllable from the first. He had various fastnesses In the mountains of Samar from which he would descend upon the coast towns, and his reign of terror was so complete that the entire population of the island paid tribute to him as the price of fre edom from attack, Ordinary campaign methods failed In his case, and his capture now is believ ed to be the natural working out of the systemof dividing the island Into small square by military garrisons and making it Impossible for the insurgents to obtain food or shelter. General Chaffee has ordered that Luk ban be tried as a prlsonor of war of officer's rank. I KCaow One Sore Remedy (or an obstinate eol. Its urns Is Pjn j-Balun. Star Safety Razor. Over 0,000,000 using it. Makes self -sharing a luxury. Shaves clean, never pulls, saves time and money. We also sell the cel ebrated Diamend brand Clusa Racer. Tea do not ran any risk in buy ing a razor from as, a we guarantee everyone to give satisfaction. Front view of Star razor new mode ready for use. DON'T FORGET that we carry the biggest line ef Bicyolet, Guns, Am munition and Sporting Goods in the city. PRICES ARE WAY DOWN, . WM. T, HILL;, nmt 01.09 MMdla RtreM 1U. V A V V aaaataassw At J. A. Sweifs HELT SIAItKET, v 40 MIDDLE isT, a;' Some Extra Fine Stall Fed Beet from He Gowan's larm. Stock ot Forsythe's raising Fine Fork and, Sau sage-daily. " vs& A Mother's Honor I I Croup Croup can b preveutod If used fa tlmt and cured almost Imtaatljjliy asing Voicjt's Snow Drift, White Frost Admiral JUST RECEIVED. New lot Fresh Pork Sausage, Fulton Market Corned Beef, California Hams, Breakfast Strips, Small Via Hams. Trine. Fancy Jersey Tomatoes 20c per can, Lobsters 25c and Give me a call for whatever you may need in groceries and I guaranteed to please you. J.L 'Phosne 91. A Walkina Advertisement Our customers alwuvs havo a good word for us. They tell A about our gcodp, our prompt X ness and our prices. Ask Anyone al Who Buys Here, They will tell you all you want to know about our meth ods and our goods. UcDANEL Respectfully. J. J. TOLSON, Jr., Broad St. Grocer. Phone 137. AT M. HAHN & SON'S 40 hfiafi of Horses the farm, draught and road work, thoroughly seasoned and ready for work. Full line of Buggies, Harness, Wagons, tarts, Etc. See us before buying and SAVE MONEY. Respectfully, M. HAHN & SOW. At the Head Of ALL Tobacco Fertilizers. nniUS' GOLD LEAF Specially prepared for the lands of Eastern Carolina. Insures a good cure. -Makes wrappers andyills your puree. - Bt Its merit alone one fanner In Jones County will use it exclusive ly on bis sixty acres of tobacco. . sr . . ' S'Aa our goods are ntanutaotared near you (ana noi re-Bmppea, no olaim Freehneos and Good Mechanical Condition. viffiLl Graffe Cailaii Mlo. AUcrop an! Cotton Gnaoo, -Our Mottoi "Not How. Cheap,! But How Good." S''r.Wlf you use Fertilizers Call and See us. '; : ; " -mm-' a -""iMnr a A'varsa ' rt .!'r M!i aa.. a a,, ' ".' . j -: ' , Hl(k 0rad raetery BlTsr,: - - 4 SIlssi Nannie 1. Street, INSURANCE AGENT, - Office, Middle Bt,, Nsw Sana, H. Ok Beprsnts; United Btetos Fir Ina Co. o' N. Y.. I'hoinli Ins. Co. ol London, London and Lanm'ililrw, IndBmnlty of N. Y., Citizens of Mo., Gsrmaula Lit. large cans, California Peaches 35c can. e Wholesale fc Retail Grocer, 71 Rro4 St. and Mules adapted lor a i i tf bm ma w aw rsrtllliers, t . -- . . .; -- :, WKW BERK, H. C.- Hot Drinks at Dayis'. . ; i Davis Precerlptloa Paarmaoy sad get a enp ot aot chocolate or tomato boull on, or yon can getsfla ofRcnuIn eooa-eola, ' . ,, ; : ,

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