'if A1) i r'i.'. : ' :; '- 't--'' iki.lA j ..a For a Lame Back, 5oreMiisc.es, or, in fact, all Lameness and Sore ness of your body there is nothing; that will drive out the pain and in flammation so quickly as Mustang Liniment. If you cannot reach the spot your ; self get some one to assist you, for it is essential that the. liniment be rubbed in most thoroughly. Mexican Hustang Liniment overcomes the ailment, of hone, and all domestic anlm,l. In fact, it is a flesh healer and pain killer no matter who or what the patient 1. - The I atvcr period Jf , M will ww row and ihOMid of other and std l.00 bottles of Via of Cards. . 'Ton, Win of Owdo? has 0000? poraea of toe Wins ana one mtm I havo atarted to omit I will not b o um u wui no am wnmui lo. who aid not ntsnslraate s ad nouina alaa kalMd ua 1 lBnrin'jiviflao, yean of am and before I naad you ronr BMdMtnaa. hut I new woman and da all nv betor, I took Wins ofOardnl. t woald be Tery ftad tZwril i and teU ha howl Sttfla Mie I aMoTwIne MOardui ARE fZ&L 1 DEAFNESS OR HARD HEARING ARE MOW OURADLE by our new inreatioa. . Only aasss bora daaf are iocarabie. HEAD NOISES CEASE IMMEDIATELY. ' . A. WKRMAR, Of BALTIMOffl, SAYH 1 . Baanifeaa, M4,, March iom. - Gentlemen Bring- entirely eared of deafaeel, lhaakoloyoar treelmeel, 1 will new glTC yoa a fall history of my an. to be awd at war dlaeretiea. About five ynra ago my rifht r baflaa ts my hearing In tliii car entirely. I underwent catarrh, for three only an ooeration con Id kelo in, mmd OiMi craftt, hut the hearing in the affct4 nr X then aotr your ndirerttsenient ueidcatsillT nicnv. Alter i iih'i iwcu ii only a iew tun aeaomini v ymr airacwriia, in i lo-dttv. after 'five weeka. my bearing is the dieeaaed ear aWee. entirely retvtored. bemriily aud bee tc remain ry rar lie i. A. vmtra. e )!!) treatment tUm not inttrftre with four usual occupation. ttr1 YOU CAS CURE YOURSELF'AT HOME .aaf- INTERriATIOrial AURU CUKIC, 69ft LA HUE AVE CHICAGO, ILL - mmiwilonera Sal e. yt xy .yiriuv vk atu uiuoi - wiuv id 4oe Special Proceedings entitled Leery Sim . rnont, Admlniitrator of tho Estate of t: ' . Virgu Bpsrrow, aee'fl., ts Betsy Biro- moos, Phyllis Clark si si. before tho Clerk of tho. 8a peri or Court of .Crtren : county, N. 0 , made on tho 8tb day of February, 1903. tho Undersigned com missioner, will offer for sale and sell at ' public rondue, to tho highest Udder for .cash, at the eourt boose door In the city of Mew Bern, Orsren eoonty, H. 0 oa Monday the 10th day of Marob, 1909, at the bonr of W o'clock M.,4bo followlag -(rtj.iV. real estate to-witi . , . A certain lot or "parcel of land Id the v " t oHy rf Hew Bern, Crayea county, Kortb ' ' Carolina,-and la that portion, of laid city of New Bern formerly known as wFarmylll' bsln lot Mo. U. bounded ;' --oa the east by lot - Mo. 88, on the north ' br Manor Wayne's lot. oa tbe west by ' , Mirrar street, and oa the sooth br Sola -:. nwana lAt fpnNtfM ttfrm lnh i on said Murray street, and having; a depUt of one hundred (109) two feet. ' : (The aald lot eoatains two dwelling .,honss, oat-hoaaee etc.) For farther . :. - description refereoee Is made to a deed ' from fi. at. Parle and K. M. Parle, True-(- tee etc, to Vlrfrtl Hpsrrow, bearing date ' of J one SOth. 1880, end recorded la tbe Bubllo records Is ofUce of Register of reds for said Orarea County fa Book . : ; l Deeds Mo. M-Follo 814. f . ' RAraaBi O'llAaa, r "X Tbli 8th day of Fobrosry, nol tlcCzi L:r.;'T C::r3 t'ZU -ty:-it'U - - - - -..)..", -...'-' V." r -ST .'- 1 Seek Relief ! great sfsjartlsa ot worsen who nfler auk a serious effort tobsncflt mem- Tht avast si than fo ea Mvixl no at wfl svoniuslly wear off. They sad won tvtrv day. At thi of rsssilruiilsa woman Is pocuJIarly soMtsssMs t tM mm or external wiucaets sad It Is else the avast fsvorsblt that for tho ; dswlasisal of Mow dUesse gsrms which atsybslarkhMlaaSs tystaa, Airy phytldaa MwSlhatdlsordiNd Mutroattoa, falling of 1 tw, wotae sad hutsiihoss sr blighting llvti la abaaat svery Items. No weesea should neg lect hcmlf s BMmcat aftar th sees Indication, of hauls dbctM. Almost lastant relief can , to SOCafad. ay fhs MS of YeARMl rvJkrve yosj right hi year own home. scesn ms wjuroorry ei nrs. ociikt iay sstk relief todsyr AO dragguts t Wayne, Ind, Manh ST, 1000. food ft ma, I bar, naed Ato of Tbedfard', JMaoK-unHvqi. Auu naoo the house, it helped mr Mgm. Bn was sixteen a very baa state myself three days. And now I tanad MllM "- nd waahln. wmoa a noma teeny poor BnoutB ANY HEAD NOISES? wag. and thai hent ea settiaf wane, atrttl I loat awntha, wtthewt any sneetea, eeaealted a aenv Ihet only Uamari ly, that the head aoiaee would wtwlfl b lMt form fa In Ktnr Tdjrk mmt. md erttretl ytjar treat ceaaed. and I thank yoa WMMAM, ntt. Ireedway, BaUknora, Md. . lfotlee of. Sammonn, Monra Caoliha, ) Superior Court, . vrawn vooaiy. ) apni l erm, xn, Charlotte Williams. - Matbanlel WlUlams: ' Th defendant abort named will take notice, that an action at shore entitled hsa been aommanNut In tha- fin A. - - WMIVIHn Oonrtof tJramn tnnntti fn - Tinonio matrimonii, ana seta oerendant Is required to appear at the next term of tbe Snmrior. Gnart for rima immhi to be held ob tbe 6th Monday after tbe aiunuaj in msren. ivu, 11 001DV th tllh dar of AprU, 1B09, at the court bouse m sua county, in us. city oi Hew Bern and answer to demur to the complaint in isia scuon, or the plaintiff will sp- viy i me soon tor ine roilei oeminded a aaiu oompialBb .,. ; ; Thli 82nd day of anaarrVlOOl' " ' - " W.M.Wmol, i) , .' ' 4 . 'v Clerk Superior Court ICE OK B0E TJRE rSeanJ tmra fa-hntMAina. MiHHia( bo chemically made from UmUlled wattr - A m . i i.i ... . u irne rum impuntiea. epecisuy In tenaea ana Dreparea for human anmntlnn. ' on loo delirered dally (eicepiQSunda a m vo e p m. - -., , .j , rnadays (reUll only) 7 a m to 19 noon For prices and otherlnformatloa, " y. '' ' AddroRK,' - IICT7 r:rr.3 Ico'cW -' - NANETTE. What did he ai to you. Nanette. .: This man that yon will not forgetf ' Hla heart T Well, say perchanoo a MI -.That soothed yon when you needed It. . pi Hit soulT WeU, say a mood wherata . He wearied of aooustomed sin ... - , And made you partner of regrat, . - 'Kr- eaette.--.-i-j4.w-. What did he atr to you. Nanette. . j ' Thla man that yon wu) not forgetf " ' , His wltr Well, say perobanoe a lest .' -That left Its poison in your breast. ',. - His brain t Well, aay enough to show How much he knew you might ot know-t .'. !',,!;. i Poor butterfly in wlsdomf THteXTtvp'; Hanette. t:, . ;" . : What did he gtre to you, Kanette, v This man that you will not forget 7 Libations at a goddear shrlnel ' ' r. Ha poured for you a different wine. . Inoenae that Is g-oddeaa duet - ' . He gave-yon a oertaln aert. 'tla true. (The incense of a cigarette), ..- - . . : v nanetta, . ; s , , He gave his wont to you, Nanette, , This man that you will not forget A kind contempt, a aometning less Than tender In his tenderness. ,: Ob, lovs was kind your eyes to dim) Ytu thought this dross the gold of him; Tour fool's cap seemed a coronet,-. Nanette. Well, fate must have It Jest, Nanette, The lite of you will not forget. And, though a man might give his best. His highest and his holiest Of soul and heart, you would not cere, And he I think he laughs somewhere To see your eyes are blinded yet, Nanette. --Life. What He Didn't Know. 'flip Toot-Ah, sweet spring posies First Rivi-n slioots of Tha .-miner -HI! Git outer tnet there onion patch! New York Journal, Hotp Arbitration Works. Yonst Don't you think arbitration Is the snfi'tit wny to settlo disputes? CriuiHonliciik No, I must say that I do not. We IiikI some trouble with our cook, and I went to the kitchen to ar bitrate the matter with her. Come up to the liDiiw ko i no time, and I'll show you wBnt remains of the suit of clothes I wore that day. Yonkers Statesman. Ifta DlHcovery. "Mnry." mild the young husband in hollow nci-i-nts, 'Mid you get the recipe for these liixeults out of the cook book?" "Yes, dear," she replied nervously. "Why do ymi ask?" "Nothing, pet cr-only I didn't think cooklicokM wore such heavy literature." Baltimore News. A ntomoblllno; RevealeeL Mr. Perfume I thought when you sold me this nutomoblle you guaran teed it to Ih n first class bill climber? 'Denier Um! Mr. Perfume Well, the only thing It has shown any tendency to climb has been telegraph poles. Puck. Dreame. "Oh." exclaimed the poet "If dreams would ouiy come truer my "Which assertion makes It evident," remarked the business man, "that yoa never oat any lobster salad Just before going to bed." Indianapolis Sun, Hnnaoroaa tha L-aaC "So you've been through our big shoe manufactory, eh? What did yon think of all that modern machinery?" "Well," replied the old fashioned cob bler, "It certainly docs beat awL" Phil adelphia Press. An Expeaelve Laawry. Mr. O'Toole (entering doctor! office) 8huro, doctber, 01 think 01 bor ap plndicltls, ' ' v Dr. Smith Nonsense, man I " Yoa haven't mouoy enough for that Judge. Homely. t Bennet Did you ever know any on bo homely? Nearpass Hardly. Why, she 1 so homely that automobile goggle are actually becoming to her. Puck, Chlckew H Jlmson A Virginia girl bts offered to marry the man winning the moat honors nt a local poultry show. Jester Chicken hearted. Isn't she? Ohio Journal. " . '' Hard Ltaao. . .Husband How long I It since Pre been to church ? ;.: .-, Wife Do yon mean' t aay you're 'forgotten our wedding day r Brooklyn Ufa. . y ......('-. -a.,-; .t. BialhT Shlvalvamk. ' ' v. First New Woman What charming manners she has! .. . ' : -" "' r Second '. Now, Woman Yea, indeed! So gentlemanly 1-Philadelphia Ledger, a. auk laoV'M ' The Monk Five baby elks bar been born hero within th last four weeks. - Tho Cockatoo By Oeorgel We'll or ganls a lodger Smart Set y' - -:-- " .;. -' " ' ' ' -- . -"'.'ilw Far arlaHta. '' Landlord The rent of this anlt of rooms I 90 a week, Including water. '. Colonel Kentuck How much with out tho water? Jodge, - ' sr 4 74 Clant Ncryc Builder 7- Tho Mystlo tire Benower ts the most Powerful Nerve Builder known. . It ab olotelf cores all forms of Nervous Dis eases sad- Weaknesses no matter how aggravated or how long duration, such at Neuralgia, Nervous Prostration, Ner rout Paroxysms, St Vltu,' Dance, Pal pllstloa of th Ileirt, Phyalcal and Men tal Weakness, De'illliy of Old Ago, elo Sold byT. A. Henry, Drnfgl.l, New Com. . Iwwtfc Wttt Oert "- , Sanday School Teacher-I was very orry to hear. Bandy, that yoa went fiablng; last Sunday... Yon ahopld cer ftalnljaet a better example than that Now, here's ialttle boy (taming to bewcomerl'urho doesn't go fishing on iWLord . day. Do?oa, Uttie boy? i. tfewcorner No, air. . r " ' Bundayi , School '. Teacher Ah, : I thooghtiM much. One look in that in ttocebr.face .was convincing. And why uontyoti7go fishing on Sunday, my llt tlojmanT - t iNewcomer'Caase there ain't no fish lug srhere I live. Boston Courier. . y- - , Attn the Cesnraltstloau ' 'In describing his early straggle to establish a practice the doctor had Just aM: "" j-1 used to sit in my office day after Sy Waiting for patients. In fact I ed to alt like- 'Patience on a Monu ment'" ' "And now," remarked his associate, "I suppose you are accustomed to hare monuments sit on your patients," New York Times. Pave Accident. Flanagan HI vine, man, phwaf a the matther jwld yer face? I Hanagan Faith, 'twas an accident The ould woman throwed a plate at me. Flanagan An' d'ye call that an acci dent? Hanagan Ar coorsel Didn't she hit phwat she aimed at? Exchange. Prom a Beotehmam'a Bermoa. . We are told to love our enemies, but we are not told to like them. I don't like my enemies. I dlBllke them very much. But (this with a baleful glance) I love them, and I shall ever be ready to show my love to them by trying to get them severely punished that they may be led to repent of their behavior toward me, Reminiscences. It Woald Be Suicide. Mr. Frank No, I won't take that hor rible stuff. Mrs. Frank But the doctor ordered it. Mr. Frank I don't care. Why, that stuff would kill a mule. Mrs. I'Yunk-If you really think so, John, don't take It Philadelphia Press. A vegetable liquid for governing or equalizing tbe flow of women's menses which occur about once in every lunar month. . . BRADFIELDS Female Regulator la the essential quality of powerful barbs. affective, reliable and harmless in nature, tnplictty and solace. It ta a concentrated eeaence beat adanted for women', delicate organism, and put auoh form that it la not only palatable, 1 ean be properly assimilated and taken into the system. Bioppan-os, aappTeaaion, painiui ooacrno tton, irregularity, of tha menses and sickly Bows are corrected and cured by the regular administration of this aupoflor omtnona. 'tfenatruatlon, or periodic flows, aeoeetl tate a breaking dowa ot oells lining the mucous membrane and a reconstruction after every sickness, which Is aooomnaniad with marked oongeetiou and loae of blood. Inch changes are very apt to produce ahronte catarrh. Leuaorrhea or whites la the result of these irritating dischargee. Bagulateff cures these troabloa and rertoree to perteot health the patient who suffered (be debilitating losses. Buy of druggists. so pvnvtn he dabillt 1J0 par bt r Dome. narrated book, " Perfect Hearth far TUB BRADFIELD REGULATOR CO. ATLANTA, OA. SMM6! Having seoared the serrloes of sv- perlenoed parties, I am prepared snort notice to execute Farm, City, Land and Ball Road surveying. Ditches, Streets and Roads laid out and loveM. Draughting la all its branches. Blew aad black prints mad. Old map re paired and raountetL Topograpbloal surreylngand plotting. Drawings aad wokrlng plans executed promptly. Bow erag ana drainage planned, kid eat ana construction sapenntenaea. J, J. r.A.Orewa.Frsa, BU H. Meadows. T. Twm ;. v B, M, Oroya, Caahlaa-, ow MMVf la am wf , jar, q. r Dolnf Qeneral Banklnf Bualiesa -. March 1, 1901, Burplus and UndirV- ' ded Profits, id,000t00.,v''l.:' : Prompt and careful attention glren to all business entrusted to ns,- Aocounta reodvea ob tavorabl terma, , :X Sv? - ' aisatej ot Plrsatess. Swrdlnaad TflneB i, A. Meadowa, - -ftamuel W. inoch. I. B. Meadows, : Ohaa. Dnfly.Jr. James aemoadU J. W. Oralnrer, : ThomnaA.fii BL W.BaieiiWOOd, . ' O.B.fnv. ieeo.X.lvee, W. F. orookott, .- MarkUtsosway. . lie XV. nimmom eArcMtecf & Siif crntendcz C3 Eroni fltrcet h. a. noixARo. ton. a. wilus. V , HOLLAND fc WILLIS, Swi'ieaaaarayofOeisbop, mmlilul liiluuiuiH find I-Uii, Thon 210, 'qv.c.k 22 Cravsn Uwt 127 lUddle St Oommbiaa U'nsecticlda,! Feterman Koaah rood, Hooper's Fatal Food and Bar Death to Motlta, Bugs, etc. Also Brorrio GorMtne The. disinfectant that disinfect, an deodorises. rr aeep on naad a complete stock o fledlclnes, Toilet Article, Perfumery, TootllBnisbes, &c Phvslcians' Prescriptions a specialt South Carolina Interstate and West Indian Exposition, Charleston, 5. C, Dec. ist, 1901 June 1st, 1002. On account of tbe above occasion the Southern Railway will sell round trip tickets to Charleston, S. 0. and return at greatly reduced rates from all stations. Fares from principal points as shown below and comparatively low rates from all otherjstatlons: - O'O ? s Burlington, ChapefHlil Cnarlotte, Concord, Davidson, Durham, Gastonia, Greensboro, Hickory, tp.i. High Point, 113 60 $9 90 $7 00 1SDU 10 08 1108 11 10 18 60 1040 1815 18 00 13 15 18 00 14 65 12100 4?0 580 580 700 520 700 685 6 70 685 760 625 7 05 700 765 5 75 5 75 585 510 815 990 7.60 965 9150 9 65 9150 10 75 9,45 10,85 Liexington, Madison, Mocksrille, Morgan ton, Raleigh, Reldsville, Salisbury, Statesvlllc, 14 10 18 60 14 85 13 20 19 20 18 45 12 45 VUU 10 05 8 95 8 95 18 55 Wilkes boro, Winston-Salem, 0 15 For further Information please call on any agent of the Southern JRal.wsy or write. W. A. Tom, A. P. T. M., Washington, D. C. J. M. Culp, T. M. S. H. CnADWicx,G. P. A. Washington, D. O. R. L. Vkuhon, Charlotte, N. C. The Farmers & Merchants Capital, Surplus and Profits $88,850.00 APRU 30th,s 101.' What We (lave Done, Do, and Will Continue to Do. This Bank conducts Its business upon "oo-to-now" methods. It I, onr numoae to deal lusllv and libersllv with all. We carefully safeguard the Interests 01 our customers, juoreover, we ire auentlr do It unknown to them; as op portunltles often come to us In confiden tial ways, and yoa cannot orer-appeciate such consideration. We at not disposed to overlook the fact that the interests or ine Bank ana those of th people are closely bound to gether, and cannot by any mean, be soDsrated. This Bank sots as a repository for Wills, and safely keeps them till the proper time of surrender. Will also act as the custodian of money or papers left with as In escrow. No charge for these serrloes. We procure Letters of Credit for in tending travellers. we aim to do prompt, progressive ana liberal. Ib tho matter of accommodations, this Bank meets every requirement within the limits of oradent banking. If you bar never been taentinea wnn as as a patron, we ask you to consider the advisability of becoming one. . In th early future, we propose adding s novel, yet substantial Barings Bank ieeturo to onr unsay progressive ib stltatlon. Safe of Land. Superior Court, NORTH CAROLINA November Term . Cbavm fJouarr, 1901. Tb Gltbsens Bank of New Bern TS. J. 0. ButhaeU, Aurora M. Bushaell, bis wife, and Henry u. wnuenarsi, i - - - Trust. NOTICS Pursuant to a indiment in tbe above entitled action, rendered at said term, I will sell at the eourt house uoor m ine) siiy 01 flnwis, a. v., I Monday the S4tD, aay of Marcn, lvus, at UM hoar ot u ooioca, at., au me ioiiow lag described propertr, to wttt AUthat eertaia tract or Dsrool of land lying In tha County ot Craven, and Bute of North Carolina, lying on th south side of NeuseTivar and being a part of tbe old Fort Barnwell plantation as convey ed to John Blddle by Rosa B. Bmltb and others by deed dated Msrch e 1880, aaa folly described, la a Commtasloner's Deed of the said Henry O. Whltehurst, Trostes, dated December 19lb,t 1896 to which reference is made for. full des erlptio. Terms of sal cash. .- , j. This, IB day 01 rsbrnary, iwh. ; . . . . Romulus A. Noa". ;--?4?' j Commrisioner. . Exeitoir Wot.ee, ' Th hadeHlgned hat lag duly qualified as Executor of tbe last will and testa ment of Mis Susan A I)utler, deceased, this Is to wottfy all person having claims (gainst tbe estate ot my testator to pre sent the same, properly authenticated, to m oa or before the rd day of February 1903 or this notice wDl be pleaded la bar ot their recovery, ' AH persons' Indebted to said estate will make prompt pay ment . Feb. 8d, 1909. , 8. B. BALL, Executor. 1 J f r -70 AUG' Coast Lisa BailrH Co ACoftdeased Sehrdale. 1 TRAINS GOING SOUTH. ft DATED m . s . 05 a . Jan. 15,1902 S 2 Z oT! 63 6j dj ej3 (Corrected) ag) 0 8 afi A.M P.M. pTm! aTm! RM Lv. Weldonll 50 9 88 Ar. R. Mt. . 1 00 10 88 Lv. Tarboro 12 22 7 22 Lr. R. Mt. . 1 05 10 02 7 52 6 45 IS 62 Lv. Wilson 1 69 11 10 8 81 8 86 9 40 Lv. Seima.. 8 66 11 69 Lr.Fay'rille 480 120 Ar.Florenoe 7 86 8 10 P.M.A.M. Ar. Golds 9 20 Lv. Golds 7 81 8 15 Lr, Mag'Ua 887 426 ArWilm'ton 10 10 6 00 P.M. A.M. P.M TRAINS GOING NORTH. P t? Sou ifk, 3i 6f 6j o oj i3 A.M. pTm! Lr.Florenoe 10 05 8 05 Lr.Fay'rille 12 40... . 10 09 Lr.Selma.. 2 10 11 26 Ar. Wilson. 2 57 19 07 A,. Ma Pe Ma A M LrWilm'ton 700 980 Lr. Mag'Ua 8 80 11 05 Lv. Golds 785 9871226 P.M. HlP.M.P.M Lr. Wilson 2 86 8 20 11 84 10 45 1 18 Ar. R. Mt.. 8 80 9 00 12 1011 28 1 68 Ar. Tarboro 9 84 Lr. Tarboro 2 81 Lr. R. Mt. . 8 60 12 48 Ar. Weldon 4 63 1 87 P.M. A.M. Yadkin Division Main Line Train leaves Wilmington 9 10 a m, ar rives Fayetteville 12 20 p m, leares Fay etterille 12 42 p m. arrives Sanford 1 68 p m. Keturning leave oanford B 00 p m, arrive Fayetteville 4 20 p m, leave Fay etteville 4 80 p m, arrives Wilmington 7 15 p m. tiennettsvllle Branch Train leaves Bennettsville 8 10 a m, Haxton 9 05 a m. Red Springs 9 82 a m. Hope Mills 10 55 a m, arrive Fayetteville 11 10. Return ing leaves jrayetteville 4 45 p m, ilope Mills 500 pm, Red Springs 6 48 p m, Max ton 8 16 p m, arrives Bennettsville 7 15 p m. Connections at fayetteville with train No. 78, at Mai too with the Carolina Central Railroad, at Red Springs with the Red Springs and Bow more railroad, at Sanford with the Scaboud Air Line and Southern Railway, at Gulf with the Uuruam ana Unarlotte rtallroad. Train on the Scotland Neck Branch Road leaves Weldon 8 18 p m. Halifax 8 29 p m. arrives Scotland Neck at 4 10 p m, ureenvule o 47 p m, KJnston 0 40 p m. Keturning leaves Klnston 7 80 a Greenville 8 80 a m, arriving Halifax at 1105 am, Weldon 1120a m, daily ex. cept Sunahy. Trains on Washington Branch leave Washington 8 00 a m and 2 45 p m, ar rive Parmele 8 65 a m, and 4 10 p m, re turning leave Parmele 1110am&6 22 p m arrive Washington 12 80 a m and 6 15 p m, daily except Sunday. Train leaves Tarboro, N G, daily except Sunday 4 85 p m, Sunday, 4 85 p m, ar rives riymouth 6 00 p m, 6 80 p m, Ke turning. leaves Plymouth daily except aunaay, 1 ou a m, ana Bunaay swam, arrives Tarboro o5am,1100ani Train on Midland; N 0 Branch leare Goldsboro daily, except Sunday, 5 00 a. m, arriving Bmiinneia DlUim, Keturn ing leaves Smith field 7 00 a m; arrives atUoldsboroBSOam. Trains on Nashville Branch leares Rooky Mount at 9 80 a m, 4:00 p m. arrive Nashville 10 20 a m, 4 28 pm, Spring Hope 11 00 a m, 4 45 pm.Returnlng leave Spring Hope 11 80 a m, 6 18 p m, Nash ville 11 46 a m, 6 46 p m. arrive at Rocky Mount 12 10 p m, 8 20 p m, daily except aunaay. Train on Clinton Branch leares War saw for Clinton daily, except Sunday, 11 40 a m and 4 16 p m. Returning leares Clinton at 6 45 a m and 9 60 v m. Train no 7b makes close connection at Weldon foi all points North daily, all rail via Richmond. H M EMERSON, Genl Pass Area t I K mtwiii, uen'l Manager, T M EMERSON, Trafflo Manager. Atlantic Coant Ialne. Wilkisgtov & Nsw Bsbhi R. B TIMS TABU VO. 6, taEltoct Wednesday, Aug. 7, 1898,3oily Except Sunday, Going South I fMUBSiru: Going North No. 61, Passenger Train, "No. 60, Lr. a m, statioss: Ar. p 1 900 New Berne 840 988 ....PoUooksvflle 1. 104 961 MsysrUle. 449 10 02 Jacksonville... 4 It uoe. t ZJZTPr: i a ixrn t-A-. in 1 1116 ...Ar. Wumlsgtoru Lr. ... IM PAsexaoia ft Fairan, No. 1 1 n , Leare Wilmington Monday, Wednes day and Friday. Leave New Bern Tues day, Thursday and Saturday. Lr. AM '. Ar. r 1 80 Lr. Wilminrtoa, Ar 1 48 840.,.. .Soott'sHUl ...18 68 980.. Woodside.... 1915 1005... ....... HoUyrtdge 1140 10 81 Dixon... . . 1061 1190.... .Verona, ,1080 19 06. . ...... Jaoksonrilla.... .... 948 12 80.. Northeast,. ...... 8 68 8l55..........Whiteoak. ...... 880 loO..........laysvllJe ........ QUO 915.....,.PollocksviIl.. .... 790 155 ....Debrohl's.. ........ IM 8 40......Ar. New Bwne,Lr ...... 109 ; llly Kxospa Banaay. I ... ; - . J. R, BZNLT. 1; liocls Dlreetory CRAVEN LODGE NO. 1 KNIGHTS OF HARMONY. Meets Ind and 4th Wedneadav nlffhtl In each month la Rountree's Hall, Pollock street, at 7.80 o'clock. J. j.woirenden,rraldent ueo, O. Jones, Sec'yi R.R. IillL ' Financial tSecretary. . NEW B K RN CONCLA VI 4B8, Im proved Order lieptaaophs, meets Ind and 4th Thurndny nli-'.'n, at 8 o'clock at Ron n- true ii Dr. J. F. If"y, Arclmn) John O. r"i !, Unanclorj Ceo. 1). Ciordner, fcccrt-tary. AM ft C. R. R. TIME Ta"dLB NO. 25 To Take Effect Sunday, February 3 1902 at 12:01 A. M., E. S T. . Going Eatt Soheddlb: doing We. No. 8 fassenger Trains No. 4 DAILY. Lr. p m 840.... 4 09..., 482.... 540.... STATIONS: Goldsboro Ar, n m ...11 05 ...10 32 LaGrange . ... Kinston ,.Ar. New Bern, Lv,.. .1012 . 9 00 . 8 87 . 705 6 50. .uv. ar. 7 15. . . . Ar. Morehead oity Lv. No. 6. No. 6, Pappeuger Train. Passenger ;sTATiof:J DAILY. Train. Lr, Ar.p, 8 00 GoldBboro s sn . . . Best'R Q no 8 81 LaGranee " ' in 82 Falling Oreek 747 8 Klnston 737 9 02 (JanwAll ins '18 Dover 7 17 22? Core Creek 7 00 48 ninrkn ffl 1000 Ar. New Brn V. it qo A.M. """. No. 1. No. 2, Stations: Mx't Ft. and Pass. Tn. Hx'd Ft. and Pase.Tn. Daily Exobpt ami. Lr. s m A r n m 8 00 Goldsboro sni ' JS Best's 4 53 7 00 LaGrange 4 23 ' 16 Falling creek 3 53 8 80.,..., Kinston 3 33 8 40 , Caswell 2 28 8 42 Dover s m 10 07 core oreek 110 10 82 Tuscarom 19 M 10 68 Clark's 12 40 H 15 Ar. New Bern, Lv ,12 10 Ho. 9. f No. 10. 1 80 Lr. Ar. .10 47 .10 10 .10 00 . 940 . 9 06 . 8 47 . 8 38 8 12 Riverdale:. 20 croatan 8 05 Havelock 884 Newport, Lv. , . 8 47 Wildwood...... 8 52 Atlantic 4 08 . .Ar. Morehead citv. Lv 8 SO 4 23 .Ar. M. oity Dopot, Lv 7 50 A.M Monday. Wednesday and Friday. fTuesday, Thursday and Saturday. S. L. DILL, O. P. A. Administrator' Kale, Pursuant to an order of the 8uDcrlor Court of Jones county made In a special proceeding wuerein ualvin 1. ueliruhl, Administrator d. b. n. et c. t. a of Fur nlfold Mercer, deceased le nlalnlilT and Jane Koonce and Frank Koonce are de fendants, I will sell at public auction at the Court bouse door in the citygof New nern, is. at ine nour of 12 o clock m., on Monday, the 17th day of March, 1U02, the following described lands Willi the vaiuaoie timber standing tlicrcon: A tract of land containing one bnndretl acres, lying and belni; in tho tountv of Jones, beginning at a small gum In Nced- nam simmonB line 44 poles from a stako at John Mercer's Sr. anil II. O. Newton's corner on the East side of liatchelor's Creek and running Houth (10, West 100 poles to a stake In the poeosin, I lien North 48, West 10(1 poles to a slake, then North 60 East 100 poles to Necil bam Simmons' line, then Hie reverse of his lino South 48 East 100 poles to the beginning; also a tract of land contain ing one hundred and fifty acres, situate In Jones County and lying lictwccn Hea ver Dam and Long Branch, it being the land conveyed by Wm. Mercer lo liryan Mercer Dy aeea bearing tlnto April 15, 1829, and since conveyed by tho said Bryan Mercer to Sidney Jarman by deed dated Nov. 2, 1832, and in 1841) conveyed by Thos. D. Hoy, J. Mercer and F. Mer cer, to Nathaniel Waples, who bequeath ed It to his wife, Susan, who by deod dated Feb. 17, 1853, conveyed It to Fur- nlfoia Mercer, deceased, ltcrcr to said deeds for metes and bounds. Terms of sale cash. CALVIN I. DkRHUHL. Administrator d..b. n. et c. t. a. of Fur- nlfold Mercer, deceased. By Romulus A. Nunn, Attorney. Feb. 12, 1902. , NOTICE! NORTH CAROLINA, 1 Superior Court. Ubaveh County ) iicfore the Clk, Henry Williams vs Charles Williams, and Amanda his wife, Delia Norneet and Jerry Nortleet, her husband; Henrietta ForemanAnderson WlUlams ana wire (name unknown): Joshua Williams and wife (name un known); and the heirs of Isaac Williams, Clarissa Williams, Thomas Ann Wil liams, Tempo Foreman'IformerlylTempe Williams), Benjamin Williams; Dempsy Williams, Susan Bynum (formerly Susan Wmiams),'.Phyll!s WlUlams and Turner Williams, whose names and residences are unknown; Mansfield Dancy,? Benny Dsney (minors), and The Mutual Aid Banking Company of New Bern, N. C. To Delia Norfleet and Jerry Norfleet, her husband; Anderson Williams and wife (name unknown); '.Joshua Williams and wife (name unknown), and the heirs of Isaac Williams, Clarissa Williams; Thomas Ann Williams, Tempe Foreman, (formerly Tempe Williams), Benjamin Williams, Dempsy Willlsms, Susan By num (formerly Susan Williams), Phyllis Williams and Turner Williams, whose names and residences are unknown, TAKE NOTICE. That special proceedings as above on titled has been commenced before the clerk of the Superior Court of said Orarea county, to sell for division a cer tain lot or parcel of land in the city of New Bern. N. C., conveyed by A D Moor aad M B Moore, bis wife, to John Williams, (dec'd.V by deed bearing date of September 20th, 1872, and recorded In book 78, folio 469, in office of Register of Deeds of Craven county, N, 0. And each of yoa ar required to appear at my of flos la the Court House of Craven county on th 6th dar of March, A. D. 1902, at ine nour 01 la o woes m., ana answer or demur to th petition filed In said pio eeedlngs, or otherwise show eause, If any yoa bare, why th prayer of the pe titioner shall not be granted, otherwise th petitioner will spplr to th court for th relief demanded. This 82nd day of January, 1908. - - W. M. Watson, , K'-ir-'i.. - Clerk Superior Court Onr Ice returned if we fail. Any cue sending sketch and description ot any Indention will promptly feeerre our opinion free eauccralna; the paieuubillty el same, "How lo Obtain a ntant" scut upon rwiyest. relents secured through as advertised lor sale at our npeose, Patents taken cut thrown us reerlee speetet Oesiw, without chsrgr, in Tn Parairr Baoonn, 1. Illnetreted end erldlv cir-AlUtrd louraav con lulled by Manufacturers and Investors, v- -if !MulLi.Hn,.UMntrSII. iAtfML , viotos) . tvAH a 00 UwtartArteraeyt,) Ifsas'lalldlag.- WASHmQTON,0,

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